How I used to do my makeup THEN VS NOW l New MakeupTechniques
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Christen Dominique
Views: 177,699
Rating: 4.926085 out of 5
Keywords: makeup tutorial, makeup then vs now, christen dominique, dominique, makeup, before and after, transformation, makeup tutorial 2020, everyday makeup, everyday makeup and outfit, everyday makeup tutorial, makeup tutorial grwm, cat eye makeup tutorial, dominique cosmetics, skin gloss, following makeup tutorial, new, makeup techniques, then vs now, 2020, natural makeup, fall makeup tutorial, new makeup, makeup routine, tutorial, beauty, cosmetics, fall makeup, how to, how to makeup
Id: gh5iOllTOBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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