Everyone is dying in this game - Danganronpa

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you could you imagine watching my danganronpa series and not leaving 30k likes dang i'm really glad i'm not part of that game because i'm one of the cool people i heard the people that don't smash 30k likes are most likely to go to jail dang i would really hate to be part of that gang the ones that don't like 30k likes to keep the series going but anyway guys thank you so much you smashed the 30k likes we're back with another danganronpa all right i'm recording this right now i'm here in in the moment and i'm releasing this episode today i will get it out as soon as i can my scrubs i'm delivering my promise to you last episode he i i obviously loaded the wrong safe he died last episode i don't know why i'm here i gotta fix that so if you missed that be sure to check it out here let's continue the actual uh thing we're supposed to be continuing that's more like it there we go ah it looks like something really bad has happened well well i mean i mean you think so i'm saying the obvious i mean you got hit by a hammer last episode anyway right i certainly was not expecting this like i gotta say right now if i don't talk right this episode more more so than usual or if i don't talk as loud or something it's because i bit my tongue really hard i was bleeding so i might not be able to read as good i did not imagine that hifumi would be murdered oh my god pour one out pour some peanut butter bites out for the weebs out here we lost one of them today seriously so sad murder you're not serious are you he's really he's dead probably i mean most likely ding dong that's never good a body has been discovered thank you so much captain obvious god everyone amount of time which you may use however you like the class trial will begin okay we know i mean it's all the same process things do get mixed up though which is what i like about this game it's like it gives you that routine and then it twists things on you that was the buddy discovery announcements yes he's literally laying right there like i just don't know what to say guys when three or more people discover i i body after a murder that's what plays it must be hypo me somebody killed them i guess they're in disbelief one of us yes like without a doubt i am already jumping it's freaking uh uh uh taka i don't know his name now i think he changed his name last episode it just makes more sense but you know it could be a setup after all we do know this time for sure it's not bianchia because he was there with us so we know who it's not but we know that it's either it's either taka well it's not them either dead uh or yasuhiro it really is i mean technically we can't really rule out kyoko but like the the chances of that happening are probably very slim ifubi is not an easy person to like really kidnap i wouldn't i wouldn't guess so it would have to be a guy that has muscles it wasn't sakura and we all know taka did not like upon me very much all right the hammer the culprit obviously the thing that killed him another hammer justice hammer three so for some reason they have more hammers that are bigger than the others so this is the biggest one just as i suspected one strike from that and you were finished and then the killer yeah you have to be pretty tall to get your arms in there so who's actually that tall oh yeah that's right robo justice is his name whoever's hiding that costume is the one that killed him [Music] but wait there's more for 1999 i don't know you saw him on the third floor right running back to the hall so how did he end up in the nurse's office you're not saying they like teleported or something right we can figure that part out later right now we have to tell the others so obviously there's two people conspiring against uh hipomi right that's what i think one of them didn't have to be in a costume although she did confirm that the one that attacked her was in a costume so but no they have to no that's not true unless there's two costumes they would have had to have been in a costume because all of them would have you know he moved me would have said who it was uh hina oh no don't you break on me don't you break on me are you okay hina sorry i'm not sure if i can move right now i'm feeling kinda this is a problem we can't just leave hina here alone okay then i'll go get everyone stop leaving i i just don't people in horror movies are so dumb and this is like why because they always say oh let's all split up make sure that one of us is defenseless you stay here with hina very well i'll leave it to you then okay i'll be back soon i tried to sound confident and upbeat but i still had to stop trembling from what i've just been through everyone else is already on the third floor i have to hurry so he went way in the back of the hallway i'll catch you and i'll drop kick you in the face back of the hallway do you like go all the way back here oh no you better not destroy our air purifier oh i noticed that doors open i don't think it's always been open was it uh oh is it oh my god is there going to be another one dead i left through the doorway when i did i found oh no really no the second nightmare of the day i always wondered if two people other than juko and uh uh sayaka