Understanding Google SEO + SEO Tools for Print on Demand & Etsy Sellers

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is maya royal and i teach creative people how to sell their art online and yes my voice is still this way and after i'm done with this video i'm going to shut up for three days and hope it's going to come back for the 29th when we're gonna have a free tutorial on how to build your own free website to support your print and demand business or etsy store but today we have something exciting nonetheless because we are going to be talking about google seo how to look into google how to understand how google works and how to know what people are searching for and the reason why we're gonna have this video and the reason why i'm gonna show you the tools that i myself am using is for you to be able to do two things one bits and parts of this information relates to what people are searching for what they want to buy not just where they want to buy it from because for example a lot of people apparently are looking for black and white shower curtains and this is something that you can design if people are searching for pink shower curtains or for specific stickers or for funny coffee mugs for co-workers these are things that you can design and the second information type we're going to get from these tools or this system is to know what people are searching for in general and how they're searching it for so you could be able to use these keywords in your own website to promote this for example people search for best coffee mugs or best funny mugs and you're not going to write down a tag on redbubble that says best funny mugs but if you have 10 funny mugs on redbubble you can have in your own free website a blog post like an article that says best funny mugs for 2021 and just recommend your own so we have a lot of different things for example something that i have used and i still think that it's relevant i saw a lot of people searching for shower curtain set and when people go online to google and search for shower curtain set they are looking for a shower curtain with the hooks and with the rod but when i was writing about this and when i was looking at this keyword i think it was a year or two years ago when i had a home decor blog i just wrote shower curtain set and wrote a blog post with a shower curtain and the bath mat that are a set and it actually led to a lot of sales on redbubble of both of these items so even though that might not have been what the person was searching for a lot of people don't know that they can have a bath mat and shower curtain set a lot of people don't know how to match your tote bag to your clothes and if a person is looking for how to match my toe bag to my clothes you can put in a tote bag with the same leggings that you created with the same design so there are really a lot of possibilities and it's important that this video came before the video we're doing on the 29th because otherwise the video on the 29th would be pretty much gibberish so i hope that you will be able to get bits of information that are useful to you right now and also that will be made more clear on the 29th and of course this is something that i'm doing right now for i don't know five ten minutes that you could do two hours three hours and just continue looking in and scrolling in and understanding how to use these keywords on your pinterest account and on your website and even in your designs so today's video is going to be what i like to call a ping pong video which would be me telling you about something and then showing it to you on my screen and then back to me back to my screen back to me back to my screen and back to me again we're ping-ponging all day today but before we get started i would like to address something that keeps coming up this is not a live video i am not talking right now this was recorded at 9 00 a.m in the morning and i think it's about 5 00 or 4 p.m whenever this goes live this is a youtube feature that is called a live premiere which allows me to upload a video that i've edited already as sort of a tv show as a live premiere so if you're joining us at the 10th minute you'll see what was recorded at the 10th minute and at the end of the live premiere it's just gonna be a regular video the whole point of this live premiere is to have a live chat so if i'm talking about a topic that you want to ask me a question about directly and immediately just put it down in the live chat that's gonna be either there or there i don't know if my camera is gonna turn the video around or not so wherever the live chat's gonna be you can write me your questions there and i will answer it to you in real time and no am not that talented to be answering it to you and still talking this is a pre-recorded video however if you have questions that relate to something that you want to see in the channel or more deeply like really go and dive in questions please do it in the comment section below as well as comments about this video and comment about what you would like to see in april because april's video list is not even closed yet i keep adding more and more ideas so let's get started by diving in and just saying what is seo because i hear people using this term in a very wrong way and thinking that seo is just google seo means search engine optimization and a search engine is basically every website that has a search bar so technically youtube has a search engine google is a search engine redbubble has a search engine etsy has a search engine even the smallest of websites have this like little icon of search on the side so they have search engine and that search engine is meant for people who put in words to match them with results so if you go into redbubble and you type in a keyword search and you type in i don't know if you're looking into funny dad mugs if you're looking into creative watercolor easter card then redbubble will try to match those results and that goes back to what we talked about in a lot of my other videos about tag spamming because it is a problem because people just put in wrong tags and redbubble doesn't see the actual design they know the design because of the tags so technically if i would take a design that is a photograph of bangkok and write down under it in the tags easter card it might show up under easter card search results which is not because people are doing it constantly however when we're talking about google seo this gets a bit more complex because you have so many pages with all these words i mean how does google know to give you if you're searching for planner stickers which has i don't know thousands of pages online with these words how does google know what to do google looks at the keywords they scan pages to see if the words planner stickers are in the title how many times do they repeat themselves in the text are they in the name of the file of the photo that you uploaded to that article and then when it reaches all that it has a second variation of conclusion as to what do people think about this website and google knows what people think about this website in terms of how many pinterest shares does these photo have how many other websites are connected to this website how many people have viewed this page and not just how many people went in this page but how long have they spent in it because if you just put down planner stickers planner stickers a million times and your article is not just about planner stickers then people who go in because they want to see planner stickers will immediately leave and google will see this as not a good page and of course the third variant we have which is the overall quality of the website so if you have an amazing and beautifully designed website with ten tens of thousands of shares over pinterest and you do a good keyword search but your website takes i don't know a minute to upload a minute to load itself up when someone enters google's not gonna want you on their search results and of course this topic is a lot more complex than that but i'm not talking to you guys now as wordpress developers or as seo experts but it's important for me that you guys would understand that having good keywords is just the start and it's the same with etsy because having good keywords is not going to put you on top having good keywords a lot of shares and a lot of sales will put you on top because etsy search engine has different logic and we're going to be talking about etsy search engine if you guys would like in a future video if you guys would like that please let me know in the comment section below but without further ado we're going to start the first part of this ping pong and send you to my computer where i'm gonna take you to google and tell you how you can actually learn just by using google itself so the very first thing that i'm doing is opening a new incognito window and this is important because if you're going through your own google and your own browser google already knows what you