Is GEN Z Finally Calling Out The Woke Bulls***!?!

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welcome back to the comment section I'm Brett Cooper so obviously I am part of gen Z I'm 21 and I rag on gen Z and my peers a lot I think that there are a lot of problems with my generation some that we can control and some that you know we can't just because of the time that we were born into but anyway there is a new trend going around on social media that might have actually given me some hope for the future of my generation and we're going to talk about that today but before we do make sure that you like this video subscribe to this channel if you have not already and ring that notification Bell so that you never miss a comment section or off the clock episode gen Z is making fun of the extremely Progressive leftists like literally it is shocking and I love it like this one has almost a million views we're just gonna get right into it I don't know I guess I'm not woke okay fine you win with your gay stuff that's what you want right to win so people are using this sound whether you know you win with your day stuff maybe I'm not woke and they're putting their own experiences as the caption obviously I hate explaining jokes and and Trends but for any kind of context because I know some people are like I don't really know what this means that's what it means so there's a lot of these videos like I said this one has almost a million views they said you know when people get mad at people for misgendering them even though they didn't physically transition at all which is obviously ridiculous this person sadly turned off the comments which bums me out because that means that they were probably really spicy here's another video I don't know I guess I'm not woke okay fine you win with your gay stuff again this person turned off the comments as well give me the spice Let Them Fight I want to see it but okay I'm just happy you're posting it anyway it's like they're tired and they're just done but they're still scared of seeing the responses from the little they them Gremlins whose entire existence like hangs on Progressive politics and I'm not just calling them Gremlins like they're literally people online who identify as Gremlins or Goblin self or fairy fairy self death self I literally saw one last week who identifies as grass you cannot identify as an inanimate object I know you might love your car but you cannot be car self the only acceptable thing is using Cars Inc because buying a car can be a stressful experience especially if you are a first-time buyer or have no credit and that is where my new partners at karzing come into play carzing is completely changing the way that you buy a car online they partner with Credit Agencies lenders and over 25 000 dealers Nationwide to provide you with everything you need before you step foot into a dealership using karzing software you can instantly pre-qualify online without affecting your credit score and while you're looking at cars they will give you instant financing details including what your 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described it as going so far left they've gone and started excluding people again you're like yes that is what we were talking about last week when it comes to women like they care so much about feminism and progressivism we have now started excluding women and erasing women once again but they're so blind to that because they have like this one-track you know current thing mind congratulations you played yourself another person said not everyone fits into the same box Well the box is a 2d triangular Circle at this point the person said people will go lengths to say that they are not straight another person said they are literally invalidating themselves I did not see a single negative comment under this video people agree it is all gone too far they were all making fun of this ideology they were saying people are just like insecure and sad and they're trying to label themselves to make themselves feel better these were all young people these are all my peers and even younger I was shocked I genuinely was shocked here's another one I don't know I guess I'm not woke okay fine you win with your gay stuff now this person actually did an explanation video afterwards to give a little more context and apparently like her sister is Raising her child's like non-gendered non-binary and she was like I love my sister but it's just weird and it's gone too far and kids need to be able to make their own decisions and just be kids okay again that's shocking that that is a hot take but that's kind of where we've gotten to in this world again the comments were all positive this person said when they're trying to call Mom's birthers somebody else said I'm gay but this community has gone way too far another person said like for real cancel me I don't care another person said I feel like this trend is bringing people with common sense to light and I am here for it exactly and that is my point in doing this episode and showing you these videos because I know it can feel alienating like I have been there and I look at the people around me and I'm like oh my God like every institution is pushing this my friends are insane media is insane Tick Tock is crazy like where are people that share my values that's why I wanted to start the show this is why I'm so confident and speaking about my values because I want to you know be a person of relatability for people who might feel alienated and I'm glad that other people are starting to speak up because there are so many of us that just realize that this is absurd it's ridiculous this is not reality this is not based in science or fact or anything it is literally lunacy and people are fed up it is happening and that's positive there is something that is is not part of that Trend but I just want to prove to you that you know it's not just one thing like people are making these videos they are brave enough to post them and it's just it's important there's a whole like genre on Tick Tock of like polyphrupples or quadruples whatever you want to call them and they're trying to prove to everybody that they're very happy and then you end up seeing like two months later like one of the you know trouble people being like I'm so sad and I was so insecure and I hated it so much anyway it's like an entire genre on Tick Tock and people are fed up with it because it's ridiculous somebody commented and said I love being aggressively monogamous somebody said anytime I hear the word follicle I feel like I'm being shot in the stomach another girl said the phrase ethical non-monogue is my villain origin story activation phrase at this point all right here's another one for good measure this guy's whole