JJ And Mikey $1 VS $99999 BUILD CHALLENGE Security House in Minecraft Maizen

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all right today we're building Banks oh Banks what's that about sounds like fun well here's the plan uh-huh Mikey and I will both build our own Banks then we'll compete to steal money from each other's Vault sure that sounds like fun I'll get started on my bank right away do your best huh I will okay it's a Bank building competition you're on JJ all right I guess I'll build mine over here okay first up I'll build the bank's Foundation I'm going to use a command to build it all at once all right I made the foundation instantly now on top of this I'll build the bank's outer walls this will be the entrance so this should be about right next I'll use a command here to build it all at once all right I did it now we'll turn this into the entrance first up I want to build the bank's exterior so I guess I'll start by building the roof I'll extend this section of the roof outward next up for this section I think I'll use slabs I'll extend them this way like [Music] this okay that should be enough next on this side I'll extend out the lower part of the [Music] roof I'll place these blocks just like [Music] this all right next up I'll extend this section of the roof out to the [Music] front Okay for this next part I'll go around and extend this section of the roof backward I'll extend it all the way to the back all right finished now the roof is hollow inside so I'll seal it up here okay I closed it off now I'll close up the backside in the same way great next for this section I'll use slabs to make it look fancy all right now I'll seal up the side section just like [Music] this I'll use slabs here to make it look fancy too all right I'll Place slabs on the front section as well and I'll seal it up all right the roof is complete next I'd like to work on the front side of the bank but first I think I'll install some pillars I'll build them [Music] here now I'll use these quartz pillars to build it that looks really nice I'll make some more pillars like that [Music] one all right the pillars are finished next up I think I'll make a staircase that leads up to the [Music] entrance that's the staircase done all I need to do now is add doors still H it's missing something I want to make it look more like a bank so I'll add a big dollar sign to it something like this okay just like that is that right W that's really nice with that done I finished the exterior of my bank now I'll go see how Mikey's doing Mikey H oh JJ how's it coming along it's going extremely well I think my bank is definitely going to be more awesome than yours you're really confident yep well good luck you too JJ thanks Mikey H okay moving on I think I'll start working on the bank's interior next all right W the inside of my bank is huge now let's get started on the interior first I'll start by building ATMs like [Music] this I'll make all my ATMs just like that one oh those turned out great next up I think I'll work on making a relaxing waiting [Music] area now that's fancy all right think I'll add more sofas another table and now I'll work on the other side all right I think I'll add more Leaf blocks next like this this goes here I think I'll set up some bookshelves over on this side I'll use a slab and place trap doors around the [Music] outside and I'll place a flower in the middle and I'll put a painting on the wall great next I think I'll put a flower bed here I'll surround this with trap doors and plant a variety of flowers all right now I think I'll put a counter over here something like this with a flower on top the center is a bit empty so I think I'll lay out some carpet next up I'll raise this next section and build the counters on top of it I'll use slabs for this part now right now I'll add a floor to this section this could be a hassle though so I'll use a command H over to here on this side I'll use this command to place blocks of quartz all right the floor is complete now I'll make the counters over [Music] here okay I think I'll break the counter into section [Music] all right now Place some [Music] chairs nice it's really starting to come together for this next section I want to make a place to make deposits so I'll place these fence blocks something like this I'll use black concrete to build the top section and blocks of gold for this part I'll use some glass beneath that then I'll put these on both sides okay I'll put blocks of quartz on both sides of the exit and I'll put a door right here and some cabinets here all right now I think I'll put lamps on the counters what else I can lay out some more carpet okay I think I'll make a partition here I'll put up a [Music] wall next I think I'll make a desk I'll use these quartz stairs to make the desk here okay now I think I'll make some cabinets right around here oh that turned out great next I'll put up some security cameras I'll put them all over the [Music] place all right I guess this is pretty much done I finished the interior of my bank let's go see how Mikey's doing Mikey oh JJ how's it going oh just now I was making traps to use against Intruders you're already making traps that's right there's simply no way for you to steal the money from my bank oh then I should get back to it good luck Mikey you too JJ thanks Mikey I got to start working on my Vault and the traps for intruders for