How To Set Up a New MacBook (2024 Step-By-Step Guide)

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if you've just bought on your MacBook you're probably watching this video because you want to make sure how to set it up correctly and look you are in the right place I've been setting up probably hundreds of MacBooks over the last 10 years on this channel and both at my job and uh in today's video we're going to show you exactly how to do it as long as some tips and tricks and essential things you need to know along the way well when I say we I mean me because she doesn't actually have any thumbs okay so for the purposes of this video this is the brand new Mac that I'm going to be setting up now this particular model is a 14-in M3 Pro MacBook Pro but it doesn't really matter what MacBook you have as long as it's an apple silicon Mac uh all of this guide is going to be relevant to you so first things first we just flip it over we're going to undo this tab on the back to gain access to the mac and we'll take off the top box okay now the first thing you need to do is obviously just take everything out and just make sure that everything's actually in the box so generally the way that MacBooks come pack packag is you'll have the MacBook in a protective sleeve up the top so we'll just put that to the side for now uh we're also going to have the charger cable which is going to be the next thing you see this one is a black color obviously because I have the space black color your particular color might differ depending on the Mac you've selected next up we have the documentation now there's not really anything too interesting in here uh you'll get a quick guide uh you'll also get an Apple sticker which is pretty useless unless you have an annoying that you want to stick this on their forehead um but generally you don't really need to worry about this for warranty purposes just keep your invoice um whether it was an online or a physical purchase just keep a copy of that um and the rest of this stuff you just don't really need it so next up we have the charger now you can see here that obviously I'm located in Australia so I'm going to have the Australian adapter um but the way this works is quite simple you have a little USB port right there uh you'll have a another us USB port here if I undo that and take off the packaging you'll see that it just sticks right in there and then you can use that to plug into your MacBook the other end of course the mag safe adapter and you're good to go for charging now one thing you may not know about these charges is the head is actually removable and interchangeable so all you need to do is obviously it helps if you disconnect the cable first uh you just pull it from here and sort of pull it away from the body and you can see now we have two separate pieces there and what you can do now is if this thing gets damaged you can replace that throw it out by a new one or alternatively if you go traveling you can actually bring this with you and you can buy an international travel adapter head kit and you can then use those to swap in and out depending on whichever country you're traveling to so this is a really easy way to not only charge your MacBook internationally when you travel but as I mentioned before this is a USBC Port so you can plug any USBC cable in here and charge cameras phones uh portable battery packs you name it I will put a link to those international travel adapters down in the description as well as a video that I made going over my favorite MacBook accessories if you want to check that out okay so let's get the box and the packaging out of the way and we're going to focus on the PD resistance which is the MacBook now you might think I'm a weirdo for doing this but I always smell my new Apple products they just they have this really specific smell about I don't know if it's the smell of regret of emptying out my bank account or apple put something in the packaging but they just smell so good and I thought I was a weirdo until I made a video where I sniffed a Macbook and uh a lot of you guys commented and say you do the exact same thing so if that's something you're into give it a sniff I don't know maybe it's just me but apart from that what we're going to do now is we're going to take the MacBook out of the packaging now generally I like to open it up by just peeling this back so you can see the back chassis and one thing you really want to concentrate on here is just checking that there's no damage or fingerprints or smears or marks or anything like that on the actual chassis of the MacBook now there's a 99.9% chance that this is a brand new Macbook and no one's ever touched it before but you know sometimes stuff happens you know refurbished stock or used stock gets mixed around so just make sure that you do have a brand new model now some easy ways of telling that is obviously look for scratches or dust or anything like that uh check these feet here make sure there's no scratches or marks check the chassis that looks nice and clean no fingerprints and then you can flip it over look at the Apple logo as well it's nice and shiny and clean so this one looks good so for example if you have pulled it out and the Apple logo is kind of greasy or marked up like that that's a pretty good indication that this is not a brand new product and if that's the case just take it straight back to where you purchase it from and just get a replacement okay now that the fun part is out of the way let's put this down on a table open the lid and start setting it up now typically with these modern MacBooks as soon as you open the lid uh it's actually going to turn itself on you can see there you can see the Apple logo you can hear the startup chime uh we're just going to very gently peel this paper covering you can just kind of use your fingers to just sort of pinch it here and just pull it off like that and generally I will just keep this in the packaging um in case I go to sell it or send it back to the manufacturer or whatever in the future and as you can see now we are at the setup screen now just before we get into the setup process you've probably bought your new computer to do things on right and some of