How Long Can I Secretly Live Under a Base After I Sell It?

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dude I can't believe I got an interview at creeper core this is the biggest upcoming company in the village just remember though man anything can happen in Minecraft all right wish me luck hello sir how are you pretty good you must be here for the job interview today are you ready to get started I'm ready what's the interview involved first things first we're going to test your survival skills we're going to send you out to the woods with only a wooden sword and you have to come back tomorrow oh man I knew this interview was going to be tough right out the gate but not this hard so I stayed in the wilderness during the night and managed to survive oh you return well I barely made it but I survived through the night impressive but now I need to see your building skills so go out there and flip a house for me you want me to flip an entire base go now all right Isaac well this looks like the base we're going to be flipping today yep I'm going to work on the outside Zach you go ahead and look at the inside of the base I haven't even went in yet but this outside needs cleaned up all right we have about 2 days here guys to flip this base it's a multi-tier disaster is what I like to call it you've got random blocks here the doors aren't even set up right an unfinished balcony here it's literally one of the ugliest things I've seen I'm sorry to whoever built this on our server but this thing needs pretty much all of it destroyed I wonder if there was any items left in the base actually I kind of want to go check inside really quick if they left some diamonds or something I would definitely make a diamond tool oh there is one okay so we can make a diamond shovel out of this from whatever the previous owners left here oh there's a little lava station oh this base has got it all guys and there's another secret room back here what is that Isaac I just broke the wall and look what I found what in the world is that it's a 2x2 hole we have to go down there right I want to see right now well let's save it we's save it let's save it we got to get a water bucket or something to go down we got to get the rest of this base looking right before we go down there I agree this is genuinely the most confusing base I've ever stepped foot in in my entire life dude come look at the patio out here what what did they even do with this little staircase it didn't even make this even at all like nothing about that is even I'm glad you're working on this I I'm going to keep thinking cuz I'm literally actually struggling okay you got this now it's also annoying this guy built the entire thing out of stone brick slabs it's requiring twice as much effort to place down all the blocks and one thing I forgot to mention to you guys is that we have $0 right now on this flip so we've got to actually make money in order to be able to pull this off or reuse the products that are here but I think I could use what's already here in this staircase flatten this out and also collect some of these blocks see that that's already substantially better I mean they say to make money you're supposed to buy the worst house in a nice neighborhood and this is definitely the worst house all right and now that we got all the path blocks torn out right here we'll go ahead and replace just a little bit of this with dirt just to kind of even out the terrain there's a lot of random junk in this chest and I don't really understand why it's here so get rid of all of that potentially we'll sell uh the obsidian we'll sell some of that just get rid of all the junk we don't need because this gave us $14 now hey $1,000 just like that from selling random junk we don't need inside of this guy's house so we have a five wide on the stone floor over here but then if we come to the right it's only three wide now that is an issue basically CU we don't really have room to keep expanding this out so I think what we're going to do is make it four on each side so we'll bring that wall in one and then we'll bring the floor out one over here hello okay so if you if you come out here Zack on the patio the door to this place is randomly on the left and I think we should move it to the center if we move it to the center we can make the whole patio symmetrical out here let me see what I can do let me see what I can do let's get that you're right we got to do a big construction project here to clean that up yeah I think it's just a I just muted a mid sentence don't even care uh he's right this is a major issue and then then you're going to have this like weird hallway here and really you can get rid of these pillars uh well at least that pillar and then open this up and it turns into a slightly larger room which is kind of cool we planned a classic strategy of going from the bottom to the top so that meant the very first upgrades we're going to be leveling the floor and fixing the entrances there we go that is about as even as you're going to get after clearing stuff on the outside and fixing the entrance we started cleaning up some of the smaller things like making a small area for furnaces outlining the base and even arranging storage barrels this is actually really tough but we're we're cleaning it up for sure a lot of work to be done yeah I'm going to open this up let's turn this into a giant Florida ceiling window right here all right put some glass if you actually come out here Zack look you can make it symmetrical to the other side which already has that oh okay let me do a little something Lord knows why these stone bricks are here I'm going to tear these out lots of questions on this base as I said most difficult base we've ever had to flip hands down unquestionably the worst one we've ever seen oh gosh we're getting attacked by a zombie with a sword he's going to kill me Zack I need help oh he's not listening oh gosh why is he not helping he's completely oblivious to the zombie invasion right here oh man look how fast he is oh we got him did he drop the sword at least he didn't even drop the sword we can take out the big dog all right we survived the Knight right there the zombies almost got us we need to get some more torches around this base now we don't have any money if you look on the right side it says our money is zero but there is a little farm right here and I think it looks like it's automatic so maybe if we figure out how to operate this thing we can actually harvest the crops and then we can sell all these and make some money before lover fella notices that we stole all the crops oh look at that it's an auto water farm right there it harvested all the crops for you and they come down into here look at look at that the chest is filling up so now that we've kind of cleared this room out we do have two crafting tables I like putting one crafting table right here that way it's a little bit more usable I think a blast furnace would look kind of cool here with a regular furnace indented there all right so if we click to sell we can sell this wheat and all of our carrots right here and we got up to $913 so we almost made our first ,000 that's going to be big we're not going to spend it yet once you get back in here it's just a dungeon like like what is back what is this what's back here this the whole entire cave bro got a cave in his base I like finding uh exciting little uses and areas you wouldn't actually expect there to be uses so now we can expand this floor out with some extra blocks use one of our backup doors and this kind of leads you into what I have no idea oh see another secret room guys we connecting it all that's what I like to see one Center door right there we've got a double door right here this opens you up into whatever this new cave is and we've literally expanded the usability of this room by about 15 fold um I'm thinking down here in the front though we want to make this into kind of a garden area and then we'll path block up the middle um right here to kind of lead into the staircase with with flowers on the left and right Isaac how's your base looking out there how's the outside flip looking why don't you come out here and check it out okay okay I mean I mean I'm not going to lie to you it's hideous still uh oh it's it's definitely still hideous we're kind of limited on blocks though cuz we're just getting started I know I got $913 Z up and harvesting the crops up here to the left there's an automatic farm right here oh you've been selling this Farm okay yeah but it's actually really weird look how it works so actually I don't really want to pull it but uh the collection system doesn't work at all anything in the middle doesn't get hopper in oh man this is my favorite base I've ever flipped it nothing makes sense in any way shape or form it is just incredible we're going to add Isaac some outdoor torches now take a look at this oh putting down some little T simple but effective after returning to the interior to do a bit of work there I soon decided to join Isaac and help him a bit with the outside area Z are you working on the interior at all or we just all exterior right now yeah I've been doing a lot of interior work I think it's coming together uh I've been smelting stuff getting tools oh it actually those man the plants really bring it together in here oh man those look good redesign the entire structure of everything you're not going to notice most of what I did to be completely honest with you we'll clean this out very slowly oh I actually like that keeping the Cobble there on the sides with like a nice path that looks good these are not naturally growing flowers to this biome like this isn't a flower for us I don't think so he actually placed these here oh and I couldn't figure out why but look at this guys there's actually a beehive setup up here now that is a cool addition I would love to put that more front and center but I don't think we can pick up the beehives unless we have silk touch for now let's go ahead and take all the flowers from around here we can use these around the base and then we move the beehives later I I actually genuinely cannot believe that I am replacing a Flor with Cobblestone this is the most unack UN loverfella thing on the planet I hate it but it just goes so hard with that clean sharp line that just something about that bro just hits for me that's clean I've decided I want to turn this into the new location for the be sanctu Isaac really loves nature so he started working on his beehive and I started improving the whole interior I need to get some Spruce Wood I could kill these wait a minute so so these are going to spawn and come here first things first I want to actually change this to a different type of block um I think that looks a little better but I wonder if these chests have anything in it that I could sell no oh oh they do let's go baby we could sell all of that oh and then he had this broken because you couldn't walk in there to collect the items cuz he didn't put his hoppers in here all right so quick little pit stop into the house guys we're going to get some iron off of that Beacon that we saw in here earlier at least what remains of that Beacon hopefully loverfella hasn't already torn it out oh good it's still down here guys look at this bro what do you think of this inside oh it looks good dude there's a abandoned Beacon down here though and I needed some of the iron so that's why I came in oh make some tools for us that's a good idea what are you doing down this is kind of a weird little spot here what is this spider spawner and so I'm doing a slight redesign and I also found this is full of things that I think I can just sell so I'm going to sell a lot of it and see how much I can make we could actually use this spider form to grind and literally make money like I just made I'm up to $3,000 from selling stuff from this oh nice and then what about the goats what uh what purpose do these things serve I don't I know