How I Remade Pokemon In Unreal Engine 5

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so I was like Pokemon scarlet and violet recently and although I did end up actually really enjoying the game I alongside apparently the rest of the internet was not that enthusiastic about the graphics so then I was like unreal look good Pokemon looked bad must be pretty good right no [Music] so the thing I had to sort of right away before anything else was how to take the Pokemon out of the game and put them into the engine where they can look all nice and stuff turns out not so easy so for the sake of everyone else's sanity I mine I'm going to keep this as brief as possible just know that I had to go through some really old looking forums and several Discord channels where I must say the people were surprisingly helpful just so that I can in totally use a physical copy of the game an SD card reader and four different pieces of ancient looking software just so I could get one model from the game into the engine which immediately brought me to the next thing what area am I even gonna remake Pokemon as a franchise has been around for a long time at this point and so it has a lot of interesting locations to choose from in the end I decided I'm remaking Sky Pillar from Ruby Sapphire and emerald I actually don't remember why this was what I decided to do so anyway now that I had that in mind I could reference Bulbapedia to get the data on which Pokemon spawn in each location to figure out what Pokemon I needed to put in the game sounds simple right I mean that part was easy enough but at the end of that all I had were just some models and animations on their own they don't do anything I mean they look like they do something but they don't do anything there's no game yet here so then I had to ask myself a question what is it's battling I cut you off there it's battling there's no philosophical question here it's battling it's like 90 of the game which means two things there's gonna be a lot of programming and there's going to be a lot of UI that means it's on the programming I actually had a lot of fun programming this game simply because when things start to work it's just nice I mean really it's almost like Pokemon was designed around object oriented programming or one aspect in particular inheritance see what inheritance does is it allows you to create one base child class or template and have a bunch of what are called child classes inherit from that template so that you don't ever have to copy and paste your code I know that probably sounds like nothing to a lot of you so I'm gonna break it down the best I can imagine you're making in this case a couple of toys when you're coding in a game engine what you essentially want to be doing is making the mold that produces the toys in this video meaning that all of the common traits that every Pokemon shares like how their stats are calculated the moves they can use how they work inside of a battle and much much more are all going to be included in this base or parent class which is the mold in this video the toys are going to be the child classes which I mentioned earlier which inherit their traits from the parent class so when I create a Pokemon all I need to specify is what model and animations it should use as well as what level type and moves they have access to out of the list and the same code will work for every Pokemon all I have to do from there is go into the child class themselves and set the value of those various attributes that might sound really complicated but trust me programming is a lot of the time simpler than it seems to be anyway all of that coding just defines how I should create a Pokemon it says nothing about how the battle should operate it says nothing about your team's health and stats and how to keep track of it and a whole bunch of other stuff real quick I wanted to mention how I coded whether or not certain types were effective against one another see every Pokemon type has strengths and weaknesses but you knew that already I would hope what you should do with this information though to use in an engine is to make a data table like an Excel spreadsheet unfortunately though that's cringe instead take a look at one of the biggest switch statements to ever be made I don't want to bore you guys with too much more programming so I'm going to keep this brief every so often based on the amount of steps you take a battle will start the battle can end when you run catch or defeat the anime Pokemon or I guess lose but we don't do that around here see something about coding for too long in a row makes you start to have funny little ideas like this idea for instance where I decided to make all the Pokemon Red rag doll when you beat them they just stay like that forever the World Cup is topical right now here's a clip of Sableye getting kicked like a soccer ball but that's not all for some reason I also thought it would be hilarious if when clade all used explosion he well and the pieces just stay there it's uh well I don't really know how to feel about it to be honest good news now that I've successfully destroyed everyone's childhood it's time to move on to the environment that's right we're finally done talking about coding I skipped by coding just for you don't tell anybody else about it I got you now that the game was functionally almost complete I had to go remake the actual Sky Pillar environment which meant this cave below as well as the island everything else is on so I started by using Unreal engine's water plug-in to create an island in the middle of the ocean and then spent some time making sure I couldn't run into the water with some invisible walls next I made the cave using the quixel bridge mesh assets in order to build out the whole thing that was a tongue twister this is where this is where the first instance of a problem that would become a much bigger issue later on which is namely that the way that Pokemon games use 3D space makes no sense whatsoever for instance the way that this cave is laid out on the inside doesn't actually line up with the surface above which doesn't matter in the game because they're loaded as two distinct zones but when you're trying to make one 3D environment you got to make some changes so now there's some stairs at the end here that lead up to the desert area where the actual pillar is speaking of I had to make that next so I used a mixture of unreals 3D modeling suite and some Mega scans textures to build out the tower and then put some awesome platforming in the interior to make it a little interesting to play and by the way this is where that problem I just mentioned comes back in a very annoying way see when you fight Rayquaza in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire the top of Sky Pillar is seen to be above the clouds now something that people might not know is that clouds are actually very high up I know crazy right see the issue is that in the games the player only has to climb up four ladders and somehow the last one takes them up to the height of the clouds which for reference is about six thousand feet so if we take the the average height of a 10 year old and use that to figure out how tall these ladders are we get a staggering number this last ladder the player climbs up is at least 5952 feet long but in any case it really sucks for me I couldn't really find a way to do this without making it ridiculous I didn't want to copy and paste the same Tower like 50 times so I decided to put a little triangle shape teleporter at the top that takes you to where Rayquaza is speaking of I made a really cool cutscene for this thank you [Music] so then you can walk up to Rayquaza if I catch or beat it if you want as per usual and that's about it so there you go that's what pokemon would look like with some higher quality textures and sadness but anyway you should probably like And subscribe and stuff because I'm like super awesome bye [Music] crap [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] prayer [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ArcSin Jesse
Views: 1,100,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine 4, unreal engine, unreal engine 5 games, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 graphics, programming, programming tutorial, pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, new pokemon game, gen 9, pokemon fan game, pokemon remake, game remake, video game development, pokemon omega ruby, pokemon alpha sapphire, pkmn, pkmn fan, 3d modelling, pokemon fan games 2022, gen 3, gen 9 pokemon, gen 3 music, pokemon glitches
Id: ZiAQO4ycrq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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