Can you beat SMRPG with only mandatory battles?

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the Super Mario RPG remake is not hard enough for me so I challenged myself to beat the game while only fighting mandatory battles and I won't be using the lazy shell armor or the sup suit so with that out of the way let's Jump Right In at the outset of the game Peach gets kidnapped and we fight our first mandatory battle with tut terapin no big deal and next is the iconic battle with Bowser which serves as the tutorial for the game all we have to do in this battle is attack the chain chomp that holds up his Chandelier and the battle is won after we bounce off of this turtle retrieve our juicy pink Peach a sword impales the castle we get launched all the way back to Mario house we then get bonked by toads save the game and head to our next battle with the Hammer Bros at level one this battle presents a little bit of a challenge I hit a jump attack for 40 damage but the first Bros multi-hero 20 hp I still wasn't used to the modified timing in the action command system it's subtly different from the original the second Hammer bro takes me down to 4 HP and I'm forced to use one of my precious mushrooms to heal and the second second round though I block almost perfectly and do 42 damage to the other Hammer Brother in round three I block twice perfectly and finish off Hammer bro number one with a punch attack Hammer bro number two Powers up in response but it's too late for him I take him out with a jump attack steal his hammer and head on to the Mushroom Kingdom after a quick chat with the chancellor I meet a new tadpole friend who has his frog coin stolen and in preparation for the battles to come I head to the shop money is quite tight at this point so I buy a shirt for Mario and pants for mow and with the final 30 coins I grab two honey syrups and two pickme ups I can get accessories later but I need flower points for the upcoming battles I head to Bandit's way and the first thing I do is grab this Hidden Treasure Chest that contains a Coca-Cola this item is kind of like a mega elixir in Final Fantasy it heals all of the HP and FP of my allies but more importantly it sells for 200 coins and that money will be very useful later we also grab a star to gain a level for both malow and Mario and malow learns HP reain in the process and that means we're now ready to fight Barney's evil clone Croco Mario's jump attack is our most damaging option to start with and Croco can take out 2/3 of Mario's HP with one tackle attack again still getting used to the Action commands mow can't do much damage in this fight because he lacks a weapon so he'll be our obligate cleric unfortunately since mow learned HP rain he's perfect for the job I get hit and heal again with mow but the third time Croco tackles I learn the timing just a little bit better and do a perfect block so Mario attacks and mow uses a honey syrup Croco then uses his bomb attack which scares the beesus out of me and original game these bombs were unblockable and made this battle absolute misery particularly in my runs where Mario and mow couldn't use armor but because I can block now that's really no problem and the timing for these bomb blocks seems pretty generous as well so when Mario gets hit by a bomb on the next turn I get the perfect block and it does zero damage and kco then misses his next bomb entirely nice notice as I progress through this battle that Mario's jump is continually getting stronger this mechanic is important since it'll help me a ton in later battles so every jump I can do is extremely important eventually Croco uses a weird mushroom signifying his HP is low and the battle is nearing a close a couple more jumps take him out we retrieve malow's frog coin and we head back to the Mushroom Kingdom I grab a few more pickme ups and honey syrups from the shop and I head into the castle at this point I tried multiple times to go back to the Vault to grab the items in there but the shores were too fast and caught me and for whatever reason the game doesn't let you run from battles with them so I had to reset and we head on to Clay Morton he has four guards and the first time you take them out he becomes stunned so I hit clay Morton with a jump attack and take out all four guards with malow thunder attack that's essentially the strategy for this battle never leave the guards alive because they'll wreck you clay Morton's single Target flame attacks are blockable and therefore are no problem and he uses flame twice in a row and follows it up then with a flame wall this attack is quite powerful but did very little damage to my characters and there is a very good reason for that because my blocking strategy has been good I've been able to build up my chain gauge to 22 building up this gauge gives bonuses to your characters based on which party members are in battle Mario's chain gauge helps them build up the action gauge faster and malow gives magic defense which is why clay Morton's flame wall attack did so little editing tantic is here to say that I was wrong malow's chain gauge gives magic attack not magic defense sorry about that at this point in the battle clay Morton does very little Beyond summon more guards meaning all I have to do is cast Thunder and jump I have Mario use a honey syrup to ensure I don't run out of FP but the battle goes pretty smoothly from here on out so we next head to the KIRO sewers I grabb the star in here for some extra experience and Mario reaches level three so it's time to fight belom normally before I fight belom I grab the true form pin from the treasure chest monster but no such luck this time since that's an optional battle Mario's jump attacks are once again the most efficient way to damage this boss but I do try out my action gauge command unfortunately