How I Skin Deer And Why I Do It This Way

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hey guys welcome to traditional bowl hunting wilderness podcast this is jason samkovac today we're going to skin this deer i'm going to show you how i do it um i i don't like doing these kind of videos because a lot of the videos out there everybody's got an opinion everybody's got their attitude on it i don't care how you do it i don't care if you want them hanging the other way up i i don't care any of that kind of stuff so i don't want to hear any complaining this is just my way if it benefits you you get something out of it fantastic um but i do mind a lot different than a lot of people do i've been doing it for a long time and and i just learned early on that this is the way that works best for me works for your ways better whatever the case is like i said i know that i'm in the minority in the way i do it but maybe that's the benefit for you because there's a million videos out there that show you how everybody does it so this is how i do it a little different kind of setup i got this dough shot this dough opening morning and we're gonna go ahead and go through it i don't need a lot of stuff to skin with you can use any knife you want you can use your pocket knife um you know i got a million knives over here but uh you know i use just a simple dexter russell paring knife most the time got havalon's a simple filet knife just a simple four inch fillet knife works fantastic whatever you want to use whatever you want to do there are a couple things that i do use that do come in very handy that is going to be a carpenter knife like this just your standard everyday carpenter knife where yeah so focus right there and then these little curled blades right there these little bitty uh you know carpenter carpet blades are what they're called i buy them i've done videos on this stuff but uh like right here these milwaukees where he actually sent center in right there doesn't matter who makes them milwaukee the wall doesn't doesn't really matter who they're made by um but they work very well for doing a lot of your cuts so we will be using that on here as well too right now i got a standard blade in here we'll use this here i'll change that out here i'll pause it when i'm ready to do that but starting with basically just my paring knife but take that paring knife and i'm going to just touch it up a little bit sharpen it here just make sure it's all good and ready so we just hit it a couple of times trying to keep it centered in there but just make sure that's ready this is not a steel this is a sharpening rod it's ceramic so it's sharpening it not just honing it but so i make sure that's good and ready this deer was shot with a single bevel uh a boy or broadhead and it was shot on a slight quartering two angle from about five yards it went in right here perfectly like i wanted and then on this side you can see it snapped that leg right off i mean this deer is stiff as it can be you know it's been you know it was uh two days ago that i shot it but you can see that leg is completely busted right off so that arrow went through the top here i think it just missed the shoulder blade but went in right about there blew through and busted that whole leg completely out this deer just plowed and snowed face plowed and skimmed and went 50 yards i heard it crash and she was done so perfect simple setup now what i like to do when i'm skinning these is i got a couple things i'm going to do first of all okay notice it's head up i do head up on purpose that's my preference i like it better that way and as i process it you'll see and the reason for that is i don't have to fight the rest of the body hanging by the hands when i'm ready to take the hindquarters off the skin for me comes off easier this way rather than working it from up there i don't have to do any kind of weird cuts and since i already have this main line you'll see that it's pretty simple so for me head up works a lot better um and then i'm not fighting the skin all the way down and messing with it i can take it from here down now if you're gonna mount your animal you don't want to do it head up okay if you're going to mount the animal you want to do it from the bottom because you want to be able to take everything from about here the height from here you want to ring cut from here and then take it straight up the back or some you talk to your taxidermist but most want you to ring cut it here take it straight up the back and peel all this forward and keep the legs on there so they have plenty of hide to work with i i don't mount deer i don't care how big they are i don't i have one that i mounted for myself 15 years 18 years ago and i have uh you know what i did for my wife we had mounted her first buck but other than that i i don't do them so i i don't do shoulder mounts so for me this is a simple easy process i'm gonna make five ring cuts here okay i'm gonna ring cut each of the legs right here right off the bat i'm gonna ring cut ring cut ring cut ring cut ring cut all right so once i had those ring cuts done then i'm going to do line cuts that's going to bring this together it's pretty simple but i'm going to take this knife and i'm just going to ring cut this right around here i don't have to worry about tendons or anything like that because it's not hanging from there but i just want that ring cut all the way around and loose so it comes right off like that skin free skin free okay do the same thing here ring cut it so that skin is free i'm not taking the legs off i'm not using a a saw i'm not messing with none of that stuff i don't need to so i got