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another day another delicious breakfast just another peaceful day H H someone's at the door who is it oh good morning Chief what's wrong you seem worried oh something terrible has happened and we have to quarantine what we can't go out side we were going to mine for coal today you'll let us mine for coal H The Village's coal is low yay we can go outside still I'm nervous about going outside huh something bad happened so we should stay inside what I'm sure it's fine we'd be able to tell if there was something wrong H okay let's go mining okay let's head straight for the mine yeah got to change first okay Mikey your shoes whoops all right let's stock up on items let's go mine Some Coal let's mine a whole bunch and share it with the other villagers they're like family to us yeah let's go all right here we go [Music] wo H H weird let's check out the village first wow huh it's quiet almost like a ghost town there's nobody outside nobody's here but it still looks the same did something bad that really happen maybe oh everyone's inside their houses they're really good at quarantining wow oh I'm worried too Mikey there's a stay-at-home order right I'd rather be inside come here JJ oh no what let's feed the chickens nobody has F them poor little things with everyone indoors there's no one to feed them we might as well okay here chicky chicky chicky have some food good chicken is that enough yeah okay let's get to mining that coal let's go yeah we have to work hard we need enough coal to share with the Villagers still I can't help it feel we shouldn't be out with the stay-at-home order going on let's mine quickly so we can hurry home you worry too much JJ whatever bad thing happened it doesn't seem to affect us let's go okay see any well we have to explore the cave oh there's some yep we should get as much as we can with everyone at home we'll go through coal faster than normal makes sense yep let's search deeper okay oh Mikey let's use the dynamite we brought with us just place it where you want and turn it on this way we can mine straight down woo wow wo it opened up a new area woohoo wo sweet there's a whole bunch of coal down here we're lucky yep all right mine the coal more coal keep Mining and try not to fall in the lava wo good work get as much coal as you can as fast as you can we can do it that should be enough coal so let's head back everyone will be so happy to see us hang on it's already dark out it is we should hurry yeah yep keep it up huh wait what's wrong a wolf oh no kidding it's a wolf is it acting strange is it let's not try to get too close to it I feel like there's something wrong with that wolf it hasn't seen us yet Mikey try not to be seen let's stay away from it is this good don't get too close stay away and who it attacked me Mikey oh no run away run away it just attacked me out of nowhere let's go run oh no I knew something was wrong with it what was [Music] that huh hold up something's wrong with the village The Village it's been wrecked it's all messed up what what happened here huh uh how wait Mikey what about the villagers let's check to see if they're safe yeah where is everyone oh hold on huh no one's here or anywhere no way what happened like how what did this let's check on the chief right let's go Farms are all ruined huh huh there's no one here either why the chief's gone what happened huh how and why where is everyone let's go back home Mikey is our house still there this is what our house looks like now our house is wrecked and everyone is gone what just happened right what happened our village Why Us du huh what huh what's that sound holy cow Mikey zombies zombies what seriously how there's no way how can this be there's so so many of them Mikey wa is this everyone in the village why is everyone a zombie keep going Mikey if we get bitten then that's the end of us run away I'll be careful wo come on Mikey what do we do I don't know this is awful why oh why did this happen I don't want to get don't get close no matter what who they're following us run how could this happen no no hurry we can't stay here Mikey where do we go we're in trouble uh let's go to the church okay go run the church is safe come on let's get up to the roof hurry I'm right behind you hurry yeah we just have to oh the zombies are still following us seriously we were supposed to be safe I know come on wao they're fast Mikey jump down we can hide over here come on okay get in PH I'm in we're okay oh there's so many h we can't leave this chicken coop it might be safe but we can't spend the rest of our lives stuck in [Music] here wait Mikey look the sun it's almost morning maybe things will be okay huh woah what oh wow they're burning yeah [Music] man what's going on wo they're on fire look they're disappearing wo is it over I think so the zombies are weak to sunlight safe now I think so really let's check it out wo yeah they're gone well yeah but JJ what are we supposed to do now everyone in our village is gone oh you're right well I have a plan H let's go to the city huh huh there they have hospitals and police stations but the city's so far away how many days does it take to walk there that's a crazy idea that's true but there's a car at the Village Chief's house oh we could drive it to the city right his house is over this way the village is so empty everyone's gone this is it over here yep a even the chief is gone why did he have to suffer like that he was the best this is the entrance to the garage let's check it out I miss [Music] him we're going in let's go okay huh I think it's down down this way whoa what what wait it's The Village Chief really yes it's him no way what happened the