How I Personally Promote my RedBubble Products (Surprisingly Personal Video)

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is mayor oyo and i teach creative people how to sell their art online and today's video is the very first video that i've done in the two months that i've been on youtube that i still don't know how to title it before filming it because i wanted to make a video about how i personally promote my redbubble products and i have a very different system and the reason that my system for promoting my web apple products is so different relates to how i started with red bubble and why i didn't know just how much of my personal story i want to share not because i'm afraid of you know what people would say i'm not afraid of you know people labeling me in certain ways finding out that i have ptsd fibromyalgia i am diagnosed with you know ptsd which is a mental illness and it wasn't because of that it was because i didn't know how personal i wanted my channel to be because honestly i didn't know if people would be interested in this and i've been getting so many comments and so many messages and dms mostly on instagram from a lot of people in the past two months i think that for the first time if i scroll down instagram i have to scroll like five or seven screens before i see my best friend which i spoke to like two days ago so it's and it's been amazing i mean i've been getting so many good feedbacks and i've been getting also a lot of questions and most cases i find myself looking at this question because what i'm about to tell you i actually told i think five or six people that we were talking and the topics that come up a lot is the fact that while there are people who understand that my channel is about a lot of things who have been following me for the start or seen my first videos who know that in my core business i'm an affiliate marketer i have a business that i build other people's websites and i teach people how to build websites and that and that's my core business but while that i've been doing print on demand for several years i've been teaching graphic design so i want to give people that option but i'm still not a person who's gonna you know i'm not gonna try and sell you my course i don't have a course i've been asked a lot before to make courses i just don't like it i really do like youtube i think it's becoming like my favorite social channel social network throughout these conversations with some people i was asked i think it was from people who mostly saw you know one or two of my videos so i was talking to a person who was interested in selling printable wallet on etsy and she saw one of my videos about that and she asked me like where is your printable wall art store and i told her i don't have one i don't have time for one i have a full-time business while also managing you know physical therapy from a spinal injury while also now returning to a veterans organization that treats veterans with ptsd my business my core business in the past four or five years was to coach and to train people how to set up their etsy shop how to set up their redbubble account how to learn how to take you know a certain design and make it come to life using different platforms and that's my core business especially when i'm coming from almost 10 years of seo and understanding search engines and i don't think that i have to be a person that makes beautiful jewelry in order to talk to an etsy seller that wants to sell jewelry and explain to her how seo works because i think that that's the beauty of it because if i was a person that makes amazing jewelry i would just open an etsy shop myself to sell my jewelry and i wouldn't be spending time on youtube i wouldn't be working on other people's businesses i would just focus on that and that's not kind of who i am and i've also gotten messages from people saying like you know i've seen you have so many uh videos on redbubble but i've seen your redbible store and you have like less than you know 200 designs i have like 97 designs and i explained to them that for three and a half years i had 27 designs and they have been selling and some people said you know that's just weird you can't talk about redbubble with that or other people said you know wow that's super cool so you focus mostly on marketing and i said yeah and i think that in most of these conversations it went to a good direction i've also seen a lot of people who say like you know i'm hiding my redbubble shop which is ridiculous because if you see my sticker video there are links to my redbubble shop i just don't put my redbubble shop whenever you know on every video because i don't believe in trying to promote my readable shop to you guys you're not potential clients and if you want to know what sells on redbubble just go into redbubble and see the top results i mean my products sell because of the way that i market them and that sort of led i think it was the end of last month that i decided to make this video to explain my way of making things and i've also been getting a lot of messages from people who say stuff like when you search my name on redbubble you can find my shop because my shop is not listed at my name which is again not me hiding it it's on my instagram link in bio but it's not listed on my shop because of the way i started my redbubble shop and they're saying stuff like you know i said something about as an artist you should really place your face forward in what you do on social media and because i am hiding my true nature on redbubble and i don't have