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hey guys welcome back to jt outdoors today we're talking about food blocks i'll show you some of the ingredients here that we put into these food blocks for the beer here we got just some full kernel corn just got it from the local farmer and then here we've got some oats you can also buy like quick oats and stuff but i prefer using just regular oats like you do with cattle and stuff them too we don't use as much of these next two are pretty big ingredients we got some dried molasses here and we got some poultry layer concentrate it's very good with the calcium helps the beer get all their vitamins and all that stuff they need in there over here we've got some salt or sugar just some granular sugar there helps stuff stick together and here's that quick oats just but then up here you got it regular utensils you need you got spatulas and stuff pot holders that's a big one then your pans we like to keep the big pans that way we can get all we can into them so we're not shoving so many pans in there at a time and over here we got our corn syrup that also stuff really stick together good helps it pack into the buckets good you got your vegetable oil and then you gotta have a lot of buckets when you're making food blocks like this especially when you want to put the numbers of food blocks out there and last but not least you need a something to pound the block in we just use a regular tamper what we use for putting fence in and but that's about all you need when you're making food blocks just takes a little time and effort and you can really turn off some pretty good blocks all right guys we're here first step here you take this culture layer concentrate and dry molasses and then we alternate until we get four cups of each in the bucket one one one two two you could also just dump all four of one in at a time and just keep it that way we like to do this so it gets mixed now the next step is put a cup of oats and a cup of corn in there then you just very well repeat the process until you get the bucket to your desired amount that you want your block to make one two two all right now we're going to dump a cup of sugar in and you also take a couple of the quick oats or you don't have to add this if you have oats but we just had it so we figured we could use it up we're going to do another setup another set of boats and corn depending on how big a box you are you want you can keep going more what would you say more bigger block we're going to repeat this process one more time you can also kind of make formula up to however you want you can also just add more molasses and culture layer concentrate or you can go down and add more cornrows it just depends what your formula wants and however you want to make it since we got enough corn oats we're gonna do an extra scoop for each one corn is pretty high in protein gives that deer extra boost in protein and helping through the winter then the next step is we're going to mix this and you can use your tamper for it or you can mix it in a bucket i'll demonstrate the bucket first you just take your an empty bucket and you just scroll away pour that into there [Music] then we'll just mix them another two three times depending on how how much or how often you would go you could stir it in between this to help mix a little better but this saves your arms a little bit better if you're making a lot more blocks we'll use the tamper to finish off just hold that stirring we're going to mix it one more time step number two all right now we're gonna this time we're gonna want to start breathing here so we set the oven i hope you can show you ethan we'll set it to you want to pre-heat your oven temperature that you put it on and then we'll explain the bacon a little later but then you get your pans ready and this is when the vegetable oil comes into play just take a little group in each one don't take a lot just then you take some towels which i'll go grab quick all right you got your towel just take it push it around cover the whole pan the best you can don't have to be completely drenched just enough to get it down it helps prevent it get a little sticky so then all the ingredients don't stick to the side or the bottom of the pan then you can't use it out how's that look garrett that's good all right it's nice to have garbage garbage can at hand we'll just use this empty bucket you can always reuse these we'll hop to the next step that's when you pour your ingredients into the pan you want to you know evenly layer them you don't want one big blob one pan fit two pans fits one whole bucket five gallon bucket of feed uh we tried keeping the even we can that way when you cook them you're not getting one that's packed full and then you get one that's got not much in it so next step is we will be adding your corn syrup and your vegetable oil to that one cup of corn syrup so how many ounces is that this is 32 3 ounces yeah we can use one for safe this kind of helps desire the stickiness that you'd like so you'll just split this bottle evenly between both the pans you'll do one per block one thing that can help if you have to you can take the label off to be able to see but with these they're kind of handy to have an open back get out a little bit more then just add the next half to the next pin two pans equals one block so and if you have to another good thing is to just leave it angled up while you add your vegetable oil fill one cup up with vegetable oil this is per pan kind of spread it out like you do with the corn syrup evenly disperse it another cup let's first add in this pin as well that corn syrup drain out see how you get a lot of excess if you tip it up you really don't want to leave that in there because then you're wasting corn syrup at that point next step would be mix it then you just want to take your spatula you know any utensil that works best and this is you got to be careful with this because you can easily spill but you really want to mix that corn syrup and vegetable oil in you get nice and sticky fold it in stir it in however however you like doesn't matter as long mix it like this you'll see it'll start to clump up eventually the more you mix it in all right now that we got this uh mixed up with the corn stuff you can see it's more gumbo like sticky thicker we are now the next step would be taking them into the oven but we want to make sure our edges are cleaned off so that's not falling into your oven when you're trying to take them off set