that does 15 less than my jump attack so we're not going to do that again balom then eats mow leaving Mario to fight alone but after two jumps mow is released and Mario gets turned into a scarecrow this is one of my favorite statuses in this game it prevents the use of the action and the item commands meaning you can only use spells or defend that means that Mario can still jump and do a ton of damage the only problem though is that bow my next puts mow to sleep that means I have no way to heal or restore flower points because Mario can't use items in scarecrow form and then he turns both Mario and mow into scarecrows again I have zero flower points so there's not much I can do but wait and hope I can get some perfect guards in but oddly bom for the most part stops using damaging moves mow gets turned back into a tadpole and he's able to use a honey syrup to end the stalemate and then he gets eaten again but bom's HP are low enough that Mario can finish him off with two more jump attacks and much like Dwayne The Rock Johnson does to every gay man after a good oiling down belom floods my basement which means I play the Midas River Course which I find quite difficult in this remake have a chat with frog fuches or in this case the Frog sage and get malow's first weapon the froggy stick this represents a huge power Spike for him as he can now do damage without using magic you know until I remove him from the party forever later sorry ba but we're not removing him yet because next we have to head into the forest to fight Boer and that means we get Gino and the power Spike of Gino is incredible he literally has no equipment on but his magic does a ton of damage and his physical attack does as much as Mario's jump attack Boer does present one small problem though and that's his static electricity attack it almost completely massacres Mario and mow and does more than half of goo's HP that means that two of them will completely wipe out my team so I burn some mushrooms and use an HP reain and then Mario goes down but he's revived he jumps and malow restores some FP before Boer blocks off items and from this point on Boer primarily uses single target attacks for some reason which is frankly just good RNG I've mentioned it before but all single target attacks can be blocked there's one exception though and that's status attacks and Boer soon puts Mario to sleep and uses a static electricity again but I heal my team block a bolt attack and continue attacking with Gino and Mario's strong attacks while using malow to heal and finally Boer blocks all three buttons signaling that it's time to use a triple attack and finish the battle a tough fight but ultimately no problem for plumber tadpull and wood I said would so I get my second star and it's time to head to the capital of Mexican Cuisine in the Mushroom Kingdom mville yum our next challenge is Croco now let me say something in my last video I talked all about the changes in this remake and I mentioned that Croco is harder to catch some commenters were very mean to [Applause] me and mentioned that he just goes in a circle but that is not what happened he literally just disappeared I went backwards and forwards and did about five laps around the place and then I went backwards again but ultimately he just kind of showed up near the bomb passage again and hung out there which is weird anyway I've done a ton of challenges for the original version of this game many of which I'll be remaking playlist Link in the desly do and I expected this battle to be awful but they've made some changes that make this battle a lot easier first of all Koco's bombs are once again blockable also the timing for blocking his Chomp attack which is now called Monster toss seems a lot more generous he does get a couple of my characters down to critical Health but because he could only attack one character at a time he never really gets the better of me he then takes my items which has me a little worried but it's ultimately no problem because in the second phase I have his block timing down so well that he doesn't do a single point of damage I was expecting to suffer during this run but maybe later but anyway that leads us first to a star which gives another level up for all three characters and we head on to the real boss of the mines punchinello punch Chelo's gimmick is that he summons bombs that will explode and do a ton of damage or they would except the new Splash damage mechanic in this remake completely changes things I get him good damage off initially before he summons bombs and then two sets of Splash damage are enough to kill all of them and to prevent me from taking even a smidgen of damage another attack ends the first phase and before even a single one can explode my characters do enough to end Phase 2 and now it's time for the big bombs which I'm quite worried about but my triple gauge is full and I use that to do a whopping 264 damage and take out punchinello in a single strike so I end this fight without a single bomb exploding you know except for the single giant bomb that covers Us in soot but hey RPGs are dirty business so we grab our third star ride a mine cart back to mville and leave without even finishing our meal we head through booster pass and booster Tower where Bowser joins the Party by the way Bowser is just as cute as the original he's emotionally vulnerable and I just want to hug him and because he's so cute I replace my tadpole with a turtle so now we have a party of Mario Bowser and Gino and Bowser when he joins is completely overtuned he has amazing defenses and offenses so he'll make the next few battles a cakewalk or a peach walk if you will I next grab the Masher before I head up the tower given that it will give Mario an enormous attack boost we have a quick Cameo from retro Mario get Bowser a new