HOW LONG IT TAKES TO GET MONETIZED ON YOUTUBE: The review process, Google AdSense, & more!

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hey guys what is that welcome back to my youtube channel so you may have noticed that there was an ad at the beginning of this video which means I am officially monetized on YouTube so I want to sit down with you guys and talk about exactly how it happened how long it took for me to get monetized on YouTube I'm going to be sharing my whole entire timeline with you guys as well as some things that you need to know like how you can speed up the process make it go a little bit smoother Google Adsense because obviously we just have to talk about Google Adsense and then some of the things that I was actually doing even before I got approved to make sure that my account was set up and ready to be monetized so let's just go ahead and get into it now I've watched my fair share of videos of youtubers sharing exactly how they got monetized receiving their first paycheck talking about Google Adsense and if you've watched any of them then you already know every single one of those videos talks about what it takes to get monetized on YouTube meaning the guidelines that YouTube has so in case you didn't know in case you haven't been watching those videos you actually need one thousand subscribers and four thousand watch hours within the last year to be put in review up by YouTube to get monetized so that means if you've had a YouTube channel for over 30 years and you've been generating views ever since then YouTube actually only takes into consideration the last 365 days when it comes to your watch hours not only do you need to hit those guidelines but you also need to have a Google Adsense account so if you are already a blogger and you have ads on your website you are already set up and ready to receive money on YouTube but if you don't I want to talk about that a little bit more later in this video so let's start with my timeline I created my youtube channel in October of 2017 that is when I launched my first youtube video and it was an Instagram stories tutorial on how to use stories obviously when I originally created my youtube channel the goal was to create videos that would enhance my blog post so I do own a blog call the content bug comm and if you want to check it out I share a ton additional marketing tips Instagram Pinterest SEO blogging all of that stuff is included on my website but my original goal with my youtube channel was just to create video tutorials and other things that were going to enhance my blog post once I realized that my YouTube channel could be monetized and that I could turn it into another income stream guys I will do anything to get another high-quality income stream on my list of income streams that I already have and if you guys have watched any of my money making videos you know that I preach about having a wide variety of the income stream so once I realized that I can monetize my YouTube channel I obviously it set a goal for myself to get my youtube channel monetized and I realized that I needed to hit those first 1,000 subscribers as well as the 4,000 watch hours so it ended up taking me until June 9th of 2019 to hit 1,000 subscribers here on YouTube if you are curious about how you can gain more subscribers or how I went from 0 to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube you can check out this video right here but it ended up taking me an additional 28 days to reach my 4,000 watch hours and honestly for me it kind of worked hand in hand it was like I hit 1000 subscribers and I was really close to my watch hours and I was like you know what it's gonna take two weeks it'll be a breeze well and then I'm taking me almost three weeks and that's totally ok totally fine but for me it almost worked hand in hand it was like the more subscribers I got the more watch hours I got so I was put in a review up by YouTube on June 29th because I had hit those two guidelines now I had done my research and I have seen a lot of people that have gotten approved within a week have gotten approved within two days and I was like sweet I'm gonna get my first YouTube paycheck so quick I actually put it on my YouTube video calendar and I was like this is going to my video when I get my first YouTube paycheck which is funny because that is the exact date that this video is coming out so if you believe in manifestation manifestation at its finest now I do not obviously have my first YouTube paycheck but I am officially monetized on YouTube and it ended up taking me 20 days who it was from june twenty ninth twenty nineteen and till July 18th 2019 and last night at five pm I did end up receiving an email from YouTube that let me know that I was approved so in case you are curious at the point of me actually being monetized on YouTube I had 1389 subscribers and within the last 365 days the last year I had two hundred seventy seven thousand watch of minutes which equates to four thousand six hundred watch hours so I was a little bit above the guideline that I had to in order to be monetized on YouTube so obviously it took me a year and a half from the start of my YouTube channel to being monetized on it YouTube and I know that that isn't a very very fast timeline but I think it is a realistic timeline if you are one of those people that is starting YouTube to make money it can take a while it can take months it can take years and if you are truly passionate about it then it will be worth it but if you are not passionate about YouTube you're just going at it to make money it may not end up working out for you guys so one thing that really helped me out in order to be monetized a little bit faster is that I was actually already a member of Google Adsense I was already approved I had ads on my website so that was already set up and done for me now when I have watched a couple of these videos in the past I realized that some youtubers wait to get approved to be monetized on YouTube and then they apply for google adsense and to me that just slows down the process and that doesn't make any sense you can actually apply for google adsense before you get approved on youtube so as you can see in this screenshot right here my google adsense and everything was set up I was just waiting to hit my numbers so that it could be put under review so I would get that done as soon as possible because in order to get approved for google adsense you need to verify that you are a real person so once you apply they are going to actually send something to your house and that is typically the piece of paper that everyone holds up in there my first Youtube paycheck video that is actually just a verification code that they mailed to your house to make sure that you are a legitimate person so once you get that in the mail then you have to type that into Google Adsense then they have to check your bank information so they need to make sure that your bank account is actually your bank account I'm telling you that they run a pretty tight ship but it's good so they're gonna ask you to give them your bank account information which is where they are going to directly deposit all of your income into your bank account so once you type in that information they're gonna put pennies like five cents 13 cents into your bank account and you need to verify your account by then going back to Google Adsense and typing in that money and making sure that it matches up then you need to also enter your tax information so if you are under 18 there are different guidelines