My Brother Cheated Using //COPY in a Build Battle

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a mini build is one of the most confusing and difficult things to make in Minecraft due to the limit of how many blocks you can use it's almost impossible to add actual details and this is my brother who's about to have his mind blown from the crazy mini builds I'm about to make in this insane build battle alright I think let's see what the first round is for mini build battles a mini structure what I'm gonna go for is a micro witch's Hut so I'm gonna go ahead and start breaking some blocks right here and try to create a little bit of water so it kind of has that swamp Vibe and water done I'm pretty sure they're made of oak wood and Oak plank oh he's big what's he doing bro freaking trying to world edit out here you look dirty cheater alright guys I have a genius plan I believe we can copy and paste this entire building onto our plot bro what is he doing Bam Bam and bam C grass because I think it will look a little better this uh I think Spruce looks good so once you get these slabs in come in with oh God oh God no it doesn't look great hold on does it have to go taller I'm worried man that I'm gonna butcher this because like it's kind of hard to Micro Design because the lack of details make it an extreme Challenge to really pull this off maybe a little bit like that something like a really tiny roof to it like this so the only thing that isn't here is the little table that we're on because it's like a mod pack so I am going to go in and physically add the little table right here to just add that little bit of miniature detail hey Isaac yeah I was thinking while we're building this why don't we up the stakes a little bit whoever wins the build battle at the end of today's video gets to make the other person work on their trade-off base for 30 minutes 30. okay you know what deal Zach but I'm gonna up to 45 minutes oh okay a full episode a full episode for free deal I'm winning deal deal that's actually crazy all right guys we have to win now otherwise we're gonna have to work on Zach's base and I've done that enough I'm so sick of being over at his base but guys this is literally giving me a headache now I need to not mess around at all and I have to win this so we're gonna go ahead and grab some leaves right here [Music] so this is a little world edit trick I can do that's going to blow your minds here if I select this entire region and then do a slash slash replace grass block with grass block and water it creates a more seamless design here that really makes it look more like a swamp to me let's get a witch uh I'm gonna see if I can just put a I mean it's the thing is the witch isn't scaled down all right Zach I'm gonna TPU you to me I want you to see my build first wait what where's your build wait what'd you do see what what what I'm so confused what happened to our builds what are you talking about wait where's our builds at I'm so wait a minute bro what yes yes what what do you think of that Zach Inception oh my God oh my God you just Shrunk the entire base and built it in there with world edit it is so crazy man I'm getting so confused oh my God I made a entire micro witch's Hut biome now come on in here and take a look we've got a full-scale witch's Hut multiple details a witch somewhere oh she died yeah there's no witch anymore there was a witch oh frog see pickles what do you think what do you think I don't know I feel like mine's a lot cooler to be honest with you yours is so weird to me like that's genius let's clear this and get to the rating table so let's start off the voting off in round one here today Isaac score it's a diamond bro three-pointer it's a gold I mean you were missing the witch though you know you didn't have the witch I genuinely feel like you cheated in every imaginable way round two is micro build mini build will be the word magical magical man I could just leave my build there it's pretty much I'll give you a zero for that do it so first things first I think we need to change up the grass it doesn't have a very magical feeling to me okay this block right here I don't know what this is Warped hyphae that is a very magical looking block all right so when I hear magical my first thought is Harry Potter like a Harry Potter build we did recently where we built all the hogsmeade please definitely watch that after this it's a crazy build took us weeks to make but what I'm gonna do to start off I'm gonna make a micro broom it's gonna take me like two seconds and get me one build all right so that's literally one just a micro broom like that's it and then step two is I would like to maybe make it look like it's flying over water like I'm gonna turn it into like a cooler biome really quick so the second one I want to make is like micro chess in Minecraft which is really difficult and complex so hopefully I can pull it off all right I don't know what we're building but we're using very magical looking blocks and for some reason guys I'm just instantly thinking I was thinking mushroom but now I'm thinking magical pyramids so we are going to build a sweet looking pyramid oh my gosh it looks so cool now at the top I'm thinking we want to do some like bedrock and then end Crystal because I think they'll really look nice above we're gonna make a chess set kind of like right here so let's clean these up so these are going to be your chairs all right you're gonna be sitting on the campfire now it gets a little bit confusing because by putting carpet down below this and then putting Redstone next to the dispenser hey allows us to put I think like a helmet down there like maybe chainmail and that should look like a chessboard and this and there you go we've got a micro chess table right there to play Wizard Chest magical chest yell that's magical maybe like some floating candles I'm gonna give myself some barriers maybe it'd be kind of funny if I had a dude riding the broom as well but I don't know I can kind of do it I guess that's kind of funny then in front of that what if I made like a little ring that they fly through for like I don't know quidditch or something so yeah they're just like white rings so I guess