5 DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS of REDBUBBLE - Things They Don't Advertise or Want You To Know! (ZEN RANT)

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you know it's no secret i've made some money on redbubble t public etsy you know using print on demand i love getting free money and you know i hope nobody thinks in this video i'm just going to be beating up on the ones i love but you know i think it's important to showcase things that are not perfect in this world you know it's amazing when we see like lots of gifts and you know we look at this cat picture and i go wonderful and i get all excited this little cute pug picture i get all excited but then the reality sets in and i'm going to show you some reality in this video these are five dirty little secrets that redbubble doesn't want you to know and then look you might already know some of them but let's be realistic it's time to get a bit nasty and a bit frustrated at the way the real world works in this episode and hey we can have some fun we can all band together and go yes i'm not alone because i'm horribly annoyed by some of the things that redbubble's doing so let's go [Music] all right so i'm on redbubble and i'm all excited here i just typed in to a redbubble superhero t-shirts superhero t-shirt so let's see what we've got here to uh shop for our birthday gift for our friend oh trademark infringement probably trademark infringement trademark infringement all of these are logos for superheroes that's a phrase from a movie man it's sketchy come on man that's deadpool like i mean spider-man flash x-men i mean you can argue some of these are parody but i'm not seeing a whole lot of public domain in here i'm seeing a whole lot i mean mighty mouse come on man like and this is on the first page of redbubble like that's the part that kind of you know makes me angry it's like i'm a hard-working artist i'm working saturday night trying to upload designs to make some sales and the front page is obvious disney design an obvious marvel design an obvious dc design and these are not licensed there's no way these are licensed some of them are downright rude and nasty i mean do you really think we want to see a picture of wolverine with his pants fold pulled down i mean that's the first result on redbubble the hulk a naked hulk with his butt staring at me how embarrassing for marvel so and how embarrassing for redbubble just as importantly so i implore redbubble if you're watching this video if you ever have a person that goes around and scoops up things off the internet for goodness sakes please clean up the copyright infringement on this website it's absolutely brutal for normal artists like myself and many people watching this channel it's i mean it's brutal it's very frustrating here's just a picture of the one division television show it's on the first page of redbubble 58 000 designs and this is in the top 40 or 50 designs i mean come on man this is just a straight up picture of teenage mutant ninja turtles and it got through meanwhile we're all getting busted for copyright infringement off of some obscure design that we didn't even know was trademarked anyway rant over just be aware we're all aware of this the artists are really really fed up with this and you know what i would suggest is down at the bottom you know if enough people complain i'm just going to write down at the bottom and you can contact redbubble you know there's copyright there's contact us you know there's social you know if enough of us maybe complain to redbubble maybe this will get changed someday i think it's an absolute embarrassment that redbubble and t public and other print on demand sites allow this to happen they need to do a better job of policing this because i know they always throw their hands and say well we're independent third parties yeah i get it but it's hurting legitimate artists like you and me that are playing by the rules and we can't get our design scene because out of the 58 000 designs the first page is taken up of almost all copyright and trained trademark and french items so another problem that redbubble has and it's not really redbubble's problem it's more like it's our problem as artists is if you find a niche it gets filled up so i know i talk about trending niches and finding a niche and dominating a niche i actually look for niches that are not trending i know that's weird i know that's the opposite of you know some advice you may hear on youtube and i've even given out the advice hey catch a trend and you know make a bunch of sales i actually look for trends that are i look for genres that are not trending meaning i don't want other people to find out about them so i actually go into micronesia and you know that's a strategy that people use they look up really really tiny niches little tiny towns that live near you know that are near them little tiny genres of uh you know of the world that they go okay nobody else knows about this here's covet 325 000 results can you imagine when this first started can you imagine when the pandemic first began and somebody types in covet and gets back 12 results they're going holy moly gold mine much well a year later now there's 325 000 designs so whatever you type in you know if you type in you know governor of california for example and you know you've got 115 results that's a pretty good niche i'm telling you right now that's a good niche but it's probably not going to last because more and more people are figuring out people are angry at their governor or they're angry at their local politician or they're supporting their local politician so whatever genre you can find the dirty little secret is it won't last you can't just upload 20 designs and then expect for the next 10 years a bunch of money is going to come rolling in this passive income is really active income i upload regularly at least 10 designs a week if i take the week off could be up to 50 designs a night if i'm really into it it's work and i look at it as a part-time job right so again dirty little secret there that redbubble is going to say hey upload 30 designs and sit back no it doesn't work that way you have to be very diligent about continually finding new niches and exploring new trends as they come up and they will not last all right the third dirty little secret that i want to talk about is the redbubble partner program can i just say for like 10 seconds this feels like we're standing like literally by the water cooler complaining about our boss so like instead of zen water cooler this is like mean water cooler so i just think this is hilarious anyway hope you guys are taking this with a bit of grain of salt here i like getting riled up about stuff so this one's the redbubble partner program now i've actually done a video a couple videos about the red bubble partner program and i am a fan artist and i am part of the redbubble partner program however i've i'm frustrated by it i'm a human being too i've submitted design after design after design that gets rejected gets rejected gets rejected it's a good thing i've got thick skin or i'd go jump off a bridge somewhere because i've spent all afternoon designing red bubble partner program designs and then they get rejected so if you've never heard of this before there is licensed redbubble designs you can do rick and morty you know adventure time there's a whole bunch there's check out the entire list of brands well i mean i've gone in and i've looked at this list of brands and i mean it's it's pretty exciting to see you know i've looked at this brand list and it's pretty exciting i mean you look