How To Make Your Boring Mac Terminal So Much Better

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hey guys in today's video I'm going to share with you exactly how I configure my Mac terminal to take it from this to this I do pretty much all of my software development work inside the terminal and this video is going to be the first out of three where I go through my entire setup and workflow in today's video we're going to firstly the foundation by configuring the terminal itself and in the upcoming videos I'm going to share with you how I configure Vim to write and edit code inside the terminal and also how I set up tmux to manage sessions windows and panes which will take what we're doing today to a whole new level and complete the setup before we get started I'll be running a lot of different specific commands to download and configure things so I'll have a link in the description to a blog post you can reference where you can copy these commands and run them on your own machine and be able to follow along alright so the first thing we want to do is open up a new terminal window and then run the following command to install Homebrew which we'll be using as a package manager to download things to our machine now we'll hit enter now that we have Homebrew installed what we want to do is copy these command and run them I'll copy them one at a time and run each of them this will add Homebrew to our path so that we can use it all right there I'm going to clear this terminal window and then I'm going to check if Homebrew installed correctly by running Brew dash dash version all right everything looks good so we're actually not going to be using the default Mac terminal we're actually going to use iterm 2 which I think is a lot better so to install it we're going to do Brew install Cask I term two foreign 2 so let's close this window and then open up item all right now that we have item 2 up and running we want to make sure that we have git installed to check you can do git dash dash version I have it installed but if you don't you can run Brew install git after that's done we're now going to install oh my zsh which we're going to use to configure the terminal make it look nice and also add some plugins to install it we're going to run the following command remember that you can find this with the link in the description awesome so things are looking a little bit nicer now to take this a bit further we're going to install power level 10K which is a theme for oh my zsh to install it we're going to run the following command this will clone the repository from GitHub [Music] so now that that's installed we want to configure it as our theme to do this we have to open up the dot zshrc file it's going to be located in your home folder I'm going to open it with Vim you can do this you can open it with whichever editor you prefer to open it up I'm going to do Vim tilde slash Dot zshrc that'll open up the file and then as you can see here we have the zsh underscore theme variable we want to change this Robbie Russell to power level 10K slash power level 10K we're gonna save those changes and then we're gonna click cool to apply these changes we have to do Source tilde slash Dot zshrc and that will open up the power level 10K configuration I do want to use the meslow nerd font that's what I've been using it just worked out pretty well for me I'm going to do y for yes and then it's going to download the font so after the font is downloaded you actually have to quit item so to do this you can do command Q or you can go down to the dock and right click and then press quit because I know a lot of you might be using vs code I wanted to point out that once you change the font in the terminal you'll also have to change it in the settings for vs codes terminal by opening up the settings.json file and adding this line so let's open up item again this is what you should be seeing now if you don't you can run p10k configure to open this up it's asking if this icon looks like a diamond to make sure that the font installed correctly it does so I'll press the y key and then I'll go through these these all look good it asks if these icons fit between the process they do so I'll press y I typically go for rainbow here so three for the prompt style for the character set I use Unicode so I'll press one for the current time I usually do 12 hour format so I'll press the three key for prompt separators I do angle so one for prompt heads I usually do sharp so one for prompt Tails I do flat so one again for the prompt height I usually do two lines so I'll press the two key and then for the prompt connection I typically do solid so I'll press three for the prompt frame I do full so I'll press four here for the connection and frame color I do lightest so one and for the prompt spacing I'll do two for sparse I really like having the icons so I'll press many icons with the two option and I'll keep these concise so one I generally don't enable the transient prompt so n for no and then I'll do the recommended option here for both so one I wanna save these changes so I'll press the y key awesome so now now we have something that's looking really good typically after I finish doing this what I do is I open up the preferences to increase the font size on the terminal we're going to go to profiles and then text and down here like you can change the terminal font size I usually keep it between 18 or 20. after that's done now we want to customize the colors on the terminal to do this we're going to go to the colors tab I actually have a custom theme for my colors on the terminal I called it cool night I just wanted to call it something so I could share it with you guys it's on GitHub so to download it all you have to do is run the following command this will put it in your downloads folder again you can find this in the link in the description let's run that so that's going to add the file to our downloads folder and now we can import it into iterm to use it as our theme so we're going to open up the preferences for item to do this I can do command coma and then we'll go to profiles and then colors and down here in color presets we're gonna hit the import and then we're gonna go to downloads and you'll see here coolnight.i term Colors Let's open it up so it should be imported now as you can see it's down here cool Knight let's select it awesome so let's close preferences and now you can see this is the custom color theme I use I really like it but you can use a bunch of other themes you can open the following website to find and install different themes there are a lot of them you can then import that theme to iterm and then you can select it to apply it to your configuration to enhance our experience a little bit further we're going to add some plugins the first one is called zsh Auto suggestions to add it we're going to run the following command again you can find this in the link in the description and then I'll press enter to clone this repo now that we've cloned it we want to add it to the dot zshrc file I'm going to open it up with Vim so Vim tilde slash Dot zshrc and then we're going to look for plugins all right as you can see here we have plugins down here and we're we're gonna add Esh Dash Auto suggestions and then we're going to save and quit and now we're gonna reload that file so Source slash Dot cshrc and now we're going to have Auto suggestions enabled let's see if I do git it's going to suggest the get clone command that we just ran that's really nice about all the suggestions it recognizes the things you've run in the past and then it suggests them to you to apply a suggestion you can hit the right arrow key and then you can run that command the next plugin we're going to add is called zsh syntax highlighting we're going to run another git clone let's execute that and then after that let's wait for that to finish after that's done we're gonna open up easy cshrc file again and then we're gonna add here CSH Dash syntax highlighting and then we're going to save and quit Source the cshrc file so what this does is that it adds syntax highlighting to the commands we run like we do with code so if I do something like CD documents for example it knows it documents is it directory I want to move to so it underlines it and then it highlights the CD with that green the final plugin I want to add is web search let's just open up the zshrc file and then we're just going to add here web Dash search and then we're going to write and quit now that we added that let's source cshrc now that we have that enabled we can look things up in our browser from the terminal so if I want to look something up in Google let's say I want to learn more about zsh I can do Google CSH and then press enter it'll open up my browser with the Google search results which is pretty awesome and with that we are finished thanks for sticking around to the end if you made it this far we're going to be adding vim and tmux to this configuration to take it to the next level in some upcoming videos leave a comment down below if you have any questions or feedback for me drop a like if you enjoyed the video it really helps me out and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to see more content like this from me see you guys in the next one peace foreign
Channel: Josean Martinez
Views: 643,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How I Setup My Mac Terminal To Make It Amazing, oh my zsh, command line, oh my zsh themes, macos terminal, mac terminal, customize mac terminal, mac terminal customize, powerlevel10k mac, macos terminal zsh, oh my zsh powerlevel10k, customize terminal, oh my zsh powerlevel10k mac, oh my zsh + powerlevel10k, how i setup my mac terminal to amke it amazing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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