Creature & Character Concept Sculpting - Ashley A. Adams "A_Cubed" - ZBrush 2021.6

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all right set up my audio and watch [Music] there we go all right hello hello welcome welcome to the stream um i'm ashley if you don't know me here's my spiel i haven't been streaming for a little while but i am back to it i am a character and creature uh sculptor and character designer um kind of just like been working freelance and stuff you know if you know you know uh but on these streams typically what i do is i just kind of like take the sphere and i just like mash it around kind of you know do just sketching that's really what it is it's just sketching so i'm just like saying this all at the beginning for everybody who already knows this i'm saying this at the beginning so that like everybody knows coming into like the vod later that it's not like a final product or anything like that it's literally just a sketching session we're just gonna have fun with it see what comes of it just like it's gonna be a lot of pushing and pulling and stretching geometry that will be fixed later for um it will be fixed later with dynamesh and all that kind of stuff so i actually use the stretch geometry as a i guess jump off point uh to a lot of um just details that kind of just come out of nowhere in a sense like i'm letting like the stretch geometry talk for itself if that makes any sense hey pennant thanks yeah i'm i'm going to be rusty for sure because i've just been doing like freelance work this entire time so this is going to be one heck of an interesting stream i was thinking um because it is august and people are doing like that whole like small guest thing like maybe i'll go off of like a prompt just to get back into like the flow of everything hey babies good timing yeah yeah hey lemon so i was thinking of like uh actually what is the prompt today i think it is um the celestial one i've been going off of these like i've been looking at the smallest smog bust like august smog dragon um let's see let's see yeah seraphim okay so we'll see anyways i'm gonna start sculpting because i don't know how many people are gonna be dropping in here i kind of like did a late announcement so i'll just start sculpting if you have any questions i'm going it's just a chill session just for sketching whatever let me know and uh i'll do my best to answer you you know you feel ye all right well anyways so i'm thinking i'm just gonna go and do something dragon related for uh somalgis just because i don't i'm saying smaug i don't know why i'm saying smaug like that yeah yes so seraphim that is that's like the angel thing like many many wings and stuff right with a whole bunch of eyes again that might be interesting to do we're gonna do something like that it'll have to be much more dainty like creature for sure but you know what's really crazy is um lately i've been doing a ridiculous amount of met stuff for work you know like it's it's it's insane so i am a little bit more i guess like stiff so we're gonna have to shake off some rust here hey ian what's up yeah a new camera angle because now i have my cintiq actually in front of me and i'm not doing this i'm not turning to the side hello posture hello how are you doing so ridiculous um oh yeah and if you guys don't know ian i'm sure you know ian though but if you don't know ian ian is a sculptor here on the pixel logic channel as well you should definitely check out his work because he is a bad butt i can't swear i should i should i want to swear i can't swear so he's a bad butt you turn yours all the time yeah like i i i've gotten into like this really like annoying habit of like moving my cintiq every single week which is just put it in front of you and get it done i just like the fact that the mouse is now actually where it's supposed to be and i don't have to like turn to use my mouse and my keyboard is actually where it's supposed to be like i don't have to do this or whatever like uh what display do i use i i use some like really old asus monitors and then this um that i'm drawing on or sculpting on is a cintiq 20 inch 21 hd yeah cintiq hey gorby lynn yeah i haven't been i haven't been here um i haven't been here for a bit because i've been doing a lot of work wait what's going on with this there we go so again like you know when i'm doing this kind of stuff um it's gonna be pretty like it's going to be pretty messy until it's just not i'm kind of looking for shapes and things um the smog the smog smog is it smaug or smog smog because of the movies they say smoke like smell schmidt smoke we're gonna do like a dragon we're gonna do comfort zone because like i'm feeling uh i'm feeling crunchy and rusty right now i haven't been streaming too much at all really so interesting the the uh the prompt today is seraphim so i'm thinking all of this stuff we're just gonna do it a lot of wings i know how much you guys like wings right so like there's gonna be eyeballs everywhere i think that'll be kind of cool eyeballs it's uh some things just just just just a little bit though because i think uh we're doing surf and we're gonna like want to keep the teeth to a minimum small smog swag smooch dude i don't know man yeah we've been good we've been doing we've been good i'm encroaching on like an interview or something he's doing right now so i'm trying not to be too loud oh yeah no for sure i'm gonna do more more streams i've just been like ridiculously busy and it was getting at me so i had to like take a little bit of a break and just kind of like not stream because there's just like there's just like so many deadlines one after the other that it was just it was more stressful for me to think about streaming as well on top of everything so i just kind of stopped for a little bit um and now i think i have my footing a little bit better with these contracts so we'll see we'll try okay so serotonin this is gonna be interesting because i don't really want to do just like a traditional dragon body i can try it's like it's like a ball of wings i'm almost thinking what if i'll put this uh perspective on two yeah yeah i can do a 50. that's fine a little bit something a little bit a little more extreme it'll help with the uh the largeness sweet smog smog in the hobbit can't even kill the cemetery honestly like like i i get like that was the plot point but i also find that like dude that smile could have literally just you really think about it he could just like fire burn them like just keep just keep doing that over and over again just keep doing it like just spam your fire at them and see what happens hey scott how you doing neck wings dude there's going to be wings all over this thing wings and eyeballs man wings and eyeballs because we're going to go off of the smoggest smoggest the dragon prompt um of today which is uh seraphim tell me walking these streets it's amazing midnight been talking to you they're gonna double as horns wait this is a little bit loud a little bit loud there you go long tail no legs and multi wings yeah pretty much you're just gonna have like a wrap little wings because you know how much we love making wings like i don't know and like eyeballs everywhere except except the skull i think this whole thing right up here is just gonna be like a blank cranium blank cranium and then eyeballs everywhere else and we'll try and make like this area i think [Music] music perfect level awesome yeah it was really loud on my head i couldn't even hear myself talk so i was like i don't want to be yelling so what have you been up to ian tell me a bit tell me some i think we're going to give this thing a much longer neck that's what i'm going to do here is this like that again it's gonna get messy [Music] and then this is gonna be a really long long body long boy like a lone cat lone cat you know been working so much at funko 12 days in a row last week and learning so much about the rendering key shot might be a random wait might be a render after this on job training oh is it dude like isn't keyshot just like really fun like just sending it straight from zbrush over to keyshot like you don't have to prep anything and you got a new car jeez there's been a lot going on in your life actually awesome that that sounds great god i i would i would i would love to even just have my driver's license but i don't because i am lame but there's also like no way for me to have a car right now so it doesn't even matter i guess and then i gotta get this neck stand here to attach but i like this like this thick kind of like tiny head thick neck and then we're going to extend this rib cage probably give it more of a humpty dump that now let's let's do something a little bit different in the sense of like we're gonna block out i think a like one wing and then i will use that same thing over and over again that's what i think i'm going to do for this so i'll grab this turn a little bit give it that so i can work on both ends now i'm going to do something messy let's be messy with it but bibs so what we're going to do is we are going to just kind of sketch out some of these things i keep dynameshing this one too over and over again because it's going to get really messy for this so here do the first portion this [Music] hey tara how are you i had to go back to the intuos because of neck pain from the new cintiq have you ever thought about going back to the pen tablet yeah i go back and forth sometimes um i do end up getting pain because i have like a messed up shoulder like i um i tore a muscle in my shoulder so i have to be pretty like careful um i recently from like working out i went to ham went to a little bit too much at the gym and i ended up like pulling some neck muscles so right now like i'm very like obstr right because i just keep hurting myself i try and do things right and then i just there's a series of unfortunate events so you know whatever is cool okay so just like some sharper moments here but yeah i have an intuos pro medium that i go uh back to if things are like not fun you know what i mean if i'm if i'm not having a good time i'm ponty yeah no yeah he ain't the massage type he's the goomba stomp type hey sergio hey andre yeah in california i can imagine you need a car um i mean in like canadian cities it's not i guess it's not as bad but it'd be nice to have a car just to like you know easily just leave the city and stuff and not rely on other people but whatever it is what it is [Music] yeah i don't really know why it happened i didn't even notice it until afterwards and so like just just like can you please can i can i please heal yeah no worries pennant no worries this is like a a rusty stream anyways like i'm going to be pretty slow and uh and like laid back i guess in comparison to how i normally am just like all over the place don't worry about it yeah yeah the city is kind of like addicting isn't it it is it is it is pretty addicting but um you know when you're in too much pain sometimes sometimes going back isn't such a bad thing all right so what was i going