HOW TO EDIT VIDEOS FOR YOUTUBE // Beginner's guide to iMovie & my updated video editing process

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hello guys let me fix that are we straight it looks straighter hello guys what is up welcome back to my channel today's video we're really going back to some old school the content bug slash catherine videos where i'm not going to jump around as much i'm not going to be doing as many like b-roll shots and making this as high production as i usually do instead i'm just going to be bringing you guys behind the scenes we're going back to the basics i shared that actually in my last video if you guys watched that last week i am getting back to the basics today's video is going to be another episode in how the content bug does it and i'm sharing exactly how i edit my youtube videos going through the step-by-step process exactly what i do and one of the questions that i get asked the most is how i create my overlays and i do stuff like that within imovie so i guess that's the first thing i should talk about i do use imovie to edit all of my youtube videos so if you think that imovie is too basic and that you need final cut pro to get started on youtube guys if you watch my youtube videos there is so so much that you can do with imovie and i really just recommend that you get canva it's a free website i use it to design all of my overlays and features and things that i include within my youtube videos now i will say that i did pay so i think i paid 12 a month to get the more advanced version of canva that way i can download images that have transparent background so the video that we are going to be editing is actually the vlog that went live before this video so i do upload every tuesday and every friday if you are new to my channel my videos on tuesdays are more focused on youtube tips they're definitely more highly produced compared to my vlogs that i upload on friday they're still related to youtube it's more so behind the scenes business of youtube my life what i do as like my job all of that stuff so the video that we are going to be editing is more so just like a productive work day at home since most of us are quarantined in our homes i wanted to show you guys what a workday looks like for me how i stay productive and just some tips for working from home so this video as of right now right here you can see it is currently 58 minutes long and obviously i have never uploaded a video that is that long on my youtube channel i've got a lot of editing to do to cut this down to about a 10 to 15 minute video if it's more so 15 to 20 minutes i'm okay with that but still that's 30 minutes of footage that i have to cut down so really there's a lot that i have to go through and you can see all of the clips down here i've got a lot of them honestly so these little sections of me talking i already did some of the basic cut-throughs for this video but i didn't go that far into it because i wanted to film this video for you guys so some of this doesn't even make sense in order because i was filming some clips for this video i was filming some clips for the video before so my video about how to start a youtube channel i was doing that on this day as well so some of these clips may not even make any sense and may not even be in the final video but i just wanted to upload everything that i filmed on that day into this one project on imovie and then i'm gonna go through it and figure out what i actually want the first thing that we are going to do is i am going to go through and i am going to do the simple cuts of the youtube video now if you are brand new to youtube my basic tip that i would give to you guys is take a look at your favorite creators and figure out what they are doing within their youtube videos one thing that i absolutely love is when people cut out their breaths or they make the video a little bit fast-paced and i get comments all the time saying that i talk too much and my videos are too fast-paced but honestly guys that's the videos that i like to watch and those are the videos that i like to create so one of the things that i do is obviously this video i already have all of the as you could say like initial footage shot i already have all of the vocals what do i want to say more so narrative there you go i've got the narrative already shot for this video so i guess you call that my a roll so i just need to go through and make sure that it makes sense that everything flows together like when i'm going from one scene to the next scene does it actually make sense if it doesn't i'm gonna jot down some notes and figure out what i could add to make it a little bit better whether that be an overlay or an extra scene which this is a vlog so creating an extra scene it's kind of like lying because then that wasn't actually filmed on that day and i don't love doing that but for other videos it makes a lot of sense the other thing that i'm going to do when i'm going through this is i'm going to cut out my breaths like i said i do not like long breaks or when i'm thinking or trying to figure out what i'm going to say next i do not like to include those within my videos one thing that i absolutely love about my macbook pro that i have right here is within imovie they have got a split clip button on the cool toolbar i'll show you guys in the overlay they've got a little split clip button and it's my favorite thing honestly i thought once i got this computer i was still going to do all of my editing on my big mac but i've been doing a lot of editing on my macbook pro just because i love the one click and then it splits it but you do not have that option let me find i'm gonna go like the whole way over here so this little slider over here i actually shared this in my other video how i edit youtube videos which probably gives you more basic tips so if you guys want to check that out i will include it right here for you guys but this little slider basically it condenses everything or it expands it so it either gives you less detail or more detail so when i'm pulling this out it's just giving me more detail and what i can