that ring cut and make sure it's all the way around that one's ring cut there yep there we go slash loose ring cut doing the same thing right down here ring cutting this all the way around right around i don't care about that tending because i'm not here i'm not carrying it from there i'm not hanging it from that tendon so it doesn't matter to me so that's ring cut right there come into here ring cut this one cut right through that tenon i don't care it doesn't matter because i'm not hanging it for those tendons so i got that ring cut so there's ring cuts there now i'm going to lower it down so i can recover that like that right here ring cutting carefully i want to just i don't want to cut through the meat here too much i want to be able to just get that skin so i'm just ring cutting it right around just like so that should be cut and ring cut all the way around we should be good checking that now this cut you do get some hair because there's a lot of hair here so that's why i'm doing this stuff before i start opening this deer up and skinning into it but i want that cut through the skin like that and there we go we are cut ring cut ring cut skin cut skin cut there we go so we got that hide cut all the way around make sure i got it back here yes okay so now we got those cuts made on there okay now i can keep using this knife if i want to but i'm going to pause it we're going to use that other one just to show you the advantage of that blade but you could keep using this if you wanted to let me do that okay there you go we have that you can see it right there that's that carpet blade on there makes it just really easy so now we have the carpet blade on there with this steer set can you still see that good yeah we'll bring it up a little bit here for you all right so with this set here and if you you know it's electric voice i have very nice if you don't have this standard gamble works perfect i'll insert a picture of one i did videos on gambles i did videos on the pulley systems i have that stuff but i will show you some of that for you as well too with an inset picture uh the electric hoist just makes it nice i've had it for it's been hanging here for 20 years and it works like a champ but now so what we have is we have these cuts since i already have this cut here from when i gutted this here and i have this cut here i want to basically just hook on here and run that right on down just like this right on down to that cut so now i'm opened up all the way through there see how sweet slick and easy that was now on here i want to go from here to this cut in a leg so i'm hooking on here and going right down here right across top of the skin right there now that's peeled but do the same thing right on this side come right down here to that one and now that is also peeled open look at all the blood shot oh you can already see it in there from hitting that shoulder and now on the bottoms let me bring this up all right can you see the hams in there yes okay since i already have this cut from when i processed or when i skinned this or uh dressed this deer out field dressed it i'm just gonna take this knife and i'm gonna cut right here to that spot to that ring cut there right here to that ring cut right there okay see now i open all that stuff is opened up right there okay just makes life easy now this deer is ready okay it's split from there and i can take it down if you want to now normally that's how i would go but let's just say you wanted to make it even easier you could simply hook this right on the back and run right down the back like this straight on down and now that's even going to make it even easier now you can almost take it off in half now you don't have to do that none of this is a have to you can do it any way you want to when i'm roaming these things in the field i do it from here this way because it's laying on the ground again there's no rhyme or reason and there is no right or wrong way whatever works for you but now this is done but you saw how quick that was to do all those cuts this thing is just amazing now if i wanted to since i'm bringing those off those legs are coming off like that too i could also take this here as i skin and i start bringing that down i could skin this from this elbow right to the bottom of this like that to make it even easier okay i mean there is no there is no right or wrong way to doing this okay whatever works to get it off there we're not keeping this high i'm throwing this hide out so it doesn't matter to me how many pieces you cut it into or what you do with it all right that's the whole point i'm trying to make here but this front side that i showed you this is how i always do this okay ring cuts to here to here to here those five cuts are mandatory this one here in the back like i said does make life a little bit easier but now i am done with this okay so i don't need that anymore going back to my standard simple just a paring knife it works fantastic if i lower this deer down i'm going to start it off so i'm going to start from right here where i made that cut okay and i'm going to start working this it's always a little tricky in the beginning here until you get it started once you get it started life gets a lot easier okay but you got to kind of get it going here to begin with and you got to get that hide hang on there we go you don't want to take much meat here so it takes a second to kind of get her figured out like so okay so right there all right now since i have the front and the back cut here okay so i have the front right here the back right here i can take this whole section off in one side now if you didn't do that back i would keep