to do right right right right we're going to start doing these uh this technique that i have so essentially grab around the areas that i want to pull out i like doing this for uh sketching feathers and then oh that's good too and i'll just okay hello hello put the lazy mouse on the lazy stuff like all the way down there hello lazy step okay whatever [Music] the idea is to just like grab only a little bit um that's masked then when you pull it you're gonna get some nasty artifacting but it'll also be representative of feathers i like doing this okay this is it yeah okay [Music] this doesn't like it up there all right you know what we can go with that though that's fine okay it's like a really irregular pattern and then snake hook because we're doing this mirrored pull this out first then do a little bit of that there we go so this is nice and crunchy but you just layer this a whole bunch of times and you're gonna get something like that and take this off and then i'll just mirror and weld it after so that i can get this looking a little bit more accurate hey shane how are you doing hey sunny uh this is zbrush health over art so you can create more art wow that is a beautiful beautiful quote by you specifically very beautiful quote i agree with it yeah so zephyrs again like this this works for sketching right i did my and like illustration pieces and stuff like i did um the eye of tomorrow with this technique um but i don't recommend it for actual production it's too messy and really hard to clean up this specifically but i personally like doing this for feathers um yeah okay i'm gonna do a different base though first and i'm going to do this without without uh i'm gonna reuse these wings all over this this thing eh [Music] stay first with you then i could be whatever it is so usually when i do the clipping mask you know how like there's um usually those like these things that happen i just kind of grab the hide tool and then i delete hidden and close holes after that and then it's fine because then you get like the uh the silhouette without having to worry about um anything else [Music] yeah i'm just gonna reuse this all over build that up on that side and then on this side this is the back actually not going to use the same thing like this and just walking some fluffy wings all of this is going to be very useful you can see how all of this artifacting is going to be very useful when um you dynamesh it or just like feather this stuff on top and then underneath other feather feather feathers [Music] who's andre for oh he probably was right before me that's why my name is still whoever was before me streaming nah it's not for production right ian like you can't your boss would be like what are you doing like like that's why i try and say like this is not this is not how you sculpt for production at all like you know production um stuff is like you gotta you gotta go through like this very specific uh gonna be a little bit more tight with how you do things i'm very like when i'm sketching like i just don't care and that's kind of like the beauty of working like this as well is just like not having to care is wonderful but at heart i'm i'm definitely like an illustrator as well right so it's uh that's my bias illustrator design like character designers uh even more of a tight job but when you're doing a concept everything can be nice and loose like you know everything literally anything goes so okay now actually let's turn this back on then i'll grab clip you have to make sure to mask the areas that you don't want to be clipped out when you do stuff like that and then again remember how i said like you just like hide the stuff that you don't want after clipping oh hello can we thank you okay delete him in and close holes good hey andromeda how are you yeah the uh the sketching is good for the artistic soul right like sounds cheesy but when you're in pipeline like that's that's all good and great and stuff but it does not like if if you're if you're very artsy it doesn't really fulfill your artistic needs because you you're going off of pre-existing concepts and things like that so once i have all of these uh like all the wings kind of like filled out then we'll be able to just start placing them everywhere and then doing a little bit more sculpting on top of that i'm just doing like a like for anybody wondering this is gonna be like a seraphim themed dragon so lots of wings but i'm of the uh the lazy mind and i just really don't want to individually sculpt hundreds of weights it's not my idea of a fun time all right now let's do wait no actually uh saving really quick and then i'm gonna start moving this stuff around let's see let's go to scoot 144. hey there we go 144 it's gonna be good hey murph how are you doing the one wing and copy yeah just like spam it everywhere and then like you know at least it'll be strong enough as a base that if i wanted to like add anything on to it afterwards then it would be fine but it's one of those things like if you have something like this and you're working with like a sketch that's gonna have a lot of the same element like why not just make one of them spam it around and then edit them as you need you know it's been a bit since you caught my last yeah well i haven't really been streaming at all for like over a month it must have been like closer to two months now i haven't really streamed so first one back nice and slow nice and crusty and rusty you know how it is maybe just wing it just leaving it bro good to see the dad jokes are alive and well [Music] okay and now i'm gonna take all of this this is the whoo hi i would like that too that can come with and then yes yes ma'am [Music] so when you're doing clipping you see this like darker edge this is a good this is a good tip because i didn't know this when i first started using the clip tool um years ago but this is like a really important thing so like the in the inner black part if you want the the clip to work you're gonna want both of these like the the black gradient to be on the inner part of the angle if it's out it won't it won't be able to register that right but if whoops if you do it in like this it'll be able to register that but this is too low poly for it to like handle right now so it's just kind of like making it all nasty but the uh the clip curve works with the gradient facing inwards if it is outside like this it's not going to register radiant in not out right that's how you know if your clip is going to work or not versus something like that you won't be able to register right that's how you that's how you do that we use clip versus slice you find slice gives you a cleaner cut yeah if you wanted to so i use clip because i just like i like doing things fast and sketchy like i don't really care about it being like ultra clean if you can't tell um because overall like i'm just looking for like something that i can just do really fast like i'm not if i'm in production obviously i'm a lot more meticulous and clean about what i what i do in the sculpting phase like especially if it needs to be baked down but when i'm sketching i really don't care about brush strokes i don't care about artifacting and things like that just like somebody who you know if you were to open up their like you know somebody who draws opens up their sketchbook they don't care about their pencil marks they don't necessarily care about their brush strokes being seen it's the same kind of thing i actually find that messy in the right way can give your sketches especially your clay sketches a lot of energy just to like leave it raw in certain areas so uh yeah i like i don't really mind if the slice versus curve thing is like cleaner or messier like i i just like a slice cur or flip curve just because it kind of is faster like slice so if you're using um slice curve right you're gonna get a different polygroup but then you have to split that off and then kill it or whatever and then there's a lot more steps to it whereas it has a place a time and place for me but i just don't really like use it for for sketching that much all right you'll see like this is just sort of like the way that i like to sketch my wings whoops i press expose [Music] so you can put an alpha on your snake hook as well i like to do this a little bit bigger what's that one there we go oh it's cause i got accu curve no why does this keep turning on alpha okay not a friend not a friend yeah there we go okay so normally putting alphas can help with the little sketchies initially kind of soften it a bit kind of gives it that irregularity and i know a lot of people are like screaming like internal screeching at this uh it's so messy but you'll see there's a method to the madness it really is i promise promise so um you notice how like everything is pretty thick and like layered like that there's a reason why i did that as well so the tiers of uh clay buildup that i did is so that when i'm sideways like this i just pull and now these things will actually layer kind of thinking like oil paint in that way right it'll layer like it will feathers because it's already got that tearing happening and then you just soften it a bit so this is a good base to work off of for me anyways when i'm thinking about this kind of stuff soften up here go back thank you i'll do the same thing on the other side without symmetry because this is the back angle which actually has a lot more feathers than the inside bigger ones as well amazing gift yeah it is it's very useful it is very very useful accucurve is one of my fave things when it comes to sculpting like i just i honestly i spam that like as much as possible okay and now i'm just gonna save real quick because this is where things can start getting a little bit crunchy crunchy throw that resolution down there we go now we're dynameshed right this is all usable geometry right this is a this is 700 000 yes but it is now you can now sculpt on it no problem so that makes that makes doing this masking thing a little bit more interesting so now you can come in and specify where it is you want these uh these little things to happen you can do longer ones or shorter ones and so all of this looks sharp right now but also keep in mind that if you're doing this for like illustration concept all you really need to do after is put some sort of like a subsurface on this and it becomes really soft and then you paint over it and it ends up being like a really great base for quick feathery things etc hey animated yeah i mean like if if if it's convenient for us right like we're gonna like show up i i like i like dropping into other people's streams because i like seeing what they're doing saying hi [Music] yes [Music] we're doing this on both sides so purple yeah i do i do all my renders with a key shot for my illustrations it's just so fast to like send this right over you know what i mean and then if you want like another thing to um play two no where is it play tubes play tubes with a circle alpha is really nice once you get the stroke issue down it roll i can't