your utensil aside we got the oven at 350. we're just going to set them in careful don't burn yourself set one in put the bottom one in now we're gonna set the timer for 15 minutes now while you're waiting for them to cook it's a good thing to take your bun take your rag your egg's already dusted vegetable oil you want to line the sides of the bucket the vegetable oil this allows for you know an easy block pull out tip it upside down and just falls out i'm actually going to add a little bit more vegetable oil know it doesn't have to be a lot just a little dab mix that around the bottom this makes it way easier way quieter when you drop your front to top and your blocks off out in the field put that back in the garbage set that aside wait for them to cook all right while we're letting that cook one thing you could be doing is mixing more but we'll talk to you about the importance of these food blocks you know ethan and i just got done checking trail cameras and i mean it took two weeks for these deer to heat up these blocks that's how much they love them you know during the winter there's not as much food so in turn these blocks are like little pieces of heaven for them you know we've had seven eight deer on a block at once yeah there's also when it when it snows you tend to get a lot more pictures on these deer when the snow's covering all their other food sources they come to bees focus on them when they spend a lot of time there yes and also about your trail cameras when you're coming to put these on food blocks and stuff you kind of want to watch the settings you got it on it means they're going to be in front of the camera usually a little longer probably set your camera setting a little further back in 15 30 seconds then you're not getting a couple thousand pictures yes yeah it's great concentrates deer to one area so you get a lot of trail camera pictures good for you know the health and nutrition of the deer and also good you know deer inventory what survived what happened to five and another thing is you lay these blocks out chances are they'll shed their antlers there if you get lucky i mean ethan had what two sheds found on his block last year so i mean for in terms of shed hunting that's a great aspect as well now that we got the pans out of the oven for the first 15 minutes we're gonna take a wooden spoon anything we're going to stir them up and then we're going to put them back in the oven for another 10 minutes so have a pot when they're ready because the pans are still hot just want to stir them like this don't break them off the edges pull it towards you try not to make it too big of a mess it's really easy too if you do clean it up breaking those big chunks this just allows it to cook the inside a little bit better repeat that process for this pan so after you stir them we're going to put them back in the oven then we're going to set the timer for another 10 minutes and let those cook and once they get done we'll put them into the bucket timer goes off we're gonna take it out of the oven we're gonna take it out of the oven now careful the pans are hot and they're also flipped deep you burn yourself quite easily take them out put them on top of the oven careful not to spill if it happens to happen put your new pans in set your timer for 15 minutes you just repeat that process so we're going to have them in the oven for 15 minutes i'm going to take them out we're going to stir them put them in for another 10 minutes these ones are already done so we're going to take your bucket that you applied vegetable oil around set it down careful these pans are hot you're going to take your spatula [Music] now i tend to do it like this just fill your bucket up with all of it and then you'll start tamping all right i've taken them out of the oven just dump it into the bucket take one pan dump it in then you just start tamping once you get it packed hard enough then you can slowly dump the next pan in or you can just dump it all in it just all depends on how hard you want it how hard you want to pack it all right now we gotta pack down pretty hard as you can see it's not penetrating the bucket very much now we'll go ahead and slowly add the next pan probably dump about half of it in pack that down and add the rest all right now that we've got half the pan in here we'll pack this down here and then once we get this packed we'll go ahead and dump the rest of the pan in pack that down hard and then gotta let it sit let it cool and then in about two days we all take it out to the field and up it out so after you've put the rest of the pan in and tamped it down you want to tape it down good and solid the top layer will always be slightly loose so when you tip it back up you know you're gonna have a little bit of a little bit of material product that falls out but once you've got it good and solid you can't really push down on it very much put your tamper back and we're gonna actually bring this outside and let it sit outside and cure for two days so we're gonna set that outside let it here for two days come back and then you'll be ready to set them out well we finished the food blocks today and got six of them done we're gonna let them sit for two nights uh let them cure them harden up you know lay them outside cool that's if they don't get cool enough they'll just fall apart when you dump them out so yeah it's very important and you know we'll set them up we'll put them in our properties and put trout cameras on they got good health benefits they get great pictures for your camera it's just an all-around good thing to do in the off season out of the two bags two bags of mix and all the ingredients there we got six six of the buckets done so i mean in terms of price you're saving money and you can also make them do whatever size you want you can make them a lot bigger than what you can buy at a local store yep and you can also put in different minerals and stuff that can benefit your deer in other ways yeah so we hope this video was helpful for you we hope you use it on your own properties and uh you know we'd love to see you do that um if you could drop a like subscribe comment whatever helps us with content and uh see you around thanks for watching jnt outdoors [Applause] you
Channel: J&T Outdoors
Views: 184,402
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Id: -E2MZhBGlyU
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Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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