Who DID THIS To Mikey JJ is INVESTIGATING CRIME in Minecraft Maizen Challenge

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friends there's been a terrible catastrophe Mikey my friend Mikey is dead yes you heard me Mikey is gone killed by a monster but it's too early to despair because from the looks of it I can still save my friend but first let me tell you how it happened look I found this video tape into garbage I wonder what's on it let's check it out hm from the garbage that's pretty creepy I don't know if I want to watch it it'll be fine let's take a look maybe there's a game show on it that's [Music] weird what's this huh huh there's someone strange on the screen Mikey I knew this was going to get creepy I've got a bad feeling about this turn it off already come on go ahead H got it huh what it's behind me watch out oh no go just keep running F you okay it's fast it's [Music] coming Run come on hurry go no it'll catch us this leads back to the surface go go go hurry hey that's our house come on Mikey faster get inside the door yes that was closed phew okay let's go up to the second floor all right hey Mikey why were you screaming sh hang on this is bad this is bad no what do I do what do I do oh it's pounding on the door I got to find a place to hide a place to hide uh no not there or there oh that's right I put a secret door here okay phew somehow I managed to hide this is terrible that strange person broke into our house and then Mikey disappeared that strange person must have kidnapped him oh what am I supposed to do now huhuh this is bad did he break in let's check the security camera save me this guy's crazy just do what he says please why are you doing this hey stop that that hurts it's worse than I thought H who is it ta good morning JJ want to go play uh hey Mikey you seem off somehow wait a sec what's what's what what's going on with your body I can see right through it buddy weird I also feel practically weightless wo whoa whoa whoo wo hang on what is it you don't have legs anymore I don't understand is this real life I hate to say it Mikey but I think something terrible has happened to your body really why do you want to see my house because if my suspicions are correct we're going to find something shocking inside ready here goes I knew it it's it's just as I feared but how how could my body be there when I'm here listen to me Mikey you are under the Reaper's curse to put it simply you're just a spirit right now a spirit who has left his body wait JJ are you saying I'm a ghost yes weird huh what you can't walk really yeah but I'll be fine after surgery that'll fix me up uh Mikey the thing is surgery is expensive oh the cost is $3 million huh no way I don't have that money what am I going to do h [Music] well you can't give up huh you have to walk again Mikey I thought of a way for you to get your surgery wait are you serious yes if I become a doctor and do your surgery what you're going to become a doctor are you sure you can do it that's extremely difficult I'm still going to try [Music] now I just have to study I need to memorize every single one of these books to pass the test it looks difficult but still I'll do my best I'm going to study absolutely everything [Music] Mikey I'm here now huh huh JJ are you my I have some good news I am now your doctor wow you really did it nice yeah well Mikey it's time for me to do your surgery woohoo let's do this ready mhm let's get started h Huh where am I there's no time to waste so let's get started first we need to bandage up all of his wounds like this oh another one here and a bandage for this cut too looking better already hey see this dark spot you can fix it with medicine okay 3 2 1 good job it's gone perfect what else it looks like his face was injured here he's cured all right yeah we did it well we fixed all of the external injuries at least yep all better next we have the internal injuries we're going in we can use our scalpel to go inside the patient oh yeah Mikey we should be able to break the blocks with cracks in them wa we can do that yeah let's help them we can cut away this piece of bone and go inside okay I'm ready all right is this inside the body that's right this is what it looks like inside a person what we're going to do is break down the crack blocks and go deeper wherever we find germs in here we need to eliminate them okay let's find the germs let's look we break off blocks like this to keep moving I don't see any where are they oh nothing here more there hey Mikey I found a germ where right here it's purple that's what they look like huh yep all right let's take care of it that's one germ down awesome totally are there any more oh I found another one Mikey all better this is great there should be more germs in here somewhere but where I'll find them they can't hide right where are they there's a germ here you walk past it oops I should slow down okay there's another one there Mikey can I