remember i reset my settings and i completely forgot yeah whatever this works just fine i think it's just this area for some reason all right but yeah just like doing stuff like that you can start layering some feathers in as well uh what's going on i reset all my settings so just to figure out what all right well anyways i'm not gonna waste my time i'll just do it with clay build up right now but um what's nice about clay tubes is you can just kind of like put it all down and it will be the same height as before like every stroke will be the same height as the last one as long as like you know you're you're not layering them on top as soon as you layer them on top it's like a fixed height on top of each other whereas clay build up it actually like keeps going and going the more you like go back and forth you're making a chain for your necklace um any tips on controlling the curved brushes so you can place the curves exactly where you want they kind of just go everywhere when you try to edit when i'm okay so the curves are really tricky um there are locking mechanisms in the uh the curve uh menu here like if you do bend start versus bend n you can actually uh well and also lock start lock end you can play around with those to try and figure out which one is best for when you're moving your curve around i would say like unless you're doing something extremely specific where you want to maintain the topology of it like exactly than super clean um i would say just to get it in like a relative area and use it at like a higher resolution so you're not doing it like in really tiny increments right like so here let's just grab like a curved tube something i don't recommend is like making your brush like really tiny and then drawing it out and then trying to like edit it like this because there's so many like mini points here to control you're gonna end up um making it all kind of squiggly wiggly right but if you hold uh if you hold so i'm getting used to streaming again keeping my like how do i talk um so if you lock like end for example and then you drag this out right which one is that oh shoot um okay i haven't used these in a while i'm not gonna try um but there's like an entire thing on uh on on those that you can find in the documentation you can lock each stroke but what i'm oh my god that's a spider uh you can drag this out i wouldn't recommend doing it with the tiny little dots like this like i was saying there's a bunch of like crumples i would recommend doing it with a larger brush if you can and then shrinking it down after you get an approximate um curve like what i like to do is drag this out into where it needs to kind of be like let's say that's like the curve that i want click off separate right and then i will take this over here and i will make it smaller like for as small as i need it to be and then i will take a large brush and kind of just like edit it really carefully into the exact position but that's usually me and i do a lot of like like uh sketchy stuff so it's okay that it's messy however when it comes to like the curves being like super super clean um you're going to want to try and play around with those those settings in there with the uh the bend start lock lock start lock end and bend end and you'll you'll notice some of them some combinations will keep you from moving the end and so you can just drag out the the the beginning of the curve for example to make it nice and straight in certain areas use like a bigger brush to just like do big movements not tiny ones right how long sculpting 3d modeling in zbrush i have been sculpting for like six seven years something like that something like that one more okay wow [Music] um your brush depth on curve brushes yes yeah so the depth so when you go into brush over here and you oh my god spider bro little spider bro little spider bro sorry there's literally like a little you know i have a desk okay i have desk spider brothers hello friend okay to me let me scurry along i don't want to hurt you just can you get off of my cintiq please let's go over there yeah over there go on oh spider go go one sec oh thank you um okay what was i saying oh yeah the brush depth right over here [Music] so in depth right here so if you're having issues when you want it to like stick to like inside the skull so you're doing like a hair um then you can just move the depth down a little bit and then it'll start just like just underneath whatever mesh you're dragging it from if you want it to float more you can do this right like that's that's really what it is ugh i want to make sure that that's not embedded at all for this brush though thank you very much yeah spider just wants to cuddle up again um [Music] for shane i forgot to fill that other stuff that's usually a lot of fun oh well do paint please come back thank you so um [Music] [Music] hey zeus um so the uh i'm doing something for small guest smileys like a dragon but the theme today is seraphim so i'm making a wing that i can just spam around and uh not care hey gambit a spatula was good [Music] bty how's it going all right i want to do a few more on this side and then i'll finish in the back area as well i think actually before this kind of jerk all this is going to do i think um some white tips on these ah stop doing that stop doing that so as you can see like this is not at all like you know super accurate to what an actual wing is like down to the t or anything like that it's just about being suggestive right like all i want to do is uh suggest what's happening with the wing because when you're sketching for things you don't need to be absolutely like on the ball you need to do you know more or less like what it's supposed to look like but it doesn't need to be just needs to suggest it's our way to poly paint as i'm doing without starting the stroke directly on the model oh you mean like from over here i think um honestly i don't know i never really do that i i literally always have to like you see me like moving it around sometimes i don't think ian correct me if i'm wrong is there like a lock screen i don't know maybe if you like completely no you can't i never try to lock the screen so i have no idea oh yeah there you go angelus has a workaround you could um you can cheat it by putting as angela says put a separate subtool and start the stroke on that like for example yeah i know exactly what you mean i've done this before too is like i'll put like a sphere over here i'll be like yes there we go now i want to start the stroke from over here you see because it's over here now i can start from over there and it won't move like that that's that's a good point angeles i don't know why i never thought of like uh i cuz like you can't really like lock the screen per se so when you're doing like strokes like i was doing you're gonna keep doing this whoosh swish hey what's up luke we've got two streamers in here now uh luke also streams on the pixel logic channel i think you were you were live yesterday um he does he is really great he has really great skulls you should definitely check out his stuff and he always posts online afterwards as well same with same with ian they both post stuff online go check out their socials go do their thing do you guys have like a exclamation mark command yet do you have that can i just like can i can i do like this can i do ian yet can i can i do luke yet come on throw your throw your socials in the chat i don't i don't know and okay [Music] all right let's do um some of this over here get i think i want something like that i want something this and i think i want this these are going to be tinier ones as you can see and they'll overlap like that [Music] so the bigger the strokes that you put in between the bigger the feathers that you'll get doing this and then you know if you do little tiny strokes then you're going to get a little spiky d spiky spikes little mini spiky spikes which is cool too but i feel like i like the big the bigger ones a lot of the time i should uh take off and do that separately hey frank what's up yeah you gotta talk to kyle like get your get your um modding and then get your uh your social setup yeah go and go and check those go go check them they're really good you guys should definitely follow them and look at their streams and stuff and they're they're cool and i suck at promos right now man i'm so rusty at streaming guys please please forgive me oh my god i'm so like stream rusty i don't even know i haven't even really been talking much outside of like you know meetings with clients and things like just don't it's probably like the lamest summer i have ever had in my life [Music] all right and i think that'll be good we will grab this fill there we go and back here we're gonna want to do that as well with all of this except with bigger strokes being the back portion and do it like that yes and it can be really messy when you do this as well i feel like the messier the better that's my opinion but i like i just like kind of leave it like that and these are the back feathers so i'll be really big with that big big big big big big big okay sure it's not on the other side nope [Music] take rgb off for now and come out from behind too actually that could look really nice there we go uh is there a place you can find good comms at comms what do you mean comms like you want to talk to people communications but like military get on phones bro uh your mind is oh yeah no problem reuben honestly i've got lots of tricks like this like just to speed up work well i'm working keep in mind when you get this down pat you work really fast i am working incredibly slow on stream compared to how i normally do it because i am so rusty right now so please again i'm sorry but yeah this like there's a lot of tricks like this that you can do just to shorthand what you're doing um not good for production let me keep that let me make that very clear not good for production you don't do this in production okay because it's very annoying to clean this up um but if you are sketching or doing concept stuff this is a good way just to speed it up you don't want to deal with uh you know different feather types over and over and over again okay and now fill that effect and i'll do one more on top so and these ones will be finer so you got to make them closer together like this because they're not going to be as big of feathers the more sketching you do the more of like this kind of stuff you'll figure out too so i encourage you encourage everybody to just experiment with the different uh different tools like masking you know what does everything provide like you know if something if a tool says it does one thing like why not try it for something completely different than what it says it can do right because then you can get some interesting effects i like to combine masking with pretty much everything that i'm doing because i it's like masking stuff all right so now let me just fix that up [Music] okay accu-curve as well what's my dog doing monty's good good aren't you he's he's out there you'll