like what you want to see so if you've been on redbubble all day and you've gone to google and search for something that redouble has you might see it appear upwards more than it usually would so we're going to go to incognito and we're going to go to google and now let me just search for you know funny mugs because i want to show you my thought process i want to show you how you can learn from google because the very first seo and trend tool for google is actually google so the first thing i see when i go to google and this is funny because google has image search but no the very first thing i see when i go to all is images and if i click on one of these images you're going to see that a lot of them come from a lot of the websites that you guys know we have ebay here we have amazon here we have walmart here but we also have pinterest so when a person is going on to google and searching for funny mugs a lot of the traffic a lot of the things that you're gonna see are from pinterest of course we also have aliexpress here and git lab and all of these but we also have etsy here we have facebook we just have a variety of websites because on those websites when someone uploaded the mark they wrote down funny mugs and that is what is important here because when you write down the right keywords it doesn't matter what platform you're on if a person is searching for them on google and you have teespring here we have zazzle here again with aliexpress we have society6 that appears here and this is something that people are just seeing we have tea public again with etsy and amazon and cafepress which have a lot a lot of appearances for everything and pinterest but let's move back from the photos a bit and go back to all you can also see here that you have coffee mugs under the funny mug so it's like funny coffee mugs or funny boss marks funny office mugs funny dad mags t-mugs and love mugs because these are what people search for the most google is actually showing you what people search for the most so you know that under the funny mugs if you have a funny mug for boss or for dad these are keywords that people are searching for let's move down below and the first result is i want one of those which if i'm not mistaken is a website that sells basically a lot of everything and yes if you just open your own website and you have very few items you're not going to be appearing right up top you're not going to be in exactly in those results but it comes to show you that someone a platform can just open and be here because a lot of people don't even know what this website is once i've gotten back so i went into google i searched for funny bugs and then i clicked on some photos and then i clicked on a result and went back so google is thinking hey maybe she wants something more specific let me offer her the things that other people are searching for like funny mugs personalized offensive novelty mugs funny mugs ireland funny mugs for him funny mugs for work and funny amongst amazon so these little things also tell you what people want and search for on google when i'm typing in funny mugs our next result of that is cafe press and let me just open that in a new window and cafe press is a website that allows you to also design your own mugs but again so many funny mugs and i do believe that the reason why these websites are so high enough is because they just have so many funny mugs on them they also have a lot of shares on pinterest and a lot of shares everywhere so google knows that they are good it's one of the most amazing websites to buy coffee mugs going back on result number three we have etsy of course so a lot of people don't go on to etsy to search for funny coffee mugs but they search for it on google and just so you see etsy is retargeting into funny coffee mugs and not funny mugs like i've typed in and this is something that i think i mentioned when i was talking about digital business ideas for actually like digital download business ideas that you have a lot of people selling coloring pages i know so many people who make a lot of money selling coloring pages on etsy especially printable coloring pages and the thing is if you go on to statistics for etsy you will see that the people who search for coloring pages printable coloring pages on etsy is about 70 searches per month which does not explain how so many people sell thousands of coloring pages that's the thing if they go in and they type in printable coloring pages on google it will send them to etsy so you know we have funny coffee mugs here on etsy and then we have amazon and then again we have amazon because this one is funny mugs and this one is hilarious coffee mugs and then we have funky pigeon and of course zazzle which i'm sure that you guys know and google will also suggest other stuff that we've seen up top like the funny mugs personalized but also we have funny mugs for co-workers and cheap funny mugs let's move on to page two because a lot of people go to the second page as well we have the ads here and as you can see zazzle is promoting with ads they're funny coffee mugs redbubble is promoting ads for funny coffee mugs and of course pinterest is literally here again we're not even looking at the photos so we have pinterest for funny mugs we have pinterest for coffee mugs and then we have pinterest canada with funny mugs i think we will have another pinterest here as well we have ebay here we have society6 and again with ads for made in china for light in the box which also makes mugs and of course alibaba which is basically the beginning of aliexpress where you can buy wholesale items and i'm not going to go deep into the funny mugs because i want to show you another example so i just want to randomly select you know another product that people sell on etsy or on redbubble let's go with etsy let's go with printable wall art because this is one of the biggest tools here because once i type in printable google is going to try to complete me based on what people are searching for so while tons of people are searching for printable wall art on etsy and almost no one is searching for printable coloring pages when i go on to google printable wallet is number one and printable coloring pages is number two and again this is not based on my search history because we are going incognito you'd see that a lot of people are also looking for printable calendars printable calendars 2021 printable birthday cards printable sudoku which i've mentioned as an opportunity to sell printable games printable mazes for kids and let's just go into coloring pages so the first result is obviously all these photos and let's say i click on one of them and see where they're coming from so these ones are coming from this is coming from a direct website for someone but then we have pinterest and pinterest and we have super coloring which is again another personal website for someone who's selling coloring pages we have pinterest again we will have a lot of pinterest here and a lot a lot a lot of different websites of different people who are selling coloring pages but then let's go back to all and stop searching for images and scroll down we have crayola which is a huge huge website for coloring pages we have super coloring we have coloring book which i'm i'm subscription too because they have a lot of freebies and then we have a tool that i really love where can i get free coloring pages this is what people ask and this section can help you i'm going to show you in the next tutorial in three days how to build your own website and this section can help you because this is what people want to know and what they're searching for so for example if you have an etsy store that you sell printable coloring pages or if you set up your own shopify store for digital download items if you see here what is the best paper to print coloring pages so people ask that so if you have your own etsy store and you open a website to support it again for free or you have your own shopify website if you make an article about what is the best paper to print coloring pages you can bring traffic in through that once i click on one of these more questions are going to come so is cardstock good for coloring pencils what is the best paper for colored pencils and all of these are just going to expand and expand the more the more i use them and this is an amazing tool with endless possibilities and i just want to show you something here i want to pick another redbubble product okay so let's go with stickers because stickers are such a thing right now and at the top result obviously we have the photos and our little keyboard focus because people are looking for stickers for their tumblers printable stickers cute stickers laptop stickers logo stickers and you know just cool stickers and if i go into one of them and i want to scan you know these photos so again i have him all red bubble stickers emoji aesthetic vinyl what's up stickers which is not the same as the stickers we sell on redbubble