How Many Rounds can 3+ Body Armor Stop?

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hey guys today we are testing three plus plates from acelink armor [Applause] so let's get right into the details of this body armor so this is a mixture between polyethylene and ceramic so it makes them very lightweight and durable they're about four and a half pounds which is really nice when you have something on you for a long period of time i have them in my plate carrier that i'm testing currently from ace link this is their scale attack this is a new one that just came out so this whole setup is really really lightweight especially when you have loaded magazines and whatever else you might have on your setup so let's get right into my relationship with ace link they did send me this setup along with an extra body armor to shoot at and test which is really nice of them to send me plates to run along with the one just to shoot at and basically make a video they trusted enough to see that i will go out and just shoot it with whatever i want and find out how much it stops so that's what we do today if you guys haven't seen my video previously of shooting their level three polyethylenes i'll tag that you guys can go check that one out that one we went from small caliber all the way up to high caliber i think we started with 556 and ended with 30x6 this one's going to be a little bit different because obviously this is a higher level of armor i didn't want to do that same test because it'd be kind of boring because if you've seen that one you're basically going to see the same results so what we did instead is we went with 556 and 762 and shot it as many times as possible multiple times to see how many rounds it could stop before letting something through so the the old ones stopped at 30.6 so i imagine these are gonna do the same thing because they're a higher threat level and then you guys can see how well these ones did so i don't want to talk too much here i want to get right into the video footage we'll talk after the video so let's get right into that the microphone might be a little bit lower just because i didn't have the actual mic here like i have in the house and the quality obviously there's no outside surrounding sounds so it might be a little bit less but uh we'll get right into that josh and i are here at the range and we're gonna be testing the level three plus body armor so we're gonna go set that up real quick uh this is the body armor their new scale attack carrier along with the three plus plates in here as well so that is my new carrier that i'm gonna be running um i'm not gonna be running today because it's like 90 degrees so we're just going to set that there so here's the guns that we're going to be using we're going to use the firearms build the 223 and then we're going to go to the 762 my ak so we'll go from five five six seven six two five five six seven six two until one finally gets through so we'll start with the uh ar and then we'll go to the ak and we'll see how many rounds get through it so put in the comments before you guys see the end here on how many you think is gonna make it through i think i don't know i think 10 are gonna stop i think i'll stop ten and then one will probably get through so what do you think josh i'm gonna go 15. 15. okay so let me know what you guys think and uh we'll go set this up real quick all right so we don't have a stand set up for it because i forgot to build one but we're just gonna set it here into the a zone and do this this should work enough so that'll keep in there enough give it a little bit of retention that way because before i set it down and i rather have it this way we actually have something to hold against it so that'll work we're gonna be 15 yards back we're going to start with 556. we did not have the camera on so we're gonna check it first shot right holy cow so you see that did not get through very little bulge on that that's cool so this has ceramic in it as well it's polyethylene and ceramic so i'm really interested in cutting this one open and seeing what's inside because if you guys seen my previous video the ceramic one just a bunch of thin pieces of plastic all pressed together uh this one's uh got the ceramic in it instead of the polyethylene so it's got a combination so i'm guessing that crunchy part in the front is probably the ceramic and behind us the polyethylene but once we're done here we'll cut it up and find out so first shot good to go we'll go to the 762. right in the center these things are leaving a lot better holes than the other one dead so it's got a much bigger hole so here's the hole in this one this one's the 556 it's much smaller this definitely stopped that one so we'll go ahead and go back to the ar so that's two we're going to try to shoot them around we don't want to shoot in the same spot over and over uh eventually we're going to have to but we're going to try to keep them a little bit distance so we shot right here and what's weird is you don't have the bigger hole so i wonder what caused that not to blow out the front like that in the back you do have the stop as well so it's getting a little bit bigger here so i wonder if that's because we've shot it multiple times so it's not quite as strong or just because depending where you're shooting so that's the third shot of that stop we're going to do the fourth these bulges are not very deep which is nice so they're not going to be breaking ribs probably you're going to feel something you're going to feel that energy coming through but it's probably most likely not going to be breaking rib because it's not actually against your body because it's not far enough to stick out like when we shot that 30x6 and it created a massive bulge so we'll go and shoot it again here with the ak fourth shot and we got that blow out on the front and again ladies i'm really interested to see once i cut this open to see what's inside there and an even bigger bulge so i'm thinking we're getting more of uh the integrity of it's getting a little lost on it because of the actual shots that are getting into it so it's like small medium a little bit bigger than the big s so i think the next one we're gonna see a little bit bigger that one you're probably gonna feel just a tad it doesn't feel much against my chest