an instagram account for my redbubble account i can't tell people to do that but the thing you need to understand is when i tell you that when you want to promote your redbubble shop your society6 shop and your etsy shop as an artist you need to show your face as an artist i'm not saying that i'm gonna open all of these shops and do that because i chose not to market my redbubble shop as an artist because i don't see myself as an artist on redbubble i don't upload onto redbubble my paintings or my photography and by the way i've started a new fine art america profile that i'm rebuilding now that has my photography and my name and my story of all my travels during photography because that is my art and that fine art america profile is going to have an instagram account with me in it as the artist and especially i was surprised to hear people say that i'm hiding myself when you know i'm on youtube and i'm constantly on instagram but i do want to stop here for a minute and explain to people that my plan for this channel was to open up people's eyes to options and possibilities they didn't know exist for example you know i made the video about more than 20 etsy printable download business option ideas do you honestly think that i have 20 etsy shops i mean come on i don't know how to create homeschooling shits for kids like printable homeschooling sheets but that doesn't prevent me to help a teacher who got laid off and give her that idea as an option for her because for her this would be an amazing option for me this would be why would i even do that when my point and my business is to teach i think i imagined myself making this video a lot calmer but throughout these conversations with all these people in the past two months i think that almost every conversation ended with you know they understand the point that i am not a person that's gonna make a whole channel about one thing like i'm not gonna have a channel just with redbubble trends and i'm not going to have a channel just with etsy printable wall art and more than that the people who told me like you know i am looking into diving into one of your topics more i even referred them to other youtubers that that's what they do and the conversation was always pleasant and comfortable and this morning i found myself for the first time being lashed out at for not being professional on redbubble because my name is not in it and that i cannot tell people how to market their business if i don't do the same and and it seems kind of funny to me because i was thinking like if you own a cafe you won't hire a person to help you with facebook marketing because they don't own a cafe you know my my job my purpose everything i ever wanted to do was teach and share knowledge and i do that on youtube now for free and still people complain and i just decided that i want to address it and i want to also explain to a lot of people who are asking i think because i told my personal story to a lot of people and i think i just want to tell it like you know in one place out loud please forgive me if it's too personal but it really does lead to the way that i started promoting my redbubble shop and what i'm doing it with it now and lessons that i'm learning throughout this passive income journey that i've been on for the past five years i also want you to understand that sometimes when you correspond with someone in text i think that in a way you tend to read their voice in the voice that you're feeling towards yourself at the moment so when a lot of people told me like i want to follow people who are very focused just on etsy i told them if you want to just they want to focus on people who do like etsy wall art printables and i told them well you you don't have to follow me i can give you other people to follow and they said thank you while other people when you tell them like you know uh i expected to see more just on redbubble from you that's why i followed you and i'm like you you don't have to follow me and they think that i'm get i'm getting angry i really don't mind i want i i really do want to feel that feeling of i think one of the commenters said it one time like the tribe i really want to feel that i really want us to sit down and have conversation about a lot of topics because you know honestly if i make a design for redbubble you can make it for etsy and if i show you a cool technique for etsy you can use it for society6 and if i'm here on the 26th and on the 29th to tell you how google trend works and how you can build your own website for free i really do hope that you understand that i don't spend 99 of my day working on my redbubble shop because my redbubble shop is the thing that i care about the least i care about my clients businesses first i care about my youtube channel i care about the website that i'm building for myself i care about my affiliate websites that i've been working on for five years and i do care about promoting my shop and i do it in a very different way and i'm going to stop babbling because i want to babble on a different topic which is how i started on redbubble which led to how i promote my redbubble products i've been turning over around a lot in this video mostly because of the light just i hope you noticed i think it was the beginning of 2015 when i was working for tech companies i was a project manager and a download installer company that worked with google and microsoft after having spent a lot of time working for media companies working as a media marketer running ads working with google taboola facebook ads when i had