Creating a C7 for Every 5 Star in Genshin Impact

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it's showtime today I'm going to be doing some wishful thinking and doing what a Twitter user suggested to me in my DMs and making a new C7 for every single character well just the five stars because making a constellation for a 4 star is so much more difficult you actually have to consider balance and almost everyone is eventually going to get them someday whereas a C7 five star almost nobody is going to get that except unless they're really dedicated to a character or obviously whale in any case this premise is very simple so let's just get right into it starting off with kaching performing a plunging attack after recasting Stellar restoration her Elemental skill triggers a weaker copy of Star Wars sword to activate dealing 50 of the abilities original damage and this can only activate once every 10 seconds manually aiming kachang's skill and flying up in the air with it is something that can be pretty useful for exploration but in actual combat it was never really something it did unless you're trying to aim for like a ruined guard eye and really that's just kind of for style points in most situations this would also add a lot of extra power to aggravate teams due to all the extra multi-hits it would cause Chichi enemies marked by the fortune preserving Talisman will become zombified and linked to your party causing all healing done to your party to also be done as physical damage to enemies marked by the fortune preserving Talisman I have always loved the idea of zombification in video games the idea of just healing an enemy to death because they're Undead is a really cool thing and honestly thematically I obviously see the problems with it you know Chichi is herself a zombie so by that logic should she not be hurting herself with her heels but I don't care I just think this is a particularly fun idea for her to have Mona now Mona already has some constellations to try to gear her towards being a DPS so what I would like to do is lean even more into that so her C7 would read as Mona's charge attack extends the duration of The Omen debuff by 2.5 seconds up to three times for a maximum duration of 12.5 seconds additionally modus charge attacks against an enemy with the omen debuff will deal 50 increased damage and refund 25 stamina with the extra Omen duration and the refund of stamina this will hopefully allow Moana to be more of an onfield PS if you so choose to play her in that playstyle Gene Ally standing within the dandelion field created by dandelion Breeze will have their movement speed increase by 35 and an additional 5 for every two seconds they stay within the field upon leaving the field the buff lasts for 15 seconds Gene's c24 and 6 already lean towards her being a support and with her C2 already giving attack speed a movement speed I wanted to lean into that a little bit more in the movement speed Department particularly when you're using units like Sino or Razer one of their biggest drawbacks is actually just getting around the field in a timely manner that doesn't drain their stamina completely so having increased movement speed will actually help that quite a bit deluke after using Dawn Deluxe charge attack becomes a fiery tornado increasing its range by 150 and gently pulling enemies towards him during this charge attack Deluxe movement speed is increased by 35 and the interval time between each charge attack is reduced by 50 deluke has always had that A1 passive that's about as useful as swapping out Bennett for Goro in a Ryden national team pure garbage so rather than and follow the trend of the previous constellations above his normal attacks why not go a different route and do something else instead particularly one that actually utilizes the charge attack and while changes is just something entirely different because let's be honest Claymore charge attacks just kind of suck and now we're on to the limited characters which I'm a little bit more comfortable making the broken we're starting off with venti when venti fires a chart shot at wins Grand ode it pulses dealing 300 Animo damage and pulling enemies in at an even larger radius this can activate for each charge shot that comes in contact with the burst my intention with that is just to synergize with the C1 and maybe give venti's actual on field time a little bit of a purpose now my idea for Clee is not exactly what I would call revolutionary a lot of people have asked for something similar to this in the past Sparks and splash will now persist off-field and each time a character swaps out for the first time it will trigger the explosion from sparkly explosion also known as her C4 many of klee's other constellations already gear her towards being a support or at least being someone that helps her team out and isn't just a selfish DPS so I figured why not go even further and to that with her C7 and make her actually a true support and not only that but one that creates a bunch of explosions which I think Lee would love child every 7.5 seconds while in melee form child's charge attack becomes a weaker form of light of obliteration also known as his melee burst dealing 550 Hydro damage while this could potentially do a lot of damage all I think it does is make up for how horrible his C6 and C4 can be zhongli the range of stone Steel's resonance is increased by 300 percent both Stone Steels can now generate energy and can also resonate with each other but the additional benefit of construct limit increases by one as long as Zhong Li is in the party I United States construct builds are really cool and there's really not enough support of them especially not in constellations For Better or For Worse he gets a little bit of help from his C1 allowing him to get a second Stone steal but the point of this is to make that even better Albedo right of her dinosaur tectonic tide leaves three