working it around but since i already have this right here like this basically just working it right on down right here like this i mean it's not you know i mean half of it comes down on its own just from pulling and when you get here by the shoulder since you already did that initial inside cut right here where we split from here to here it's a lot easier you're just working it right around the outside of the shoulder there's no reason to get over compensated or carried away with this just bring it right on down here's the shoulder yeah a lot of damage in here for that head okay but you're just taking this right off of here it just makes life pretty easy to do it this way and you can see with that cut in the back it's even simpler because i don't have to fight this whole deer all the way around i could just take this one side off right here of course i picked the blood shot beat up broken side here first to start with to show you but and since i split this leg already you can see stopped moving we bring it down a little bit here now i'm leaving but since i already split this leg on both sides it's very quick and easy to just work right around this okay it doesn't take long at all and once you get down past this shoulder you try doing it before this pocket you're going to jam up but once you get to this point here um you can basically pull it right off i mean it's not going to fight you too much i like to get it off the bottom of the leg there split this side on the inside just like this so that's there that's basically off and clean set like that and now when you have this a trick for pulling this this is very slippery trying to grab onto here and pull you can do it as you see but an easy trick to make that life a lot simpler for example hang on grab one here so if we take if we grab like this rag here this old t-shirt if you take this rag and you grab hold of the slimy side the inside it bites on that rag really good roll it in there once and you can pull and you can see it makes it a lot easier to pull if you're wearing junk clothes you can take your arm and force it down in there if you want to but it just makes life a lot easier than trying to hold on to that this the shirt will grip onto this stuff really good and pull i didn't take that part off yet but with the back side here like this where we got that cut you can see that it just grabs and pulls put your weight down into it like that nothing to it now we got more cutting to do right here to bring this side around okay and then we take this section here that we have in the front we just got to bring this to it take that right off of there got the inside right here by the elbow again like i said i'm dealing with a broken leg here so it's a little tricky the other side will be easier but just pulling that right on down and then you got to get again that pocket set right here excuse me like so it's like i said just very simple just working the hide right on down you get to a point again where it loosens up grab your shirt come in here grab the wet part of that where it's there you can push that right off just like that i mean there's really nothing to it see i mean i'm already basically this whole half of the deer is skinned now i got to do the inside of that leg but i mean as you can see i'll bring it up a little higher just just a very simple process i mean there's nothing to it it just takes it right off just peels it right down peels it right off got to do the inside of that leg right there and that's that's half of that deer is done that's that here's the tendon and that's all there is to it i mean we just skinned of that deer right there done sweet and easy throw that right in the garbage bag now it's definitely a faster process if we didn't do this cut in the back because then you're taking it all down at one time but i wanted to show you how easy that is so you do that and then we just do the same thing on the other side like i said we would have did it all in one would have been done all at once is a whole unit here if we didn't put the cut on the back but since we did now we got to do this side always the toughest to start around your first cut here just grab the corner where that inside seam is work it around now spin it so you can see let's see where i had that flap right there grabbing that flap just cutting it back like this and just start working it right on down try to leave the meat on it here okay and bring it right down let's spin it so you can see here just like this don't start wrenching and pulling on this until you have meat free see i got a little bit of meat left on here that should have been left there you don't want to take that you want to leave that meat on the hot or on a deer so you can eat that okay so don't start tugging hard until you've got that free of meat until it's just basically the seam of the hide that you're pulling on so you start wrenching right now you rip meat off this thing and you don't want to do that but neck meat's always a little trickier to work around right there because it's the high spin here okay and there we go that's where that entry hole is right there that's why that's like that right there broadhead does it does some damage there's no doubt about it okay so get this hide off of here gotta kind of get out of this pocket right here on the shoulder the hide goes in and comes back out so you gotta kind of work it out of there like so just like that just bringing it right on down but you don't want to start tugging until you get to a point where tugging is going to work for you if you start pulling too early or at the wrong time you start ripping through stuff and you don't