kitty and play the curtain game which we win and we get the booster charm that's quite useful because it has all Elemental damage but I forget to equip it oops anyway that's a shame because the next boss fight is with knife guy and great guy who can be quite tough but having Bowser in the party gives us a huge leg up Bowser's terrorized spell inflicts the fear status that doubles the damage they take and halves the damage they deal one thing I love about the Remake is these Nifty little indicators that show you when an enemy is afflicted with a status within a few turns though knife guy goes down and that's before he can even stack with great guy and of course great guy despite his lack of partner manages to get Mario down to critical HP but rather than heal I just go ham on him and take him out with a bunch more physical attacks fear is a hell of a drug so we climb booster Hill a really fun Recreation of the classic miname and I get seven flowers which is a pretty good performance and that means we're now on to what was the final boss of every single one of my Solo character runs the cake before challenging it though I used my frog coins to get a party bracer from tadpole Pond that will double my defenses for the entire battle and I hope that'll be enough to keep my characters from dying and get me through the second phase of the battle which is the hardest part I also play the peach mini game and I get a kiss from the daddiest of all turtles and then it's time to head to pound town with some cakes did you know that cakes have layers just like onions and ogres anyway the first phase isn't too bad the cake stays dormant while the Two Chefs attack but their attacks aren't incredibly powerful I open with my party bracer which will carry over to the next phase and my character easily destroy phase one but now it's time for phase two the ultimate run Ender the goal is to extinguish all of the cakes's candles and then deal one final attack to finish this phase I start with two attacks right away and the cake uses lullabi putting Bowser to sleep I take out another two candles and the cake uses lullabi to put Bowser to sleep again wasting its turn so I take out two more candles and it uses a weak physical attack followed by blizzard which does very little to be honest and I take out two more candles then it uses water blast and blizzard again and even though my character are all at critical Health two more attacks is enough to end a phase 2 and we're through the hardest part of the battle Mario immediately dies but after he's revived I'm able to use physical attacks and Mario's powerful jumps to do a ton of damage the cake uses Sandstorm to make my characters afraid but it never takes out more than one at a time and eventually booster devours the leftovers and we finally get Peach which means we now have my personal favorite party of Mario Peach and Gino Peach can heal extremely effectively Gino will eventually get access to goino boost which will raise attack and defense and Mario will be well he'll be jumping so we head back to the Mushroom Kingdom watch Peach turn into Mary Poppins chat with the Frog sage and get our fourth star at Star Hill after which we head to Seaside town we learn about a star and a sunken sheep and uh don't buy a boat before I leave I grab a firebomb and an ice bomb from the shop since those will make my life a lot easier later and then we finally head to the seaside this is the site of another star which Nets Us levels for everyone but Peach which is unfortunate the one problem with peach at this point is that her HP P are pitifully low so while she's in my party there's definitely a chance that a strong gust of wind could cause her to fall from the vine to mitigate that I briefly head back to Seaside town to grab the sea item which will let me immediately run from any and all battles without question and then we fight a squid and his tentacles no relation to the real tentacles I leave Peach out of this battle for the aforementioned reasons and I use Bowser Mario and Gino Gino boosts up Mario to start given that Bowser doesn't take much damage at all from the tentacles and then Bowser uses terrorize to have the incoming damage that the tacles can do they go down I rinse and repeat and now it's time to play the squid games and once again Bowser completely dominates he does a ton of damage and he takes very little too he started at a much higher level than everybody else and that's probably why I end the battle with a triple attack that shoots Stars at the squid and destroys it which means this capsized ship only has one more set of seamen for me to fight Johnny and his gang but there are a couple of things that I need to do first the first is grab the safety ring this item prevents all status effects and instant death attacks and while I would be delighted to get the safety badge a less powerful item that simply negates all status effects that would require that I fight an optional battle with another Treasure Chest monster so I move on to Johnny's Lair he has two sets of shark friends that want to fight me first and those are mandatory battles but they're dispatched pretty quickly and then the real fight begins I'm going to try to keep one of Johnny sharks alive given that that will prevent him from going into a one-on-one battle with Mario I've now replaced Bowser with peach since she gained a level and now has a much more reasonable amount of HP I start off by using a party bracer on the entire team since I got a freebie in the last battle and then I attack with Peach and Mario while I Gino boost up my other party members Splash damage has me worried as that may kill the other members of Johnny's party but I eventually thin them out to one remaining side shark and I go to town primarily with Gino and Mario's magic attacks Peach