stalagmites in the ground that have similar range and properties to that of a solar isotoma the lag mites last for 10 seconds and do not count as Geo constructs I wanted to give his birth some more purpose and especially a con that actually gives some real extreme power given that a lot of his cons are just on the weaker side and yeah this would produce a lot of damage and I think that's fine gonyu every sixth ice Shard from Celestial shower will cause a frostflake arrow Bloom at its location this just makes her better at what she already does and doesn't focus on the charge shot technically since it's her burst but it is doing the charge shots damage ciao each time xiao's bane of all evil causes shout to lose HP it also increases his attack speed by 5 and normal attack damage by five percent additionally shao's normal attacks gain 0.5 percent crit rate and one percent crit damage for each one percent max HP he is missing my goal with this is to give him something to do other than plunge attack or skill spamming from his C6 I think the normal attack plays out could be fun especially because he's got pretty cool normal attacks and hopefully this would be strong enough to make it actually possible and be superior for single Target who tell hutao can no longer be healed above 50 HP and she gains bonuses for each threshold she falls under under 35 while in combat hutao's dashes cost no stamina under 20 hutau gains 250 Elemental Mastery under 10 using her Elemental burst reduces the cooldown of butterflies Embrace also known as her C6 by 20 seconds my thought process here is relatively simple let's make it not so annoying to be with healers but let's make it a little bit more rewarding if you do manage to get her even lower Eula when Eula triggers a shadow reaction the attack that caused the reaction deals triple damage and causes 8 ice shards to explode from the target each ice Shard deals 250 cryo damage enemies hit by eula's Shadow reactions have their defense reduced by 30 for 6 seconds if anyone is going to be the queen of shatter why shouldn't it be Eula the primarily physical damage dealing cryo Claymore user she's kind of perfect for it and well even though shadow is a terrible reaction with almost no redeeming qualities I think this would make it a little bit better and let's be real her burst does not need any more help so let's help the auto attacks and other things out kazua I'm gonna be honest I don't really know what to say for Kazo or what to add to him ideally I think it would be great if we could actually see outside of his Burst when we're standing inside of it but I really don't want to make these two broken that sounds a little bit too overpowered maybe when he got his infusion from his C6 maybe if his attack range got increased dramatically so it's similar to something like ayato that we could actually be I don't know a little bit more powerful on field I truly don't know it seems weird to give a unit that basically has everything already even more stuff if you have better ideas you know put them in the comments ayaka I warn you this is incredibly silly but I think it sounds really fun for six seconds after casting kamisato art sumetsu ayaka's Dash turns her into a copy of the snowflake storm created by Kami Sato artsumetsu this attack deals the same damage as the elemental burst and you're allowed to move around freely as I said incredibly really I didn't really know what else to give her and that was an idea that popped in my head I was like yes sounds fun and you know why not yoy Mia so here I looked at the C6 and I was like yeah this causes some issues with your Vape rotations and cause you to change things up a little bit and it can be a little bit random so I figured why the hell not to say to hell with Vape let's go pure pyro and honestly I think that sounds pretty on brand for you I mean though it reads as yoy Mia gains a bonus for every other pyro member in the party yeah I'm copied a little bit from Goro uh one pyro character yomiya can now trigger aurus Blaze with her own attacks and the AOE of the explosions has increased by 100 two Pirate characters auras blazes duration is increased by 10 seconds and Deals 35 increased damage three pyro characters join me as attack speed has increased by 50 and the fifth hit anyway Mia's normal attack chain will fire three kindling arrows essentially I just want your Mia to be the queen of lots of numbers and just lots of pyro Ryden Shogun the initial slash caused by secret art Musso shinsetsu leaves a rift in space for six seconds and explodes every two seconds her 500 attack damage in a large area this damage is increased by resolve Stacks based on the amount of stacks at the time of using secret Art Museum setsu just another big nuke on top of her burst what can I say kokomi clearly the theming of her constellation tree up into this point has been to increase her on-field damaging capabilities and we're going to lean into that a little bit more when he's in karange's oath a second Baka karage is summoned that follows the active character and heals with 50 Effectiveness while donning the ceremonial garment created by niri's Ascension the second karage will mimic kokomi's attacks dealing the same damage but providing no additional healing through these attacks obviously her healing does not need much help but this would provide a little bit and more importantly mobile healing that you're not tied down to one specific location on the ground you'd also have access to mobile Hydra application with the second Kroger that follows you and also just more Hydra application through applying more Auto attacks presumably this would also proc the C1 as well artaki Ito charge attacks that hit enemies during royal descent behold Ito the evil cause Ito to gain a stacking buff that increases the damage of Edo's next Elemental skill by 25 backing up to to a maximum bonus of 500 percent Additionally the