How I Use My Hobonichi Cousin + 2022 Set Up | Chanmas Day 13

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hello welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new my name is chandler uh today i'm going to be running you through my setup for my 2022 hobonichi cousin i'm also going to be kind of reviewing my planner from last year showing you what worked and what didn't from my planner setup video last year and in just using my planner over the past year i had so much luck with my hobonichi in 2021 i feel like it was the perfect planner for me in pretty much every way but i have some things that worked in some things that didn't and i want to kind of retool how i'm using my planner for next year so i'll walk you through that and also show you some of the sticker kits that i got for this planner this year um i love all of the pretty little things so this is going to be kind of a stationary haul as well but without further ado let me kind of show you my 2021 planner show you um all of the love that went into it and just kind of review it as a whole for you so this is my 2021 hope nichi cousin i still have it in the louis vuitton desk agenda cover i didn't switch out my cover at all throughout the year i know that that's something that's super popular but i'm just so in love with this one that i had no desire to switch it out and much like the name implies this desk agenda stayed on my desk all year i really didn't move around with my planner much i think had i done that i might have wanted to switch out my cover but i didn't and i really am still happy with this one and in the front here i just have a couple of little freebie cards that i got from etsy sticker shops i feel like it kind of goes with the aesthetic that i am rocking right now in my planner just kind of like cottagy neutrals and i feel like it just speaks more to my planning self now than it did last year you'll definitely notice uh so much aesthetic has changed since that last video i'll link that one in the description down below if you want to see that one but uh yeah things have changed quite a bit in terms of the actual planner itself you can see that there's sort of a marked difference here uh at the halfway point all of these pages right here are the monthly and weekly spreads and at the back are all the dailies you can tell i didn't really use the dailies this past year my goal was to have this be both a planner and a journal and i really just didn't do much journaling though that is one of my goals for 2021 so hopefully i'll do another of these videos next year and my 2022 version of this will be completely full and bursting i like a good chunky planner and i love seeing the pages crinkle on my hobonichi cousins so um yeah i am endeavoring definitely to make this thicker in the new year but let's go ahead and open her up and i'll show you what i did last year and what worked what didn't first thing i will say is that i ended up switching out the paper that i had glued in here for washi tape which made the overall profile and closability i guess you could say of the cousin a lot more manageable though i have not visited this since the beginning of the year i really don't look at the front cover of my planner i really didn't use the monthly pages too much in this planner either so there was really no reason for me to revisit it and for that reason i probably won't be putting anything fancy in the front i got a little carried away i feel like last year with some of the more like aesthetic choices and while i still obviously really care about that i am also trying to be mindful of what i put in here and don't put in here because you know there's only so much room for stickers so this is the front cover i also got some sticker kits from virgo and paper at the beginning of the year which i clearly didn't use for anything did i buy them for 2022 as well you're damn right i did but i will hopefully be using at least this spread for something a little bit more useful in 2022. this is supposed to be an index i tried to use it that way but i believe in 2022 i am going to use this as my kind of tending list and or habit tracker i'm using the power sheets this year to kind of goal plan and i want to have everything here in my hobnichi cousin as well i will probably be using this spread for that sort of goal tracking and habit tracking so then i'll have an excuse to come back to the front of my planner i just really didn't follow through with using those pages very much though the stickers are very cute admittedly then we get into the monthly pages and again this is something that kind of failed for me i tried a couple of different spreads and wanted to see you know what was going to work best for me and what would be the best utilization i guess of the spread in comparison to the weeklies but beyond posting some like youtube video stuff in here and the books that i read i didn't really find a good use for this spread in general i don't have a lot of events and things like that to put in pages like this so these were kind of useless for me and i also think part of it was that there was no consistency in the format i don't think it's the biggest deal but i didn't use a sticker kit here i did here and then i used different sticker kits for different months i think had it all been cohesive i would have found a way to utilize things a little bit better that's something that is kind of a running theme in my life and if you watch my channel you might notice that too i really like cohesion whether it's for you know video series or my planner i like some cohesion there just wasn't any cohesion in these monthlies and it was a fun experiment but i think in 2022 i'm really going to focus on a putting in my youtube content here and then also putting in life events i have a lot more going on in 2022 so i think that that will probably be easier to manage and maybe i will include tidbits as well like something fun that happened that day i did try that one of these months and um i didn't follow through on it but i'm hoping to do that in 2022 so those are my monthly pages i did also before we get to the weeklies tip in these like trackers i guess you could say i saw lindsay scribbles do and i was like i'm gonna do that too but i realized i'm not that great at habit tracking i mean it's something that i want to improve upon going forward but frankly i didn't do a good job at it and i think that's evident by the exercise log granted i didn't exercise that much this year so you know it is what it