is on FP restoration Duty I go for a huge super jump with Mario but unfortunately I only hit 41 super jumps though that's still does a ton of damage another goino beam and some more Super jumps is enough to take him out and we get our fifth star but the joy of receiving is shortlived and we must experience the joy of giving because the creepy shroom people in Seaside Town steal our star from Star Hill and transform into the newly named speich as usual I start by boosting my characters and then it's time to attack like crazy spe ofit's water blast does good but not great damage against my team and it can easily be healed off by Peach's group hug and more importantly all of spear devic's single target attacks are blockable as usual he eventually splits into two and takes out Peach with a couple of spear strikes but she's quickly revived reboosted and Relentless in slapping the out of this Pokey prick he eventually splits again but before he can try to spit roast my wood Peach and plumber with his spear he goes down and now we truly have the fifth star so we release the villagers and head to our next destination Land's End and our next four mandatory fights are with some shady ants I don't don't think there's any way to avoid these but if you know of any please let me know in the comments on the first fight I burn my ice bomb and get a freebie and then I use it on the second fight as well the third ant fight is a bit harder since I now have to rely on my character's attacks to kill them I take out the first ant before any of them can attack and I boost Mario who then blocks both of their normal attacks and the second and third go down in no time at all the fourth ant battle goes as well as the third and I realized that I got really lucky none of the ants used their carneus attack which would have one-shotted my character characters of course it can now be blocked so maybe it wouldn't have but still very lucky I guess it's nice that it's not an immediate run Ender anymore but hey we'll save more about that for a future solo run I then grab the stars in Land's End getting a few levels in the process and we head into the layer of balom 2 belom 2 likes to create clones of my characters who will then attack alongside him I start the battle by boosting Peach and then belom puts Mario to sleep but now that I have the safety ring Peach is immune to status effects that means that if anyone has a bad status she can now immediately cure it while restoring their HP which she does with a group hug aren hugs great belom then clones Peach but her clone is the weakest one and it goes down to an attack from Mario we rinse and repeat with another Peach clone and more sleep spells until belom clones Gino and that clone also goes down before he can attack and he clones Peach again who goes down to a hammer strike and one more parasol smash from Peach is enough to tongue tie this delectable doggo so we head to L's end get scammed by an old lady Place Stomp the chomp and donate a key to a golden cat dog and head on to Bean Valley but on the way I farm a bunch of frog coins from the paratroop of course this way I can buy the EXP Boost from Seaside town which will allow me to give double experience to one of my characters and make them more viable for the final boss fight and the person I choose to equip it with is of course Peach she'll be able to do massive physical damage at the end of the game so Mario for now gets the safety ring and now in the land of the beans it's time to turn this big red bean into paste SMX phases 1 2 and three are no big big deal but I use these phases to goo boost my other party members and then the big guy comes out I take out his first crony and then he immediately uses petal blast to turn goo and Peach into mushrooms which is very mushing bad I heal Peach with a mid mushroom since she's near death and then I focus Mario's energy on the other crony until smilax once again gets my characters into the red but Gino Then deforms followed by Peach who group hugs and makes everything better and then I get transformed again mushroom is just the worst status in the game you recover a small amount of HP every turn but you can't do a thing but because Gino and Peach are boosted they survive smx's attacks and reverse but on Gino's next reversion he takes out SMX with a big punch and I breathe a sigh of relief I grab the seed that the shy guy drops and a head up the bean stock to Nimbus Land there I enter my Golden Era and enjoy some quality time with a big black bird and then with three big turtle Birds which is a mandatory fight and then a big pink bird o named Kathy Cathy's fight like many of the the fights in this game has been made much easier but I'll get to that in a second I start as usual by Geno boosting my party while I attack the shell four attacks bring Kathy into phase 2 which is where things get interesting in the snst version single eggs in this phase could not be blocked however if your character spent a turn to defend the eggs could be bounced back towards Cathy and subsequently destroyed blowing up and doing damage to her in the process but these eggs can now bounce off you even if you just block them which makes life a whole lot easier in addition Splash damage can destroy the eggs as well that means that you can do damage to Cathy with an attack and then make the egg explode at the same time I talk more about this battle but it frankly was so easy that it's not worth it Cathy goes down and the next fight is with Valentina before that though I stock up on some pickme ups and some cleansing juice in Rose town for this battle I put Gino front and center so that he can immediately boost himself and dodo takes him away I get smashed by a multi- strike at one point but otherwise the fight is uneventful and I hit most of my blocks that means