starters yeah over here I I think I'll make a secret passage that leads to My Vault so I guess I'll build a staircase that leads up from over here I want to set it up so that the staircase appears over here so I think I'll put a button here however the signal won't reach the staircase like this so I'll change the blocks and connect it to a redstone circuit under here [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I push this button it's set up to make a staircase appear all right that's done now on to the second floor I'll start building traps oh I've just had an idea on the far wall over here I'll place an item frame and insert a Stak Mikey loves steaks like the one I put in here so when Mikey's hungry he'll try and take the steak and get trapped in the cage I'll build here I'll connect this to a redstone [Music] circuit when Mikey takes the steak these Pistons will open up letting lasers out from below and trapping Mikey inside of [Music] here okay now when Mikey takes the steak you'll be trapped in here by the lasers however he won't be able to escape so I think I'll make a secret passage that leads to the Vault I'll put a button in here to open the secret entrance I want this to connect to a redstone circuit so [Music] when this connects will it stay open for a bit yep that should [Music] work this room is complete moving on I think I'll build a passage that leads underground now to close this part up and build the passage that leads Underground I'll make it extremely deep that should be deep enough next up right here I'm thinking of making a hallway but I guess I could use a command here if I use a fill command with Hollow like this I can make my hallway instantly next H the ceiling's a bit low so I think I'll raise it by one block just like that okay let's go with this now on the other side of this hallway I think I'll make a room that leads to the Vault however I'm going to make a trap in this room let's see what kind of trap should I use I know I'll set up security guards to protect the Vault okay Mikey will drop down from up above so I'll make a system that releases the security guards when he sets off the trip wire hooks I think I'll set it up over here I don't want Mikey to be able to jump over and avoid it so I'm setting up my trip wire hooks two blocks high then I'll put this here I won't need the lower wire all right think I'll put them over here I'll make a space over here to place the security guards inside of okay now I'll connect the trip wire hooks to Redstone Circuits I can use commands here too to open up the space okay now the trip wire Hook is right here so I'll set up a redstone circuit back here and extend it out all right I have my Open Spaces now I'll Place security guards inside like this I'll place a huge number of security guards I'll set up this trap so that when Mikey sets off the trip wire hook trap he'll be attacked by all of these guards at the same time I'll Place security guards on the other side too all right W that's really good still this huge number of security guards will be too strong so inside the wall over here I think I'll place a secret chest for Mikey I'll place the secret chest here just like this now I'll Place some Diamond equipment inside what else there are quite a lot of security guards so I guess I'll place a powerful laser gun in here for him and I'll also add a golden apple I'm placing some extremely strong equipment in this chest next up up to keep him from noticing it too early I'll make it a hidden chest all right now when Mikey comes here he'll be able to use this equipment to beat the security guards but if Mikey can't find it then he'll be beaten by The Horde of security guards he has no choice but to find it moving on if Mikey manages to take all of the security guards down I want one of them to drop a password one of the guards can hold the password to the Vault now what should I make the password be H how about down up down down up down great now to take this H right I'll have the guard in the very back of this side carry it the security guard will hold it I've set it up so that if Mikey beats that security guard he'll drop the password all right this is finished now over on this side I'll build the room to enter the password in I'll use a command here to instantly open up the [Music] space opened it all up just like that now this room will connect to the Vault so I think I'll make it out of sturdy blocks of iron okay now to make these [Music] walls I think I'll move the doors one block over like this that looks good next up I'll make the mechanism for the p password to work and I'll use levers to make it the password has six entries so just like this I'll Place six levers I'll build the mechanism over on this side I'll start by placing a floor here now the first entry for the password is a down followed by an up down down up and down if Mikey lowers the correct levers the entrance will open automatically so where the levers go down I'll place redstone torches okay now we'll make a redstone circuit [Music] here next up if I put the levers back as they were the entrance will close still just to be safe if Mikey enters the wrong password I'll set it up so that it activates a trap next for the other levers I'll make it so that if Mikey lowers the second or fifth levers the system will activate the [Music] Trap I'll connect these to a redstone Circuit by connecting them like this