those things may be creative in nature like me travel photography is one of my hobbies but after I've actually taken the shots I am not very good at editing them in Adobe and that's where the sponsor for this section of the video comes in skillshare now I was having issues organizing my Lightroom Library not to mention actually getting good at editing my Raw photos I I found this class on skillshare by lotus Carol and I found out that I can actually add keywords and metadata to my photos to help sort and organize them which is super handy when you've just gotten back from a trip to Japan with thousands of photos now if you're not familiar with skillshare it's the largest online learning community for creatives with thousands of classes led by industry experts across a wide range of topics from illustration photography and graphic design to productivity marketing and even business and what's unique about skillshare is it's learned by doing approach you don't just watch classes you create and share projects as you learn and if you're unsure about where to even start skillshare designed learning paths that help you explore and build a skill from zero to Pro level and right now the first 500 people to use my link down in the description will receive a one month free trial of skillshare okay so now we are going to set this MacBook up from brand new now again if you've already done this or you already know how to do this you can just use the timestamps down below to skip uh but if you want to just follow along with me I'm going to walk you through each step what it means and what you should select so first of all this is pretty explanatory it's going to ask you what language you want to do the setup in so I'm just going to choose English and then it's going to ask you what country or region you are located in so again just try to set this to your country or region because it's going to cause issues later on if you don't uh such as different keyboard layouts and settings options and things like that I'm located in Australia so I'm going to click austalia and then click continue the next screen is going to show you what written and spoken languages you want on the device so for my region Australia the default options for preferred languages is English us uh US keyboard and also English United States dictation now if you want you can jump down here and click customize settings so if you do live in a specific region such as the United States but you speak another language primarily such as you know German or Russian or whatever uh you can come in here and add that if you so wish so you can see if I click the plus icon uh you can you know choose basically whatever language you want to use so I'm happy with us English I'm going to click continue I'm also happy with the US keyboard and I'm also happy with English United States dictation again you can customize all of this here or you can do it later on in the settings if you wish Now accessibility is pretty straightforward if you are Vision motor hearing or cognitive impaired in any way you have a couple of options here that's going to make using this MacBook a little bit easier so if you're not sure what the MacBook offers you can actually click on each of these things and it's going to give you a little synopsis of what exactly that feature provides so for example hearing uh you can get closed captions on the screen uh for cognitive you can change the appearance and everything like that um I don't personally use any of these so I'm just going to click continue now the next thing we need to do is connecting this MacBook to your internet whether that's a wired ethernet connection or a Wi-Fi network now if you already know the Wi-Fi password you can just click on your network and then enter in the password there if you don't know it generally it's on the back of your router uh sometimes isps will actually send you a little card with your SSID or your network your Wi-Fi network name and also the password listed on there so go and grab that now uh if you don't have a wireless connection or if you want the fastest speeds possible I do actually recommend buying a cheap ethernet to USBC adapter and that's going to let you attach your MacBook directly to your router to get the fastest possible speeds so for me my wi-fi is plenty fast so I'm going to click it here and I'm going to type in my password okay so the next option once we are connected to our internet is data and privacy so if you want to you can click learn more uh to Read All About It um if you have a spare 2 or 3 days to read through all of it uh typically you're probably just going to be like me and click continue and just trust that that there's nothing super important in there now migration assistant is a very very helpful tool specifically if you're coming from a previous computer and you want to migrate your apps your files or your settings for example onto this new Macbook now this obviously works best if you're coming from a previous Mac for example an older MacBook and this is the replacement but you can also do it from a Windows PC or a time machine backup and this is super super simple the only thing you need is both devices need to be connected to the same network so your home network and it's going to do everything over the network and it might take a few hours depending on how much data you have but it's a very simple process I will link an Apple support article down in the description of this video with more information on this now for the purpose of this video I'm going to click not now in the bottom leftand corner because I don't really want to wait 2 or 3 hours for migration assistant to do its thing um but also consider you know if you're only upgrading your laptops every 5 years or so uh consider not using migration assistant and just starting from Fresh So at that point you can set everything up again from fresh uh if you had any issues with your previous Mac so it was slowing down or there was bugs or glitches or anything like that sometimes it's good to just start fresh every couple of years so that's what I personally do when I upgrade my MacBooks after 3 to 5 years uh and if you want to do that again you just click not now so