a near death experience in an ambulance i was injected with adrenaline which later on i learned might have been the catalyst for an outburst of ptsd from my army service that dose of adrenaline that experience led to that and i found myself unemployed for the first time i wasn't able to get out of the house i was super depressed you know i was six years after my service listening to the fact that like looking at a doctor who tells me like you know you're experiencing this because of the army and i was like what are you talking about you know and i was lost and i decided to take all the knowledge that i had in in the past few years everything that i've learned how to do to set up a business because while i was depressed fired and at home i still had to pay a lot more medical bills and still sustain myself and you know pay for rent and pay for food and i decided to just you know open a business you know like a licensed company and just do whatever people wanted and for two years i did that i had a very successful profile on fiverr i used to sell seo content articles which i started selling like i sold six articles for 25 and i'm a native english speaker and an seo specialist i just i didn't care i just wanted to sit down and do something i didn't even care if i get paid for that or not because i didn't want to go insane at home and i said you know 25 is better than zero and i need to do something and i started building websites for people and i started doing facebook ads for people and and and doing this i i taught myself graphic design because i wanted to be able to give my clients a better service and i was watching a lot of youtube videos and took a lot of online courses and really gotten better at this and i think it was two years after that in the beginning of 2017 that i had my second falling out with ptsd and that's when i discovered society6 i was literally sitting at home doing nothing but constantly uploading things to society6 and a friend of mine came and tried to help me out and she saw what i was doing and she was like so you basically take one design and you upload it to everything and i'm like yeah and she said why don't you make a design that is specific for one item and i'm like what do you mean and she said i was she was looking for a bath mat at the time for her new apartment and she found one that was really cool and it said like squeaky clean and it had like uh this like weird yellow font to it and she liked it and i'm like so you want me to make you something you've already seen and she's like no because i looked at it and i thought to myself what if it had like this plastic duck like one of those ducklings you put in the bathtub so i wanted like squeaky clean and a duck in the middle so i just you know open canva and opened my illustrator program and illustrated a duck and wrote squeaky clean and made her a bath mat which by the way sold a bunch of times after that because apparently a lot of people like this concept and for many many many many days i was uploading to society6 uh a lot of you know everything that i i actually started with uploading i uploaded one of the sunset photos i took in bangkok in 2011 because i wanted uh to have it on a tapestry on my wall and i uploaded things that i wanted there was another friend that i really liked at the time and her name in hebrew means her name means rose so i i made a rose pattern and i made her like a wallet with it like a zipper pouch and that's how i started with society6 by just uploading the weird things that i want and i was also in my affiliate programs like my affiliate websites which if you don't know i'm going to sum it up real quick because affiliate is a person that recommends a company or service with a referral link and if someone buys that product or service you get commission which basically means for example if i'm an etsy affiliate so if i recommend in a blog about a specific etsy shop then the person who sees it on my blog and clicks on the link they would still get the same price the seller would get the same amount of money but i will get a commission from etsy if a sale is being made and that was a very good passive income model for me because i didn't have to constantly you know call clients and be on the phone clients and i could work at night and it really got well together with my ptsd and while i was uploading all these products to society6 i also discovered redbubble so i opened an account on redbubble and i named it after myself and i started uploading the same designs there and then i decided that my next affiliate blog is going to be about babies like things for babies things for kids and i started uploading you know a lot of things onto there uh from etsy from aliexpress from ebay like oh things for kids a lot of cute things and i remember looking at redbubble and i discovered that they have these jumpsuits and i thought i don't need to be an affiliate i can also create things my own so that website was named dinxy i don't know how i came up with that the baby website so because i didn't have any redbubble sales i changed the name of my redbubble shop to dinxy style which was at the very early beginning this was 2017 and name changes were a lot easier and i think it was about a month after that that i was seeing a doctor and i found out that i could never have kids or it's going to be extremely difficult for me to ever have kids and i just shut down the blog about babies because i i couldn't just you know look at baby things every day knowing that i can't have kids so i closed that and i