Why Skeppy's Career Has Been Dying

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there are countless different reasons as to why skippy's viewership has fallen from over a hundred million views per month in mid-2020 to sometimes less than 10 million per month recently sure we can make it simple by stating the obvious skeppy's reputation has taken a bit of a hit over the last couple of months however more specifically we'll be looking at the accusations and evidence for a bunch of his videos being fake the bizarre scams he's been involved in on fiverr his failure to pay both his artists and the winners of his competitions while at the same time examining the decreased quality and changing video style within the content itself the most interesting part is that the reason behind why his reputation began to decline in the first place is actually completely unrelated to any of these previously mentioned points and was rather derived from somewhat of a strange place his friendship with another minecraft youtuber by the name of a6d skippy and a6d's friendship began back in late 2017 when skeppy's channel sat at around 200 000 subscribers at the time a6d had simply been a fan of skeppy and would therefore regularly donate to his streams claiming that he was skeppy's number one fan however a6d wasn't really happy with simply being a fan so he began to invite skeppy to his server which skeppy would join for a video with the goal of saying how his number one fan would react i've been getting a ton of emails to go on this guy's server because apparently his friend is my quote unquote biggest fan after joining skeppy would find out that a6d was actually french i think this is the guy my biggest fan that's what i was told and he's talking in that's french right creating a language barrier which resulted in a hilarious video with comments such as this guy is hilarious please do more videos with him the collaborations between skeppy and a6d continued during which they would come up with the idea that a6d should troll skeppy's other friend by the name of bad boy halo this led to another video called so the french server owner finally trolled him in which the hilarious dynamic between these three minecraft youtubers was put on full display how long did this take you to build this like 14 years what is your bill just save 14 just 14 14 14 days 14. 14 what yes yes know which one days or hours minutes how long did it take you to build this this is really good yeah 14. no how no how many like is it days hours don't just say 14 how many what 14 1 maybe 80 15 with this video also going on to gain a view count in the millions skeppy a6d and bad boy halo came up with a very intelligent idea they wanted to turn their trio into an official minecraft group they launched initially as the muffin squad however they'd later rebrand to the trio in which they could each leverage their own unique strengths this is where skeppy's a6ds and bad boy halo's popularity began to explode alongside each other there were podcasts troll videos challenges that release trio texture packs receive their silver play button or while skeppy's personal channel would rocket past 2 million subscribers it seemed like nothing was going to bring the trio undone however as always seems to be the case with these minecraft youtubers some form of allegations were just around the corner for one of these trio members on the 20th of august 2020 an account by the name of skye would make a post on twitter reading things a6d has done wrong a thread with a post referencing four main points being ableism transphobia misogyny and racism to be fair to a6d some of the points made in this thread are complete nonsense for example the post states that because a6d has simply defended cops in the past he's a racist and because he said women on twitch show their tits on streams for views he's also a misogynist now whether or not this activity actually constituted racism or misogyny depends on your personal views and is therefore a pointless argument however it didn't seem to matter twitter began to eat the post up jumping on the bandwagon that a6d was a horrible person feeling the pressure from the whole situation a6d would defend himself in a twitter post explaining that he'd grown to hate the minecraft stand culture by stating when a6d started my only wish was to have fun to discover a new language a new community but then today i realized that all i want is to find that minecraft video idea for a week and to hope that people aren't going to start drama about me on twitter over dumb stuff that i never said or was taken out of context a6d would then go on to explain that he thought the r word wasn't that big of a deal stating and before continuing because i know people are going to compare it to the n-word the n-word is not even remotely comparable to the r-word even just in terms of power the n-word has been used to dehumanize a whole category of people while the r-word was a medical term however a6d would dig himself into his own grave with this statement as he implied that the n-word was something he couldn't say before he'd be exposed for saying it hey another drama yay so on this new episode of cancelled there's me saying the n-word so what was it well it's about context but who cares of context anyway right twitter with an attached photo of as mentioned a6d saying the n-word it stated that he was saying it because he was testing a filter that he had set up which would kick anyone who had said that specific word however he'd still receive a mostly negative response with tweets such as there is no context needed you shouldn't say the n-word now you might be wondering why are we even discussing this drama it seems completely irrelevant from the main goal of the video being the discussion of why skeppy's channel has been on the decline well it will be while a6d was feeling the hate from this twitter drama that presumably so the haters would focus on someone else a6d would post a video recording exposing and destroying the credibility of skeppy's videos okay so i'm telling you it's gonna be hard well the video like the french server owner was all fake skippy like asked me if i could help him for a video and then i said yes i didn't know at that point but basically it was just uh faking having sent him