want to do that okay so let's just cut that right out of there there we go and we got this section here this is that kind of the armpit part and since this one is rigor mortis here you got to kind of work in there you can't really move that arm out of the way so you got to kind of just work your way through there like that bring that high down pop that bring this side around then just take keep start working your hide down here okay it's not hard just following a seam of that stretch you stretch it you'll see that light stuff and you just keep working it down okay you can let the knife do the work for you like that or you can put some muscle in it and pull it but either way it's just working that edge on there million videos out here that show how to do that okay so once like i want it past all this before i start talking on it myself so there's that there's that i want this inside corner out of here that inside corner is always kind of the trickiest again especially when riga mortis is set in there we go bring those down okay now you can go back to using if you want taking your old t-shirt your towel whatever you got grab hold of this and let that you know let it do its work for you if you want to grab it pull it put that shirt on there really grabs hold of that wet stuff real easy and makes it come down a lot easier so it's a it's a good little trick for you oh see that right there if you start pulling too hard you're going to start taking that meat you don't want to do that i'll get that out of there when i do there we go okay but very easy to do not complicated like i said i like it head up because then it's ready set for me for processing when i'm ready very simple easy to do bring it up a little higher to work on it so and if it's warm meaning you do this early enough before you know mine's been hanging for two days this will pull a lot better for you you know earlier on you get it so by just taking that high pull it right basically right down off of there just like that she'll peel right off nothing too crazy nothing too complicated now i'm gonna have to get the inside of that leg in one sec here did i get the inside or i just break it off nope we got it pulled it right off perfect good that's done then we take that tail off so um you know you can skin that or do whatever you want to do that tail is obviously going to come out but that there is how i skin a deer simple easy no having to cut legs when i process these quarters out it'll be real easy for me to not i don't have to mess with these legs no reason to cut them off i already have them out of the way everything is taken care of that deer is basically ready right now set and ready for me to start processing um but i don't know how long that took i mean but usually you can do this whole skinning thing about five minutes really if you want to it's not too bad um yeah pretty crazy that devastation is that what oh that is trunk there yeah that's pretty that is pretty crazy that hit went right through the top of that shoulder right there that is insane and look at that leg look at that broken leg and damage i mean it split the whole thing right in half completely gone right there i mean it's completely pretty impressive i'm not gonna lie so anyway though that's how i skin a deer your system your way of doing it may be a hundred percent different you may have different things but like i said i thought maybe by showing you mine maybe you would pick up something that might be beneficial for you okay i don't want people complaining telling me i'm doing it wrong telling me i'm not this isn't the right way there is no right way there is no wrong way it's your meat you cut it up any way you want to but i just showed you how easy and fast that was to skin it and like i said it's actually a lot quicker if you don't put the cut down the back and you just take it down as all one but again just goes to show you there is no right way or wrong way if that's easier for you and you don't have the muscle on your hands and you get you know they ache and you're going to fight trying to pull both sides of this off and work it all the way around and keep it coming down as one throw that extra cut down the back and just work one side then work the other like i did there's no reason to over complicate this do it your way whatever is going to work best for you is what matter is matt what matters the most and uh there you go thanks for watching maybe i'll actually do a video as i start to cut this dude up tomorrow and i'll show you some of that but like i said not hard to skin an animal very easy to do it that's the way i do it and all i used was a paring knife just a simple dexter russell paring knife and a carpenter blade with a cut with a carpet hook on it i mean it doesn't get any easier than that you don't need anything fancy i could have used a knife in my pocket and a zula like i said very very simple process so thanks for watching i'll be back with more stuff soon all right bye
Channel: Traditional Bowhunting And Wilderness Podcast
Views: 106,981
Rating: 4.7170668 out of 5
Keywords: traditional bowhunting, stickbow, longbow, recurve, trad bow, bowhunting, knife sharpening, best field sharpener, sharpening broadheads, how to sharpen a knife, survival, winderness survival, tuff head, best broad head, traditional broad head, 2 blade broad head, strongest broadhead, deer hunting, bear hunting, elk hunting, traditional archery, single bevel broad head, traditional arrows, wood arrows, recurve arrow tuning, longbow tuning, broadhead tuning
Id: KG0pgoPwweo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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