deleted all of the baby stuff from redbubble but the thing is that they already started selling and i couldn't change the name back so my name on redbubble is dinxy style and it's always been that actually if you go onto that you will see my name but for some reason it's not searchable then i was sort of at a loss about what i wanted to upload and now we're getting to the part of how i promoted my redbubble shop and why i'm not promoting it on instagram which is something i think like a lot of people think that instagram is the only way to promote things but as an seo specialist and someone who studies the internet instagram is the least efficient way to promote people to just click on something especially if they don't have that artist connection and again i'm not an artist i didn't have paintings i just had fun stuff so i was looking at this redbubble account that had the name that basically symbolized the fact that i can't have kids and i wanted to upload something just to get just to put something there so i uploaded a bunch of designs from mahjong because i was i think in my in my lowest depression points i was just playing mahjong on my phone all day so i just uploaded a bunch of stuff you know on dresses and stuff like that and i sold like a dress and a sticker and it was kind of nice and i was using mostly pinterest and i made a full video on how to use pinterest for redbubble which is still something i do i don't have one pinterest again for my designs because i have different affiliate websites in different topics i have different pinterest accounts for each of them so for example for the i have its pinterest account which i upload just random stuff fashion stuff that i have and for the wallet blog i also have pinterest which i upload the wall art pieces that i have from redbubble including the wall clocks including the tapestries everything you can put on wall and i had a pinterest account that is just for bathroom decor so i just uploaded a bunch of my shower curtains and the bath mats i had a pinterest account for interesting finds online where i would just post random stuff and i'm now working on a pinterest account and a website just for stickers because stickers are my best sellers i started just doing these like random mahjong designs and then i i've been in a lot of groups of expats and a lot of groups of people who live abroad who live in certain different places who are looking for unique things a lot of you know maybe artistic kind of shoppers group hipsters stuff like that and i remember one time i saw in one of these groups that a person from boston had this like shop with like unique fashion items and he posted on an expat group for expat living in thailand where do we know like a place with like unique stuff and he said that he's not just interested in that because it's in thailand and it's cheap because he was selling a bunch of these items for like you know four hundred dollars like a boutique shop and i was an expat living in thailand a few years before that so i replied with a link to the mahjong dress and i said i have mahjong dresses and he contacted me and he said uh i see that you have the mahjong dress in white is it also like in black and you know if you've been on redbubble i mean i took the mahjong design and i repeat the pattern and i just made the background white but then he said do you have it in black and i said well you know give me a minute so i made it in black and i also made it in red and i also made it in purple and i think it's been going on for three years now that he's still ordering every few months a bunch of mahjong dresses and because he's doing it then when people go and search for mahjong stuff on redbubble or on google they refer it to me first i'm really up high on that search because it's been purchased a lot by the same person and i'm not telling you guys you know go to expat groups and try to find that one lucky strike because it's not just a lucky strike because once i realized that this worked i thought to myself maybe this can work in a different way and back then you know i was i was in all kinds of etsy groups because a lot of people in etsy groups knew me as the person that gives them you know etsy advice tells them you know how to tweak their logo how to make a cover photo uh i wrote some people you know their bios their sections i explained seo to some people so i kind of had a name there and one of the sellers wrote that she's looking to buy stickers to stick on her you know on her packaging and she was like you know how do you package your things and she said that she ordered like a bunch of thank you stickers on aliexpress and although that i do think that aliexpress has good quality stickers they have a variety of suppliers she ordered for someone who had like really low quality and she said does someone know like a good thank you sticker and high quality so i saw her post and literally went on to canva open a five thousand by five thousand pixel uh design like i always do and added four thank you words uploaded it onto redbubble and one sticker is basically four stickers and it was five minutes later that i posted my link and that sticker sold not just by her because she bought like 20 copies of that four in one sticker but other etsy sellers as well and then i was thinking this is nuts i can just look into groups and if someone is looking for something i'm gonna make it and it's going to sell i'm just going to put the link here and the thing is that this is something that i learned from being an affiliate marketer a few