the next step is signing in with your Apple ID now you probably already have an Apple ID and if that's the case you can pop it in here if you don't uh you can create a new Apple ID here or if you've forgotten the password uh it'll have all the links to do that process here now if you're having any issues signing in uh you totally don't need to do this at this stage you can still set the laptop up and do that at a later stage so that's what I'm going to do now by clicking set up later down in the bottom leftand corner then we have the terms and conditions again you probably don't want to read that and this is where you can create your your user account so uh full name you can just put in your first name if you want so I'm just going to put this as Liam you don't need the last name account name uh generally I'm just going to put Liam as well this is just going to be the name of the actual folder where all of your user documents are stored on Mac OS so I'm just going to put Liam password I'm just going to put my usual password that I put in and hint totally up to you I've been using the same user password for a few years uh I don't really need a hint but again up to you don't forget to also edit your little profile picture up here so you can click edit and then you have a couple of different options here so you can set a Emoji uh or an emoji and you can take a photo of yourself if you want or you can select a previous photo if you have a nicer picture of yourself you can use that here as well personally I just like to use the memojis I'll set myself as a Little Koala because I'm Australian and I'm just going to click save there again you can edit all of this at a later stage except the account name that is something you cannot edit so make sure you get that right during this setup process okay at that stage we are going to click continue so next we have location services now this works pretty much the exact same way as it does on your iPhone if you have one it just allows apps and services to use the current location that your MacBook is located at now this can be really helpful especially if you're using Maps it will just automatically detect your location and then uh give you the estimated travel time to where you're searching for example again you can totally edit all of this later so for now I'm just going to enable that and I'm going to click continue so this next section is asking your permission to share Mac analytics with apple or share crash and usage data with app developers now all this means is if there's any issues with your Mac on the operating system or any of the apps that you're using so for example if it crashes or there's just compatibility issues uh those Anonymous logs are going to be sent to either apple or the app developer to help them improve or fix that particular app or software now it is completely Anonymous there's no personal data it doesn't slow it down it doesn't take up disk space it's really just up to your personal preference if you want to help out apple or the app developers so for me personally I'm just going to tick both of them because again there's nothing personal there it has no impact on me uh and I'm just going to click continue so you're probably pretty familiar with screen time already it's already on your iPhone and all it does is it just tracks how much time you spend on your laptop each day and each week and gives you a detailed breakdown so you can see exactly where you're spending your time now generally when I look at my screen time at the end of the week uh it is it's nothing good it's always negative uh because I'm clearly spending too much time on Reddit or YouTube but uh you know it is quite effective as you've probably already seen on the iPhone you can set it up later but generally I like to leave it on because it will send you a message once a week um just giving you a rough idea of how much time you're spending in certain things so I'm going to to click continue here so moving on to series setup you will notice a common theme here that is that pretty much everything you have on iOS on your iPhone is also now on Mac OS so this works the exact same way as your iPhone uh if you want to enable ask Siri you can uh and I'm just going to do that because I like to use Siri on my Mac so I'm just going to click continue you have a couple of options here I recommend just giving a quick listen to all of them you can change this later in the settings if you want I'm just going to select voice one and click continue and I'm going to hit continue again and all you need to do here is just speak at a normal volume read the sentences on the screen so that Siri can acclimate to your specific voice okay now Siri is ready let's go continue now this section is very similar to the analytics section apple is asking you if you give Apple your permission to share voice recordings that you make to Siri uh and share them with Apple so that Apple can improve the Siri product now again this is relatively an Anonymous but at the end of the day it is your voice and certain Snippets of what you are sharing with Siri that's being sent to Apple so it's kind of up to you whether or not you trust Apple to not abuse those recordings or to keep it 100% private I personally haven't seen Apple abuse any of this but um just for privacy and peace of mind generally I will just click not now uh to not share voice Snippets with apple just to ER on the side of caution and so we'll click continue okay now we get to set up Touch ID now if you've already set up Touch ID on a previous MacBook it's the exact same process but if this is your first time ever using Touch ID congratulations because it is a lot better than entering in your password every time so to do Touch ID we're just going to click continue and we just going to place whatever finger you want to use to unlock the Mac generally it's the finger on your right hand your index finger you're just going to place that on top of the circle and we're going to tap it multiple times you don't really need to get the edges just the flat part of your finger where the main part of your fingerprint is just press that down several times now after a few Taps the message on the screen is