How DIABLO Became More Powerful Than A DEMON LORD – His TRUE FORM & Revenge | TENSURA EXPLAINED

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Diablo's power is something that's always been quite a mystery to us we've only ever seen him fight that one time in season 1 and that was just barely scratching the surface of what he's capable of his existence is also one that's shrouded in a lot of mystery too so to see both partially explained in the last two episodes was quite the surprise I'm sure a lot of you want to know more about a lot of words were thrown out with not a lot of context so here I am to explain what a Damon Lord is how its potential surpasses that of a demon lord and basically how Diablo evolved into one himself I'll also cover everything the anime left out from all the scenes involving Diablo so if you're curious about things like what he did to the clergy or what he was talking about with the Demon Hunter this video should have an explanation to all of that now before I get into the rest of that rimo has actually been reincarnated into another world a world of fantasy I'm sure you're familiar with and one that happens to be today's sponsor that's right starting now in the idol RPG AFK Arena both rimu and shuna will be available to unlock via their new tensor crossover a new themed Voyage of Wonder called Stone freed water flows depicting a new adventure on this continent that means joining now will bring more rewards than ever especially now that they're doing this tensa crossover so not only can rimu and shuna join your ranks and fight alongside you but along with them is a 180 free summons event gearing you one SP hero via this code right here you'll get to see rimuru's iconic megiddo and shuna's Alignment field then you'll become more powerful the more battles you fight with them it's just like how rimu becomes stronger with beb's predation since so too will you do the same just a lot faster and easier and that to me is probably the most refreshing thing about AFK Arena plus you can even try them and see their in-game skills for free if you want and with over 100 Heroes across eight different factions your sphere of influence will continue to grow just like tempests there's a wide selection of Heroes waiting to be summoned and adventured with all of which could be spare headed by rimu and don't even need extra resources to level up so whether you want to play the best Idol RPG or just experience this awesome looking tens of the crossover be sure to check out AFK Arena using the link down in the description but now let's get back to the video it's always fun to see Diablo's opponent slowly pieced together just how powerful he is and that's something we first see Dada trying to figure out since the five Elders gave him the order to kill Diablo he was actively investigating what it was he was dealing with and it was from that that he found Diablo wasn't just any regular demon we saw him come to the conclusion that Diablo had bested rosin so that at the very least indicated he was an early modern Arch demon there was a good chance that he was even older than that though since the older a demon was the more powerful they were to give a bit more context on what these terms mean modern Arch demons were Calamity class threats typically between 2 and 300 years old well medieval demons were closer to that 1,000-year Milestone they were demons powerful enough to be assistance to demon Lords and it was a completely different level of strength from that of the lower leveled demons this made damada shudder at the thought since a medieval Arch demon was a threat to humanity entirely if a demon like that somehow made it into the world then the destruction it could cause would be immense that's why the Eastern Empire places limitations on the demons they can summon and makes sure not to deal with anything beyond the Medieval Age to do so would cost the Summoner their soul and their Essence would be consumed in exchange for that demon that being the case the Empire's records only had successful summons for demons up to the Medieval Age and anything beyond that was just unknown now I know these medieval Arch demons may sound like they're super powerful but the only reason it seems like that is because it's coming from the perspective of damada to scale things a bit more objectively a medieval Arch demon is only about as powerful as rosin I know that's not very strong to us but to the rest of humanity he's an absolute Legend so for a demon to subjugate him and make Rosen his subordinate well that would suggest whatever it was was even more powerful than a medieval Arch demon this was all information that came from the Eastern Empire's extensive research of demons and the reason for that was because they were forced to by being close to a demon stronghold with lots of power the Eastern Empire had dedicated a lot of time and resources learning how to adapt to that they established a regiment trained specifically in the art of demon hunting and their research allowed them to create all sorts of anti-demon tactics so while an arch demon was only something you'd hear about in legends in the West in the East it was an all too frequent occurrence one they eventually had to categorize and create individual strategies for this was why the demon Hunters were so knowledgeable when it came to identifying Diablo and it's actually quite endearing when they finally do the process getting there was just so entertaining though so let's start off with when they have him surrounded their initial thoughts were that this was just an arch demon so as all Arch demons were they believed Diablo's weakness was in his physical form yes a named Arch demon is significantly stronger than a regular Arch demon but even so its physical body was still the avenue to defeating it where the leader knew to exercise caution was with regards to the potential that he was dealing with an ancient demon initially he believed Diablo was just medieval but after seeing