and we have here mega interesting which is a privately owned website we have target we have amazon amazon and amazon and target and zippy are all over the place in the first places but again pinterest is here pinterest is here and if we scroll a bit down below we have walmart here amazon here it's funny i'm not even seeing redbubble because redbubble needs to be i guess more targeted because it offers me to click here and check out redbubble stickers but i'm going to go back to all and i'm going to scroll down here and hey amazon redbubble and etsy amazing but here what we have is what's up stickers what's up stickers what's up stickers so maybe i need to make myself a little bit more clear onto google for what i want so obviously the minute i started typing in stickers it says friend stickers stickers pack stickers app cool stickers what happens if i go with redbubble stickers because it starts offering me things on car review cute and this is a very very strong thing because if you've ordered your own stickers like i've done you can add to your free website your own redbubble stickers review which is something that people are searching for and obviously redbubble has very strong marketing ad so the first result is an ad by redbubble and then we have the pros and cons of someone who wrote about them so this is a redbubble sticker review and how by julie erin designs and i bet you that julie aaron designs sells on redbubble and she is the very first organic result here this is amazing then you have questions how durable are red bubble stickers so if on your own free website to promote your stickers you will have an article that is called redbubble stickers review where you show real photos of the stickers that you purchase and write down how durable our red level stickers as a paragraph you have more chances of getting traffic from google because people are searching for that question and it's not just that people are searching for that question google is telling people to search for that question people are also asking should they get the glossy or the mock stickers from redbubble and again this goes to a person that stick a bit which is a website about stickers it's really important when you're doing this oh there's juno here junior here from his detour shirts youtube channel which is super awesome because i've been following him for a very long time as i said before i don't plan on having you know those red bubble trend videos the thing is that juna does those and he does them pretty well so if that is something that is interesting to you guys just go into detour shirts going to juna and go into his playlist he has full playlists on redbubble trends of the week he does them every week and their videos are quite good now again i'm not a trend hopper because i like to market things on my own but you know if your niche is dogs if your niche is cats if your niche is funny stuff you might find within these videos something that is trending on a specific week that relates to your niche so i really recommend his channel i love his channel and i'm an avid viewer and i think that after i open my own youtube channel he's one of the only youtubers i'm still watching but let's go back to our google and try to find again another item i don't know if you've seen my video asking you for help for the video that will be in three days about the website but i'm trying to narrow it down to what i want so we had mugs there we had stickers there let's search for tote box and see what google sends me to again let's just click on the images and see where they're from because we have tote bags from all over the place but i'm searching for the places that you guys might be on which is etsy which is amazon pinterest pinterest we have a lot of pinterest here and we also have a lot of amazon here and obviously versace because no one can compete with them but obviously versace is gonna also be more expensive so you don't have to worry about that dior amazon again we have a lot of amazon here and also people are searching for leather tote bags which we cannot produce with redbubble tote bag fashion which is something that if you do please please go to playset mockups and don't use red bubble mock-ups because they are not very fashionable and we also have so many other websites and so many other references for toe bags we have toe bags for men fabric tote bags white tote bags but let's get out of this photo thingy and see what google offers me so the first thing that it does because turf bags are such a big thing is what are tote bags used for so if you open a website to promote your tote bags from redbubble or from whatever site or printing demand you're having or on your shopify and write down what a third bag is used for you have chances of getting traffic from google because the truth is this article is from tote bag factory that sells tote bags and you have what is the most popular tote bag what does tote bag mean which goes to wikipedia why are tote bags bad seriously i mean come on people are searching for so many weird things how do i choose a tote bag and you know this is a good one because you can write how do i choose a tote bag and recommend 10 different ways to choose a tote bag you know by size by matching the color to my shirt or to what i'm wearing or to my leggings and if you want to do like how do i choose a tote bag by matching it to my leggings just offer tote bags that match your leggings on your redbubble store so we have a lot of options here but then we have north storm which make bags we have far fetch we have north storm again and we have etsy i'm surprised that c is above redbubble here seriously i really do need to find redbubble here so we have coach we have tory burch and then we have amazon and redbubble is not on the first page when people search for tote bags but then we have two bags canvas tote bags for school tow bags for work and obviously if you're making a tote bag on redbubble people can use it to go anywhere but if you have a category or if you have an article on that free website that you're building that says tote bags for work that would be amazing because you will just put in you know floral designs or creative designs or tote bags for school would be something you know more comic like more kids like and then we also have large dough bags where you can write an article about all your huge huge tote bags from red bubble because they have different sizes and also designer tote bag because hey you guys just designed a tow bag and you're a designer let's move on we have vessels on the second page to me and i'm still not seeing redbubble here because there are so many other people who sell tote bags and i wanna get away from google right now and get back to me a bit to talk a bit about our next tool and we're back to me for the third part of this video and the third ping pong what did you think i mean did you learn anything new i'm kind of asking you now and i'm going to see it in the live chat later which is going to be super cool because i can reply to you guys but i really want to know what you guys thought about this you know technique or just this first look into all the information that google gives us because i know some people know that but i also know that a lot of people like oh wait really and it's really important that for this part you would be using the incognito window like i showed you because another part of seo is the fact that google matches the search result to you guys and i said it in the video in the screenshot but i'm saying it again now if you're going to use this system with your own browser google is going to show you what you want to see the same way that sometimes if i use it i'm going to see results relating to the country that i'm in so if you're in europe right now and you want to know what google is showing people from the u.s you're going to see european results the main thing that i hope that you understood and took to heart from this part of looking at google is the fact that pinterest matters pinterest gets a lot of traffic from google it's not just people who go into pinterest and want to buy stuff who will see your pins it's also people who go into google and search for anything and google recommends pinterest this is a big and important thing and i cannot stress just how much pinterest is important and i'm gonna just add a link down below to the pinterest tutorial that i've done a few days ago because it really is the best social media platform to promote your redbubble print-on-demand society6 etsy shop products truly best platform and we're moving on to the second tool that i use daily which is google trends google trends is super cool it's a tool by google that basically gives you an inside look into what people are searching for today yesterday in the past seven days in the past five years and you can see it as a graph that goes up or down there is so much information that could be gained from google trends and yes none of all of it is