it's time to head back to Mario and Peach the main challenge of this fight is that valentina's allp party attacks can inflict status effects and she almost immediately puts Peach to sleep but Mario with a safety ring is immune and cleanses that status with one of the cleansing juices I purchased earlier and soon after Mario's punches bring back dodo and the fight truly begins in case you don't know it's a waste of your time to attack dodo here defeating Valentina ends the entire battle so you can just go to town on her and she and dodo will leave when they expir date arrives Gino boosts Peach and then immediately gets turned into a mushroom Peach is then cured and then gets put to sleep so things are going well I guess Valentina does eventually take down Mario with the water blast but Peach now has the comeback spell and is able to bring him back to life but then dodo takes him out with his big pecs I revive him again and then Peach and Gino get mushroomed again but after curing Peach and having her cure Gino again two more attacks are enough to take down Valentina who can no longer distract me with boob Jiggles only boob circles and now it's time to go search for Star number six in the volcano before that though I grabbed the fertilizer from the watering canned Shy Guy and head back to Rosetown to grab the lazy shell times two I won't be using the armor but the weapon is arguably Mario's best I also head to monster town and grab the ghost badge this very useful accessory will have the damage a character takes from all attacks and there's one battle in particular where that will be quite important which is why I equip that on Mario now I pass off the safety ring to Gino and then I head into the volcano there are a couple of unavoidable encounters here one with this tree stump and one with the stone Turtle thing again if you know how to avoid these please let me know in the comments I need to know future tanac is here to say that I actually did figure out the tree stump thing in my Mario only run you can literally just jump right by him if you just go straight to the right but yeah look forward to more challenge runs in the future anyway they go down we buy fire equipment from the shop and we head on to fight the Zar Dragon this boss has an issue with balls and he hopes to pass that is issue on to me but this isn't my first time at the rodeo and I'm very experienced with balls anyway once again with the new mechanics this fight is now nerfed because before the balls explode on me Mario gets to act and if he does a perfect action command with his physical attacks his Splash damage will smash all of the balls immediately I said balls Again by the way anyway this battle is pretty boilerplate because of this new mechanic Geno boosts Peach heals Mario wrecks some balls and once the Zar Dragon dies zombone comes out that's right where there are balls there's a bone and zom bone doesn't have any special gimmicks in the old game he would often get two attacks in a row and just wreck but that is never the case now he gets one attack at a time period Peach now reaches level 15 we save and then we head on to the axom Rangers which actually might be challenging the way this battle works is that pink heals the enemy party green primarily casts magic and black red and yellow all deal physical damage however if two Rangers go down before red does he'll power himself up and be able ble to do gargantuan strikes against me so the first order of business is of course boost Peach so I can keep the team healthy and then Gino immediately gets taken out I make it my business to pursue black since he's typically the hardest Ranger however his bombs are now also blockable and he goes down to a few physical attacks then I throw a firebomb which takes down pink and I get one attack in on red before he Powers up now that BL is gone the enemies can still do a lot of damage but not enough to threaten me substantially however I do take down given his damage potential and then I defeat green yellow is the final frontier and he manages to kill Mario before I'm able to take him out he also takes down Gino but with one final lazy shell attack he yields to Red who starts firing the breaker beam and on the recharge turns I heal and then continue the offensive and within two turns the breaker beam and the axom ranger ship has been defeated so we're in the home stretch I grabbed Peach's frying pan from mville her most powerful weapon and then I take the bus another thing that I don't think you should by to Bowser's Castle to avoid more battles I reset every single time I encounter a battle floor and I do all of the action and quiz stages then I head on to fight the newly christened weak Koopa and this battle actually has not been made easier it's perhaps one of the only battles in the main game that's been made a little harder you see in the old game when weak Koopa summoned a bomb once it exploded he would freeze and not do anything he' just become a Sitting Duck but that is no longer the case however I don't let the bomb that he summons do any damage to me because of plumber Peach and Wood's triple move which prevents all damage from one attack so the bomb explodes does no damage and then it's business as usual weak Koopa summons a jinx clone next which I take out quickly and then he goes down soon after and we move on to Boomer and Boomer well he was frankly pitiful I'm not even going to talk about him he just dies but exor this is a fun one because we can cheese exor pretty gosh darn quickly if we kill one of the eyes exor's protection goes down and we can use goo's goino world to do 99,999 damage to the top part and I do miss it a couple of times but eventually I get it and ex or dies within a couple minutes this could also be done in the old game but I never used this exploit but