AI Trends Quietly Transforming The Workplace

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real AI Trend or hype that is the question if you look at all of the AI news people their content is always like biggest news ever massive week for AI the most important news of this year sure it is big news but is it actually something that's worth the time and the energy to dive deep into and to keep up with don't get me wrong you may genuinely love keeping up with the coolest new things which by all means keep doing that but for a lot of people like myself it's kind of stressful trying to keep up with everything so in this video we're going to figure out what are the trends most worth keeping up with and identify the top job or business opportunities Within These Trends thank you ten web for sponsoring a portion of this video I'll show you how you can use it to make a website in literally 1 minute good morning your plans for today are to check in on the ads you're running for your t-shirt business track orders address questions then make new designs and post them on your store but I've gone ahead and actually did all of these for you so you're all good for the day what would you like for breakfast teeth are all gray hot and a banana sounds good here you go your friend Sally left you a video message telling you she wants to get a divorce use my avatar clone to video message her back expressing my condolences I'm so sorry to hear that Sally what are you thinking of doing next did you think of getting a divorce lawyer yet done would you like to watch a movie now sure I like to watch a documentary on willly mammoths one moment okay I generated a 80-minute documentary about Wily mammoths enjoy yeah no at least not yet this is the hype cycle of emerging Technologies graph and this is where generative AI fits in at the peak of inflated expectations right about to slip in to the trough of disillusionment maybe one day we'll get to live in the world like those Sci-Fi movies although hopefully not the dystopian ones we'll come back to this graph later but for now what we'll be looking forward to for the next couple of years is more in line with a sentence from a recent blog article from IBM generative AI offers unique opportunities and solutions but it will not be for everything or everyone not as sexy right it's cool but not too cool Microsoft co- pilot for individuals came out in February of 2024 prior to co-pilot say if I need to do a report advising a startup about whether they should go with opportunity a or opportunity B normally I would have to open up Excel and spend at least a couple hours cleaning things up fiddling around with it making some graphs then I have to put everything into a PowerPoint which unfortunately for me it takes me like 5 hours to do because I suck at making PowerPoints now these days though with Co pilot I can open up Excel and do some simple analyses just by prompting Excel of what I want it's definitely not perfect but I can do simple things like join tables together remove empty rows get some summary statistics and generate some simple graphs it definitely saves me at least an hour or so because despite having a computer science degree and being a data scientist for 2 years at meta the embarrassing truth is I'm still not very good at using Excel because I usually just default to using python or SQL but you know business people like their spreadsheets so anyways now I need to transfer everything into PowerPoint and it saves me at least 2 to 3 hours you can use Microsoft co-pilot and prompt PowerPoint to come up with the entire slide deck done in a beautiful fashion and pictures yeah you got to tweak it a little bit and add certain things change the graphs and things like that but genuinely it saves me so much time and people are like wow your PowerPoint slides are so beautiful for me it's honestly so worth it for the $20 a month that I pay and I know it's just going to get better and better over time I know some people are going to say in the comments right now Tina I don't think it's worth it I think it's overhyped I get it I get it but for me it is worth it got my music controls if I go to the left I can go back startups that are creating things like the Humane pin and the rabbit R1 are the ones aiming for that cool futuristic world a world in which the founder of the R1 describes as no longer needing your phone no longer needing apps you can simply use your voice to directly interact with the device to request an Uber order takeout translate conversations in real time and a Humane pin even has this cool holographic way for you to interact and type things it totally makes sense how the rabbit R1 sold out within minutes of its launch but tools like Microsoft co-pilot are the ones that you'll be realistically seeing gaining widespread adoption moving forward into 2024 You' be seeing more products like co-pilot AI being integrated into already existing products or very specific Niche use cases which you may not even notice unless you're actively looking for it but they will be useful for most people by increasing their productivity enabling people to do things like draw even though they're not very good at drawing and make things a lot cheaper so more people have access to it this is called vertical AI integration I'll go into more detail about this later in a video but for now I just want to emphasize that even though vertical AI integration doesn't sound sexy it's actually really remarkable even more remarkable than those cool AI gadgets and flashy software in particular there are three industries that experts say will have a lot of development because of AI the first one is in healthcare there's already new medicines and drugs that have been developed with the help of AI molecules that we would never have thought of ourselves with AI a lot of data that's being stored in variety of different places new methods for personalized Healthcare and insights into diseases that we've been trying to solve for a long long time the second industry