How Men And Women Really Feel About Modern Feminism.

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[Music] foreign welcome back to another episode of off the clock we talk about feminism a lot here I think you guys know how much I dislike third wave feminism and one of my main complaints is that modern day feminism is not about the quality of the Sexes it is about hierarchy it is about power over one of the Sexes it is about females having power over men because I feel like they deserve it after years of living under this patriarch in addition to that I also dislike the fact that feminism is no longer just about women and men but it is about anything and everything and it's so intersectional and it's so great so I'm interested to know what happens when you insert men into the mix what do feminists actually think about men in the context of feminism we're going to talk about that today but before we do make sure that you like this video subscribe to the channel if you have not already and ring that notification Bell so that you never miss a comment section or off the clock episode or men trash Oh CIS heterosexual men absolutely especially white men what rights do you think that men have that women don't today a woman can still walk a street and not feel protected versus a man can women are probably like underrepresented it started off a great but you have people who abuse the system the hatred of masculine energy it's like anti-men today I'm out here and I'm asking is feminism still relevant in today's society yeah absolutely if anything it's more relevant now than it ever was yeah I would say feminism really really it's more relevant today when we have all the same rights not back when we couldn't own property couldn't go to school couldn't vote couldn't have a job when we were killed because people thought we were witches but it's more relevant today because you can't kill your own baby we built this country man but women at the same time got to supply more men right with no women the world doesn't go around that's very true but you know what you can't do that without men as well that guy's actually based because he's talking about repopulation and having families in the nuclear family if you look at like domestic abuse for instance we know that it happens to people of all genders but it seems to be like disproportionately like affecting women feminism still relevant in today's society yeah I definitely think it is they put a lot of [ __ ] they pull up with sexual harassment they put up with a whole lot of [ __ ] that us men just don't have to do it what is that hair [Music] who are you I can't even listen to anything he's gonna say feminism started out as women's rights and now it has skewed into something entirely different than what it was are we going too far did we do this and all the rest of that instead of being angry now it's morphed into something that's more preaching like a superiority over men kind of stance like I work with some people who would consider themselves heavy feminists and they are constantly dogging on men and they openly say I hate men I would say that as long as men are alive feminism is always going to be relevant why because men it's like today we're more polarized than ever before and if men and women can't get along it can only hurt Society these guys videos are so sweet they consider us a hate group The patriarchy but in today's lack of nuance is it considered sexist to even question the topic and if I had to be honest with myself could I do it without my own bias I guess we go and see what rights do men have today that uh women don't oh let's go down the list a woman can still walk a street and not feel protected versus a man can I think we all have equality when it comes to walls men are able to walk out maybe in whatever they want to wear or strong thrusher what that's so freaking weird men are able to stand strong in the midst of societal pressure isn't that a good thing isn't that a positive thing isn't that masculinity do you want all of us to be weak do you want all of us to be cucked by the government and not able to withstand any of life's hardships if you're saying that women can't do that then why is your solution to shame the only people that are doing that successfully why don't we learn from them or why don't we rely on them men do this better that's why we need feminism I don't know what we're yelling about that sounds like a you problem honey if you can't withstand it that's not that's not about the rest of us also there's a lot of comments in here about like women can't walk the streets all of that stuff The World Is A Dangerous Place men get mugged too men get assaulted Megan into fights obviously women are greater targets we are smaller framed we are easier to attack there obviously are terrible people in the world who want to harm others that is a fact you're not just going to change that by screaming about feminism assaulting people is illegal stealing for people is illegal rape is illegal it's all illegal for both men and women the difference is that men are physically bigger they usually are able to protect themselves better they are not easier targets so women the only thing that you can do is not March in the streets and scream about something that you literally cannot change because the laws are already in place to treat us equally is to learn to defend yourself to be self-reliant to learn to carry a gun maybe to make yourself not a Target to get your head out of your damn phone when you're walking and be aware of your surroundings