How To Apply Eyeshadow For Beginners Step By Step | Christen Dominique

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hey guys welcome back to my channel today is all about how to apply eyeshadow for beginners if you do not know how to apply eyeshadow you don't know where to start but you really really want to learn this is the place for you i'm going to break it down step by step if you know how to apply eyeshadow you can still stick around and make sure you're not missing any techniques you might have lost or you could just click out of the video if you know how to do this you really want to learn everything that has to do with applying the eyeshadow on your eye and make it blend like a pro then stick around because you are going to be your own makeup artist after this video just remember you do have to practice it does take time and that's okay because that's what this video is for before we start don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell so you can be a part of the dom fam and without further ado let's get into this video the first thing you want to do is prep your eyelids you never want to go in with just eye shadow on bare naked possibly oily lids because it's going to look like a hot mess it could be patchy uneven so you want to make sure you prime your eyes just like you prime your face there's a couple different ways you can prime your eyes you can use an eyeshadow base there's tons of them i have two that i would recommend you get either the too faced shadow insurance last 24 hours and i also really like the p louise eyeshadow base with eyeshadow primers you don't really have to set them with any powders they set themselves they should leave your eyelids matte and smooth to create an even surface for your eyeshadow you can also use a concealer for so many years i'd rather use a concealer over an eyeshadow base but that's before this one came out i actually really really suggest this one and if you're going to use a concealer i like the tarte shape tape because it dries matte it's not heavy you want to make sure that the concealer finish you're using is matte if it's dewy it'll have too much oils and your eyeshadow could look catchy and muddy so make sure it has a matte finish whenever you use a concealer you don't want to put on a whole bunch of concealer because then your eye is going to get really thick and cakey and creasy so be careful with that i'm just gonna take my finger apply that all over the lid and anywhere that i can't reach i'm just gonna use a brush to blend it in take this large fluffy shader brush just to bring in that concealer in the inner corner area because my nail will not let me fully get in there and then i'll just also blow it out right here make sure everything is nice and smooth i like to set my eyes with the translucent setting powder it's light it's airy it'll make your eyelids look even and smooth and it's not going to add too much color or base to your eye which can again make you look a little cakey so to avoid that i like to use a translucent powder so i'll just take that and apply it all over the lid this is going to allow your brush to glide over your skin nice and smooth and give you a really clean blend i'm going to be using the new fenty palette this is the bomb posse they have two brightener shades that you could use as a base this guy right here and this one as well i'd rather use again translucent powder but if you have that pressed powder in your palette go ahead and use it so now that our eyes are prepped they're primed they're smooth you're ready for eyeshadow now before we get into eyeshadow i'm going to show you the eyeshadow brushes that you're going to be using first brush i'm going to show you is the large fluffy brush this is going to give you an overall blown out even blend make sure that everything is nice and soft with the lightest eyeshadow shade we're gonna use the bigger brushes but you're gonna notice that once we use a darker shadow the brushes will get smaller that's a good rule of thumb if you're kind of unsure what brush to use these are let me just show you what these are from these are actually all from morphe this is the morphe by ariel one and it doesn't have a number on it but it's the perfect big overall fluffy brush that you need there's also the m504 which is a big fluffy brush there's also the m573 depending on your eye shape you're gonna want to customize which brush is better for you so these brushes might be too big you know use whatever you think will work best for your eye shape but i'm going to go ahead and use the makeup by ariel one and i'm going to take a transition shade so what is the transition shade we are going back to the basics so a transition shade is basically the background of your eyeshadow it's going to help create a smooth gradient into the deeper shades from the lightest shades so the transition shade is going to be a few shades darker than your skin color i'm going to be picking up this palette and the transition shades for me would be this one right here which is like a mauvy rose color and this guy right here which is like a bronze also another note anything that would be used as a bronzer on your face would be great as a transition shade so i'm going to apply this shade it's called rock and rose such a cute name i'm going to take it with that brush and apply the transition not in the crease like not right in the crease because that's where the crease color will go the transition shades going to be right above the crease so when you pick up the color that you want tap your brush like that two to three taps you don't want to just go in with all that eyeshadow on your eye because it could look way too heavy too quick you want a very soft blown out kind of transition shade so right here also how you hold your brush makes a huge difference on how you apply your shadows so you want to make sure that your hand is further back because then you have less control of your brush your brush can just kind of freely flow when you have your hand too close it puts down a lot of pressure and you're going to get a lot of pigment in a one focused area and it's just gonna you don't want that right now you only want that for like deeper shades so make sure your hand is way to the back when you use your transition shape i'm gonna lightly go over right above the crease just like that and that's going to be our background color and you just use very soft motions back and forth you can even go in these large