see him in break your puppy's fully grown now nice um it's the uh you you have the um the the white dog like what are they called again is it the white shepherd zebras wants you to do zebras wants you to try lots of funny stuff man yeah with ue5 i mean all right still going to be like a riggers nightmare though you won't want to do this all right so now we've got all that done i feel like it's probably a little on the thick side we can pin that down just a bit and now we've got a reusable wing for posing all over this and then i can add to it whatever i want so i'm going to duplicate that [Music] put the first swing over here yeah because of seraphim we're going to do lots of eyeballs lots of wings just the way that that's just what we're going to be doing all right and i'm going to also overall like i'm going to scale this entire thing down grab all of this and here that should be good and click on accu-curve bend it out in down okay that thank you frank this one definitely needs more swish yeah but that's just it right like we're doing this for sketching like it's for concept slash illustration whatever you really want right like this is not it's not something that you would do for production just gonna keep saying that over and over again until nobody asks me anymore until people stop coming in here and accusing me like i know nothing about animation prediction not that you guys are doing that right now i know it's going to happen somebody's going to be in here like bigger would never want to work with you like it says how many productions that i've yes just repeat it just like throw it around everywhere and all of a sudden it's a good model i respect all the riggers that i work with man like they uh if something's not doable you know you change it okay and then we'll grab this [Music] and we're going on seraphim so we're gonna want to give this guy more wings the better so what i can do with this is really fun i love playing with like bend art and things like that and do that maybe [Music] more and then spread it out because now you've got like a super dynamic vapes when you accept throw the pivot over here all of a sudden back to this crap grab delete delete split and select delete this hitting tools here we go it's a worm with wings of a butterfly now we're gonna give it legs so we have lights it's don't you worry about it that was fun and i didn't all right nice everything doesn't have symmetry on it you turn that worm into a room hell yes like i was saying earlier i'm glad to see the dad jokes are alive and well ah man so into perspective okay so here we go i wanna i am we're gonna get some human iron in here [Music] okay split that off hmm get rid of these thumbs bye bye yeah you're not that much left [Music] a lot more shoulder power lean gotta give it that shoulder then i'm gonna turn these guys [Music] it's like a phoenix yeah it's uh we're doing um seraphim so i'm gonna put the eyeballs in after as well actually seraphim oh my god hand eyeballs let's do that what am i doing hands labyrinth whoo hmm make that feel a little bit more natural maybe it's maybelline maybe this has hands for eyes hey bobby what's good man how are you doing it's good to see you here again you don't know another really amazing artist is bobby dude if you've got your um if you've got like your instagram or something you want to like throw down for people to check out your work they would love it i promise you they'll love it uh thanks leigh is that road runner yes yes definitely a road runner a hundred percent grab these guys yes okay i am not digging this elbow thing i gotta figure out a better pose here yes better doesn't help that you guys are on this weird angle i like the bones but i also don't like it twisting that way 10-year iceland super baby of course i remember you the guy that's like locked himself in a in a basement for 10 years didn't see the sun or breathe fresh air and was just doing sculpting of course oh thank you bobby that means a lot no dude like your your your drawings are absolutely amazing i love your pencil work so much like i really love your pencil work i love how you leave everything so rough and then the like things that need to be the focal points you you know you hone in on that it's really nice the snake hook oh of course of course you would love the snake hook how can you not love snake hook snake hook it's like the best tool you can literally do an entire sculpt with just snake hook and masking how was my break um so i was when i when i say that i was on break i wasn't on a break from all work i was just on a break from streaming on pixlogic like i was doing a lot of freelance work i was i was working a lot so now now the only thing that's really come of all of that is that i'm still like really rusty at streaming who would have thought that taking two months off of streaming would make it so that i forgot how to talk again it is what it is mm-hmm [Music] okay and now i think i'm going to we're gonna we're gonna do more reuse watch this watch this we're gonna create needs to be telling you watch me witness me witness me not caring you think that i don't talk to monty reaver god monty is like my husband my friend but he doesn't talk back so i don't know how to converse how does one converse with people i don't know not me i don't know okay where do we actually we'll just like lubricate this guy okay duplicates each all right okay i'll do these in twos i think not that and what's that this is gonna be very heavy that's okay that's fine this one look at that here okay [Music] stop it no we're back oh yeah this won't be heavy making a wing ball no i wish okay actually no that's true i don't know if i would want monty to talk back to me all the time that would uh that could probably be pretty uh i'm hungry i'm hungry i don't want my normal food i'm hungry i'm hungry i'm hungry just fed you i'm hungry you're like okay can i can i interest you in a conversation about how horrible pigeons are like no you can't okay if i no if i decimate it it's going to get rid of the color [Music] i mean i'll just keep that i'd say it's like fifty percent let's try that i'm gonna save and i'm gonna have to start decimating these because otherwise i'm gonna have a hard time all right hey neri how did i make the silhouette thing transparent turn the background if you go into preferences in thumbnail turn background to black okay pre-process that oh 23 million is nothing dude um there was a sculpt i had to do for work recently and i was at like a hundred million mech stuff mind you but you know when you import a model and it's not center how do you center in zbrush um so if the mo if your model is not centered you could always click the home button on the gizmo i'll show you in a second let me just let's see plug in let's do how bad is this going to be oh not bad at all wait yeah that turned out actually okay let me try doing a little bit lower let's do [Music] six that's me okay actually not bad we can just like keep it at that that's fine that's 200 per instead of the other um okay so if you wanted to center something you could always like press the home on it and then it'll find the absolute center of like let's say i were to put this over here and then you click home and it'll go down into like the center where you see like the four so you see like the absolute center right here it puts it home right into the middle um but it then then comes like okay well how do you deal with uh you know preserving topology and transferring and stuff like that well you know you're gonna have to like if one side is not equal to the other you'll have to mirror and weld uh or something like that or you'll have to fix it in another program because that probably means that in whatever other program that you're importing it from it's not centered there either hey william thank you thank you during the model being quite slow and crassy on your pc you have so many points you have an i7 it the processor doesn't really matter that much to be honest with you it's not necessarily the process processor is good for when you're um when you're like dynameshing things like it's using cpu but when you're working and sculpting and stuff like that most of this is like ram so if you don't have a lot of ram also what's your virtual memory like your gpu right dogs could talk it would like a lot of people are like oh my god i wish my dog could talk to me and like do you actually though like you wouldn't just hear barking now you'd hear like you you get the f out phew it would just be like strings of profanity like i don't know yeah you have 16 gigs of ram okay well then i would definitely say that's it because i got 64 gigs which is not like as much as you possibly could go but it's it's a significant upgrade to um what you've got so recommend i know i'm going to just delete these wings i'm going to start doubling those other ones back again because they're lower and easier to use these guys hey look at that it's not that bad one like like a lot a lot a lot of them and they're going to be small so it can it can look a little bit crunchy it's fine all right nope do cascade them a little bit oops actually i'm gonna do it on the other side now too much too much careful yes perfect now this guy right here chunkier good good and we'll merge all of these guys down and then you duplicate this one and rename it just like face good just so i know this guy [Music] i think that's all of them no hey bubbles how are you doing you have 48 gigs system channel up to 128 gigs you don't think you can afford that yet dude when you can it's gonna it's one of those things where like you end up being able to use so so many polys it runs like absolute butter a dog couldn't swear they're too good that's where you're wrong that's where you're very wrong dogs get angry they're good yes but they get angry especially at pigeons them blasted pigeons so hmm show world there are no holdbacks at that point ian will be unstoppable honestly i wish that i could have 120 i'd have to upgrade my motherboard but i think i'll be good for another at least two two years if i really want with this shouldn't be too much of a problem hmm [Music] [Music] all right and so now this is a tail duplicate that also an asset to level around we'll make this the point we'll do do one right here okay and then no don't want it to be a comb 3d thank you oh actually i don't want to make that like the middle one okay turn on symmetry for gucci gangs this here do this so all of this right here less than a million which is good because you know you just something this crunchy you can just like literally decimate it and then like duplicate it everywhere right so not a big deal um right right that then more intense because i can just kind of there we go except and on this give it a little bit of thickens so we're going to throw some eyeballs in there for sure [Music] are we not yeah that's right okay every time that you get out of um the deformer mode you're not going to be in symmetry anymore because to do the deformers you