that's a very simple thing to do that does not involve screaming about how you hate men and rallying in the streets so friends for pregnancy right there's no loss saying employers can't like fire you if you're pregnant they're like abortion for instance like that's a law that like only affects women right about the only thing that just kind of explained by like biological differences but why does that justify making a law anyway that literally discriminates women and so biological differences lead to different treatments and reality that is key biological differences lead to a different reality it's like the women who claim that they're oppressed because they can get pregnant it's like okay you can't even claim that that is oppression that's just that's fact that is the life that you were given you can't change it rallying in the street it's not going to change it I wanted to take a different view on this topic of equality do you think today that women have certain privileges that men don't have yeah part of that goes into being able to say certain things that you know men would would get scolded for they can just talk completely out of their ass freely you're not allowed to say nothing back do you think let's say like do men have problems that let's say that women don't experience for example in statistics like men have higher rates of suicide and you know obviously men die more when it comes to like Wars women can go to war yeah but how about like you can go to war it's true who's overwhelmingly going to war and dying in Wars men I'm not gonna argue that I like that laugh yeah women can go to war do you want to go lady standing there with your soft serve frozen yogurt are you wanting to go or when a draft happens you're gonna be happy you're a woman and that you weren't drafted I feel like the war thing is a little hard to get into just because when the majority men are going to war it's not really a woman going towards of course more men die why do you think that is I feel like that's just because it's kind of like the roles that Society betrayed forever ago men are warriors and men are the ones that are fighting and then women do you think more women should go into war them absolutely not that's no no woman should ever go into any military but wouldn't that be going against equality if you're barring women from going out well I'm not saying boring but I'm saying like I feel like as a woman you should know that you're not going to be putting yourself in a healthy situation going into the military because like it's harder to be a woman in the military than it is to be a man okay this guy is actually realizing that there are differences between men and women he's almost there he's getting there he kind of tripped himself up and I'm appreciating it because he's like oh no actually no women should not go to war I think that feminism is also it's almost an excuse for Behavior flashing your tits or something like that you know behaviors like that like but if a guy wanted to pull just just his balls out you know it would be it would be a little less socially accepted do you think in this sense that men have less privilege today than women privilege is all kind of like how you look at it what you're looking for I think I'm pretty privileged a lot of black people probably don't say their privilege so that's kind of how I look at it we need to just stop looking and thinking everybody got greener grass and kind of just accept the fact we're not in a third world country you know with Russia invading us or some [ __ ] you know what I mean like life ain't that bad it's 78 sunny out chill the [ __ ] out and your highest [ __ ] right now aren't you I'm cooked thank you and you know what he's high as [ __ ] and he's still based [Music] now I don't know what to exactly make of what I'm about to explain to you next but it may explain what's happening with society today [Music] an experiment called Universe 25 created a mice Paradise with an abundance of food and water the aim was to study behavior over a time period in an attempt to explain human societies it was all good but after 315 days something unexpected happened the population reached 600 and hierarchy was formed with larger Road and starting to attack and cause male rodents to collapse psychologically under those conditions social behavior broke down this led to a new class of males called Beautiful males who only care for food and sleep and isolated aggressive females who didn't want to reproduce and eventually the society collapsed because the lack of reproduction and lack of care for their young and the scary part is is that after repeating this experiment 25 times the same results were observed over and over again a viral Facebook post through parallels to today's society with weak feminized men with no protection instincts and overly aggressive females with no maternal instincts we need to kill all men it's a bit of a stress good is it possible that that's what's happening in the west today is the negative reaction of feminism coming from the fact that not only are women struggling but also men let's take a closer look and see what this really means may I ask you like what are some like examples of misogyny that you faced oh let's see I went through it this girl is so confident every question oh let me take you through it oh my God yes and then what does she say literally Jack [ __ ] men are men are better at struggling there's one time I'm a Psychology major we are tasked with counting how many times we got cat cold I realized every time during