circular motions and it's on your transition area now we're going to move on to the crease the actual crease of your eye if you have a hard time finding your crease if you have too many folds in your eye just feel where your brow bone ends and kind of gets deep into the socket that is your crease this eye is slightly different from this side as you can see so i have to treat this eye a little bit different so do the same with yours make sure you kind of analyze your eyelid space and see how you want to work with it and i'll show you how right now it's great that i have two different eyelids because i can show you different ways of how to do your eyeshadow so now we're going to use a slightly smaller brush that can fit right into the crease so for the crease brush i'm going to show you a few different options this also depends on your eye shape but i have three different ones they're pretty flat this way and when you turn them this way they're a little more fluffier they're kind of pointed so they fit perfectly into the crease so i have the varenti beauty one this is probably the only brush i have from this brand and it's really really good i obviously use it a lot and then i have the morphe and ariel one he has great brushes and the smith 235 brush which is an amazing brush brand as well so i'm gonna use the smith brush because i like the fullness of it and i'm going to take one of the crease shades which is going to be deeper than your transition shade i'm going to take this shade right here and i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to pick it up pick up the product tap off the excess when you put eyeshadow in your crease you want to look down into your mirror tilt your head back a little bit and come in this way my crease is actually down here and the way that i actually do my eyeshadow these days i actually put it higher but for this video i want it to be a beginner friendly starter i just want to follow the natural shape of my eye so i'm going to take this brush tilt my head back my crease is right in here and i will just go back and forth into the crease like that you can go further out like i said if you want to elongate your eye but i'm going to keep it right here just for the sake of this video being more beginner friendly and i'm going to follow all the way through back and forth with my brush so what we're doing is adding depth to your crease i like that you can go in because it's flat and work it back and forth but you also can turn it on its side and go in these circular motions to kind of blend out that line also start with just a little bit of shadow as you can see i'm actually moving my hand to the middle of the brush because i'm putting a little bit more pressure down into the crease this is a color that's going to get a little deeper at some points where i want the color to be more concentrated i'll press down so you'll see that i'll go right into the socket like right here and i'm actually pressing into the socket and wiggling my brush back and forth as i get further out i'll lift my hand and just do these circular motions really softly in the crease so it gives you a nice blend this part can take a while my videos are 10 to 15 minutes long but this part actually takes quite some time to blend and make sure everything's nice and soft so i'm going to go ahead and do the other eye and i'm going to fast forward because it's going to take forever make sure that this shade is below the transition shade you don't want it to go above or any higher because that's what's going to create that nice gradient that smooth even gradient if you feel like you're having trouble blending that little crease area go back in with your fluffy brush never add any more color to this after that and just go over the outer edge because this is a little bit harder to blend right out here so just go over very lightly do not press down look at how my hand is on the brush it's very much to the back very lightly just kind of go in circular motions right out here to make sure that everything is nice and blended and even so now that we have these two colors here you want to grab a third color and that's going to be the deepest color this color is going to create dimension on your eye it's going to make your eyes look more sultry and just beautiful this is pretty much the only matte deep shade in the palette so that's what you're going to use to create that dimension dimension is really bringing to life the structure of your eye so as we get darker brushes will get smaller as i said earlier i'm going to use this brush from laura lee los angeles it's really tiny it's pretty much like a precision brush for deep shadows right in the crease with this brush i'm going to take that dark brown this is called get this bread i love that once i pick that up tap it off especially with darker shades you want to make sure you use a very light hand and start off very light because this is where it can go really wrong so make sure you are very light-handed you want to gradually ease your way into that dimension so what i'm going to do with this shade is just take it on the outer corner like this you're basically going to line up where your brow tail ends and the end of your eye that's where the dimension color is going to come in and bring it in so it looks like a little v you see i'm coming in kind of over the top because this is where i want it to be concentrated right in this area if i go this way i might get some of that dark color into the transition color into the crease it could get really muddy and it could be a mess so i'm going to make sure that my brush is like this it's focused on the outer v and then when i come down here obviously i can just work it back and forth like this i'm doing circular motions i'm rocking it back and forth just like that and keep this on the outer part of your eyelid i'm gradually going in a little deeper i'm going to bring my hand in a little closer now that it's getting a little deeper i'm going to take my brush and just go side to side and slowly bring it into the outer half of the lid so it kind of creates a little gradient here on the lid as well and your makeup is going to look so clean it's going to look like a pro and you're going to be so happy this does take practice obviously you're not going to get it overnight but if you keep doing these steps over and over again you can come back to this video and just kind of make sure that you're doing all of these little techniques you are