Setting up new MacBook for software development

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[Music] hey everybody today i'm going to set up my new macbook pro this is the m2 model i'm going to set it up for software development now i do have some of the packages that i want to install written down but this video might still take a little while because well things happen during installations unpredictable things sometimes so we'll have a look at it together now if you came to the live unboxing the other day i did already install chrome on it that was the first thing i did and between then and now i installed xcode so to install chrome you just go to safari google for chrome download chrome and install it there you go the reason i like chrome for software development is because when i'm doing web dev it has some of the best tooling for looking at css changing things on the fly looking at javascript debugging and so on and xcode is probably the thing that takes the longest time to install on a mac it's a huge download not only that but it also takes a really long time to install that's why i did it off the camera so here it is xcode bouncing up and down i think this might be the first use now while it's doing that let me just show you how to install xcode you go to the app store and you just search for xcode and then you click on install i have version 13.4.1 here now why would you care about xcode at all well let me know in the comments down below if you're a software developer and you use a mac are you in a position not to have xcode installed i think those kinds of developers are probably few and far between because xcode is the primary tool on a mac to do software development and even if you're not using xcode directly it has some really useful features like for example if your apps that you're developing use the network it has some tools that you can use to throttle the network to simulate slow uh networks and latencies anyway it has a lot of tools i recommend you install it even if you are not using it directly otherwise why even get a mac get a pc that's a lot less expensive and you can still do all your development tasks right well i guess you could but macs have really nice hardware don't they they're well built their keyboard is really good the screen is really nice the speakers are great the resale value is really good um okay i've convinced myself again let's keep going shall we now i have xcode because i do mobile development so i work with ios apps i work with android apps so the next thing to do is install the android environment but just before we do that there is a tool that's pretty ubiquitous if you are using a mac and you're a developer you will most likely encounter homebrew now you don't have to install it but it's a really popular package manager for the mac and i recommend using it it makes a a lot of things easier so you go to and uh this just has instructions on how to install homebrew okay install homebrew using this one line of code so i'm gonna copy that let's open up the terminal oh look at that i don't have the terminal on my dock in fact i do like to clean up the dock we'll do that in a moment so i'm gonna search for terminal and there it is and i'm going to move this over to my dock because i like to have terminal handy at any moment so i'm going to use that now there's other terminals like item 2 that are very popular that are more configurable and customizable you can use that sure but i'm okay with using just regular terminal works for me so i'm going to open that up and paste that command line script to download and install homebrew now this just points to basically a dot sh file a shell file it's a script on the internet in github it downloads that file and runs it so let's do it okay let's go now while that's installing i'm gonna clean up my dock there's a whole lot of stuff there by default which i don't care about messages i'm gonna drag that off now if you just drag an icon off far enough away from the dock you'll see that it has a little remove bubble there if you let go it just gets removed that's the easiest way to remove these things okay that's much better now i did keep safari in there because i do sometimes check safari when i'm doing web dev to make sure that things are looking good so so far i have safari i have the terminal and i'm gonna drag google chrome into my permanent dock there right next to safari and i'm also gonna drag in xcode because sometimes i just need to open it directly and i want it to be quick now of course a lot of times i use command space to bring up the spotlight search in which case i can just search for xcode and open it up that way both are fairly quick all right now homebrew installed and don't forget that sometimes after the installation of these command line tools there are some instructions to follow don't skip this okay so it says next steps run these two commands in your terminal to add homebrew to your path okay this is important look at this it's going to add this script to your z profile okay what is this dot z profile well we're in the home directory right now i'm going to open up a new tab and keep that one around because that has instructions on the new tab i'm going to go ls dash la this basically is going to list all the directory contents in my home directory look at that i have no dot files here at all except for this one dot files are basically your global configuration for software and for your environment and um you are going to have a dot z profile file which is gonna contain this information all right so right now there isn't anything there that file z profile is not there but when i run this line right here so i'm gonna just copy that first line and paste it here and evaluate it it wrote out that line to this new file called z profile and now if i go to the other tab and run lsla now you see i have a z profile file to look at the contents of that you can use nano which is an editor that comes with mac os nano z profile and you can see that that line is in there i'm going to press ctrl x to exit out of here and now i need to run this other line this is the exact same line as this it