dude you just got the world's biggest goat farm and it's really weird this is a giant goat farm I mean can we get the horns off of them the thing is I got a stack of meat earlier I've been eaten and it was it was in the furnace I think this is Food Source I'm not even going to lie to you I think he's been eating cave goat that is weird that is weird what' you do outside let me see oh I'm making a be area up here to the left um I ran out of materials but we'll get there oh that's nice A little op uh a what I don't know what they're called um the problem is Zach come up here I need you to make enough money so that we can get a silk touch pickaxe um because the only way to these is with silk touch I think this is it's it's got so much work still to be honest but it's very slowly coming in to be something kind of decent looking I think Isaac and I spent the next hour upgrading the exterior while trying to collect enough money to buy a silk touch pickaxe while doing that we managed to upgrade most of the exterior listen we don't have silk touch but if we break the hives I think the bees will run free and they'll get mad at you and if you do that they'll actually leave the hives and come down here and move into the new ones I made no no it's risky let's just get silk touch we can get silk touch I just go up there and break the highes for me just do it all right yep now now the bees are angry Zack now you need to run and bring him down to here and then they're eventually going to cool down and come down into these hives so he's not moving yeah I'm seeing that what's he doing maybe he smoked out oh oh they're there get out of there now okay bring him down to the actual hives that don't have any bees moved in and then once they deagro they should move into those okay oh it worked one of them this one still wants to kill me this one's aggressively that one's on you to be honest with you I can't help you with that guy all right so we've got a weird dungeon down here that leads into this in complete Beacon to me it just makes sense to get rid of the entire Beacon and turn I don't really know where we're going to turn this into we're just going to get rid of it it doesn't make sense we're not going to get enough iron to finish this even if lella did build this I'm going to tear it out because I absolutely hate the way this room looks it is not good and this is a selling piece of the house this is the first room you see when you enter the house it's right there this has got to be an excellent room and I think this would be a good bedroom actually I mean you can walk into it now it's just a matter of like what has this become and party wants to say you fill this staircase in with like blocks and it becomes an actual creepy looking bedroom I think I mean I think it'd be kind of cool so we could put in some things like that with some candles and uh just have like a nice little fun Gothic Vibe down here I think that would look actually sick all right I was originally going to turn this into a bedroom but I actually think it makes a really cool office like study area and you also have like the view of the goats here as you sit here and learn I'm not upset with how this looks really chickens kind of go hard give a little more life I suppose The Greenery looks good I mean it's definitely depressing room as far as that looks it'd be nice to put a door there and not have to even look at it but it's also convenient to have your own little source of food in there which is quite nice where is Isaac I'm out chopping wood in front of the base what are you doing oh good good I I made some uh improvements inside we need uh Spruce Wood more than anything wow this is a interesting choice I think the Cobble floors need to go don't they these are kind of no no no I put them in I think it looks so good I specifically put it in because I think the Cobble contrasts so nice with the spruce it's just clean I mean it does it does outline the floor okay we can keep it I guess and you should come look at what I turned um room into over here that had the uh Beacon the old yeah I think you'll find it interesting what dude is that a cross there something buried behind this no just a giant cross in the wall what do you think it's creepy don't even say a word about that to any potential buyers just leave in there it just felt right it just had a creepy Vibe and I was like you know what I got to do what I got to do I'm turning the uh the front room then into like a scientist layer it was going to be a bedroom but now I'm going to turn it into an evil scientist layer I feel like this is the home of an evil man I mean he's even got sheep here and these are his test subjects clearly and he's even named them Robert apparently that must been the OG sheep of the last guy Tony Robert there's all kinds of sheep that are named in here that's so that the scientist that lives in this room can keep track of them as he cuts them up that's right this man is using this thing to cut up the Sheep but what we need to do now is kind of make a little torture chamber right here for the scientist to use this is it got dark really fast I'm not going to lie this was like a peaceful build and now somehow it divulged into this okay we have 21 pieces of spruce this is the most we've had since we started the series which is crazy and I can finally finish this disgusting hole back here that's been nagging me since I started and and um that's cool dude it just creates this like magic Majestic entrance bam walk back into whatever this room is this weirdness all this strange stuff going back here I don't know any of this is I mean floating chest right here why why is it so high compared to the other one I don't even have an idea one the guy was sinking when he built anything yo I need some help in here I don't know how to build a proper torture chamber Zack you're a lot better that that than me so I might just leave you in here to fix this up you know what else you need Isaac you need a little bit of action like that check this out oh yeah look at that look at that we come in with the pillars we symmetrize this thing you you just made up a word there yeah symmet it why don't you take a look Isaac at the old how to build 101 first off don't use this block cuz that's way too messy you're never going to be able to torture someone with a build like that this is why I brought you in you're an expert on the the issue here dude just like that just like that you see what I mean you don't want to overthink it when making one of these you want to right on command look at that he just knew how to build that you know I think my shower right here is about the same as that you know we got a little score Bloss from shower knocks him out first I mean that is a lot more clean I like it a lot simpler it's for the better though if we want to get a St staircase up top you need to think about the most convenient place for a staircase in a home and that's not at one end of the home because if it's back here you've got to walk all the way back here to go upstairs and then if you need to go to the front of the upstairs then you got to walk all the way back therefore the staircase should be somewhere in the middle which would result in the staircase being here what about here this is actually perfect to the right here um secret hidden staircase in the corner yeah this could be good this I think yeah yeah yeah yeah I think you're on a something here and just like that bam right inside the front door of the house absolutely incredible perfect is it symmetrical it's off by just one you're going to have to make it just one to make it symmetrical and that is okay so come on down close her up just like that oh man I just realized these houses up here aren't even finished at all these are completely empty dang it yeah they don't call it house flipper for nothing Isaac this is why he wanted to give us this job we finally interconnected it one of the most incredible designs of the entire day we never actually went down that hole can we go down that hole now not yet Isaac see what's down there you'll be ready when it's time you'll be ready when it's time now that the Bottom's looking a lot better Isaac's going to work on clearing out some of the farm out here and I'm going to start working on the upstairs section which is a major task the top building is not centered with our new bottom building right that's kind of a big deal and so guess whose job that is it's my job so I'm going to go upstairs and see what I can do on this but I'm very happy with the progress so far it's just a matter of getting this centered so we're going to see if we can make this a single wide door get rid of the double wide door and then fix up the the the unevenness here all right let's get rid of the planner boxes I mean this is this is awful because it all looks so good this is one of the few things in the base that I love all right as we rip out all the trap doors it's actually going to harvest this entire Farm Forest um except this one like I said these Farms are just so busted why is there a random Gap right there if we fill that in with Cobblestone it should actually Harvest everything for us I think yep there we go so now the farm should actually Auto Harvest see what is even happening here with the water logic how is it not flowing down right here it's literally going right into the wheat and somehow the wheat's stopping it what the heck is this o and I have been planning our next goals and one of the biggest things we wanted to do was work on a farm and make the upper base entirely symmetrical with the lower base yeah there it is lines up perfectly so let's try to see if we can fix it this is not an easy thing to do and I don't recommend anybody try this cuz it will make you lose your mind all right so if we go here we can sell our items in the inventory and we're going to get $360 per stack of carrots that we just got so that's pretty good that brings our money up to $2,400 we can also sell some of the seeds but I also want to keep some so that we can replant a farm elsewhere I should have done that with the carrots I'm just now realizing we're going to take away some of the wall right here and oh I don't want to die there we're just going to Simply move that in just like this okay and now if um hold on wait a minute oh crap no the hole upstairs is wrong now I do understand now why Isaac gave me this project oh and even better there's not even a way to get upstairs in this base there's just straight up not even a way up there uh unless that's a staircase there that lets you go up which means this has to go outside to get to the second floor which is really weird Okay so because I can't make this symmetrical what I can do is get rid of all of this and replace all of this with glass and then you won't have that un even two thing in the middle if I literally it'll be a miracle if I pull this off because it's so difficult just to get the build to look correct okay see now it's got that one it's it's okay now what now what now it's still off what all right the farm is pretty much ripped out I mean like it's kind of ugly still but that's cuz we're going to build over the top of this we actually should try to remove this water I think cuz if we don't we're going to constantly hear that when we're sitting down here and the reason we'd be sitting down here is because I am thinking about turning this into kind of a beautiful little patio over there it's more of a farm I feel like like the bees and everything you're not really going to want to hang out over there but up here I'm thinking we do kind of like some planner boxes with some plants and we also do a sick little seeding area so yeah this is way outside of my skill range to be able to do a build like this it's unbelievably confusing but I I actually think that we've got to take this out and extend it by one okay so it's actually even now I expanded this by one and it's really just a matter of this side not