going to change and ask you to do the edges of your finger so make sure you get the very tip just under your nail and all around it because it's just going to improve the accuracy of touch ID so I'm going to go to the very tip a few times the very base around the edges and now you'll see that touch ID is ready so we're going to click continue now bear in mind with Touch ID you can actually add multiple fingers later on and I will show you how to do that but for now that is it you have fully set up your Macbook uh we are on the desktop and you can now start using it okay so now I'm going to show you some tips and tricks and also some things that I like to tweak and change on my particular MacBook just to improve your usability and your experience now let's start with the desktop now we obviously have the dock here uh and you can actually resize this quickly and easily using this little black line in the corner if you click and hold on that and then drag it up or down it's going to allow you to quickly resize the dock uh alternatively you can also customize what app icons you want displayed down here on the dock so for example if we don't want the photos app icon we can click and hold on it that's going to bring up a menu system and we can come up here to options and we can hover over this and go remove from dock alternatively let's say we don't want the apps icon there an even quicker way of removing it from the dock is simply dragging it off onto the desktop you'll see it now says remove and we're just going to release and it's going to disappear now if we want an apps icon to appear down here if it's not already let's say for example we want the photos app back up there uh open up the application and then come down here where it says photos click and hold and then while continuously holding down I'm going to come to options and then keep in Dock and we can also click and hold and drag this to to reorder it now while we're on the desktop if you want to change the desktop wallpaper there are two ways of doing it so the first quickest and easiest is by simply right clicking on the desktop and then clicking change wallpaper or alternatively you can also come up here to the Apple logo system settings and then you can come down here to wallpaper now you get a ton of different options for the wallpaper so obviously you can just add your own personal photo of your family or friends or whatever or you have some built-in options on Mac OS itself so you have lots of different Dynamic wallpapers here so these will actually change colors throughout the day um or you can come down here and do some Landscapes or cityscapes so for example this one here Dubai Skyline it's actually going to be an animated wallpaper which looks really really cool um however you do have to download these it's a couple of megabytes it doesn't take too long um but I'm just going to leave this as the default Sonoma wallpaper for now now while we are in the settings here there's a couple of options that you should probably be changed so the first one is going to be in general and then software update so it's always a good idea to do an update when you first buy and set up a Mac because it's probably been sitting in a warehouse for a couple of months and so the software is going to be out of date so you can see here I do have one update available so I can actually click update now and that will download and then install also I recommend to enable automatic updates so you can see here there's an option for automatic updates and if you click this little I icon you have full control over what you want to update so I recommend leaving these options as they are by default so check for updates turned on download new updates when available turned on and also install security responses and system files uh I generally leave these two unticked um just because that gives you the option to actually install them when you want but in general it is very important to keep your MacBook as updated as possible so it's not only going to ensure the performance is solid by fixing previous bugs and issues in Prior versions of the Mac OS software but it's also good for security so if there's any new viruses or exploits or anything out there that people can use to potentially gain access to your computer um having those automatic updates turned on specifically the security updates is very important to prevent that from happening now speaking of security let's also jump into the security settings of your MacBook because there's a couple of different things that I like to do on my MacBook so if we scroll down here there's going to be an option for privacy and security now there's a couple of options here for privacy uh I'm not going to go into all of these because there's quite a lot but generally the way that Mac OS sets it up on by default is good and you should just kind of leave it the way it is you can jump in here and tweak things uh particularly if there's an app you're using that you know needs you to change something here you can come in and customize this but I like to go right down the bottom here and come to file Vault now think of file vault as turn turning your Mac into kind of like a safe or a vault that you need a key to open and this is very very good if someone steals your Mac or your Mac gets lost it means it's going to be impossible for them to access any private data on the macc's internal SSD or hard drive so you can see here file Vault says that it secures the data on your dis by encrypting its content automatically and a couple of important things to note you will need your login password or a recovery key to access your data and a recover key is automatically generated as part of this setup now if you forget both your password and recovery key the data will be lost now this is totally up to you it's not necessary that you turn this on it's just really good Peace of Mind especially if you're outside of your home a lot and you're at cafes or you're at school or you're at work if your MacBook gets lost or stolen uh no one's going to be able to access it so and I'm actually going to use my iCloud to unlock my disc and reset my password if I forget it the other option is you can create