I Survived 100 Days as a YOUTUBER in Minecraft

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what do you want to be when you grow up well some people want to be firefighters While others simply want to build houses but for most people out there their dream job would literally be becoming a YouTuber which is why I am now becoming a YouTuber in Minecraft with the goal of getting 1 billion subscribers making me the most subscribed YouTube channel in the world but obviously right now I have zero subscribers so I basically have 100 days to get 1 billion subscribers or these three haters are going to win but luckily for me am a YouTuber so I have a YouTube upgrade menu with all sorts of clickbait powers like this super long YouTuber sword which we're going to unlock to survive because I only have five hearts of HP and if I have to take on three haters right now I'd die without some sort of ability so let's go ahead let's jump off this giant gold play button into the water below and this challenge is going to begin they're going to try to attack me the second I get off this platform I'm going to try and get a boat and get in this River here we go ready let's jump off and go for it oh he's going he's going okay let's do this we need to get a billion subscribers let's go okay quick quick quick quick Qui quick quick quick break this block oh yeah they're coming down they're coming down let's start breaking this tree oh he's getting wood oh they're coming they're coming they're coming oh my gosh oh oh okay hit him this way ow oh he's stuck he's stuck there we go I fit through I fit through I fit through I fit through go this way she is she on me oh I think she saw that yeah she saw me I got the wood I got the wood I got the wood under here to take it go over here go over here get up here get up here we got three logs get away from my wood she took my wood oh I'm low I'm L I got the wood I got oh this is not good this is not good this is not good I have idea watch this go to this tree no way ow what was that that was a creeper what is that noise what is that noise it sounds like I'm what what is happening why are there comments appearing on my screen you should do 100 days is The Flash no okay quick under here under here under here I have an idea I have an idea he's going towards the water nope I'm going back towards the forest go this way go this way go this way my scre I can't get them off me are they nice comments oh they are nice right here oh sorry I got the third log I got a third log quick this way I have an idea dig where oh my God he's going on oh I got spam comments on me where'd he go I buried myself I buried myself they can't find me he's digging I think they're all around me I'm really low okay quick crafting table there we go we got a boat we got a boat we got a boat let's go up here ready go go go go go run I don't think they saw me I don't think they saw me no way they didn't see me they didn't see me I found him I found him oh my goodness down here jump in the water go go go go go get away from the comments get away from the comments yes the water the water the water get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat we need to find a village we need to find a village oh my god do we need to find a village in food like now go go go go go go go there's a village right in front of me we need to get to that Village go go go go go okay it looks like a lot of this is already looted I'm going to grab what what's left that I can we got a carrot that's good for food for now we need hay bals actually we need hay bals we actually got a ton of food right here give me all this food okay we're back to full health that's huge now we just got to find hay bals around this Village I don't see yes there's hay bals there's ha BS down here they're all down here all we need is 32 okay now I just grab these I think this is going to be just enough no way please be enough it is yes first Quest is green and completed let's go okay we need to go into the next thing which is building a snow golem now pumpkins are in plaines biomes pretty commonly oh God the haters the haters the haters the haters we got to go we got to go we got to go oh I need more logs oh he took all the hey a man he took the wheat also come on oh he's right here ah oh no I can't see I can't see the comments in your back no way if you see your comment screen let me know in the comments below oh my God there's so many comments we need to get in this Forest oh my goodness do we need to get in this Forest I need to lose these guys now I'm going to die I'm literally going to die I'm walking faster but I'm also hated go go go go go go go go go go leave hate comments not not me snow snow snow snow snow we got snow oh no I'm out of hunger I'm out of hunger this is not good there's another Village they ran past me okay yeah we let's go let's go they think I'm in that Village this is huge okay let's grab some wood for a sec now we take these logs turn them into wooden planks make another crafting table put it down then we can make some sticks make ourselves a wooden shovel and our make ourselves a wooden pickaxe and now we can get snowballs to make all the stuff we need okay huge okay perfect we juked them so hard now let's just go grab some snow just keep minding this get as many snowballs as we can we don't need that many and now that we've got this snow here's a quick word from our sponsor so once again thank you to pubg mobile for sponsoring this video now if you haven't tried pubg mobile before have you been living under a rock well if you haven't now is the perfect time to start playing because pubg mobile offers a dynamic Battle Royale experience with eight classic maps and a variety of game modes whether you're playing Solo or with friends there's always something exciting to dive into you can team up in a classic Battle Royale mode engage in intense team death matches or explore your creativity in the world of Wonder mode where you can design custom maps for yourself your friends or the community as a whole because this update also enhances the world of Wonder mode I mentioned before giving you even more creative freedom to design custom maps like capture the flag and Tower Defense gameplay or if you're not good at making custom maps you can still play custom maps made by other people in the community in the world of Wonder mode and since I know all of you are just like me and love building and creating maps and games I know you guys would love world of Wonder oh and by the way I'm not sure if you knew this but pubg mobile now supports 120 FPS gameplay but the most fun part about this game is the brand new update called Mecha Fusion Mecha Fusion is a high impact action-packed themed Battle Royale mode where you and your teammates get to experience some Epic EPC Mech combat two mechs have been added into the game that can combine together to create an ultimate four-seater Mech which you can then use to dominate your opponents so if you're into giant Mech fights this game mode is definitely for you so if you want to come join me in Mech battles scan the QR code you see on screen right now or simply click that link in the description down below to download pubg mobile for free right now and you can play on both Android and iOS devices so there is legit nothing stopping you from joining me in a giant Mech battle unless of course you're scared anyway thanks again to pubg mobile for sponsoring this video and I'll see all of you on the battlefield very soon so now just put this crafting table down and now we have a bunch of snow blocks so now we just need to find a pumpkin and we can make a snow golem okay let's see if they're still over here in this Village I think they are oh wait there literally pumpkins right there we can just grab those hold on a minute this is going to be huge we can make the snow golem right now we're just grabbing one of these pumpkins now let just sneak into this Village let's see if we can find like iron ingots in this Village somewhere just don't get caught by the haters that's all we can do maybe the Le have some extra food too no chest no chest no chest this one's got a chest Cod it has fish we'll eat the fish oh there's a creeper after you all right let's go find this guy they're still around me man go this way they're looking at the crops right now let's quickly just grab three stone and let's make ourselves a stone pickaxe then we just grab one coal right here now let just mine some iron right here and now if we go back to our crafting table real quick we just quickly make ourselves one furnace put the furnace down smelt the iron ingots we just got there's two iron ingot that's all we need now we can go ahead and turn these into shears put this pumpkin down Shear the pumpkin get a Jacko Lantern break the Jacko Lantern put two snow blocks on the ground with a Jacko Lantern on top and boom we've now built a snow golem and we just need to break in place a cocoa bean and we're done so now I'll just grab the remaining OTS from here break this thing and let's get out of here okay now let's just get back into the village real quick I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die no way I'm going to die oh my we legit almost died there hold on I need to steal some of these hay bals back we can just eat some bread get our health back and let's actually go ahead and let's make ourselves a shield so we can actually protect ourselves here a little bit getting enough for three wheat's going to be super easy let's check this building there's some villagers oh they're right outside I got to be super careful are they coming in I did not mean to break that does he not see me don't move oh oh he sees me wait he's up there wait you see him I put the I'm gone see you later go go go go go spaming with comment get I have idea watch this com he's in this building he's in this building right here got to go up got to go out shut this we don't like you ow he's down here he's down here skeleton oh we're on have a heart one have easy idea he's running towards the yes oh God you know what let's just go look for a jungle for now we'll get some weed along the way oh no no I got eyes on him they're cutting they're cutting around back this way back this way I him I him I him I JK him I Jed him yeah they're getting me with those comments but but thank God I can still see good enough let's get to the water get to the water get to the water with the boat we can eat once we're on the water I see you have a boat so do I I'm right behind you left us behind yeah you got to turn around and go get your friends you got to turn around and go get your friends yeah that's right oh wait you going to follow me oh she's she's following okay let's just do this till we find a jungle a jungle a jungle a jungle a jungle go go go go go how much space do I got only a little come on hurry here we go got the boat back go go go in the woods in the woods in the woods there's got to be a Coco Bean in here yes right there right in front of me get of this grab the Coco Bean I grabbed it plant the cocoa bean Quest complete Quest complete Quest complete back this way back this way back this way to the water to the water oh she hit me oh to the water ready go oh you know what fine get in my boat Bring it on Bring it on Bring you know what bring it on you can stay in my boat you're coming for a journey we're going for a journey I don't like you yeah no you're not meant to you're coming with me punk when we were coming to the Jungle I saw another Village over here if we go to this Village just up ahead we can get wheat to kill hay and while I bring Haze to this Village to kill her let me tell you about the sword we're about to unlock you know in all those YouTube videos where you see the clickbait swords that are super long well I'm about to get one for real is this the same Village no this is a different village this is a different village it's a different village see it's a different village hay okay we're going to they're trying to break the boat but they can't okay let's just go let's get on the land here we're going to be so quick about this ready yes oh take your boat no eat some food go go go go go we just need to find some hay blocks that's all we got to find is some hay blocks the sun is coming up on day two I do not care she's got an iron pick oh I got to be careful that yep for that reason exactly that does some hearts I see hay bells right down there that's what we need oh I missed that that's not good oh