village Chief turned into a zombie how awful what do we do I don't know he's he's that's not the ch anymore Mikey we have to hurry we need to warn the city about what happened here you're right for now let's just focus on getting out of here let's go we'll go to the city for help let's [Music] hurry Are we almost there I'm getting antsy sorry it's still a few more hours until we reach reach the city what that long but I'm so thirsty JJ me too plus we're running pretty low on gas let's stop at the first gas station we see why would there be a gas station out here huh what there's one wow there's a gas station even out here in the middle of nowhere this is great oh huh oh is he a station attendant nice oh boy am I glad to see you this is so reassuring yeah H oh he's putting in the gas hi see huh he says there's cold water for us inside wow really perfect I was just getting thirsty this guy is so nice thank you very much Mister yeah I'm glad we stopped here let's go inside Mikey good idea all right here it is wo is that our free water yeah wow my turn let's see click man this is perfect it's so cold what a nice guy mhm pH hm what was that that noise yeah weird huh what's this it looks like a cage what are we stuck in here what is this about oh there's the station attendant hey huh hang on what's up wait a sec huh no away JJ the station attendant just stole our car what no way why man was this a trick what do we do now this is bad Mikey we have to escape from here and follow after that guy how do we get outside we can't use the front entrance is there anything else uh what's this door is it another exit it's the bathroom a man nothing else wait a sec what's up maybe we can use this I think we can fit H should we try I mean maybe it's our only option e let's go this is so gross but Mikey it's working wait really hurry W wo we're outside yes let's get him hey check it out there are horses you're right Mikey let's ride them oh yeah yeah so far so [Music] good let's follow that Thief okay ready let's ride all right can we find him I hope so we're not fast enough well yeah there's no way a horse can catch up to a car JJ aw you're right about that yeah wait stop H look what is it is that our car man maybe wait see that what is that the station attendant wait where that lousy Thief he's there whoa you're right oh hold on Mikey stop we shouldn't just rush in doesn't something seem a little strange about him maybe but I can't just let him off the hook I have a bone to pick with this guy back me up now I know you're mad but don't get too close to him okay don't worry about me hey wait Mikey back up huh wao he turned into a zombie you saw that too right of course I did does that mean we'll turn into zombies too oh man let's hurry to the city to get help you're right I'm not sure what happened to the car but it's completely totaled let's leave it behind we'll have to ride our horses the rest of the way into the city let's go all right come on let's hurry it's a long road ahead just [Music] focus the sun's about to set it was a really long ride but we finally made it wow the city is on the other side of this bridge I hope we can find some help let's go across the bridge to safety let's go we made it it's the city now that we're here let's hurry to the police station and send help to our village finally H wait a second something about this place isn't right [Music] huh something's definitely off what is it look around where is everyone there are no people oh yeah plus there are fires all over you're right Mikey I think the city got ravaged too what no we came all this way to escape the zombies but they wiped out the city good guess Mikey but we can't be sure let's search the City while the Sun's still up hopefully we'll find people who are still alive great idea the survivors can help us let's find them H this area is dangerous try not to fall in I'll do my best take your time I don't like this you're doing great do you really think there are survivors maybe we'll find something useful h Huh hang on look JJ this truck it's loaded with food let's grab some I'm starving come on wait a second buddy maybe you shouldn't get too close to a truck that's on fire but the food looks so yummy no way way my precious food it's gone listen to me the sun's going to be setting any minute now and you know what comes out at night that's right zombies we have to find somewhere to hide until morning and fast okay there's no one in this entire city and the buildings are in Ruins is anything left hang on we just need some place to Hole up in look JJ a hamburger place this restaurant not only could we use it to lay low until morning but I bet it's got food too come on let's check it out good thinking Mikey thanks this place looks great open sesame huh no we can't get in it's locked H there's someone inside it's a survivor hey buddy over here could you let us in hey come on hello let us [Music] in h what's wrong with [Music] you we're just so happy to see another Survivor could you please let us in it's almost night time and if we stay out here the zombies will attack us give us some relief oh so that's your deal you want me to let you into my Hideout yeah as soon as possible that way the zombies won't get us H so you want to come in but I don't I will never ever let you inside what it isn't safe out here please I'm begging you help us no way this hamburger place is mine I discovered it and nobody else is allowed in it's all mine check out the door look at it right here do you see that it's a lock I installed it to make sure no one could get in but me are you serious that is so mean please you have to let us in we don't want to get eaten by zombies come on hey keep your hands off my