we'll just do like white concrete and like bring this up and then uh that'll kind of look like he's like floating into a ring okay I didn't know if this would work or not but look at this the little miniature beacons get a little miniature Little Ray up to the top that's high as they go for some reason but that is so cool now we just need to put some purple and dark purple stained glass there to make it look cooler maybe I could create some sort of like magical portal back here [Music] and then I got the idea to maybe expand our River out a little bit and make it kind of like Meander through something like this for like a little micro River next to your micro Wizard Chest all right guys we do not have a lot of time only 39 seconds but this is what I was able to get done and then I'm thinking we put some of these little guys at the bottom because I think they're gonna look really cute when they're miniature oh my gosh they definitely do they're definitely giving me magical energy Vibes so I'm gonna put two of these on each side of the pyramid oh my God he's created mego sized wardens Zach when we walk off of it if they fall off they turn huge well you should have not let them fall off oh difficulty peaceful and he's still alive that is not good he's gonna wreck everything well let's get in there and take a look at it so we can clear yours really quick would you make a pyramid with an ender dragon and some random mobs yeah it's like a magical little Temple of the Ender Dragon okay great let's clear that immediately they're still there he's Invincible he's so cute what a magical build this was well I have built a magical scene we've got miniature wizard chess we've got magic orbs floating everywhere floating candles a Harry Potter floating on a broom about to play micro quidditch all in one scene wow is this chess yeah yeah oh yeah I like that so yeah what do you think what do you think you like it I'll be honest though mine felt like it had more magical energy coming off I think honestly yours had a little too much magical energy there's a chance this thing breaks our entire base at some point kills us all we gotta kill it I'm not even sure what we just killed bro just about lost the entire bill this took us a long time to create we've even lost a scoring sheet we lost our build platforms we lost our cable we can't even build now Zach oh my God I'm giving you the first ever this is history in the making our first ever copper this is a zero oh my god well look at that guys we're back we're ready and uh we have our next round so as I push that button see what we get oh this one's gonna be fun interior decorating all right let's start off with a micro Throne I don't know to me I feel like a wood that looks good is gonna be dark wood okay I don't think I like that let's try a log like the lectern is gonna come in and be part of the build here we put signs on it like this it creates like really fancy looking Vibes I don't know though that's actually a super mid looking Throne to me now it's a throne make a little slab action up here something like that so you got like a micro little throne here a little something you could sit on and look at all the peasants out there let's put a quick little starter home just to get us going here I'm thinking we just make it out of some Spruce logs that's the easiest wood to build with I think everybody agrees with that [Music] so now that we have this interior we need to get the rest of the castle built which we can do simply with some world edit that's not centered that is not good now you can't even tell all right so you got a little mini castle here we've got that right there we've got a red carpet that's going to come up down the center of this thing just like this and then on the side I think we'll just go a quick little edit here and turn this to a birch wood plate so now you've got like an interesting little micro interior here which I would think all right I would say the front of our little miniature house right here is complete we just need to get some walls on the side and then we can get to the interior decorating I would say it's an issue though because it is basically almost time already and we haven't even done what the actual build objective was today finally we need a little bit of lighting in here to make this place look a little bit juicier there we go and then some ceiling lighting make a little micro door hey that's not too bad what I'd like to make off the side of this would be like some sort of like medieval sort of like torture device [Music] okay so we finally have an interior in our house but we only have 270 seconds left so I don't really know how we're going to even detail this out at this point but I'm kind of thinking we need like some sort of sofa using some snow layers so we're gonna make a nice looking couch right here that's looking out the little back window and we can just build up the layers and it'll make a really cool looking couch if you guys have never done this before or by using a string we can actually put carpet above here so now we have a nice little modern looking desk with some snow accents to match the couch now for an incredibly detailed micro build this is something that you need an invisible item frame for which you can do is actually create a tree like this and then a staircase in the middle that is like a heart and you come in with a sign right on top of it and you say King James forever and then you have a Heart below it like that's kind of a fun little design right there little micro hack that's kind of nice and to make sure Isaac sees it I'll get a shovel out and build a path right to it just like I feel like we do need to add a little bit more so I got some flower pots you need more time uh maybe a little bit what do you think uh yeah all right so I put up a window and some blinds on each side I think it actually looks pretty cool and then we got some nice plants in the corners and are obviously our big Grand sofa so I think that is going to have to be it for today we are out of time completely um he gave us a little bit extra which was nice but I mean we're out now Okay so we've got an outdoor boxing bag that's inside this building because