that you need to follow but if you are over 18 you just need to enter your information and you should be good to go with Google Adsense but since there is that whole process getting a proof for Google Adsense can take a couple of weeks now I did it in 2017 so I honestly don't remember how long it took me I think it took me maybe three weeks maybe four weeks it took a decent amount of time for me to actually get the little piece of paper in the mail but I'm not sure if the process has sped up a little bit since then I just know that the process is still the exact same so you can speed up the process a little bit by already applying to Google Adsense and getting that out of the way but besides that you need to hit those subscribers and you need to hit those watch hours so when it comes to your subscribers you want to make sure that you are encouraging people to subscribe to your YouTube channel if you are really struggling to get subscribers and you look at your analytics and you see that a lot of people watching your videos aren't subscribers you need to encourage them to subscribe to your channel so if you are not subscribed to my channel yet hey guys subscribe to my channel down below and make sure you like this video while you were down there because it really does help to support me so make sure that you are encouraging people to subscribe to your channel as well as watch your videos the whole way through now along with this you want to make sure that your videos are long enough so that you can hit that watch time faster if you are creating 3 minute long videos it is going to take you a long long time to hit those 4,000 watch hours guys those are hours not minutes so one of the things that I started doing I started creating longer videos and there were a couple of reasons to this but the one reason was that the longer the videos I ended up getting more watch minutes which ended up turning into more watch hours so try to shoot for 10 minutes or longer in videos and I'll explain why in a little bit now while I was waiting for my youtube channel to be monetized it's not like I was sitting around just twiddling my thumbs there were some things that I was doing behind the scenes to make sure that my account was set up for success and the very first thing was setting my monetization settings so if you do not have your monetization settings already set up I would go ahead and do this now so that once you are approved it's done for you and YouTube puts ads on your videos since you get to decide if you want ads placed at the beginning of your video during the middle of your video or at the end of your video or maybe even all three you get to select that you also get to decide what kind of ads you want to appear in your videos so if you only want small overlay ones to appear at the very bottom of your videos you can select only those ads but my thing is you're not going to be making as much money if you only select one option when it comes to the ads so for me I selected three different options the options that I see the most when it comes to the other Creators that I watch for some reason I don't see a lot of creators using the ones that appear in the side here I don't even know if I've ever seen those before so I personally did not select that that was my own choice the next thing I did I started creating longer videos that I don't even know if you guys noticed this but I tried to make all of my videos ten minutes or longer and there were a few reasons for this but one of the reasons was that videos longer than 10 minutes tend to make more money because they can have ads that are in the middle of the video so if you have a video that's only 9 minutes and 50 seconds you're not allowed to have ads included in the middle of your video which means that you may only have one ad on that video the one at the very beginning and that's not going to make you as much money as a video that includes more ads so I started creating videos that were longer than 10 minutes so that once I was monetized I could put more ads on those videos I'm just being honest with you guys but there were a few other reasons as to why I created longer videos as well like I already said the longer your video probably the faster you're going to hit your watch hours so if you think about it you need 4,000 watch hours to be under review by YouTube that equates to 240,000 watch minutes 240,000 minutes guys that is a long time but if you are creating ten minute videos and let's say that people are watching your videos the whole entire way through which is impossible not everyone is going to watch your video the whole way through but if they did that would mean that you would only need 24,000 views now that is still a ton of views and if you think about it a lot of people are going to drop off in your video before even halfway through before hitting that five-minute mark so you're actually going to need a lot more views but let's say if people were watching your video with the whole entire way through and you create a 10-minute long videos you would only need a twenty four thousand views compared to if you're creating videos there are only three minutes long you are going to need eighty thousand views eighty thousand views compared to 24 thousand views there was a big difference there so by creating longer videos you're more likely to hit your watch hours a bit faster and one of the other reasons why I decided to create longer videos was that YouTube favors them honestly YouTube likes videos that are longer they are promoting more 1 hour long videos because YouTube is becoming a platform that is taking over TV instead of people watching TV they're watching YouTube videos and if that's what people are liking YouTube's going to try to keep them on there for longer and just like I mentioned 10 minute long videos can have more ads on them which is making more money for you which is making more money for YouTube and the more money YouTube is making the better in their eyes so obviously they're going to promote videos that are going to make them more money so I hope this was eye-opening and helpful for you guys it did take me a year and a half to get monetized on YouTube once I was under the review process it took me 20 days but there were some things that I did behind the scenes to make that process go smoothly as well as set my account up for success to make sure that I was making as much money as I possibly could right from the start so I hope you guys like this video and found it helpful if you did please give it a thumbs up and make sure that you subscribe to my channel down below and if there are any other YouTube related videos that you would like to see here on my channel please just let me know I will of course let you guys know when I received my first paycheck from YouTube and how that all works but that is it for me bye guys [Music]
Channel: Cathrin Manning
Views: 1,538,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thecontentbug, monetization still under review, youtube monetization, get monetized on youtube, how long it takes to get monetized on youtube, the review process for youtube monetization, youtube monetization 2019, youtube monetization explained, why is my youtube channel still under review for monetization, get ads on your videos, google adsense, get monetized faster, officially monetized on youtube, youtube channel approved for ads, make money from my youtube videos, youtube
Id: _eg3-6rM89Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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