door do you hear me you better not touch it walk away cuz next time I won't miss now shoot I said get out of here I'm serious I'm not King around you two need to leave right away hurry up now shoot H look out behind you zombies turn around quick oh nice try no one's getting in here but it's not a trick I'm telling the truth there's no way that I'm going to get zombies oh wait they're really here yeah I got to get out of here quick come on come on open up I'm begging you please man you got to let me out I wish I could help you but the door is locked forget about it I'll just have to use my shotgun no I'm out of ammo he's down he was outnumbered he didn't stand a chance we got to go go where we're completely surrounded Mikey I don't know there's nowhere we can run let me think we've got to find Higher Ground follow me it's okay Mikey see that super tall building let's try to get up as high as we can got it look there are zombies at every turn yeah this might be the tallest building in the city let's get to High Ground nope keep running up the stairs Mikey uh-oh there's a whole hoorde up here don't let him touch you I'll do my best no JJ are you okay I'm fine let's just get up to the next floor I think I see a staircase over there I'm coming hurry aim for the roof oh no there are some up here too let's keep going up will we really be safe at the top I don't know but we have no choice okay where are the stairs oh I see a door follow me wait where is it just stay close don't stop running yes come on Mikey hurry I closed it behind you now don't let up Sprint to the top like your life depends on it let's go right oh yes Mikey I see something what is it I don't think we're quite at the top but we're definitely super high up JJ are we safe up here the zombies won't follow us I'm not sure so let's climb as high as we can just in case all right is this the top floor H doesn't seem like it let's look outside good idea H wao wow we're so high up it's impressive huh we've come really far I'll say what a view we can see the whole city from here we sure are high up but are we finally safe from the zombies I hope so H what there's another room oh yeah see this as far as I can tell this door will take us to the top floor oh let's go yeah prepare yourself Mikey stay alert hm wa what is this place where are we it looks normal yeah H it looks like someone's been living here there are beds and what's in here oh look huh food and water too sorry to whoever these belong to but we got to eat true that dig in Mikey this food belongs to someone else but we don't want to die don't mind if I do huh listen what is that a news alert yeah put it on this just in a state of emergency has been declared due to the world zombie outbreak no no no help run away waa Mikey uhhuh did you hear that it's even worse than we imagined what do we do is this the end of the world oh quiet Mikey I hear footsteps and they're getting closer I hear them too oh who's are they someone's coming up the stairs what do we do could it be the zombies no it's all over for us is it huh what what huh you're not a [Music] zombie well well hi who are you oh I know you must live here right huh your name is Carrie sorry for barging in we were just running away from the zombies that's right actually how did the city get so Infested by zombies huh [Music] f so that's what happened zombies attack the city just like our village H oh the tower is safe so you're trying to make a new country here well of course we'll help you yeah we can make a new life in this Tower safe from the zombies with Carrie yep a new life in a new country wow we've made a lot of changes [Music] seriously Carrie is our Minister of Defense she protects us from the zombies oh look this is our control room pretty impressive huh amazing our population is grown with many survivors and look over here yeah this here is our zombie monitor that sounds handy we can even check the monitor ourselves just choose a monitor and taada see wo we can watch the security feed cool an alarm sounds if a zombie shows up on [Music] camera but there's no way for zombies to get this high up right you're right but you can never let your guard down true always stay on guard yeah okay Mikey let's go to the top sounds good we can climb up from here just flip this lever and Bam it's a secret door to the roof wow that's cool all right what a view let's head to the top of the tower there's something special up there really let's go I hear it's something very important right up here ooh what is it let's find out w we made it all the way to the top look sweet you can see the entire city from up here you're right we're so high up wow this is what I wanted to show you we have a sniper wo his job is to shoot down zombies that get too close I see wo cool check it out a zombie must have gotten too close to the tower so the sniper took care of it that's reassuring I feel super safe now great work let's head back all right we've accomplished a lot yeah I'll show you let's take a tour of our safe little country what else is there a bunch we spent 6 months building this place let's [Music] go we leave the control room through here okay down the stairs and through here look oh check it out amazing with our indoor Farm we're completely self-sufficient that's great so we'll never have to worry about food here what a relief exactly next up oh we'll go in here okay these are the sleeping quarters oh I call bottom bunk all right this one's mine nice there's still more okay ready to go further down this way yeah here we are see look Mikey it's our communal space wow we have little shops set up this is where everyone can just hang out there's even an ice cream shop the entire world may be