get it definitely it's gone sweet with that done let's collect the heart oh we did it wo woohoo yeah huh let's hurry there's a time limit of 60 seconds seriously let's move here Mikey there's an entrance remember to look for cracks right oh look a germ I see it get it yeah yeah yes we have to find the rest we have to find them quickly we only have 35 seconds left hurry let's go I don't see any huh JJ I found something oh a hidden entrance huh in here oh H uh I don't see anything really okay then I'm going to look somewhere else there's one and another one nice job I know I think we're done if we grab the stomach a we failed oh no that must mean we missed something you're right let's hurry we must have missed a germ let's retrace our steps we found this first then we went over here but there was nothing it's empty I checked it over thoroughly look again just in case I'll take care of the other germs I found this one and that one then I found the stomach we must be missing something big right Mikey but I don't see anything well I'll check this room again huh but it's empty I looked really there's nothing I checked but Mikey look over here a germ no way how did I miss that oh sweet all right good ey I'm just glad we managed to treat the patient definitely stay focused and alert okay we have 80 Seconds hurry yeah I'll break this I'm right behind you yes be careful where are all the germs let's go through here let's move stay alert okay oh it's stomach acid huh touch it and you'll dissolve oh man let's hurry quickly oh no a again you keep going we have to be careful there's not enough time seriously oh but I found a germ the stomach acid is there anything over there come on oh this bone has cracks in it a germ we've gotten almost everything nice check that side where behind you yes carefully okay a I fell in what about over here do you see it anything this way oh a germ sweet there's something else wo like a secret entrance from here huh I thought I could make it oh the liver we need that nice all right we don't have much time awesome nice I grabbed the liver in the nick of time that should take care of the patient we did it all right here we go this is going to be interesting whoa it's dark in here looks like I'm inside Mikey's hand first things first I need to get rid of those extra bone fragments that are getting in the way let's see ah there they are time to break them down pH that was a lot of work okay now I need to make my way up the bone and reach the fracture side got to be careful not to get lost inside this giant hand wow it's so surreal being inside a body like this I've reached the fracture site time to start building the artificial bone using blocks oops careful there JJ don't want to accidentally break the whole thing all right let's try again all right back on track building up the bone structure layer by layer it's taking longer than I expected but I'm determined to fix Mikey's broken bone just need to keep going and stay focused almost there just a few more blocks to go I can see the Finish Line just got to keep placing those blocks with Precision got to make it strong and sturdy H let's see that should provide a solid base for the Boney structur perfect it's done the artificial bone is complete now time to jump down and test it out again again this time I'll be more careful deep breathes JJ yes it worked the artificial bone held up Mickey's fractory is finally fixed mission accomplish yet I'm inside Mikey's leg let's take a look at those fractures H it seems like the regular healing process might take too long I need to come up with a different approach for her leg okay let's see ah I know I'll climb up her leg bone and throw a healing potion at it that should speed up the Regeneration process and get those bones mended in no time carefully there we go now I just need to aim and throw the potion perfect shot the potion hit the bone now I'll wait for it to take effect and do its magic while I wait I should tidy up the area a bit [Music] ah much better the healing potion worked wonders mission accomplished now that Mikey's bones are healed it's time to get out of Mikey and find out how she [Music] feels phew finished Mikey it's time to wake up now h what huh wow I'm cured I can walk again thank you JJ
Channel: Maizen JJ & Mikey
Views: 860,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maizen, jj and mikey, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE maizen, noob vs pro maizen, hide and seek maizen, escaping minecraft maizen, Mikey Friend, minecraft, funny minecraft, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen challenge, jay jay and mikey, granny minecraft, Super Maizen, zombie minecraft, fnaf five nights at freddy's minecraft, moon maizen, 100 days survive minecraft, minecraft maizen animtaions, jaizen, naizen, peppa minecraft
Id: rlNU-r17wFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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