my 17 most anticipated romances of 2022 | Chanmas Day 17

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hello welcome back to my channel in today's video i'm going to be talking all about my most anticipated romances of 2022. super excited to be bringing you this video i hadn't really considered putting it together until i read a book series recently and i realized the most recent book hadn't come out yet and i was disappointed so i was like you know what i'm anticipating that book so highly i need to put together a list of my most anticipated romances just like i did in 2021 this time i ended up taking a little bit more care with the books that i put on the list and i feel like it's a really good blend of both indie and traditionally published romances and i was pretty selective and definitely looked into the synopsis of the books before i added them to the list at least for most of them so i'm gonna go through the 17 most anticipated romances that i have of 2022 i'm sure there's going to be more as the year goes on to get announced but i feel like this is a pretty solid list and definitely gets us through like the midpoint of the year so the book that made me want to make this list in the first place is fallen men number seven by gianna darling this book does not have a title nor does it have a release date yet but it is one that i'm highly anticipating anyway if you didn't know i'm doing a little thing called chan miss right now and it requires me to be pretty diligent about the books that i'm reading and stick to a really tight schedule but i've kind of thrown my schedule out the window to read the books in the fallen men series like i am so into this motorcycle club romance series there's always like a taboo age gap for ben thing in most of the books that i've read so far i haven't finished the series yet but they just really do it for me i really love janna darling's writing and i have no doubt that the seventh book is going to be really awesome i don't think it's even been announced like who the couple will be for this book but again i have no doubt that the book is going to be fantastic and i'm so so so excited for this so that's the first indie that i have on this list and i hope you are as excited as i am next up a book that does have a synopsis does have a release date does have a title delilah green doesn't care by ashley herring blake now i put this book on the list for a couple of reasons the biggest one being that it is sapphic traditionally published romance which i feel like we still don't see enough of unfortunately and then also ashley herring blake is the writer and i have absolutely loved all the other books that she has published this is her first adult romance i believe and i'm excited to give it a try i actually was lucky enough to receive an advanced reader's copy and i have this book slated for later in the month i'm doing a video on one of the last days of the month that features this book so you'll get to hear my thoughts on that one soon but the story is about delilah who ends up having to go back to her small town that she kind of hates to photograph her stepsister's wedding and while she's there she ends up falling for i want to say like a bookstore owner and i'm excited to see sparks fly i know that ashley herring blake is really good at writing romance and also really good at writing stories that make you feel something so i'm hoping that in an adult romance context she's able to really blend the two into something that is really fantastic i think this one comes out on february 22nd from berkeley and i am certainly gonna be picking it up like i just said another queer romance from berkeley i'm so not over you is one that i'm very very excited about this is a male male romance and it is a fake dating x's situation which i feel like adds to the angst intention of an already like you know pretty angsty fake dating situation having the two main characters the exes i think makes it a little bit more juicy and i am really excited to read this one i'm sure it's going to have again all the lovely angst and tension that i require of romance and this one also comes out on february 22nd so made in manhattan is a book that i put on this list not only because of the beautiful cover in title but because of the synopsis i know i actually did my reading and research for this video this story is about our main character violet and she has grown up on the upper east side of manhattan she's definitely high society and she is asked to help her grandmother's friend's son kane become adjusted to the big city he's from louisiana born and raised and he definitely doesn't fit in well with high society and i think it's sort of an opposite attracts fish out of water romance which i am a sucker for and i am excited to see how this plays out i'm hoping it has sort of like a gossip girl-esque vibe to it with it being set in the upper east side i mean there are other stories set there too but that's where my heart goes you know that's where my brain goes when i think upper east side so excited to pick this one up i also have an advanced reader copy of this book so i will probably be featuring it in a vlog coming up soon but i'm very excited about this one and it comes out january 18th next up we have a historical romance it is the first book in a new series by elisa james and it is called how to be a wall flower i am really excited for this one because i really love aloe vera james's work but i never really have a good starting place for her romances i think i read like the fifth book in one of her series and i was like i don't have to go back for the first one this one i can go in and start with the first book in the series it's about our main character cleopatra who is being forced to enter high society by i believe her uncle and she doesn't want to be married that does not excite cleopatra so she ends up enlisting the help of a theater costumer to help her put together her like outfits for her coming out i guess you could say so she has really outlandish clothing put together and somehow along the way she ends up meeting the owner of a bunch of theaters i think i think they end up becoming friends and falling in love and that sounds really delightful i love a good historical romance with sort of a different plot and this one definitely seems like it's going to fit the bill i am very excited