tell right here actually that's not a good thought um let me scroll over a little bit and see if there's a spot where i can tell i'm breathing so right here if you look down here this is actually the guys i'm not like super technical with it what is this this is like the audio level i think that sounds good enough that might actually be right this is the audio level so i can tell when i'm talking when it goes kind of up and down that's when i'm talking compared to when there's nothing i'm not talking i'm breathing and that's something that i do not want in my video so i'm just going to click on this right here you can right click you can click split clip or it actually shows you the little keyboard trick shortcut that you can use uh which is what i usually do when i am on my big mac right here but that basically just gets rid of the extra breathing that i do not like within my youtube videos so i am going to do that the whole way throughout this video and i just know that there is going to be a lot a lot of it and hopefully i can get this footage down so let me do that i'm going to honestly spend oh one thing i want to do within this youtube video is figure out exactly how long it takes me to edit a youtube video so right now it's 9 39 a.m so i'm going to track exactly how long it takes me to do all of the little things within my youtube videos [Music] okay so it is 10 55. i am marking down all of my times so it took me over an hour and about 15 minutes to do just all of the rough cuts and at this point i have got a video that's 22 minutes long so this is a longer vlog for me and i'm not sure actually this is not manual focus was i in focus i don't even know ah i'm not sure if i'm going to keep this being this long i'm more so okay with my vlogs being longer i don't mind that as much all i did i did the rough cuts of the video let me start a screen recording so you guys can see what i'm talking about here that would make sense catherine get it together okay so these right here are all of the scenes that i have all the rough cuts and it looks like a lot i'm not going to lie and one of the comments i ended up getting in my video i don't even remember when i uploaded it i feel like it had to be like october maybe sharing some editing tips and how i edit my youtube videos one of the comments i got is it's a lot to cut out all your breaths and yes it is it truly is but i just like the way that my videos are when i do that what i'm going to do i'm going to start from the very beginning and i'm going to watch the video the whole way through figure out what i want to add and as i come up with the overlays that i want to include i'm going to add them within my video and the very first thing my external hard drive that i have right here again i showed this in my video of me getting my macbook but i have a folder on this which i will share with you guys that is just called youtube assets and within that folder i have a few different overlays that i've designed i have the music that i've downloaded from epidemic so i actually have just a folder in here of epidemic music and sound effects that i've gotten from them uh but i do have this screen recording and this one so one has a dot one doesn't have a dot and i want to drag and drop this because whenever i do like an intro scene i want to have this recording that you see right here you guys have seen that in several of my videos in the past what i do i will actually let me expand this a little bit so i will have the one with the dot be at point six the one without the dot be at point four and i've actually had people tell me that there's an easier way to do this and i believe you i'm sure there is but within imovie if you want to have something that seems a bit animated so let me play this for you guys so you see that just like a little dot it's so simple but if you want to have something animated what i've learned is that you just need to have different screens or different images over it and alternate or make it moving and that's how you make it moving but let me go through the video and as i come up with new things that i do i want to share with you guys exactly how i do that i noticed that i was doing something and i figured i should share it with you guys so let me start my screen recording yet again one little trick that i have for you guys if you are doing time lapses one do not abuse the use of time lapses if you have way too many in your video it's just going to be so boring but two whenever i do a time lapse i will either do a small zoom in or a small zoom out but i have this clip and it is a time lapse for 12 seconds i don't want just the scene to be as is i want to add a little bit of movement by zooming in in the editing process so i went up here to this little crap icon i clicked on ken burns and currently what i'm doing is i'm making it such a small little fade i don't want it to be too dramatic because i don't want it to be that noticeable it just adds a little something extra and it's honestly it's not much at all but i really really do love the way that this looks these are my blue light glasses by the way i will link them in the description bar down below i just got them i have this pair and i also have this pair when it comes to editing my youtube videos but this has like an insane reflection so anyways you guys didn't care about that so i am at a point where i want to create an overlay or i want to include something within this video so at this one point i am actually talking about how i have an at-home gym and how i've been using my at-home gym and i just filmed an igtv house tour for my igtv so if you guys do not follow me on instagram i am trying to upload one ig tv every week or every other week so you're basically getting one bonus video a week compared to youtube so make sure you guys follow me on instagram but i filmed a house tour which includes scenes of my gym that i want to then incorporate over this video because i think it's going to enhance it so what i'm going to do i'm going to go back to projects click on house tour okay let's find the gym spot so these two clubs right that's not