How I setup the Terminal on my M1 Max MacBook Pro

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hi guys how's it going so a couple of weeks ago i posted my desk and software setup with the new m1 max macbook pro and surprisingly the most common request i got there is to show how i set up my mac os terminal so i'm going to do exactly that in this video before we get started i'll be doing everything in a bunch of steps from installation to configuration and running some scripts so there'll be a bunch of links i'll be copy pasting around don't worry about what's going on in the video eventually i'll paste all of those in the description below either as separate steps or as a single link so that you can follow along alright let's get started [Music] okay before we start up setting up the new terminal we need to install a few things uh first thing i install is homebrew that lets us install some other dependency fairly easily so you wanna copy the homebrew install link and just install it over here all right so homebrew is installed we just need to copy these two commands so this is in the path just copy those paste them here and then we should be able to quit terminal and restart so the next thing to install is iterm2 which is the terminal we'll be using to configure all of our stuff so we can just do blue install and then i already have my term but in your case it would just download the fresh copy and install it the next thing you need is git so you want to install git because we will clone a couple of repositories that are our profiles or some settings later on so you can do the same thing you can do install kit i also have git already but if you don't have it it will just download the latest version and install it for you cool so it gets done all right so the next thing we want to install is called oh my zsh so copy the script to install that which is this again this will be in the link in the description below so you don't have to worry about remembering it so that's installed so we can already see some improvements over here all right so the next step is to install some fonts that have special icons and uh symbols that will make our terminal look pretty fancy and paste the link again this will be in the description below so don't worry about it so you just want to go here go to download and download this font so it should be in your downloads you can you can then open font book and then basically just drag and drop the font that should install it for you so we're all set over there this is good to go so the next step is to install the theme that we'll be using in our terminal and this is called the power level 10 000 or 10k so basically what we want to do is we want to just clone this from the repository and have it put in the default csh path inside the themes folder so we do that let's clone that that's good so at this point we're pretty much done with our default terminal so we can close it and then start with our new terminal perfect all right let me make it slightly larger so you guys can see so the first thing to do is kind of customize the colors here you can go to the preferences you can either do command comma or just go through the menu and then the first thing you want to do is create a profile i don't want the defaults so i'll just create my own profile here we'll set this as default and i will delete this default profile all right so we've got our profile so in the colors tab as you can see here we have a lot of different colors and you can get creative and customize this yourself but if you want it exactly like mine i've saved my profile so what we're going to do is we're going to download that all right so what you want to do is just visit 2. and then here i have my color theme saved up so you just click here and then just click on the raw button select everything and then copy that then go back to your terminal you can either create your folder or just save it in your boot folder um you can just do the item colors make sure that's your extension name fire that up just paste everything save it and then if you now go to the preferences and then click on profiles and then hit over to colors you can see color presets over here so you just drop that down hit import and if you go to your main folder and select that you can load up the colors perfect and then over there you just select the color theme and you should get the theme that i have okay that part is done so while we're already in preferences let's make some more tweaks so that we can make it look good here so let's go over the text tab and over here by default you can see the font that's selected in monaco so we want to go here and select the font that we just downloaded a few moments ago and that's source code pro and you can select it to be 14 or whatever size you like i like you using ligatures ligatures is basically if you have like triple equals it's just going to make a long line um or not equals to it's going to add like a font to that if you don't want you can skip that i also like to include a status bar with cpu and ram usage and things like that so for that what you want to do is you want to head over to session and then you can do status bar enabled and then you do customize then obviously you can get creative with this one too but i just usually go with cpu ram which are useful when you're building something i wish they had um gpu as well if you're doing some gpu intensive tasks but they do have hooks for python so you can actually write your own script to build something like that if you're interested um the network as well especially when you're downloading large images images of docker and things like that that's useful and then usually i also add a custom action and then you can click on it and then you can do configure component and then i usually just do new tab with the profile i usually use the shortcut but if i'm already using the mouse it's easier to just click on it so that's that and then for rainbow i usually use light colors perfect now we can sit okay and that's all the configurations we need for now so we can exit out of this all right so the next step to do is to set your theme to power level 10k that we just downloaded so what we want to do is we want to be in the root user folder and then just open the zshrc file and then by default the theme will be set to robbie russell who actually created this stuff so you just want to replace that to use power level 10k that you just downloaded earlier hit save close code and then we should just restart the terminal so if i do i term again it should pop up with a configuration wizard let me get rid of this configuration wizard for the power level 10k so you can do no over here so ask a bunch of questions to make sure we've got the right symbols and stuff does it look like a diamond yes does it look like lock no does this one look like a lock yes does this look like a python logo nope uh do all of these icons fit between the crosses and some of them are kind of squished over so you can say no um so it will let you see what kind of theme you want let's go with the rainbow uh do you want unicode or ascii let's create unicode and then do you want to show the current time i usually pick the 24 hour format do you want angled