looking perfect but if you look at it from the bottom it's even and it literally took so long I can even explain to you how difficult that Journey was but I'm happy with what it looks like right now so I can at least get inside and start actually working on some of the other builds and making this just feel a little bit more like a base all right there we go we got the farm pretty much completely dug out we basically just have the platform that it used to be on but now we need to start thinking about a little bit of a harder issue so we have this staircase on the other side that goes up perfectly to the little B area but over here loverfella built this awesome little seating area and I really like the vibe of it so we're not going to be changing that so we need a way up to this little level without copying the staircase over there and I think we have that in the form of this right here so as you come up you can turn right and that'll lead you right up into this area which is going to be a sick little hang out area all right what else can I get rid of in the inventory like what other random items do I have I guess a couple candles I could place inside and we also do need actual lights in here as well so we'll do um a little bit of a torch setup here now that already feels 10 times better and then for some reason we're going downstairs here for the floor like we lowered it a level so let's go ahead and clean this up and soon we're going to need to get another iron pickaxe cuz this thing's all right so we just turned all of our stone bricks that we have into these walls hopefully this is enough to actually complete the square right here um and if it is we'll have a nice little building platform to get working on how's it going down there Isaac oh do you see the farm well I guess there's no Farm here anymore I dug it all out I do do you see that I come I actually centered this up here which took me a long time to do oh my gosh you did wow I had to redo the entire front facade that was not easy bro and I think I think it's hopefully not that noticeable what I did so I'm going to be happy if you can't tell I think it looks really good you know what would make that look even better though is if you put like a pointed roof on that thing that sounds like a really good project for you all right well I might make it up there later I got to finish play that might be my project after this yeah so um yeah let's go ahead and dig out the entire floor and we'll get this uh probably just like a nice Spruce layer in here it'll look better and then we got to get rid of whatever these weird door things are I've never seen somebody use trap doors like this guy is emergency meeting follow me emergency meeting what's going on okay look at this digging out the farm Zach I was redoing the floor and look at this little bad boy right here W I know I know want to go was under the farm yeah the whole time under the farm where does it go the entire base under here look at this it's a boat dud why would he cover this this is actually actually sick Isaac found this amazing hidden dock below the farm we didn't even know why it was originally blocked so our new plan was to leave everything else and connect it to the main base what an incredible feature that this guy actually buried I mean can you believe he built a farm over that that's that's crazy all right now that we just crafted these Cobble Stone stairs though here was my idea for the area we could actually bring these up to right here and then this corner right here would actually be the area where you go down to the boat dock one of my ideas was since I'm running out of wood I need to get creative so maybe I can just make a whole bunch of this and then turn these little chiseled blocks into regular slabs as well and now I have 64 blocks and I know for a fact this looks really good here it's just a matter of like I don't know how it's going to look you know like I don't know how it's going to look in this weird position because of how I built this we'll see all right let's see how this looks kind of got like a a weird looking Vibe here to be honest with you it's kind of strange and what we're looking for are Spruce logs right here and they are 76 each or it's 4,800 for a stack so what we're going to have to do instead is just buy as many as we can before we run out of money all right there we go we just spent all of our money and we got 39 Spruce logs out of it I would say worth it I don't know what you guys are thinking all right we turned all those logs into a bunch of planks if we were smart we would turn these all into slabs but I'm not smart and I'm also lazy so we're just going to actually just use the actual [Music] planks so this is a I would I would argue an incredibly ugly indoor section because of the the flatness so we're going to add kind of a more creep vibe to it with uh some of these all around it's not your traditional entrance but it certainly works up here and kind of has that vibe that you're walking into like a m shaft back here okay look at the deck here now this looks so much better than the dirt we now have an awesome little patio area and it looks legit I think the last spot to actually replace is right here so we can get this done and I was even thinking that this right here would be a great spot for a tree if we actually put down a sapling right here I think it would grow up and look super nice is what do you think of my little staircase oh I was actually going to do that look at this what are you making here uh this is going to be like an outdoor gazebo with like it's all going to be a bunch of plants and then this is actually the staircase down I had to move it so this is the staircase down oh you you uh sealed it and now you go down here I see I wanted to give this area a purpose and if we could just walk there from down here I feel like you would never go up there so now you got to come up here to actually use the staircase that's how they should design things that's a very intelligent design by I think you did a good job yeah if I can turn junk into something that looks good it's no longer junk you know what I mean like what am I going to do with these three fence posts you know for me it's an opportunity to make a sign upstair uh let's see guest house now it's got a purpose and then downstairs is the Terrace right now these areas that maybe didn't have so much use in purpose now the use and purpose oh I'm confused where do I go boom the Terrace all right so we're going to make a little Headway over here towards the bees and we're going to go up and harvest some of those spruce trees we saw off in the distance earlier cuz we're out of money we really can't buy anymore so we're going to have to suck it up and and go mine some of our own trees oh I could add depth to this okay not there though there we go so we added those up top it does add just a little bit of depth up here and then actually it's kind of weird to say this but a button three of these buttons would go really good with some of this build maybe kind of like a doorbell off to the side I want to put one in the middle but I can't somehow I've actually managed to use almost everything in my inventory now that was random junk that I was going to just sell and we've turned it into actual kind of good looking stuff we've got some glass though and this glass shouldn't be wasted cuz I went out and harvested and bought all the sand for it so let's add more windows we didn't find any skeletons unfortunately I thought for sure we might find one out there but nothing wanted to bite today we'll get that down though I bet it'll grow on its own if we're lucky now we got 20 trap doors that should be a lot to get all these done I hate to say it but this whole thing's got to go I've never seen a more strange roof in my life I like strange bills as much as the next guy but yall put in thousands of trap doors on your roof why I feel like this is not good defense anyone could just open this and get in we've got to go through and break a thousand of these then reslab it up but we'll get [Music] it bam 64 plus 46 slabs we can actually do all of this somehow I have enough wood this is going to look way better you should come look at what I've done up here by the way well I'm already up here let's see it got this thing fully furnished on the inside new glass walls everywhere Windows totally decked out the inside here oh kept the Cobblestone floor yeah I like the theme continuation oh Andy did this whole area nice path walls fences this I felt like had a lot of potential up here I think we need some trees you think some trees like right there maybe trees yeah some trees some crops some grass it needs like more like more like Landscaping out here for sure here some ferns you can use and then we could actually pick these berries Isaac and then uh plant these all around not just up here yeah I put these here earlier actually that that was the only thing I oh you put them here yeah and then I moved some down to my little Terrace down there which is starting to come together I need some more tall plants I don't have any bone meal so it's kind of hard to get them so that's what I need to figure out some tall flowers anything so I might go on a little Expedition into the countryside good luck bring some good stuff back right behind the base guys we're right over that Hill there seems to be a village right here there are some unique flowers over here like the blue and the white one right here we have no water up here but I'm just going to plant some crops anyway and see what happens just like decoration [Music] crops and then like a really loose path that kind of goes between these it's kind of like not fully made cuz like people are walking on it and stuff and it hasn't gotten finished 52 cobblestone stairs go right back up here and that is so much quicker it's incredible man that's a fine spot for a staircase because as you actually come upstairs then it's almost a direct sideways walk and you get back up so it's very conveniently placed the only thing is underneath it it's kind of weird and we've got to figure out how to furnish that slightly more appealing so maybe what we could do is we could open this up we could do this this is going to be weird we're going to put another door in this underneath the staircase and this is going to actually lead you outside one of the strangest things I've thought of before okay we return from the flower Forest trip it was a great success we got all kinds of bushes especially these rose bushes I mean they are a very decorative block and I think they're going to look great in these little bids right here oh yeah look how those just stick over and they look the red looks really good with the dark brown of the spruce log trap doors and then this middle one I was thinking we could get a little bit more fancy with we use the lilacs on the edges and then in the center I was trying to think of a block that would look good but I think perhaps we just use the Roses again in the middle and they'll kind of tie these boxes all together yes that that is a great look right there oh this oh oh this is good this is good it's going to make the staircase look weird outside I know that for a fact but it doesn't matter because this is going to look so much better opening up the space like this in the middle it's going to bring a lot more natural light to the center now as you can see from the side there oh dude what's going on up here I completely redesigned this inside I added Windows all over so you get light in the center and I also added this unique crafting Zone here with an indoor fence well my area is done that's why I came up here I'm going to start on something new if you want to go change stuff up down there feel free it's just like a little flower oh yeah yeah yeah yeah let's get a swap in cuz I need to do some upgrades down here yes sir after days of upgrading the base we decided it was time to swap building tasks so we