he had a name he figured it was best to consider him ancient this was a class of demon older than medieval and it was one most commonly associated with demon nobility a higher order of demon gifted with power intelligence and possibly even an army they were a significant threat that the leader knew not to underestimate that's not to say he didn't think he could still defeat Diablo though since despite the possibility of him being ancient he was in his eyes still just an arch demon he was an opponent the Demon Hunter leader had tons of experience fighting against there was however ever one thing that the hunter found strange and that was the way Diablo's confidence surpassed that of every demon he's faced before sure it was standard to see demons overestimate their power but to see it at a level like this was just off-putting his lack of concern for their attack couldn't even be called arrogance anymore no at this point it was something even more imperious than that so the attack they engaged with was the latest in anti-demon technology and its purpose was to break past the layers of barriers demons typically protected themselves with it used to force non-reliance on Magic cules and that normally would have been enough to take on the demons they usually faced Diablo wasn't a normal demon though so as we saw his innate resistance meant he didn't even need a barrier to counter it it was the second sign so far that Diablo was different the third came when he named the skill he used to terrify everyone because this was something only a Demon Lord class monster could possess bringing us to that conversation about Demon Lord factors and Demon Evolution this may have been a bit confusing in the anime but it was essentially Diablo educating this person on how demon Society really worked so the first bit of confusion comes from the Hunter's limited knowledge on Arch demons he believed Arch demon was the highest level of demon and because of that it wasn't possible for them to become a Demon Lord it was a supposed fact uncovered by their extensive research on demons and what that revealed was that every demon had an upper limit to the amount of magic cules they could store apparently it was a fixed number across all of them so though a demon may appear different in both form and strength that difference stemmed from how much experience they had not the amount of magic cules this is why older demons seemed more powerful than modern ones since over time they'd been able to formulate better strategies in conserving magic cools they had optimized the ways in which they could use them and found the most efficient methods of getting the most out of them it was this knowledge that made demon Hunters not fearful of demons anymore since by knowing their limits they could use that against them to them knowledge was what gave them their advantage now the hunter was right in stating a demon's magic kills were limited but as Diablo said to think they couldn't evolve past that was wrong too Rouge was the living example of such a case but it could happen to any demons so long as they maxed their strength and lived for 2,000 years it was light work for someone as strong as Diablo but not so much when you're any of the other demons since demons naturally enjoy combat regardless of whether they were summoned to the Physical Realm or stayed in the spiritual one battle was sure to be a constant part of either the spiritual realm was particularly unforgiving though since to lose a fight there meant getting magic cules reduced from your upper limit it would devolve you from the state that you were trying to stay in and reset any progress you've made towards trying to ascend past Arch demon so though Diablo made his Evolution sound easy what it really entailed was reaching your max potential first then maintain maining it for 2,000 years without losing once it was kind of like getting the number one headband in Afro Samurai then defending it for two straight Millenia without ever losing this was the knowledge the Demon Hunter was missing and though the Revelation was certainly surprising what shocked him more was Diablo's casual reference to ghee demon Society had a very strict hierarchical relationship so for a lower demon to refer to a higher one without any term of respect well that was as Unthinkable as the end of the world it didn't matter whether you were a primal or Arch demon the hierarchy of demon Society was one that needed to be abided by Diablo would then refer to Blanc the same way and the incident they were talking about was one which could have plunged the world into chaos so if Diablo knew about that and was referring to rou and Blanc so casually then that meant he had to be at least as powerful as the one who caused the bloody Shore incident it was a fearsome thought that finally let the hunter peer into what it was he was dealing with now Sade still hadn't come to that realization yet so to him Diablo wasn't anything particularly special his name wasn't mentioned in any of the ancient texts so at the very least it meant he wasn't a great demon that being the case the only thing Sade felt he needed to worry about was the unlikely case in which Diablo was an unnamed primordial demon since he knew very little of demons in general though this wasn't a scenario in which Sade would give more than a second thought to he would simply bolster his confidence with the help of of his ignorance I mean he was after all strong enough to fight a Demon Lord specifically Valentine since apparently he'd almost defeated him this made Diablo's arrogance all the more annoying since a supposed Arch demon like him was nowhere close to the level of a Demon Lord that's when Diablo would reveal he was actually a demon Pier instead and this would go to change pretty much everything in the anime it's said and translated as Damon Lord but to prevent confusion we'll keep calling him a demon Pier so as a level of demon thought to only exist in Legend unofficially a demon