or vertical i pick angled do you want sharp or blurred i pick sharp uh do you want flat or you know the same options i pick flat do you want one line or two line one line compact a few icons are many icons let's just pick many concise or fluent let's just be concise uh i like transient froms i don't want this prompt appearing in every single command so i pick yes click verbose and then apply changes yes all right this looks good but there are a few things i forgot to do previously i want the status bar to be at the bottom and i think the color scheme didn't apply properly so let's change those things so for the status bar if you hit appearances there's status bar location over here you just do bottom that should take care of it and then for profiles if you go to colors there is this for some reason let me actually delete this preset and re-import it import item colors open all right so fast like this perfect now switch to the color scheme that i use perfect so if you look at this one that looks pretty good so the next thing to do is install a few plug-ins that are pretty useful one of them is auto suggestion which is pretty useful uh when you're typing commands so to do that we want to clone the auto suggestions plugin same thing copy git clone the repository and clone it to the default csh location that's done and then we want to make sure that we enable the plugin so we can do the same thing over here edit the file and then there should be a plugins here so all you want to do is add that plugin over here and that is called zsh dash auto suggestions save the file quit the terminal restart it and then you should have auto suggestion yeah so now if i just do code as you can see it's auto completing so that's pretty cool all right this is all cool but one thing you'll notice whatever um code editor you use is if you fire up your code editor and launch the terminal this will all be broken over here right what why that's happening is this is using the default um font that your code editor uses and we just need to make sure that we update that to the font that we are using uh for that you can just go to settings and then find terminal dot integrated dot font family that's the setting and then you just want to basically use the same font that we downloaded earlier in the video so that should fix it and again depending on the id or the code editor you use this setting may be different but basically find the setting that uh dictates the font that the terminal is using and the moment you change that as you can see the bottom is fixed so that should automatically work as the terminal so that's cool we are done over there we can end that this status bar is kind of looking odd with this background so what you can do is go to profile session configure and then advance and for the background color you can just pick this and then just drop it over there so it's the same color and then that should look much better perfect yeah all right so then the other thing to do is enable the quake style terminal so quick style terminal basically means for those that you've paid the game uh to enter quick commands or to enter even your cheat codes or whatever you could do control tilde sign and then a console would drop down while you're playing the game you could put commands and connect to servers and things like that let's set that one up so for setting that up first thing we need to do is configure a hotkey so let's go to the settings for item again and now what you want to do here is you want to go to keys and then click on hotkey and then click on a dedicated hotkey and then click to set i set mine to control tilde but you can set whatever configuration that you want uh you want to select animate on and then yeah probably floating window on as well that should be good and then the next thing to do is go to your profile and select window and then for space over here you want to select all spaces and that should be it and then last thing to do is actually go to the system preferences so if you go to the system preferences you want to go to user and groups and then select your user and then login items and you want to add item over there go to applications find item and then add it over there and make sure hide is checked as well so once you do that now let's open i term again perfect all right one more thing that we need to do to enable the quick style is go to the preferences for item again go to your profile and then select window and over here we want to look at the style here uh generally the quick style default is full width top of the screen but you can select either of the other preferences whatever you like and then screen i usually put with screen with cursor and you want to make sure all spaces are clicked sometimes it's not clicked by default and then you can prefer to choose transparency i generally don't like it because it already hides when you press press ctrl tilde so but you can use it if you want so once you've set those you can just quit the terminal again so then all you need to do is fire up the terminal again and it appears on the top of the screen and you can just press ctrl tilde to get rid of it so if you have something like code open and you're coding say full screen or whatever you're looking at some files making some changes and this can be out of the screen but if you quickly want to see what your git status is or something like that you can always bring the big terminal over press that again it goes out of the way it always starts by default when your computer starts it's always ready to go and then as you can see let's find uh something with a git repository and let's just clone my repository over here all right if you go to i term two um it actually shows you the git information over here so for example if you want to check out your own branch and then let's say make some changes here let's just add random values save it as you can see it'll show you the brand status and everything like that as well well that's it for the video today obviously this is not just limited to how i set it up you can get creative and mix and match plugins and different color themes and text settings to come up with your own unique design if you found this video useful please hit the like button and for more software engineering and tech content like this please consider subscribing to this channel if you want to reach out to me personally feel free to reach out to me on instagram at engineering with rootsaf and i'll do my best to respond to you there i'll see you in the next video cheers [Music] you
Channel: Engineering with Utsav
Views: 206,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macos, iterm2, macbook pro, m1 macbook pro, m1 max, oh my zsh mac, oh my zsh tutorial, macos terminal, mac terminal, oh my zsh themes, oh my zsh powerlevel10k, oh my zsh powerlevel10k install, oh my zsh powerlevel10k config, oh my zsh powerlevel10k theme, oh my zsh powerlevel10k macos, oh my zsh powerlevel10k mac, oh my zsh themes 2021, iterm2 themes, oh my zsh mac install, oh my zsh mac theme, install oh my zsh mac m1, oh my zsh powerlevel10k vscode, oh my zsh themes mac
Id: 0MiGnwPdNGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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