Testing Ace Link Armor Bullet Proof Plates

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if you can't tell it's extremely windy but we're going to be uh having some fun today as you can read by the title and there's a lot of mud right there we're going to be shooting some armor today [ __ ] should be fun but we're trying to see if we can get out of the wind to where we can talk about this stuff and still have you think this way will be better sun on us dude i think the wind is just coming down the parking hill yeah but i i think that it might i mean it's it's better here right now than it was over there which that little bit better might in my workout but so we're gonna be shooting can't see it in there but one of those bad boys and uh ace link armor hard plate so it'll be fun and uh a soft plate too talking about these plates a little bit these are like i said the 10 by 12 plates they're level three which means the top up to 308 they're not rated for armor piercing five five six two two three they come in two different colors uh the tan or the black uh that being if you want to put it in the scale attack then you can without the plate bags but you probably want to run it anyways you don't want the armor protecting your life just exposed to the elements that's me personally like we said this is the regular stitched on molly they have the laser cut and the scale attack we don't know if the discount code in the description will add to the already discounted scale attack and or plates and those those things but if you want to try it let us know because if you get it for less than 300 then we might go buy some more that's a good deal but yeah we're gonna shoot some of these uh we shot these on a different day if you can't tell if the wind is bad or not uh when we came out here last time uh our the wind was really bad so we're out here better prepared the wind is still here but we're gonna see what we can do uh the audio in the footage of us actually shooting the plates you'll hear some wind in there i'll leave a couple bits and then i'll put some text at the bottom like here's the wind noise which you'll be able to hear and you'll see why we had to come back and film so i tried to wear the same shirt but i'm wearing different pants he's wearing something completely different so you know if you're one of those people that notices that kind of thing i just know this wasn't filmed in the same day that we shot those a little bit about these plates they are neutrally buoyant all together with these poly plates in the plate carrier i made another video on our instagram page talking about more in depth about the details of the plate carriers and plates but all in all two plates in the the quad release it was nine point two or nine six pounds total so these are three and a half pounds each for the level three and then like at level four i think they're five and a half because you're packing a lot more in there but three and a half pounds both these plates weigh less than one steel plate and uh can't beat it so that's that was what drew us to these so if you're in the market to buy some armor i really wouldn't recommend anything other than poly plates steel super heavy uh it's obviously not buoyant ceramic it's a little bit lighter than poly plates but if you drop them you're gonna crack the plate and you got to replace it and they're a little bit more expensive so i think poly plates are good in between budget wise quality wise and all around this may or may not work we'll see but we're going to shoot some 380 hollow points some nine millimeter at the soft and then uh probably gonna shoot some five five six out of two we'll see what happens uh yeah five seven inch yards these are 380 hollow points uh what do you want to do shoot two three how many uh we'll do one um one and check it out and then okay then we'll see all right first shot you can't feel that or see it here actually that's perfect i can feel the bulge yeah so we'll do this to show we'll just rip this back out did not puncture yeah zero penetration all right a few more as you can see here four holes and no penetration as to be expected thoughts so far it's holding up pretty well it's definitely got some uh some bulging in the back that's for sure and it's definitely causing damage to the cardboard you know in a real-life situation that's your chest but you don't have a bullet in you there was a 380 uh let's do some nine millimeter now and uh see what that does yeah i'm gonna pass that to you and i'm just gonna shoot uh one and let's go look at it and then i've got an idea of what i want to do you got an idea i have an idea okay so much for the duct tape and the nine millimeter and just so you can tell i shot low down here went through you can feel the bullet in there but uh stopped it and i i don't i don't know how we're gonna be able to shoot these anymore it's definitely not going to hold up to that being up here in rifle shots so we might have to be just like every other person on youtube and just toss them down on the ground which i don't like but what can you do the cardboard wasn't gonna cut it like i said so we're gonna have to put it up here and take some shots at it uh it's not optimal but we'll see how it does and we'll see how the impacts uh how it affects the dirt as well but we're gonna shoot three or four shots and just see how it goes all right maybe just one shot all right so you can see right off the bat distinct differences in the the 380 hollow points actually cutting holes and the two nine millimeter shots just barely poking holes think about that next time you're thinking about your armor or not your armor your uh self-defense rounds little hole big hole 380 hollow point nine millimeter not hollow point so think about that but we're going to set this back down and just put another shot into it so how unoptimal that was a good thing to show is those shots were all coming from different angles not just shoot directly into it because you know you watch a lot of fights and gunfights and videos and surveillance footage not every gun fight is just shooting someone directing the chest it happens but not all the time this plate was actually just shot in a multitude of angles and zero penetration no penetration you know nothing nothing hit and then skipped and went through in any direction either so i don't know that's pretty impressive uh let's shoot it with some 556 and see if it let's see it see if it penetrates or not more than likely it's going to uh that's completely different ballistics completely different just everything than a pistol caliber you know like nine millimeter but this is not designed to stop yeah this is not designed for that but wow we're going to show you the limitations of a soft plate uh against that sort of threat you know like we said you need to tailor your arm or needs to your type of threat so 556 let's do it in it louis mag yeah the louis huggaholics mag try arc vortex all the above and uh surefire gucci gear and you can already tell that blasted right through there yep so look at this hole that just happened