in shambles from the zombie outbreak but in here you can forget about all of that this is a safe Cen check out the weapon Smith he'll give you a sword anytime you like that's awesome there are a few different shops here see this is nice let's continue our tour yeah we've put a lot of work in here over the past few months what's next taada o you know what this is what is it this is a sec security area sick this is the end of our official tour it's way too dangerous to go any further down from here do you think there are zombies down there maybe but if you're feeling brave we can check it out what I mean zombies haven't made it this far before so let's go exactly zombies can't come up this high in the tower we'll be fine right our security system is just too good let's take a quick peek oh see that Mikey huh the camera oh yeah check this out that's the camera we looked through earlier hi there hello you're right we're on the screen yep and look at this up there is the alarm M this is the alarm that alerts everyone if the zombies show up oh I see we have a really strong security system yep and that's not all follow me if zombies ever do make it up this far we can pull this lever wo look at that nice huh totally it rains arrows wow and then if that's not enough oh yeah our final weapon activates with this button check it awesome that's security Lo we're totally safe in this Tower oh and this is our bathroom over here oh that's good to know it's pretty roomy it has a nice view you're right moving on there's more this is the last stop of our tour over here is a jail we have a few cells thankfully we haven't had to use them yet that's a relief wow we haven't been in danger of the zombies for 6 months to be able to build something like this together it's amazing we can live out the rest of our lives in [Music] here H what is it wait it's The Alarm no let's check the camera wao man huh no way what oh this is bad zombies have never made it up this far before seriously we need to use the security systems come on hurry Mikey I'm right behind [Music] you no way wao zombies this is awful man we have to push the lever how did this happen there're still still coming no this is scary can the arrows hold them off JJ I don't know if it's working they're still coming we have to use this good idea wo the lava has to work definitely let's check it out did it work I think so pH oh thank goodness well H yes I don't see any zombies on the security cameras the lava took care of them awesome that was a close call but we did it we held them off piece of cake zombies aren't even scary [Music] now what a day it was rough but they never stood a chance as long as we live in this town Tower we're totally safe well it's about time for bed oh wait JJ I need to go to the bathroom before bed oh okay be careful I'm going to lay down sweet dreams good night help ah [Music] please huh Mikey are you okay oh no JJ this is bad save me Mikey help it sounds like it's coming from around here get away from me huh ouch no stop no help hang on Chief no Mikey get over here hurry this is crazy seriously why is the village Chief here come on Mikey over here Wow Let's lock him up in this cell okay I'll lead him in you're the bait Mikey lead him inside just like that now run out yes we got him that was tough but it's done seriously what was that all about why is the village Chief here I don't get it me neither a hey wait a sec at least we're safe hold on Mikey did he what bite your arm huh huh seriously no am I going to turn into a zombie please I don't want to become a [Music] zombie it's been 6 months since Mikey turned into a zombie everyone in the country has become a zombie all that's left is Carrie and myself maybe this medicine will turn Mikey back to normal it's something I put together hopefully this one is the cure another dud it didn't cure them Carrie and I have spent half a year testing cures on these guys but we haven't made any progress Maybe maybe it's impossible let's go back H what's that there's a book here what is it h let's see the head of the zombie research lab has discovered the Cure wait for real that's amazing but if it's true why hasn't the Cure spread around the world what [Music] happened Carrie the lab was at the City Hospital [Music] right let's go there and find out the truth if it's real we'll be able to help everyone yeah let's do it but it looks like the journey might be tough oh man there's so many here let's let's try this way okay oh hang on oh man there are just too many zombies on the ground level Carrie let's use the backup plan to get to the hospital let's head back all right check it out it's a personal Cannon we rigged this up a while ago go it can shoot me all the way to the roof of the hospital way over there see that water tank leaking down there we're aiming to land in that water I hope this works let's try no going back now wao wow some how it worked I'm on the roof come on Carrie wow good job now where is the zombie research lab what do you think oh the lab is in the basement H all right then let's head down ready we'll go lower and lower there are a lot of stairs it just keeps going further down is this the first floor whoa that was close wait a sec SEC there's no basement what do we do now the zombie research lab is dangerous so the entrance is hidden well where is it hold on look the door is locked do you think the lab is locked behind this door we don't have the key so we have no choice but to blast our way in with TNT stand [Music] back oh the sound attracted the zombies hurry Carrie let's shut these doors phew they have us cornered but at least we found the zombie research lab come on what's down here lava that's dangerous jump across