Best Way To Hang A Tree Stand Fast Safe And Easy

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hey guys welcome to traditional bow hunting in wilderness podcast is a Jason Sam Kovac and today we're gonna go step by step how to climb and how to set up a tree stand on this tree I'm gonna break it off down for you I've done a video a few years ago that showed how fast you can do this cuz I can literally be from the base of this tree once I pick that tree up in it and set up in in under five minutes but for this one I'm gonna take it slow so instead of showing you how fast it can be done I'm gonna show you all of the steps in one shot so you understand the best way to do it safest way to do it and a great way to get all your gear up there the whole deal so we're gonna go through it so my wife Tina's kind of behind the camera she's gonna do some panning to help make this easier for us and we're gonna go ahead and show you how to do this so this is how I would be walking in keep in mind if you see me start sweating it is 91 degrees out here today it is hot and and our furnace is out for some reason so we don't have air in the house so it's been hot all day but this is how I would be walking into the woods right here I got my bowl if I'm using my XO fountain gear pack the standard stuff would be sandwiched between the pack and the frame on this kuyou bag I just carry it right on the outside like that sweet simple easy way to walk to the tree this is simple to do but so let's say that I decided I'm gonna pick this tree here alright I looked it over I'm like okay that's gonna work now I need to get my stuff ready I'm gonna set my bow down right here just so it's right here out of the way I'm gonna pop the pack off putting the pack around I'm gonna just set it right here for a second so I can detach it from my stands and stuff there the pack is now free to different parts I set that right there for a minute I'm gonna just lean it against the tree while I get my harness and all my stuff I open my pack up my harness is right here which hopefully is not all twisted which happens more often than you would think and we are good and we are good so I don't put my harness on I'll keep in mind this is set for when I'm wearing more heavier clothing and I'm not changing it out so if the harness looks a little loose or things like that like that it's alright I'm leaving it that way just I'll tighten that up a touch but then we put this on make sure we're good I prefer to bring my harness into the woods and put it on at the tree like this rather than walk in with it the reason to that is because of bursts as I'm walking through the woods as I go through birds birds gets caught on all of these straps and all this stuff and then it ends up being a pain in the butt because everything sticking together and making noise when I walk when those birds start rubbing together so I prefer keep my harness in my bag keep it clean and perfect till I get out here now I also need my lima belt so I'm gonna take my Lyman belt out of there I'm gonna throw that on right here so I have it handy and I also I'm gonna need my haul line to bring this stuff up in the tree now I also notice on this tree when I look at it you guys may not see him there but I got one two three branches that I'm not going to be able to use my lineman belt on on this tree that I'm not going to be able to swing up past so what I'm gonna do to fix that and count and be ready for that ahead of time before I even start is I'm going to loosen up my belt on here so that it's preset for me for about where I think I'm gonna need for around that tree something about like that I'm gonna put a knot in here to take up some of that slack and then that way I gave myself basically a second lineman belt to get me around those branches which I will show you so it'll all make sense on there for you so we're gonna take that I'm going to Snug that up just a touch more exciting to be a little bit more kind of about like right there so I'm just putting this in here to take the slack out of it off to right right off the bat here if I got adjusted up there I will but this way I'm preset that's gonna hang behind me my whole line with this what I'm gonna do what I want to do here is I want to have this set and ready so I'm gonna take this I'm going to connect this little loop that I have on here to the carabiner that I have on my backpack so that is set now I'm going to take my bow over here and I'm gonna set it with my pack and I'm gonna put the top loop of that through my bow loop twice like that now I'm gonna be able to take both of those up to tree together at the same time so I just pull out my line make sure it's good just like that and then I'm going to just place this right on to me somewhere usually I just wrap it right through here and clip it to itself there done so now when I go up I don't have to come down to get my pack or my bowl I don't have to have two lines to get tangled everything is sweet simple easy and right there convenient together so it makes it nice so now that we got everything ready all I got to do is get the stand set this is how I carry my sticks and stands in I've done things videos on this maybe I'll do another one hide you stroll strap there pop this one off here too you throw that right there pull the sticks up or the steps off lean them against the tree like that both of these I just throw them on the ground right at the base of the tree and leave them the tree stand goes on my back like so so that I'm already bottom stick has got an eight or loop on here this loop allows me to put this stuff really high see normally I would have to put that stuff about right there to be able to get to that stuff because I have this a Terron I can run this stick way up as high as I can reach so I can actually put this like right here high up as I can go and I can be just fine because of the fact that I had that aider on there which is like a step on the bottom it gives me one extra step on there so I snub that on gaint it down