he went down here what yes quick unlock the clickbait sword we have it oh we're covered in comments but now we have a giant sword yeah that's right yeah you want to fight me look at my giant sword you want to fight me now yeah you better run that's right I have turned these tables now I have a giant sword no oh my gosh oh my yes she's done we this giant sword has saved the day let's go now we just need to build another boat and get out of here real quick make a boat and we're out of here let's go we're out of here and now let's just go build a base somewhere where we can start getting more clickbait YouTuber items just like this sword after barely surviving that intro with my life it was time to move on and actually start my Minecraft YouTube career cuz right now I have zero subscribers which is why I'm going to take a sec to explain how I'm going to get more subscribers fast basically in this mod there are things called video generators and once I place them down I'm going to start to gain subscribers now the first generator is called a wooden generator and it's not good at all but we got to start somewhere don't we anyway that's the base and now that you've seen it it's time to start getting some subscribers and money because we're a YouTuber and right now we still have zero subscribers and $0 but luckily inside of this chest I can fix that problem with a wooden video generator now let's go downstairs real quick and we're going to put this wooden video generator right here next to my bed so let's put this thing down and you're going to notice it's say $0 and that's because uh I haven't made any videos yet but with this wooden video generator I'm going to start making videos meaning I can start making some money in fact if you look at the upper right hand corner of my screen right now we've actually gained our first subscriber which apparently gave us eight total n total dollars oh we're making money look at that but again I only have one subscriber right now however the second I touch that money you're going to see my sub count shoot up and I mean fast so we can take the $11 by simply right clicking the wooden video generator and now if you look at our sub count it is going up so fast we're already at 100 subscribers now 200 now in fact we're already on our way to 1,000 subscribers if we keep going at this rate and this is the best cuz now we're gaining Subs at a pretty fast rate all because of our video generator here anyway now that we're gaining subscribers and money we are on our way to becoming a YouTuber but there's a lot we got to do like as an example unlocking new YouTuber powers and in fact our next upgrade is literally unlocking Mr BEAST's febles bar you know those chocolate bars that he never stops talking about feasable bar this is the best tasting chocolate on Earth good job boys basically I'm going to unlock that chocolate bar right now by completing the three quests you see on the upper leftand corner of my screen so let's just go ahead and let's start with the easiest one which is just crafting five golden carrots and now we got to take those carrots and make them golden so let's just grab some raw gold and now let's smelt the raw gold inside of our blast furnaces and turn those into golden nuggets and now we just surround some carrots in some golden nuggets and that's going to get us the golden carrots we need so since I need a total of five there's three four and five meaning our first Quest is now completed and now our next Quest says I have to lead a squid meaning I need to make a lead which requires me to get some slime balls and the best place to get slime balls is obviously in a swamp at night so that's where we're heading next okay we're going to swamp we just got to find some slimes now oh I see one I see one over there just get past this skeleton oh this is going to be bad okay let's use our clickbait sword take him out we got good range with it okay now that we're done with all those mobs let's just go over here and kill that slime for a slime ball oh God there we go we got some now let's go home and get out of this swamp so we don't get murdered by monsters okay so now we just have to actually craft a lead so we just take the Slime balls combine them with some string and we get ourselves some leads and now I have to find a glow squid and Lead it okay we found some glow squid now we just got to I guess attach a lead to one of them so let's grab our lead and let's lead you oh that was it that's it I just attach them to a lead and we're done there we go I officially have a pet clo squid and now it's time to finish the last quest which is just to break an emerald or now there's no Emerald or here cuz we're not under a mountain or anything right now so we simply have to head to where we can find an emerald okay let's just look for some emeralds on this mountain there's got to be some somewhere also quick pause but I just realized we're at 13,000 subscribers now which is kind of crazy if you think about it like we just put down that wooden video generator like a few days ago and we're already at 13,000 subscribers I wish it was that easy in real life anyway I still can't find any emeralds maybe this mountain doesn't have any never mind wait I spoke too soon here's an emerald and Boop and now the quest is fully done which means we can unlock Feasta bles Mr BEAST's chocolate bar that I can now eat infinitely for infinite food which by the way if you read this chocolate bar it actually doesn't just fill up your hunger but it also makes my saturation full which might not sound op but that means I instantly heal so that's actually really really broken but anyway let's go ahead and let's head on home now with our new feasable bar in hand okay so now that we got Feasta and 20,000 subscrib scribers it's time for us to stop being a rookie Creator and become a growing influencer now as you can see this growing influencer has 100,000 subscribers since that's a silver play button so I'm hoping by the time we finish this quest line I'll have 100K subs or that's the goal anyway but actually unlocking this new YouTuber isn't going to be that easy because first we need to breed five different animals then we need to bone meal 10 different plants and finally we collect honey from a beehive now the Beehive one isn't that hard but the other two are okay so to breed five different animals what we're going to need is we're going to need some wheat just like this so let's grab some of this and steal it from the farmer and now let's go over here to these cows and let's go ahead and let's breed them together so that way we can get our first animal taken care of now we have a sheep right here and a sheep over here so we can do sheep and sheep there we go and now we breed pigs together using carrots or I thought we did wait did we not what oh no that is how you do it that just was glitching out and I just had three pigs spit out two baby pigs I have no idea why that lagged so bad but whatever we got the pigs done with and now we some to breed two more animals and I don't even know where to begin on that I guess we could chickens since they're right here but how do I even breed these guys I'm guessing it's seeds right I don't have any seeds let's just kind of get some real quick oh wait we do have seeds I'm dumb if I give you seeds and I give you seeds is that a baby chicken yeah we got them okay that's four animals down and one more to go and there is some horses over here but I don't know how to breed horses I'm assuming it's like apples or something but with a quick search of Google I found out it's actually golden carrots which we have hold on you come here wait why are you see why can't I see through this horse look at this yellow flower I can see it through the horse is it my shaders oh it's my Shader pack come on transparent Horse let's go this way let's go meet with your horse buddy up here come here horse buddy okay we give you golden carrot we give you golden carrot did that not work Google just lied straight to my face that did not work like at all maybe it meant carrots not golden carrots maybe that's what it meant oh it's a creeper okay so what if I give this horse a carrot no he doesn't even want the carrot if anyone knows in the comments why those horses aren't being bred please let me know okay so I was about to start taming these goats and I was eating my chocolate but I realized it apparently cost me money to eat febles chocolate yeah look at this vegetables chocolate cost me $5 a chocolate bar I've just been eating this stuff like candy well I guess it is candy but yeah look when I try to eat it now it literally says not enough money okay well that's super annoying let's just quickly get these goats sprad together cuz I can use wheat on you and wheat on you and you guys should become best friends and there we go perfect the quest is now completed and now that that Quest is done with we now have to bone meal 10 different plants but since I don't have any bone meal let's quickly get some from some skeletons okay there's a skeleton right down there let's go for him here he is oh he missed yes huge you're done now we got two bones so we can turn that into six bone meal that's now nine bone meal so we literally just need one more bone and there we go now we have all the bone meal we need so let's grow 10 plants uh tomorrow it's night time I don't want to do this at night okay it's daytime now just go over to this farm and let's start bone mealing different plants so we're just going to break all the crops here just so they're all at base level it'll make my life a lot easier and now let's start by doing some wheat seeds which we can use one bone meal on and that gets us our first growth then let's put a carrot down and grow that and then we get some beetroots over here here which is actually perfect so we can plant the beetroot seeds and then grow those as well and now it's time for the hard part bone mealing seven more plants I don't even think flowers count right oh wait they do I just right click it didn't even use it wait I just right click flowers wait this is so easy that's seven oh a sapling I bet you we could do a sapling oh we got a sapling what were the odds in that I broke one leaf and got a sapling so I guess let's just find a clearing like this put it down and bone meal it that's eight it didn't grow but that counted nine with this flow and now we just need one more flour like one flower we haven't right collected come on there's got to be a plant that we haven't used this on yet oh wait a minute there is what if I use it on like seaweed underwater will this work it's literally growing it it doesn't count so you're telling me flowers which don't actually grow count but seaweed underwater doesn't that's ridiculous will sugarcane count no what about this little plant thing will this count Noe how does that not count this is so confusing what about these little berry bushes do these count no of course they don't actually what if I plant it hold on hold on we might be in here plant it then bone meal it that doesn't count either this is crazy this is absolutely crazy what do let me get a set another sapling I guess and just do that instead I I don't know what else to do at this point okay there's a sapling put it on the ground and boom now we bone meal 10 plants and we're done and now it's time to finish the last quest which is simply to collect honey from a beehive but first let's go downstairs in the base and grab our $33 so that way we can actually eat some Feasta bles so what I just learned is if I right click my giant sword which is kind of Click baity I can actually shrink this this sword down into a tiny tiny diamond sword that deals heavy knockback instead so now my sword isn't huge it just deals knockback anyway now it's just time to get some honey which is the easiest found in these Cherry biomes cuz of all the flowers if I just run around here for a sec I'm definitely going to find a hive that has honey cuz hives are really common in these areas okay Quest just completed I wasn't recording cuz I'm dumb and I forgot to hit the record button but the good news is we got to this beehive we clicked with the bottle we got a honey bottle and now we're here yay the quest is completed and we have 50,000 subscribers but you're about to see that number shoot up much higher because when we go from a rookie Creator to a growing influencer you're going to notice that at the bottom of that text it says play buttons will help you get