9 Times Faker Impressed The World

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from insane clutches to mind bloy mechanics to creating the most iconic League of Legends play of all time these are nine times when Faker shocked the world with his skills beginning first with his insane sha Shuffle prediction during his most recent world's appearance in 2023 after escaping a chaotic Swiss stage and barreling through LNG with a 3 to zero sweep in the quarterfinals Faker and T1 found themselves pitted against the seemingly Unstoppable Titans of jdg who are just two series away from completing the first ever Golden Road in League's history so to say that this series would be a highly anticipated one would certainly be an understatement and thankfully for the fans it definitely lived up to its height as after he won stomped the first game jdg responded by playing Cante and winning game two setting the series score line at one a piece headed into game three however unlike the first two games this third match would certainly be more on a knife's edge with the gold Le never strongly favoring either team throughout though it would eventually become clear that ruler lethality vars was posing a real threat to both Faker and T1 and after after managing to pick up kills on both oner and zus jdg took Baron and began to March down mid lane looking poised to overwhelm T1 and inflict some serious damage on their base that is until the unkillable Demon King saw a crack in the armor of jg's seemingly impenetrable team coordination and piloting his famous's ear used his shifting Sands to turn the tides side TP coming in fer looking to be the against ruler odor goes in and again the combos are clean the Hostile takeover is dead well hostile But Not only was this play impressive because of fakers predicting of ruler flash but off the back of this insane pick T1 managed to wipe the dominant JG off the map entirely with a 5 for zero Ace and would go on to March down mid lane and close out the game play them up two to one in the series and eventually allowing them to end jg's Golden Road and advance to world's finals and while later we'll be getting into an even crazier time in which Faker air was responsible for costing jdg a spot at world's finals turning our attention to League's other International Event in MSI we can see that even in the grand finals sometimes all you need to do is sit back let the king work and take notes you see during the finals of MSI 2022 when a series basing off against who else but the mid-season Titans RNG Faker and T1 were looking to prove that their already All-Star lineup could not only dominate the lck but could also take home the trophy on the international stage however the series got off to a rocky start for this world class roster but after being cut to shreds by Ben's 13-0 Gwen master class in game one in the second match fakers landre helped boost the already advantageous Zeus ahead of the RNG top laner however this lead wouldn't exactly work out as planned as once again kills on to owner and zus led to T's opponents looking to score themselves a baron buff with their advantage however this time around T1 wasn't willing to let this objective just fall without a fight so despite being placed in a 3v5 faker sent himself head first into the den of RNG managing to not only create an incredible setup for his bot Lane to follow up on but also managing to inspire one of msi's most iconic casting lines in the process from the back of theb Avil for RNG calling T1 block and Baker finds them all GOI carier and Baker will not go quietly into the night form is temporary Baker is forever and though of course we'll be diving into more of faker's greatest plays on the international stage later on for a moment let's rewind things back to just over 5 years prior during week six of the 2017 lck spring split in which SKT found themselves faced off against fellow Top Dog KT rollster now headed into this series both teams were tied for first place in the region with each side boasting a couple player names you may be familiar with and while game one was a relatively low kill 42-minute long bout that ultimately ended in the favor of SKT game two began in nearly the exact opposite fashion with KT dragging the three-time world Champs across the map through expert rotations building up an ever increasing pile of gold and doing everything in their power to remove Faker from relevancy however even while staring down an over 13,000 gold deficit in addition to a recently acquired Baron buff Faker didn't count his Team out yet as despite being zero and three on Oriana where his teammate saw fear he found opportunity Faker has been out of position because that's very hard to have position we hear an ultimate popped and we see a turn yeah Dred line coming through big big shock wave comes through b absolutely devastates the ranks of KT rooster a triple kill for him Pawn trying to get out with his life but it just doesn't look very likely and good God off the backside of the par SKT blow the game wide now while things initially seemed as if hoone had just overstep to the point of becoming a free pick for KT