always set your stuff you don't want to just start and climb on it if it was not set like this because if you step on it you might end up pulling that top away from there that gets wobbly so whenever you put a stick or a stand on set it every good yank make sure it's set also want to kind of take an eyeball for a minute and think about your step positions whether I want to go right or left wherever you end this stuff on your first stick with a three stick set like I use whichever side your first stick is on is the same side that your top stick is going to be on where that matters is because I know I want my stand facing out this way off that tree that's why I'm over here it would almost be easier to climb this side because of the fact that this is a angles back a little bit but I want my stand facing that way so I'm gonna come straight up this side and I want to have this stick on the top with my step here so I can step from there onto my stand so that's the reason I have that position so otherwise if I needed to come in from the other side I would have switched this over so that it matches that way so something to think about if you're running for sticks it's going to be opposite three sticks whatever your first one is right here that's what your top one will be running for stacks it sticks up it'll be the exact opposite so something to keep in mind this is the position that I want to run this in now another thing to keep in mind I have branches on this tree right here that allow me to hang that stick right there that's a gold mine that's beautiful makes it really easy for me if I did not have that option to do that what I would do is I would take this stick put it over here stretch that out and I would hang it right on here which I'll do for you just so you can see and understand it so now I'm ready to get up this tree I'm not putting my line my belt on until I'm actually on this stick okay you could try doing it from here but it's just you don't get enough slack to be able to climb because of how far I put this stick if I'm gonna spread a stick out or try to maximize my height I can get with this amount of sticks that I have I want to do that in the first one where I'm closest to the ground I don't want to start stretching sticks out way up there so I want to do it here which is why that aiders here which is all the benefits of this so this is why I have it like I do now so basically put my foot in that ater strap gives me that height that first step right off the bat once I go up all right climb up put on that one there I'm up and then once I'm here at this point under my thing now I'm going to put on that linemen ball so I take that belt throw it on right here so I'm locked on good and safe I am secure I am safe I have both hands-free I have a strap right here to bring all my crap up what I get there and I have all my sticks here so now I'm gonna take this stick to one it was hanging on my stuff and bring it up here to me so I'm gonna take this climb up on here always teach that line the belt running up high with you like this I'm snugging it up touched tighter now I'm hanging this one as a roll awesome if you put it about me high or the other one see how this knee is bent right here if you put your stick right about there that's pretty good height I usually one my attach higher but that's pretty good general area and then when I lock this stick on it like I said notice how I get to have both hands completely free hey I don't have to be hanging on a tree or monkeying around it's sweet it's simple it's functional and I don't have to mess with nothing sum that up good for your side like that fold down to lock it always set locks good so that's on there good nice and set now because my foot is over there I need to swing this step over because I'm gonna go with this one onto there and I'm gonna go this way and I'm gonna set those kicker part we have a branch right over here that you may not see that I cannot get my lineman belt to go up and will not come up any higher than that right there so now we got a problem what I'm gonna do to fix that problem is I'm going to grab my belt from here I'm gonna step up the ties and I can get on there where I'm safe I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna throw it around this tree like this get it up there like that I'm gonna lock this on and that is going to keep me safe well I disconnect this line my belt push it around get set maintaining points of contact I'm gonna then take this one and bring it around that one above that branch reconnect it in then I can disconnect this one I'm just gonna let it hang something to come back to that here in a little while for another branch someone just hang so now I'm sad I can go up on the next one I need to bring this stick up with me or I'll have to come down for it fortunately there's a branch right here if there wasn't a bridge well pretend there's not I would then hanging this on here again on this step but you got to come underneath your lima belts because you can't disconnect that line about so I come under and I hang it there and I just set it and then let it sit right there so now as I go up the street giving myself a little more slack I step on there they come up to here keep bringing a lineman belt up with me just like that and now I'm gonna grab this stick so I'm going to go to that step I hold it I come up to this step here bring myself in good and tight take this stick set it right on here where I want again just above knee high put it on the tree swing your room lock it on set it again as we said always studies this one a little bit higher than I want something to bring that down just a smidge just like that am i loosen it set it that's what we're looking for locker in we're good true time good now set my steps like so and my linemen belt will not come up pass that one because I got another branch here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this put it back around there let it get up here when I come set it like this and have it lock down pull