that month I went to a gas station at night time I got Capcom I've seen some of my guy friends literally make 30 grand more than some of my girlfriends and just because they're men but let's say that the pay Gap does exist why wouldn't firms us hire women then they have to find probably Quote us at this point do you think this quote is for men no probably not there's a lot more men in power in the top one percent a lot of the women are the ones left in the dust there's definitely like in the top one percent I think there's definitely more men for sure but let's say like in the bottom right like most suicides are men you know most people with depression are men do we sometimes ignore that to maybe showcase disparities where it might not exist yes men do have a disadvantage at that point so is it fair to say then that both genders at this point maybe have disadvantages in certain situations but when it comes to the law they're pretty equal and even opportunities yes it does have that societal influence more from a social standpoint it's not necessarily what is placed in the law but it has everything to do with how people interpret the law for themselves what that's like that's my truth no I don't give a crap about your truth it's the law oh yeah well we have equal rights but that's not how people interpret it no oh my God you're creating problems you're turning yourself into a victim you're claiming that you are oppressed so that you still have a reason to be angry so that everything that you've spent the last you know few years you young person screaming about doesn't crumble in front of you you want to feel like you have a purpose you want attention and you get attention by being a victim so you're creating these problems you just said it yourself it's not necessarily what is placed in the law but it has everything to do with how people interpret the law for themselves however I did hear though like for every male college grad there's two women College grads and I think I believe most college students are actually women so I guess what would you say to that I know that women are probably like underrepresented in like the military or in trade school so men might find more interest in doing that instead of like getting a bachelor's so like that's like a whole career path that like women really aren't being encouraged to do as much I mean I guess would you say that there's probably different interests in general between the genders now there's like much more of a push to get women to stem so there's like more of that but when I was younger there wasn't really that going on so it does raise the question does feminism account for the advancements made or will they have happened regardless and if so is feminism more important than ever to preserve progress and also to prevent regression towards inequality absolutely I think it should it should remain originally it's not a toxic thing again what modern society has morphed into especially you know things like social media it has turned it into more of a superiority kind of cloak than it is actually pushing equal rights I think this girl really hits the nail on the head because I don't hate what true feminism stands for I'm not going to sit here and say you know that I don't want to have any rights I'm not going to sit here and say that I don't think feminism was ever a good thing because I do think that we should have equality but where it is now is totally unsustainable it is actually certifiably toxic for our society I do believe that it is you know a big contributing factor to our downfall but I'm not somebody that will say that you know I think all feminism was bad obviously there are people that do say that they're entitled to their opinions there actually is some really interesting literature about you know the connection between feminism and the downfall of societies and civilizations and we're kind of seeing that right now but most of it was when this kind of feminism got really rabid and angry and so I think we can separate the two but it is an interesting discussion to have so it did make me think are we at a point now where there's actually Mill inequality in the west and in a video titled exactly that seems to be the case my latest book is of boys and men why the modern male is struggling and what to do about it but is he just one of those red pill misogynistic cisgendered anti-feminist what he found through his research is that women are leaving Men Behind in advanced metrics like education and the workforce in the 70s Title IX was implemented to close a 13 gap in college degrees between men and women but now there's a 15 Gap in favor of women with degrees and so today there's evidence that there's inequality on both sides men trash CIS heterosexual men absolutely especially white men weren't you just talking about equality oh absolutely but we have to have that Viewpoint because of how much we've been attacked just by that gender but you just said that all straight men are trash like that's a pretty big generalization don't you think it definitely is it's not necessarily something I'm gonna like saying via statistic I'm saying via experience are men trash no I like my dad he's not trash so most men are trash I don't think men are trapped and just have more advantages but like I said like I wouldn't want to be on the front lines of like you know some Army I don't know my phone doesn't goes out the window right that's it 100 done all right so you're saying the quiet part out loud again it's not consistent what principles is feminism actually