more subscribers and that's exactly what we're going to do as a growing YouTuber and now that we are a growing YouTuber there's probably quite a few things you notice one I now can have a total of $1,000 in my wallet where before I think that was like a 100 and second it automatically jumped me up to 100,000 subscribers which is a lot by the way and because we had 100,000 we actually got a silver play button for accomplishing that award and now that we have the silver play button we simply go down here and now we're going to place this play button on the wall right here and now that we place that down you're going to notice our sub growth instead of going up by one every millisecond it's going up by two so if you look at that sub growth I'm gaining Subs super fast right now and we're already at 110,000 but once again we're just getting started and now it's time to actually replace our wooden video generator so we can get some more money now I already have some Stone smelting upstairs which I was going to use to show you guys this but if we go into a crafting table with our wooden video generator and simply surround it in stone we're going to get ourselves a stone video generator and this Stone video generator generates even more money even faster so look we're already at $2 $3 and then $4 but again this is still too slow so let's go ahead and let's break this Stone generator go upstairs grab some iron and let's surround this thing with iron to make it an iron video generator if I had enough gold I could make a golden one but I don't so we can't do that yet so for now this iron video generator is going to have to do but you'll see we're getting money really fast now look at that $5 $6 $7 $8 oh yeah this is great we can get money much faster now and now I don't have to be worried about eating my chocolate bar every few seconds but anyway now that we've upgraded our video generators and we have more money coming in we got to actually keep becoming a stronger YouTuber cuz we still have haters who are trying to hunt us down here and prevent us from becoming the biggest YouTuber in the world and getting a custom play button from YouTube yeah that's right custom I'm not sure how many of you guys knew this but when you become a big enough YouTuber there are more play buttons than just your basic silver gold and diamond in fact Mr Beast has a Ruby play button that YouTube sent him and that's the play button I get at the end of this video if I can have the most subscribers in the World which of course is a billion but I'm getting ahead of myself we don't even have a gold play button yet and to get that we have to become a YouTuber which as you can see is a tier three upgrade meaning I'm not allowed to actually unlock that one till I finish up all my tier 2 upgrades first so let's finish our tier 2 upgrades we already have the growing influencer so let's go ahead and let's get the play button push ability basically using this ability I'll launch out play buttons in all directions and any haters hit by them are sent flying also now I feel like we're far enough into this video where I can tell you guys sorry for the Echo and yes I mean Echo I'm in a brand new room so it's empty so it echoes a lot I just moved houses so uh I apologize in advance anyway let's go ahead and let's unlock play button push in fact to unlock it all we need to do is build a house for a pig made only from dirt and glass kill a skeleton with a fishing rod by pulling it into lava and then I just need to kill three of the haters with my giant YouTuber sword that seems easy enough so let's take a bite of our Feasta bles and let's get to work okay so for now let's just go back to the base and get started on these oh hold on I just saw the haters I just saw three haters look up on the hill they're just taking the hay bells I don't think they realize I live here right over here oh look at all this hay oh we're going to be eating for ever just don't move this is so difficult oh please don't find me let's get to the base hey the heck is this no he found theas he found the base he found the base he found the base he found the guys come in here wait it's his base yo oh oh he's in here he's in here yeah oh no he's going to kill me he's yes I got one I got one I got one I can't see stop stop tell they're in my base they're in my base they're in my base quick got much stuff no no no no we can't die we we can't stay I'm getting no no no no it's not worth staying I'm getting out of here I'm getting out of here I'm going to die I can't risk it down here in the water down here in the water we can lose them down here we can get away we can get away they won't even see they won't even see how I got out of here and wait what what happened to all my money why do I have no money I can't even eat my chocolate I think those weird swords in their hand were stealing my money but whatever for now I'm just going to flee and I'm just going to start working on a new base somewhere else cuz that base wasn't that big and we didn't have a lot of stuff so it's not worth fighting for it and risking my life okay so with our first base found by the haters in the village we had to move to a new one now I could make another village house or something but I have a feeling it's going to be found so instead let's build our next base to be a bit safer okay so welcome to my second YouTuber base which hopefully won't be found this time but anyway this base is really really cool it's in the middle of a jungle and one of these forests that has these red mushrooms in it and basically inside of this tree right here which does look a little weird it's well the base so I just hit this button here and you'll see it opens and all the Redstone is hidden in this really fake mushroom over here so uh don't look inside that okay so let's just go in the base and let me go ahead and show you around so if we go down here and go to the first floor you're going to see this floor is pretty basic we got a lava generator our furnaces our nether portal and if we go downstairs even further you're going to see that we have the rest of our stuff down here in ining some iron armor our beds our chest area and of course an enchanting table so now that you've seen the base let's take this clickbait sword upstairs and let's go and let's exit the base and let's get started on the play button push ability we were going to work on before but obviously got our base rated instead anyway if you remember the first Quest that we have to do is actually building a house for a pig made of only dirt and glass which seems really dumb but I'm willing to do it so let's go ahead and let's start by just grabbing a bunch of sand here that we're going to need to make the glass now I don't think we need a ton of glass there we go and now it's said we just needed a bunch of dirt so I guess I'm just going to go ahead and grab this dirt that's right here oh and there goes my shovel so hopefully this is enough dirt and sand let's find out okay we got a bunch of pigs right here these are the pigs that I'm going to try and build a house for the only way to really do that is to trap them inside or lure them inside with carrots so what I'm going to do is I'm really just going to try and trap one real quick so I just quickly dig him into a hole no don't walk away I got to trap one you in a hole actually wait wait wait I have an even better idea I actually have a good idea here we'll find out no no no no no no you too fast come here pigs I got to try trap one of you if if we can get him to walk over here we'll have him trapped I'm going to push him in go this way yes come on Pig go no that's the wrong way okay you're actually kind of close to it get in there nope no he was so close turn around right now sir that's it get in there oh he's running away now great oh I killed him dang it I got I got to trap the pig somehow to get him in the house okay I made a bunch of little holes everywhere if he steps in one I might be able to get him maybe okay come on this is actually a good spot for him to be in no why do you move okay I've made a stone shovel hopefully beat these pigs you are going to get in a pig house whether you like it or not here we go come on please yes you you're trapped in your face you dumb pig now let's put a block here and you're stuck and I'm going to build a house around you so let's go ahead and let's Design This little Piggy's house since you know we currently have't trapped in this hole let's start by flattening out this hill that's behind him cuz I think that that's just kind of getting in the way and now let just build a house around this guy here we go this is going to be perfect trust me we're just to start putting down some dirt like this all around the Border edges of this place okay perfect the pig is now trapped inside a little hole and now we have to add Glass to this and a little roof and we should be good in fact let's quickly do a dirt roof first okay perfect our little pig house is now done we just need to add glass and this Quest will be completed so let's just grab a little Stone real quick then let's make ourselves a quick crafting table then we simply make ourselves a furnace where we're going to start smelting up some of this sand and turning it into glass okay so in total we got four pieces of glass which really isn't many but luckily it's enough to finish this Quest so we'll just put a glass right there a glass right there and then two glass right here and right here and just like like that our Quest is completed with a house made for a pig of only dirt and glass and now it's simply time to kill a skeleton by fishing rotting it into lava so let's go a and let's start by making a fishing rod real fast and then let's grab some lava from our lava generator okay there's a skeleton we just need to now put lava on the ground then we just need to fishing rod him into it okay let's get this guy over here come on I'm just going to put this lava down right here grab you with my fishing rod come on there's so many mobs they're getting in the way of this what he just walked into okay that was really funny I was busy fighting the mobs and the skeleton I had touched walked into the lava and that completed the quest okay so now that we finished that Quest let's just go ahead and let's head on home so I was going to go out looking for the haters but I knew I needed some more money before we fought so I made a bunch of money printers so I could eat as much Feasta bles as possible and switch my sword from super long mode to knockback mode got a Pillager Tower right there we'll just check out the island and then we're going to go over there to check out that Forest some more I Heard a Voice I hear voices no they're here they're on this little island they're underground they must be below it okay let's find the way down wait wait that painting is not right this is it look at this if I hit this no way this is meant to make you crawl but I'm too short to fit I only need two kills so let me just break the wood maybe that worked look the ladder's going down let me see if I can maybe get one of their attentions on accident so watch I'm going to throw Birch PL down there watch chill long day of hating you know yeah that's tired of hating I want to keep throwing dirt down ready wait hey is that did you guys drop that no no he's here he's here wait did they notice oh wait I think they no no no let me break the ladder there we go you're stuck now look at this look at this you're done how hey this is mean I'm going to die move move he's done killed another we just need one more kill you blocked me realizer I died yes we killed him that's all the kills we needed go go go go go go go go go go yes come my shovel I'm I'm up here here go this way quick go this way we need to unlock this new ability hold let's to up watch this he's over by he's over by the oh he's on top of the tree yes I go to the tree I go to the tree I go the tree keep building up keep building up keep building up go go go go let's quickly unlock button push let's try this thing oh okay we got the blocks off we got the blocks off I don't have any money so I can't actually use this play button push ability but I'm guess we would launch Play buttons and knock them back normally wait wait down I think we're low we we need to go we're we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving oh no the boat we wor about getting home later let's just go let's just go you don't have a boat on you oh please don't hit me with that