is but i just didn't come to the front of my planner to use this and i also did not like the paper it's like way too stiff why did i tip this in i also kind of got it messed up like i would put some of my activity in my planner in book spending yeah also this just didn't become a necessary thing for me i didn't end up split spending that much on planning supplies and accessories past the beginning of the year and then when it came to book spending i i literally never spend money on books anymore so yeah i didn't really need these and i was kind of not upset that i have them in here but i just didn't use them so we can go ahead and look at my daily pages so this was my planner at the very beginning of the year and this is kind of the aesthetic and functional choice that i made at the beginning i used the sidebar off and on for like random to do's or books that i needed to read for videos and then i would use washi tape at the bottom and top and then also use these kind of date covers from virgo and paper that was a very consistent use all throughout the planner for the beginning of the year and then i would write in any sort of activities that i had to do and then i would highlight anything that got accomplished and i will say in terms of highlighting and you know goals and to do's and things like that that's still very much how i use this planner i love a good highlight and i use my tombow dual brush pens to do that but this overall aesthetic just got a little bit boring to me this format especially like just the the two washi tapes and then the date covers and it also kind of bulked up my planner in the same spots whenever i close my planner now i can really feel all of these stickers up the top and you know i have no qualms about having stickers on my planner but it did make it to where i couldn't really use the top of this planner past a few months like it was a little frustrating to use this part of the planner so i'm trying to be a little more strategic about my sticker placements next year but overall like i think this is really cute and maybe this will give you some ideas on how you can use your planner i also obviously like at the beginning would write down you know the meals that i ate just to see i mean i don't really do this for any sort of like health reasons i just like to go back and be like wow i was eating a vast variety of things here or it can give me like ideas for what i can eat now so yeah that's kind of what the layout was here and i tracked both my job stuff and personal stuff and youtube stuff in this planner i should say i didn't have a planner for anything else this is this is my one go-to planner for my whole life but then i want to say maybe a month ago i got just kind of bored of this you know format i thought it was a little repetitive and it worked for me for i want to say like eight months but i wanted something different and i wanted something that felt a little bit more intentional in terms of theme so in the fall months is when i kind of discovered this sort of planning style i got inspired by a girl named lauren i'll leave her instagram account in the description if i can remember she does a lot of journaling and things with these sort of like cute aesthetic stickers and i was like you know what i want to do that i want to find a way to incorporate that and i also just wanted to kind of scale back a little bit on what i was doing previously and so now i kind of use washi sparingly i'll use it kind of like in the corners of my spreads and then i will use these sweet little stickers that i've gotten from a bunch of different sticker shops that i use as embellishment and i have to say this is my new favorite thing to do i don't do the date covers as much anymore i haven't used them honestly in a month or two and i just keep things simple it makes me happy to see all of these little stickers and i think it kind of like sets the mood for the week like it's december i want cozy vibes and i feel like this kind of elicits that in me again i still use the same format i don't really use the hourly component of this planner and some people might think that's silly since it is technically an hourly planner but i just use it to write down my to-do's occasionally i use the time portion of it for certain things like i do post my videos at 10 30 so i did have the youtube video posting schedule like in order for the most part but other than that i really like to just use this as kind of a running to-do list for me and it works really well i've kind of stopped doing to-do's in the left-hand side and i've started doing habit tracking instead which has been an interesting change and has also kind of helped me with my habits a little bit it's something that i'm trying to do again more going forward in the new year though i don't know that i will track in this sidebar so that's sort of the aesthetic differences i know it's really not that big of a deal but i am liking this new format just a little bit better for my taste and also um just the simplicity of planning but this is what i've got going on for this year and now i'm ready to crack open my 2022 hobnichi cousin and show you the planning stickers that i got and also just you know the fun kind of embellishment stickers that i'm going to be using it feels really weird to bring this book over she feels so slim by comparison i guess i could hold them up together so you can kind of see how much my planner has grown but side by side they are quite different i think the first thing that i want to do is place this vinyl on the front cover of my planner i think i'm going to put it down here i don't know if that's a little too weird given the placement of you know this hobonichi thing i don't care i'm just gonna put it in the bottom corner i really enjoy these vinyls from virgo and paper company i just feel like they're super cute i really like all of the virgo and paper stickers that's kind of the only shop that i revisit with frequency i really like the stickers from that shop particularly and they're just so well built for the hobonichi cousin i also really like caffeine and paper for like little icon stickers which you'll see kind of throughout the planner as the year goes on i'm gonna try to do updates as the air goes on and that's honestly all of the embellishment that i'm gonna be doing to the front or the inside cover which i feel like is a little bold but let's be honest i never revisit the front cover so we don't need to do it today what we do need to do however is place some of the 