apparently it's meant to be there because they kept it in and now is my time and speaking of time my next boss is a giant clock and once again this is a nerfed boss all of the boss's most powerful attacks namely the dingling Dark Star and roulette are now blockable the timing for Dark Star is pretty easy for me but the timing for roulette is basically impossible so Peach does die to a roulette which causes instant death but she's revived almost instantly the right Bell goes down the clock kills Mario and turns Peach into a mushroom and then I frantically scramble to cure status and revive Mario after a bunch of rebooting the Bell goes down to a final jump attack and all that's left is the clock face it does manage to turn Peach and Mario into mushrooms again and then kill Mario but otherwise it can't really do enough to threaten me Peach Gino and Mario now do amazing physical damage and they break the clock face so we head on to our next mandatory fight a spear ofit fight it's easy whatever and then we have to fight cloer and Domino cloer does physical attacks and is weak to Magic and Domino does magical attacks and is weak to physical attacks I go after cloer first because his physical attacks are far more powerful than Domino's magical attacks and once he dies Domino joins up with a giant snake but if you read my resume you'll know that not only do I have experience with balls but I'm also very skilled in handling snakes I focus all of my power on the snake hit it hard and there's really no trouble they only manag to get four attacks in before peach beats their face in with her cookware and we have just a few more to go next are the clerk manager and director again nerfed because their single Target bomb attacks can now be blocked which is a yay down with managers up with Karens and specifically up with Karens who eat eggs because the next boss is the guno I switch the experience booster to Gino for this fight because he's close to a level and Peach gets the good gear now the safety ring and even in this challenge run this battle hasn't really changed both the guno and the factory Chief are still susceptible to sleep that means that if I have Peach use sleepy time and then only use magic attacks to damage them I'm basically Invincible I do boost my party just to be safe before I strike the factory Chief with a lazy cell strike but I end up blocking his attack anyway so it really didn't matter I put him back to sleep and then he goes down pretty quickly once he's down I use the rest of my flower points and a maple syrup's Worth to take down the gun I do lose control a little bit and forget to refresh sleep but it can't do enough damage in one turn to threaten my team and it goes down and that means it's finally time to fight Smithy but before that my cat requests that you hit the subs gridly do button and join my Discord server where you can get immediate updates whenever I post a video or go live on YouTube actually she doesn't request it she demands it meow in the original game I've beaten Smithy with each character individually and I will link those videos in the desly do but I've never tried to beat him at this dis low a level Mario is at level 14 Gino at level 15 and Peach at level 17 and to me that's kind of crazy I take the EXP booster off of Gino and give him the defense scarf and I head on in the first phase isn't too big of a deal Gino boosts everyone up Peach heals and Mario goes to town with his lazy shell things do get a bit dicey and Mario takes an L but he soon gets back up and gets reboosted and we're on the road again Gino uses goino blast Peach gives metal onm metal action Mario uses a Coca-Cola to restore the party and their FP and everything just generally goes well and it's not too long before Smithy enters his final phase and by the way Smithy has a star piece around his neck on a necklace that's really cute I love that detail anyway we get a couple attacks in before Smithy morphs and once again I realize that smithy's single target attacks can all be blocked the bullets the instant death Magnums all of them I get about 1,500 damage in on the first form before we move to the magic form and I'm starting to see that this battle has been hella nerfed to even more than before in the original game the magic and bullet forms of Smithy would often get two attacks in a row but that literally never happens in this fight smithy's head gets an attack smithy's body gets an attack and then your party gets to attack kind of disappointing honestly my characters don't seem to be in any danger so after getting a bunch of damage in he switches to the Invincible form and I hit him with an ice bomb and then several of my rock candies I get a bunch of freebies along the way as well and I swear they've increased freebie look in this game it's so frequent now he shreds my Gino boost and then I reapply them to Peach then Mario then to Gino himself using rock candies and getting more freebies along the way he then switches back to the tank form Mario attacks twice wastes a magnum on Peach who has the safety ring and Gino blasts him disabling the body for a second time unfortunately Gino does get hit with a magnum since that attack causes instant death and goino doesn't have protection against it so he gets taken down and Smithy transitions into the treasure chest form Peach quickly revives Gino and I have Mario use a firebomb and that ends the battle after just four phases I talked a lot about changes made in this game and if you want to hear more about them watch this video right here don't buy a boat thanks for watching and goodbye
Channel: Tantacles
Views: 37,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tantacles, rpg, gaming
Id: U4srs6abnU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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