on the opposite wall how about I make it over here I'll build the system to make turrets pop out so I need to place the turrets first H I guess I'll give the turret's laser guns I'll set it up over here just like this I'll place the laser and the ammo in here then right here I'll insert the laser gun's energy source here just like [Music] this all right those are set next I'll connect the turrets to the Redstone circuit from below from this side I'll connect it to [Music] here I'll connect it up above all right I think I'll hook it up like this hm okay next over on this side I'll close it [Music] up if Mikey flips a wrong lever like this then the turrets pop out all right this is ready if Mikey inputs the password correctly the entrance to the Vault will open but if he makes a mistake turrets pop out moving on I'd like to build My Vault so I'll open this and now I'll use a command to instantly create the room made out of diamond blocks oh that's huge now this is the entrance and for the inside of the Vault H I think I'll start by placing a huge amount of money okay next up I guess I'll start placing coins I'll place them just like this lots and lots of [Music] them all right finally I think I'll make my last trap I think I'll use a trap chest here if Mikey opens this chest it'll set off a trap that'll blow him up along with the entire bank I'll start by making a space beneath this I'll use a command to hollow out of [Music] space something like this now I'll fill in all of this with TNT this sure is a lot of TNT all right done next I'll close this up I made a trap so that if Mikey opens the trap chest the TNT will explode now now my bank is complete I wonder if Mikey has finished working on his bank let's go see Mikey hey JJ did you finish your bank yep my bank is all done oh taada this is the bank I built wow isn't it great yeah you worked hard on it h right I've hidden money in my bank's fault so you can try to steal it but I really don't think you stand any chance at stealing it though okay I'm going to try and steal the money from Mikey's Vault just try it I guess I'll go right inside uh-huh is this the entrance oh so this is the inside of your bank H I can tell you worked really hard right hidden somewhere in this room there's a super secret entrance that leads to the Vault try to find it a secret entrance uh-huh it's somewhere extremely hard to find I doubt you'll be able to find it JJ h a secret entrance where would Mikey have built it h where's that secret entrance well who knows h h Huh hold on what there are trap doors here that's suspicious Mikey h you already found it oh okay let's open it up a oh I found the passage aw you did a really good job JJ all right well let's go in yeah let's go down huh all right all right wo oh yeah this is my second room nice JJ pick up the pace there's nothing to see in this ordinary hallway H really Mikey H it looks like there's nothing in this hallway uh-huh but that carpet on the floor is awfully suspicious of course it's not there's nothing here hm okay huh aha I knew it Mikey oh you hid magma blocks in the floor are you kidding me well that was a close one a you saw through my magma trap now I'll just cross the room through this section without any carpet you figured it out it was a close call okay then let's try the third room H let's try it okay well I'm opening it all right h i put the ultimate security guard in front of the Vault H there's just no way you'll be able to get into the Vault H the ultimate security guard that's right that's not good still I'll be fine huh I actually prepared for something like this so I brought a weapon seriously I'll use this to fight your security guard no way I'll make it quick ha are you kidding me I did it you beat the ultimate security guard in one hit H the guard dropped something huh a key okay let's move on to the next room H hang on it's locked that's right I've locked it huh oh that's right I should probably try using that key I picked up from the security guard oh ah you got it nice it opened all right this is terrible oh so this is your Vault Mikey nice what's inside it's full of stacks of diamonds seriously after I worked so hard to build all this well I'll just be taking those diamonds Yep this is terrible all right I managed to steal the money from Mikey's Bank you broke it into my bank well Mikey next up you can try my bank all right I'm definitely going to steal the money from your bank you may have stolen my money JJ but there's no way you were able to build a bank that was better than mine all right Mikey this is the bank that I built huh where what is that hang on your your bank is beyond incredible well still it may look impressive but what matters is what's inside I'll definitely steal the money from your bank it'll be no problem well go ahead and get started all right here I go H go on in okay I'm heading in open up awesome it's huge what's all this first of all Mikey somewhere in this Lobby huh there's a secret staircase to the second floor oh can you find it huh what are you talking about JJ of course finding a staircase will be easy as pie I'll find it in no time at all all right good luck searching Mikey H where would a staircase be hiding [Music] H I can't find it at all JJ oh m in that case I'll give you a hint Mikey a hint your hint is the back office oh the office let's try inside huh where is [Music] it huh oh huh what's a