How JJ and Mikey Hide and Escape From MONSTER WITH RED EYES and Seek Minecraft Maizen

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we've been waiting for our train to come all day and now they're saying it's been cancelled this is a bummer I guess that leaves us with one option huh let's turn on our flashlight oh and start walking I guess we have to yep let's go okay wow look at that there's another train track I almost walked in front of that train that was close we need to be super careful on the train tracks totally mhm JJ do you hear something behind us uh it sounds like there's a train coming that's impossible our train is supposed to be cancelled look out ouch serious Mikey got run over keep running JJ don't let it get you are you kidding me were we captured it looks that way we weren't safe what's that sound I don't know huh who the floor fell out weird I'm not sure how but we broke out we were in that cell Mikey that bad guy is serious trouble it's too much yeah for now let's just get out of here how let's see uh wow what it's dangerous here Mikey that's security lava huh the thief rigged the tunnel with security yikes Let's cross carefully okay we have to move phew I made it across no turning back good luck careful I needed a cross okay next up H hold on huh so what could be in there there appears to be a door let's be careful there might be more security inside I'll go first thanks Mikey carefully go with caution all right what could be inside okay I'm opening it ouch huh what you okay Mikey here oh it's secured with arrows that fly out whenever the door is open oh hi ouch ouch ouch oh oh I see it's dangerous let's be careful M let's go Mikey go go go I don't think any more arrows will shoot let's catch the thief what does a thief need this much security for what's that a ladder uhuh there's a ladder H I don't know what's up there but let's proceed with caution Mikey mhm with caution up we go let's go will it be safe if we open the hatch huh I'm opening it what could be out there huh huh no one's here I saw him with my own eyes this place looks empty to me yeah I guess you're right hey what was that what huh what's wrong no way I don't believe my eyes what's that what's it doing huh huh Mikey what I saw a clown run through here you saw it yep wait what let's chase after it come on quick this way oh I see it after it huh oh [Music] no where am I all right careful we escaped yes now that we've made it out of our cells we need to break out of this prison before we're executed let's go I don't want to die all right let's do this ready open yeah huh huh what's that what is this place that is some heavy duty security yep lava and lasers this is going to be tricky mhm let's do it nowhere to go but forward right there's no room for error this is hard don't touch the lasers you okay Mikey I'm doing it nice almost there okay wo it nied me I'm okay but that was close all right we made it we better hurry huh okay open up what do you see huh what are those they look like aliens ow it hit me Oh Come Back JJ they definitely don't come in peace ouch we're trapped in here we can't go back really what do we do yikes oh no hold on Mikey there are chests here's a lever ouch maybe there are weapons in one of these chests let's check wa diamond swords here's yours thanks now we can fight these aliens let's get them thankfully they're slow got one your [Music] turn wow yes nice huh that was it mhm but we can't go down anymore I got a lever should we keep going that's our only choice I'm guessing this lever will open it h let's give it a try oh huh is that the boss I'll eat my golden apple no way I already ate mine this has to be the boss scary whoa knock him off all right maybe we can't this boss won't be easy to beat let's do this get him use your diamond sword wait my shield take this ha he's strong and that huh we beat him great job Mikey we did it kind of surprise though what's this what are you doing and Mikey this isn't a safe Mikey here come on hold on it's following you this is [Music] czy huh hang on where am I I don't remember this place what is this uh somehow I woke up all the way up here whoa is this a bad dream huh where am I Mikey help wa Mikey it looks like Mikey's here too Mikey hang on JJ I just woke up here I'm scared I really don't want to fall off where where are we I can't even see the bottom uh let's see our towers are tiny yeah they're narrow and dangerous so the first thing to do Mikey see that Island let's try to reach that while being careful not to fall off okay let's go be really careful oh don't worry I will I don't think I can jump that far so I'll try making a bridge and now is it enough probably I think I can make it jump wo good jump thanks I made it nice job now I need to save you Mikey you're quite