need to not be in symmetry you gotta remember that to always put symmetry back on local and non-local symmetry yeah um non-local will usually i usually get messed up with non-local i like to just keep local symmetry on the ambient music yeah it's uh it's just a pretzel rocks playlist yeah don't download new um don't download new ram yes dogs would be extremely problematic and creepy actually i feel like if dogs could speak they would immediately people would stop liking dogs unfortunately palm tree yes it would definitely work on a palm tree um yeah i wanna give it more i'm gonna take off dynamic because that is small of a brook not like start stretching this i think okay i'll just like move back here hmm okay now where is the other one that's the base low to the wing this one do that now hmm and sub tools have different images image maps attached to the floor like right left um sub subtools no you can actually use uh what's it called i never use it i mean there's obviously uh the spotlight that you can use for images but then there's also is shadowboxing right you use shadow box look up shadow box um and it's there it's a classroom is this a boom hell yeah good come here nope hmm [Music] actually not i'm not gonna do i'm not gonna do this i think one is fine and then i'll do in other areas because i gotta get like i gotta get uh some like leg things and i'm thinking of actually just using like a wing for that let me see if i can make that work hmm i want to have this let's begin hey seraphim is so extra i'm just gonna say that right now it's like damn what are you compensating for bro with all these wings hey daniel no worries i'm just duplicating wings everywhere no worries at all it's complete creativity absolutely with all this duplication going around yeah the demons got all the cool horns so this kid is just like nah wings and eyeballs actually speaking of to do something with this head here well uh okay yes perfect here evening hmm i'm just thinking where that rib page is ending yeah i want that rib cage in there i don't want this to look too clunky and then these wings are here there we go we want a lot of overlap happening here i like um i really like curves that go fast because you can feel speed like uh speeds of curves sort of like with the tapering like really really round things it feels nice and slow and calm whereas if like you know you really tighten up the taper really tighten up the neck of like these things it can feel really like you know you move really fast with your eye through it okay i'm gonna take a quick break and then i'll be back to finish whatever this is um and then i'll show you guys monty too because why not amazing as tattoos oh thank you yeah no i i think that would be really cool but i'm also wimpy and don't have any tattoos so i don't know i don't know about getting my own work as a tattoo on myself i feel like that might be a little bit weird all right i will be back in a few minutes i'm just gonna go take a quick stretch break and i'm gonna get some water blah blah blah and i'll be back to finish this for another two hours sound good yeah oh wait uh thanks adam how are you doing uh the dog talking oh there's like a whole thing all right okay i'm gonna be right back if you have any questions feel free to post them i'll get them as soon imagine me there you are is okay we're back and there's a monty in my lap yeah thanks polygon thanks sergio they kind of look upside down because of all the wings everywhere uh [Music] yeah you got shadow box to work yeah so that's um that's a good way to get like the uh like your reference pieces up like if you're used to like box modeling that's how you would do that in easy brush big old boy has he gotten better with his nerves yes and no he's still anxious but he at least sniffs people now if they put their hand down to them to him and he doesn't like completely curse them out he's still like afraid of the wind he's still like afraid of um things if they haven't been used in a couple of months like if i if i like stop using the air conditioner and then i use it again he'll be afraid of it for a week he's just he's just afraid of things but if you just take everything slow with him then he's fine he's a precious little scared yeah so i have like i haven't i finally got a new phone after uh since like my phone i had it since 2015 so it's been like a while and the camera was all busted so i wasn't taking pictures of him but he's got his instagram i just don't i dump like shitty pictures of him there all the time for people who are interested the ministry of silly spoots vermonty hello oh you want to throw them a loop he is a beautiful boy he's like holy cookies holy holy can you [Music] ready oh i didn't know it looks pushing do you see that he's pushing he likes pushing my hand up with his paw like he's like oh push up into my mouth damn treat is okay all right okay okay oh wow that was a tall one all right you're pushing with your paw mouth yeah good boy good job all right under the ground you go so i can keep sculpting here wait you guys can see him from there can you see okay my hands smell like like dog beef mmm dog beef what a good boy he's a good boy he's a very very good boy all right so seraphim it's all eyeballs and wings that is exactly what i'm gonna do okay let me mesh this i actually i don't want these here bye-bye we're back from whence you came i want this to be pretty large i think i'm going to take all of this and i'm going to angle it downwards hmm you missed half of the stream it's okay it's okay honestly all the only thing that you missed is me just trying to get back into the swing of everything like i am very very rusty right now this paper i just [Music] hey boyd what's up how are you doing how are you doing uh no chomsky oh hi how are you doing again why am i rusty because i haven't been streaming in like two months so i'm like trying to remember how do i speak what is speaking what kind of 3d freelance work do i usually do um sculpting mostly i'm mostly a sculptor that is what i do so either i am character designing in 3d or i am refined like you know which is character designing is more or less like refining like concepts right um and just like working them out in 3d whereas uh sometimes i'm the concept artist as well so sculpting kind of encompasses all of that it's honestly pretty fun not gonna lie i don't like the shape i think i want this to be a lot smaller and smoother hmm hmm i'm thinking maybe no with those big big old tvs yeah i'm not liking i'm not liking that i think i think like a big bottom jaw is good but i am not i was not like a shape that was happening do okay i'm gonna change the material of this as well to like a one of these guys [Music] go back to that that'll make it easier to kind of figure out where i'm placing this stuff do i see visions of what i want to make or do you just see as you go yeah i usually can see stuff in my head as i'm making it um [Music] but sometimes when you translate it down because like your your brain is a little bit like abstract right so when you're thinking of things it doesn't always 100 translate onto paper so that's where like a lot of like iterating back and forth like comes from yeah you could do something like this so [Music] [Music] let's not do it like that i'm gonna do more of a yeah i'm not really digging i'm not digging this at all i'm going to redo i need a better shape i think i want to keep it really like straight forward like this like if a shape is not working don't ever be afraid to just kind of like delete it and start over because it's better to do that than polish a turd essentially i ain't here for no polished turds you know any what we're doing hey we're not gonna have not there so i'm gonna do it like this now how much you polish a turd it will always be a turd always always underneath all of that gold you'll wonder where the smell comes from and then when it when one day it chips me trying to be deep for no reason this is feeling much better that is much more slick and then this guy i give it a curve too [Music] this will be more feathers going up here i'll integrate them a sack yo dude yeah but like sacks are so much fun sculpting gravity is like one of the most fun things to do yeah i wing it everybody's making that joke tonight um demo no i don't do also sorry like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna just like speak french on stream or anything this is like english but um no i don't do any of the re reach apology and zbrush i do it in um maya so i will decimate i will decimate the um the sculpt that i'm doing and then i'll bring it over to maya and re-topologize it there bring it back and then potentially re like subdivide it and reproject it oh no angeles oh no yo what's up brendan how are you yeah it's been it's been a while i mean like i haven't been streaming to be fair so this is like my first stream back in like two months [Music] also yeah uh brandon's a a streamer on fix logic as well go and go and go and peep his stuff he's also incredibly talented as has been everybody who's been dropping in here from zbrush ram unbelievable everybody's here tonight unbelievable got busy dude i know i like am so i was so annoyingly busy and then it just it's the way the freelance works right like it's just like you sprint and then nothing for a little bit and then you sprint it's just like can is there ever like an in-between i don't know oh thank you for thank you yeah no i i i i wouldn't say this is like super awesome right now but i appreciate appreciate that anyways i feel like it has a lot to go it's a lot of fun though like wings can be tedious but they also just feel the most rewarding when you uh when you get it working on your sculpt [Music] all right let's [Music] wings are your nemesis you'll have to go back and watch i literally just showed you right there that was just like that's literally how i do everything i just kind of like mask pull mask pull dude you can you can do an entire sculpt with just mask and um and uh snake hook that's literally it that's like you don't need anything else mask snake hook mask snake hook everything else can just leave nothing can compare you're showing your wife the difference between mr sad potato head and okay listen bubbles but there's nothing wrong with mr potato heads okay like you could probably make a really badass mr potato head if you just gave it the time the love the energy you know sit there don't socialize for seven years like me and then watch what your mr potato head looks like just saying do oh yeah and anybody coming into this stream right now the uh the prompt for smallest is um if you can't tell this is first of august and it the prompt is uh seraphim so i'm making a sort of dragony creature based on seraphim that's why there's eyes and wings everywhere you're putting him away for tonight and hitting the sack all right i'll see you see you later i hope you have a great sleep enjoy uh enjoy your night crawl into a cave come out of a sculpt master and you could literally say