How to Learn Python FAST with ChatGPT in 2024?

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what if I told you that learning a new coding language is as simple as opening a bank account okay I'm kidding opening a bank account is not that easy but learning a new coding language is and in 2024 it's easier than ever to learn any coding language fast and that's exactly what I'm going to be covering in this video how you can learn new coding language in 2024 fast without spending any money for those who don't know openi introduced Chad GPT 2 years ago and since then generative AI has become mainstream and if you still don't know about generative AI tools like Chad GPT and Bard you are definitely living under a rock for those who don't know Chad GPT is a natural language processing tool that allows you to talk to it naturally like how you would talk to a human so in our case we're going to pretend that Chad GPT is our virtual teacher and we're going to have it customize the learning for our skill set for our background and have it teach us the way that we can learn think of it like a virtual assist or a virtual teacher but it's AI version and it's free the language that we're going to be focusing today is on python python is one of my favorite language somebody who has been working in the data space I love python for its data visualization and data analysis capabilities there are so many cool libraries in Python that I have used for doing data analysis and doing visualization I find python to be like very bir style and easy to learn especially as a first language so we're going to be focusing on python today first thing we're going to do with Chad GPT is we're going to configure it we're going to configure it by giving it some basic understanding of who I am and who you are what is your background what is your skill set how much python you know already how you're going to be using it what's your use case are you using it for data analysis or data visualization or some other use case that you are using python for building programs and so on so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go to openi website I'm currently using chat GPT 4 so I'm going to go because I have a PA subscription but for this exercise I'm going to go to GPT 3.5 which which is the free version the reason I want to do that is because I want to make sure if you're using the free version you are able to leverage the same capability that I am so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to train Chad GPT to tell it exactly what I want it to do so I'm going to say so now I have configured it basically I'm telling it what my background is I know SQL I don't know any coding language and the language that I want to learn today is python use case for learning python is that I want to be able to do data analysis using python I want to create cool visualization using python my role is a data scientist and my goal in learning python is to be able to do data analysis and data visualization I'm going to now enter this so then this is Chad GPT can kind of like start giving me instructions it has already given me kind of like a road map but let's see I want to make it more specific so I'm going to ask it can you create an 8 week curriculum for me to Learn Python so now that I've configured it to be more specific to data space it's going to give me more specific curriculum data curriculum that I can use for learning python so it has broken it down into weekly subjects that I need to learn so the week one I'm going to be learning basic pythons day one I'm going to be installing installing Python and day three to four I'm going to be learning about variables data types basic inputs second week I'm going to Learn Python data structure week three introduction to libraries data visualization data analysis and pandas and so on and the week eight is final project okay I can keep building on this further for example now I can ask Chad GPT okay during week one give me material that I need to learn and I need to cover so this should give you a basic idea of what I mean when I say Define curriculum but in order to define the curriculum you just don't want basic curriculum from chbt you want to configure it first you want to give it as much detail as you can about yourself so it can give you very customized curriculum that I don't think any of the online course is able to give it to you unless you hire a private tutor and they are able to like learn about you and give you an idea so let's say you have defined the curriculum the next thing you're going to do is you're going to have it teach you specific subject for example in week three one of the things that is going to teach me is about the python libraries for data visualization so one of the libraries that it's going to teach me is numpy and operations so what I'm going to say is that can you provide more detailed learning material for numai okay so basically now it gave me like day one day two and day three numpy plan so here is another example where it says on during week six it's going to teach me merging and joining so I'm going to ask it to give me more detailed plan on this so as you can see that I can keep building specific days specific subjects and I can kind of like keep building it out now I do want to say that this chpt or any other generative AI tool will give you the curriculum it's up to you to actually do the work and learn it it can give you everything that you need but you actually need to put the effort to actually start learning so follow the plan and you will learn the language in 8 weeks if you are able to like finish all the things that it has said on the topic of gender of AI and data analysis I wanted to share this super cool data analytics program by career Foundry who is also sponsoring this portion of the video the program has elements of generative AI so it not only teaches you data analytics but also teaches you how to use generative a in your day-to-day work to be more productive and work smarter the learning material is organized in three segments first you get intro to data analytics and cover various topics then data immersion which is hands-on experience on all the topics ICS that you have learned so far again great way to learn anything new is learn something and then apply this is what I really like about this program and lastly you get to pick a specialization you either get to pick data visualization with python or machine learning specialization this is amazing because the specialization allows you to go deeper into specific data analytics topic you'll get access to expert mentors and tutors and get to graduate