going to be relevant to you guys i mean if people are searching for nike socks i'm not telling you guys to go and put the nike mark on socks that would be illegal but there is so much more that you could learn about what people are searching for a very important part about using google trends is trying to be creative and i'm not going to show you everything because i can talk about google trends in a video for four hours on any topic because it really is about diving in and searching for countries for regions for time zones for times looking back dates years trying to understand so many trends i mean you have 80 something products on redbubble you have so many other products on society6 and teachip and t public and fine art america you also have products on printful and printfy not to mention all the digital download business ideas for etsy so there is so much more to be shown and taken from google trends than what i'm about to show you right now but it's up to you guys and i would like to take you to my computer to show you google trends but remind you something if you've seen any of my video tutorials on how i personally design things or how i approach new platforms or new design softwares it's by using what i like to call my favorite game what does this button do um because honestly if you play this game in canva and try to see you know different effects or different fonts or try to click in when there is a search bar nothing is going to explode you're just going to discover new things so i would like to take you to my computer and look at google trends and while we're doing it and also while you're doing it yourselves at home play my game what does this button do you won't regret it meet google trends the best and fastest way to know what people are searching for worldwide and obviously coronavirus is here because it's been a huge trend on google search and this is not just for merchandise because people are searching for celebrities they're searching for games and soccer and results for elections and everything and when i go to google trends i can start with you know they're giving you examples here on what people are searching for fortnite is a huge thing the world cup is a huge thing but let's just start with any search term or topic for example redbubble what are people searching for on google when they search for redbubble so the red bubble trend peaked around july and what here what we're seeing is we're looking at the united states for the past 12 months and this is not how many searches there are this is how much this word is trending based on itself so for example it was at the top of its trend in july and i think that i can explain it by the fact that a lot of people were searching for how to make money around july this year after being fired or whatnot but let's see what people search for when they search for redbubble they search for redbubble face mask so if you have a website that has face masks that you want to you know promote on your own for your website face mask that you've designed for redbubble literally write down redbubble face masks when you do that because people are searching for that people are also searching again for redbubble tag generator but then again these are not your clients you also have a lot of people searching for coupon codes for redbubble which sounds weird but the days that ribbable had these amazing sales you could have made an article that says coupon codes for redbubble magic 15 only available for three days where is redbubble located again red bubble masks and these are rising queries that people are searching for be funky which is not redbubble but a website similar to that again redbubble mask how to make stickers on redbubble again not your potential clients but people who want to sell how does red bubble work can go both ways red bubble coupon 2020 because we're looking at it a year long how to sell stickers on redbubble and a lot of the rising trends right now is how to sell on redbubble but let's look at the top queries in the past year stickers redbubble yes stickers and i do i i i again have to say so many people don't understand the appeal of stickers but i have i think like five videos where i mentioned just how much i'm in love with stickers including my own red bubble stickers review but red bubble mask red bubble mask what is red bubble red bubble shirts on the ninth place on the ninth place when people look at red bubble and tell me red bubble is for selling t-shirts no it's on the ninth place and then again red bubble reviews so if you have any items that you have purchased from your own redbubble shop make a review about it because that could bring buyers to your shop whereabouts shipping selling red bubble again with the face mask and society6 because it is relating to redbubble coupon codes posters on the 17th place tapestries on the 19th place readable free shipping which i have no idea why people are searching for because it doesn't exist we have redbubble discounts again with a t-shirt in a very very low place but you know what let's make it more specific and look at what people are searching for with redbubble in the past 30 days and i do have to remind you that these are people who type in redbubble a lot of people who want to buy a product don't know redbubble or don't know that they want to buy it from redbubble and we're going to be looking into that in a moment but in the past 30 days well the rising is stickers and we have rubber coupons etsy and wrapable coupon codes but let's try and think about a product let's try and think about a product because when people are searching for redbubble a lot of them are searching at how to sell so i don't want to be searching into that very much let's try and think about socks so when i see this graph here that basically puts out almost like this trend is not changing that doesn't mean this is the highest volume trend it means that in the past 30 days this trend has basically been the same but let's look back at the past 12 months and you see this huge rise for people who are searching online for socks around december and november and again this doesn't mean searches but if you look at how much people are searching for which is like the 40 of it in the past month or so that means there was two and a half more searches more than double searches around december for socks and i'm going to go back to 30 days because i want to see what people are searching for these days in terms of what types of socks and again we are only in the united states we can go here we can type in worldwide and let's go in because apparently the place or country where people are most searching on google for socks is the uk new zealand ireland australia and united states is just on the fifth place and yes redbubble consists mostly of u.s traffic but we're not talking about getting redbubble traffic from redbubble we're talking about getting redbubble or any pretender man traffic from google and this is what people are searching for just my socks rock your socks boxing socks low rise socks and just my socks if i'm not mistaken is a shop and these might not be things that match what you can do because you you can't sell compression socks new zealand on redbubble but let's see what other people are searching for and if you go here on the rising trend gold toe socks there are a lot of things that you cannot make like dr seuss sucks because you'll get banned from every possible platform how to say socks in spanish easy socks moisture wicking socks so we don't have a lot of things like that but what i am seeing here is programmer socks which could be something that you can make you know with laptop patterns or you know code or stuff like that if you're really into that niche i think i mentioned actually the computer science niche when i was doing the 15 niche ideas on redbubble video and here we have running socks women you can make an article on your free website with that says running socks women and refer people to socks that you are selling on redbubble that fit women because some people might want you know the specific running socks with the specific alignment and this posture the orthopedic structure but some would just like pretty socks and we're moving on quickly here but i think that what i'm gonna do is go back to top we have compression socks snack socks white socks socks men's socks these are things that you can incorporate with your own free website and within your pinterest keywords which is the most important if you're not building up your own website first again with the men's socks black socks knee socks not relevant if you're selling on red bubble women sucks happy socks which i do believe is also a brand we have baby socks wool socks we have a lot of things that we cannot use if we're only selling on redbubble but we often have things that we can use and the next tool we're going to see we'll talk a bit more about that but let's go on and check out on mugs because we wrote funny mugs on google