my gem okay so these two clips are of my at-home gym i'm just going to copy it go to work at home okay so we do have an at-home gym so i'm gonna copy those and i actually need to flip the footage okay and i just i'm so used to doing this guys i'm so sorry i just like quickly did that so let me flip this back so the video right now is obviously on its side so what i did i went to this crop section and i'm going to flip it upright the second thing i'm going to do is since i have this video on top of this one and i can actually pull this up to show you a little bit better i've got this video on top of this one i want you to see both videos at the same time so what i'm going to do i'm going to select this top video i'm going to go over here this option and right now it's at cutaway i'm going to actually select picture in picture i'm going to drag this so it's bigger but i'm going to put this over here on the left hand side but then that is going to appear over there at the side so one thing i want to do i want to separate it a little bit from the actual video so i'm going to click on this and it's just going to create an outline it's currently selected at black i'm good with that and one of my favorite favorite tricks that i've actually shared this in another video before but i am just going to copy this and since i want this one to be set up the exact same way everything i want copied so i want the way it's cropped meaning the way it is flipped as well as the video overlay settings so the settings on this one clip are selected i'm clicking on this video i'm gonna go up top to edit paste all and over here on the right hand side you can see the keyboard shortcuts which is what i usually do but i'm just going to click paste all and then what's going to happen when i play this that's just going to be the exact same so it's going to appear in the exact same spot it's going to be flipped the right way and it's going to look perfect and it's going to be seamless from one video right into the next and it is seriously the best tip that i have for you guys if you are doing crop like a zoom in and you want it to be the same for a couple of different clips that you have within your video you can do the exact same thing for that or if you're doing color correction game changer guys was my hair like that the whole time oh what is that what's happening here so far i've shared two different types of overlays with you guys the very first one is just my recording screen it's something that i have saved on my hard drive like i showed you the second one is including a video over a video but one of the things that i get asked a lot is how i create my other screens so what i want to show you is exactly how i do that i'm at the point where i'm sharing the very first tip within this youtube video which is to go and work out so i am going to go to canva of course my favorite i actually already have this pulled up so let me show you guys what i have going on here i'm going to zoom out a little bit i have one file which these look like they have nothing if i actually add a background you can see it actually has something there so all of these have white text over them you just can't see them at this point in time but all of these are different overlay screens that i have used in the past or i plan to use again in the future so i'm going to use page 22 and page 23 and i'm just going to tweak the text i'm going to change this to move your body and then this one and you may be wondering what's the difference in these two i feel like it's pretty easy to see even just right here one is smaller one is bigger so one thing i like to do when i'm creating my overlay screens i like them to have some kind of movement within them so for this one it starts out small it's gonna pop big and then it's gonna go small again and i honestly i just like the look of it so create some templates that you can use over and over and over again there are definitely times when i design new overlays and it's a bit more work for me but you guys know like my branding is set up in a certain way so that you guys recognize things you know i want my videos to be familiar for you guys so whenever i have like an overlay like that i want it to be familiar so what i do i create these templates as i'm going along things that i can use over and over and over again and then it makes my editing process so so much faster another overlay example that i have for you guys is when i include let me actually just jump to the screen right now so you guys can see exactly what i am talking about i designed a little graphic that looks kind of like film but honestly does not look like film at all you know like i designed it myself and i wanted it to have that look and feel but i didn't want it to be 100 filmy and i want to show you guys how i create that as well as how i flip the overlay because this isn't an overlay that goes over top of my videos actually my video has to go over top of this overlay so what i'm doing right here i'm responding to email so i'm gonna go back to this if i scroll down far enough i've got this overlay already created this is what it looks like so it has my typical marble background which you can barely see it's just a white block and then these are little bits of text guys that's honestly what it is it's so so simple but one thing you may not notice is that i change the numbers and the words that are included on this and it's a little sneaky but it's kind of for me so i have to zoom in really close because this number up here i actually make it the day that i recorded the video so that's 26 and then down here there's actually three i changed this based off of the months so i know 3 26 this was filmed on march 26 and then up top here it always says 2020 or at least this year it's gonna say 2020 and then if i keep this going for 2021 i'll change it up here i have what i'm actually doing so i'm just gonna put emails and then that is the overlay screen and so far oh i just like hit myself so far none of the downloads that i have done have needed a transparent background so from what you guys have seen all that stuff