a recovery key which you can then like print out and store somewhere uh but generally iCloud is easier now I'm not going to run through the rest of this setup in this video I will leave a support article on the Apple website that will have any questions you want there but it's just something I recommend doing if you are out and about with your laptop and you want to really lock it down in case it gets stolen or lost okay so while we're still in the settings another thing I like to do is customize the trackpad so if we come right down the bottom here and we click on trackpad uh one thing I like to turn on straight away on all of my new MacBooks is tap to click so if I'm turning that on it means that you can simply tap very lightly on the trackpad to select something rather than having to press down and put some Force onto it now you can also come up here and customize the secondary click now secondary click is essentially if you had a physical Mouse and you clicking the right button uh that's the secondary click on Mac OS so by default if it is tap with two fingers which I generally leave it at and all that is is just getting two fingers tapping it on the trackpad and you can see that is a right click but like I said there's a couple of options here uh but I decid to leave it at tap two fingers now the other thing I like to change here is coming into scroll and zoom I like to turn natural scrolling off so by default uh this is the way you scroll up by pulling down towards you and if you want to scroll down you push away from you and for some people that doesn't really feel natural like the name suggests so by switching natural scrolling off uh if we come back here now if I use my two fingers to scroll up and then I can scroll down it just feels more natural to me but that's totally up to personal preference okay so let's say for example you want to record the screen or take some screenshots and this is a really really good feature in Mac OS that I think is a lot better than Windows if you've used Windows 11 anytime recently so to record the screen or take screenshots there are a couple of shortcuts you can use on the keyboard so the quickest and easiest one is to just take a screenshot of the entire screen hold down command hold down shift and then press three and you see that that's going to now take a screenshot you can see it down in the bottom there and what that's going to do is it's just going to save it directly to your desktop so we can see it here we can also press the space bar to do a quick look that's another keyboard shortcut for you and you can see we have a screenshot there um what I'm going to do now is just delete that I don't need it anymore there's two ways of doing that you can just click and drag it and drop it in the trash can or another keyboard shortcut hold command and then delete and that's going to send it to the trash so that was command shift 3 to take a screenshot of the entire screen if we want to take a screenshot of a particular section like a smaller section let's say for example we want to take a screenshot of the Safari icon down in the corner we're going to go command shift and then instead of three we're going to hit four and you can see now we have this little square pointer and we can now click and drag over this area release and that's going to take a screenshot of that specific area now alternatively if you want to record the screen we can go command shift and then five what that's going to do is it's actually going to give us a couple of different op options here so uh we can capture the entire screen uh we can capture selected window or we can capture selected portions and that's going to be for the screenshots you have more customization alternatively we can record the entire screen or we can record a selected portion and if we click selected portion we can obviously drag this so if there's like a certain section of your screen you want to just cut out for privacy purposes and record you can do that um but I generally just record the whole screen we also have some options here so we can choose where the screenshots and Screen recordings are saved to like I said before default is desktop or we can go documents mail messages um or you can click other location so if I click that we can actually specify a specific folder for all new screen recordings and screenshots to go into so let's say for example you're a university student and you're preparing material for a lecture or you're at work and you want to prepare things for particular meeting at work we can come in here to let's say for example our documents folder create a new folder and call it meeting or or lecture number one we'll create that we'll select it and then we'll click choose and now if we take a screen recording or a screenshot uh it's actually going to save it to that specific folder so it's really good for organizing everything um if you have different things you want to screenshot and screen record so for example let's take a screen recording we're just going to click on the screen uh you can see up here this is where you can actually stop the screen recording this little round uh circle with a square in it so we're going to click that to stop it you can see it's now saved and if we now come back to that location which was in our documents folder we can see meeting or lecture one folder and if we go inside that we now have that specific screen recording now another really powerful feature I want to talk about is having multiple desktops on your Mac now like the name suggests it just means you can have multiple screens open at the same time and very quickly and easily switch between them it's kind of like having two different monitors but on the same screen now to set up multiple desktops there's two ways we can either press the F3 key up the top here or we can use the three finger swipe on the trackpad swipe up and that will give us the desktop window so we can come up here and click the add button over here to add an additional desktop and we can then and click on this which is now called desktop 2 now one thing I like to do on a secondary or even a third or fourth desktop is change the wallpaper so that I know which desktop I'm