when i have it against there but you're gonna feel that one a lot more than the other two but still not a massive bulge that's still pretty cool so four shots been stopped we'll go ahead and go back to five five six so we got there about the same location on that one and we still don't have any through yet that was pretty close to the exact same hole actually close up here look at that gives you a really good view of what's in there so you can really see and then all your bullet is right here i don't know if you can see that but it's broken up in there so that's really cool right there and it still did not make it through so it's getting close because that's even bigger bulge a little bit bigger balls not too much more but you can actually see it blew out the back and i think that's the polyethylene right there so that looks like the last parts of the polyethylene maybe that first part's the ceramic so getting close i think but we're still not there so that is six shots three with five five six three with seven six two and still nothing getting through right there still did not get through let's go to the next one all right that is right there and still still not through that's pretty cool and that one these three are really close to each other it's like that one right there and still nothing is through but that whole front shield there's like a hard spot right here but right here it's all crumbled because all the shots that went through so that front plate whatever that either that be ceramic or the polyethylene is completely destroyed right here at the center so i'm gonna try to shoot around here so we don't keep just shooting in that same hole all right so i hit just on the target i was trying to aim high uh so the spalling of the the target did shoot all this stuff out so it's gonna look like it got grenaded from the top so that's kind of cool actually look at that the piece of shrapnel all the way down so we'll set it back up here right there it's pretty high wow still not through that one put a lot bigger of a debt in that though as you can see it's a lot bigger bulge on that one so you're definitely gonna feel that right there probably break the rib but you're not gonna have a hole in you so that's a benefit so let's go ahead and do 11. it's kind of hard to tell now because there's so many holes on this but we'll have to look back at the video it might have been this one though because it looks like this bottom blew out either way it's one of these two we'll look back probably i can't remember either way there's still no hole that's the ceramic that's going to be what's on that front part there that's going to be your initial shot that just fell out of this that's pretty thick too that's really cool so that's what's crumbling in here so let's go ahead and take shot 12. i think up here there's so many holes at this point let's just look over the back real quick i do not see any holes nothing on the back there yet there's the front i'm going to pretend like i know where that hit all right we got our first hole here we go it looks like it made it through number 13. so that was right here is where he shot that 13th shot finally made it through looks like you can get shot 13 times with this and that's right here in this one square so i mean you still got some spots here we could have shot but that's that's 13 shots in a very close spot so that's pretty impressive that makes me happy because that's honestly what i'm wearing right now that's in my my primary kit for kayla and me so it's kind of nice to know to see how much that can stop so we got one through i'm gonna go try a different gun real quick i'm curious what will happen and then we're probably just gonna unload on it real quick and see if we can't get anything else all right i've never shot a 45 colt at body armor before so we're just gonna take a shot at it i'm sure it will probably stop it but maybe there's something weird about 45 colt that'll prevent it so shoot this one out real quick watch this as like the body armor killer did not make it through i did not think it would but i was just curious i want to see what happened all right so now we're going to go ahead and i'm just going to shoot the ak at it three to five times and see how many holes we can get out of the back five shots with an ak you can see they're all around here there's no way okay one one made it through down there so we got one definitely through that's the 556. yeah it looks like just one made it through so that's pretty cool that is really cool ah this thing's pretty mangled at this point um it didn't blow too much in the front actually it looks like you just did some clean shots there the back let's see we shot eight shots looks like there's one hole there there's no way that that only got one through you got one hole here which you still you can even see some of the bullets still in it so not all of it made it through so that's the original one there's the other one it that looks like only one shot out of those eight made it through that's go actually look at that that almost snapped this corner you can bend that that is crazy so one shot definitely made it through i don't see anything else in the back of this something else might have made it through you never know it's kind of hard to tell but definitely one made it through out of those eight so 13 rounds before one made it through and then uh the various of five and eight only a couple minutes through we're gonna go back to the house and i'm gonna actually do this at the couch because it's a lot better audio and i'm not sweating so we're just gonna throw in the back of the truck head back to the house and finish uh the review on this so as you can tell from the video it did really well it stopped a lot of rounds before it let one through which gives me confidence especially because i'm currently carrying this on the carrier that is the one that i would put on if i ever needed to they do also have level fours that are already out that i will be getting here soon uh they just had a lot of demand for those so i couldn't get those ones right away but they are sending those for me to test as well if you guys have any ideas for tests on those if you want to see something different what you want me to shoot at with those please put in the comments below and