could be reinspect the area it just makes it feel nice with some pretty good deals I actually managed to buy this much raw copper 100 bucks a stack someone just sold it all I'm going to pop it all into our smelters in here which I can just basically do for free because of the lava we're going to have access to a massive amount of copper to put outside the base and I know that doesn't sound that interesting but it really is because we can make a lot of really good detailed blocks with copper now we have 16 copper of these and 16 copper stairs this will add A Touch of Elegance to our base that you might not have anticipated before I think the stairs blend in a little bit too much and even though I can't make them fully copper permanently I think that might add a little Elegance it also looks really bad actually turns out this might not be a good idea all right we're redoing the outside here guys and I felt like tulips in real life are usually planted in a flower garden like you don't see Wild tulipes just growing everywhere and then this Central Area guys is actually going to be a little seating area kind of like a little barbecue spot so I was going to try to make like some sort of picnic table right here we have these like really uh intricate pillars here theoretically these could look okay as a copper pillar I think it's actually kind of nice it it kind of pulls your eyes in and Frames it quite well and then with these stairs I think what I could do is break this up generally means I don't exactly know what I'm doing when I break things up make the inside all copper stairs there it is pulls you right in pulls you right in like right up here the new redesigned outdoor grilling area has now been completed we've kind of went with this tulip outline around the entire thing so if you look around there's tulips all the way around it basically at 360 and then in the center we have the central picnic table and to make it look a little bit more realistic we can make it look like people have been sitting here and it's kind of getting dirty underneath here okay another weird idea coming in folks can't can't stop it cuz I got a good one why not have this turn into a giant Archway that you walk in as you get inside the the base and what's on the top of it nothing other than a piece of beautiful copper what do you think what do you think that's a little Gody isn't it with the copper well it's going to it's going to a patina turn into a little green color and I think it's going to make it feel like it's been here age for a while do we want to bring a strip of that copper straight through or not I don't know I was kind of wondering like it could be interesting to have like a straight line all the way down kind of draw you right into the center of the house yeah I don't know I kind of like it all right we're working on the upstairs area but we need glass and I know the perfect area to get down to the river to actually get some sand and that is my little porch right here guys look at this we have a perfect way down all the way I mean there's no sand for Miles unless we were to come down here right there are you kidding me guys this is the best invention ever I don't know I guess um this just feels like it should be some sort of a back patio so let me clean that up and add like um something like this it's really the big the big lesson here today is can we connect everything in a way that makes sense can it all connect it was all so Dison discombobulated before so this will look really nice 48 glass panes that's probably already enough to be honest with you Isaac we have a um area back here I created I'm not really sure what it is but it's kind of like a wraparound balk oh wraparound balk I'm bringing the uh the glass up so we got all the glass do you want glass off the front full thing I think surrounded in glass a little bit of an opening right there and actually let's tie the opening into the door here that way it's just a straight walk out and you're on the balcony that's nice that's really nice rooftop trampoline up here Zach that's just a thought he had a bunch of slime balls in there the previous base owner we could put those to use up here Spruce trap doors you got any more this would this would go real good around it all right little rooftop trampoline never hurt anybody look at that unique feature if you ask me I mean this you don't see this on very many houses I can tell you that right now we were happy with how the base turned out and now decided to give the upgraded base away all right it took a long time but I think we made your proud with that base flip listen here buddy this isn't a house flipping business we're in the business of invading I need you to go back to that base and steal everything from the new owners that's not even legal dude you want me to live underneath our base the one that I just built do you want to work here all right all right all right right relax relax relax I'm going I'm going I'm going I'll be back look guys it's been over a week since we actually gave this base away to somebody and now the invasion begins but here's where things get a little interesting the guys that we gave this base to are actually flipping the base we made so that they can make money we are literally now double flipping it and so we might not even recognize what's inside Isaac are you ready yeah yeah I got I got a few iron tools this is going to be a very difficult base to break into to be honest with you dude there's a lot of players there too I can see them breaking right here little they're breaking all of the stuff that we placed out front all of our flowers dude they're breaking everything that's the only reason I want to invade him now I want to get revenge on these people this is I mean it's going to be challenging because like we don't know if they're going to dig into our holes but Isaac you remember that giant pit underneath the base we never went into oh I do actually yeah we never even checked that out before we sold it you're right and it seems like a really bad idea to check out now because I feel like they've already gone in there right they're probably curious I think you're right but it would be a good way to get into the base that's a perfect entry point there's at least three people now that have taken this base and decided to flip it for money now the thing is advantage that there's more than one yeah they're not going to realize though that it's us digging they're going to think it's each other yeah we got to even keep going down past this I think Isaac agreed yeah we want to find that M shaft we never explored Zach this feels this feels oh oh oh oh oh oh what is this uh it's like a underground cave let's go ahead and grab the Copper at least that'll give us uh lightning rods quick little explore see if this leads anything oh it leads to the outside world actually wow now guys I'm going to be really honest with you oh what we have a way in I think Zach I just found a ladder I believe this leads right up to the actual outdoor patio area that goes down to the boat dock right here look at this don't you remember this area no oh yeah but that's going to be way too risky that's going to be like an emergency entrance we actually use that though or anything right I don't think so but now we kind of have an idea of where we're at underneath the ground do you think this is the spot I mean we are right below we're actually pretty close I'm guessing we're somewhere beneath their dock right now I think and we can see how accurate I am so let's send up a drone oh Zach no way come to me now where are you dude I was mining the coal this is why you always mine the coal I found the mine shaft we were looking for look at that it is it is it is it is you're right that's the actual Min sha you accidentally just found hold on there's a guy right above us we need to fill this in with dirt so they don't find us until we get some smooth dud that's so risky he's actually actively breaking it right now stop stop I just saw particles fall in dude dude this is the perfect spot for the Bas now we know we're directly underneath it we need to wait to get up that hole somehow he's crouching and looking at us does he hear you oh no that had my heart stopped wait he's get out get out get out get out get out he's digging so fast go go go go go go go he's digging right into it to me come come to me come to me he's digging the walls out of that giant tunnel to make it look better bro they're flipping every aspect of this base this is crazy I don't know if we've ever invaded so many active players there's like seven of them up there now they just keep getting more people you work on digging out the base and I'll work on getting us like crafting tools in the setup like that okay well I already made all that Zach so I'm just going to put it down I feel very lucky some of them have super cool enchantments on the server where they their skin glows that's why they look like that this is why play. is the greatest server you can make so many friends and flip a base together and and get invaded there's so much that can happen here so make sure you guys join today all of our hard work I mean they're ruining at all Zach I hate them yeah that's the other thing uh okay that's just a hole after almost getting caught right at the store we found a good spot to finally settle down and begin our invasion you work on taking care of this side I'll work on this side and we'll just go ahead and give these two a flip while we wait because we need them to kind of get away from this area before we invade and it seems like they're actively working on changing whatever we just did all right I don't know what Isaac's going to make over there I'm just going to oh stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop what there was a guy literally on the other side of this dirt for about 5 Seconds wait next to us yeah I I mean genuinely I think he might have been on the other side of that dirt what uh do you I think he's crouching where'd he go no he's that red guy he's up there this guy can fly he was literally there for 2 seconds and left that was scary So This is highly risky and the guys are randomly closing in on us like way more than I I kind of expect but I'm hoping what I could do is create a secondary base under here one in which you have to crouch to get to and this would be where we go in the case of emergency if they find us we actually invade our own base so it BEC kind of like if like a home Invader gets to your house you hide under the bed we're going to just hide here and they'll expect this is just an abandoned base probably they won't tear it up okay Zach this is actually going to be the false wall so this is going to be a secondary base if for compromise oh interesting because I'm also making a secondary base I'll work on mine you work on yours because that's what I was thinking he's making the fake wall I'm making the fake floor so these are backups because I'm almost certain they're going to get into this base so we need to make that one look lived in but actually we live down here oh my gosh I'm digging right now guys I look up and there's people all around so that means these are the real crafting tables we'll be using all the other ones that you've seen upstairs are the fake distraction crafting tables and everything so these are actually going to be used by US it's so funny man we're just making a full fake base just to trick them when they CL all right so I was making the secondary base right here guys and I just decided to turn I don't know why it just felt right and look where this takes us this is right back to where the main area of the bases there's a guy right up there above us building the central thing right there he's building some kind of ladder system oh my gosh he's putting ladders right now in this giant drop right here and we're actually going to be able to use those ladders to get up into the base he doesn't even know it but he's actually