Pier was classified as a disaster level threat an entity with enough Force to rival entire countries they were set to have power far exceeding anything else in the demon family and not even a higher Spirit could come close to how strong they were in fact if anyone was to ever hope to have a chance to defeat one at the very least multiple Elemental Lord class creatures were needed demon peers were so incredibly far and few between though that if not for the few vintage Toms dictating their occasional interference in the world then no one would have even known they existed so this was the evolution Diablo was referring to and it completely erased whatever limits were supposed to be imposed on him his magical count was now at the point which couldn't even be fathomed anymore it was as soon as the Demon Hunter heard that this was the case that he would immediately pass out not from fear but instead relief having known he was mere seconds away from fighting a demon Pier The Joy he felt knowing he avoided that literally knocked him unconscious it was after this that Sade would reluctantly try and fight Diablo on his own but no matter how skilled he thought he was before the fight itself was to say the least humiliating Sade's specialty was to copy arts and make them his own so his Arsenal consisted of some of the trickiest and most complex magic and arts combinations out there he was a very versatile fighter and one of the strongest humans on the planet yet his go-to move amounted to nothing normally he'd IMB his with whatever element his foe was weakest to but by the time his magic was even deployed Diablo would have already analyzed its structure and disassembled it effectively removing Sade's ability to bend the laws of nature and use it to his Advantage this forced him to fight with Arts alone but with his only Advantage being in tactical skill the difference in strengthened Magic made it seem like Diablo was fighting a baby like he wasn't trying cuz he didn't need to and whatever Gap there was in tactical experience Diablo was quickly cling through careful analysis he was displaying a level of growth that was genuinely terrifying fast forward now to after the clergy had made their appearance and Diablo would tank their attack like it was nothing despite it being ultimate class magic part of the nuclear family this nuclear flame did absolutely nothing to him that's when the clergy would switch over to Holy magic and what they would attempt to unleash was their special finisher called Trinity break the most powerful spell to ever exist within holy magic it's descent integrate of light produced anything and anyone down to its composite cells so no matter how strong you were as a monster or magic born even demon Lords would find this attack Impossible to resist against Diablo once again couldn't be concerned in the slightest though since the moment the three would try to cast it a simple snap of his fingers was all it took to negate it it wasn't the act of snapping which had canel it out though but instead the casting of an art known as despair time this was an ability Diablo created all on his own and it used his tempter unque skill in a way we haven't yet seen before in addition to the manipulation and control we've seen him use it for in the past tempter also came with the subskill Temptation world originally it allowed him to affect the target's subconscious and mental state but Diablo had improved upon it to do so much more now it materialized a virtual world of which he had absolute control over and the victims within would be powerless to do anything but succumb to it since the rules were determined entirely by him he could even go so far as to dictate who could live and who could die within it what makes this skill even more op than that though is the way he combines it with reality exchange to make it real you see since the world is at first nothing but virtual reality exchange allows him to take that pretend one and swap it out for the real thing that means any monster or creature he imagined within would after reality exchange take physical form and become real in the physical world it was a crazy unfair skill that could be used for all sorts of inhuman things despair time was therefore a combination of Temptation world and reality exchange which as we saw trapped the clergy in a world of Diablo's own creation I imagine he made magic ineffective in it made it real then collapsed that separate plane on top of itself the collapsing part being a separate art he refers to as end of world it was the act of destroying his newly formed reality and turning it back into nothingness now as op as making a complete separate plane of existence is breaking out was technically possible should the victim have a well-trained spiritual body or even just incredibly refined willpower they could theoretically break themselves out doing so meant overpowering Diablo though so it was very unlikely that anyone could ever do it but yeah that was everything we got pertaining to Diablo these past two episodes I hope you enjoyed learning more about him and if you did then consider leaving a like and subscribing you can also check out the tensa inspired Genesis tea that we're selling the link to that will be down in the description but anyway as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
Views: 168,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that time I reincarnated as a slime, aninews, rimuru, ani news, diablo, the time I reincarnated as a slime, tensura, tensura explained, tensura cut content, diablo power, diablo explained, diablo true form, diablo slime, demon lord, what is diablo, how strong is diablo, diablo vs clergy, diablo rimuru, diablo spell, diablo magic, diablo despair time, diablo tensura, diablo that time I reincarnated as a slime, anime, isekai, aninews cut content, who is diablo, tensura season 3
Id: MxgBRUm3RmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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