it's the interior and a mini swing right here which is pretty cool but the real thing is obviously we made a micro Throne as well which is pretty interesting this is where I'll be sitting when I whoop you and win and you're working for me for 45 minutes but this is the true beauty that's pretty cool I like that I've never seen that is that did you come up with that nope that is pretty creative I do like that that's that's going to score you some points I think I think that is up to you up your rating yeah thank you oh what in the crap is this so we got a nice little house okay all right well look at the back you know and then the front's all that mattered what do we have in here it's just a nice little got a couch here with the snow blocks um we have an iMac over here where's the iMac Apple okay I guess that's mini all right Yeah so basically you just made a regular base but because it's on a small platform you called it micro essentially well since Zach come to me uh building this space out front I mean this took over half my time then I said wait a minute we're supposed to be doing an interior it's a double iron I mean right we both get one point Isaac you can give me a pressure plate for some reason that's a half Point baby you can't and you can can't add another value what no no you you gave me a garbage zero point last round I'm giving you a half that's half a block all right I'll still be beating you let's see that gives me four wait you gave that to yourself oh oh you gave this because you scored me you little cheater you scored first so I gave 4.1 to Isaac's three four so I'm beating Isaac by point one right now next round here we go small activity let's make the entire thing the DJ [Music] you know what this instantly says to me is miniature roller coaster I think it's gonna look absolutely sweet when you're in big mode and it's gonna actually function I believe boom DJ floor all right so you got that set up and then in order to really pull out the back side what we want to do is a gray concrete wall followed by a glass wall in front is going to look absolutely phenomenal there we go gray stained glass so now you have this design here for the giant Micro DJ floor finally you bring this all the way back to here up one again and we're gonna set this to a gray concrete all right let's see how this looks very good very fun very good DJ Vibes all right so this is what we have on our roller coaster so far so it goes straight makes a nice left turn and then now it is coming back up so I'm basically just going to be building the whole time and just making this bigger and bigger then all we need to do is put down an End Rod it gets some amethyst crystals all right let's get some dancing Steves down here so we'll do a little group of four Steves here we need a music box or like I need I don't know I need like a DJ stage up here something that looks kind of cool this dude's got netherrite armor and I think what I want to make him Do Is Sing into a microphone and so I'm gonna try to use some end rods to build the microphone here like this and then maybe a conduit could possibly work to look like a microphone like he's singing no stop I mean it's not bad but it doesn't connect because the conduit kind of floats so that is a little bit weird okay it's not a bad disco so we have 200 seconds left and I want to try to get really creative with building some micro beacons and with these beacons I want to create a bunch of colors that shoot into the skies let's go ahead and put down our Minecart at the start right here and see if we can ride the whole thing all the way around here we go first downhill is a success and this is what I'm worried about because I've made a big jump right here all right oh my gosh it actually works so flawlessly and we put on the brakes nicely there so we don't go off the tracks and then for like it's kind of more like a nightclub now at this point I guess and so I feel like smoke machines would be cool I don't know how to make a smoke machine so maybe I could generate some cobweb and then use bar took like a smoke machine up in the ceiling kind of like this come on done okay two seconds left here we go how you feeling all right I think I did pretty good I like all right starting with Isaac's first guys let's see the micro build here wow you built an entire roller coaster oh my God Zach two roller coaster land why don't you take a ride oh my how did you do this this is like so much I don't understand well the scaffolding is so nice for building roller coasters so enjoy your ride on Isaac railways there's no way this works perfectly I mean this is actually sick why don't you come take a look at mine for Club Disco This has conveniently placed laser light shows to go to the ceiling and a smoke machine right in the center along with exclusive groups hanging out around and the famous singer up here Minecraft Taylor Swift we were both young when I first saw you okay I respect that uh what are the cobwebs these are smoke machines certain Smoke on the floor spreading out everywhere you could have used the fireplace and actually got real smoke it doesn't well okay it doesn't look as good though because the fireplace goes up and smoke machines need to come off the ceiling see let's just see I don't know let's does the smoke look good here no no it looks like actual it's supposed to be a fog machine not actual campfire smoke we're not trying to suffocate people in here look at that smoke all right let's get voting on round number four what will be your skull a iron bronze a half plate you give me a diamond I'm gonna give you a same thing as nope sir excuse me wrong color let me give you one of these as well okay I mean I feel like my build is better than yours there but you know so guys with that I win with point one but I need to know if my voting was fair so drop a comment down below if you think it was or if I scammed Isaac I guess we'll find out guys thanks for watching I will see you all later peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 69,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: ZiDUxEvOjsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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