just basically evaluates it in place so that i don't need to restart my shell now i should have the brew command which is homebrew to run homebrew you just issue brew that's the command and there it is this output means that well it's working now there's one other thing that i'd like to install that i forgot to mention and that's vs code sometimes we take these things for granted they're installed and i'm used to having it installed so i didn't put it on my list but it's an editor that i use all the time so i'm going to install it so i'm going to search for vs code there it is i'm going to go to the download link directly and there's options here for windows linux and mac and i'm going to go directly to the apple silicon version because well i know i have an apple silicon machine here so might as well and i believe that download is smaller than the universal download which has both versions for intel and for apple silicon i just need the apple silicon one so i'm going to run that one and there it is now it's in my downloads folder right so i need to move it to applications so that i can just directly run that program whenever i need it so i'm going to take this extracted file and just drag it over to applications and drop it in there these are the applications installed on my machine and now we have visual studio code so i can click on that and it's gonna ask me if it's okay to open it yes it is that's the security feature and there it is there's vs code it's running i'm going to close my applications folder and i'm going to move vs code over to my permanent dock now there's one other thing that i want to make sure that happens and that is on my terminal i want to be able to just type in code to open up vs code now if i type code dot it's not going to recognize it command not found code it doesn't know what that is if i open up a new terminal tab if i type in code it still doesn't know what that is so how do we get that working well we go to visual studio code and you can do f1 and then type in make sure that greater sign greater or less than sign is there and then install and then this is the one you want shell command install code command in path let's go ahead and do that and it wants my password to do that i'll enter that in successfully installed in path cool now let's pop open a new terminal tab and say code dot and vs code opens into my home directory and now it's gonna ask me a bunch of permissions i'm gonna say okay okay okay okay and do you trust the authors of the files in this folder and i say trust permanently good so now i can look at my files pretty easily just using vs code there's z profile right there great let's continue so the next thing to install for android development or for java development both of them require java jdk i'm going to use this one right here adoptium it's a pre-built open jdk and this one does support apple silicon it's pretty good there's other options out there like zulu and even the official uh oracle one supports apple silica now i believe but this is the one i'm gonna use so i can go into this website and click on this button but we now have homebrew so we don't need to do that we can use homebrew to install our packages for us so in order to do that uh we're going to go to the documentation here and then you can say let's see download temirin i don't know if i'm saying that right temurin tamarin tamarin tamarin probably right install eclipse tamarin here are the instructions for that on mac os and there is the command line we need to use brew install dash dash cask tamarin so you can install this version but i know that for some of the development that i do for example native script i need a specific version of the jdk and that's this one right here okay brew install cask tamarind 11. so that's the one i would be installing but if you're just doing general development you can just use the latest version which is this one so i'm gonna do this one but you can install that one before i install this one though i need to run this command brew tap homebrew cask versions so that it has the record of all the different versions that are available so i'm gonna run that first okay and it's done and now all i need to do is just install this one which is brew install dash dash cask tamarin 11. it needs my password for one of the installations and it's done all right great um now we just need android studio i'm gonna go to studio or you can just search for android studio it'll get you here eventually download android studio right here or you can go to download options here and pick out the exact correct version that you need to make sure that you're getting the one you want for the apple silicon machine which is this one max 64-bit arm this is the one i want i know i'm not making a mistake or accidentally getting the wrong version so i'm gonna download that one yes agree and let's go hey i earned an android studio user badge i have like 10 of those can i trade that in for cash that's the question all right download done let's open that up and this one provides a nice little installer that we can just drag android studio into applications folder directly that is going to copy the files over and install it i don't know why i sound like i've been i don't know partying all night where is our android studio here it is let's open that up open and there it is do not import settings we're on chipmunk chipmunk already that's so cute all right welcome this wizard will set up your development environment for android studio next let's choose the standard i don't know what kind of development you're doing but i'm going to choose standard for now and the default theme is dark good to go next and now it's going to download a bunch of packages and keep installing stuff like the android sdk we're going to need to accept licenses for each one of these items so i'm going to select them read the agreement and then click accept on each one of those and if you need to install other packages other versions for example 33 the sdk 33 is pretty new so you might need to support older sdks so you need to go back and get those all right it's gonna download more stuff and install them