about it and i really like eloise james's writing it's again pretty different than something like a tessa dare but i feel like that could be exciting and fun and i'm excited to see how this one plays out and if cleopatra is able to avoid marriage and romance like she seems to want to do this one comes out on march 29th next up we have circling back to you this is a book that i would probably not have picked up based on the title and the cover alone but knowing this book was written by julie two i wanted to pick it up because i really liked the donut trap which i read by her earlier this year this story seems to be a friend to lovers fake dating story about cadence and matt who work at the same realty company and i don't know that's kind of all i need to know i really again i like julie's writing i knew i would pick up her sophomore novel and i really like friends to lovers and fake dating it's like a match made in heaven to me so i'm excited to pick this one up it comes out july 12th next up you know i had to put emily henry on this list book lovers this story i don't know i feel like it could go one of two ways it could be something i really like or something i really hate it's about our main character nora who is a literary agent and she's asked by her younger sister to go on a girl's trip and on this trip she ends up running into a nemesis an editor named charlie and sparks fly and they fall in love or whatever so it's like a semi enemies to lovers sort of story it seems like but i think there's going to be a little bit more grit and or heart to this book as well it's interesting in the reviews the early reviews that i've read of this book there were only two from my friends on goodreads one said that this book is really like rom-com heavy it's probably the strongest rom-com emily's written to date and then the other review that i read the other review by my friend on goodreads said this book is probably the least rom commie definitely the most women's fiction e book that emily's written so i'm gonna be the judge of that for myself i was gonna read the book either way but it definitely is super anticipated by me and i want to be able to talk about this one at the end of the year in that context like didn't live up to my anticipation so this one comes out on may 3rd next up is set on you which is a book that i put on this list primarily because i've never seen a romance that centers on weightlifting and i love weightlifting so i mean i don't really have to say much more than that this is about a fitness instagrammer like fitness influencer and she has been plagued by trolls for a while and i feel like she gets a little bit of like negative publicity when she starts posting pictures with this new guy at the gym it's a romance between her new guy at the gym who's like a little cocky and like a little bit not nice and uh i don't know it just sounds like everything that i want to read i don't really care about what their relationship dynamic is purported to be i just care that this is a weightlifting romance and i have seen a lot of early reviews for this book and it has pretty much all four and five stars from my friends which i love to see very excited about this one and it comes out may 10th next up is a no-brainer hook line and sinker by tessa bailey this is the second book in the bellinger sisters series the first one being it happened one summer and this follows piper's little sister who's very level-headed definitely not the kind of instagram airhead that piper was and we get to see her friends to lover's relationship with fox who is brendan's best friend that we learned about in the first book i've heard mixed things about this book again early reviews have already come out but i am still excited to read it i don't really care what the reviews say i've heard that this one's maybe a little less smutty i think that's the main complaint that people have but i think knowing that has me tempering my expectations a little bit but it's definitely gonna be on my most anticipated list and this one comes out march 1st next up okay please don't laugh at me but reminders of him by colleen hoover i don't know i have a complicated relationship with colleen hoover books i read one book i read two books and i was kind of like in about her writing i kind of hated one of the books the other one i was kind of like into i took a really long break and then this year i think i was forced to read like two or three of her her titles and i enjoyed almost all of them and then mika said that this was her favorite colleen hoover book and i was like well goddamn i guess i have to pick it up now this book is about kenna who recently got out of prison i want to say she was in prison for five years and her main goal is reuniting with her four-year-old daughter but it seems like no one really wants to let her reunite with her daughter which i think is the main conflict of this story and the only person she is able to find solace in is local bar owner ledger and i think he also has some sort of connection to her daughter as well and just from that description alone i'm sure this is going to be a really hard hitting romance but it is categorized currently on goodreads as a romance so i'm hoping that that is really where this book falls it's so hard to tell with colleen hoover she tends to really straddle genre lines but her books that tend to lean into the romance i tend to prefer so hoping that this is a good book i'm hoping that i enjoy it i tend to trust mika's recommendations for the most part so i'm excited about this one surprisingly and this one comes out january 18th next up we have another book with no release date or cover motel by penelope douglas this is one i feel like that we all know a little bit about if we've read birthday girl there is a motel in that book and there are some characters that we get introduced to and this is going to be a romance between i think the girl that works the front desk at the motel and one of the patrons of the motel and it's supposed to be a standalone contemporary romance not a dark romance which i'm excited about i feel like it's been a while since i've read a penelope douglas book that isn't kind of dark so i have high hopes for this one and i'm very very excited to read it uh it does not have a release date but it does say that it's slated for 2022 and i will be picking it up when