god what the heck's wrong with me i just woke up kind of what well it wouldn't matter if he did it now because he's dead now holy crap okay very unexpected very shocking indeed again wasn't very attached to him but definitely didn't expect this to be happening was taka dead okay well now this picture makes a lot more sense in the beginning of the chapter i didn't know how this was going to happen wait why sakurai we saw sakura did we not sakura oh it's sakura sakura was the only oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i swear i remember sakura being with this taka's body discovered in the equipment room i was witness to two nightmares one right after the other i can't remember now if soccer was with us i felt like she was no they weren't nightmares this is the harsh reality okay well the game's gonna go a lot faster than i thought it was already two more gone okay the true night the true nightmare is this reality the reality i have to face every day but still look no she's right there i don't know she was in the picture that's all i'm saying why is this happening oh no oh my god another hammer oh what oh no one's gonna talk about the fact that toko is lying on the ground like we're just gonna ignore that okay toku don't tell me she's not bleeding so she's probably all right she just passed out when she saw the blood oh makes sense the blood oh that's right i mean i mean sometimes like i just don't like it when they say things that are super super obvious it's like he said i should have just left her alone for a while well we don't i can't remember the long-haired guy's name for some reason but we can't find him right now so he's definitely prime suspect but sakura would be the only one that would be able to like really fit that costume but why is justice hammer four oh what do you mean celestial's attack was just number one then two yeah like how do they carry these hammers and then but this time it was four what happened to number three ah what i know well you mentioned just never yeah but so they don't know they don't know yet oh actually talk is not the only one that's been killed he found me is dead too what what hey boom he's been killed well sakura i mean i'm really suspecting you for some reason i just really don't remember it might be unjustified because i don't remember she was the last episode when we did this yeah which is why you came to get us then we better go check it out of course come on so soccer bianca and i rushed to the physics lab but as soon as we were out of the physics lab so aren't you supposed to be waiting in the nurse's office something has come up yeah i heard he's dead right well that's not oh what's gone it has disappeared disappeared if we bought what okay so maybe it's not soccer after all hapomi's body just disappeared is this trial maybe this trial is going to be different from all the other ones maybe the monokuma already took him or something what are you talking about to disappear don't be ridiculous come on are you serious what what the heck's happening here everyone back to the nurse's office i mean she seems so innocent though but we thought the same thing about mondo you know oh my god it's really gone maybe he's not dead i couldn't believe my eyes that would be the only way you're walking him out of here like come on oh unless they brought the hand truck or like the thing or was it in the room we were just in so many questions me and celeste went to the bathroom but we were only gone for like a minute and then we when we got back this must be the work of the culprit they must have come and carried the body away they must really be enjoying this enjoying the side of a standing run frightened and confused we're all gonna die here okay all right can we you gotta stay calm celeste i don't believe this i don't believe the body would just disappear verse number two murders and now one of the bodies has been taken this is unnatural hold on what do you mean two murder oh god oh you don't know yet taka's been killed be found in the equipment room no way it can't be it can't be it can't be oh no she kind of said you know i'm down get all the air's up we're all gonna die all those are gonna kill all of us you know at this point i guess i could see how this would be justified you know her thinking that then who might the next target be toko what i completely forget she's so unconscious oh crap we're so dumb why well we'd have a choice she passed out and she refused to wake up huh so she's still unconscious come on soccer could have carried her so you knew she was still up there and then nothing why that annoying little insect that clings to me whenever i go wherever i go we'd be better off without her oh you're gonna be next calm down you forgot about her didn't you you have no right to blame me everyone stop fighting now we need to get back all right come on and she's still there she's still there okay togo thank god you're okay but right away i noticed there was something very different here oh my god i didn't even notice and he was gone okay look wheels they did they so what they did is went into the um art room and they got the hand truck that i said and i called it i called it so bad so hard whatever that they would use that to transport bodies but that that does confirm