okay looks like it's done i'm gonna click finish here and here we are now you might need to customize this a little bit so here under more actions you have your sdk manager this is where you can install other apis for example right now we have android api 33 and i might want to grab 12 and 11 as well to support those i'm gonna check those and that's sdk platforms now let's take a look at sdk tools make sure that android emulator is checked here we do want that installed and i think that's the default anyway thanks helicopter that was very good timing all right let's click apply here and it says confirm changes yes and it's going to get the rest of the stuff now when that's done you click ok and then you can just go back here to android studio if you need to create a new project let's just do a quick test here okay there we go i'm in android studio and i'm able to write some code so now you can develop android applications let's move on to the next one i'm going to terminate this close android studio and clear the screen here now the next thing i want to install is the javascript node environment so one way to do that and this is not the recommended way i'm going to show you two not recommended ways and then i'll show you what i use now you can go to nodejs directly and a lot of people do this but uh you're gonna get yourself in trouble because of permissions and things like that down the line so you can go to the node official website and download the latest lts version lts's long term support or you can get the latest and greatest which is 18 that's the current version i usually stick with lts unless i specifically need something in version 18 but lts does fine so you can do that download this from here and install it or or you can do it a different way so we have homebrew installed we can go to say brew install node yeah this is easier this is using your package manager and the permissions will be fine you can do it this way but i like even a different way i like to use node version manager which allows me to quickly manage different versions of node on the same machine here's nvm node version manager you can go to this url and check it out install it read about it and this is how easy it is to basically switch between versions of node which if you have multiple projects to support is a really good idea if you are just starting out you probably only need one version of node then you can just do brew install node and that'll be fine now i'm going to use nvm so i'm going to go here to the instructions for mvm and copy this one and execute that this will install nvm now again it gives me some instructions after it's done installing make sure you read that it says profile not found tried these files these are your dot files these are associated with your profile but we don't have any of them if we go to a new tab and say ls ls-la these are the dot files that we currently have notice vs code created one and vm created its own folder gradle and android all right this is the z profile file that we've been using so far and well nvm didn't bother looking at that file it looked for these instead okay so we can create a new file called z shell rc uh z sures or we can just keep using z profile to keep everything together and that's what i'm going to do so i'm going to open up visual studio code with this folder and i'm just going to add additional things in here like it says create one of them and run the script again or append the following lines to the correct file yourself so i'm going to append these two lines copy that and paste that in here and save now if we go and open up a new tab and say nvm there it is now it's there now i can use nvm to install node instead of doing it directly from the website or using homebrew now i can use nvm so nvm install node uh no that's not how we do it so nvm install 16 now it's gonna get version 16 of node and install it now i have node look at that that was super easy and i can just type exit or whatever i did so i can say node version and i have version 16. npm version and i version 8.11 npm is another tool that comes with node so node installs npm alongside of it it also has different versions if you're new to this don't worry you'll get the hang of it npm is another place that is a package manager for node projects anyway that's another video now i can do javascript projects now that i have node so how would i go about doing that well right now i'm in my home directory i like to keep all my code related activities in a folder called code so i'm going to create a directory called code and then go into that directory all my stuff is going to be organized in this one directory so i know all my code is in there not spread out all over my hard drive hard drive somebody's going to call me out on that there is no hard drive it's a it's a ssd more specifically nand chips right in this thing or one nand chip in this particular model anyway i'm gonna create a new directory called nodetest and let's go in there and i'm gonna open this up in vs code now i can just write a javascript file like index dot js and i can say console.log hello there okay now if i'm back here make sure i still have node yes i do and i can say node index.js and prints hello there so it just executed my javascript file using node nice so that's a node-based javascript environment now that you have note of course you can do all the other front-end related things like you can install angular react you can start using javascript based mobile application development frameworks like nativescript and react native and of course ionic that whole world of front-end development and server-side javascript development is open to you now now you have this setup all right we're done with javascript next is dot net so i'd use dot net quite a bit for some of my projects i'm gonna oh dot no no dot net oh dot not um here we go dot net so if you go here you can go to download and net is basically a server-side cross-platform application framework you can write your code in c-sharp and a ton of other languages so here we are on the download page to get the net sdk make sure you have mac os selected and look at