years before that because i had a big shopping affiliate blog back in 2013 while i was working for a media company and they told me it's not about the amount of traffic we bring into the company because if we bring in a million people to a website and our goal is to sell something and nobody buys we would rather bring in 100 people and all of them would buy and i have this affiliate blog that i ordered this dress from aliexpress it was really pretty it was 17 and i placed it on me i took a few photos of it and i took a few photos of it on me with heels without heels you know i showed the back of it i put in like you know a belt like a an under the breast kind of belt thing and i wrote down you know i'm size 42 i'm 166 centimeters i ordered this dress i think it would fit also you know people who are a bit taller than me with heels if you are a bit shorter than me you might need to cut the dress down i also had another friend who is a bit more heavier than me who wore it and another friend who was skinnier than me wore it with a belt and i had this blog post and i had no idea what to do with it because i didn't have money to invest in marketing and i was in this shopping group and a woman said do you know a good formal dress because i i'm gonna attend a wedding uh that i can buy on aliexpress and i said yes i bought this dress to attend a wedding and i gave her that you know the link to that blog post which also had affiliate links for me for aliexpress and the statistics were crazy because that blog post was seen by 250 people and i got commissions for 170 people who bought that dress and i only posted the link there because i only posted the link in a group where someone is requesting a specific formal dress from aliexpress under 20 to go to a wedding which you know checks out all my boxes so i started doing that with a lot of my redbubble products and i think that along the way because a lot of the people who are coming into my redbubble shop came in to buy my search results under these things became better and it sort of took on a life of its own because soon after that i was selling that same thank you adjustment that i made as a greeting card and i was also people were buying it like you know in stocks of greeting cards so i made few variations like i made a lot more modern designs i made a lot more thank you designs and i basically left it like that for three years i also wrote about my products in those blogs i mean the blogs that i said about before that had pinterest accounts i also sometimes would go like if i don't have anything to write about i'll just write about my own thing so i just wrote about you know i wrote a blog post i think it was three years ago about cool thank you stickers or cool things to use to package your etsy products or stuff like that and i posted a lot of my products there also posted a lot of things from other people and i also had my product as a banner i remember i think it was the socks of the penguin on the sidebar of a full website so a website with 2 000 articles that gets traffic every day i would place myself on the banner so if i had to sum up how i personally promote my redbubble shop it would be i looked at my red bubble shop as mine not red bubbles and because i looked at it as mine i made a personal connection with a person who wanted to buy something from my redbubble shop and design more things that he wanted that was the first one the second one was to look into the market and to look at the communities that i'm already on and i saw something that they're interested in and i just made it and i'm being totally serious right now when that girl posted on the etsy group that she wants to find high quality thank you stickers i was late to meet a friend of mine for coffee because i literally that moment sat down made the thank you stickers and posted it i wouldn't leave the house until i did it that's how much i was like this is mine i need the money i i didn't have anything i was so confused and and struggling and fired all my clients because i couldn't deal with people and i was in a state of shambles and i didn't know what i wanted to do and i just posted it there so the first thing that i did was find people who need something and just give it to them and that is the biggest biggest advantage you have with redbubble with society6 with fine art america with etsy printables with any kind of printer demand with any kind of product that you don't have to physically make is the fact that you literally can make a product in two minutes and give it to someone who wants it now and i've done it along the years as well i mean i was i remember that i was once in this coloring group that someone said um that they're looking for easter eggs mandela coloring pages so back then i have made some mandela's for coloring pages for myself for phys like you know for art therapy and i just found a silhouette of an easter egg put seven mandela's inside of an easter egg so that was seven coloring pages placed it on etsy for six dollars printable and commented that to her so it was a half hour work to do it because i already had the stuff and it sold 15 times that day because it was in a group for coloring page enthusiastics five days before easter so it's not and i don't like to think of myself as lucky because i went out and searched for these opportunities and grabbed them when i saw them and i didn't let go so the first was really to find the groups that i'm already a member of see a need and make the product for that need that was my very first and this is not