that it wasn't sakura even though i really believe sakura would be the only one maybe she was an accomplice that's all i'm saying but i think i'm right about there being two murders this can't be happening are we hallucinating all this or something no it's not a hallucination okay it's not it's not at all i can't confirm so bianca is questioning who could possibly be responsible for killing and hiding these dead bodies wow um when hifumi's death party went up everyone here was together on the third floor after that we split up into two groups and now this time you all came here as a group in the nurse's office in other words the only ones that could have done this was hiro and kyoku who are still missing hold on a second kyoko has an alibi for when celeste and hippumi were attacked there's no question that she was in the dining hall with us you seem very adamant about defending her perhaps you were in love no never not her at least no that's not it at all well anyway yes i do accept kyokus alibi let's see i know not sure if i do i mean she would be the prime suspect in like lying about what happened to the computer and i really do believe that it's a possibility that she's the rat as well and and i it had to have been a guy that would be able to actually like like murder these people with the hammers i think or kyoko might be very strong so i don't know which further means there will be no murders the regulations are very clear about that oh yeah yeah they can't kill more than two so yeah there's no one else who's gonna die hi i minced a mitzi without a second thought mitzia grind you turn you into paste by the way did you know the fish paste can also refer to shellfish like shrimp or crab as crabs indeed that was very very random so since the two people have been killed there's no possibility of any more you knew that from the beginning didn't you bianca which means you knew toco was never endangered i still messed up when i said we'd be better off without her though another one anyway with that in mind we okay now we're gonna we're gonna search for the bodies okay all right so hino's like still scared even though like the the rule that she's still scared of being killed no need to thank me soccer you keep your hands off her okay i won't do anything to you because i can't but you better don't all right we gotta find the bodies first of all obviously we have to go to the art room that is like the prime place that's definitely we're gonna see the hand truck thing is missing oh it's locked okay that's different for sure who's got keys to this place man okay well assuming um can can the bodies be put in the incinerator if it's anything like yandere simulator i'm gonna say yes and uh i believe hifumi was on uh garbage duty right basically because i don't know how time works in this game i don't know like how i forgot how long people they don't really say who's on garbage duty so you just have to really guess but i'm gonna guess that hafumi i also questioned how they got down these stairs with wheels but i don't know maybe they did oh no they actually want me to look around this floor okay oh hi come on why are you just standing there we need to get to the repository what you mean indeed i found him if when we talk about it but the result repository is that i already told hina soccer will go on ahead their bodies were in the repository i really don't remember what that is like it's unlocked now what i was just there oh my gosh someone's working with them dang is this all like big conspiracy theory oh yeah well i mean you kind of knew they were in there right the two bodies that had disappeared were right here the smell of blood made me gag what i saw before my eyes was unquestionable unavoidable unwavering reality and then i heard the announcement for a second time [Music] a body has been discovered after a certain amount of time which you may use however you like the class trial will begin dang so that the bodies because the bodies were tampered with this is going to be a different class trial which is going to be interesting and so here we are all right yeah he's gonna give us the files tell us the details i was going to find them i was going to hand them out when you found the bodies uh the first time but i thought something might happen it was really hard to resist but turns out i was right stop talking just hand it over already i made sure to investigate with all your mental mites all right i feel like this is going to be easy investigation i think we found all the stuff already hold on how could you be so calm i mean they're dead you know that's terrible come on hina i you know you know i love you but the fact that you're not surprised the fact that you're surprised by biafra being actual a demon is very surprising to me this is just too awful hey no don't cry don't cry it's okay you might want to murder you this is your fault somehow she crushed that hippomy's lifeless body oh my oh no ah he would have loved this he would have loved this so much i mean yeah she's well she's technically 2d so he actually would have loved this why large wet tears fell from her eyes the tears landed on hiphomies cheeks if this were some world of make-believe that might have been when hiphomia opened his eyes but this wasn't a movie no