building our way into the base this is absolutely massive all right he looks far enough away I just put those two blocks down I think we're safe we need to go report back to lover fell right now hey welcome buddy are they here more importantly I just watched a guy that's in that base and he put a ladder all the way up that so there's actually a ladder that leads into the base now let's go they made us a free Invasion I'm going to get the rest of this room set up and then we're going to have all the crafting we ever need down here and then we can actually invade them okay I love this area being the only way up into my area so I might just block this off that is actually pretty smart the only way to get in is through your area to go into mine and then the oh you just went down I went out to gather some materials and this is what I came back to our base was was found all right our base was not only found but it was completely ravished by these guys in fact here's a replay clip of what just happened uh cuz I was away getting some resources and they did this so they found it within seconds Isaac we need to Ru and meet somewhere else a slightly safer location do you want to meet on top of the base where do you want to go no because they can fly and they will find us in the sky they've like recruited like 15 new people and it seems like they're literally tearing up the entire base like from the scratch so the only thing we can do is go somewhere and hope that they don't flip it and I'm hoping that is going to be this tunnel I feel like this is such a big project it looks like they covered it over too they don't even know it's here oh the whole tunnel's covered which means they probably won't use this which means Isaac what we really need to do is cover the bottom as well down here and then we can use the tunnel as a quick way to get up and down that's actually genius cuz they might not even know this was ever here you're right let's get rid of this they won't even realize it's here inside this hidden room we can finally see a ray of hope we began to block the entire staircase from the top before Isaac discovered something amazing oh look at this what is it this is what we needed perfect a little under there's creepers in here though three of them don't go that way or they're going to blow up and expose us what are the odds of finding what could be a potential perfect base there's creepers under here break it break well we got to kill him we got to kill him I blocked them off woo you got to kill those all right you've got to do it I'm going to start working on this side I'll try to kill these creepers and open up this area for us we each have a half right now and since if they find one of us the they won't find the other we should each work on making our own base for now then we can get inside and invade I like it so if one of us gets compromised we'll have the other base that's right also we'll see who looks better good luck let's go ahead and dig this section here and I'm going to see if not only I can beat Isaac with a better looking base but also I can read all the functionality of my old base what is he doing all right so we've already trapped one creeper I think he's in here oh yeah look at that guys there's already a creeper that I trapped but we got to get this other guy trapped which we've just done we can get him blocked in there all right so we've successfully trapped all the creepers that were in this room that was extremely hard considering we couldn't even fight them if anybody were to come in this way the bushes would significantly slow them down and I think we'll double layer it even though it reduces the availability of area I can work in it slows them down and that's what matters this is one more for the Slowdown because in order to walk through this you actually have to crouch and so if I see somebody coming we'll be able to crouch walk and they'd also have to switch tools to break wood and break metal or break uh Stone to get through this so it's a little bit nice okay the head room on my side of the base is very cramped so my priority right now is actually to dig this out a little bit and try to get us a little bit more head room unfortunately our only iron pickaxe is about to break cuz I gave my other one to lever fella wait a minute they did they just turn the ability to pick off blocks I can't even pick up blocks now was your inventory full uh yes well it was was like yeah pretty much oh can't believe I'm invading with you this is scary this is scary just getting established here has been such a challenge so far but this is such a nice area here to dig I can take out one more I think without breaking through to the other end and then you kind of got this nice little s pattern which you can actually hide in if someone comes in by blocking this wall off so it's really got multiple layers of Defense okay guys a creeper just exploded in my base I have got to get out of there now I did not mean to do that I couldn't get rid of them guys they literally wouldn't take damage the creeper has officially exploded in my base we're just not going to go in that base for the next like two minutes and hope they didn't hear that because that was so loud my gosh look at that there is a liquor right on us right now he definitely heard the Creeper noise right there Isaac your base has been compromised get out immediately I see a man in your base what just happened how' he get in there did you not seal up your staircase no no I trust me I sealed it up I have video proof that I sealed it up we'll see about that but but that's why we had two bases Zach that's why we had two bases I know you got to get in your is there this is crazy go away for a little bit try to get the attention off make one more backup base for us we we can't even get in if we can't get established one of these bases has to hit so go work on one more backup base I'm going to stay here and I'm going to get emergency exit just in case now the entire staircase is compromised this is our second invasion we can't do I I it's just so risky man I'm going to have to go ahead and get an emergency Tunnel right here and I'm going to take this tunnel straight out this way so I have some sort of Escape system because I don't want to get caught they did discover the base but I didn't really have anything in there yet so it's not really that big of a deal I noticed like they've completely flipped his base but they added a waterfall and a waterfall seems like the perfect thing to put another secret base behind I mean guys they're finding all our bases but they're not finding us we've repositioned we're kind of in a hole right now we have a better look at this guy that's AFK I'm trying to find a spot in this base where we could possibly hide but I'm not loving this we might want to wrap to the other side back to where we were kind of discovered from and try to find a new way in well guys here's the problem we have struggled twice maybe three times now to actually invade this base underneath it and that's why I think what we really need to do is invade the inside of the base itself what I'm going to do is I'm going to wait about 15 or 20 minutes for these guys to finish one of these outdoor buildings then we're going to live inside of that because of their base flippers they don't have a reason to go back into something they've already built they're only tearing up what we built Zach so we just need to wait till they build their own stuff they're not going to tear up their builds that's the only way I can think about it so let's go ahead and dig ourselves into a hole and wait for about 15 minutes so guys it's been over an hour and the players have continuously been building on the base the entire time and they found every single base we' made this is a disaster we got to get in there again I remembered yesterday I build a secret room behind the base with a bunch of candles and I'm hoping that Isaac and I can get back in there and start living in that base because it didn't really have a purpose so hopefully these guys aren't using it all right all right all right all right here's what we're going to do there's one way in I put down some doors just follow me quickly we're just going to try to go in for the speed approach I like it right here right here right here break this get in I didn't actually add a button get in so what are we going to block that off with get just like this yeah back here just a little bit seal it off just trust me trust me trust me get back in get back in all we have to do is dig down dude do you know where we're going right now you just randomly dug into the side of the mountain are you sure you built something here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right here just dig straight down oh my pickaxe broke you dig you dig okay okay just straight down straight down keep going keep going we're in okay one more careful that guy's right next to us careful let's go follow me down here follow me down here see I remember I remember try not to get caught block it off and then we just want to Tunnel into the wall here somewhere watch this watch this ready dude but we need like some sort of smooth Stone this is part of the reason I think they keep finding us so I think the first thing we have to do is immediately start replacing this dirt with some smelted Stone but the problem is they're hearing our furnaces so let me at least for now get down a crafting table uh I'll just put it here watch out right here we need to we need to move the furnace away because I think the reason they found you last time is cuz they heard it so we're going to make the furnace down a long tunnel this way so just dig that way for a significant amount of time the furnace cannot be near their base thing is my pickaxe is going to break any block now I got as get we rotate shifts here I got more iron by the way this is all from the base flip we did I've been smelting it cuz I Was preparing for this but I'm sick of these guys catching us and if I'm digging all the way back here in the wall there's literally nothing around me there should be a basically 0% chance that I get found at this point I I don't see how it could possibly ever happen with 20 furnaces we can Mass produce this we're going to keep it very small and tight so we have uh six there I'm going to place every sing single one of these furnaces we will not stop until we get inside this base I stole this bed on the way up here and it looks freaking sweet so now we got a light blue bed and we can set our spawns up here I don't know why we would die but if we do we can actually sleep in this bed and we'll come right back to here we have at least two people within like 10 m of us so I'm actually going to have to stop digging or they're going to find us right away ISAC listen so here's what we're going to do we're going to create a bunch of tunnels these tunnels are going to connect to individual bases and each base is going to be sealed up every time we get into it by Stone we need every single base is going to be seed up like this so what we need to do is make sure that we're we're getting immense amounts of stone we each need to have at least a stack at all times then we Branch off and work on new sections okay so we're just ant farming under their base I like it yeah start digging random lines and giving them purposes you see what I'm saying all right guys Ant Farm is in full effect I'm actually going to be blocking off the base right here cuz we were kind of compromised it looks like but no longer look at that I've completely blocked off this part of the base and I'm going to start ant farming from here I have a little money I could just buy four pieces of wood 1 2 3 4 I can make myself a crafting table every room needs their own crafting table that way it's segmented correctly so we'll pop that in right okay there we go yes this is the stone Cutter's room I'm liking this strategy I'm feeling it what did I accidentally