this dot net 6 is available here in lts long term support you can also go to all versions to check out net 7 which is in preview right now all the latest and greatest but we're going to stick with dot net 6 and i'm going to get the arm version arm 64 version and there's a package i'm going to click on that to install it continue install it's going to need my password install software done i don't need the installer i'm going to move that to trash okay so what what did that do for me well now i'm gonna back out of here and now i have executable cli so it's a command line tool i have sdk installed i can create dotnet applications now now if you like visual studio for mac you didn't have to do what i just did you could have just downloaded visual studio for mac directly so let me show you that visual studio for mac i'm not gonna do that but you could go about it that way and it's a little bit confusing some people are confused between what is visual studio 2022 what is visual studio 2022 for mac or what is visual studio code i just got confused a little bit too while saying it visual studio code is an editor visual studio for mac is kind of a an in development product that was really comes from the days of xamarin and it's probably mostly used for doing xamarin development on a mac so you can create mobile applications using c-sharp visual studio 2022 the full-blown visual studio is a windows only product not for mac and that one has all the features it's a full-blown ide visual studio for mac is also considered an id but it's kind of a light one and visual studio code is just an editor now it's getting a lot of extensions and through those extensions there's some ide like features that are enabled but it's not considered a full ide okay so you could go here for visual studio for mac it's not a bad tool okay but it's not as light as visual studio code and it doesn't have as many features as visual studio so it's kind of an in-between product you can download this and bypass manually like we just did i'm not going to do that i already have net and i always forget how to use cli because i'm not used to it but it's pretty easy so if i wanted to create a new console application just like we did with node here i can use dot net cli to create a new console app so i'm going to copy that let's create a new directory for dot net test and paste that in dot net new console application and framework you don't need to specify it because i only have net 6 installed but that's fine so now it created a new console app and if we open this up in visual studio code there it is console write line hello world uh you know what let's say hello from alex now i need to run this and in order to do that i just say dot net run so let's head out here and say dotnet run and there it is hello from alex so that's written in c-sharp and executing with net now the next thing i want to install is docker i've been using docker more and more lately and it's a pretty useful tool let me tell you so there's docker we're gonna go to docker get docker and there it is get docker desktop for mac i'm gonna click on that here you also have options for intel chip or apple chip everybody's gonna have those options now i'm gonna click on the apple chip of course and let it download not a very big download okay i'm gonna click on that installer and drag docker to our applications folder installed so now i can just search for docker oh it's not there for some reason oh there it is it takes a little bit of time to pop up and there it is do you want to open it yes i do docker desktop needs privileged access okay there's my password accept the terms and click accept and docker desktop is up and running now let's talk about python and machine learning a lot of machine learning tools require python like tensorflow pi torch but just like we did with node you could install python or you could install an environment manager for python and that way you can quickly create multiple environments for python these are encapsulated boxes where they have different versions of python individually with their own packages and when you go into those environments you don't have to worry about version conflicts so everything is encapsulated there for example if i need project with python 3.8 i can create an environment for 3.8 install all the related packages for that project and keep it in there and then if i need a project with python 3.6 i can create another environment with 3.6 and i can switch between those without having them interfere with each other so there's a couple of ways to manage these environments one is called anaconda and that's the way we're going to do it today and the other popular one is called pi and py env so let me just show you pyen since we're talking about it you go here uh on github pyen slash pyen and this will show you how to manage that and how to install it pretty easy some people love it i'm used to anaconda and miniconda specifically so let's go to anaconda you can download and install it but it's a pretty big package with a lot of data science packages involved you can install it here but i like a package called miniconda which gives me the python environment management features without the full blown anaconda so if we go to conda dot io we can get miniconda there let's go to mac os installers here and uh here we go um you know what i can go with python 3.8 not sure why those are different python versions you know let's go up here to latest minicon installer links and then under mac os we're going to grab the one that says apple m1 64-bit package so this one i'm gonna click on that and let's run that installer yep install and off we go and of course it wants to access my folders i'll let it do that thank you for installing and we're good to go now what does that get me let's open up a new terminal tab and you'll notice that right away something happens here now i have base what is this base thing well base or whatever is in parentheses there is the environment that you're currently in so whenever you open up a new terminal now you'll get the environment that you're in written out there and you can type in conda dash dash version