right let's see a bit more specific what people are searching for so in the past 30 days this has been an up and down trend and i don't think we have enough data to come off because people are just searching for funny coffee mugs let's go back to the past year and give google a really a chance to show us and again obviously the biggest rise in this trend is at the end of november and the beginning of december when people want to find funny mugs because they want to give people for christmas and what we have here is ireland apparently more people on ireland are searching for funny mugs than people in the united states which is again in the fifth place and here we have funny father's day mugs funny coffee mugs for moms and on the top results funny coffee mugs father's day mugs funny dad mugs funny mom mugs funny mugs uk funny coffee mugs for mom and let's just go here and just type in mugs and again with a rise around december the united states is still in the fifth place what types of cheeky morning personality mugs can you select with the new nescafe cheeky mug pack is the very rising search result which is ridiculous let's just go to top we have mugs coffee mug cup coffee mug glass mugs personalized mugs people etsy personalized stuff i really do need to have like personalized print of demand etsy ideas or how to do that on april we have travel mugs christmas mugs custom mugs again with a custom starbucks which we cannot do tea mugs mug set personalized mugs again white mugs ceramic mugs beer mugs mugs online i think i think printful or printfy has beer mugs if i'm not mistaken the print-on-demand service funny mugs mugs online black mugs photo mugs which i'm pretty sure that people who search for photo mags want personalized photo marks with their own photo large mugs pottery mugs you might not get what you want from the search you might not get the exact keyword that you need to do but let's check out a different topic a different thing that is being sold on redbubble so we can see how we can best target it and you know what let's go with shower curtain so for the past year united states are in the top results for looking for shower curtains and then we have canada united kingdom australia and ireland and then let's just go to our top shower curtain we have shower rod which is not something you can sell however if you are making your own website to support some of your webable designs you know for bathroom decor so you can display your shower curtains and your bath mats maybe even your acrylic blocks if something you know looks good in a bathroom maybe even your wall art if you have good water for a bathroom and then make an article about where people can buy shower rods and get traffic that way and then you have shower curtain rod which is basically the same shower curtains white shower curtains bathroom shower curtain which i find kind of weird because is there a shower curtain that isn't for a bathroom we have a black shower curtain bath shower curtain long shower curtain these are again keywords that you can use on pinterest on your own website to promote your redbubble products we also have a lot of people searching for this on walmart and amazon which is no surprise blue shower curtain shower curtain set we have fabric shower curtains shower curtains on target plastic shower curtain gray shower curtain and the collars are really important here because you can have blue patterns and black patterns and gray patterns and white patterns and these are the colors that people are searching for this year we have pink shower curtain and let's just move on to a last product from red bubble that we will be searching for here how about wall tapestry so obviously again ireland is in the first place ireland really likes to search stuff on google and then we have the united states the united kingdom australia and new zealand large tapestry wall hanging custom wall tapestries again with a costume world tapestry canada how to put tapestry on wall yes how to put tapestry on wall if you've ever purchased any of your redbubble society6 or find out america or whatnot tapestries place them on the wall make a short video on how to put them on your wall with words and you could rank higher and promote your products but let's search for the top results because i really want to see what people are searching for and if i can get my answers from google trends or with the next tool that i'm about to show you so we have a lot of general things here tapestry world decor wall tapestry amazon this is not helping me at all unless you know mandela wall tapestry because mandela world tapestry is a trending keyword on google if you can make mandela's and place them on tapestries you will have better success because i know that a lot of people might search for different things on reddit or on society6 or on fine art america but on google people want to see mandela wall tapestries and again they want to see how to hang a tapestry how to hang wall tapestry they want a large wall tapestry which red bubble has people are also searching for a boho world tapestry which is you know mandela can be considered boho or bohemian but again you can also have a lot of watercolor patterns that are totally boho wall tapestries and we have obviously christmas because this was targeted a year long i think i want to do one more product because this is fun for me let's do phone covers ireland is the top result for searching for phone covers online and then south africa sri lanka australia and kenya that is quite surprising and the very rising one is obviously iphone 12 so you can actually make a whole website that is called iphone 12 covers from redbubble or something like that to promote your iphone 12 covers but you don't have to just do that we have other top results we can look into which is phone covers iphone cover samsung phone covers cell phone covers phone cases phone covers from amazon because people are still searching for amazon for everything phone covers online and these are valuable keywords for us as people who sell print on demand phone back covers because i wouldn't even have thought to write down this keyword apple phone covers instead of iphone covers and we also have lg white personalized phone covers because seriously we've been staring at phone covers and we're just seeing you know the model or the manufacturer of the phone but the first result about what people want in their phone cover is personalized because that's what the world is going towards custom phone covers and i think we're done with google trends for now let's get back to me sum up some of these topics from google trends and i'll introduce you to another seo tool that i really love using and we're back to me what did you guys think about google trends let me know in the live chat or in the comment section below if you're watching this after the live premiere personally i love google trends because i use it a lot and i just don't use specifically that but i use google trends with another seo tool there are so many seo tools that will actually give you information about the amount of people who are searching for a specific topic a specific keyword per month and how much competition do you have online on this specific keyword the thing is that a lot of these seo tools are actually quite expensive they have a free membership that allows you to i don't know search for eight keywords a day or a search for three or word tracker which is my favorite tool that allows you to search for 12 words per day and i really do think that using google trends first and understanding the niche or the specific words that you want to be using and then taking it to that other seo tool is a good system it's actually what i do i don't just do it with my redbubble products i don't just do it with my etsy store i actually almost don't do it for them because as i said in previous videos i have a very different promoting system and most of my business is affiliate marketing but i do it for my affiliate marketing and i also do it for youtube i recently checked out my statistics like analytics for youtube and i was quite sure that a lot of my traffic comes from groups that i share you know videos on or instagram but now most of my traffic comes from youtube and from google so i think that this shows that this tool works because if i look at something like redbubble stickers and people are searching for how to sell redbubble stickers and i run it through this seo special tool i will have a lot of keywords and key phrases that i could use on the tags of this youtube video or other youtube videos on these topics what i personally do with word tracker for my affiliate blogs and for youtube and a little bit for redbubble i used to do it a lot more in the past i remember one time i went in and i saw that so many people are searching for yellow stickers like and yellow flower stickers and yellow sun stickers so i actually created a yellow sticker for redbubble and made so many pins for that on