oh my god will he open his oh my god are you kidding me oh my god this wasn't this man walked himself up here he's alive it was the tears of the waifus that did the tears of the wife who's kira all yes he's alive again where am i when i tell you this freaking game is shocking so many twists so cold is winter coming hey phobia someone grab his anime right now grab his mongos go just rub his mangas on him that's right i remember now hope's peak oh my god is he gonna have an ambition i remember everything before i met you all what what i met you all i knew it what i was so excited so we met before i think we were all friends or something i did i did say that i think it's a possibility that maybe everyone had met before and now we all just have amnesia his memories are all blended together he has nothing useful shut up bianca shut up who was it who attacked you who tried to kill you who killed me that's right i remember their name [Music] yasu you're wrong bro well i mean that could have been the only other possibility ah no his eyes closed and they never opened again death for the second time absolutely undeniable death well he's never dead but now he is dang man no matter how many more of his tears splashed his face there was no second miracle reality said and again hey no i didn't expect him to wake up this is some this isn't some stereotypical fantasy world tears can't restore a person's vitality honestly you have no tears dude no blood in your veins no calcium in your bones at least you have your meat stop talking that's a weird thing to say you're just angry going out of his way to return just to leave us with unnecessary dying words unnecessary he literally said who killed him sure he may not have been in the most trusted state but i believe him now this game has become exceedingly boring he said yes to hero right yes a hero yep that's the only person he could have been referring to so in other words and with that the case is solved assaulting people and even killing taka and hifumi and then going as far and then going so far as to hide their bodies a criminal that hides his face behind a mask and uses a bunch of giant wooden hammers is that what hiro is the interesting part is is he gonna show his face like where is he is he just gonna show up to the trial when in a costume if it's true i can't forgive him no way i could ever forgive him to kill two of our friends anyway it's about time we track down the culprit in our little life or death game here though this time it's not about life or death the trial will conclude without much trouble indeed it does look like that way it's gonna begin again we have to go through this one more time i have to accept it investigate well i mean there's something else that's bothering me someone else has been missing for quite a while kyoko yes without a doubt she has an alibi for when celeste and femi were attacked but what if the killer wasn't acting alone what if they had an accomplice an accomplice what are you doing [Music] don't be here i'm here to answer your question what question you're talking about oh yeah so he'll tell us right speaking of which i'd like to ask so you asked each murder is allowed to have an accomplice but only the one who does the killing will get to graduate that's right so in other words two people can work together but one of them has no chance of profiting from it then there's no way anyone would work together right well i don't know in other words so basically you could be an accomplice if you want but there's no gratification in it so hey um uh so someone did work together he's gonna say oh i can't answer if someone if they work together it would obstruct the free exchange of information i just want to make sure you don't forget no matter how much you might assist in a murder only one black and king graduates okay interesting words in this posture what you need to determine is the one true black and who divides the murderer plot and put into action oh dang so that means after this trial is going to be super awkward between the characters because they're probably going to know who helped and then they'll never trust them again which obviously had to have been i think i can't say for sure but i think it was well now kyoto had to help right okay so they're already basically deciding that kyoko is not involved but i don't know about that you know don't you think we should consider a certain someone a suspect just in case i'm talking about the murderous being genocide jack but i'm offended you when did you i've been looking all over for you master when i woke up you were nowhere to be found anyway you there your milk sack swimming girl milkshake why do i gotta be a suspect well i mean you are a serial killer so what i'm like a special guest suspect every time i have an alibi you know she's right about that when we heard a phony scream she was with me and when the bodies disappeared she was still lying there unconscious in the equipment room or so we think plus take his body aside i can't imagine any way she would have been able to move he found me filming his body well if she sneezed then maybe she actually would believe she wasn't the killer but remember last time we saw uh atoco she was toko not genocide jack yep well now they're calling her jill they