an email and then doing basically what we did and he actually knew who i was the whole time because he he asked me to make the video at first and send me a message like this remember their first video together in which skeppy was meeting his french number one fan a6d for the very first time well it turns out the whole video was fake a6d and skeppy had actually been friends prior to filming that video with a6d explaining that he'd helped with skeppy's thumbnails and editing in the past that's also in this time that i met skeppy we started to become friends i made a few video editings for him and some now suddenly things started to make sense for example in the original french server video a6d was supposed to be skeppy's number one fan and had been the one to email him asking him to join yet when skeppy would join he was completely oblivious to who skippy was additionally in a past q a a6d had been asked about why skeppy had believed the troll to which a6d had somewhat of an unconfident response because well as we know now he was lying why did you troll cappy with the french thing and how did you get scabby to believe it hey i was bored and he was down as a response to the expose skeppy would begin a live stream understandably stating that he could no longer be friends with a6d all i'm gonna say is that i i can't be friends with a60 um this has nothing to do with twitter drama or any of that he knows why i know why i'm willing to forgive him just not today and i'm just leaving it is that a60 would then host his own live stream talking about skeppy which would deepen the beef even further he made a stream on me talking for like half an hour saying things about me so that was the only thing that really got on my nerves a little bit the drama would also unfortunately mark the official disintegration of the skeppy a6d and bad boy halo trio with skeppy stating this isn't an easy post for me to make however i've decided to step back from the trio there were so many times where i distanced myself from drama but always found myself affiliated with it because of the trio it was really draining for me and that's something i don't really want to be a part of however this wasn't nearly the worst thing that had come about as a result of the drama suddenly people began to question whether or not skeppy's other videos could have possibly been fake for example there was this video in which skeppy would apparently order 72 pizzas to bad boy halo's house yet skeppy wouldn't actually show the entire phone call during which he apparently ordered the 72 pizzas hi what's the uh the most amount of pizzas i can order i'm having a party right now we don't have a limit oh okay cool all right have a good night i ordered it then when the pizza showed up to bad boy halo's house he'd only show three pizzas being opened how do we know that he didn't only order three pizzas and sit them on top of a stack of empty boxes plus there are only 37 pizzas in this shot where are the other 35 pizzas that you claim to order in both the title and in the video a user on reddit would notice that in another video titled i got in a call with the scummiest owner ever the scummy owner in the video sounded suspiciously like his friend zalcombe with a voice changer okay so basically i was going through some of skeppy's old videos i managed to find the scummy stoner's voice sounded exactly like zelkum so basically all you have to do is just pitch up the voice because he's just made his voice deeper by turning the pitch down however all of this was still just speculation i mean come on there was no way they could actually prove that any of these videos had been faked right wrong in 2021 a user by the name of tech tom would post a twitter longer titled my experience was skeppy and being scammed which began by confidently stating that the following is my account of my interactions with popular minecraft youtuber skeppy and how after being lied to it led me to undeniable proof his content is staged skeppy faked his interaction on his newest fiverr video the video in question was this one here titled i joined an anti-skeppy server in which as explained in the title skeppy finds a fiver ad for an anti-skippy hate server i was just sent this i will invite you to anti-steppy minecraft server about this dig calling all skeppy haters dude are you serious why why are you calling all skippy haters skippy then goes on to purchase access to the server for five dollars also mentioning that he talked to the fiber seller prior to purchasing access i have added the server ip after communicating with the fiverr legend himself i added it to my server list followed by skeppy apparently meeting the owner of the anti-skippy hate server after loading in oh what the heck this guy's joined ah this is awkward my name is steph why is your name skep because i despise him so much the only thing was that this person he met within the server wasn't really the person who made the five ad in fact the server he was in wasn't even the anti-skeppy server at all it was just some random server he had created and faked for the purpose of the video how do we know well the person we mentioned previously who had written the twit longer titled my experience with skeppy and being scammed would take to tiktok in a video explaining that he was the one who created the fiverr ad for the anti-skeppy server yet no one ever bought access to it i've recently been scammed by a youtuber with over 6 million subscribers you guys have probably heard of skeppy he's pretty popular all of his content is faked through an interaction i've had with him that led to a the whole sequence of events i made this gig that you could buy in invite to an anti-skeppy server which i thought was kind of funny i guess geppy thought it was pretty funny too because he made a video on it except he never actually went on the server in skeppy's video he shows the package's prices and then says he contacted the seller and got on the server he would have to pay to do that and here is all the payments i've received on the account zero you could see that he makes it out to be that he's getting on a server with the owner but as the person who made this account that never happened he's also lying about paying me it's clearly insinuated when he shows the packages and then