that for like anything too crawl into a cave turn on youtube and just like do tutorials and then come out and master of it thanks yoshi a potato head sculpt off one month isn't doesn't um uh i i thought um tomas did something like that or was it it's not mr potato head though it's like calls it like the the frankensculpt or something like that i'm not i'm not sure like where everybody does like oh i'll do an arm somebody does a leg you the know the light is gonna come the birds have just begun we will always [Music] let's go back so if you if you look right right here all these links or all of these like handles right here you can find any of my socials if you want to see any of the work that i do [Music] yeah i don't know if um i don't know if he still does it but he was doing it for some time or like at least i think he proposed doing it i'm not 100 sure it's been a while i haven't been to thomas's stream in a little bit he streamed so late and my schedule always flip-flops so i frequent certain people's streams on like a regular basis and then i just stop because like i'll have like a different uh i'll have a different schedule for different projects different clients it's like always like flip-flopping [Music] do so another thing too when i'm doing this i'm i'm thinking about line um and design here's like an example so you see this like curve that happens right here this is a nice line like like a flow some flow that i wanted to continue so this back piece that i'm pulling out here you see this curve coming up it hits and continues there so there's flow with the the design that i'm also thinking of while i'm like pulling these out it's not just kind of like willy-nilly you know and then same with like right here is i'm going to want it to come out like that and then up so i'm pushing this in a bit more so that there's a flow at the front as well right color now we've got that if i've ever made an animation with one of my not with my creatures but um like i i graduated from animation school like 2d animation school so i like from 2d animation school i was like oh i'm going to do my own um 3d animation all on my own like rig and animate the characters and stuff so that's something that i did and uh it's really like there it's two turtles and it's really bad because i animated the whole thing in like less than a week i just like had to motor on it because i left everything the last second oh thing that i did all right hmm i'm going to extract this because then i can damage this piece and get some more detail in there without disrupting the other feathers [Music] and again to anybody coming in please do not use this method of feather making for your production models i don't want to be held liable for angry leads and angry riggers everywhere okay do not do this if you have are in production you have and you're a junior you think this is okay for production it's not don't do this for your feathers in production okay i'm not going to be held liable oh it's not this girl he cute like no no this is not for no it's for illustration and concept only okay good luck cleaning it up if you try this the lady in the pixel stream did it yeah well she's a diva and she's dumb i'm not liable okay oh you'd use planes and channels for that well exactly exactly you would not do this like this in zbrush no [Music] whoa a disclaimer animation clip every time you every time i mention any kind of tip i have to be like disclaimer do not use in production the only like why am i even watching this it's a tutorial isn't it no no it's a hangout session we're learning we're just sketching you know we're just hanging out and sketching how do you do feathers for production alpha cards have you done it before yes so it depends on what what production are you doing for game if so how low poly are you doing it right um if you're doing it for film you know you use something like yeti right which is a you create it with hair um [Music] you can even do feathery stuff with xgen but uh yeah planes is like your your big one for sure yeah how i do certain things um this is all like how i do it like sketching right if i'm working for production things are a lot more reeled in uh if it has to be like if it's a sculpt being sent directly to model after like if i'm sculpting and then a modeler is going to take off like over after me i'm not going to give them full crunchies like this like that would be irresponsible of me as a sculptor like other departments will just take care of it nah okay you can do a little bit of that but mindfulness you don't get you know i could easily do something like this and like get it approved by um you know somebody like an upper upper person for certain clients you could get the look approved but then what the heck is modeling gonna do with that necessarily right so you have to kind of balance it unless you've been specifically told by your director don't care about the other departments which has happened to me before don't care about the other departments just get this approved and we'll figure it out you know so yeah well exactly why would you want like why would you want to give this to somebody who's going to have to retalk to apologize it you have to be better than that okay let's do these handys pansies you know okay so um i mentioned this before do you yeah he's got eyes on his hands um in another one of my streams i mentioned this before is like if i ever got my hands on a new phone i would want to like start trying to take pictures of the moon i still haven't done it i ended up getting the uh s21 ultra which is crazy because uh oh i got it i got it i got it for like five hundred dollars off the only reason why i was able to record this thing but there's it even has like a stylus right this thing has 4 000 levels of pressure like pen pressure i can sculpt i can paint on it i can draw on it it's crazy so i've just been like pacing and like doodling like just you know on on like my breaks and stuff with this thing it's crazy like before bed i'll just like like it's insane like this like on this like little like bro the heck and the um the camera is so insane it's got 100 x zoom so you can literally like on a clear night zoom into the moon and take an actual picture of it i still haven't done that yet but i've done like crazy crazy zooms crazy zooms so far it's nuts i'm so excited to try that on the clear night it hasn't been clear for a little while though unfortunately [Music] but i just love the idea that i can i can freaking take a picture of the moon and see the craters and stuff with my phone that's nuts that's nuts you can't do that with your fingers and how small the screen is yeah yeah yeah so the first nomad sculpt thing that i um that i posted or whatever it was with my fingers it's not it the program itself is not nearly as robust as zbrush obviously but you know dude i know but look at how many look at how many cameras it has okay look at this look at how big this is look at this beside my beside my head it's a big phone like barely it barely fits in my pocket it sticks like it sticks out like this but also like women fashion right so like it sticks out like it's it's phone if he has 21 ultra i don't know i've never been happier with a with a phone purchase in my life then again my last phone i've had it since 2015 right so i haven't really been purchasing a whole lot of phones i am going to give that its own polygroup so i can keep editing [Music] oh the s20 fd yeah yeah um eric actually got an s20 recently as well and he's he's liking his phone too it's one of those things where it's just like man haven't upgraded this stuff in a while and then you do and you feel like you've been living under a rock mm-hmm hmm how many subtools in a folder as many as your heart desires like really like you can put whatever you want in a sub sub tool folder unless i'm mistaken and there is somewhere like like some kind of a limit but i've never run into a limit before [Music] i don't think i'm going to have that you know it's just gonna be this [Music] what phone is it oh no it's the s21 ultra it's ridiculous it's like it's literally like a studio in your hand i can use photoshop lightroom on it like like it has a freaking stylus like dude it's ridiculous like this is a phone it's my phone it's not like the note or anything like that it's literally that's 21 that's a some people like i guess like because like i have like really tiny woman hands i can just i can use this like no problem and it's like it's great like this little tiny mini stylus like it's no problem for me but i guess like if you have chunky hands or you're just like really like heavy-handed with what you do it's probably not great but the difference between stylist sizes dude it's insane look at this wacom versus this is the wacom pen and this is the the s21 the s pen the the cool thing the cool thing though is this thing has 4k levels of pressure meaning meaning watch this watch this i know this is a zebra stream but i just want to show you it just makes me so excited like i just hold up so i can open up hurry oh you can't even that's like really bright let me see can you even see the screen yeah you can okay so hell hell yes you see that pressure do you see the pressure change oh oh oh like that's nuts to me so i'm i've literally just been like doodling and stuff everywhere yeah it's uh so s pen is a uh like it uses the wacom drivers it's ridiculous it's actually really really really freaking ridiculous what you can do with phones these days i just like i can't i cannot believe see how can i make this [Music] pog um you give me our tips on how to help me for your next phone wait art tips and now help me for your next fall gotcha dude it's expensive though like you don't need that and i'm keep in mind too like it's like it works for it works for my hand because i'm like i've got tiny like this is how big my hand is compared to like a regular wacom stylist right like i've got pretty tiny hands right so keep that in mind that it's okay for me but it might not like like eric for example thinks that it's like really like how do you even do anything with it right he prefers using like an ipad or something yeah it's way cheap but the thing is the s21 ultra gives you all of these extra gimmicks though whatever i like it it's fun all right i see ian thank you so much for stopping by and again if you guys don't know ian definitely check him out he is an amazing streamer amazing guy an amazing artist your answer enormously you're not gonna like yeah you're not you're really you're not gonna like the uh the ultra hmm hey ro how's it going it looks something like something from your dreams good well it's um uh based on seraphim okay and take these hmm [Music] this doesn't have a mirror on it does it wait hold up yeah it's this one yummy let me just quickly save hey sierra from ecuador how's it going thank you jimmy i appreciate it um what would i say to pixo doing a lost version of zbrush and oh an ios version of zbrush i mean i think that would be cool but i also don't like