didn't they didn't call her that before very confusing besides i calculate every move i make i'm not gonna kill someone when everyone knows what i look like they don't call me a murder spin for nothing that's not the kind of thing you should be bragging about okay i really don't know what to believe anymore but now i now i think she's the suspect because technically we did leave her behind and then taka's body did disappear that is the things that we definitely know right perhaps she was faking she was definitely faking being uh unconscious on another topic should we post a guard by the bodies like before we can't leave them to have them disappearing again so then people and i can handle that don't mind okay sure i'd be totally useless in the investigation anyway it's all clear and that's it let's begin the whole thing is so strange but one of us has an alibi so figuring out who did it should be obvious right but maybe it's just me but i don't think it's going to be as straightforward as it seems i don't know what to believe in this one but i have possibilities and that's all i can really offer this is i mean really this had been it it's a dolly it doesn't have much of a handle i saw this in the art room before i guess it used to move statues around it's kind of awkward but if you bend down it's not too hard to use but wait wasn't this in the equipment room when we found taka's body oh it was oh okay and look at the wheels oh hold it all day there's blood on it so that's obviously it was used what's the explanation for that easy easy peasy taco he'll never move again according to the matakuma file taka died from a blow to the head we found justice hammer 4 near his body in the equipment room is that what was used to kill him and there's a tarp laid out under his body did the killer use this to move taka's body there's no way there would be any blood left behind while the body was moved blue tarp has been added okay so yeah i that was in here was in the equipment room as well and you so makoto's saying too i mean how on earth was the killer able to move someone so big i think it's a possibility he actually got up and walked because i don't know if we saw trails going from his body from the nurse's office where he was discovered here the repository all the way from the first floors of the and all without anyone noticing how the heck it's no good i just don't get it i can think about it later for now i have to finish investigating foomi wait something's off about his body am i why am i getting this feeling something's different something about hopefully body in the nurse's office versus his body right now [Music] i don't know his oh his glasses when his body was in the nurse's office his glasses was covered in blood and now which is okay so which adds to my theory that he got up and if you were alive you would clean off your glasses does that mean someone wiped his glasses off but who would do that and why interesting indeed the plot thickens oh yeah so yeah the lock on the door there's definitely a lock on the door but it can only be locked from the inside the repository weird so that needs to fill me lock the door most like i don't see any way to lock it from the art room and why was it unlocked okay i know i could talk all day about what my might have happened but maybe hifumi was unconscious when he got in here he woke up and unlocked it and that's why he was alive oh the hammers there's more hammers in here could the justice hammers been designed using these as a model either way all the hammers here obviously seen a lot of use they're all covered in debris and chalky stone powder wait for some reason this one hammer isn't dirty at all and it's wet someone watched it recently another hammer was used oh my god i don't know what i really don't know he fumi was into art right is it possible that he could be faking it is he still sweating i don't think you can sweat when you die he's sweating because he's scared of being caught did we check the pulse huh did we check their pulses because they didn't say they did so monokuma confirmed that he died right or was it him after a while could it have been could the body confirmation could that have been for taka and not hifumi i know i'm thinking too much into this but i'm just saying now i'm also really really suspecting celeste because we do know celeste had the power to make kafumi do whatever she wanted i think and here's what i think i think that that picture that that was taken on there because he found me or celeste was always the one saying oh there's the killer the killer is going that way okay i saw him no one else saw it so i think that this costume the robo thing i think it's possible that that doesn't even or that wasn't even used i think that that picture could have been taken by celeste and it was a setup it could have been taken any time and then that's when she just played it out and pretended that she was messed with inside the thing because she is acting weird that's what i think i don't know about him though because i remember hearing the body discovering announcement play right after finding taka and that's when i showed up and yeah so i think that one of them might be faking it i mean maybe i don't know leaving telco behind which we've fainted but as soon