with a professional portfolio in data analytics and most importantly there's job guarantee that ensures that you land a job within 6 months of graduation or they will refund your tuition use the link below to learn more and get 20% discount now let's go back to the video another thing that I can do with it is have it teach me specific subjects so if I want to keep building on teaching me specific subjects so I can ask it one more questions like how do you join two data sets in Python so that would be it give me coding snippets on how I join two data sets if you do have the paid version you can actually upload the data set and then have it join for you but for the purposes of learning something this is actually pretty cool okay so now let's say you are coming from SQL and you want to Learn Python let's say if you have a SQL code that you have already written and you understand it you can actually have Chad GPT write a python version of it so let's do that turn this SQL code into python that's another way to basically learn the language is to transition from your existing coding language and have it converted to the new coding language that you want to learn and I can do this on so many different languages I can convert from java to python python to Java JavaScript to some other language so the options are endless and the possibility with generative Ai and what you can learn and how creative you can be with your learning plan and configuring it is totally up to you and this is why learning coding language in 2024 is easier than ever before because a virtual teacher is at your fingertips available for free um another cool thing that I would like to mention is that what open I recently introduced is custom gpts let's say you learned something today and you come back to it tomorrow but your session has ended so what you can actually do is you can build a custom GPT for yourself where you can do all the configuration and build a python teacher if you don't want to build your own custom GPT I actually have built this python teacher GPT that I'm going to link in the description below feel free to use it this way you won't have to configure it every time and if you really want to spend money then this is one of the ways that you can build a virtual teacher python teacher that is customized to your learning style customized to your skill set and your background and your skill level and then you can like come back to that GPT and like learn from it whatever your study plan is whether that is 6 weeks or 8 weeks or whatever another cool thing if you have the plus subscriptions definitely try out the advanced analysis feature previously it was called code interpretor I've done one video on this you can watch it somewhere here if you want to learn how to use code interpretor and do the Advanced Data analysis it is not as great I was as I would like it to be but for somebody who is learning a new coding language and wants to learn a new coding language such as python specifically for data analysis then that's a good exercise because you can actually watch it produce code in the background and you can learn how it did that analysis so you can like use it as like a learning moment for you so let's say you were trying to learn and you come on stack Overflow you come across some code but you need some more explanation on the code you can copy paste that code and put it into chib and have it explain the code to you for example here what I did is I gave it some code and I said like add some commentation around it I can keep building on it if there's like specific coding line that I don't understand so that's another way to learn when I was learning python I actually looked looked at my co-workers code and I ran it line by line and that's how I understood it back then Chad GPT or generative a did not exist but it existed back then I would have done the exact same thing that I'm telling you right now is have it the chadd explain it to you back then I used my co-workers to have them explain their code that's great way to learn but if you want to be self-sufficient especially if you don't have access to other people around you then Chad can do a really good job teaching you you can also use it for debugging pair programming debugging especially is my favorite let's say if you wrote some code and it's not working obviously like try to learn it on your own and figure it out on your own but if you do hit a dead end that's when you can like use Chad and say like can you help me debug this code and tell me what exactly is wrong that's again another place where chib has been really really helpful all right with all that it does I can believe that this tool is still free and it's not just one tool there's so many other tools Chad DT Bard claw Ai and I'm sure there are a few more that I'm missing right now but these tools are there to help you so use that to your advant AG learning coding language is one of the best use cases that I can think of with generative AI I'm sure there are tons of other things that you can do with generative AI but learning a new coding language learning anything new is so satisfying because the learning material is so customized now it goes without saying that there are definitely drawback to using these tools and especially if you new to a coding language you might not be able to identify if what is wrong what is right so definitely be cautious when using any of the gender of AI tools it also gives you somewhat generic answer even though you can try to customize it and configure still some of the responses can be very generic anyways that's all I wanted to say today if you learned something from this video give this video a thumbs up and let me know in comments how you have been using chat GPT what other videos you would like to see on learning a new coding language or data analysis or anything like that with that thank you so much for watching happy New Year and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Sundas Khalid
Views: 100,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data science, data scientist, self-taugh data scientist, big tech, Machine Learning, Python, data science projects, data science tutorials, data science jobs, AI, big data, data analyst, data analytics, business analyst, sundas khalid, women of color in tech, people of color in tech, inspiring stories, data science at google, chatgpt, python roadmap 2023, python for data science, pandas, numpy, learn python with chatgpt, chatgpt hacking, coding with chatgpt, bard, claudeai
Id: LdXfe9-yJVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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