yes let's go and we are out of here with our new play button push ability unlocked and I'll show you that ability once we get home so anyway now that we have play button push it's time to get our other tier 2 ability which for our YouTuber is the heart Creator and luckily for us we do have a lot more money generators so in a matter of seconds we can get to $11,000 which to be honest if I didn't have these things giving me money I would be in a lot of trouble against the haters but anyway let's quickly make our way back upstairs for a sec so that way we can start on our next tier to Ability cuz like money and subscribers is cool and all but we need power still and the next one is actually heart Creator like I mentioned a second ago but you may not actually know what this ability does have you ever seen those YouTube videos where it's like I survived Minecraft with custom Hearts I added custom hearts into Minecraft I edit mob hearts in Minecraft yeah those kind of videos well this ability lets me create custom Hearts cuz I'm a Minecraft Youtuber you know and as a YouTuber I need to make custom Hearts so we're going to do exactly that but before we can actually get a custom part we have three quests we got to complete first we have to collect one of every single type of fish and place them inside of a bowl then we have to craft one trap chest and then finally we simply have to climb a total of 200 blocks on a ladder and a lot of this stuff is easy in fact I'm pretty sure I can do that ladder one and the trap chest in a single day don't quote me on that cuz I might fail but let's see so all the quest says is climb a total of 200 blocks on ladders so I'm pretty sure I can just keep climbing this ladder over and over until I move 200 blocks up and down is this boring yes very but I'm going to keep doing it and there we go Quest complete now let's just make a trap chest which can be crafted by simply combining a chest with a trip wire hook so CU I'm low on wood I'm actually just going to grab two logs right here and I'm going to use these to make a chest and now we can simply combine together a wood a stick and an iron to get a trip wire hook which we combine with the chest and boom we got a trap chest two quests down and now I just have to put every type of fish in a bowl okay it's time to start fishing and putting fish in bowls so let's cast out our rod and let's see what we get I don't actually know if this is the best way to get fishing bowls but I'm going to do it well actually wait there's some fish right here there's some tropical fish but can we grab this you can oh my God if that works I want to try something now that I have this bucket of tropical fish if I just put him down in this hole right how do I actually put him in a bowl did that work I just right click him in a bowl wait what where'd he go what you could do that you could right click fish with bowls is that true someone in the comments also let me know if this is true I don't know if this is our mod that's doing that or if that's an actual Minecraft thing cuz obviously we're playing vanilla Minecraft right I mean this looks vanilla anyway let's just go get the rest of the fish now that I know I can just right click them with a bowl I'm just going to go to these Cod right here and right click the Cod Boop okay that's two fish now we just need to find some salmon and I'm guessing a puffer fish okay let's use these Dolphins right here to quickly get some speed there we go let's go boom I see some puffers right click with the Bowl come on yeah we got them that's three and now there's only one more to go and that's a salmon which is super easy to find I found some salmon come here salmon boys and boom there we go and just like that all three quests are done meaning we can unlock the heart Creator our brand new ability that's going to let us make some hearts okay so now that we actually have the custom heart ability let me show you what the this does basically I can go up to different animals and get a custom heart from them with this ability so if I go up to a cow here and let's just hit one on them you're going to see my first heart now turned into a cow heart it doesn't look normal well if we open our YouTuber menu and actually go to the heart Creator I can see that cows give me passive knockback three so wait a minute if I punch anything I'd have knockback three now look at this oh my God I do look how far he went look at this okay that's awesome what other custom Hearts can we get well it turns out quite a lot I can get a a horse heart that gives me speed a warden heart that gives people around me Darkness a dragon heart to gain the ability to fly a creeper heart to shoot out TNT a guardian heart that automatically will shoot Guardian beams at people and finally a ghast heart that lets me shoot out Fireballs by right clicking I'm literally going to be so broken with all these custom hearts in fact can I get a horse heart right now too I don't see any horses never mind here's a few white hes okay let's use custom hearts on this horse oh it changed the cow heart over to a horse heart so I can only have one custom heart at once and I'm not going to lie this horse heart is pretty good because it gives me plus three speed which is making me super fast right now so it does kind of stink that I only get one custom heart at a time but at least we can have a lot of fun with that but now let's talk about our next problem which is actually has to do with these money printers because right now they're making so much money I can't even take it like I literally have only $11,000 maximum and I hit it every time but luckily I have a plan wait why is my subscriber count Frozen when did why did my subscribers freeze oh God is my YouTube channel getting terminated [Music] okay so I'm gaining subscribers again and it turns out it's because I didn't have my silver play button on the wall for whatever reason anyway we just hit 500,000 subscribers which means we're halfway to a million though I know a shortcut to getting to a million all I have to do is go to my Evolution upgrades and unlock the YouTuber that would also get us a gold play button that we could put right here that should help us get subs extremely fast but more importantly than that I can have more money so I won't be capped at $1,000 which is really dumb so let's go ahead and let's become a full-fledged 1 million subscribed YouTuber that actually become a YouTuber I just have to survive the charge Creeper explosion obtain the hot tourist destination advancement and face off against the haters in the game of spliff wait what spliff isn't that that game where you run around with shovels and try and knock people into pits below I'm going to play spliff against the haters wait what that's either going to be really fun or really bad but I'm hoping fun but we're not going to start with that no way we're actually going to start are you actually wait are you attacking me I didn't think so I was like spiders aren't Agro in the day right no I didn't think so yeah fun fact for you I found out in a live stream recently A lot of people don't know this but during the day spiders don't attack you like they're just they're just chill see anyway let's just go ahead and let's get these quests going and let's start by doing hot tourist destinations in the nether cuz uh I don't want to get blown up by a charge creeper right now and I don't even know where that game of SP is cuz I didn't get a book or anything that tells me where it is so not really that helpful okay so now let's just go to every single biome in the nether now luckily for us there's a bunch of biomes around where our nether portal is we've got a normal one right here that we're standing in we've got one of the nether red Forest it's literally right next door and then if we just go over this way there's literally one of those like dark stone biomes that spawns the magma cubes I don't know what they're called but anyway these are the three biomes I've currently been to so now we just have to find a warped Forest which is blue and a Soul Sand biome and I believe that should be the last two that we need to find o o ow ow ow ow ow ow eat the piz wait a minute what you guys are not going to believe this I just learned I can shift right click the chocolate bar and there's different types of Feasta bles so right now I have a peanut butter febles that fills four hunger bars and gives me fire resistance for 90 seconds which is sick while I'm in the nether so now I can fall in lava and not burn are you kidding me that's incredible anyway as I was saying before I just burn there there's a Crimson Forest right here so that Crimson Forest is now done and now we just have to find a Soul Sand biome and we'll be good oh I found one literally right in front of me boom and there it is hot tourist destinations is done with we've now been to every biome in the nether which means now it's time to walk all the way home which uh is pretty far and I guess it's time to survive a charge Creeper explosion oh there's a creeper right in front of us let's just go and let let's trap him now and we can turn him into a lightning creeper whenever it decides to start raining okay we just got to get rid of these skeletons first nice now we just need to trap this creeper that almost ended horribly noo the zombie dude he's gone yes okay we got him trapped now we're going to go up one more block just so he doesn't blow us up we're going to put a lightning rod right there and one right next to him just don't want to blow up here I'm going to put one on the top and I want to get one on that sand down there okay let's just break this block you ready and Boop put it there yes yes okay we got him he's trapped in there with a bunch of lightning rods and now if it storms at any point we'll come back turn him into a charge creeper and then survive his explosion and uh I guess I'm kind of stuck now I don't think I'm going to get any information on the spliff stuff until that creeper explodes so uh this could be a second so all we had to do was wait for a storm now and I decided to spend that time upgrading my video generator so we could get more subscribers and more money it's raining it's raining it's raining we've got to get over to the creeper no the Creeper's gone wait what did he despawn he must have despawn hold on let me grab this lightning rod back there's a creeper we're over here we can still do this we can still do this we got to get them to get smited though come on lightning strike I might have to remove these lightning rods they might be getting in my way okay they're all gone there's only one left they should be attracting all the lightning I just need one creeper to be a charge creeper that's all yes no he died oh on creeper friend oh I don't want me stuck here don't want me stuck here no way it struck him and killed him again what are the odds that it's striking it twice come on is he charged he's charged okay yes yes we survived a charge Creeper explosion let's go let's go oh two more creepers I didn't even see them and now that that's done if I open my inventory apparently there should be a book that tells me about this sple game but first things first let me just get rid of these ugly guys who just will not leave me alone in fact you know what let's quickly go home and read the book there oh what oh you you you're done give me your Trident ow he dropped it no way we got a trident this might just be the best day ever okay so now that we have a trident which is pretty cool let's read that spliff book so we have a book called spliff and when we open it it literally just gives us coordinates so I'm I'm guessing I just go to those coordinates and when I go there there's a spliff waiting for us I guess and maybe the haters I haven't seen much of them which does make me a little nervous that they're doing something big but like I guess I'm going to have to go face them right now at the spliff Arena okay wait here's something is this it this is definitely got to be this looks like an arena okay let's go in oh no what is this hi there YouTuber this is our spliff Arena you're going to have to best all three of us if you want to complete your quest but of course that's not going to happen you loser uh okay okay cool I get a diamond shovel at least uh okay fine let's do it I'll spliff you come on out to the spliff Arena let's see what happens oh oh they're coming oh God okay we're playing spliff stay back let's get the store okay the secret