as we left the physics lab we ran into celeste who had just arrived to tell us something very unusual if homer's body has disappeared oh my god it might be her she's the suspect now i don't know this is too much to take in we need to we need to just get this done oh my god i know the answer i'm not gonna tell you guys know the answer so bad i know exactly what happened i'm so i i know what happened i don't want to ruin it for anyone else but i have a strong suspicion that i'm going to keep to myself i know i know exactly what happened it's not even funny no i'm not cheating i swear i just know i just know with all my heart what happened now and when they say it that's how confident i am in this one when they say it i'm gonna i'm gonna rub it in all your faces and i'm gonna say exactly what's on my mind right now that's how confident i am and if i'm wrong i don't know what i will do it's so obvious i know it just let's just conclude this investigation already i'm i'm just too good of a detective it's just all it is see that's when the hand truck was uh that's when the hand truck was used but that i don't think that was uh the case with the foamy are you guys starting to understand now i hope you are i need you guys to catch up all right catch up here i was sleeping here from the killer character with a body away i'm super pod i miss such an ultimate rare event yeah did you did you no i don't know guys did she my god imagine not knowing what happened in the actual murders like yeah i couldn't imagine being stupid anyone that doesn't know what happened clearly is a person that didn't smash the light everyone the smash like probably knows because you're smart those are the big brain thinkers the likers what are you investigating celeste i'm not investigating anything precisely speaking i'm simply going around seeing if hero might be hiding somewhere what about you wouldn't you be scared i'm just checking this and that the main thing of my mind is how someone could have moved kippumi's body howie family was moved eh when they disappeared you were supposed to be in the nurse's office right correct he was not feeling well so i stayed behind to look after her but she seemed to be getting worse so i took her to the bathroom and when you found the body then the body was gone we could not have been gone for more than a minute or two though yeah he and i said the same thing so when the killer was going to get in and move his body in that short amount of time it would seem so to carry off someone as big as hiphumi hmm wait oh there's something inside the trash can a napkin is that what that is a handkerchief oh okay that's what they usually clean the glasses and his gossip got a cartoon character on it and it's covered in blood oh did you find something yeah there was a cleaning cloth in the trash can and it's all bloody whoever this belonged to it must have been used to wipe up some blood and who would need to do something like that i haven't i have the slightest idea yeah me either but i think it might be important oh oh hi this is random i was just searching so this is where you were i've been lucky for you you have i wanted to thank you for what you did not that you meant to but you ended up making this little game of ours very interesting indeed uh you should go to hero's room yeah i wanted to let me go over there though and let me give you this meet in the dining hall this is the note hero wrote to get us all to meet up right you remember you remember well right well the pitman ship was pretty remarkable so it left an impression it's all clear anyway this makes it all clear right this is a trap what is things grow even more exciting what are you talking about i've already repaid my debt so i don't owe you any more explanation goodbye that is right he did leave that didn't he and they did mark they did comment about his handwriting all right the hero's room the door's unlocked i guess i can go inside biafra did say to go look but it might not be a great idea but i'm gonna take the punch anyway this is hero's room there's all kinds of weird stuff in here where'd he even get it all from more importantly he still hasn't turned up which means he can't really complain if i don't get his permission to search this room right i guess there's nothing in there it's pretty grungy though i knew he was dirty there's something in the cardboard box oh blueprints something's made out of oh it looks like cardboard plastic and plaster is this robo justice and it's in hero's room but wait there's more these blueprints something about them bothers me have the arms been like this hmm the handwriting is not nearly as good as it was before and if it was i already know i think i know i think is that it is that all we came in here for i mean that is a very good clue right oh hey big news what's wrong we found kyoko what is she okay where is she wait i wasn't done there's more big news just to shut up too really it's hiro wearing the costume anyway as soon as you get you can head to the pool on the second floor so much anyway i have to head to the pool i ran off to the second floor as fast as i could i checked it here too man oh oh my god he's right there kyoko and i mean man i've had the worst day i've had to kill so many people europe i'm hero yeah who