standing on these days obviously it's not about equality anymore like women are dominating and beating men at their own game we basically live in a matriarchy at this point and then when push comes to shove that feminism that female empowerment just flies out the window like she was saying because it's easier to claim your female says oh I'm just I'm a woman I can't do that men have to do that after you've spent years shaming them saying that they're trash but you don't want to go to the front lines you don't want to deal with that man stuff you don't have to be tough during hard times why do you think women are allowed to say that men are trash but men can't say that women are trashed because I mean just based off of History you know men have been the dominant sex I mean not even really a hundred years ago women were more and retained a piece of property sometimes lemons are trash but I think more men than women for sure it's one of the many double standards that's because of what feminism has turned into it's no longer about the quality of men and women it is more the differences between men and women I think that we need to get rid of terms like feminism feminism is more of like a suppression of masculine energy essentially getting rid of that sense of like dominance of one over the other would be the the better Society to exist in because if negative attention wasn't enough it's now becoming harder to be a feminist even if you're a feminist yes for years the author of Harry Potter J.K Rowling identified as a feminist who advocated for women's rights whether it be speaking out or through donations or advocacy but in 2020 it was as if none of that mattered anymore after expressing concern on Twitter what constituates a woman she was berated by activists as misogynistic and most notably a turf Turf stands for Trans exclusionary radical feminists and is an acronym used by trans activists to describe someone as transphobic for believing that gender is based on biological sex due to this rallying has faced strong criticism to a point where has impacted her Legacy the new video game Hogwarts Legacy is labeled so controversial to a point where twitch streamers are refusing to play it for fear of being called transphobic similarly it's this extremism's inclusion that's dividing the feminist movement from within and confusing the original message of equality for all and this behavior is not exclusive to feminism you can be the most Progressive person in the world you can give the left you can give the social justice Warriors everything and if you make one wrong misstep if you say anything that is not that approved group think they will rip you to shreds social justice one two three they do not care how much money you've given how many rallies you've gone to how woke how Progressive how much of a victim you've been what do you say you're a feminist yourself absolutely I wouldn't say I'm not a feminist I just think that like the word feminism needs to be redefined what should it be called ah I don't know seeking truth and Justice and equality I don't know the men are trash group no men are not trapped and so if women are hesitating to identify with the movement it's likely due to the impact of the extreme because if equality is achieved through bringing others down it's creating issues where none exists and perpetuating double standards but with that said feminism is needed while true equality may be difficult to achieve and some may not actually desire it nothing significant ever came about through indifference the pendulum is ever swinging and we need individuals who push for Progress serve as a check to maintain balance but today how can we even navigate differences if we can't even question the Nuance I guess it's up to me to lead the way and it all starts with exploring the unfamiliar this guy is awesome I like everything that he's doing that's a very very cool premise I like how he's you know interweaving this research that he's done which is you know really really intelligent and very well thought out with these interviews so you're actually seeing you know real people's you know voices real people's opinions because so often we do get caught up in our own Echo Chambers you see the extremes on both sides but obviously those extremes do exist in real life there's a reason why the stereotypes exist there's a reason why feminism has the bad name that it does now I'm thinking about you girl with a purple hair but anyway hope you enjoyed this video I'll see you guys next time before you go make sure that you like this video if you have not already subscribed to this Channel and ring that notification Bell so that you never miss a single comment section or off the clock episode we are putting out new content every day sometimes twice a day and even on weekends now and I don't want you to miss a thing
Channel: The Comments Section with Brett Cooper
Views: 1,590,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brett cooper, the comments section, viral, feminism, feminist, interview, interviews, funny, feminists, feminist interview, feminist interview pearl, jordan peterson feminist interview, feminism debate, feminism (literary school or movement), feminist fail, fake feminist, intersectional feminism, letterkenny feminist date, anti feminism, the interviews, anti feminist, controversial feminism, feminism first date, feminism roast, woke, man on the street, liberal, conservative
Id: dM4Rh781qOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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