account I'm pro-life there's two genders all lives matter women and men have equal rights there's no such thing as systemic racism covid was made in the lab in China I'm not vaccinated Trump 2024. now this guy makes a ton of videos like this and I think that some of them are satire but basically he is making fun of cancel culture he makes fun of the incredibly polarizing sides of our culture right now and this one specifically cracks me up because the guy just doesn't care I have no idea what his politics are but he's willing to make a joke he's willing to poke fun at these people like gen Z is insane and the fact that we have been scared of getting canceled for years is absurd like no just say no don't apologize we don't apologize for anything else like our generation is wild and the fact that we have like been to need of these people for the past you know 10 years it's just crazy one girl said so we're the same huh another one said you know finally a Creator I can agree with another person said wow you summed it all up it is so simple again every single comment was positive people weren't even saying haha this is funny they were saying oh my God like literally everything you said was accurate like yep you agree with me this is wild like I love this now I highly doubt that the people making these videos people commenting are all super conservative or you know becoming like staunch Republicans but I really don't care and that's not the point the point is that culturally I think people are waking up to how absurd all this has gotten and they are willing to call it out on social media which is huge and I don't think that this is like aggressively political right now people are not saying like oh you know this is super leftist like all of these lefties are doing these crazy things when they are reacting to the videos of people you know calling themselves death death self for saying that like trans men or lesbians all of that stuff they're calling it chronically online Behavior it's like oh my God this person is saying you can't have white friends because they're all bad that's chronically online basically saying that these people pushing these ideologies they don't live in the real world they live in their narcissistic bubbles they're chronically online they think that it works this way it does not again which is very cool because gen Z is finally getting out into the real world and seeing that this ideology has no grounds has no standing it does not work when you actually have a job and you have to live in society and you get off your damn phone and away from your laptops you realize this is all Bs and I actually love this term and I think it describes gen Z perfectly because our generation was already screwed from the beginning because we were raised almost completely online we've had social media for basically our entire life we were iPad kids we were just sat in front of t TVs we've grown up in high school having Tick Tock and all of that stuff we literally have been chronically online for our entire adolescents going into our adult years and then we had covid which locked us in our homes in our parents houses just sitting on our computers we were doing school online in the middle of our Zoom classes we were watching Tick Tock like it was a disaster like no wonder these types of radical ideologies have festered because nobody has actually put them to work in the real world and finally they are and finally people are waking up now even the hill sort of pointed this out and this is getting a little more political but I thought it was interesting they wrote an article in November and said why Generation Z might not be as woke as most people think they said as researchers of the political attitudes of different Generations we think the portrayal of young voters as woke on all issues is wrong particularly for those 18 to 24 this group referred to as gen Z is not a monolithic group and has attitudes that run contrary to their depiction which raises real questions about how they may impact politics in the 2022 midterm elections and Beyond they go on at the end and they say the result much more work suggests that there is a strong conservative element within gen Z on policy issues and the role of women in politics a shift to more traditional views among the male population illiberalism is also strong with ingensi both in male and females which should be concerning to all Americans coupled with the fact that President Biden's approval rating among gen Z is dropped precipitously from the highs enjoyed by former president Obama it is apparent both sides have mischaracterized this generation greatly now this whole article it's it's really funny if you want to go read the whole thing because the author is kind of freaking out the Gen Z is not as Progressive as everybody thinks and they give a lot of stats that more gen Z men are you know not in favor of expanding abortion rights that more gen Z men you know are wanting traditional women that more gen Z women are you know moving toward traditional gender roles which is all like very cool and healthy those things are natural and biological and make common sense so it is kind of funny because they're just freaking out anyway politics aside I think that gen Z is just tired and fed up and they are finding humor again like thank God that is the main point here I don't care if we share the exact same opinions or values on politics but together we need to be able to acknowledge the progressives have gone off the rails we need to be able to acknowledge that children deserve to be protected we need to be able to acknowledge biological differences between men and women and other objective facts like that is the important thing and that is what I hope for Gen Z we can disagree on other stuff but we have to agree on those basic principles okay that was fun and those people are crazy if you want to see more videos like that make sure you subscribe to this Channel and like that video and if you want even more content you can follow me on Instagram and I'm Brett Cooper
Channel: The Comments Section with Brett Cooper
Views: 1,899,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brett cooper, the comments section, viral, gen z, gen z funny, funny, gen z humor, gen z tiktok cringe, woke, gen z funny memes, gen z tiktok, gen z tiktoks, worst of gen z, gen z jokes, gen z cringe, generation z, gen z is cringe, funny tiktoks, gen z are hilariously bad, gen z are hilariously dumb, gen z are hilariously stupid, funny memes, tiktok gen z, funny videos, gen z is awful, gen z is, gen z workforce, gen z fail, gen z slang, gen z memes, based, conservative
Id: bOcR7Nc3GHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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