and try not to fall in what's through here let's find out open [Music] huh what is this [Music] place this must be the research lab look at all the zombies but I don't see any signs of people is there really a cure down [Music] here H man this place is giving me the creeps where does this door go let's check it out do you think this is the chief scientist's office maybe the Cure is inside let's see h oh they're all full of some kind of medicine is that The Cure hang on Carrie this is really it with this we can cure all the zombies is this all of it it sure looks that way H wao hang on who is that is that a zombie it's the head scientist he's a zombie too it's after us I have to try this please work h oh what happened he collapsed is it working is he coming back huh oh hang on it was the head scientist [Music] wow I see so you were able to make the Cure but before you could save the the world you were turned two I can cure all of them by pushing this button Carri let's try it wao [Music] seriously it worked they're cured now we can save the world let's go back and cure Mikey and the village [Applause] Chief please work Mikey Village Chief everyone go back to [Music] normal huh Mikey Chief did it work who Mikey and the village Chief they've been saved my friends aren't zombies anymore they're all back to normal now what a [Music] relief huh was I really a zombie that's crazy I don't remember it's true you were a zombie for a very long time the chief was too W thank you for curing us I'm way too tired to move right now just focus on getting some rest you need it okay here have some soup you must be hungry you too Chief thanks for the soup JJ I'll try to get some rest now good anyways Carrie and I have to go we're going to try to cure all the other zombies let's go Carrie we're leaving the safe zone so keep your guard up zombies could be anywhere where are they oh there's one look out well it's time here goes nothing take that whoa great this villager's been cured let's keep going we have a lot more medicine to give out come on it won't be easy after all we have to cure every zombie in the world wo let's go look out zombies stay back take this you too awesome they're cured yep they all look healthy to me there's no more zombies in the tower let's cure the ones outside here we are I lured all the zombies to this spot now we can cure them all at once here you go whoops that's better some for you it's working let's grab some more bottles my a could use some work but I think I hit them all all right oh wow look at that they're cured the villagers have made a speedy recovery they're all so happy to be back see this this wall has a swarm of zombies on the other side I'll break it open and they'll walk out onto this sand and then they'll fall into this giant pitball trap then I'll be able ble to cure them all at once although I think I made the trap a bit too big oh well it'll still work let's go the explosive is now on the wall stand back I'm going to detonate it brace yourself well wao so fast I need to reach the lever there that was a close call but we managed to get all the zombies into the pit I grabbed a few more Potion bottles so let's throw them in take that you two cure them all perfect Carrie and I might have been bitten so we get one too come on come on it worked all of the zombies have been cured we're making so much progress on our mission okay Carrie let's keep it up and cure the whole [Applause] [Music] [Applause] world hey it's you guys well come on in you're always welcome in my hamburger shop really welcome back my friends you guys you're you're Heroes you saved the world if it wasn't for all the work you two did I would still be a zombie but you cured me with that potion thank you thank you so much please let me serve you some hamburgers on the house you guys get free hamburgers for life okay anytime you want Heroes us that's so nice thank you we're just glad you're back to normal yeah we couldn't have done it without you Carrie thanks are you going to live here in this house at the top of the tower I see now that the zombies are gone we're going back to our village well well our car was destroyed so it'll take a while to get home H I guess we can tame some horses or something what what's that you have a present for us I love presents you're giving us a helicopter no way seriously are you sure about this Carrie [Music] that's so nice thank you so fancy it's even my favorite color thanks Carrie see you soon yeah okay let's get in goodbye for now Carrie bye next stop home here we go I'm so excited do I missed our little village it sure is good to be back home yeah hello chickens I missed you so much so cute huh H H what it's the chief oh hello chief what bad news look a disaster huh it's an emergency you don't mean another outbreak it's impossible oh no what do we do I thought the zombies were all cured right JJ wait it's not more zombies huh what happened huh your brand new million doll car has gone missing yeah about [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] what a day I sold so many hamburgers I can't wait to go home and watch TV I'm exhausted time to close up the shop I'll go lock the huh sorry we're closed come back tomorrow I'm out of hamburger I said we're closed go on get out of here I already turned off the grill hey I have to lock that no customers allowed right now stay back what do you think you're doing hey somebody help no if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe Plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 6,919,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: TLOwcZahsW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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