is to cut off a big corner of yourself see look at this I'm going to keep cutting the land I fell cut them off cut them off cut off cut them off cut them off oh oh one I got another one two down one more up here yes I got all three oh we're all down here now they're going to try and break the block he he's up there he's up there hey you have to come down here eventually they're right I do have to come down there eventually wait I have an idea I can dive bomb them and get a bunch of them I see he's over here oh he jumed down he jumed down I got one I got one I got one yes I stuck attack one I'm cutting the land half oh she dodged it she dodged it I'm cutting the world in half ready let's go over here now he's done yes two down one left one left yes yes they're all gone we won and the quest is complete They're All Dead oh my God we actually won that and now we can become a full-fledged YouTuber which we'll do in a second okay so we won spliff which means we can now become a 1 million subscriber YouTuber and now we can finally get more money but uh these printers have just been sitting AFK so long that I already maxed out my money I literally already have $10,000 and I won't lie it's really hard to run out of money when we literally have infinite printers going right now it's kind of crazy anyway we have $10,000 which means we can spend a lot more money now but our next goal is even bigger the diamond play button where we literally are going to become Mr Beast Mr Beast more on Mr Beast later because obviously we're not even close to 10 million subscribers yet and that's when you get get a diamond play button but we can unlock our next power instead which is a YouTuber's camera and I mean that literally it's this ability right here I get a camera that I can use to take a picture of the hunters which apparently will freeze them in place anyway to unlock this camera we have to blow up five wither skeletons to the bed knock back five players with our play button push ability and finally just place a moss carpet on top of a smoker so let's start by blowing up wither skeletons with beds and honestly we're just going to take these shears here and start shearing some sheep so we can make a bunch of beds to blow them up with come here sheep okay so now just go ahead and let's make ourselves a bunch of beds just like this and now we just have to go blow up some wither skeletons now I haven't actually been to a nether fortress yet but I saw one earlier when I had to get hot tourist destination and I remember seeing it over this way I think no maybe not wait no yes yes there it is oh wait there's one right there there's one even closer hold up okay we just got to fight some wither skeletons and I'll blow them up with a bed okay there's some wither boys right there dodge those Fireballs okay here we go let's get the first one oh we got him oh I got hit though dang it okay that's two wither skeletons down okay let's get this guy right here this will be three and now we just got to find two more really I just saw two regular spawn why why can those even exist in the nether get off the edge wither boy wither boy boom that's four down we can finish this up here here he is let's get him hello you're dead and there we go just like that five wither skeletons have been blown up with beds oh now you want to shoot at me let's play this game let's do it I win nope oh you blocked it no way he's retreating he knows he's being defeated yeah you better run buddy yeah you better run that actually looked like he was running that's hilarious uh so our next Quest is pretty easy we just got to get a moss carpet and place it on top of a smoker like I I can get this done really really fast watch this if we just go to our cave over this way it literally leads to a lush cave biome so we can just go to our normal mining cave all right here we go we're at the cave then we go down here and boom I found a LH cave and this is where we get the Moss carpet we need we're just going to go down here grab a couple pieces of moss put them in our crafting table like this and we got some Moss carpet hey it's brown Axel okay so now it's just time for us to head on home so let's just get out of this cave by swimming up this really obnoxious water and now just go put this moss on one of my smokers or that was the plan so I basically just have to remove these two blocks up here and put my own in so I'll just put a carpet right there oh nope right there and boom Quest complete so now let's just go back to the haters base and let's knock them back five times with our play button push so I made my way back to the haters that was my plan anyway but they move bases so I then had to go look for them everywhere again which I then found their new base on day 49 that might be their new base um that's very obvious the way what is that that's absolutely ridiculous this is their base they didn't hide it at all like this base looks awful it is their base I even hear them isn't even have doors or items what he's here he's here wait what is this hold on a minute something suss here this is a fake base hold on a minute wait how do I get in there's got to be a way into this thing right Sor right there there's a button right there I don't know I'm scared hello he's in here he's in here okay I just need to push him back three times ready spam him no hit him hit him oh I can't see I can't see I he can't see he can't see outside outside outside he he's leaving he's running I'm right behind him okay I got him yes I hit him with the knock back okay that's huge now we can un knock our new ability freeze and now if I take a picture of them they should all freeze ready oh my God how many I can't I can't even oh what is going on he can't move he can't move he's Frozen now I froze place with the camera now let's freeze the next one freeze boom he's Frozen Let's freeze the last one freeze the last one hey guess what you're Frozen too we need to go we need to go we need to go we can get out of this he's running FR she's Frozen she Frozen run run run run run they're getting comments on me quick wa for to off and then oh he's coming in I'm coming I'm coming picture of him he's Frozen again now we can just quickly make a boat dang it it'll never be relevant and we're out of here we're out of here let's go in fact just to be safe make a bed or make she's now Frozen in the water see you later and I'm out of here while you guys are frozen by my camera so now let's just head on home we got ourselves a camera and now we can freeze Our Haters whenever we want but now that we did that it's time for us to work on our next YouTube U upgrade and that upgrade is called Omni tool and you've definitely seen clickbait videos on YouTube about these Omni Tools in fact even some of my YouTube friends like xoro has done a ton of videos on these things they to actually unlock one of those crazy Omni tools we need to collect a red and brown mushroom block build a nice YouTube studio and blow up three blocks of gold with TNT now luckily there is mushrooms everywhere around here though they are only of the red variety though there is a brown mushroom right over there so we're good but to get those blocks we need silk touch so let's throw our pickaxe inside of this enchanting table and let's try and get silk touch we can get efficiency 4 here but there's no guarantee this comes with silk touch let's risk it no just efficiency 4 it's all good we'll just throw in the grind stone that hurts a little bit but that's okay honestly I need to start using this thing anyway I need to start enchanting boom second try efficiency 4 silk touch now let's just go all the way up and let's go get those mushroom blocks give me the red mushroom block there we go we got one now let's just grab some brown mushroom blocks and with those two blocks right there our Quest is completed and now we just have to blow up three gold blocks with TNT which means we got to go to the nether because there's no better place to get gold blocks than the nether now if you watch my videos often you already knew that because you know I get gold blocks in the nether pretty much every single video in fact I'd argue it is every single video cuz I I I need him to get ender pearls anyway let's go find a Bastion Remnant and steal some gold blocks real quick okay so we found a Bastion Remnant but it's my least favorite type because I can never remember where the gold is in these things oh God they're coming to me let's go down to the bottom real quick I think it's below these faces oh am I wrong I got oh yeah yeah here it is tons of gold 1 2 3 4 five blocks let's keep going this way yep here we go okay now let's go ahead let's get out of here and let's head back to the Overworld where now we just have to gather up some TNT and blow all these blocks of gold up okay so now we just need some TNT which requires sand and gunpowder and I got tons of sand so let's just go and grab some of this real quick God I wish I had a shovel this is so slow I bet you you wouldn't see Mr Beast digging around in the dirt like actually you know you probably would he does some crazy things in videos anyway we got 18 sand that should be enough so now let's just go down to our caves real quick and let's go kill some creepers for their gunpowder and there we go now we have 10 gunpowder which means now we can actually go ahead and craft ourselves the TNT which is hopefully enough to destroy three gold blocks okay so I'm just going to put the gold blocks here put the TNT right here I think I can blow all three of them up boom it is it is yes oh and we get the gold blocks back that worked out great go away ugly and now we only have one Quest left and that's to build a YouTube studio now as a YouTuber I could build it myself but that is not very YouTuber so instead I hired a bunch of Builders to build me a YouTube Studio however it's going to cost me all $10,000 that I have oh and there's one other major cost to having someone else build my YouTube studio and that's that the admins who run these challenges gave me a brand new rule because of this all my video generators have to reset to Wood because I'm not building my YouTube Studio myself I think I made them kind of mad to be honest but whatever it's fine I'll reset my wooden generators if it means getting a cool YouTube studio built by professionals okay so the YouTube studio is officially done and I did hire someone to build it like I mentioned and now I just have to spawn it in and to spawn it in I just have to use a command to get it in the world but first I got to find a good spot to put it somewhere where it's going to look good but also never be found because I don't want the haters to somehow find it which honestly makes these rocks right here pretty good so we just start breaking some blocks right here real quick just like this okay so apparently all I have to do now is type SL SL paste minus E and then oh my God it just pasted an entire YouTube setup we've got a netherite shovel as a microphone we've got a camera right up there we've got two speakers back here and here a little phone on the desk this is really cool whoever built this I'm linking it in the description down below oh my God there's even a Nintendo switch I didn't even see this that's so cool which I'd say means Quest completed okay so now let's go to a cave real quick so we can test out our brand new Omni tool okay let's go and unlock the Omni tool which of course is this giant clickbaited pickaxe inside of my inventory oh my God it's so big I can't even see the end of it look at this thing this is truly the definition of a clickbait pickaxe and there's some diamonds right here which is the perfect time to show you that this is going to double everything I mine so we get two diamonds for the price of one and because it breaks in a big area I can do this and get a bunch of diamonds at once that's our new super long clickbait pickaxe that is absolutely ridiculous after getting that YouTube Studio made and showing you guys the Omni tool I simply spent some time after that upgrading my money printers again so that way we would stop running out of money okay so now that we're actually making money again normally at this point I would probably try and get the Mr Beast upgrade so we can get more subscribers and get a diamond play button however we're not even close to 10 million subscri subcribers yet so instead let's do something that's going to help us get to 10 million Subs now I can already hear all of you wondering