it now I'm state theirs then I'm going to disconnect that lineman belt bring it over that branch put your back to here reconnect it as you can see now I'm disconnecting that top one again there we go just like so now once I climb up on here about that make sure it's locked in bring you line the belt up with you right about there now when I go to hang this stand I want my stand about flusher just a little bit higher I do not want to have to step from this stick way up into here and kick that stand out that gets to be a problem so I don't want to do that so what I'm going to do is I want to try to get my stand position platform be about right here tricky part to this try to not have your rope be between your your batwing and your platform or you have to try to fish this through there to get it up it's kind of a pain in the butt so what I want to try to do give myself enough slack to get up luckily this branch here is small enough I can wiggle right around it but come up like that get my house up there so it's out of the way bring my stand over here make sure you have your strap right here out of there like so disconnect this but notice again how both of my hands are free I'm safe I'm secure I'm locked in I'm not going anywhere there's the stand take it open it figure out where I want to put it I'm gonna look for putting it about right there just a little bit below there I don't want to be right on that strap of this stick and I don't want to be right above it where I'm gonna slide into it so I'm going to choose to go just below it right there like that where's that set I'm gonna take the strap make sure it's set right for that bring in a room I'll get right into here and lock it on and then now before you snug this always make sure the back of the strap the strap are on the back of the tree is parallel you know you're going around the tree to the right at the right direction you don't want to have the back of this slouch and way down low or it's going to slip on you well then you get it set once you have it set and locked in again take a look at the angle of that platform I want to adjust that real faster that's a little bit too steep for me so we're gonna bring that into there so that's gonna level out nice way even go one more that's what I'm looking for right there now before I get into this okay the stand a little wobbly that strap that's tight but the problem is because I just snug this up tight if I still find this this batwing is going to pull away from the tree you have to set your skin when I say set um I mean lock them in so I like to lift the platform B smash it down give it a good push down reset it like that okay that's that's it like that or if you get real lady as I often do before I step into it I come with my lime in belt still safe and secure I come right over top and I give it a good smack like that now I know that stand is safe notice Limon belt is still on I am still safe and securely attached to this tree now I want to attach with this one so I'm going to take this I am going to throw it around right here behind me get this set where I want it lock it into the tree that's about perfect Slackware I'm looking for it so I want to be able to move a little bit so now I'm safely set with that one this one this Lyman belt I can pop right off I take it right off and I just set it on a branch just like this and I let it be right there while I'm hunting now I disconnect my Lyman belt or my haul line I personally just take it and I hook it right on the cleave cable here and let it slag right down just sits right there like that doesn't bother anything when I pull this up if you'll see if it starts to come off the tree I have my pack and I have my bowl in one nice neat little package that comes up together when it gets to here I grab the pack and I grab the bow I just set the pack right there where it's safe I just connect my bow take it out double loop off I look for a place where I can hang it at right now that might work right there good and then I take my pack disconnect it from the hall line like so I just dropped the hall line don't worry about it and then I take my bag and on this side I'm gonna hook it right on that batwing okay you can I'm gonna do it on this side here well I could probably do it on this side so you can see it but there's right on that batwing I just let it hang right down there so now as I'm up here hunting and I'm set up anything I need out of my pack is right here very easy for me to get especially my water bottles would sit right there my lunches stuff sits in there so I am good this is it that's how you hang it stand sweet simple and safe the whole way up so sorry that said sweating like crazy here but there it is that's up that's the whole process like I said safe from the bottom all the way to the top and when you come down you go the exact same thing doing it backwards as you go down with this belt around every branch with your Lyman belt on the whole way down sweet simple process keeps you safe normally if it's not a hundred degrees you would not get sweaty doing this and be overworked as you saw I talked the whole way up it's a no exertion in it whatsoever just sweat from the heat but perfect way to do it thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it and I'll be back with more stuff soon we'll talk to you later bye
Channel: Traditional Bowhunting And Wilderness Podcast
Views: 174,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tree stand, deer hunting, hanging treestands, lone wolf treestands, bowhunting, traditional bowhunting, tree stand hunting, tree stand safety, best way to hang a tree stand, quite tree stand, fast way to hang a tree stand, longbow hunting, recurve hunting, traditional archery, stickbow hunting, custom linemans belt, deer hunting tactics, bowhunting tactics, huting with a traditional bow, lone wolf climbing sticks, lone wolf climbing tree stand, lone wolf climber
Id: U8S2RWCbNxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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