else would it be i like he was like what oh you never seen a man in a costume huh [Music] why do i look like this did someone come along here remodel me while i was sleeping was it the illuminati what [Applause] okay that's all he has to say right i found hiro he was jammed into a full locker room it looked like he was fast asleep so i kicked him and woke him up i still can't believe you kicked me you could have been a little more gentle about it like i don't know caress my face or something that's creepy anyway kyoko where have you been all this time you just disappeared all of a sudden without a trace there was something i had to check up on what do you mean never you gotta say what you you can't just never mind nothing never mind more importantly she says that but does she have any idea does she know people think she might be spying for the mastermind first of all hiro you need to explain uh why you're dressed like that i mean well i mean i have no idea on second thought i was asleep i didn't even know that happened when i woke up and here i was i don't care do something i don't care do something about that costume it pays me just to look at you he hates anime well um i don't know what's up with this big thing but i can't actually get it off why would you make something like that you can't take it off by yourself no no wrong i didn't make the stupid freaking thing there's a clasp on the back that's been keeping you from getting it off it looks pretty sturdy i don't think you can get it off on your own i don't really think i have a choice let's help him out okay so we got it off free at last it's kind of weird how perfectly the suit fits hero more to the point nobody but hero would be able to wear the costume wait hold on a second don't bother trying to act innocent the blueprints were in your room as well in other words okay how did you know that how did you know that how did she know that that's true i saw the blueprints myself yeah me too then it's obvious someone who put the costume on when attacking everyone was hero shall we tie him up and gag him good idea wouldn't want him killing anyone else oh tie me up hold on guys i think that's going a little far that's right he may be a suspect but he deserves a fair treatment yeah i mean attacking blueprints i have no idea what you guys are talking about what the heck interesting all right interesting interesting i'm gonna say who else could possibly be the costume attacker how do you know i'm the only one maybe you should try it on for yourself before you convict me fine if you're gonna be a jerk about it i will without missing a bit hina started putting on the robo costume see look look see how loose it is oh she read it okay i didn't expect that that's funny i mean come on i'm blind as a bat in here i can't see my feet at all i'm surprised you got anywhere in this thing i'm telling you it wasn't me and not to mention you totally can't bend at the waist seems like a pretty obvious oversight that's not a very nice thing to say but i mean it's not like i made it i just got caught up in the moment well either way now we know for sure right i mean it seems pretty clear that nobody but hero could have fit into this dumb costume i don't know celeste celeste might be just as tall as him but i don't know well now you're all adding excuses no it's because you're a girl if it was another guy then lakota go ahead okay against my role i picked up the pieces of the floor and tried putting them on it's no use the arms are too long there's no way i could wear this just a second okay you're absolutely right it seems like this costume is made to fit hero's body exactly there must be one that looks the same but fits them honestly if you insist on this line of defense to show some evidence evidence you claim there's not there's another suit right who cares he was the only one that without an alibi during this whole thing anyway which is why we know it's him he doesn't believe it can someone tell me all right is that it okay come on anything else she looks like she's lost in thought um how much more evidence could there be okay so we're telling him who was killed what he's shocked just the worst wait hold on if those two are the ones that were killed that's it i know who did it so then you may as well tell us then talk and hit me were fighting over alter ego right at least which means alter ego and chihiro must have done it correct i see that's unfortunate she doesn't believe i mean that's a dumb thing to say i tell you got it all wrong and i know that notes last night someone slipped a weird note under my door and there's and here's what it said i found a hole maybe we can use it to escape what monokuma can't find it so don't tell anyone else let's do it in the rec room at 1am [Music] the last thing i remember is going to the rec room and for some reason i fell asleep oh it's yeah so he got drugged the nurse is up yoko's agreeing so the nurse's office did have some chemicals in it i told you someone's trying to set me up man a secret passage a chance to escape someone wrote that to trick me even if that's true you must be one dumb fish to bite every piece of bait that floats in front of you well after that but after being trapped for so long even if you know it's a lie you still gotta