2022 virgo paper sticker kits down on the calendar i really like the aesthetic this year i think it's like nice and neutral just like i like it so these are the stickers i think last year they were you know kind of pink and uh very girly and now we just have the kind of astrological astrological sort of sticker kits i think there were two options this year which i really appreciated but these are the ones that i selected i'm gonna go ahead and put these on my planner i'll time-lapse it and then we can kind of talk through it okay so this is what the sticker kit looks like all on the planner i really like the sticker kit i think i like this one even more than the one last year i will be printing out this year my word of the year to go right here my word of the year is devotion if anyone's curious last year it was direction this year it's devotion it's not a religious thing it's more just like i want to be really devoted to my goals i have a lot of big things i'm trying to get accomplished in 2022. so i will be printing that out on clear sticker paper to put right here i said i was going to write it in last year and i didn't probably because i like the beginning of my planner to be like very clean and precious the rest of the planner i don't care about but the beginning i want it to look nice so i'll be printing that at some point and then i put in the stickers for the index and again i'm not going to be using this as an index so i ended up skipping the flags i guess you could say the little like to do's up here because i want to be able to write in vertically the task or goal or whatever that i'm going to be tracking over a month and that way i can you know track as the days go on i feel like it's kind of obvious but i'm going to go ahead and save those stickers for something else and so it is just very like gray toned which i'm into everything is just very neutral on here i love neutrals that's kind of my thing so i really like this sticker kit it really worked well for me and now we can go into the monthly stickers i like i said i wanted some consistency for this year and instead of trying a few different shops out i kind of figured out what i liked last year and i think that this is going to be nice i got these sticker kits from plan fantastic co they were one of the monthly sticker kits that i tried out last year and they're the ones that i liked the best personally i love the coverage that this provides i don't personally use the sidebars at all during my monthly spreads and i don't think that's going to change in 2022 so i think having the consistency of the same format the same font everything like that it's just going to be nice for me so i'm going to go ahead and put all of these in and then i'll show you what they look like okay so i applied all of the monthly stickers off-camera and i'm really happy with how they turned out like i said i don't really use the sidebars of my monthly pages and i just love how much coverage this has like there's not a lot of extra room for and i don't really need extra room for that anyway i feel like this is more inspiring to me certainly than the other sort of like monthly layouts i had and i like the consistency again i just love i just love it i feel like this looks really nice i'll again leave links to these particular stickers in the description down below i want to say that they are phasing out this particular style but i know that they're for sure are more like this on that particular sticker shop so again i'll link those but again really happy with how these look and i am more inspired now to use these pages another thing that i did while i was off camera was added my tabs you can kind of see them on the side i won't lie i don't love them i feel like they didn't apply as nicely as i wanted and wow they show fingerprints like it was almost impossible to get them on here without having like fingerprints within the tabs themselves so i don't know they're fine like they'll do they definitely serve their purpose and i put these on my monthlies so obviously like i grabbed the tab and it takes me to my january page which i appreciate i feel like that was another kind of struggle that i had last year was i didn't use the monthly pages because i didn't have a good way to kind of like bookmark or save my place and i know it's silly and i could have used just like a paper clip but i personally don't like having a million um like page savers or paper clips to have to like go back to certain things it just irritates me so i think this will be nicer i say that i actually did buy some little like page saver bookmark things for my planner in the past i've used ollie clips or other things like that to kind of save my spot but since i have like two or three different places i'm gonna be wanting to refer to throughout the year i got these paperclips from amazon i really like the little container that they came in but i especially just like the aesthetic and how like thin these are so these are kind of like a rose gold color and they just clip on to the top i'll probably end up putting them on the bottom but let me just show you kind of what they do i want to use one on my habit tracker one on my monthly one on my weekly and one on my daily which is kind of a lot of things to have going at once and so i knew that having something thick wouldn't work but having these either all of the top or all on the bottom just makes it easy to like quickly you know refer to whatever page i'm on and they're kind of unobtrusive you know just like a little tiny thing but that's sort of it for all of the pre-planning that i wanted to do in this planner there's not a whole lot obviously i didn't really want to overload this with stickers ahead of time but i do think we can go ahead and set up the first week of january i did that last year in my hobbyist setup video and i want to do it again today i feel like again my set exchange so much and i'm excited to get to just compare this to my first week in my last cousin i just feel like it's gonna be really funny as a comparison but um i am planning on moving into this planner the first week of january so not this week right here but the following week i know that might be controversial but i personally just like to have the whole week ahead of me and that way i can finish out the last week in my other hobonichi it just it makes sense to me it works for me so i will show you some of the stickers that i've purchased recently i think i talked a little bit about the fact that my sticker taste has