i have no say in that i don't work for pixlogic i have no idea if they're doing stuff like that and even if i did i would not be able to tell you he's gonna say boo behind you just softly boy bill seraphim the dragon that is what actually you know what i could probably dynamesh this like a higher rose and it'll actually be totally fine yeah there we go i'm gonna do that oh no i am getting hongies i'm getting hungers i want the foods how much time do we have an hour okay i can hold off everything hey shane you want to fight this in dark souls there it is there's the dark souls comment i actually think this wing needs to be bigger what do you think i think actually i don't care what you think i'm gonna do this there it is okay comics ah don't worry about it don't you worry about it most of my stuff could be in dark souls hell yeah hell yeah i feel like dark souls is a little darker though you know what i mean like it's more gothic like i check some boxes i think i check like multiple limbs boxes i check um like my pieces i find are not like gothic gothic like if i'm being honest with myself they're not like actually gothic they're like gothic light like they could be darker it could be i guess the the word is grungier they could be grungier there's no there's a level of grunge i feel like is missing to the stuff that i do which makes it not dark souls and then you got people saying well you can be in final fantasy but then i would be like well there's a level of polish and beauty that it doesn't have to be final fantasy either but i can see where you're coming from hmm geiger well it's also not very much not geiger right like geiger has a very specific um basically everything geiger related has to feel phallic in some way and like relate back to the feeling like like fears of like male birth um you know like there's ribbing on everything everything is very very very phallic in nature but then also you have a lot of like loom imagery and things of that uh in in that category yeah pablo's pablo's recent um geiger stuff is really cool he he's doing a lot of really cool packs he like he makes a lot of really really cool stuff oh also oh my god i completely i'm sorry shane um go and check out shane olsen if you don't know him i don't know what you've been doing you've been under a rock because he's one of the bigger streamers here on the pixelogic channel definitely go and check him out you're gonna sleep it's 3 am here no problem jimmy no problem have a good sleep sorry shane i completely spaced shane the irish woman um no i don't think shane is irish correct me if i'm wrong the uh irish um are you thinking about paul deezy oh yeah yeah probably the uh i know you don't come for the props it's just like i don't come for like i don't go into anybody's stream for the props either but it's nice so you know i just it's not a courtesy i just wanna you always shout me out so i'm like what the heck like i'm like really bad at doing it but i give i give i don't know it's weird twitch culture is weird right like when it comes to like streamer versus streamer like a streamer coming into another streamer's stream or whatever it's like there's like this unspoken thing of like oh shout them out you know it's for all like especially if you're like artists or i don't know twitch culture whatever just accepted um yeah paul is great paul is super great too yeah my stuff typically isn't like hyper gross but some of it can be um like go and look at like for example here let me let me contrast this you if if you know you know but i'm gonna just pull it up on screen anyways just just you know because uh see where is my here we go so it can be gross krampus krampus we can go into the gross territory right but typically typically we don't usually go into full sac territory but it does go there sometimes it's completely safe because it's a marsupial sack you see it's marsupial there's nothing wrong with this it's art so you can't can't say anything against it um yeah this guy how's my snake thingy going by the way dude i i had to stop on that for a while i haven't touched any personal work in a while that sculpt of my back yeah the basilisk is not gross it's more of like an actual like art piece art piece this is like a narrative piece right like so i i like to think of artwork like illustration in different categories which should be right this is a narrative piece i was telling a story with this one very clearly um i even have like a like a letter thing i wrote a little letter it's a little it's kind of bad but it gives you like the ambiance right of uh like i was telling like a story of krampus and how it took a bad child with it but then you go to some of my other stuff like this is more abstract like i'm just doing sort of like um this one was like like me working through like an emotional thing uh more abstract stuff right so this isn't narrative it's abstract um and then i've got just fan art just fan art and then this is more of like in line of what i'm doing is like it's just kind of cool and fun to do it's a little bit narrative not quite but um it's like the idea of like a phoenix like a reimagining of a phoenix so different different strokes different brushes for different stroke strokes for different brush and artists or strokes and artists what um basilisk though hold on i'll show you basilisk let me load that up this one is more um this is sort of statement i mean i'm not going to reveal on what it is i mean you can try and guess yourself if you if you know why i'm calling it basil it's great if you know if you know why i'm calling it basilisk then you know you know but yeah it's more statement but i just like haven't gotten around to actually like finishing any of this so you know just um yeah all right booba bye print it dude the wires though i don't oh my god if you can find somebody who likes like who's a masochist printer like they like the pain of prepping something like that with that many holes and making it like solid and not look like garbage let me know and i'll just like here you go enjoy the pain exactly that's like that's what i'm saying it would be like yeah you dynamesh it but okay listen the wires that are just like some spindly little thing you don't even i appreciate the sentiment but i don't know if that's like any of my stuff is ever gonna be printed on my watch anyways i just i don't even have a printer like how am i supposed to learn how to properly do this stuff it would have to be somebody who wants the pain it's like anything that i've ever print prepped it's all like yeah they're it's all like watertight but the print prep stuff that i've done it's all pretty like straightforward um printing projects that i've done like i've never printed anything but i've prepped stuff before but those things were like really really straightforward you've been in that hole before dude what would it i don't think i've ever seen your printed stuff i actually don't think i've ever seen your printed stuff brendan i feel guilty for that i've seen shane's shane's is really solid i've never seen your stuff so what the heck have to show i want to see you have anything i never i was quiet darn it i thought that you might like just have printed one of your like really cool sculpts that you've known okay all right fine bear there do you some sort of exercise either sitting or standing just for back fatigue for sitting for so long um yeah i've got a few of them i have like a a a rope you know it's like um the extension ropes you know like those like what were they called the tension ropes exercise ropes or whatever they give you like attention right so i just do things for my shoulder blades specifically um because i had to go to physio for my crappy shoulders and stuff so you know you just pull all the way out to the side making sure that your like shoulder blades kind of pull in like this right you want to focus and think about your shoulder blades when you're doing arm resistance bands thank you thank you thank you you want to make sure that you're thinking about your shoulder blades coming in and those muscles in the very middle of your back like contracting because that's what's really going to keep your your shoulders like back like this right or those those muscles um so i do i do pulls like that um some other things that i do are can raises um but like i'm trying to think right now like you can hold you can hold light weights and then just like hold your shoulders up to your ears and hold it for a little bit and then release and then just do reps of that and that'll like strengthen your traps right here which is really important as well um and your and your neck but you have to be very careful like i pulled a neck muscle um from being stupid at the gym the other day and now like it's just it's just really hurt like it's just really stiff my neck is super stiff because i pull something um so that's why you see me just like doing this um but yeah just like a bunch of stuff like that what's another one rowing i do rowing as well uh my my arm's not quite there yet but it's getting back my muscles are coming back slowly right man it sucks before the um before the pandemic i had i had gains man so sad i've only been back to the gym for like two weeks now so it's gonna be slow say probably four more months and i'll start to really see do you have a standing desk lifesaver no i don't have a standing desk i was thinking of getting that big l one the l standing nose this has been more or less fine it's not really like my legs or my lower back that's a problem it's really just like my working arm so standing is not going to make a difference for that at all i just like it's it's really um it's really just like doing resistance resistance training and just like keeping keeping consistent with that and making sure that i'm taking breaks every like two hours and doing stretches and things right and in rotation like everything is my right arm more buff than my left now my right one i i would hope not i hope not i think they're they're pretty much like they're both noodles the uh the resistance bands yeah i like resistance bands um i also do though because like i'm i'm trying to train i'm trying to train a pull up again because i used to be able to do pull-ups but after after not doing them for the entire panel and also hurting my shoulder i can't do pull-ups anymore so i'm training pull-ups again with um lat pull-downs they're called apple tones yeah oh from using this antique no the heck no i mean this arm gets a good workout with the hot keys too and also just like moving stuff around what the heck shake my head brendon come on now give me a break have some sympathy uh actually i think with this one i'm gonna do something like this sorry i've been working so slow i apologize i get i mean in comparison to when i'm okay you know what fair you know what whatever i'm just gonna shut up i'll shut up sorry you're right i should shut up don't shut up oh i'm hungry you use an intros because you don't want to buff right arm shoulder bro wait you still