thanks largely in part to SKT Wolf's defensive Title Wave Faker was able to quickly recognize that his opposition was currently cced in a highly compacted space a dream scenario for any Champion such as Orana who thrives under such conditions but even when it comes to the play style of piloting primarily single Target assassins Faker has consistently proved that not only can he serve as a burst oriented Menace but that in addition to being the team's one-shotting machine he's also willing to show off his jungling skills too when they're needed and I suppose there's no better example of this Beast slaying prowess than an skt's face off against Fanatic in day two of All-Star 2014's group stage proving that Faker Zed has more than just one trick up his sleeve after roaming to pick up a pair of kills and a string of back and forth bot Lan skirmishes the then reigning world champion found himself in Prime position to lead his team's damage as the shadow shifting executioner however with Fanatics X pek on his iconic cassid in pick this strategy would be easier said than done especially since neither team could seem to find a significant advantage over the other that is until impact and bangi overstayed their welcome in the topside jungle leading to fanatic picking up a pair of quick kills and granting them a golden opportunity to take Baron which at the very least would allow them to put the themselves in the position to regain the lead over SKT however Faker of course had other plans and after slashing away fanatic's smiting capabilities while running his own world skin nonetheless this Rising Star demonstrated that long before his times of LeAndre setups he was still turning the baron pit into his personal Thunderdome putting the team on his back and taking down some of the game's biggest names in the process faker's looking to maybe try and make a play he's gone in he's G for cite he wants to try and pop him down maybe enough he gets cide down before the baron drops the baron is so so low it's going to get stolen away by this is tragic for bana pek is going to get dropped there what Sublime play by the season three world champions and even though earlier we of course discussed Faker a zir exposing a flaw in the positioning of jdg during the semi-finals of world's 2023 if we rewind back just one year earlier we can see that not only had Faker made an even more clutch play with the Shan Emperor but this time it would also serve as the final nail in the coffin for the championship dreams of these LPL Legends you see during in the semi-finals of Worlds 2022 once again pitting these two tournament favorites against one another fans around the world were treated to yet another nail biting best of five packed with world class gameplay and constantly shifting leads until the series was ultimately brought to a 2-1 score line with one game standing between Faker and his first Finals appearance since 2017 and even though his early game was ultimately nothing too noteworthy outside of a three-man Emperor divide in response to an attempted dive in mid lane after a five- on five Skirmish around Rift Herald fakers all two famous air skills began to come online with an immensely aggressive catch out onto kavian missing that would allow T1 to salvage the play and buy them time to grow their advantage an advantage which just a few minutes later they turn into one of world's 2022 greatest moments as Faker swept jg's feet out from right underneath them leading to yet another now iconic call by freak knocking jdg out of the tournament and ultimately punching t1s ticket to San Francisco to face off against the RX in the finals as the com through another three 69 finds death number four but the re-engage from belet is almost enough but it is not Baker in the midl The unkillable Demon King rebuilds his throne with the skulls of his enemies and if we're on the topic of some of the most iconic Series in league history we of course have to mention the legendary series between SKT and G2 during the semi-finals of MSI 2019 which at the time of writing Still Remains the fifth most watched League series of all time headed into the potentially series ending game four SKT found themselves once again up 2 to one in this back and forth series however the start of this game wasn't initially going too hot as G2 managed to pull ahead with their strong early game making plays on Sidelines and snowballing their advantages however as you may recall during that Year's MSI silus was one of the most meta defining picks of the tournament holding a 73% pick band presence in the play-ins and a 100% presence throughout the course of the main stage so naturally when you give one of the strongest meta picks to the greatest player in the game's history you should be ready to be impressed by some jaw-dropping plays and with skt's chances at winning slipping out of their grasp Faker courtesy of a stolen Nar ultimate was looking to prove that it would take more than just sidelane dominance to take him out and in doing so he was looking to put on quite a show five members of G2 trying to push forward but the Min wave is getting obliterated massive