Ry guy what are you talking about well my plan is really simple I'm going to use Lamborghinis every YouTuber puts these things in their thumbnails and videos and if you do you get millions of views just by showing off your cool car but regardless lambo's equal subscribers so let's unlock our Lamborghini launcher why does that actually sound like something Mr Beast would make and today we're going to launch 10,000 Lamborghinis anyway anyway to unlock the lambo launcher we just have to kill a blaze with snowballs free seven Hunters with our camera and put a zlin in a mine cart and since there's two things in the nether that's where we're going to go first well uh kind of I mean I first have to go get some snowballs to kill a blaze with but you get what I mean okay let's use our giant shovel to gather a bunch of snow that's a lot of snowballs so now let's just go to the Nether and let's go kill a blaze okay here's a blaze he actually can't see me here now he's going to be able to but that's okay watch this snowball snowball snowball how many does this take oh that many and now that Quest is completed and now our next thing in the nether is we have to put a zaglin in a mine cart and luckily for us our base is right next to a Crimson Forest so this is really easy to do here's one right here come here hoglin come on time for you to become a zlin okay slowly but surely I'm blocking this guy to the portal he's going to have no choice but to come maybe if I just get him close enough he'll just teleport like I oh he went in he went in okay he's hiding in the corner that's fine he's shivering that's what we want now he's going to turn into a zlin boom there we go now he's a zlin and now we just got to put him in a mine cart which that's not too hard to do let's start by just making making ourselves a few rails just like this there we go then we just make ourselves a mine cart like this and now we can do this okay let's just go back upstairs to the Zin he's going to try and attack us that's okay put the mine cart on top and now we just going to trick him into it yes we got a zoglin inside of a mine cart and now we have one job left and it's time to start freezing okay their base is just up ahead here let's freeze them seven times with our camera and then we'll be good to leave we know how to get into this base luckily it's a hidden base sorry no they covered it they moved the button it's gone how do how do I get into the base now they moved it dude there's got to be something around here that's all the same this tree's different this Leaf wasn't sticking up just cuz you said respect I found it I found it I found it let's take a photo of them in secret first wait you guys should I got her I got her that's one froz wait what oh it's up here two down watch the names they may have another way out killed me come down here oh no I'm sorry okay and gone that's four already Frozen oh my God six we just keep killing Haze it's only getting Haze yeah can you guys go up there I'm scared he just two shot you oh he blocked us off I blocked it off so the second she appears I'm going to freeze her and then kill her watch watch watch watch move I took a photo again now we can unlock our Lambo launcher and it's time for this base to go home see you later let's destroy this base watch this I destroyed all their stuff oh my God wait am I a money they took all my money we need to go we need to go we need to go we literally can't shoot off any more Lamborghinis there's a boat right here no way this is not my boat no no please let me go please let me go I have two hearts please let me go let me go let me go I won't I won't attack there we go she's gone yes I'm going to take this chance let's go let's get out of here let's just get out of here if the others can't see me that's my chance to leave okay the Lamborghini launcher is awesome I mean come on this is so cool look at that I could just literally decimate this entire village with Lamborghinis you get a Lamborghini and you get a Lamborghini oh it's t Co I guess they don't get the green Lamborghini but any anyway this ability is awesome and by the way the abilities only get better from there because our last combat ability is called collab where we're literally going to summon a YouTuber to join our team but uh more on that later for now let's go ahead and let's unlock our subscriber Shield where I'm literally going to summon a random subscriber skin to be my shield now we picked a subscriber who's actually in my Discord and if you check the link in the description down below you can find my Discord and join and then once in a while you might be able to get an Easter egg in a video like this but anyway to unlock that Shield we just have to collect one of each sapling type use a tide armor trim and if I'm reading the right this is hilarious ride a pig into a raid that's amazing I want to do that first does this Village have carrots or just wheat I think this Village just as weat I don't see carrots oh I still do have some carrots though no we're good we're good and the reason I need carrots is so I can make a carrot on a stick which we can take our fishing rod to make so now let's just go and let's grab a saddle from this chest and let's go ride a pig to battle let's just get bat Omen real quick at this Tower at spawn oh I see a bman he's coming up hello ugly and now we have bad Omen okay Mr Pig here we go I'm walking on the Pig this is definitely going to get me Subs this is a video in itself Yep they're all scrambling The Raid started the raid started it did and there we go we've officially Rod a pig into a raid let's defend the raid using the pig let's see if we can do it just for a YouTube challenge we got to try right stay away from my pig get over here yeah we got him there's only one more he's right here get him we are unstoppable okay we got the next wave come on let's get him Mr oinkers oh that's not good I do not think Mr oinkers is going to survive against this that is a ravager and I'm hoping the gollum takes him out that'd be great oh no he wants me oh my God Golem get him take out the other one Golem yes we are now the hero of the village good job Mr oinkers these villagers will celebrate you forever you are a true champion and now it is time for me to return home and now it's time to do our next quest which requires we get every kind of sapling in the game and we're luckily around a bunch of different forests so we can get a ton of these saplings really fast so let's pull out our super long tools and let's get busy so I'm going to start by just cutting down a bunch of saplings here there we go there's one now let's go over here and just go to one of these jungle trees and let's get a jungle sapling okay that should have definitely dropped a jungle sapling oh I see one there's one right in front of me come on and now we have a jungle sapling and luckily in jungles you can also get Oak saplings from oak trees like right here so let's cut this thing down and there we go that's an oak sapling now there's tons of birch trees over there so that's where we're going to head next there we go we got one and now there's only three left to go and that's an acacia sapling a Cherrywood sapling and a spruce sapling now we can get the acacia wood right here boom there it is we got one and so now we just need cherry wood and Spruce and luckily we both are because right at spawn we got a bunch of Cherrywood so let's just cut one of these bad boys down and steal their leaves and there we go now we have some cherry saplings which leaves only one more type and that's Spruce which we can get right by our original base and we're done another Quest completed and now we just have to get the tide armor trim and uh well use it but where do we actually find the tide armor trim I don't know so I got to do some Google searching and then look for it so it turns out the tide armor trim is obtained by killing Elder guardians but it's only a 20% chance so I traded with some villagers for the map which led me to the underwater monument and I didn't get a single tide armor trim so then I had to retrade for a new map at a new Village so I could go to a new monument and fight new Elder Guardians it's annoying but I did it and I really hope one of these new Guardians drops a tide armor trim okay let's go ahead let's kill these Elder Guardians let's do it and now let's really hope one of these guys dropped the tide armor trim oh my God look at what's spawn in here it's it's literally an underwater temple look at this I've never never seen this happen oh we got mining Ste again so there's still Elder Guardians in here I just can't find them okay let's keep going in Elder Guardian please drop tide he's gone he dropped it wait an Almond's Feast tables did I get a new chocolate bar every time I become a new YouTuber cuz now I have an almond Feasta that fills my hunger bar and gives me haste three for 90 seconds okay this is crazy but now we got to get out of here cuz we have the tide armor trim we just got to use it okay so now all we do is put a copper ringot inside of this crafting table with my chest plate and the tie armor trim and boom we get ourselves a tide armor trip Diamond chest plate which makes all three quests complete and now we have the sub Shield unlocked which literally does this that's right I'm protected by a bunch of different Minecraft skins I think these were supposed to be random skins of your guyses from the Discord but uh I'll be honest I these don't look like your guys' skins these look like generic Minecraft skins well uh join the Discord I guess if you want your skin added in a future video cuz uh that I thought that what they were going to be anyway now we're protected by a bunch of Minecraft skins that'll block 50 damage for us which I'll show you right now by releasing our zoglin see he's whacking me but nothing's happening anyway now it's time for us to get our Diamond play button and upgrade to 10 million subscribers in fact we're literally going to become Mr Beast even though I know he has more than 10 million we got to start at 10 million and work our way up to where he's at now so let's become Mr Beast by collecting two music discs that drop after a skeleton kills a creeper then we're just going to use a grindstone to remove five enchantments and finally we just trade with three different villager types and now I'm going to do that in reverse and start by trading with three different villager types okay we currently have 16 emeralds let's see what we can trade inside this Village even though I already have one this guy will sell me an iron axe let's do it here's a leather worker and I can buy some pants from him so let's buy those pants and then finally there's this enchanting guy right here and we can buy ourselves some Redstone so let's do that and just like that we've traded with three different villager jobs and now let's just go remove some enchantments with a grindstone so now using the iron axe we just got let's go ahead and let's just enchant it once and then remove it enchant it twice and remove it three times four and then Quest complete now we just need to collect two music discs that drop from a skeleton killing a creeper this Quest is actually going to be pretty hard we need to not only have a skeleton kill a creeper once but we got to do it twice look at this this is perfect no just shoot the one shoot the one shoot the one right here this is it right here come on this your chance yes we did it once and now I have to do it again they shot him they shot him they shot him yes and yes the quest is done we're done with it and I'm out of here but now that we're done with that we can become Mr Beast who looks beautiful by the way but more importantly our subscriber number has now shot up to 10 million which means we're on the climb to now pass the Beast Boy now that we've unlocked him it means we've also unlocked a brand new chocolate which just so happens to be dark chocolate and apparently this acts as a passive totem of undying so if I die with this chocolate bar I don't I I literally just don't die so I'm just going to keep this chocolate bar out because it's broken but anyway the most important piece is now we can have up to $100,000 which means it's probably time to start upgrading these money generators again I was going to say I don't have 100 grand but apparently I do I now have $100,000 but once I add this diamond play button to the wall our subscriber growth is going to go up super fast now if you didn't know