is sustainability experts predict that we will'll be able to see new AI aided ways to come up with better solutions for this problem to be solving for decades climate change and sustainability there'll be both inter of developing technology and in policym and global politics the third is the domain of Education imagine a world where everybody has their own personalized tutor actually KH Academy has already built one this will democratize education where people who would never have gone the chance to receive a good education now can at very low cost it would also allow teachers to cater more towards different people's learning styles for example some people learn better through text some people learn better through audio some people learn better through videos this will also be a huge game Cher for people who struggle with disabilities and learning problems from a teacher perspective this will also streamline so many of the things like grading and things like that in order to spend more of that time interacting with their students it also allows teachers to share knowledge with each other and collectively come up with better curriculums and better teaching methods these are just some examples and there are many many other industries that will benefit greatly from the developments of AI let me know in the comments what industry you're in and how can you see AI transforming something or solving a problem within your industry one example of vertical AI integration that massively boost productivity is in creating websites I'll show you how to do it in literally 1 minute using 10 web who is the sponsor of today's video all right we'll start with generate your website no credit card required we can create a new website using Ai and by the way 10 web creates a fully functional WordPress website okay so I want to create an informational website the website I want to create today is a Blog in which I'm actually going to make our first blog post based upon this video of AI Trends so under business type I'm going to find education so education blog next English Blog name let's call it how to AI describe your blog um a Blog that talks about how to use ai ai Trends the latest AI products AI news next so title of the blog let's call it AI Trends in 2024 for the blog post description I wrote down the trends that are covered within this video so we have Trend one was the integration of AI and everyday products to increase productivity such as Microsoft co-pilot I'm not going to go into detail about the other Trends yet so keep watching the video but this is the kind of description that I'm using and under categories we can write AI Trends so finalize your website is waiting for you so we will sign up with Google and it is generating my personalized a website and we have our website and by the way 10 web is a company that literally got sponsored by Andrew ning who is the creator of corsera and just kind of like the world leader in AI anyways let's go look at our website all right how to ai ai in education AI Trends website builder AI history and AI for small businesses so we have ai Trends in 2024 and then it features these different blog posts that we have so it autofilled some of these and editor's picks as well you can subscribe to the newsletter AI for small businesses this is this is crazy isn't it like that's it that's literally it that's all I put when you click into a tab like AI trends for example you can look at AI Trends in 2024 and it describes all the AI trends that I talked about since this website is a fully functional WordPress website you have access to all of the things that you have on WordPress you can also edit the website really easily um no coding required at all you can try 10B Pro for 7 days for free and in terms of pricing we have the AI starter AI premium and AI ultimate the AI starter is fine for simple websites but I would recommend AI premium so that you can have a more professional website you don't need to pay anything right now it only be charged 7 Days Later you don't need to worry about things like hosting backups security scalability and domain integration while it's processing I want to say that something really cool about 10 web it's actually completely open source as well so you can also customize and build on top of it if you want to and yeah you can edit things around and tweak it completely just drag and drop after you're happy with it you can save and publish and there you go your website is published you can get started using ten web using this link over here also linked in description if you go through my link you will also get a discount all right thank you ten web for sponsoring this portion of the video and back to the video artificial intelligence is going to kill us all there's something called Shadow Ai and I'll go into this just a tiny bit but first I want to address the magnitude of the increasingly important trend of safety and privacy on October 30th the Biden Administration issued a very comprehensive Executive Order Detailing 150 requirements for the use of AI in federal agencies this is just months after AI developer companies like open AI Microsoft Google voluntarily gave the commitment to adhere to certain G rails for trust and security this includes having to share safety results to the government before releasing it to the public and meeting certain privacy and security guidelines within 30 days 60 days and 90 days of release of new AI developments I just want to emphasize that the government the government had made these moves within months which by federal government standards is like unprecedently fast that's how important safety and privacy are but given that it's also the government we shall see how all of this pans out especially an election year but even right now businesses are facing huge problems in terms of privacy and security many notable companies just straight out banned the usage of AI and these are like big companies also tech companies including Apple Amazon Verizon Goldman Sachs Bank of America