goes on the server that he paid the owner to get there but that never happened so he went on what i assume is a private server to record this with this person who is not my account this tick tock not only definitively proved that some if not all of skeppy's videos were fake but techton also felt gypped that he hadn't actually been paid for access to the server and while not being paid five dollars wasn't really that big of a deal at around the same point in time it would be revealed that skeppy had been scamming his audience in more than one way for example this thread would surface on the invaded lands forum titled i got scammed on a skeppy event which stated i won a pvp lens event a few weeks ago yet didn't get my prize skeppy told me i would get it in about 48 hours yet it's literally been weeks i've been checking my paypal daily but i definitely haven't gotten anything i'm really worried about this and desperately have been trying to get in contact but have nothing i have proof i won the event and gave the right information did i get scammed proof literally just watched his building competition video i won for the watermelon build another user by the name of chubby dog would then add to this by stating i got scammed by skeppy 2. he was doing his first to find and kill him event on invaded and the winner got overlord and so he started and i found him and killed him but he said i forgot to start recording and so he didn't even give me it skeppy big scammer however it wasn't only competition winners that hadn't been paid by skeppy now recently skeppy has been under fire for apparently not paying his artist there were posts such as this one reading a few people are dming me asking about this so i better just tweet about it no i was not paid for the happy hoodie i was not asked if i wanted to get paid nor asked permission for paradigm to use it however skeppy did have a pretty reasonable response to these accusations stating that all artists had been paid the amounts that they requested and anyone who hadn't been paid was because they hadn't asked for payment i cannot read minds i can't know what you want if you don't tell me that's just simply impossible and i want to give you what you want i want to over deliver i want everyone to walk away from a situation being happy but situations that came up today were purely impossible for me to fix because i was never told that there was any sort of request shortly thereafter another tweet would be posted by an account named roris which read as a general update three of the public artists have been reached out to and have had their issues and payment resolved by skeppy personally the feedback from these interactions appears positive skippy's response called the twitter outrage but only momentarily by this point it seemed like there was always another issue waiting for skeppy around every single corner here we go again twitter is back at it trying to cancel a minecraft youtuber because they made a joke this time the problematic content in question was a tweet made by skeppy reading in today's video i'll be beating a girl followed by in bed wars resulting in a new wave of hate against skeppy please block me if you thought the joke skeppy made was funny skippy would then delete the tweet before posting a subtle apology video to his second channel i deleted the tweet because i genuinely did not mean any disrespect toward anyone in any way whatsoever if you know me even a little bit that's not who i am and if you have no idea what i'm talking about basically i tweeted out this title i used as a video and i basically dug my own grave on twitter long story short it's completely my fault i know that now and it was just absolutely unnecessary but i genuinely did not mean it in any sort of negative way and i take it back if i still can i just want to say i'm genuinely so sorry however his response to the drama only prompted his audience to dig further for more damning tweets they'd find posts such as this one reading call my girl playstation because she's five as well as a video in which skeppy had said the f slur however the worst thing to have come about as a result of this cancellation attempt was someone creating a burner account to create a long string of fake allegations stating that scepie had abused them as a child to which skeppy would respond stating this is absolutely ridiculous i've never laid a finger on anyone ever more than half of your story does not align with my upbringing and i seriously can't believe the extent some people go to to bring others down this is complete slander and defamation everything that skeppy had been through began to have a clear effect on his content and personality there were tweets such as who the hell told skaper to change his entire personality while others such as tommy innit stated that he used to enjoy skeppy's videos yet had stopped watching as the content had become too intense now i'm not gonna lie i used to i used to watch all of scappy's videos all of them and he uploaded twice a day by clicking this button right here this is very intense just all right i hate to say i miss the old skipping i'm not a big fan of the the hyper editors in your favor you know i feel like i could die and i don't want to die it's a good point skeppy's new style feels like a bit of a mr beast gaming rip-off it's fast-paced nature is void of that relaxing relatability that was present in the early days of his channel yet it's hard to say if this has been a positive or a negative as maybe if he had never changed anything his viewership might be even lower than it is currently
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 5,821,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skeppy, the downfall of, the downfall of skeppy, skeppy exposed, minecraft skeppy, skeppy face, dream smp, no swearing, skeppy fake, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skeppy, tommyinnit youtuber tier list, dream, dreamsmp, a6d, badboyhalo, muffin squad, skeppy drama, a6d n word, a6d drama, skeppy and badboyhalo, skeppy twitter, minecraft, mcyt, georgenofound, family friendly, sunnyv2 minecraft, sunnyv2 downfall, The Downfall of Skeppy: From Legend To Liar
Id: Gth5yuM5OZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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