MrBeast VS Russian Copycat (The Ultimate Showdown)

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the largest channel in russian just takes my thumbnails and photoshops his face on mine creativity at its best oh my god lol he should photoshop his face onto this for his next thumbnail you hate to see it that's actually weird el well he talks about quality of the content he literally steals all his ideas from american uk youtubers shameless youtubers always copy other youtubers that's an unavoidable fact in fact i'll even admit that the idea for this video was taken by another popular youtuber loaf who's already posted an excellent video on the topic taking an idea from another content creator seems to be somewhat appropriate when you add your own spin to it give it your own title thumbnail and present the content in a slightly different way the issue is it can be almost impossible to differentiate between seeking inspiration from another creator and completely copying their video or idea where is the line it's an issue that came into contention approximately four months ago when mrbeast would post a tweet stating the largest channel in russia just takes my thumbnails and photoshops his face on mine which has since opened up a massive can of worms for this russian channel who seems to not only steal numerous aspects of mr beast's videos but additionally many other large english-speaking creators re-marketing it to a non-english-speaking audience who may not be completely aware of the creators from which the content is being stolen the channel in question goes by the name of a4 run by 25 year old vlad bumaga the 31 million subscribers accumulated on the channel makes it the biggest in its country of origin belarus having almost four times the second most subscribed channel in the country which has only 8 million subscribers just to really hammer home how big this channel truly is it actually gains more views than mr beast on average having gained 5.89 billion views in the last 12 months as opposed to jimmy's 5.32 billion you could make the argument that jimmy posts less frequently and therefore it's not a fair comparison but regardless this belarusian channel is absolutely enormous so big in fact that you wouldn't expect a response from him when called out on anything especially not a tweet criticizing him however this wasn't the case a4 would respond to mr beast's twitter call out specifically on an instagram story one twitter user translated the response to one picture it's nothing better to watch the quality of my content than the american i do it ten thousand times better pick takes ten minutes filming four to ten hours without editing and planning sway dreams tomorrow's a new video and pay attention to quality this caused instant backlash against a4 because he clearly hadn't only taken one picture as mentioned i mean just for starters the tweet post by mr beast showcased four different thumbnails that a4 had copied bruh one thumbnail more like all of them a4 would also receive backlash for his arrogance towards the whole situation stating that his content was ten thousand times better than mr beast's and that people should pay attention to the apparent quality of his videos despite the fact that they were completely scripted and filmed on a set um says i do it 10 000 times better also does a 24-hour island video on an island set i'm ashamed of him this idiot instead of apologizing or at least keeping silent started talking about quality content that he never had this clown only dishonors our country and his youtube colleagues ah so he's also a douchebag about it to the credit of a4 having the video scripted and filmed on a set did make the content itself slightly different from mr beasts it would have been even worse if it was actually filmed on an island in a similar style to mr beast this is a deserted island with zero inhabitants and we're gonna spend 24 hours straight here which would have made it just a blatant copy however it wasn't like there weren't similarities between the videos take for example a4's last to leave the spinning door gets a thousand dollars challenge then put it next to mr beast's lastly the revolving door wins 50 000 video including the thumbnail being basically identical and the title being similar the content itself was almost a carbon copy the set was pretty damn similar to mr beast's the challenges within the video were clearly a rip-off make a goal you win a thousand dollars do it on your next time around come on taylor you can at least do this while the editing style and pacing of the video was almost indistinguishable from mr beast overall being somewhat damning for a4's reputation twitter users would then make another discovery in relation to this copycat creator a4 hadn't only been copying mr base thumbnails titles and content but also his merchandise bro they even got beyond merge the photo displayed an individual rocking a piece of a4 merch done in a very similar style to mr beast's frosted beast yum yum yellow hoodie prompting further outrage from mr beast's fanbase so basically another morgues but this one's worse the other interesting factor to be considered here is that the hoodie also seemed to be a copy of rap group odd futures incredibly popular of melting donut design launched back in 2012 which was noticed by a few other twitter users this also reminds me a lot of odd future merch as well i mean to be fair it's not an uncommon style oh it's totally just odd future the russian guy is just a copy of a copy indicating that perhaps both mr beast and a4 had copied odd future's original merch idea regardless what this seemed to show was that a4 was not limited to copying only mr beast creating another question who else had a4 been copying well it would come to be discovered that another channel with 22.4 million subscribers by the name of troom troom had also been getting their content ripped off by a4 one example is a video titled 12 ways to sneak snacks into college posted by troop troom which will be copied by a4 in a video titled 12 ways to sneak sweets into school however i think we can give a4 a pass here the title was clearly a rip-off but the thumbnail had been recreated originally plus the content within the a4 video was fairly different from the content within the troom trum video however a4 certainly doesn't get a pass