don't you still use like i don't know be the judge do you see like one arm being like bigger than the other i feel like they're both noodly like it doesn't help my case look this one's farther away from the camera like they're both i think we're good a resistance man you couldn't the music was too negative uh but can't you can't you just say that that's like all punk rock i've been thinking about going back to tablet not because of the arm thing but legit because of your posture i know yeah the posture thing is really like brutal it is really brutal and and the thing is too with a cintiq there's not really much that you can go like you can do about that other than like making sure that you're like constantly like readjusting and uh doing like neck turns every once in a while just to like make sure that you're not like in one position looking down the entire time hmm i think i like it without this i keep trying to put it back in but i just it's not working that are like just completely flat i think like we can do something with like uh eyeball shoulders be kind of weird and stuff hmm make a render of this guy yeah we'll see i mean i don't have any work that i have to do right after this so my mine if i can get my neck to stop feeling super stiff then maybe you know what here let me yeah there we go make diamond instead now i think that it would it's it's best that this thing doesn't have a face because it's got eyes everywhere else oh absolutely i'm part of the right click army what the heck i honestly don't know how people live when they're not a part of the right click army i i just 100 do not understand that like how are you navigating right click just makes things so much faster and easier why wouldn't you want that like i i really yeah it's crazy maybe um maybe it's just like just used to like other 3d packages they don't want to i don't know the 3d mouse army i like if that's how you do things i honestly don't see the point in using a 3d mouse in zbrush like i get it if you're in like archviz or something like that but i just don't understand it for these kinds of things [Music] is hmm [Music] is [Music] see ya brendan thank you so much for hanging out and again guys you don't know brendan you should these streams here on the fix logic channel should go and check him out [Music] what can i do to make you me all right i'll see you shane thanks so much for hanging yeah they're like eyes just eyes the thumb where do you see a thumb oh i guess this back piece is not a thumb sticking out a little bit though do is this a budgie man it's like um i was going so the there's like a bunch of uh small ghost themes which is like um you do like a dragon every single day for the month of august so i just kind of like saw that seraphim was a theme for today and i was like ah we'll do something dragon like seraphim like so that's what this is the thumbnail of the stream what's the thumbnail of the stream what's the thumbnail of the stream do i want to know you like budgies a samuel who's samuel a green creature the thumbnail was anime chibi girls for me oh yeah no that was just like um that's panty and stocking yeah that's the uh the art um kyle chose it's from my art station told him to just choose something they didn't have any like new personal work to share samuel is an angel okay i apologize for not being like on top of my angel lore i don't really know yeah so the idea like if you look up um seraphim that's what it's air of them so lots of wings and eyeballs just like a ball of wings and eyeballs this is my 137th stream we've been doing this so much we have been streaming so much 200 streams in over a year oh my god oh my gosh streaming so much and then you see my actual channel and it's like completely devoid of everything all content i stream here now [Music] thank you gorbylin i appreciate it thank you very much how often do i make variations of the same model if you do um sometimes for work if i'm like if i'm asked to do something like that a lot of the time though uh well yeah no like so for one of the contracts i'm doing right now it is very much like a bunch of different options that i'll give initially and then the director will pick like their favorites and then i'll work off of that sort of thing it's just like a narrowing down idea um and then for a different contract that i'm working on it'll be more more or less just like sculpt this and so it's less of like iterations like different design iterations on my end and more of just like concept sculpting the nice twist like what like this this twist you snake hook do a snake hook and i just do this i just just pull and pull and pull like that with a big brush of snake pig do no problem hey angeles welcome back you should have seen that going up what did you expect me to say anything but snake literally you could you could guess like half of the things that are done this model is just oh you must have just like masked that and then done done like a snake hook you're right that's exactly what happened so yeah there is the final fantasy comment i was wondering when that one would show up all right we took the boxes we had the dark souls comment and we had the final fantasy comment hell yeah thank you ian hmm okay i might want to redo those ones pull that back in and i'll just cross that off for now mm-hmm you gotta set up a bingo card for those dude i know that would be that would be wonderful what happens when they get bingo though what happens i end stream good actually sounds great it's like a good time then you'll just have like chat being like yo nobody save these two things anybody comes in try and get them banned before they can before they could say that some streams would like legit just be like i put a blob down and all of a sudden oh look at that it's a dark soul slash final fantasy character um how many polygons for good sculpting i mean it depends on your style and what you're doing like i can't really give you an answer that's a very it's a very depends like if you're getting the honestly like if you if you are able to get your main shapes down then you're good and you can usually get most of your main shapes down with a low amount of polygons like i would say when you're first starting out sculpting you should be really focused on just making sure that your your main shapes are there before getting into any detail like it's not detailed doesn't mean good you know what i mean many many polygons this one has 10. but like i also don't really care about how many polygons it has thanks mercy marcino thank you how'd you like it exactly let's grab that one more time i forgot to do this [Music] hey nadia here nidhira sorry how are you doing yeah you gotta make them fluffy man just got a whole bunch of whole bunch of feathers [Music] thank you can't read your name but thank you all right make sure i'm so hungry can't wait to eat this is done which is like in five minutes from now [Music] from home alone oh no it's seraphim home alone in heaven i don't know my angel lore good enough or well enough rather to uh to make any further jokes without being completely off base so i'll just leave it at that hmm all right i think that's decent enough for a stream you can't comprehend how to go this crazy silhouette no you just keep layering it really is one of those things um you know like i i don't really just immediately think i'm gonna do things like all out in a million directions it's just about layering stuff on and working with curves right you if you think about your your main overall um thing that you want to do like here's the base right it's kind of like this c shape and then you just like add on to that and it kind of helps i feel like even the silhouette for this one is not as good as it could be like i could actually open open up this bottom here a little bit more and you know make it so you can see these a little bit better right but we're short on time so this is what we got you know you know you know save it really quick all right i will throw this guy [Music] down here there um all right all right let me do my spiel and uh my spiel and then we'll be done for the day but um if you are interested in what you saw today there's a lot more where that came from with different sculptors different techniques different um different walks of life really just a different people lots of them on the pixel logic channel so i recommend you following pixlogic if you haven't already because there's lots of streams with something every single day uh from somebody different i stream here uh the same time almost every week like i'll be doing it next week and then i'll have a week off and then i'll be back on again after that so same time 6 p.m to 10 p.m est and if you're interested in any of my socials they're over here to the side you see the blue text right there you can find me on any of those if you're interested in um artwork you know asking me questions whatever you know it's all there and uh also zbrush has a free trial if you did like this and you haven't tried zbrush yourself yet i would recommend trying the free trial it's 30 days for free you can get it on the wow i'm sorry about my voice you can get it on the pixel logic pixel you can get a pixel logic free trial on the pixellogic website okay there we go and also there's a completely free version super stripped down if you want to just try sculpting in 3d you haven't done that before you can do that with zebra core mini and that you can also get completely for free on the zbrush store page the pixlogic website there we go why is that so hard for me to say i just get caught i don't know does anybody else just get caught on certain sentences and it's just like it's just like like a constipated poo that won't come out okay i'm sorry all right i'll see you guys i'll see you guys later um next week next week i'm streaming all right if you have again if you have any questions about anything or whatever you can always dm me i get to my dms a little slow but i do try and answer everyone so if i have missed you it's probably because it's gone into my message requests and it just got deleted or something instagram does this weird thing where anything that's been in like message requests for a certain amount of time just gets like obliterated so i'm sorry if i've missed your comment or your question or whatever but i usually try and get to like everybody so if you have any questions about anything feel free to message me otherwise i will see you next week thank you so much for hanging out and do your stretches don't get blood clots i'll see
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 7,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ashley A. Adams, tattoos, angels, fantasy, zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, zbrush realistic face, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini, figurine, zbrush 2021
Id: l0wrTWV5fhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 11sec (14231 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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