manages to steal the N Faker turns around he hijacks g2's chances listen into that crowd as SKT turn it around now win fairness the mechanics of this play were cool but not anything too crazy or at least compared to the moves that Faker was pulling on perhaps one of his most iconic off meta picks of all time with his pioneering of ribbon mid lane to pick that not only tore up opponents in Solo Cube but also shattered ankles in the professional scene as well and there's perhaps no better example of the SKT midlaners mechanical prowess on the champion then in game three of the lck grand finals in 2015 in which Faker was just one game away from once again lifting the lck trophy however just because the title was in sight didn't mean that Baker was going to hold back at all after picking up a kill on an overextended enemy thresh The unkillable Demon King was able to dish out a fair amount of damage to chunk out nnes copia and with his support wolf on the way and nothing but a d Shield to his name the SKT Duo went for the dive and in the process Faker pulled out one of the cleanest Jukes in the history of professional play Under turrets Wolf coming in double six they get the flash from n Faker comes in he's got the alt he's got the kill now while wolf was able to provide setup for this now legendary Riven Dodge there is of course another much more famous highlight involving this duo in which Wolf's assistance allowed the then three-time world champion to truly shine in one of the greatest moments of League ESP Sports history you see during the group stage of world's 2017 Faker and SKT were looking to prove themselves against reigning LPL Champions EDG during their first bout of the play in stage however things got out of hand incredibly quickly for the second seated Korean Representatives as despite the hype around the match the first 30 minutes of the game was kind of a blowout to say the least with EDG being up 10,000 gold Nine Kills to zero and seven Towers plus an inhibitor compared to skt's Mere two outer turrets victory was practically guaranteed for the Chinese Squad as they went to stop skt's last ditch effort to sneak away the baron for themselves however while it both appeared and would make sense that SKT would try and stall out the game by denying such a crucial objective they used EG's lack of vision to their Vantage and contrary to the more reserved SKT play style they decided to take a risk and by weaponizing the element of surprise would ultimately shock everyone saving the Drake now they got two already bang is hiding he's coming bang looking to come in here comes your initiation the right through oh my God shock wave will find them all and SKT with a hell of a response will take down four with Wolf's knockup hoon's silence and of course Faker shock wave SKT took this perfect stor of a team fight and somehow managed to mount one of the largest comebacks in League Pro play history but of course now it's time to break down the play you've all seen before and shouldn't be surprised to see as number one on this list Baker may be in trouble your death Mark tries to clean it up for Ryu oh look at the Clans look at the moves Baker what was that Baker with a huge play the qss now even though this play is without a doubt in the conversation for being the most well-known clip in all of Esports something that seems to be lost on a lot of people is that Beyond being insane mechanics of Faker Zed the context behind this play is also incredibly important to why these moves were just so sick you see SKT found themselves in a best of five matchup facing the KT bullets for the OG 2013 summer finals and despite having opened the series with back-to-back losses this upand cominging team managed to pull back even in the series with a 2 to2 score line headed into game five and though it's no longer present professional play back then during game five of a best of Five series both teams were allowed to lock in the same champion leading to both Faker and Ryu locking in Zed however this wasn't the only mirror matchup that led to this play being possible because as you may have noticed both top laners locked in Shen but despite having both of their Stand United ultimates up neither insect nor impact decide to interfere with the fight which regardless of this being a good decision on their behalf or not ultimately it led to the most impressive play fakers has ever pulled off this has been simply spent with silver scrapes thanks for watching and take care
Channel: Silver Scrapes
Views: 352,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, League of legends world championships, Faker, Faker outplays, Best faker outplays, Faker montage, Faker vs Ryu, Faker best plays, faker insane plays, faker highlights, Best of faker, T1 faker, faker, lol esports, 20 Times Faker Proved he's the BEST in the game, Lolesports, League of Legends, Lol eSports, LCK, skt t1 faker, best of faker, t1 faker, silverscrapes, silver scrapes, faker documentary, faker shocked the world, t1, lol esports vods, gumayusi
Id: 88ugnFiuN9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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