just break into crap I accidentally just broke into their base right here guys but I had smooth Stone on me thankfully right on the other side of this coal block is actually where they're working in a giant open area so now we know that we have a perfect pathway into the base so I'm going to start digging backwards from here to try to link this back up with the furnace room it is taking us hours of patience and waiting to get into this position but now I can make a floor on a copper and you all know that's my favorite block so now I'm happy Isaac how's your section looking you been compromised I have not been compromised I mean I I'm lost myself to be honest with you Zach I don't even know where I'm at in these tunnels the only way we can survive ISAC is if we can memorize these maps and it's going to require a lot of studying what oh I just interconnected a tunnel on accident but I think that's actually helpful good I'm going to go on a wood run Isaac we need wood we have very little and I'm going to try to create a section that leads us yep leads us right to the surface there it is check this out this actually exits out of the back side of this base that we saw previously I don't know who lives here but it's not the guys who are flipping so I'm going to break in really quick see if I can get a quick Heist folks we have have cooked food it has been so long there's a lot of uh black oh regular Stone we need that we're going to actually loot as much as we can from this base guys let's take another stack of this oh free wood it is like every single item that I needed is just showing up here for my pleasure thank you so much for that oh my gosh that guy is in our tunnel system again guys our cover seems to be working though he didn't find us he's in the tunnel system right now but he didn't find us cuz we're in a different part of the tunnels we're on a completely different level he would have never had a chance to find us there that's absolutely massive that we didn't get discovered but I'm worried that he's going to come back so I'm actually going to block off this part of the tunnel system too now how we looking Isaac listen he was in the tunnels but he never actually found the part with the furnaces or my parts of the tunnels cuz we blocked it off let's go Isaac I want you to come see what I've made over here where dude I don't even know where to get to I'm in the furnace room furn room right across from the furnace room keep that sealed off this is the stone cutting room every room needs to have its own smelter in case you get trapped with a stock pile of stone ready to go I had a similar idea so I have a few of those in my tunnels too no torches on the floor that way you can seal it up tor es go in the middle only on the walls we these are the rules for tunnel people this is a direct shot out the backside to the roof where you can find wood okay well let me give you a tour of mine now because I have my own system that I've made okay listen come fast with me come fast with me it's marked by the double torch right here come down block that off okay this way right here that coal block literally goes into the base that is into their base so do not break do not break it okay do not break it that's a warning do not break it come this way we got a little smelting station and then back up here all right we're coming up down to the left you have back access to all the furnaces without actually going into the furnaces okay okay good so you can get emergency taken this goes over top of the main road that we dug in that we were just in and then up here this goes right up into their base too a different way into their base oh good that's just going to be a nightmare to remember but I think if you're not mistaken then I can dig straight down and I get right into our base here and that is correct we need to make sure we know each other's place like our own so we need to swap places Now work on building in each others then we've memorized each half we'll know where we can go if we ever get invaded so go work on mine I'll work on yours and do you think we need to make this room a little bit bigger this was like the start yeah yeah yeah I think we should get a main room before we Branch off but it can't be that big we can only do smelting here anything past smelting it's going to compromise us we were finally getting somewhere and now it was time to fully operate our Invasion plan these are two personal hidey holes okay listen if you get stuck and you get an emergency you're going to count over three furnaces you're going to count over three back you're going to dig down this is your hole right here all right a lot of counting right there is there a better way to mark that yes dig down go go go go go okay I'm digging seal it up inside you've got a personal chest mine seven over inside the personal chest you're going to have everything that you need to survive and get out all right I'm going to actually put a secondary hidey-hole in here Zach so I won't I'm going to be the only one that knows about it not even you is going to know where this is we have secret bases on secret bases on secret bases on secret bases on secret bases if they somehow get in here I will lose my mind feel like we need like potion making but we don't have the stuff yet we need a steal for that maybe I'll set up a room for potions but we need to actually get into the base to steal stuff to make them progress is coming together right now guys but you can never let up when you're against literally 10 people and they seem to be some of the most best players in the server we were so suspicious about how much they caught us earlier I had my admins investigate them for for x-raying we read their chat logs and it turns out they weren't x-raying they were just really good at playing the game so they roasted us all right we're making a very quick potion brewing room in here I think it's looking good right now we kind of got the wall shelves right here which will be perfect for the Brewing stands once we get those and then over here we need some storage as well as an area for an unlimited water source we don't have water yet I'll try to go get some water on the surface so that we could actually build into this now as far as storage is going to go I want to be able to stack vertically so I think barrels are actually going to be the move here and uh a smoker actually is kind of sick so I'll pop a smoker in as well I mean I might as well make a quick smithing table too I mean I didn't intend to but I might as well that way if we need it we got it finally four barrels all right we're back here in the smelting room and I hear loverfella digging who knows what he's doing right now I felt like our little smelting room right here oh there he is he's right there nice hey buddy you want to see what I did yeah show me what you did then I'll show you mine so first things first if all of our doors were right in the center it'd be too obvious that's why I made this one one off and then when you go straight in boom you turn again this is our first double door you walk right in welcome to the miniature storage and smell room oh we got a food area yes we needed this okay I have some food to put in there actually careful sir you didn't you didn't block that off but I got you so this torch right here looks like it's just lighting up the area but it's actually marking the secret potion room back here but we don't have anything to make the potions yet but this is just kind of the area they will go so we need to get an alchemy table right so keep working on the base I'll go get some blaze rods we can just use a player warp oh perfect yeah but then how are we going to get anything to craft potions that's going to be the tougher part of it hey we'll figure it out one step at a time I've done this before to get these guys you can warp to player things uh they have blazes that fall down one swing of this should give me all that I need two swings should give me all that I need it's three swings and I got none four swings will give me exactly what I need here what all right I'm up above the base now I'm looking down and I see some water within grasp it's right there unfortunately though there's a player right below me I think though if we're smart about this we can wrap around get this water and get back to the base before we're compromised even better there's a little unlimited water source right there cuz they were lazy and didn't remove it when they were making that waterfall it looks like so we've got the water bucket now now we need to get back without being detected there we go 32 blaze rods from that kill right there and now I can TP back to our base with iaac now that we have blaze rods we need to make the rest of the alchemy table and I thought that required what was that obsidian or stone I got I I don't even remember we don't even have a crafting table in here anyway and I'm like a machine in this place oh lover fell beat me back good for him oh perfect we made six Brewing stands that honestly was probably too much already I don't think we even needed more than four but you know what we'll go with five all right guys we got the potion area completed but we actually need an area to grow Nether wart because if we don't have that we're not going to be able to make any potions so I'm thinking we just put it right behind the potion room and we'll block this off with wood this will be our first wood wall of the base actually so this is even more hidden than the stone walls careful now this is this is like kind of intense here that guy's like right below me oh my God I can't really dig at the moment because it'll kind of expose me I know exactly where I need to go cuz I saw them storing items earlier I need to just be really quick and stealthy with it here that guy's down low [Music] boom all right secured in this entrance I don't know what this is I don't know if we made this or if it's been here or what I need to make it all the way down to the bottom section right now feel like if I dig here the whole way it's going to be too loud I'm going to seal this off as well cuz this is going to be a really good secret entrance right there here we go here we go all right all right all right all right all right all right all right seems like a lot of these guys are taking a break cuz we've been doing this for hours trying to beat these guys there's the chest I need to get here's what I'm going to do we're going to put some dirt back up top I'm going to see if I can dig right into it ideally I just perfectly get the right exact guess of how many blocks I need to get in there and I know that guy was at the kind of ground level so I feel like I might be I might actually be kind of good we'll see all right so we're on the surface we've left the ant farm tunnel system that we have underneath the base and I'm going to try to get a little lay of the lanter I might go for a solo invade I don't know where lell is I wanted to make it a joint invade but honestly he just disappeared and I couldn't find them in the tunnel systems that's how effective they are I can't even find my own teammate so I think what we need to do is make something happen on our own that's what you want folks that's what you want that's what you're looking for put a sign right there break this block then we can jump into it oh there's a campfire under here that's really bright and that's going to give away this hole let's try this to block it guys now that we got this dug out I'm going to get out of here I'm going to let Isaac finish up the invasion so I'm going to tell him he can come in Isaac come on in okay it's time all right we're sneaking underneath this guy here's the path that lever fell left I didn't seal it up though cuz I didn't know it was going to drop like that don't worry don't worry I'll get us out of here he going to have to get in there man good luck it goes It goes right under the pond all right Isaac's going to take that for us from