just for facebook this was also for reddit because i also got a lot of sales from reddit and i i don't think people even know like a lot of people don't even know what reddit is if you want me to make a video just about reddit let me know it's one of my favorite favorite social channels the second marketing way that i use mostly for my redbubble products is to promote my redbubble products not under my name but under pinterest accounts of different topics which is something i made a full video about and i think like i i think that a lot of people can do it as well even if you are an artist and you have you know your artistic line you can still have four different five different pinterest accounts as long as you have different email accounts for home decor for fashion for babies for accessories for iphone covers and just upload your designs up onto there just make sure to upload also from pinterest and i spoke about this in my pinterest video and i just don't want to you know talk about it over and over again and you know waste time from this video to talk just about that so i was using the pinterest accounts that i already have for affiliate blogs and just posted it there which is i'm not telling you okay you need to go open five different blogs and have pinterest accounts there no you can just open the pinterest accounts it's not that difficult it's it's actually easier than what i did i just did it in this reverse way because i was a website developer a blogger and an affiliate first and then started redbubble and another thing that i did is post my things on my blogs and post them on the sidebar and i am gonna have a free tutorial on how to build your own website so you can do the same so you know don't tell me that i'm hogging all the information and that you know it's a way that only i can do because it's really going to be a fun and easy tutorial it's going to be long because i really do want to show you all the steps of building a website but it's going to be thorough and i really want to make it accessible and obviously free if you also want me to make a tutorial about how to build you know a more advanced website you know when you buy your own domain and your own hosting let me know i'll make a video about that that is kind of more my thing anyway another thing that i did is and that relates to listening to people's needs i also searched google i remember i had this yellow sticker on redbubble that sold so many times because i saw that people are looking on google for yellow red bubble stickers like this was a trending keyword search back i think was like two years ago so i made one yellow sticker and i made i think it was 60 something pins on pinterest with different designs for that yellow sticker and that's why it's sold i think that again i have a very different method of looking at things and i know that i keep telling people who are artists that they need to be at the center of their platforms and for those of you who see the value in getting advice from someone who's been on the field cheers from those of you who think that you know you can't just preach something and not do it i really really i can't explain how much i don't have the time to do everything that i know of because i cannot open 20 etsy shops a redbubble account for every niche society6 account fine art america and market them all and do everything there are literally not enough hours of the day but what i am gonna do is that i am going to follow my own advice and with what i'm doing on fine art america right now which is uploading just my photography i am going to have a designated and specific instagram account just for that and i think i said it in my goals video for the month of march that i want to work on that photography portfolio because i want to upload photographs to society6 the thing is that uploading my photographs to society6 takes so much more time and i really do love fine art america better for photography i've also done my own research on which one is better for selling photography and i decided that fine art america would be the one to go and i'm going to use my society6 account as a base to show you how to open a very specific free website to market your products on any kind of print-on-demand and i do have to say that in the past two months of starting this youtube channel if i have to look at my businesses like my print on the man businesses they've taken a huge hit because i've been just you know i've been designing something for a video tutorial so i already uploaded to redbubble in it and it became like a lot more a lot more different niches that i'm still not even looking into marketing because i don't have time and i honestly don't think that people understand sometimes how long it takes to make a youtube video because i know there are a lot of different youtubers who have very different approaches to making youtube channel i'm not saying any of them is bad or not like i know people who do like a lot of just screenshots so you know they can film it at any time and it's a topic they've done a hundred times and they just film it in one reel and that's it but if you want to be faced in front of a a camera then you have to have you know a right lighting or the right time of the day and you know actually get dressed which is weird for for people who work from home even before corona you know to not just wear your pajamas or you know gym shorts whenever you want to make it whenever you want to work when i started this journey one of the main reasons why i wanted a youtube channel was to practice