button doing here I'll try pushing it click huh what incredible a staircase appeared out of nowhere wow well let's go up these stairs hey you found the secret passage all right I did it huh oh there's a steak over there right when I was starting to get hungry all right it's Chow Time Mikey it might be a trap be careful huh what are you saying JJ it's just some meat in an item frame it's a decoration there's no way anything will happen okay well I'm going to Chow Down on that steak [Music] yeah huh huh what's with the lasers hang on am I surrounded what do I do am I stuck in here for the rest of my my life oh no Mikey check your surroundings my surroundings there might be something around that could help around me there's nothing [Music] here uh did you check the ceiling Mikey huh the ceiling what's on the ceiling h Huh oh there's a a button up there okay I'll try pushing it quick the floor opened up yes it looks like I can get out of here JJ all right oh okay I'll try going right down all right woah wo awesome it looks like I've made it to the next room wo huh I can see something that looks like a door well now I only have to cross this hallway with nothing in it for real it's so easy don't let your guard down quite yet Mikey huh be careful huh but there's nothing in this hallway so I should be fine all right here I go huh what no ah H ow ow oh Mikey what what's happening you have a huge Squad of security guards coming for you what is with these guards ouch I died they got Mikey oh what am I supposed to do now I can't let myself set off those trip wire hooks H and I can't jump over it I'll definitely set it off I'll never ever be able to reach the Vault no matter what I do oh well Mikey there are actually items placed here that will let you take on the security guards huh so go look for them huh really woohoo all right I'll search for them good luck finding them where could they be I definitely hid some items here somewhere oh where could it be oh where [Music] oh JJ I can't find it at all try searching the wall behind you Mikey oh the wall behind me huh but I just searched it huh the wall behind me h Huh hey there's some kind of little hole in the wall huh there's something inside it that's a chest yes I'll open it up oh oh wow it's full of strong looking equipment okay well I'm going to try it on here I go there's a golden apple too I'll eat it all right now I'm unstoppable I'll use this laser rifle to beat all the security guards oh good luck Mikey all right here I go bring it on yeah wo this laser rifle is so strong he's being attacked by so many guards ow all right yes but Mikey has the ultimate set of equipment oh yeah the guards have really thinned out yes almost yes I did it wo yes I took down all the security guards good job Mikey all right huh there's something over there what is it huh Mikey that's the password to open the vault wao the password woohoo I got the password to Def Vault all right I'm going straight through that door over there mhm hurry in all right okay open up oh h Huh there's so many levers in here what is all this Mikey these six levers will work with the password you just picked up oh I see then I'll take a moment to look at the password okay um from the left the password is down up down down up down oh I see wherever the password has a down written is where I should flip the lever down that's so simple all right the first one isn't down so I'll lower it the second one is up so I'll leave it as is then the third one gets flipped down and the fourth one also goes down um I think the fifth lever goes down so if I lower this lever the entrance should open all right now I can enter the Vault flick ow yes ouch that hurt what's this seriously I died a I guess I messed up the password Mikey you should double check that page with the password on it h h yeah let's check it again um down up down down up down oh of course I accidentally lowered the fifth lever before instead I should have lowered the sixth lever okay well I've got it now I'm trying again the first lever goes down so I'll lower it the second is up and both the third and fourth needed lowering right uhuh now the fifth one stays up and the sixth one goes down it should open when I lower this one okay I'm lowering it cck I did it incredible it's open JJ all right hey Mikey you made it into my Vault woohoo okay I'm going right [Music] in how awesome is this room there are piles of cash woah huh there's a chest too all right this chest must be stuffed completely full of money it's got to be yeah uh Mikey huh you should be careful opening that chest huh careful of what it'll be fine it's just an ordinary chest all right I'm opening it 3 2 1 open hang on there's nothing I [Music] died
Channel: muzen
Views: 1,021,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jj and mikey minecraft, $1 vs $1 000 000 security house, jj and mikey $1 vs $1 000 000, maizen $1 vs $1 000 000, jj and mikey security house, jj and mikey build challenge, jj and mikey noob vs pro, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, maizen raft, jj and mikey, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen challenge, maizen, maizen battle, mikey jj, jj mikey, maizen mikey, maizen mikey jj, mike and jj, jj and mike, mizen, maisen, mikey and, mike and jay jay, maizen craft, mynez
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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