it does come out then we have the bodyguard by catherine center this is a book that when i first looked at the cover i was like this doesn't really seem like something i'd be into uh but then i was like okay catherine center how do i know that name before where do i know that name from and i realized i had read a couple of her books they're like women's fiction books and i actually really enjoyed the two that i read and this seems like it's gonna be her first true contemporary romance i want to see how she does it uh this is actually a very interesting story too i read the synopsis and i was like okay i can get into this it is about a female bodyguard she is guarding a guy who i don't think we really know his profession but he has a stalker right now and our heroine bodyguard is protecting him and she ends up having to fake date him because when he goes to his town to take care of his sick mother he doesn't really want to explain to them why he has a bodyguard so the easiest way to kind of trick them or fool them is to pretend that they're dating and they fall in love i think i mean it's a romance so i would assume that they would and uh this just sounds delightful i like when tropes that are in romance kind of get turned on their head and the idea of having a female bodyguard sounds really delightful and i'm excited to see how this story is executed so this book comes out on july 19th next up we have another indie romance twisted hate by anna huang i am excited for this one i won't lie i loved the first two books in the series even though like the heroes are a little too alpha for my legging even though the plots can be a little ridiculous there's just something about her writing that is so captivating and i really like the way that she writes muddy scenes i won't lie this is going to be an enemies-to-lover story between jules and josh i believe there are two characters that we learned about previously in the series i'm just i mean i'm signing up for every book in the series like i'm gonna read them all and i'm excited about it this one is slated to come out january 27th and i'm just excited to see anna hwong's take on a traditional enemies to lovers book next up we have a book that i found in my research deep in the goodreads list world and it is called praise this book doesn't have a cover yet but it does have a synopsis and it is an age gap romance between a boss and employee and the heroine's boss is actually her ex-boyfriend's father so you know i was signing up for that it seems like this is going to definitely be a forbidden romance it does seem like there's also kind of a kink element to this the synopsis of it gives me secretary the movie vibes so this just seems like everything that i'm gonna like i've never read anything by this author before but one of my goals for 2022 is to read more books by indie authors that i've never read from before i feel like i tend to just get stuck reading one author in their entire back list which you know we love to support one person but like i want to broaden my horizons and i'm excited to do it hopefully with this book which comes out on march 17th another indie another penelope douglas book falls boys uh this follows the children of the all-away series characters this first one it seems like is going to be a semi-enemy's lover story between a bully like mean girl wrong side of the tracks heroin and the kind of like good boy upstanding citizen hero i feel like i never really read books like this and if i have they're usually not done very well but i think penelope douglas has the ability to make this work for me i don't know i feel like bad girl romances don't tend to really do it for me but i'm excited about this one and it is supposed to come out march 21st and i'm really really hyped about it next up we have what i'm considering to be one entry but it's technically three it is the three novellas that are coming out by ali hazelwood in may june and july they are all kind of like steminous is what they're calling them they're they're these like feminist stem novellas that are kind of in the same world i want to say as the love hypothesis and definitely the same vibes but since ali hazelwood is so good at writing these sort of like fanfic trope stories i feel like these novellas are going to be perhaps a little bit smutty and maybe will be something like short and sweet to read between some of the longer stuff that i'm sure i'll be reading next year so i'm definitely anticipating all three of these i briefly read all of the synopsis and it seems like there is going to be like tropes in there definitely some good enemies to love your stuff which i'm excited about and then lastly we have ruby fever by luna andrews this is the third book in the catalina alessandro like part of the hidden legacy series and i'm excited to see how their little trilogy ends and i'm hoping that we get the youngest sisters trilogy after this but this is a highly anticipated book for me and a lot of people i'm sure uh this was supposed to be published i want to say in 2020 and it has gotten pushed back a couple of times supposed to be coming out august 23rd of this year and i mean it's set in a magical houston i'm from houston i'm i mean i'm all for it i've already read the other books in the series too so it's not just like i'm going off of those two things but it is a book that i'm very excited about personally so those are the 17 ish books that i am most excited about most anticipated on my list for 2022. like i said i think this list might grow as the year goes on but i'm hoping to check in with y'all in december of next year on whether or not i've read all of these books and what i thought about them when i do read them so thanks so much for watching this video let me know in the comments down below what your most anticipated romances of 2022 are i'm looking to add to my own tbr which is probably a little silly because i have way too many books to read next year but i still want to know what y'all are looking forward to in 2022 let me know any books that i missed but uh thanks so much for watching i love you all so much and until tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: chandler ainsley
Views: 8,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wi-fztHZ_q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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