video editing so i also do all of the video editing myself and i remember one friend she asked me like on this video that took like 36 minutes i think like the video itself was 36 minutes and she asked me how long did it take you to make it when i told her it was four hours of research one hour of writing down a script of everything i wanted to say it took me two hours to film it and three hours to edit it and then four hours it for it to go up on youtube and she was like that's for 36 minutes of a youtube video i was like yeah how do you have time for any other thing that you do and that's the thing i had to minimize a lot of the things that i do because of the youtube channel and i'm not saying that i regret it i think that this experience has been amazing and because i opened this channel because i was feeling isolated and alone i really do love and appreciate all of your comments honestly whenever i'm doing like a live premiere i always post like on instagram the the minutes countdown of youtube and i'm like this is my favorite part of my day because i feel like i am i'm there watching my video with other people and we're just talking and i just feel like it's a it's a an amazing way to make connections with people and i've already spoken to a lot of the people who follow this channel who are on different countries that i plan to visit or who has been to israel and we've been you know chatting about a lot of different things who aren't on a man i'm i'm really sorry for all the people who thought that this is going to be a step by step how to promote your red bubble shop because i don't think there is such a thing i'm not selling you a course and i don't think that there is just one way of doing things i don't think there is one way to market anything and i and i see people what is the best way to market my etsy shop what is your etsy shop about what do you sell who is your target audience and the same thing with rebel even though redbubble has basically the same type of product i mean what is the best way to market your redbubble account i don't know who is your target audience what niches are you making if you're trend hopping then your marketing is basically finding trends on redbubble designing for that trend and your success would not be on the marketing side it would be on finding the right trends and making good designs that stand out and yes maybe a bit of marketing through pinterest and through other seo search engine based kind of channels but if you're making your own art or if you have a specific niche or target audience there are so many ways to market it so i'm gonna sum things up just to be clear red bubble is not my main source of income it's not half of my income it's something that i started a few years ago to create merchandise for a business that i gave up on when i found out i can't have kids and then i just started making things that people wanted online i did this in groups that i was already a member of i didn't go in and search for groups i was already a member of expat groups and etsy groups and i used knowledge that i had from different years to market it in a different way to market it using pinterest to put my designs on my own blogs and use a bit of reddit to do this it sort of took off since then and i think that the best lesson i have from that is that the reason why i was so passive with marketing even though i know a lot of people who said that like i've i've been more successful than them because i made more money with this system is because i really focused on making a design that someone loves but then i sort of you know i also do other things so if you think that this channel is about you know you need to open a redbubble store and you will make a ton of money you don't know me at all because it's not what i'm about i'm about finding yourself throughout different niches and if you're an artist if you're a photographer if this is who you are and everything that you do put it on redbubble put it on society6 put it on final america if you're sitting at home and all you do is photography put it everywhere the reason why i don't put my photography everywhere is because i want to use my society6 for a video that i want to make about making a website i'm using my redbubble account to show you tutorials for redbubble and i am putting my photography on fine art america and i am planning a fine art america video and if by any chance any of you are still watching this video first of all and i feel like i'm in an aaa meeting but thanks for letting me share i hope that you learned that even if you're not going to do everything that i do that there are different ways to look at a business and that's what i'm trying to teach people that there isn't one way to succeed and as this was a very personal video for me i would like to really thank you all for watching i will see you in three days on the 19th it's friday with 15 niche ideas for redbubble i also have sub niches design ideas and marketing tips so that's it from me for today i will see you guys on friday bye
Channel: Mey Aroyo
Views: 1,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redbubble, redbubble 2021, redbubble promote, promote redbubble shop, how to market redbubble shops, promote redbubble shop on pinterest, how to promote redbubble store, promote pod business, affiliate marketing, online journey vlog, online income vlog, passive income vlog, how to be successful on redbubble
Id: 0VZw3uiCmW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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