Mr Beast actually just went through a subscriber battle against the YouTube channel t- series where he became the most subscribed channel on Earth with over 10 like I don't know 65 million subscribers or something like that it's a lot but I'm going to have a billion by the end of this watch out Mr Beast but anyway now that Mr Beast is unlocked and we got this whole YouTuber thing going strong it's time for us to work on our final three YouTuber upgrades that are going to help us reach a b ion subscribers the first one is collab and this is going to let me Summit another YouTuber onto the server which will not only give me a bunch of subscribers because I'm collaborating with other YouTubers but this person is also on my team meaning instead of it being a 1v3 it becomes a 2v3 after that we have another ability which is literally called edit it out where just like in a video where you can edit out things you don't want I can rewind time using this ability so if I take too much damage or something I can rewind my health back to full and to get these last three upgrades we need to head to the end which which means we need Eyes of Ender and the first item you need to get that is blaze rods okay so now we just go to the nether to go get some of those blaze rods thank God we have the dark chocolate Feasta so we don't take any fire damage let's get these blaze rods okay we're at a Bastion and now let's start collecting the gold blocks that are around the back of this Bastion okay that's all the gold from the back of this place now let's go inside grab this gold block there we go now jump over here to this one grab this gold block now let's go down here and this is where all the gold blocks are going to be they're going to be at the bottom here now we grab all these Gold Blocks as quick as possible break this spawner whack this guy back now just check the chest where we got a little extra gold and a netherite upgrade now we have 27 Gold Blocks which is more than enough so now it's just time to start trading with the piglins around here so now I'll just throw some gold ingots in there so they all want to trade and now let the trading begin okay they're done trading now just kill them all off and get all those ender pearls and we have 16 ender pearls perfect number now let's just get out of here and let's head back home cuz now we have everything we need to head to the end ooh let me get this gas heart real quick actually Booyah we got a gas tart now die oh my God I can't get him let's try and get him with his own Fireball I guess oh that worked now let's just go through our portal and head on home okay so let's go through the portal and let's make our way to the end GL H oh he's here he's here oh TT oh run run run run climb irrelevant oh that's rude no I'm not dead I'm up the ladder y he's still alive yeah I'm still alive okay I knocked him down is this even worth fighting yeah it is it's going to be worth it it's going to be worth it I have a gas start let's use it to win this we can just shoot fireballs and stuff around just keep throwing Fireballs down oh they're just they're blocking them yeah I died to that back at you yeah you did I'm a gas take that what okay where is he where is he where is he get through the walls get through the walls I need to get out of here I need my long axe where's my axxe we're getting out of here he's up here he's up here he's in the trees oh I'm blind I can't see ah he's dead he's dead he's dead go go go we can get out of here let's leave let's just oh I can't see I literally cannot see anything you can't reach it's not that I can't reach I can't see we got it I can see yes she's dead where's the the last one where's the last one here he is camera Lamborghini he's dead yes okay our base is toast but you're not going to believe this every chest we have survived meaning luckily we barely lost anything except for the base we do need to go build a new base now so let's gather up what we can like our enchantment table and then let's go build a third base fit for a YouTuber okay my base may have been destroyed but I'm literally Mr Beast right now I can just buy a new one so that's what I did and I bought the perfect base for Mr Beast to live in okay so welcome your faces to my new Mr Beast base a base inspired by famous Minecraft Youtuber Captain Sparkles and this base has got everything we need like a bed a bunch of money printers a giant swimming pool overlooking some cool ice bikes and then boring stuff like chests lava smelting areas a nether portal oh and did I mention this is all in a village but yeah we designed it kind of inspired by Captain Sparkle's house cuz he's the reason I actually started Minecraft YouTube in the first place and so I wouldn't be making videos today if it wasn't for that guy and I know he likes really cool cars so we built a cool superar right here anyway yeah that's who the house is based on that's the base and now it's time to get serious because we have no choice but to head to the end let's go take down the Ender Dragon before the haters can get there and screw up all the stuff I got to do in the end all right let's throw off an eye of vender it's going this way okay this is where we're going right let's throw off the next eye oh did it turn around wait did that go down where'd that go wait no they're going down wait a minute it's right below me the stronghold is literally right below us we're in oh we're in the portal room let's go put all the eyes in put all the eyes in quick okay it's time to battle the Ender Dragon okay let's go in dig our way up real quick and there's the Ender Dragon now we just got to take this guy out hopefully before the haters realize I'm here okay let's go let's be quick about this let's be really quick so we can take our arrows and shoot them through here to blow up the crystals come on yes we got one and here's another one down and now from up here we should be able to take out most of these one down oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh okay you know what actually wait a minute I forgot I have my mob Hearts ability so I can actually use that ability on this dragon and I should be able to fly hold on a minute we got to do this can I use it on him from over here did that work that did not work we need to get close to him we need to get close to him is that close enough come on come here yes come here no way I didn't get that heart okay let's switch to milk chocolate so we can get back to full and now let's wait for the dragon to perch that's probably our best bet so now let's just work on taking out the crystals there we go shoot it down it's gone and now I have an idea watch this when the dragon gets close I'm going to be able to take ender pearl on on to the dragon I did not get the YouTuber heart o I'm down to two hearts that's not good okay dragon's perching we can get it here we can get it here we can get it here give me your dragon heart yes we got it look at the heart on our screen and now I can fly oh my goodness let just take big and ugly out here get over here Ender Dragon stop flying away okay he might be a little too strong for just the three of us but once we leak the server there's no way he's going to win would you part lead tons of fans are joining the server wait what what does it mean by that oh oh dear God he's there hold on the haters are here get oh canel we get to canceled to be set free again he's right there's go we don't want to get hit by that canceled bow apparently I have to type cancel just to get by it okay what does it mean by fans it said they add fans to the game I don't see any fans I'm not even wor about get the dragon get the dragon get the dragon we need to go to the other end oh they're coming they're coming who's he's so dead He's So Gone oh my God look at the tab menu there's so many people on wait are they joining the end you know I'm worried about the dragon let's get the dragon help me oh God there's fans oh my God there's so many players okay we took one out we took one out oh God they're all shooting at look at this oh they're talking they have bikes okay bring it on you know what let's go I'll fight all of you oh god there oh my goodness go oh they're setting me flying there's so many of them oh my God what do I even do they're all over me they're all over me oh they're killing me look at them all they're burying the portal so I can't escape look at them no way get off that you get off that oh my God I need to kill this Dragon we need to kill Dragon oh actually you know what no we're dying we're going to die if we stay here I'm leaving we can fly I'm flying to the outer end manually we're not even going to kill the dragon because as it turns out I don't even need anything from the dragon anyway I need stuff from the outer end I still can't believe they leaked my server who does that okay perfect we've reached the outer end finally now we just need to get all the stuff we need in the outer end which includes a dragon head elytra and some shulker shells but first one of my Quests for tier five requires that I drop an armor stand into the void so uh ye and now that that Quest is done with let's go get those items from the end oh there's an n city right there perfect and does it have a ship does not have a ship okay we can't get elytra or dragon head here which is what we need but we can get the shulker shells we need so let's just quickly do this cuz all I need to do is hit a shulker with its own shell you'll see what I mean in a sec so if I kill this guy he gave me a shulker Shell right so now I have a shulker shell and I just Whack Him with this shulker shell and that Quest is also completed now perfect and right over here there's another n city and this one has an elytra ship where we can get the dragon head we need and the elytra let's just go right here grab this dragon head now we'll just break a hole right here kill this guy grab the elytra and might as well loot the chests while we're at it and now we have everything we need from the end fully done with already and that sounds like they just took out the Ender Dragon this isn't good oh it's spawning it's spawning it's spawning here it is and they're protecting the portal so well look they got Towers up top let's start by shooting a Lambo at those Towers okay I have an idea I have an idea if they're actually protecting the top of the world I could probably come in from the bottom of the world but we'll try that if this fails watch this let's get this guy up top he won't even see it coming look I shot a Lambo I don't think they saw me they don't know I'm here did that get him yes it did we got him oh he landed in water no they do see me they see me let the battle begin oh bring it on oh I hit him I hit him once oh there's so many of them jump Lamborghini let's see if we can get in the portal here we go Lambo Lambo Lambo did that work can I get I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in yes we survived and we are back home oh my goodness I only have 10 Arts to HP left okay you know what I deserve a break in this hot tub and in fact you know what now that they have like 30 to 40 players on their team it's time for me to unlock collab and summon a YouTuber to fight on my team cuz that is just ridiculous so to finish unlocking collab I just have to throw a trident at Elder Guardian now if you look at my quest in my upper left the kill 9 out of nine with the lambo launcher finally activated because uh with all those fans joining my admins agree that those kills should have counted and they've marked it as complete for me which means let's just go grab our Trident real quick and let's go cheuck this thing at no Guardian okay here's the bent let's just get over to the Elder Guardian he should be right through here okay I'm inside here he is here he is there we go we killed him let's go now let's just break this block and we are out of here with the quest fully completed and now all I got to do is collab and now that we've done that you're going to see we have a collab item in our inventory and when I right click this I'm going to summon a YouTuber into the server let's do it here we go oh I don't have enough money hold on let me go up to my money printers apparently I'm too broke to do this okay so now if I just right click this boom it took all $100,000 I had but now apparently someone summoned into the server hello is is anyone there hello no way hello is that who I think it is am I moose where are you I hear bro I'm down what is this dude how