here but I got to seal this up and get back to our home base okay lover fellow left us this pathway and he got us pretty far he got us underneath the pond unfortunately though we can't just use the pond if I just swim out of that pond we're getting caught right away so we need to find a way to get underneath the chest so I think what we're going to have to do is make this tunnel go even longer underneath where they are and dig straight up on them and the problem is I don't remember where the chests are exactly so that's why this is going to be so hard every time we break a block there's three people near us that have a chance to hear us and that is a huge problem all right we're finally bundled up back here inside of this room and I think Isaac made the farm room into here oh okay I don't know what that is wasn't he digging a farm out oh he might have made it back here wow now that's a good secret room you would have never expected that it'll at least get us some food and these will stop us from taking any damage as we Harvest them so it'll be a little bit safer all right guys we're just going to have to get a little bit risky with this I think the chests are pretty close to me if we dig up like she's right above me and they keep going right near me so that makes me think the chests are right here somewhere unfortunately though we need to wait till this person moves on so I can actually dig up to see where they're at oh she just flew away this is perfect this could be our only chance to dig up and try to find where they're at I found the chest but I uncovered myself okay hold on this could be it they can't see us because of the way the chests are laid out okay here we go we got a bunch of stuff right here I have got to steal as fast as possible there's no way we're ever going to be able to get everything okay we got a lot of wood there's a water bucket we'll take there's a bunch of coal oh I'm panicking right now armor stands would be cool all right I think I got all the valuables out of that chest can I reach the other ones though we can we got some flowering aalas right here some iron nuggets those seem like they would be kind of useful all right we're 100% invading right now and they don't even know we're right below their feet this is perfect and then the last chest over here we got some lanterns out of okay we may have been compromised right here we're actually going to have to block off our tunnel we're running now we are full on sprinting out of there somebody just got in the chest while I was in it and they didn't catch me okay so nothing massive in that invade right there but we did get a lot of building blocks which is pretty cool and a ton of wood and we also got a lay of the land for our first successful invade of the video guys I think I accidentally just dug up into the original base that I that I got into earlier with a second exit Point that's really funny we now have dug into this guy's base twice I wonder a way to get out of here cuz I was hoping a he might have a little bit of gold it doesn't look like he does I didn't look upstairs yet anything up here oh a bed that' be really mean of me if I stole his only respawn Point took it downstairs and made it mine oops oh Redstone yes I knew there was a reason I came up here right here I know for a fact leads us down to the base there we go I'm back in the base for the first successful invade of the series did you know that was me right there yeah yeah I heard you I heard you I was just trying to get in here I was like he doesn't realize I guess I'll just put most things in blocks and ore cuz that's mostly what I stole they didn't have anything great in those outdoor chests but we did get a lot of building blocks we got a lot of building blocks we got some decoration blocks Isaac what we don't have is golden carrots or Nether Warts both of which we need to create the invisibility potions but we do have Redstone which will make the invisibility potions last longer I believe so that's yeah redstone's one of them yeah oh you got glass bottles that's good and I also got two water buckets that was actually another big steal I forgot to mention that so we can make an unlimited water source in here all right it's been 24 hours and the above base that we flipped has now been flipped so much you almost can't recognize the original but there's still about 10 players up there and so while we wait for them to kind of disperse Isaac and I are going to upgrade our base floor Duty on the whole Cave System I'm going to get everything changed over yeah yeah you work on Floors I'll get walls and we'll make it look good and just like that we started building this room we broke so much Cobble that both of our pickaxes ended up breaking oh there it goes we've lost both of our pickaxes in literally a matter of seconds oh man I'm getting kind of close to these people though I see 44 chickens a bunch of cave spider spawners so that's where the original base was cuz we used to have that mob spaw room in our OG flip so that's kind of where we're at we can use that to orient ourselves unless they moved that now I'm not going to worry about making any sort of ceiling designs here for now we're going to come back and do that after we get the entire base swept up then we can go see what sort of changes these guys made on our base all right I'm technically on floor duty but I know that lever fell is just changing all the walls to Cobblestone so we can go ahead and help him with that that's a lot bigger of an undertaking than just the floors so we'll just take one side and he can take the other look at this not even talking to each other but we just have an understanding cuz we we've home invaded so many places together we just know that we're working together as a team here she's looking pretty good Isaac yeah it's starting to come together what are you doing the roofs in I haven't really figured that out yet the roofs are so small I think we should push it and push these up one what do you what do you say yeah we can make it three high and then I can use uh I have a bunch of spruce slabs so I just make the ceiling wood too oh yeah that'd be good if you want to come in here uh do you like this height or do you want me to bring it down one oh that's perfect finally our chemistry was in full force which led to the development of this beautiful room [Music] I mean we just went from living literally in a disgusting Stone hole and 30 minutes later it's like an actual luxurious cabin like this looks incredible make sure you're always covering up your Pathways as you walk through if they discover one they shouldn't find the rest of it look at this right here furnaces go in you get the little bit of extra space right there you still have your furnaces you have this right there I mean it's it's it's working it's working I mean this feels pretty good I like this this is like a secret part of the secret base now this place looks incred compared to what it was but one of my concerns is that a little bit of this stone is exposed here and that is really going to give us away so that needs to remain as a secret door like that all right there has to be no question about it that's like the only way they're going to get in here that doesn't matter if it's visible all right as I was busy thinking about how to hide ourselves from the owners Isaac was busy making another secret room how's it looking Isaac it's get pretty come down here if you want Zach it's pretty it's pretty roomy oh wow look at that sheer water right there with the signs it lands on I like that a lot the water was coming down from the potion brewing station you even get get a little light source yeah from above it it does the the top room and the bottom room now this is great I mean this is like Triple Decker uh Invasion right here and frankly we could really just invade our entire base and build an entire secondary base under our first base all the way we're kind of invading ourselves at this point so you got to ask like what are we even doing wait Isaac stop stop stop stop stop first off my game's freezing but there's people right above us oh my gosh you weren't kidding dude there's three of them above us 19 M away not a guy named y sleep is 19 M away that is close enough to hear us the pink llama said in chat we got you we got you Brothers in chat that means they're suspicious he literally just said it Zach we've been preparing for this they're on to us but do you know how many hidey holes we have stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop what he's moving so close to us right now Zach you need to tunnel in somewhere so we don't get caught get out of there after a few close calls it looked like we were finally safe now all right it looks like most of them actually gave up and left I don't know if they got to the end of the cave and got confused or what but they're all gone now and it seems like we're relatively safe right I think let's check I think so I don't see anybody near us anymore I'm looking around I don't see any names we're good here we're good here they didn't make it in they didn't make it in so I would assume that our secret door here stopped them uh but we need to get these stop stop stop stop guy close guy close guy close very close actually holy I can see that the guy is literally on the other side of the wall he could be in one of our tunnels right now and he's got a friend there's two of them now Isaac are you able to get out of the base right now and go grab some carrots I think I can get to the surface go go go go go quick they're going to hear you I'm going to make a run for it go up and get that I'm going to actually come back here and join you I'm going to turn this into a m shaft cuz we need to get gold carrots we need gold all right guys I'm going up to the surface this is really risky cuz they can all fly so basically being in the open is 100% like you're going to get caught if you're out here for too long all right guys we got the carrots and we're getting out they're literally right behind me they don't know about this entrance on the back here so we're going to use this to get down in the base I need to start some sort of a m shaft it seems like this will be a safe space for it so I'm just going to literally dig straight down right here that way a they can't follow me easily cuz they're going to take fall damage and die B I'm going to get there a lot quicker and C that's unusual if find dirt there as I ventured out to find gold Isaac came back with some carrots and had a brilliant idea of starting a mini carrot Farm but his idea was soon spoiled by some players that were very close to finding our hiding spot but luckily they didn't find us what are we doing down here buddy dude the guy was just 7 m away literally like above this floor he's right there they might have compromised the above base he's 40 m away now so we do have a Moment of clarity looks like you're working on expanding the uh below base huh oh he's back he's back he's back stop making noise look behind you oh my goodness he is right next to us dude I think he's crouching he must have heard something don't make any noise don't move just chill just chill good thing I put this on the lid if you get on the bed it'll it'll soften your footsteps too are they trying to blow in I don't know dude dude you got to get those potions crafted as quick as possible we got to get out of here Zach they're trying to blow us up we've never had this before I'm going to see if I can go to some sort of Minecraft shop and buy some Nether Warts cuz I have to bring them back dude I don't want to die like this I don't want to get blown up all right I I just warped to them all I got to find some nether WS for sale and see if I can find a great deal he's above us now look at him that was the same guy that was right next to me I think he is completely fed up with the tunnel system he's about to blow us up guys we got 13 of them for two for I don't know it was a decent