explosion radius of ushi will be increased by 60 percent the goal here is very simple reward detail for landing charge attacks on enemies regardless of dealing damage so proc on Shields and take ushi from hitting like a truck to hitting like a freight train and also give him a little bit more AOE just so that that hits a little bit more things like the new key is going to become shenho perhaps something very similar to yoy Mia sheno gains a bonus for every other cryo party Member One cryo character for 10 seconds after using the held version of her skill party members will have their attack speed increase by 25 percent two cryo characters any current rate above 100 is added as crit damage when damage is calculated at a one to four ratio three cryo characters skill cooldowns of all party members are decreased by 35 percent the two cry bonus allows you to basically build a freeze team but benefit from the massive amount of crit you have even if your artifacts aren't exactly gear for it and in fact would encourage the opposite and allow you to maybe focus more on crit rate because it's going to be more valuable than crit damage having completely monocry would allowed to do even more quick swapping and also just lower the cooldown of shena's skill as well which basically the reason why you're building this party yamiko yamiko's Elemental burst no longer destroys her sesho Sakura which are the totals created by her skill and instead causes them to go into a frenzy increasing their attack speed by 100 for the remaining duration this rewards both aspects of her kit and more importantly it might actually generate quite a bit of damage by just freeing up so much field time as well as increasing the damage and Electro application of her totems themselves ayato the water illusion created by his Elemental skill will now mimic the attacks from his Elemental skill and will attack the nearest enemy to it the water illusion also inherits 100 of ayato's Max HP and will no longer detonate automatically if enemies are near it but can instead be destroyed by damage I always thought that his water illusion should do a little bit more than it currently does seeing how right now it basically does nothing although I could see the AI being a little bit dumb but you know that's just part of the game Elon death clarion's dice duration is increased by 5 Seconds the passive Talent adapt with ease is changed to this so long as Exquisite throw is in play your own active character deals one percent more damage this increases by a further seven percent damage every second the maximum increase of damage dealt is 50 and refreshing Exquisite throw before the duration ends maintains this buff at maximum strength so basically the damage bonus accrues twice as fast up from 3.5 to 7 percent and now because of the increased duration and the change to wording at the very end it can now maintain its full bonus forever as long as you keep getting your burst back dignity the buff caused by his Elemental skill will cause the next three wreath arrows to fire a second wreath Arrow all I wanted to do was make him fire even more arrows but not eat up more field time than you had to I feel like his strength is doing his DPS very quickly and then being able to swap off so I didn't really want to intrude on that in any way Sino when dashing towards an enemy during paxhorn path Cleaver Sino will go twice as far and expend no stamina dashing this way causes a dust stalker bolt to fire at up to three nearby enemies much like I mentioned with Gene earlier Sino and Razer are two units that can have problems with getting around the field especially when you have an abyss floor where enemies are rather spread out so rather than piling on even more damage although I did add a little bit of damage aspect in there I prefer to give him utility because I think it will just go further in the long run needle's Tranquility Aura now causes blooms within its range to also heal the active character for six percent of the Damage Done to enemies additionally whirling steps now also activates the little prayer effect and increases its duration by 6 seconds you obviously wouldn't want to take away the damage that blue is doing to you because that would interfere with nilu's Ascension passive but instead start healing some of the damage back in an AOE scenarios you could heal a lot and lastly nahida allies within the shrine of Maya created by illusory heart are healed based on nahida's Elemental Mastery something around about 100 em with about 500 Base Healing sounds pretty reasonable to me also enemies within the shrine of Maya are constantly marked with the seed of skanda and the maximum amount of marked enemies is increased to 12. being able to constantly Mark enemies especially ones that spawn within the range of her bursts would be a very nice utility to have with nahida I honestly don't see it being much different than C2 Zhong Li allowing you to get the effect of the shield without ever actually having to cast a skill except this would be a great help for a character like Sino who can't swap off without getting rid of his burst and that's everybody tell me what you thought of these ideas were there any that you really liked or that you would love to see honestly I don't think we're ever gonna get c7s but that doesn't mean it's not fun to think about almost as fun as becoming a member of my patreon or a YouTube member so thank you to those who do that they're the best thank you for even just watching this video and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 155,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating a C7 for Every 5 Star in Genshin Impact, Creating constellations, genshin impact, ratheil, rathiel, rath, Genshin, impact, constelations, 5 star, five stars, five star cons, cons
Id: 2xJOkBXnHVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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