did I get here well I I I I summoned you I I used this collab ability you put a virus on my PC bro how the heck am I in your Minecraft world I was literally in my own world and now I'm over here bro get me out of I just spent $100,000 to get you here wait are you Mr Beast uh right now I'm Mr Beast yeah okay I'm out all right I'm leav no no no hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out I have a lot of fans on this server that really want to kill me and I need help surviving and I I'm definitely out bro see you dude wait wait wait I'll uh I'll give you I'll give you Feast tables chocolate chocolate all right bro let's do this let's send it dude let's go okay follow me this way to the house because uh we have some prep that we got to do to get you ready and get me to full strength yeah yeah you don't have any money you can't uh you can't actually eat the chocolate yet I can't eat the chocolate did you just scam me bro yeah I kind of did but it's too late to go back now so come on let's go up here real quick we'll go to our money printers and get you some money here grab some money o free money yo don't mind if sh shift right click him to get the money out oh I'm just okay all right my bad bro my bad we'll put the printer back we'll put right give me the money okay fine here you go take the printer back okay so grab yourself some money now you can eat chocolate but even better you need some other stuff too and see boost with the click of a button You're Now Rich dude yo you're double the size have all my stuff and uh here oh let me show you what we can do come come over here real quick so we don't wait why am I so big what' you do to me dude what do you what do you even what's going on right now look don't question it we mod our world uh so if you come over here you have a Lamborghini right click the Lamborghini on that cow okay no that's not oh oh my bad my bad bro the cow right I got you perfect and that's what that Lambo does this is a Lambo launcher that explodes oh you got me throwing Lamborghinis wall them two times the size and your Mr you also clickit swords okay fine dude clickbait swords oh y bro you got clickbait pickaxes and and also if you shift right click it you can change it around to different tools wait what is going on bro this is going to get even better right wait for this okay so you can also get a a custom heart here from different animals moose you're going to follow me to the nether real quick and I'm going give you a gas T and you're going to be able to shoot Fireballs a gas who you know what just just show me bro show just follow me follow me there's a gas down here come hit it with your numpad key and you're going to okay my numpad key all right I'm trying dud it I'm doing it do you have a custom heart look at your first heart does it look like a gas it does not look like a gas right now oh um that's not good then we need to get you that gas come on get over my Lambo oh I mean that works too we got to find another gas now 1 minute 37 seconds later oh snap gas is here oh I got the heart let's go you got the heart okay moose you should be able to shoot Fireballs now that you have the gas carall watch this take my fireballs and the lambo to oh well Lambo got him trust me bro throwing lambo's way more effective well now that you know how our all our abilities work you just got to help me unlock my last ability your last one what what's that okay so my last ability is literally called edit it out and I'm going to be able to edit our video Live while we're playing in it so basically if anyone damages me I can rewind the video and undo that damage what in the world bro it's like hacks exactly and luckily the first quest to do it is wear a dragon head which I have in my inventory right now so I'm just going to put that on then there's the other quest which is drop an armor stand into the void but that's already done so that only leaves one more Quest and that's to collect a stack of the most common blocks in each Dimension dirt Netherrack and endstone now I already have a stack of dirt and endstone but I don't have a stack of Netherrack so I'm just going to quickly grab that using my pickaxe and now that I have that we just go back to the world grab dirt and endstone so if I just go in this chest over here we can grab our endstone and our dirt and that Quest is now completed and I can edit this video live using the edited out item you see in my inventory right here and in fact let me try it real quick oh I don't have enough money to use it yet well let's go make some money dude and luckily we came because I can now become the biggest YouTuber of all time with 1 billion subscribers and there's only three things we need to do to actually become that first defend against the horde of baby zombies then throw a splash potion of any kind at a witch and finally just reflect a fireball back at a gas while riding on a Strider that's annoying but we can do it well let's just start with a splash potion cuz that's easiest we have a splash potion of swiftness so we just have to throw this at a witch and we'll be good so um I can fly you can't um so you just wait here for a sec I'm going to go throw this at a witch all right bro you have fun dude yeah I will okay cool there's a witch right here so we're just going to go into its Hut take this Quest complete before moose realizes I'm back I'm just going to quickly go to the nether now I'm going to put a saddle on this Strider Ride The Strider and now I just have to punch a fireball back at this gas but God the server's lagging so this is going to be tough did it hit it hit it hit it hit yes that might have been laggy but oh my god did it work and now what we have to do is defend against the horde of baby zombies which likely also is going to be pretty laggy but let's do it cuz I can do that with a simple command okay now for the zombie horde to start I literally just have to type SL zombie horde which I did and now we just see if they start spawning I guess it's daytime so that should really help oh no wait they're spawning they're just lagging okay watch this I'm going to let them all just group up below me and burn to death this is going to be the easiest quest of all time yep come on little guys just come on over you're just going to burn to death and there we go Quest completed and now I can become the biggest of all time the biggest YouTuber you've ever seen I literally look like I was made by AI at this point I have a literal play button in my chest like that's how much of a YouTuber I am we made this model to look just like Captain Sparkles but anyway let me go find Moose real quick because now that I'm fully upgraded we have the Ruby play button and something I didn't tell you guys is this Ruby play button can ban the haters from the server and I mean all the haters so let me get moose and let's wage war against these haters and defeat them once and for all oh also I'm sure you noticed my subscriber count I'm now at a billion subscribers so uh yeah Mr Beast give me me a call when you want a collab I'm waiting for it moose are you up here up Broar you guys want some of this bro I've been working out's you're going to blow up the base oh God I'm sorry bro fire fire the fire put the fire put the fire dude why you look like that bro is that even what happened to you oh right I I I guess I look a little different now don't I is that like what one day in the gym gets you uh yeah you grow a beard yeah yeah you grow a beard and you get a play button in your chest I think I look great but anyway I'm officially the biggest YouTuber of all time I got 1 billion subscribers right now one billion but you're still shorter than me dude what oh wait I am oh oh short Kings okay short Kings anyway okay here we go now that we are fully ready to go I'm fully upgraded you're fully upgraded it's time for us to ban these haters and I have this Ruby play button right in my hand that will ban them from the server we just got to find them first yo let's go find these haters bro I want revenge luckily if they're haters of mine I think I know just where to find them they're going to be waiting at spawn by my giant gold play button come on moose I would fly but uh I I know you can't fly so come on and so with there now being tons of haters on my server that was leaked and having to summon moosecraft to fight on my team I knew this upcoming battle was going to be epic in fact now that I'm full strength I have an infinite Ruby play button that I can place down and it will ban haters nearby so with that in mind I can ban the haters and win 100 days as a YouTuber with moose collaborating by my side B is literally just here there it is look at the ball look at the ball look at the ball where we going where we going oh we're fighting them we got a l get them with the Lambos they're all going to keep spawning here so get ready this is this is it this is for all the mar oh bro okay I'm on the way I'm on the way here we go I got my Lambos I got my Lambos yo they're coming for me let's send it I'm whacking them off I hit one I killed one there's so many arrows okay I'm this way oh they found me they found me I'm going back to the play buttons wait I forgot I can ban them I need to ban them bring them over to the play buttons I'm going to ban them with the play button I put it down I just got banned apparently they're starting to get banned someone just got banned dude you banned him let's go I'm watching the tabl list it's slowly getting smaller when they get near me lead him over here lead him over here or do I going to get get him get him I'm cancelled hold on canell oh my God my health my health is getting so low oh my God yo they're throwing so many arrows oh no let me take it back let me take it back I got it back I got it back oh we need to go this way actually I have an idea I'm going to go in the play button and I'm going to block off the play button dude I have players surrounding me I don't know what's going on feel free to come in the play button if you need safety there's one in here with us there's one in here with us get him he's dead oh she just knocked it down they spawn in here they spawn in here are you spawn killing now this is I put the Ruby play button down that should have banned I got banned you banned me right I banned you with the Ruby play button uh here how did you do that SL unban it's moosecraft you're unbanned sl pardon you Noob slash pardon it's moosecraft you're you're un B go go go okay they're all trying to get in I'm whacking them all down oh no R I'm not as strong anymore I'm normal now I'm normal oh no moose get away from the play button every time I place it down it's going to ban you so all right I'm out I'm out okay quick I'm grabbing that back okay let's start placing Ruby play buttons everywhere and just trying to ban them watch this ready there's a guy right here banned they're gone you just Bann everybody how did you do that and now I'm going to ban more watch this baned gone bro everyone's gone right B Gone let the power get to you you B meone pardon it's moosecraft you're back where are they there's only three left I got to find them I found one buried underground goodbye I found one I found one goodbye D there's one left dude okay moose we got to find him we got to hunt him down we got to hunt him down we got to ban him so us YouTubers win moose I found him look he's emoting you know what you deserve this band do it do it moose get him all right here we go watch this all I rewinded time sorry I didn't mean to edit you back yo this guy dude hey hey moose hey moose I took a photo oh I was going to edit you back again come on bro okay you know what let's just ban him let's just ban him see you later J what is he doing oh I banned didn't I let me pardon it's moosecraft now moose rejoin because officially the YouTubers win let's go we did it we did it Victory is ours we're officially the most subscribed YouTubers with our own Ruby play button here C Lambo thanks again to pubg mobile for sponsoring this video
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 337,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as a YOUTUBER in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Day Youtuber, 100 Days as a YouTuber, Minecraft YouTuber, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: X0K0bslTa7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 37sec (4657 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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