going to get so good at your eyeshadow you're going to be your own professional celebrity makeup artist trust me i want to go a little deeper so for that i'm actually going to take a flat brush now we're really packing on the color if we're using a flat brush i'm going to take this tiny little brush i told you guys the brushes will get tinier and smaller as we get deeper so i just want to take it and pack it right out here see that is a lot deeper and i just want to focus it right there because we already blended this color out pretty well in this area and i don't want to add any more to that area i'm going to go back into our little brush and just use these little circular motions to blend all the edges out circular back and forth whichever you feel more comfortable to blend your eyeshadow all right so now that we have all three colors on our eyes it's looking nice and blended we need one more blend so take the same brush that we used with the lightest shade i'm going to tap into it just a little bit not too much still top off and then go right above and around and i'm going a very feather light on this area and then i'm gonna go into this inner area and mix really big circles right here very lightly just so that's nice and blown out so now for the fun part we get to the inner area right here you can use any shade you want universally a brighter shade looks better here it opens the eye makes your eyes look pretty and open and you can use sparkly shades shimmers foils matte brightener shades or you can go for more deeper shades to make it smoky and sultry it's really up to you i'm gonna go for something that's more shimmery and eye-opening so let's see i'll go for this pink color right here it's pretty light at the same time it has like a really pretty shimmer to it so i'm just going to take that and for shimmers i typically like to use my finger for these just because shimmers foils and any type of reflective shadows always perform better on your finger no matter what brand it is so we are going to just pop it on right there oh that's really really pretty and then obviously i can't get really close to that inner area there you can use an even brighter shade you can use a matte brightener you can use a super light shimmer shade whatever you want or you can just bring it in i'm going to just bring it in so for that i'm going to use the packer brush i'll have all the brushes listed below this one is from dominique and i'm just gonna take some of that shade i'm gonna take it in this inner area right here you see whenever you use a brush it's not as intense that's with any shadow to be honest with any like reflective shadow you can wet your brush and really make these shimmers even more foily and reflective but i'm just going to leave it bare and just keep packing it on there so for the very inner corner i'm going to take a pencil brush like this you can actually use this brush if you want to do like a darker shade here that's a little bit more advanced or just to pop a shade on right in the inner corner and that's what i'm going to do here i'm going to take this dense brush in the same shade and just bring it in to this inner corner the denser the brush the more like compacted it is the more color payoff you're going to get so i really want a nice pop in here so i want to use a very concentrated dense brush right there i do want to kind of blend this area so i'm going to take a clean brush and just go back and forth this is kind of a dense brush and i'm going to go back and forth between that dark brown and the pink i just want to include one more part and that is on your brow bone i would suggest to use something that is more matte you can use shimmer it's up to you i personally like the way matte looks better i think it's cleaner it also helps to find your brow shape so i'm going to take the brightest shade in the palette kind of matches my nails actually and i'm going to take a small brush for this area so the brush i'm going to use is from the makeup shock it's a t61 get a good amount tap off once because you actually want a nice amount of color here i'm going in like this and i'm patting the color in and then sweeping it back and forth it just cleans up the whole entire look and makes it look a lot neater so i'm going to do the other eye really quick and you just want to follow the bottom of your brow shape with this this is actually the last step so for this step i'm going to take the crease brush so whatever crease color was on it pick up the transition shade so it's going to have both of those colors kind of mixed in and then i'm going to sweep it right underneath my lash line and this is going to tie the entire look together and complete your eyeshadow look and you want to just match it to the end of your eye look now you have a completed eyeshadow look you're going to be a pro all you have to do now is pop on some mascara if you really want to make this look stand out you can throw on some lashes and let me know how you like it i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you learned a lot i'm gonna throw on some lashes and i'll be right back thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed today's video if you liked it make sure to thumbs it up it helps my channel a lot and if you like this type of how to for beginners series make sure to comment below what you want to see next lashes liner contour i got you also if you haven't checked out these two videos on the side make sure to check them out before you go and before i let you go i just want to give you a little motivational message as i do with all my videos and that is to be patient with yourself great things take time just like your eyeshadow it's a gradual process we'll get there i love you guys thank you for watching and i will see you in the next video bye guys
Channel: Christen Dominique
Views: 66,073
Rating: 4.9645705 out of 5
Keywords: makeup tutorial, makeup, how to apply eyeshadow for beginners, step by step eyeshadow tutorial, eyeshadow tutorial, christen dominique, dominique, dominique cosmetics, how to, eyeshadow tutorial for beginners, how to apply eye shadow like a pro, how to apply eyeshadow, eyeshadow for beginners step by step, makeup for beginners, everyday makeup, natural makeup, easy makeup, makeup routine, eye makeup, beauty, tutorial, easy, power of makeup, apply, eye shadow, beginners makeup
Id: rcwJUWVOaD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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