This is how I anneal my brass

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hey what's going on eric cortina here so today we're going to talk about annealing this video right here i told you that if it hit uh 3 000 likes um i was going to make an annealing video for you guys well you guys killed it it's got over 5 5000 likes i think last time i checked so today we're going to talk about that all right so the first thing we need to discuss is what brass is so brass is an alloy which is copper and sink mixed together uh that's the short explanation of it you can i mean you can look a lot more in depth uh as to what it is and what percentage does that in the other but you know that's the short of it okay now annealing acts different in different metals okay it's not the same all the way across the board annealing what is annealing um according to the machinery machinery's handbook 29th version annealing is to improve or restore ductility for subsequent forming operations or to eliminate the residual stresses and microstructural effects of cold working okay so brass when we size the brass uh so we fire it right and then we size it back that's cold working every time we move it it cold it it work hardens that's what it's called okay it gets a little bit harder a little bit harder which makes it more brittle which is the reason that it'll break at some point so if it gets harder every time you work it okay so your neck tension is going to be that just means that your neck tension is going to be different every time okay so your neck tension is going to be different every time you uh load your brass if you don't anneal it so when you kneel it you kind of bring it back to the original uh let's just call it stress level or hardness level okay uh that's what we're trying to do we're trying to maintain a consistent neck tension for all the brass and for the life of that brass this will ensure that you get consistency in your reloads and then they perform as expected work hardening i can explain it or i can just show it to you let me go show it to you all right so here's a piece of brass that i section just so you guys can see plus it's going to make it a lot easier to bend so if i take a pair of pliers and grab the neck i can bend it nothing happens i can bend them back nothing happens however if i grab it and bend it back and forth a few times like this it breaks off okay the reason for that is because they work hardened every time i moved it it got a little bit harder and then at some point it just breaks off okay we're gonna do it again okay okay bend it no problem bend it back no problem but now it's a little bit harder than it was the first time okay and then do it again no problem again and then you just keep doing that and it's work hardening and you guys can see there it is it broke off so this is what happens to brass if i do this and this and then anneal it i can do it all over again there and there and it'll it's just never gonna break because i'm restoring it to the first time that i did it okay so i know this is my third time but let's just assume this is the first time there and there i anneal it it i call it the reset button it goes back to the to the beginning with no stress and then you can keep working the brass and it's not going to break because there's no it didn't it's no longer hard it you got it annealed back to the original hardness which it didn't break okay so this is just going uh this is just ensuring consistency in your reloads because you know like the first few times it didn't break but at some point like that it just breaks off right see that so this is what happens to your breasts okay so now let's anneal it all right so annealing is where the magic happens and the controversy and all that good stuff that you read online okay i'm gonna show you the way i do it okay that's a disclaimer i'm gonna do it the way i do it i'm gonna show you the way i do it and it works for me okay so it's extremely simple uh i've showed it before and the comments never how can i put this nicely they they never disappoint there's always somebody in the comments saying that i'm doing it wrong um but anyway again i'm gonna show you how i do it all right so one of the questions that i had on the last video that i did where i showed the kneeler is why do i have different bottles okay well not just because i ran out when i when i start my uh my barbecue pit oftentimes i'll take this bottle and i go start it right so of course i ran out and then one day i was a kneeling brass and i only have one bottle so i had that one on the heater so i took it off and put it on and that's why i have different bottles okay uh i have bought more since then and that's them back there now uh map gas versus propane it doesn't matter map gas is not really map gas anymore so it's not as hot as it used to be so i use that one just because it's a little bit faster that's it okay so that's the that's the technical explanation of why i have two different bottles all right so the first thing i did is dim the lights you probably can't tell because the camera compensates but uh i dim the lights i'm gonna start the flames okay and the way i like to set it up is get it to the point where the the inner flame almost touches the brass about right there okay and this one over here on the right side it's not looks like it's dirty but whatever okay so the lights are dimmed here we go let's do one i'm gonna zoom in so you guys can see a little better okay and it has a knob over here on the on this left side for time so i'm gonna sit here and the minute it turns orange about right there it needs to move out of the way okay let's do another one and turn off the lights i need a little more i'm gonna do another one okay here we go right there right a little more do one more i like the necks and the you know the neck to turn orange slightly let's do another one yep about right there i don't know if you could tell but it turned slight orange before it got out of the way let me turn the lights back on i'm gonna have to keep the lights dim just so you guys can see but as far as where to aim the flame i try to aim the flame right where the shoulder meets the uh the neck okay give this one a little more about right there now annealing has nothing to do with color of the brass okay so don't try to match the what lapua does that has nothing to do with it right there perfect okay so that's how i anneal my breasts now how hot is too hot well you can over anneal the breasts but we're gonna do a little experiment here a little bit all right so i got 10 pieces of brass already annealed okay we're gonna take some of these because they're hot like this one i didn't i didn't knock the primers out that one