from that 556 bullet that went in right there it went right through there's the only exit wound on the back of this and uh nice let's do that again same ammo yep same thing nice and that one another nice hole that's down below oh is there one one of these on there it's somewhere in there actually it's probably that one maybe yeah yeah it's that one and there's another hole so i mean just as just as we suspected and as is rated so now david will be shooting the level three hard plate standard branch ammo basically what you pick up at academy or walmart or wherever probably the most common thing you'd find on the street whatever yeah yeah so this is this is typical bulk 556. what's the next one you know what grain they are uh these are i believe they're 69 grain um hollow points this is what we use to hunt pigs with yeah hollow.556. they're they're designed to spread and expansion yeah yeah what what brand were those mid-america ammo mid-american american or america america ammo okay mid-america ammo and then we do have some green tips that it is not rated for but we are going to shoot it with anyways so first shot is 55 grain the second shot the hollow points and third is going to be green tip green tips no you didn't oh [ __ ] so heath okay okay hold on hold on david just thought he missed it because there was no reaction right he thought he missed because there was no reaction of the bullet hitting the plate does that make sense so this is what i mean and you can barely see it you can barely see that right here is where the bullet went in and then there's gonna be a little deformation on the back but i mean dang it absorb all of that energy that's crazy no damage to that mound of dirt it the plate did wow flinch 69 grain mid-america ammo hollow point [Music] all right okay you can definitely see a difference now you can see a little bit a wee bit more of a hole right there but i mean i'd argue that it's almost the same on the back zero penetration still yeah just a little bit of a hump [Music] nice nice now do you want to shoot it more times without the green tip yeah or the green tip last all right then we'll shoot it at an area okay so you just want to shoot the rest of those there's like three or four more [Music] all right so we're seeing a little bit more all in the same area yeah a little bit more uh deformation a little i wouldn't call it expansion a little ripping a little tearing a little bold i mean so those shots are relatively innocent yeah and i mean that group right there is literally within two inches all four shots all right there so not too bad not too bad 69 grain hollow points mid-america ammo we're gonna shoot a green tip uh we're gonna aim a little higher probably at the logo this time and we're gonna see what it does keep in mind this plate is not rated and i j rated it yes zip one through it all right a little bit more energy there three green tips one penetration and uh at least at least one went through now let's see where all these shots are right here so it's right here here and here so yeah three shots three shots you know within half an inch and it did cause penetration like we said this is not certified for this and you know just goes to show that if you think you're going to be facing that ammo then you need to acquire armor capable of one of the biggest things here is not getting shot in the first place so nobody ever talks about that in these videos they just talk about like stopping bullets but just not being in that situation will help you out a lot more because you uh you won't get shot if you're not in a situation where someone's shooting at you just an fyi but uh i want to shoot a few more yeah some pistol rounds in it okay okay we're just kind of adding to it and we're going to shoot some nine millimeter shots uh not hollow point or anything just regular ammo into there relatively close see if it stops it it's gonna stop it more than likely unless you know some extra fragmentation goes out where the some previous bullets have already impacted like the green tips [Music] so here are these three nine millimeter nothing now i want to show this so i do and don't like on other armor videos whenever guys are shooting and hitting the edge whenever they're not meaning to just kind of funny but i shot these edges and i wanted this one closer but i guess not so like this one here this bullet if you got shot here is still gonna get stopped i mean this is nine millimeter but and this bullet here is still gonna get stopped ah maybe something came out of here it's hard to tell but would have to get in there and look at the bullet because i'm sure that most of that bullet is in there and we're going to open this and that soft flap oh yeah we're going to we're going to we're going to cut them up and we're going to see i don't know i'm pretty impressed i'm very impressed that's like five five five six three pistol rounds only a little bit of tearing in there this tear right here is just this coating around the plate and that's from the bulging it just tore this coating that's not penetration from very very low tolerances and a tight fit in there yeah these plates are very very well made you got any complaints i mean i'd wear it to stop a bullet that's all that matters the bullet does stop here that's for sure you know and if you're looking for let's say level 4 armor or armor capable of 30 odd 6 or anything like that ace link does make those the price definitely goes up from what i've seen these poly plates are priced really well um from ace link and they hold up really well so yeah you're getting you're getting a lot of value out of a plate like this like we said three and a half pounds uh steel plate is going to be like pretty much 10 pounds each and you can put two of these in a plate carrier and probably even out the scale with one steel plate maybe a little heavier i don't know but definitely not two steel plates that's with their play carrier not even you know uh a spiritus or one of these feral concepts slicksters really low profile plate carriers that really doesn't have a lot of fabric on there and uh i don't know man taylor your armor to what you're going to be facing is one of the biggest things like we said like 90 of the shootings in the united states are handguns and a level three plate hard or not will be capable of stopping that ace link will be linked down below quad release plate carrier this is tan regular molle this is black with uh it's the laser cut pretty sweet like we said let us know in the comments if you're impressed if you're not impressed if you're going to buy armor what do you think about ace link ace links prices uh be sure to check them out uh you know hopefully we're able to do a giveaway with them but if you're impatient just go ahead and buy don't wait out for that but uh anything else let's run it yeah thanks for watching guys we appreciate it be sure to subscribe more content coming peace
Channel: Chris French
Views: 971
Rating: 4.5789475 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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