for copying another creator with 4.95 million subscribers by the name of just dustin who would reply to mr b's tweet stating welcome to the club also tweeting at youtube with the assumed goal of having the channel reprimanded dustin's thumbnails had received a similar treatment to mr beast's literally being the same thumbnail with a new face photoshopped over the top dustin would then go on to tweet thumbnails are intellectual property and this should be considered copyright and it's not like dustin was the only one with this opinion many other twitter users shared a similar opinion towards the matter surely this is just insta-bannable why does youtube allow stuff like this at what point can mr beast take legal action for copying his stuff however the general consensus from a bunch of people who we can assume know nothing about the legal system including myself seems to be that copyright laws get a bit murky when you're dealing on an international level and this whole murky cross-border copyright problem isn't purely exclusive to a4 and mr beast many other creators have had a similar problem with international youtube channels blatantly ripping off their content a creator by the name of skip the tutorial would respond to the tweet stating i recently had this happen with the spanish channel manu manu it's crazy how many foreign creators just take popular english content and repackage translate it sometimes verbatim hilariously since this tweet was posted manumanu has changed his thumbnail to something slightly more original but what is still in question is the content itself if you play the video side by side and change the editing a little bit they're basically the exact same thing 29 minecraft things you might be doing wrong in minecraft there's plenty of different ways to solve your problem which means that sometimes you might be doing the least effective option without even knowing it so today let's fix that and solve the minecraft everyday activities that you've been doing wrong and hey the youtube zombie bet me that it's impossible to subscribe to the channel before they turn back into a villager the problem seems to be that those from the english side of youtube never get recommended anything from the spanish side of youtube so there's really not a single person in the comments talking about how the whole video is just a blatant copy of skipthetutorials and you might also say that this is worse plagiarism than a4 mr beast because not only does manu manu copy the title and thumbnail he also copies the content within the videos almost identically but at least manu manu actually delivers on what is offered in the title as does mr beast but going back to a4 what is stated in his titles rarely eventuates within the videos take for example mr beast's first to take your hand off the car challenge then compare it to a4's rip-off video titled the last one to let go off the hand will get lamborghini challenge in mr beast's video chris ends up winning no one else is touching the car but chris which means chris is the winner chris and gets the opportunity to be given a 20 000 lamborghini by mr beast instead of getting the lamborghini i wanted to take the 20 grand and split it between the other guys in the video who lost then take a4's video which specifically states we'll get lamborghini in the title someone does go on to win the a4 challenge but what do they get well a ride in a lamborghini a4 just offers underwhelming prizes in comparison to mr beast also lying in his title to attract more viewers a ride in a lamborghini as opposed to an actual lamborghini a thousand dollar revolving door challenge as opposed to a 50 dollar revolving door challenge fifty thousand dollar extreme hide and seek challenge verse well zero dollar hide and seek challenge but considering a4's videos still get millions of views perhaps it shows that people are more interested in the challenge itself rather than the prize money being offered however i can't exactly imagine mr beast would remain as the respected creator he is at the moment if he suddenly started offering a thousand dollars per video however it does seem like there has been some justice done towards a4 ever since mr beast made the tweet the top comments on a4's videos often refer to him stealing mr beast's ideas mum can we get mr beast no son we have mr beast at home mr beast at home this guy needs to get his own content and not stealing from other people this guy needs to get a big l okay mr bass needs to come here for a quick minute and preach some words about copyright however the problem here is that english comments seem to be filtered to the top for english speakers and the quantity of russians and belarusians oblivious to the copied nature of the videos far outweighs the amount of english comments who are aware that the video isn't exactly an original idea and perhaps the publicity from the event has actually been a benefit for a4 because while everyone has been berating him for the stolen content he's also had some of the best months ever on the youtube platform at the same time while it's never nice to have someone copy your thumbnail the whole saga appears to be much more of a positive for mr beast than a negative someone taking a thumbnail especially from a different country isn't really going to make people less likely to click on mrbeast's videos in fact if anything it might make it more likely considering new viewers may feel more comfortable when presented with his thumbnails mr beast has also received pretty good media attention from the whole incident and overall has been painted as the good guy while a4 has been painted as the bad guy you
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 6,551,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meet the russian mrbeast copy, a4, mr beast copycat, mr beast copy, a4 mr beast., a4 mrbeast, mrbeast, russian mrbeast, mrbeast clones, russia, mr beast, russian mrbeast clone, morgz copying mrbeast, mrbeast videos, mr beast videos, finger on the app, mrbeast finger on the app, mrbeast finger on the app challenge, finger on the app 2, mrbeast challenge, mr beast challenge, pyrocynical, fortnite, 24 hours, last one wins, millionaire, billionaire, a4 mr beast, morgz
Id: i2G4QPoda1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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