that one can you guys see still have the primers so let me zoom out so you guys can see okay so these three pieces of brass i'm going to put a red sharpie mark on the primer okay i'm gonna do three of them okay uh let's do one more let's do four okay and what we're gonna do we're going to over anneal this press okay so i'm going to set the machine it was at six seconds i'm going to set it to 10 seconds which is the maximum it'll go all right there's one that's ten seconds instead of six okay there it is and it's just gonna sit there look how look how red that is okay we're gonna do another one and uh we're gonna do those four remember we put sharpie marks on the back put this tray under here so i can catch them but i mean look how red that brass is turning all right so just by looking at it can you tell which brass is the brass that got the 10 seconds okay so i'm going to tip them over these four so you guys can see sorry that these are the ones that are red okay all the others i knocked one over but this one doesn't even have a primer and the others don't have the red marks okay now we're going to see if we damage these four by annealing them too much how we're going to find out what we're going to use the hydropress we're going to seat some freedom seeds and see uh see if the seeding pressure is different all right so before we do the test let's uh read this article right quick and talk about how much temperature it takes to anneal the breast okay if cold war breast is heated to 450 to 600 degrees celsius the hardening of cheap can be removed again depending on its composition at this temperature the crystals in the middle microstructure can rearrange if the heating remains if the heating remains within the range of 300 or 400 degrees celsius depending on the temperature different degrees of hardness can be achieved if the alloy is heated to 250 to 300 degrees celsius it can be relaxed to such an extent that at least no more stress corrosion cracking can occur so 460 celsius the uh the hardening can be removed 450 to or 300 to 450 um different degrees of hardness can be achieved and 250 to 300 it can be relaxed to such extent that at least no more stress corrosion cracking can occur so uh looks like 250 to 300 this is celsius this is just to keep it from cracking okay 450 to 600 the hardening is completely removed so that looks like it's too much heat and for 300 to 450 uh different degrees of hardness can be achieved so uh it looks like we want to be you know they always say be around 750 degrees and i think they're talking about fahrenheit so uh anyway that's what this article says and like i said i i'm not very good at all this scientific stuff so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to see them and i mean you guys saw how i annealed it now i'm going to see them all and see if it makes a difference between the way i do it and pretty much overdoing it and see if we actually overdid it if we didn't then you know i mean it's real simple to stay inside that window which is kind of how how i operate i find the the most foolproof way for me to get it to work and yet not have any issues so all right let's find out if we ruin some breaths all right moment of truth so here's one that was annealed the way normally in new breasts here we go okay look what am i doing here okay that looked like okay that one was inconclusive let me get out of the way because i'm trying to stand behind the camera that's hard to do okay okay well that's really hard this dye that i used is not the typical dye but anyway we can see it's got some hardness uh it goes in and it kind of builds up all the way up to what what do we do in 80 okay it builds up builds up okay so about 60 this one that was the max that it reached and i haven't been showing you but these are all the brass that uh that got to kneel normally okay so 60 was the max all right let's do another one you get the idea so now this is the brass that we supposedly over kneeled okay so let's do the first one 60. let's do another one you guys see that yep 60 if anything these are more consistent 40. so they're a little bit lighter neck tension and the less one okay i was about 50. so the tension is lighter but we do have tension okay all right so there you have it uh as you saw even annealing the brass for 10 seconds with dual torches one of which was a map uh gas we did not ruin the breast so there is a pretty large window between annealing and over annealing okay uh so i don't know uh to me it's fairly fairly simple to anneal just based on that very large window that we have between you know kneeling and over kneeling having seen this test you know i'm 100 confident in what i'm doing just letting that breast glow and the reason i do that is because it's really easy when to see the breasts start to glow and then move it out of the way that to me that is a very easy way to to time it however if you go a little bit too much it ain't as you saw it ain't gonna matter and you can do this test yourself okay that's the beauty of it uh take some breaths this is all old brass that's why it's kind of all over the place that brass has been there over a year but uh the point is we have neck tension and we even though we got it super red uh most of you probably thought that brass was gone right but it wasn't if you are on patreon then this is what i got coming that i'm gonna test next so i have a amp annealer and as you guys saw the way i test stuff is by seeing the actual implementation of the test okay so i don't like reading articles and reading this reading that i just go out and try it for myself so the test that i'm gonna do for patreon is i'm going to a new brass with my flame annealer and then i'm going to new brass with the amp annealer and i'm going to shoot them at a thousand yards see if it makes a difference if i can see a difference then i'm switching for sure uh so anyway that's the test that i'm gonna do all right i hope you guys enjoyed this i hope uh your money was well spent with your likes and if you enjoyed this one make sure you give it a lot of likes as well and uh don't forget i'm gonna link that article in the description below so you guys can go read it it's pretty short but it kind of gives you a pretty quick uh info and on what brass is and the uh annealing temperatures and all that good stuff thank you so much we'll see you next time keep them centered you
Channel: Erik Cortina - Pro Shooter
Views: 150,963
Rating: 4.9381256 out of 5
Keywords: Erik Cortina, Cortina, EC Tuner, EC Precision, Precision, Accuracy, Long Range, Proshooter, Pro shooter, Pro-shooter, hunter, annealing
Id: 2yOtCQsfJhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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