pinterest and used all of these keywords on the pinterest pin and got traffic to that one sticker by all of these keywords combined so what i do is i just sometimes go into word tracker even if i don't have a specific thing that i want to be working on that day i just go in to maximize my daily searches and today i maximize them on you guys and you guys are worth it and i go in and i just search and search and search and i write it down in a notebook i have full journals that are just about keywords and maybe i'm a bit of a geek that way but i'm addicted to keywords seo has been my thing for the past i don't know seven eight even ten years you can also see where things are headed where things are going what is about the trend which is super awesome for you to be able to predict what's going to happen especially if you go to google trends let's say i want to do designs right now that would be good for july if i go to google trends and see what's spiked in july that could give me insight to what's probably going to spike again in july this year so i'm going to take you to the other seo tool which is word tracker and we're going to be talking about statistics and numbers and showing you how one of these key phrases from google could be expanded into a whole new world and again that world might be not related to you because some people are searching for target shower curtain or funny mugs from amazon and if you're not on amazon it doesn't help you or hallmark greeting cards which doesn't help you but a lot of people are searching for the best something or recommended something especially a lot of people are searching for specific design something and we're going to go to my computer and have a look at board tracker so this is word tracker and as i said before this is one of many many many seo tools if you want to just go on to google and write down seo tools and find more this is one that has the paid membership as i said i am not a part of the paid membership so i just search for it every day and you know what let's just search for something for example the word printable at the very first result with over 166 000 searches per month we have calendar printable right next to the traffic amount per month we have the competition number which is 16.32 the higher the number goes the harder it's going to be for you to rank on that keyword and that is something that i feel like i need to stop and explain if you have an etsy store and you sell calendar printables 163 000 almost 167 000 people are searching for calendar printables on google every month and they can and will probably see etsy on the search results but if you're putting that word in on your etsy store the seo value of that word is for etsy the competition includes sites like etsy it's not going to promote your specific shop but if you are opening your own website the shopify store for digital downloads or a free website to help you promote your etsy products then this competition matters and i would recommend to stick to keywords that have less competition than i would say 10 at the beginning you also have here the iaat which is a brief count of the pages of the web pages where these keywords appear in the title tag in the text and in the backlink and yes i know that some of you might not know what these words mean yet we are going to go over them when we are going to be talking about the free website building and all of the website tutorials that's going to be on this channel starting the 29th of this month but for now we are just looking at this word tracker as a way to understand what people are searching for on google and as you can see here we have an identical number for calendar printable printable calendar and printable calendars this still includes a search for printable calendars 2020 because this is a year long search and we also have printable coloring pages so once i go down below the calendars which is what people search for the most i have the coloring pages here which explains why etsy gets so much traffic because there are 76 750 searches for printable coloring pages just so you know if someone is searching for the words printable coloring pages unicorn that it does not include in this these are just people who specifically wrote printable coloring pages and nothing else a lot of people also write coloring pages online or digital coloring pages or coloring pages to download so just this very three words were searched almost 77 000 times per month and then we have again the calendars the calendars the calendars graph paper printable a lot of people are searching for graphical printables line paper printables dot grids and again printable graph paper and then crossword puzzle printables and this is really a very different sort of look to it because if you just look on etsy the highest would be printable wall art but these are totally different things we have crossword puzzle printable and we have word search printables we have printable sudoku we have free printable calendars again and then free printable coloring pages which could also lead us to an idea so if you're doing a shop that has coloring pages on etsy printable coloring pages let's say each time that you have like this bundle of 10 printable coloring pages you can have a website that gives away one of these 10 for free just to be able to reach the people who are looking for free printable coloring pages and if they like it they might want to buy the extra nine but let's move back from printables and go back to a product that we know let's search for coffee mug over 80 000 people a month search google for the words coffee mug this does not include funny coffee mug personalized coffee mug just the word coffee mug you have mugs right below it amber mug coffee cup custom mugs with 41 000 results and we're gonna see this i think a bit more later down they have espresso cup starbucks cups which are you know useless to us as people who sell on redbubble or on printed demand custom coffee mug custom coffee mugs christmas mugs personalized mugs new starbucks cups and of course we're gonna see a lot of starbucks here what can we do personalized coffee mug personalized coffee mugs funny coffee mugs coffee travel mug and all its variations travel mug coffee thermos glass coffee mugs ceramic mug glass mug by the way the ceramic mugs i think that you've seen on printful a lot of people don't write down ceramic mug which is you know literally what this is we have funny mugs here again cute mugs photo mug large coffee mugs best coffee mugs and honestly if you have your own free website to promote your print-on-demand products that are mugs just write down best coffee mugs and give out your best designs no one needs to know that these are just designs from your job if you use this word in a right way people could reach you by searching best coffee mugs we have dad mug insulated coffee mugs coffee mug warmer best coffee travel mug and of course you need to be a premium member to see the rest but you know what let's just do a different thing let's just search for personalized i'm searching this actually not just for you but also for me i want to start making video tutorials and showing you how to create personalized items and for that i want to see on google what are the personalized items that people are searching for and for a reason that are not quite clear to me maybe it's because of where i live but personalized mall is at the top result with almost 300 000 searches per month and then we have personalized creations but right down below we have personalized gifts customized blanket gold name necklace which is a personalized item and i do believe that you even have a supplier for custom gold name necklaces custom necklace bracelet for couples custom name necklace custom puzzle personalized christmas ornaments that were a huge huge thing on etsy in november and december engraved custom mugs with 41 000 results we've seen it on our previous search personalized christmas stockings personalized blanket again a lot of personalized blankets which is a product that you can create custom jewelry customized gifts custom mouse pads seriously i have not seen a mouse pad being used by anyone that i know in the past 10 years but yeah some people still use it and they want it customized we have custom keychains custom coffee mugs personalized stockings again personalized baby gifts that could also be a baby card that could be that even can be a customized baby blanket we have personalized necklaces again personalized dog collars photo gifts which includes all kinds of gifts all kinds of merch that you can add a photo to it and customize it for your client custom bubble heads which i don't know if you can create but a lot of people do it using 3d printing personalized baby blanket personalized mugs custom pillow custom cozy custom lighter personalized stationery which now that i'm seeing it i think i'm going to write it down for me because i've had added stationery to my etsy store and that looks