you can create for free on canva actually that's not true my recording screen that i designed that is using a transparent background but everything that i've actually showed you me designing you do not need an advanced version of canva you can get the free version okay so we're going to drag and drop this and that's what it looks like now i have all of these that i have fast forward so i made them into a time lapse that i actually want to drag on top of this so i'm going to bring it out i'm going to pull these up top here i'm going to adjust this because we only need it to that spot now obviously when i put this over this you can now not see the thing that i designed so what i have to do i'm going to select the first one i'm going to go to this overlay settings again we don't want it cut away we want picture and picture guys i'm telling you you can do so many things with imovie perfect i want it just like that i do not want to dissolve again so i'm going to make that zero seconds and then it's immediately gonna pop up so i'm going to select this and again i'm going to select all of these edit paste adjustments we want video overlay settings even though it could be all of them and now the way it looks it's going to jump and it's going to look like that so clever but so so simple honestly so now what i'm going to do for the rest of the afternoon honestly this is going to be a multiple day editing thing and i knew it was going to be i actually spend two or three days on most of my youtube videos if i focused and i just worked on only this today i know that i could get it done but there are other things that i want to get done today so i still am tracking my time but currently i'm actually only 11 36 into this video so i'm about halfway through all the footage and i need to go through and complete all the overlays doing exactly what i already showed you guys with the different types of overlays that i like to create and yeah just work my way through the video and then i will see you guys back here probably tomorrow with like adding music doing color correction and other things that need to get done for this video so i will see you guys back here in like a second year time okay guys hello welcome back it is day two of editing and honestly i think i'm gonna wrap up this video in the next hour two at least editing wise and then actually scheduling it it's gonna take me a little bit longer but yesterday i calculated exactly how much time i spent on everything so doing the initial rough cuts actually i did some of that before i even started this video so i'm gonna bump this time up a little bit yesterday i worked an hour and 16 minutes on those rough cuts but i'm guessing i spent at least an additional half hour on that another day so i'm gonna say like an hour 45 i spent on the rough cuts and then doing overlays crop ins like speeding things up doing those zoom fades in whenever i'm doing time lapses all of that stuff there's a decent amount of work with my second round of editing that ended up taking me three hours so so far i'm going on about five hours of editing this youtube video and i would say that this is more of a basic youtube video for me because it is a vlog i don't have as many overlays that i don't really have to think about my shots as much it's just kind of whatever i got that day i edit it down to make sense and make it a good video the next thing that i'm going to do in my editing process i am going to watch this the whole way through again and as i'm doing that i'm gonna do some color correction now i used to do more advanced color correction before i figured out the settings on my camera that i actually like now that i really like the settings on my camera i do very very minimal color correction and most of the videos you guys see now i do not actually do any color correction it's just the quality of the image that comes from my camera since i have so many different shots in this video i'm going to guess that when i'm jumping scenes either the lighting is going to change so maybe like the contrast is a little bit off or like there's too many shadows compared to highlights and i just kind of need to look that over and make some tweaks so let me actually find a spot where i can share an example with you guys of what is going on okay so this spot right here actually you can see so this clip then going to this clip this one that i'm currently on right now it has a lot more color more saturation so what i might end up doing is this scene bumping up the saturation actually now that i'm just looking at it i feel like it could definitely use some help but then we go here and then from this clip we drop down and if this is a really really dark clip so one thing that i'm going to do i'm going to take this one i'm going to click on this little painters palette up here if you drag this this is just going to increase the exposure now i do not want the exposure to be too high because i don't want it to look blown out and i don't want it to be like the highlights are really popping and in your face so one thing that i like to do i like to take the mid tones right in the center here and i will drag them up to a point where i like it so now i think that flows i could still make it a little bit brighter but i think that flows a little bit better so we can actually see this is the before that's the after it definitely did make a difference in terms of the brightness and what i'm going to do i'm going to copy that one clip i'm going to highlight all of these because i know they're in the same scene we're going to paste color correction and now all of these will be at the same so what i'm going to do i'm actually going to start at the beginning i'm going to watch this video the whole way through whenever i notice that either it needs a bit more saturation or a change in like the lightness or darkness of the clip or even when i'm switching scenes if there is too much of a change there i'm gonna go in and i'm just gonna make this simple color corrections that i just showed you i'm telling you i do very minimal stuff with an imovie and i really do think it comes down