changed i really don't buy sticker kits anymore for my cousin i just feel like i wasn't using them and even the ones from virgo and paper which i did find more useful they still had like sticker boxes and i don't like boxes i really just like the kind of more aesthetic stickers so i searched etsy kind of high and low and i found a bunch of different stickers that just have little aesthetic pieces that i can add into the corners of pages or in the middle of pages along with the washi that i already have and i know that i'll use every single one of these stickers compared to again like a particular layout you know i want to pick my own layouts but i do want pretty stickers to go with so i've already kind of picked out my theme for this first week of january i do want to use this gorgeous sheet from paper minty studio for some reason this just screams like new year to me the black and gold and then i'm also going to go ahead and use these washi's with it i kind of wish that i had yellow washi but this will work it's kind of a gold foil and it kind of brings in the leaves from this one as well i think i'm going to try to use some of my new virgo and paper monthly stickers i've been using the smaller version of these for my weeks but i thought i could switch it up and use these with this particular setup it all kind of ties back with the leaves and i think it'll be cute i'm going to go ahead and do my typical process when it comes to placing my washi and then i'm going to put this down here usually i would put the month label up here but it was going to blend in with the washi so i put it down here it's a little different a little zesty i guess i could have covered up the numbers but honestly i don't consider this precious like i don't feel like it has to be perfect every time and i kind of like seeing some of the imperfection that's how i felt about the sticker placement of my like month stickers yeah it's a sticker kit yes it's supposed to be put a certain way but i really don't care if it's like perfectly on the lines every time so i'm gonna place washi over here and down here that's just kind of my go-to configuration at the moment actually might put something up here too to just make it a little cuter but i really love the sticker sheet i just feel like it's so cute and i don't know i just i feel like my issue with a lot of the sticker kits you can find is that they're just like one specific aesthetic i don't feel like i can find exactly what i'm looking for and i've just been into this more kind of like cottagey look i guess you could say i like to kind of play around with my placements i i don't know i just kind of stick stickers wherever i think it's gonna look cute okay i lied i wasn't totally happy with that layout i ended up taking off that january sticker putting this washi over at the last of the numbers and then i put the large january sticker up there i think it's cute it's definitely different than things i've been doing previously i've always just kind of put the month right here at the name of the month but i kind of like it up here i think it's kind of cute and i was sort of torn on how to use these stickers anyway i couldn't find the smaller ones or they were sold out so i was like i'll get the big ones and maybe i'll use them somewhere else but i feel like it works perfectly fine on the weekly it's definitely bold but i tend to not write things up here anyway um so i'm happy with the way that this looks i think it's cute and as the month comes like i might add more of the stickers from the sticker sheet maybe i'll put washi in certain spots i don't know but this will get filled up and i will find a complementary highlighter color for all of my completed tasks but yeah this is pretty much it i feel like this was maybe not the most exciting planner setup ever but i'm very excited to get into my hobenichi for the new year and she already has a little bit of bulk to her after i put those monthly sticker kits in so i'm just excited to see where this goes and i'm hoping to maybe update y'all a little bit as i plan i can't make any guarantees but a lot of the personal information that i used to include in my planner i just don't feel like i need to include in my planner as much or is information that i will be including in my dailies which i'll never show you my daily pages but i can definitely show you kind of my weeks as they go on and how i'm using the monthly pages and the tracker pages and things like that so thanks so much for watching if you have any questions let me know in the comments and i'll try to do my best to answer them and i'll also try my best to add the resources for all of the things that i was using today um i guess the only other thing really is kind of a pen thing i guess you could say my taste in pens has definitely changed since i filmed my first video i was saying that i was super into like really bold ink and that's definitely changed i now use a uni jet stream in point five instead of one millimeter and i am really into it and i feel like that was the right choice for me now i write so much smaller than i did in the beginning of the year and this just works so well for that and i'm also experimenting with this energel cleaner is it cleaner or cleaner i don't really know how to say it and this is i think a 0.3 uh i got like a 0.5 on recommendation of some people on youtube but to me it was way too bold in here it ended up looking more like a uh one millimeter ink in this hobonichi paper so i got this skinny one and i like it i think it's a good pen i've been using this more in my daily pages for some reason i just still i'm i'm so into my jet stream that i use this whenever i'm using kind of like a weekly spread it's a little less messy too but this one dries like fairly quickly so these are my two pen recommendations if you want pen recommendations for your hobonichi and then again i use tombows a ton tombow 992 is my favorite it's a really nice neutral brown i feel like it goes with everything and whenever i'm at a loss of like what to highlight with this is what i picked so this is kind of like this is my setup this is what i'm using this year and like i said i'll try to update you all as the year goes on but thanks so much for watching love y'all so much and until tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: chandler ainsley
Views: 5,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 52ema3PWWSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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