i would love to try to get a hold of that for the testing process because i want to do something again different for that because it's a different body panel but i don't want to do the same thing over and over and over i want to try to do some different things see what else this thing can stop so if you guys have any ideas let me know i'm really happy with this we'll go downstairs we'll cut it open and do a quick thing of that this video is already going to be really long so i don't want to take too much time talking and all that stuff we'll go downstairs and cut it and see what's inside if you guys have any questions about this setup let me know so far really happy with acelink stuff i've done two testing on their body armor and so far it's done really good the other video kind of blew up a lot of people were asking me questions on facebook youtube instagram about these and i'm trying to give you guys as much information as possible i'm not a professional with body armor i don't don't make it so it's kind of hard the only thing i can do is go out and shoot it and tell you what i found during that time and what i found is this is stopping a lot of rounds and the other stuff stopped a lot as well how lightweight it is how comfortable it is and so far i'm really happy with this stuff so down in the basement we're going to cut this open and see what's inside this is already a pretty long video so i'm not going to spend too much time doing this but this is sometimes the coolest part just to see what's actually in here not all the time when you get to buy something like that do you cut it open and see what's in there so we'll just cut this first layer so we're starting to get it open and you can see the ceramic and the front here and that is really cool it's actually an adhesive that sticks to it so that's what's making it kind of difficult and that's what we found out at the range was that piece of ceramic so there's the polyethylene under the ceramic so you see the ceramic right here and then that's when the polyethylene starts right behind it this is really hard to cut because as you can see here the ceramic is it has an adhesive onto this so it's really hard to get it broken away from it but we're getting there that's a good view of it right there so there's that ceramic plate that's on top of the polyethylene that is really cool and there's the broken from the back so we're just gonna go from the back here because this is going to be a lot easier to get to so there's a side profile of it so if you guys never seen polyethylene and what that is it's just a bunch of thin pieces of plastic compressed really tightly together and then you've got a little thing of foam here on the corner and then that's where the ceramic is right in front of it so really cool if you guys want to see a little more in depth my old video uh has a lot more i ripped the whole thing into pieces but i'm not going to do that now because that'll take a really long time but i want to look it over once more real quick just to make sure i did not miss any holes there's one here one here you've got the bullet or these pieces of it inside this one so my guess is something came out it stopped the majority of it but something definitely came out it's definitely a hole so something came through that so that's three and that is it three holes so only three bullets went through so it is confirmed only three that is pretty cool i'm really happy with that especially since this is the stuff that i'm going to be wearing so there you guys go so if you guys like to help support me in the channel and everything i do go down into the description there's two ways to do that there's patreon and there's a link to my website from there you can order things through other links like brownells palmetto state cloud defensive anything you buy and purchase using my links gives me a small kickback and shows those companies i'm generating flow which helps out a ton because camera equipment ammo all this other stuff does get expensive and it helps me a lot if not not a big deal i appreciate you guys being here liking share and subscribing uh if you guys want to order something from ace link like i said i have a discount code tactical advisor that will save you 10 off and free shipping which definitely saves a lot when you're spending on body armor carriers and everything else adds up really quickly this is over a thousand dollars this whole setup i think i think it's closer to 1300 don't quote me on that but it does get expensive so that saves you a good chunk of money if you want to go that route another company that supports me a ton is howitzer i wear their shirts all the time absolutely love their stuff one of the biggest things i really like about them is they give five percent of proceeds to charities which is really really cool i support them a lot they support me as well so if you guys want to check them out a link will be in the description for them so got a lot of things going on this video is really long so i usually try to do like an end part where i tell you what's going on um i just broke 10 000 subscribers huge thank you to all of you that has been a really big goal of mine this year and really excited about it just waiting for youtube to allow me to do stories and i will be doing a lot of updating on products testing um i actually have a new video coming up here on the times 2 had some big malfunctions with that and it's unfortunate because i really like that optic i actually just did a review on it but if i had stories unlocked right now i'd be able to give you guys story updates but unfortunately it's not yet so i'm waiting on youtube other than that i'm going to cut this short because i don't want this video to be 25 minutes long so i thank you guys so much for 10 000 subscribers i really look forward to what else is down the road i got a lot of plans the police academy starts very soon and my life is going to be very hectic so content might be a little inconsistent coming here soon but i appreciate you all thank you so much foreign
Channel: Tactical Advisor
Views: 3,476
Rating: 4.973856 out of 5
Keywords: test, review, body, armor, 3+, 3plus, body armor, ace, link
Id: YLKdodAUwsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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