to the settings on your camera okay so right now it is oh my gosh it's so funny i started yesterday at 9 39 today i'm starting at 9 42. let's do this [Music] and just like that we're done so honestly color correction it is 9 57 now so that took me 15 minutes that's not bad at all the next thing that i have to do and really kind of the last thing i have to do before i watch it through one more time i'm gonna go to epidemic sound and i'm gonna pick the music for the video my intros and my outros always have the same song every single time so i already have that added to the beginning and i already actually have it added to my bloopers as well but now i need to find the music that i want throughout the video so i kind of have to figure out what are the clips because i know there are certain scenes where i just have a little bit of b-roll and i want the music to be a little bit louder and then there's a lot of just like background noise because there's a lot of me talking so i kind of need to figure out the mood that i want for this video in terms of the music and then i'm gonna go to epidemic sound find some music and add it to the video as a little tip for you guys when you are adding music you can add your music in two different spots within imovie i have this bottom section down here and actually if i scroll over i do have a song over here in this bottom section one of the main reasons why i use that section is for background music it's really nice because then the audio actually doesn't attach to your videos a meaning that it no matter if you do extra crops or anything within your video like if you remove a whole clip that audio is still going to be there it's not like it's going to jump and move around but there are certain points where i do not want the music to move around no matter what like when i am having b-roll and there's no sound and i want the audio to be a little bit louder that is when i move the music up here and this is actually going to attach to this video so if there's any changes to this video or any changes made to the ones in between of where i'm actually going to have this be playing a little bit louder that is when like it's not going to move if that makes any sense like this is going to attach this clip and it's actually going to stay there and i want that for this specific part because right here you can see there's no audio in these clips so i'm going to want this raised a little bit louder and actually what i'm going to do i'm going to end up cropping split clipping this and i'm going to raise this a little bit louder so let's say to like 11 right now i'm gonna have to see what it sounds like and then this is actually going to attach to this clip and it's not going to move no matter what compared to if i actually had it in this bottom section down here and then i ended up deciding that i wanted to change the clips in the future it could get moved around and then it's just more work that i have to do now one of the reasons why i save adding music until the end is because i'm at the point where i already like the flow of this video i already cut out everything i wanted to cut out so i know for sure like i'm gonna do one more run through after the music is added but i know that i already like everything in this video compared to if i added music a little bit too early i would end up wasting a lot of time because then i would have to change where the music gets louder where it gets quieter and it's just background noise and it's just more of a pain in the butt so i save adding music for the very very last step in my editing process it is now 10 41 so i spent exactly 59 minutes this morning working on this youtube video is that crooked i think it's straight so a total i ended up spending about six hours working on this youtube video just editing it and there's definitely more work that needs to be done in terms of creating the thumbnail coming up with the title the tags the description all of that stuff adding ads i mean it is a lot to upload a youtube video but i just wanted to bring you guys behind the scenes my step-by-step process when it comes to editing my youtube video it is currently exporting and i'm gonna do the following steps that i just explained to you guys so if there's any other videos that you want to see on my channel i'm thinking about doing an updated video about how i edit my thumbnails and i can of course do ones on how i write my description or how i come up with my tags and really optimize my videos i feel like it's been a while since i've talked about that so if you guys want to see a video on that please let me know in the description or not in the description bar please let me know in the comment section down below and i will see you guys back here on tuesday with another video and on friday with a vlog if you guys want to watch the video that i did edit i will also include that in the description bar down below so you guys can watch that and see what my editing style is like but yeah that's it hope you guys liked it i'm out of here i guess we're in the house and i'm in the house board i want to show you you guys what did i just say i don't like that oh oh that's not good that sounded like complete gibberish they're like oh she did say she liked this guy are you oh you're in i don't know i just needed the wrong time lapse of me like doing this it actually shouldn't be realized like it didn't confuse me that you were over there [Music]
Channel: Cathrin Manning
Views: 250,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit videos for youtube, beginner's guide to imovie, video editing process 2020, how to edit videos in 2020, edit videos for youtube using imovie, how I edit my youtube videos, imovie tips, edit videos like a pro, how to edit videos on imovie, best video editing software free, how to edit youtube videos on imovie, how to edit youtube videos like a pro, imovie editing, how to edit on imovie, editing videos for youtube, imovie tutorial, how to edit youtube videos, imovie
Id: joz5TlXzFSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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