currently on just by looking at the wallpaper so to do that we just right click on the desktop go to change wallpaper you may remember this from before and then we want to uh disable show on all spaces and then we're going to change the wallpaper of desktop too so for example I'm just going to use the same syoma wallpaper but I'm going to switch it to the dark mode and now if we use the same three finger gesture or we press the F3 key uh you can see that my desktops now have different wallpapers and to switch between them it's very very easy swipe up with your three fingers or press F3 and then you can just click on whichever desktop you want to go to alternatively you can hold down control and use the arrow keys to switch between them and this is very very powerful so let's say for example I have um you know open here and I'm doing some research and then I have some notes open here so a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet or whatever uh I can now very quickly and easily switch between these two desktops without having to minimize things or cram everything into one screen so again control left or right Keys alternatively use those handy three fingers and you can swipe between them like that very very powerful stuff and again you can come up here uh and you can add multiple desktops so you can have you know 2 three four five uh and you can also come up here see little X you can close desktops down that you no longer need now installing apps is very very easy let's say for example you want to install Chrome just go to Google on Safari type in Chrome and you can now download that it's very simple alternatively you can go to the App Store uh you can come down here to the Launchpad and go app store and you can search for any applications that you want to download you do have to be signed into your Apple ID account to do that um but there's a pretty good range of apps that you can download speaking of applications to download you can get an app called magnet which is totally free it's open source doesn't cost you anything uh that allows you to actually snap and resize windows on your Mac desktop so this is something that is a native feature on a Windows machine like Windows 11 but it is not on Mac and and the magnet app is a really really powerful app uh and if you also want to try out some different apps I recommend something called set app now this is not sponsored uh you know they're not paying me any money but if you jump onto the setup website you can get a one week free trial or possibly more if they have deals on and that's going to allow you to try out a bunch of different paid apps they've got hundreds of apps you can choose from uh and you can download them all try them out and then you can either continue on with the set app subscription get access to all of these apps for a monthly fee or you can just cancel your subscription and go onto that specific app's website or on the app store and buy it for a couple of dollars or however much it is and continue using it forever now some other services you can use are obviously iCloud I do definitely recommend iCloud uh if you didn't already sign in before to iCloud you can go Apple logo system settings then you can come up here and sign in to your iCloud and add that to your Mac and that allows you to instantly access all your your contacts your calendars your photos your emails uh and also any files that you may have stored on iCloud will automatically sync with your Mac and if you're really conscious about your internet usage and staying private or if you travel a lot you can definitely pick up a VPN as well again this video is not sponsored uh I don't make any money from VPN companies but I'll put three vpns that I'm either currently using or have used in the past and can vouch for on the screen now and I'll put some links down below to them now one final thing I will show you is the spotlight now you may already have used this um there's a couple of ways to access it you can click the F4 button here uh there will be by default a little icon up here that you can click or a keyboard shortcut is command and spacebar and this is a very very powerful Tool uh you can use to search files so for example my lecture 01 from University or whatever or meeting _ 04 for work or whatever or even certain photos so so um if let's say for example I had a trip to Thailand I can type in Thailand and it will actually list all the photos that I took in that particular location likewise if you have any photos of your pets or something on here so cat it will actually search through all of your photos and it can also do simple things like currency conversion or mathematics so if I do 50 * 50 it's going to give you that result or alternatively $100 to Australian it'll do that conversion right there and there's obviously a ton more stuff you can learn about your Mac and your Mac OS but this video is already getting kind of long I don't really want to overload you so I will link some videos down below uh you know some mac tips and tricks how to look after your battery how to clean it privacy and security and also some additional tips and tricks and some applications that I recommend so check all of that out in the video description but apart from that yeah enjoy your new Mac it is a great piece of techn techology I've enjoyed using mine for the last 10 or 15 years however long it's been and if you do have any questions or anything like that let me know down below but apart from that I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Created Tech
Views: 255,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, mac, macos, beginners, tutorial, guide, finder, safari, apple menu, spotlight, seniors, windows, set up mac, new mac, new mac setup, how to set up new mac, mac setup, how to use mac, what to do with new mac, macbook, macbook air, macbook pro, move data to mac, windows to mac, how to start using mac, how can i setup mac, step by step guide mac, step by step guide mac setup, how to use macbook, how to start using macos, macbook guide for beginners, macbook beginners guide
Id: 577BLRACoDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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