a ways over there Save Me You Can Count On Me there's plenty of dirt around here so I'll gather it up I'll need to dig up quite a bit to reach Mikey is there enough to get there let's see please hurry I'll save you Mikey keep going I'm close almost there okay I think you can jump that are you sure you can do it just be careful I hope this works first you might want to grab your bed all right good idea nice got it okay you can do this Mikey I'm sure I sure hope you're right yeah wo you did it I made it good job that was stressful yeah falling from up here would not end well let's go to the large island now it should be safer there leaveing still how did we even end up here well Mikey let's stay up here and try to make this place a little more comfortable today we're playing hide-and seek sounds fun so if your health goes down to zero then you lose that's right I only have one question though do you mind if I use some of the equipment I have in storage sure what kind of equipment is it I'm already good to go oh you've got a sword I'll just need a minute to grab my things from Storage thanks all right yes wo now this is something special I'll put on my armor oh sounds nice here's the helmet that looks so cool it's glowing a shiny new bow here's a pickaxe and a shovel what's this an Axe and last but not least a hoe next up are some ender pearls what are these they look powerful so this is my equipment awesome hey Mikey how do I look wow cool that's awesome can I use it sure it looks like a lot of fun what can it do I'll show you are you ready yep let's go oh but Mikey this time I've been training for this I've learned how to use various techniques so do you mind if I use them today oh you trained sure use your techniques in that case I'll change into my training outfit what kind of techniques can you use well for example this kind wo whoosh huh yep what a surprise that's amazing just like this wo I can make tornadoes amazing still is that all I was just floating here seems pretty weak sure you can use your techniques looks like I'll be the one who wins this round okay start whenever you want I'm all ready to go awesome since I have Mikey's permission to use techniques I'm ready I'll use this one I'll use the air jump technique it's a jump without fall damage are you ready yeah whenever you're ready all right okay ready start super jump what and then no way Incredible Cool huh I'll catch up to you soon I'll be right there this is incredible I can use a variety of techniques like this Mikey's closer than I thought cool jumping power shoot shoot shoot but I still caught up I'm going to get you okay again h w huh okay I'm in the trees I bet Mikey can't climb up here he's in the trees but I can stack blocks to climb up after you aha I'll catch up and stop you what he's still coming here I come Mikey's coming to get you still I'll keep coming no matter what technique you use yeah win seriously what was that wow what a surprise wait there and again You' blasted me away take this ouch this is the air cannon technique hey I can defend no from a distance take this wo now's my chance to use super jumps I thought I had you JJ come back here to escape woohoo here I go I won't let you now put some distance between us you won't get away like so not too shabby huh um JJ it's the demon look W I'll be right there I'm firing the cannon yes here it goes I hope it hits take this TNT demon where's it aimed I think the power's too high hit it okay Fire come on yeah it work oh hang on oh no ouch it has to hit this time huh no it broke I screwed up uh-oh not good no let's go slay the demon you got this here I go where's the demon oh there it is I see it scary I'll get it Ultimate Weapon wo nice demon technique cool go yeah you can do it a w wao yes you beat it amazing wao diamonds I'm so happy look Mikey there's elytra too really oh wow let's put these elytra on cool elytra lets you fly through the air when equipped it's awesome I want to try wow we got a bunch of diamonds too too W I almost fell wow this is amazing let's use our elytra to fly down to the Village way better than stairs yeah let's do it JJ all right you ready yep 3 2 1 go we can fly past everything today was incredible woohoo awesome wow cool we're flying this is a [Music] amazing how's this so much fun wow y this is so great woohoo we're back a safe landing
Channel: JayJay & Mikey - Minecraft
Views: 28,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen nether base, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, maizen challenge, minecraft security house, maizen craft, maizen, maizen police, maizen robbery, maizen noob vs pro, jj and mikey challenge, maizen best
Id: dzN67gbeYXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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