and you'll get the conde command line utility so now if you want to create a new environment conda create dash dash name you name your environment and let's call this one pi 310 or python like that so this creates a brand new environment for me that i called pi 310 and i can list the environment by saying conda env list and this will list the environments that are currently installed and there's base right there and there's pi 310. if i want to switch to that environment i say conda activate pi 310 and now in parentheses i have pi 310 instead of base i'm inside that new environment that i've created so now if i checked version of python it's not found we need to install python here so conda install python equals 3.10 yes and now it's installed python 3.10 so if i check python version 3.10 now i can leave this environment by saying conda deactivate and now i'm back to base so if i check the version here it's 3.9 and i can also say conda deactivate to leave the base environment too just completely leave out of any anaconda or conda environment now if i check my python version it's not there i can always say conda activate pi 310 and i'm back to this environment where python is 3.10. now that we have a python environment we can install the tools for machine learning like tensorflow so here is tensorflow and this has been fluctuating over the last year and a half this is the latest i found is metal slash tensorflow plugin okay so this has the instructions here how to set up the environment we already did that by the way so this right here arm 64 apple silicon it says download and install the con environment which we did now install the tensorflow dependencies so we're going to install those we're run this line on the command line let's head out there and run it so conda install dash c apple tensorflow depths yes good to go now it has some other instructions on when you're upgrading tensorflow so keep an eye on this page here because this changes quickly okay this part of the video might be updated next month okay now that you've installed the packages for tensorflow the dependencies in your con environment now you can create an environment in python that you're going to be using so let me get out of here i'm going to back up to code and i'm going to create a new directory called tf cdtf for tensorflow and uh you know what i'm going to create a new environment instead of python 310 i'm going to say conda deactivate leave that environment and i'm going to say conda create dash dash name let's call it tf1 for tensorflow 1. once that's done i'm going to activate tf1 activate tf1 there we are do we have python in here yet i don't think we installed python here yet no we didn't so conda install python equals 3.8 and python version 3.8 you see how easy it is to switch between different environments without interrupting the other ones now i want to go ahead and install base tensorflow so this command line right here python install tensorflow mac os let's paste that in oops um this is one of those situations that i was talking about in the beginning where you never know what happens i mean you're following instructions and suddenly things break and that's what happened in this case so this is one of those things where it's so fluid that it's um this might be fixed in the next day or two after i'm done with the video or there might be a new set of instructions that are not yet posted up so sorry to disappoint but i don't have that information right now if you are curious about that let me know in the comments down below and i'll follow up now next is pytorch another popular library and it's one that i personally use so how do we install it we go to this page and install and this is a nice little picker for how you want to form your installation package so first you select the pytorch build and right now the nightly build is the one that's apple silicon compatible this one will run but it's going to be slow the nightly build is the one that currently has apple silicon bits in it to make it performant so that's the one i'm going to select my system is mac the package manager i use is conda that's pretty selected language that i use is python and the compute platform notice all these are crossed out because i'm on a mac if i selected linux those would be available or windows but on a mac you can't use cuda so default is selected and it gives you this nice little command to run so i'm going to run that command to do my installation but first i want to create a new conda environment so conda deactivate and let's see if it's in my history here condo create pt1 pi torch1 activate pt1 and you can install python in here now you could also just create an environment with python already installed using one single command but i haven't done that here now that that's done i'm gonna paste this command in here conda install pi torch torch vision torch audio dash c pi torch nightly and this will get all those packages installed and set up for me oh this was working last week now this one is also in flux because looks like one of the packages was moved torch audio is not available but it did install the rest of the packages so to get the latest make sure you check the documentation check for any updates this is a video obviously so videos kind of stay static and after a month or two months or a year the general installation steps will probably still be the same but the specifics might change the urls might change the commands might change so keep an eye on those pages for the latest documentation all right this was a long one and hopefully it was useful valuable informative if it was i'd appreciate a thumbs up and consider subscribing maybe we'll do more long tutorials like this for other things all right see you next time [Music]
Channel: Alex Ziskind
Views: 403,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: productivity, solo dev, programming, indie dev, macbook pro, m2 macbook air, m2 macbook, m2 macbook pro, software developer, dev setup mac, mac developer setup, macbook developer setup
Id: mmkDyV59nRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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