like an interesting thing to work on custom tumblers custom bracelets personalized puzzle engraved necklace we are sort of repeating ourselves mother's necklace and a custom pan and other results we can't see now but people are going towards searching in box for customized things and i think that it's time to add some print-on-demand custom about customizable i hate that word print on a man customizable tutorials let's search for another product that we can find on redbubble let's search for stickers so if we're looking at stickers i want you to see something interesting here the first time that red bubble stickers appear is when the words red and bubble are separated most people search for it this way and there is no competition because everyone who sells red bubble stickers and promotes them writes red bubble combined together the weight should be written but hey if people are searching for this maybe if you promote your red bubble stickers on a free website by writing red and then bubble stickers you have a higher chances of making a sale and then we have print stickers aesthetic stickers cute stickers nail stickers laptop stickers and again laptop stickers can be anything especially when redbubble has stickers on laptops on their mockups and again stickers for laptops hydro flask stickers again redbubble has them on their mockups wall stickers vinyl stickers anime stickers how to make stickers and i really want to go down to cool stickers funny snapchat stickers which has nothing to do with us free sticker nothing to do with us but we also have meme stickers which could also probably be digital stickers and not physical product water butter stickles hard hat what's up planner stickers there are a bigger thing on etsy than they are in google it's amazing to see these numbers trendy stickers freaky stickers window stickers and thank you stickers which i don't know if you've seen one of my videos but thank you stickers are some of my best best sellers and the reason for that is because there is very little competition for that online we have computer stickers die cut stickers which is why i have bought the domain die cut mania and i'm building my own website just for stickers and yes i'm going to put in your stickers as well not just mine we have funny bumper stickers christmas stickers custom bumper stickers star sticker personalized stickers funny stickers for snap flower sticker and kawaii stickers and tumbler stickers so you can find some stuff here to add in and to see what people want but i want to take up another product because i want to show people you know more options for home decor or wall art or other items and i'm thinking about the shower curtain again maybe let's try and see what comes of it again just like with google trends some people just type in shower curtains in the place they want to buy it from like walmart or target and then we have curtain rods extra long bathroom curtains shower rod again nothing that we can use when we're designing for redbubble but then you have people searching for black and white shower curtain so if you have you know your own seamless patterns and designs if you make some of them in black and white you know geometric black and white cool black and white shower curtains people are searching for them and the competition is low white shower curtain shower curtain sets amazon shower curtains of course hookeless shower curtains and then we have funny shower curtains we also have boho shower curtains that we've seen again with very very little competition we have black shower curtains blue shower curtain we have kids shower curtain which i'm just imagining would be you know for kids with a kids design clear shower curtain that we cannot do cute shower curtains you can totally design those modern shower curtains left for interpretation maybe geometric with a bit of a marble you know kind of feel to it we have floral shower curtain we have green shower curtain unique shower curtains that could totally be you know a category in your free website standard shower curtain size which is something that you can write down on your website displaying the size because people would be searching for it gray purple beach i'm guessing it's with a beach design yellow rustic pink sunflower shower curtain and gray again written with a different letter a and e and this can give you ideas on what to design and i think i want to do another one and i'm trying to think about other products maybe leggings what do you think because i am thinking that i will see a lot of maybe lululemons here or like you know amazon but let's see if someone is searching for a specific type of legging something like a specific design and i was not wrong we have lululemon leggings right here yes i know my leggings while you wouldn't be able to use words like fleas lined leggings to promote your redbubble store or your redbubble leggings women's leggings and leggings for women are definitely a point that you can use as well as yoga pants you can't use the nike ones or the spanx ones or the stacked but black leggings are nice sexy leggings and i'm trying to think and see if we have some design style here like pink leggings white leggings we also have plus size leggings which if redbubble has you can use that to promote just you know the plus size leggings and again lemon and best leggings let's do another one how about funny t-shirt so if you're opening your own website to support your redbubble or any kind of print in a man's platform and you have this funny t-shirt ideas you can have you know a blog post or even a category that says funny t-shirt ideas where you put in all your funny t-shirts and i want you to have a look at the side here because it also gives us other suggestions to what people are looking for that relates to this which are funny sweatpants funny hoodie funny onesie night shirt funny shirt funny hat funny onesies blouses pullovers coveralls shirts pajamas gowns jackets and i do have to stop you here and this might come as a shock to some of you i know it came as a shock to me a few years ago but you cannot have funny onesies on your own website to promote your redbubble onesies because redbubble does not have onesies redbubble has baby jumpsuits baby suits baby bodysuit onesie is actually a trademarked word by i think gerber because they invented onesies but let's go back to our funny t-shirts and we have funny t-shirts for men and notice that the tea and the shirts is written separately and then we have funny shirts for men funny shirt sayings funny t-shirt sayings sayings for t-shirts funny dad shirts and honestly if i look at sayings for t-shirts you can open an etsy store to sell digital files for other print-on-demand users if you are talented in this and you don't want to market your print-on-demand yourself you just want to sell it just like people on creative fabrica do you can do that and use sayings for t-shirts to promote that we have funny mom t-shirts funny shirts for women funny t-shirts for women funny golf shirts funny fishing shirts funny tea shirts thanksgiving shirts 4th of july st patrick's day and honestly seriously guys golf t-shirts and fishing shirts if you are in this niche if you do know a little bit about golfing and fishing make a funny t-shirt for golfing or for fishing that could work for you guys again stay within your niche stay within the parameters of what you love to do and what you know how to design for and how to speak about we have sarcastic t-shirts funny couple t-shirts and yes i know there is no listing on redbubble for funny couple t-shirts but if you design a man's t-shirt and a woman's t-shirt that together are funny and create a mock-up of both a man and a woman you can promote them on your own website as funny couples t-shirts and send them out in individual links to the man's t-shirt and to the woman's t-shirt let's do another one because i have five more remaining and i kind of wish that this was actually a live video and not a live premiere so i can actually look at the chat and see what you guys want me to search for more but i'll just do the thinking on my own what can i do let's just try and think about greeting cards and we're going to see the holidays and hallmark at the top result with the most searches per month and the biggest competition i think is birthday cards the only thing that is higher in composition than that is e-cards and just greeting cards and then we have free cards mother's day cards blue mountain cards which i think is a company and if we go down e-cards by hallmark of course one two three greetings of course these are our websites that i've already been on for such a long time that people just search for the website instead of the card because they know they will find the card in them again father's day cards american greeting e-cards which you can sell on etsy printable birthday cards which you can sell on etsy free e-cards for birthday that you can use on your own website to promote your printable