check it right they pray to my desire to get out of here they deceived me i still don't buy it don't be mean but you should buy it let's show us that note that's pleasure no way oh he lost it uh i think i believe him i think i do i believe that he's innocent all right so everyone left except for kyoko lakota do you have a second i want you to help me with the investigation it looks like i got a late shot in this one so i need i need to make up on some grounds sure i don't mind helping but you could probably can you promise me something later when we have time you will tell me why you disappeared no she rejected so simply anyway okay so i guess we're gonna help her all right so first i'd like to examine the corpses okay all right so she's just investigating i would like to note though and i didn't mean to skip it i know i know i do skip things but i do before we said it's important to note that when she's seen the bodies she actually had a reaction that we've never seen we never see any emotions from her at all so that's important to know makoto i found something you did you remember the wristwatch taco always wore on his left hand he did are you still oblivious to people around you do you dislike other people that much no it's not it anyway uh so you said he had a watch take a look it's broken okay it most likely broke when he had his encounter with this assailant oh so we know the time now and if you notice the hands are frozen just past six o'clock so that would mean the watch was broken sometime just after six that's right but last night taka's watch definitely wasn't broken oh my god he did mention time like i would have never guessed in other words so if it works at 10 last night it could have been broken at 6 pm meaning it must have happened at six this morning interesting huh that's very interesting oh take a look at his left hand oh he's got the note doesn't he makoto because i gotta pry i gotta pry it out as much as i did once i grasped to talk his cold hand his ice cold hand was nearly enough to cause my frozen heart to stop beating after some effort i was definitely able to free the object from his tightly clenched mist a piece of paper that's all he had in his hand yep that's it just a little scrap of paper doesn't seem like much of a clue does it right i wonder about that goku then turned to hip homie's body okay let's check him now first of all is he really dead that's what i want to know the biggest problem i have right now is how he was able to get up here he died from a blow to the head when we found a spot yeah we all know we all know oh a lot of paper he told me how to hit it on him indeed he stepped into his pants so i can only assume he hit it on purpose you see it is pants so you why is that it was just his pants like his socks or something i didn't know what that means all right what's the paper say i found a hole maybe we could use through a skate monokuma can't find out so don't tell anyone else for oh notice the handwriting is not nice that sounds very familiar that's it the same thing heroes said then he was telling the truth however although it's not exactly the same is it um last night someone slipped a weird note under my door and it said i found a hole maybe we could use to escape lanakuma can't find out so don't tell anyone else for now let's meet in the rec room at one the time is different hero told us his notes said 1am but 6 a.m is when he died so is that right just because we had the note doesn't mean it was meant for him so part of it has been torn off right i think there's likely some meaning there there's some meaning to the part of it being ripped could you maybe explain it a little more think careful why haven't you been clutching the paper because he died with it in his hands and how could something so important like that because of your scrap of paper that's what you need to answer hey and while we're at it i should tell you one other thing the two victims this time definitely had their e handbooks on them all right so nothing yeah that's fine so they're saying the hang the handbooks could play a role but if you think it's important i better keep it in mind that's it that's it guys are you excited are you pumped it's time for the class trial to begin all right we're gonna end it there because this would be way too long if i did it you know what to do smash 30k likes and uh we'll continue this game thank you guys for all the amazing support so far i think i know exactly what happened but i'll leave it to you guys in the comments to do it be wire spoilers though because you know people like to spoil things don't spoil things anyway guys i'll see you scrubs in the next episode of danganronpa bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 268,369
Rating: 4.9812279 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, danganronpa trigger happy havoc full game, danganronpa, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, bijuumike danganronpa, bijuu mike sayaka, chihiro fujisaki death, chihiro death danganronpa, danganronpa chihiro death reaction, bijuu mike danganronpa 10, toko danganronpa, bijuu mike danganronpa episode 10, taka death danganronpa
Id: 0JMrTkhbSl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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