JP Morgan Chase and essentially all the other Banks out there too so this all sounds good in theory but there's the problem of Shadow AI Shadow AI refers to the unofficial personal use of AI in the workplace by employees basically using AI tools like chat GPT in order to get answers faster to do things more quickly um even though that it is banned in the company in a study by ersten Young 90% of respond say that they do use AI at work even the people who worked at companies which technically banned the usage clearly Shadow AI is a huge problem and clearly you're not going to be able to stop people from using AI is essentially telling students back in the day to not use Wikipedia except this is like worse with worse consequences if you know AI hallucinates for something and then suddenly you lost like $10 billion not great anyways another increasingly more worrisome Trend or like sub Trend within privacy and security is the issue of copyright right there's a lot of debate on the usage of copyrighted material in order to train AI models especially with those like AI models that are close Source it's kind of hard to tell what it uses and what it doesn't use right there's been a series of lawsuits like The Writers Guild very prominent celebrities even the New York Times that have sued companies like open Ai and Microsoft for the alleged usage of their own copyrighted material it is definitely a very hotly debated topic but collectively let's just call it the push back Trends towards generative AI addressing the concerns about sec security privacy and copyright there is a lot of opportunities in the space because there just isn't very good Solutions right now in particular I would recommend looking into open- Source models and local models that some individuals and companies alike are turning to as opposed to the big AI close Source models from open Ai and Google in order to adapt these open source models towards your needs I'm definitely also look into do things like fine-tuning and rag these are just some of the emerging solutions to address the shadow AI issue during the gold Rush cell shovels allegedly this is a quote that comes from Mark Twain in reference to the California Gold Rush in the 1800s there's a lot of wisdom in this line in this case the Gold Rush is the AI rush and the people selling the shovels are the people who are directly working on improving and building AI for the AI enthusiasts to use these include roles like AI researchers AI Engineers data analysts data scientists mlops this study by the world economics Forum already shows that there's going to be significant increases in these type of support roles I'm not going to comment too much more like is it going to end up like de gold rush in which people are disappointed or is it going to be like a spectacular AI world in the future but it's undeniable that this trend is happening these are people who are building the tools of the future don't worry if you also want to sell the shovels you don't necessarily have to become like an AI engineer or like a super technical person remember the term vertical AI integration that I talked about earlier so many companies are looking to integrate AI into their businesses but they don't know how to do so so there's a lot of opportunities to help companies do so like I said this can be like full-blown technical roles like AI or ml Engineers but these days there's also a lot of like no Code and low code tools that can help you do this as well for example I recently did a Consulting gig for a high school in which they wanted me to help them Implement a bot that can help teachers grade more quickly we ended up using a coding solution but there was a lot of ways that we could implemented this with no Code and low code tools as well let me know in the comments if you also like me to go into more like low code and Cod Tools in addition to like the more Cod stuff that I talk about I'm not sure what's the general coding level of the people who are going to be watching this video artificial intelligence future is now all right coming back to this graph here of the hype cycle for emerging Technologies over time we'll inch our way into the valley of disillusionment but as new Innovations happen and AI Trends keep developing we will slowly inch out of it as well it's a future where I think anybody would think it's very hard to predict what it's going to look like but there are some things that we should pay attention to to kind of like start seeing what's going to be happening in the future in the past decade or so there's been this global technology Trend in which a lot of new technologies are developed in the United States but the technology actually gets adopted faster in a developing countries like China and India a recent article that came out on the economics time India times had this title India highest among countries to have actually deployed AI IBM research it then says the IBM Global AI adoption index found that 7 24% of those Indian Enterprises are already working with AI having accelerated their investment in AI in the past 24 months it seems like this is happening again things were created in the US and then it's getting widely adopted in developing countries like India so I'm not saying that the future is going to be China or going to be India but it is interesting to think about and probably worth paying attention to these Global AI Trends and adoptions let me know the comments if you live in a developing country and maybe you come to the US or North America and you were kind of surprised because the adoption of technology in your country is actually more widespread than where it came from first which is the us all right thank you all so much for watching this video I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you in next video or live stream
Channel: Tina Huang
Views: 24,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X_P8xsiSB90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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