birthday cards on etsy we have e-birthday cards a lot of people are searching for digital cards it's a huge huge thing and then we have 21st birthday card and for those of you who are thinking why is the 21st birthday card so special because when you're 21 you can legally go and get drunk and notice how many people are searching for the 21st birthday card we have funny birthday cards anniversary cards get well soon cards thanksgiving cards again with american greeting cards just not ecards congrats on wedding with no competition easter grading easter cards birthday cards for mom we have virtual birthday cards which is the same as e-cards just with a lot less competition and you know some of these you can get ideas from some of this information would be useless to you but this is an added tool to help you decide what you want to design and how you can design it but i'm trying to think about another thing let's step in watercolor and see what we get so whether you are an extremely talented watercolor artist or if you're going to use the discount i gave you for the all access subscription for creative fabrica watercolor painting and paintings have over a hundred thousand searches per month people are looking for watercolor paintings not just for watercolor paint and yes we are going to see mixed results here we're going to see results from people who want to buy something that's made with watercolor or people who want to buy things for them to create watercolor we have watercolor paints of course flower watercolor watercolor flower watercolor tattoos which has no relevant to us watercolor backgrounds people are searching for watercolor backgrounds and you can make them and sell them as digital items on etsy we also have here things obviously not relevant to us like watercolor papers painting ideas pencils that we can't really do anything with watercolor portrait if you are a watercolor illustrator that can create personalized portrait for people this is a good thing that you can have and watercolor wallpaper because wallpaper is one of the best products on society6 and if you make a seamless pattern for society6 and so watercolor wallpapers you can really do have a creative business i am thinking about doing a similar tutorial to what i'm about to do in three days but sort of make ideas for that because using the wallpaper feature of society6 could really make a whole website which is amazing we have watercolor cactus watercolor texture and i think we are pretty much reaching the end of our word tracker tutorial for today well let's get back to me and sum things up and get ready for what we have in three days from now so we're back to the last part of the ping pong and i'm super excited sharing this with you guys because this is sort of a smaller glimpse into my world because my world in the past five years has been a lot about google a lot about seo a lot about website development with of course redbubble and etsy being on the side and mostly consulting etsy stores and having my own with this information with these tools and this system and i'm happy to be sharing this with you guys i've been getting some comments about people who are more interested in other online passive incomes venues like you know trying to do affiliate marketing or really diving deep into building websites and i'm gonna have more tutorials on affiliate marketing i think i'm gonna raise that topic but it's gonna be in may because april is going to be crazy with so far on my list three instagram marketing videos that are different in their style and different with approaches and showing you different tools that you can use in your instagram marketing we're also going to have some videos about interesting websites that are like redbubble and i mean individual videos on these websites to show you how to upload products to give you pointers on sizes and pixels and showing you special items that you can do from there and recommend marketing techniques but i also want to be doing a full video on websites like redbubble and compare their statistics compare how many people go in there per month compare how they market themselves and let you know what are the different products you could find on other websites like red bubble that are not society6 and also if you find these all kinds of interesting products on these platforms how hard will you have to market yourself because redbubble does have platform traffic that doesn't exist in other platforms because redbubble are aggressively marketing themselves so we're gonna be looking at these other website alternatives in a bit of a different way we're also going to be doing a video that compares sort of the ways to do print and demand which is by platforms like redbubble by combining a supplier with shopify or combining a supplier with etsy which is sort of in the middle because it's an external supplier but it's on the marketplace so we're going to be looking into that i want to do some fun videos i miss design with me videos i want to do some fun videos with ideas for funny coffee mugs that you could totally rip off for me you know like sentences and quotes and funny stuff like that and of course the videos of your shop reviews are coming up this april with my dad and with some friends of mine who will be joining us and telling you what do they think about your products from a point of view of just a normal person entering redbubble or whatever website you send me i've signed i've seen some etsy links i've seen some society6 links as well and of course my opinion if these products could be tweaked or designed a bit better i am going to personalize the shop links that i'm gonna take for these reviews based on the person that's sitting next to me so don't worry i'm not gonna show my dad a bunch of tank tops for women and i'm not going to show my best friend hoodies for men because they wouldn't like it either one of them respectively coming up next is the video that i've been looking forward the most ever since i started this channel which is how to build your own free website using wordpress and using it to promote your print-on-demand or etsy store and this is not going to be a shop tutorial no no this is going to be how to take the lessons that we've learned here and create a website that is designated for product and of course you can later on make it about fashion in general you can also make it about yourself as an artist or now that i think about it maybe i should make a separate video on how to create like an artist website let me know if that is interesting to you guys but for the tutorial on the 29th i still need your help i uploaded a video a few days ago letting you know about the topics that i want to take into that video on the 29 and asking you to vote on your personal favorite topic that you would like to see i'm gonna leave a link to that down below you can still go in and comment your opinion i'm gonna be going over all of these comments and summarizing them up summarizing the scores on the night of the 28th so the 29th video is going to be something that you chose so if you have an opinion go there and make sure to say it if you haven't seen my latest video which is the collaboration with creative fabrica you can go there too because i plan on using a lot of elements with creative for recap because i got a deal to get everyone who's watching my channel 30 off their all access full print on demand subscription which is super cool because i actually got that deal for myself and i'm gonna go and really dive into personalized stuff because if you've been paying attention throughout this seo and trends video people are into personalized stuff and you deserve to have an easy way to create personalized items whether they're printable or using print-on-demand services on etsy or on shopify and that concludes our seo lesson for for today the first seo lesson in my channel and there are a lot more to come after that i hope you enjoyed this video if you did like it please hit that like button because every time you do youtube thinks hey this is a cool video and i'm gonna show it to more people because that is a part of youtube seo subscribe to my channel if you're not yet subscribed and if you've been watching my channel then you know what i'm about to say because our live chat is gonna go away in three two one and i will see you in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: Mey Aroyo
Views: 3,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is seo, what is trending on google, google seo, redbubble seo, etsy seo, what is trending on redbubble, google trends tutorial, promote redbubble shops, understanding google seo, google seo tools, wordtracker seo tool, word tracker review, how to find design trends, trending tshirts, trending redbubble stickers, how to make money on redbubble, print on demand seo, shopify pod seo, mey aroyo
Id: IFKq7t1wzcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 51sec (4671 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.