amount of money I'm going back to Isaac we got it you got it I got the carrots for you here take them step one's going to be putting in another warts water bottles all of them go go go let's make sure the carrot works I'm going to let this run first to make sure I remember it correctly off the top of my Noggin if it does we're good turn around hurry up what oh he's in our hallway he's in our base I think you didn't close off the exit where's the potions where's the potions I don't know if I did it right I have to Google it gosh dude this is not the time to be Googling oh ISAC crap what we need a fermented spider eye uh we must get fermented spider eye some capacity they're they're literally in our base just don't don't make a lot of noise stay low Walk This Way Just Walk This Way stay quiet Walk This Way should I go see if I can buy it can you stay quiet yeah just go to the shop and buy it you probably can spider eye all right guys we got our seven fermented spider eyes I believe if I put these in now with the night vision potions this should work potion of night vision what just wait you turn trust me trust me I did it a little bit wrong but I think this still works oh my gosh you can grab them right here all right Zach I'm taking these and going drink it okay they're good get in position go go go cover it up cover it up cover it up isaa cover it the floor there you go dude you're invisible I don't know where you are don't worry about where I'm at ISA I'm just getting into a safe space right now they're trying to get in right now what's the goal the goal is to do whatever you want to do to survive right now you got boots on I'm going dark he doesn't hear me guys he has boots on these guys have now surrounded us I have two invisibility potions Isaac seems to have walked into my hole cuz that's definitely him why would you do that Zach you got boots on I wouldn't have I'm a stealth why are you in my hole this is my hole get in your own dude I saved your life don't be ungrateful you had boots get in your own get in your own hole all right he's a rookie and he got offended there I called him out I saved him oh that guy seems like he's down at our level oh they're all at our level oh oh oh oh this is so bad oh my God invisible SC I don't know if they can see me cuz I'm invisible right don't know if they notice that guy just went right through me that guy just went right through me okay all right all right all I get him oh my God they don't realize it goes this way they're getting into the entire base okay we got to get out of here yeah they're in there bro they're in there they're in there they're in there they're literally looking through all of our items right now I'm going to see if I can get up this way get out towards the back of the base right now I don't think they actually saw me I'm watching chat they might but I don't think they did this is by far the most skilled group of people we've tried to invade I'm going to their main base right now fully invisible see what I can find here we go I don't know where Isaac is right now they're they're not I'm not sure they're going to find every secret room here we go here we go here we go oh you got his Z particles baby let's let's go let's go let's go let's go breaking down the side I think Isaac took two the potions right now upstairs is completely disconnected from downstairs except for the staircase right here that guyy so close to me I got to dude I don't know what to do if I if I leave these items he's going to know that I was here oh why are they in here bro okay I think going through the roof might be our best beted they might not see me up here I've broken through the ceiling up here and I have a free hand and I'm still invisible there's a guy right below me guys there's two guys in this building with me I don't know how much invisibility I have left though that's the issue if I hide around this corner that guy looks like he might be coming upstairs dude there's so many people oh my god oh I think I got so lucky right there but I'm still scared I don't feel safe in this position these these guys are good man got him move got to move got to move he's got horses gotes horse take horse hor I'm freaking out bro I'm freaking Tak out horse I have no idea how they didn't catch me stealing the horse but we managed to escape and while Isaac was stuck over there I managed to hide the horse for an emergency exit and go exploring and look what I found splash potions of invisibility no way stay low got to stay low they just walked around me and throw it go go go go all right we got a furnace out here all right let's see if we can get underneath the actual base here all right so we've got a couple more potions here that helped us out these guys are clearly end oh look at this we have potentially a basement of some sort here here we go here we go that's what I'm looking for I don't even need those boots all right well that's not the entrance I'd like to have but we're back inside again I cannot these guys are so suspicious Diamond Vault Diamond netherite Vault bro these guys have an entire Vault of diamond and netherite and I just made so much noise getting in here and that might have been my last what is happening no they're in here they just came in through a random hole in the wall I'm going to leave through that hole no they don't see me guys look at this they're right above me I'm going to sneak up here by crouching up to the right and try to get the armor they also have a horse I could use to make my getaway all right guys look at this they're right up there I'm sneaking in behind them all right I got their Armor All right guys I just stole a full set of endgame gear right there full set of netherite and this giant diamond sword and what we're going to do here is try to take this horse right here and ride it off into the sunset without them realizing I don't know if they saw me or not I think I just got the horse and everything with it and we're riding off into the sunset invisible there's no way we just pulled that off I was so worried they were going to see me all right guys we're meeting up at this house right here this isn't actually the base own house it's their neighbor's house but we're just using it as a little Hideway it's kind of like the Thieves Guild at this point so hopefully lell is already here waiting for me but I'm not sure I don't see him yet Isaac Isaac Isaac Isaac there's somebody there they're blowing it up dude they're exploding our entire base oh gosh they're exploding and get out get the horse get the horse dude the horse is gone no oh gosh they don't see us I got I got him I got him I got him I got You're Not Invisible anymore your invisibility R out you got to get out I know I know I got the horse though I got the horse though we've got to get back in there into the Vault they have so many items we could steal and make it out of here with but I don't know how we can get in that guy chasing me bro I can't help you you might have to abandon the horse oh God he's going to kill the horse he's going to kill the horse I'm taking it into a cave I don't know what I'm doing oh no the horse wait on might Juke them I might Juke them gosh they're below me now wait I could use this opportunity to get into the base and steal from The Vault get in the vault get in the vault Go Zack I'm going towards the Vault I don't know where it is but you said it's in the base somewhere oh they have more people here they have people guarding it come on we can't fail this we've got to figure out how to get in there Zach the base has been gone they've been blowing it up for a while they are literally destroying everything even my horse is nothing but two pieces of leather holy crap dude this the thing is this wasn't even my base that poor guy I could not make it into the Vault they're guarding it everywhere my invisibility just ran out too and I have no more potions cuz we only got four crafted because those people came right as we got our our invisibility potion crafting Isaac look they said in chat the armor is gone they know you stole the armor I told you this is OP armor that I have that I can actually fight them with it I could maybe cause a distraction and you go in there and steal the Vault that's crazy enough that it could just maybe work and just like that the final heist was about to begin 3 2 1 Tango Alpha we're going in Tango Alpha baby I got a full set of armor right here boys and it now that I put it on look at this one I F5 I glow I go go go go go move in move in move in I'm moving in and I am full on distracting now they're holding them eating get ready go go go go go go they're at the armor set they see me challenge them challenge them challenge them I'm moving in stay in chat with me tell them you're fighting how we looking how we looking I got two over here three over here come on they're not listening go go go hold on I'm saying come one V one me for it hurry up hurry up I'm in the base I'm in the base all right all right I'm meeting them in the crop field to 1 V one Zach get them all get them all not just a few of them get every single one of them come to me they're all at me crap Isaac there's still people down here okay Zach they're all on me dude I'm getting poisoned I don't even know I'm being hit by they're not One V oneing there's still two in here you got to get them all it's not working Zach I don't know if there's two on you but there's eight on me all right that's all I know they they literally have a guard on the Vault he's literally guarding it Zach there are so many particles in my screen right now I don't even know it's working it's working it's working he said he wants to fight you he's leaving I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in crap the whole server is on me right now stay there stay there the whole TNT the whole room is rigged to explode Isaac the vault's a trap dude it's a it's a trap they wanted me to get netherite but I didn't break it dude we beat their trap I'm going to take everything and I'm going to actually get it they're not going to realize it they're chasing me I just parkour off the sky ISAC I'm getting it I'm getting it all I'm getting it all there's only one Observer I'm dead there's no way I'm making it out of this oh wait they stopped chasing me they're coming back towards you you're in danger I'm going to let it rip I'm going to let it rip I'm going to let it rip I'm blowing up the base I just just need to get this one piece of obsidian it's going to blow here we go here we go here we go we go another I breaking go go go go go go go go go it's setting off get out get out get out I'm fighting him I might die here but you got to get out it's going I'm getting the horse is I'm getting the horse let's go let's go oh gosh they pumpkin me let's go let's go I got the horse I got the horse I got the diamond blocks I got the horse wait he hit me off the cliff no way he just hit me off the cliff I might make the best escape in history oh my god let's go let's go meet me behind the old base me me behind the old base there's another little abandoned Village back here no there's no meeting you Zach I'm going off into the distance in chat they thought they killed me with that let's go all right right guys we did it we actually got away from there he hit us off the edge and we're going out into the ocean no idea how we're going to get back to lover fella but that was the best escape I've ever seen hey uh I finished the invasion but what happened to the what happened to the other guy amazing job welcome to the team you're hired by the way watch out for the neighbors next door there's some creepers there wait what are you talking [Music] about
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 438,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: u8mYlfwt8Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 49sec (4249 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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