down here we've got alfred hitchcock and we've got chris farley conan o'brien uh you know full frontal with sam b kiss i mean good grief i mean i'm a middle-aged man i mean of course i love kiss i mean good grief there's a ton pan am rick and morty you know there's just a ton and what happens is we get all excited we start uploading designs like a madman reject it reject it reject it reject it if you go into some of these partner programs and you actually look up the actual designs that got through in some cases there's hardly any it's really frustrating so i just wanted to let you know that because you know i don't want this to just all be roses on this channel where you're thinking oh man you know zen water coolers got it so easy i mean he's talking about the red bubble partner program he probably lives in a huge mansion and drives a yacht to work every day no i get my designs rejected just like you and i think they're pretty darn good if i'm being perfectly humble and it's a bit frustrating when they don't get approved so just keep the course stay the course you know and another thing i'll say if i'm gonna get on my little soapbox here is redbubble if you're going to reject the design at least tell us explain to us what the problem is instead of us just beating our heads against the wall and saying sorry it's been rejected and we're not going to tell you why but you stink it's like well thanks a lot spent all afternoon working on this so the fourth dirty little secret is just that some genres are completely full i mean if you go in here and you search cute cat good luck 480 000 results and you know obviously wouldn't it be wonderful to be on the first page but let's be real i mean i might as well just go buy a lottery ticket if i type in cute dog 449 000 results and it grows every day so it it kind of stinks because if you're new to redbubble you want to upload a funny cat design or a funny dog design or some sort of popular genre that's you know you go to bed at night dreaming that you're going to have like a really fun design and instead the dirty little secret is the way to make sales is to exploit underutilized niches and the next thing you know you're uploading castle designs from the 1860s for people that enjoy you know horseback riding and you're going well this is not the genre that i was expecting to upload to right so i just want to point this out that it's not great i mean i love cats and i love dogs and i would love to be part of these genres but when i do upload these designs it's purely for my own fun i think i've maybe sold two ever because these genres are just so so saturated you know god help you if you ever type in the word just funny 5.8 million designs for funny i mean the people that are on the front page i'm sure they're you know they're driving lamborghinis around town but the rest of us are all going man must be nice so anyway a little jealous so good for them i mean obviously the people that made it to the front of this you know page great good for you of course this goes back to my first one darth vader design super bad design i mean it's so brutal that's on the front pages it's these trademarked images but i already did my rant you don't need to hear me do that again okay the fifth dirty secret is really makes me sad and you know i'm just i picked a design at random this could be true for any design okay i just want to point that out there so if you're like hey you know because you're showing this that person's going to get their design ripped off this could be for any literally any design on redbubble i just picked this one at random so this is a great little design it says mess with the honk you get the bunk and it's on a t-shirt and it's on a hoodie and here's the sticker well here's my problem okay if i have any sort of computer skills at all which i do i'm like i'm not saying i would do this but i'm just saying imagine an evil version of me sitting somewhere in the world going huh i really like this but obviously there's a markup for this design what's to stop me from just right clicking this and just saving this page or you know doing a screenshot of this and just you know maybe i just jiggle the font a little bit over here i mean the entire watermark is over here it's this little tiny watermark on the bottom that's brutal even when you know t publix got slightly better but not much there's ways around these watermarks so people steal these images all the time it's brutal if you type in a popular genre or a popular phrase you're going to get this literally the exact same result 5 10 15 20 100 times as you scroll through millions of results you have to be completely vigilant that somebody somewhere if they ever steal your design now you're scrolling you're spending your evenings scrolling through designs to see if anybody ripped you off i've had this personally happen to me so i'm speaking here as a victim myself this is our new victim support group meeting thank you for attending you know i've had a real relatively popular designs just get completely stolen and they just you know what happens is people save it to pinterest they then save it as a high quality jpeg file or png file they run it through photoshop and they just you know make them the tiniest of alterations or they just flat out steal the design and if they don't care about the watermark and the watermarks may be off to the side it's as good as theirs they can upload it they can get it printed at cost their markup is zero your markup's one penny too bad they'll sell it for themselves that really stinks so i wish redbubble had a better watermarking of the designs and you know t public's a little bit better but i wish they just had it like impossible or really really discourage you know thieves from just right clicking or using a screen grab technology to take that information out it really stinks for a hard working artist like myself and for you as well anyway i hope you enjoyed my rant i have nothing of value to offer in you in this except my sympathies and to say you know what redbubble we love you you need to clean up your act a little bit if you're going to be a legitimate player in the world for the next 10 years we need to get this stuff under control you know it's a lot like walmart or target or a major supermarket imagine if you go to your favorite local store and there's people just walking out the door with skids of stuff they didn't buy they're stealing it you'd be like hey hey you're not supposed to be doing that well come on redbubble you've got people coming into your store stealing our designs we need to work as a partnership here we need to get this cleaned up if you're going to be a force over the next five or 10 years we need to get this stuff cleaned up so i implore redbubble if you look i don't know if they're watching this video but i know as artists we can always complain about this stuff to them we can always voice our opinion and do the right thing don't use trademark designs don't be part of the problem i know it stinks you're playing straight and narrow while other people are taking shortcuts i hope hope hope they will get caught someday anyway thanks for listening to me rant i absolutely you know love and appreciate you guys and all the comments you guys make on this channel thank you so so much and you know we are a community we are artists and you know we need to support each other so you know thanks for watching and you know i hope you found this helpful
Channel: Zen Watercooler
Views: 18,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redbubble, print on demand, zen watercooler, redbubble copyright, redbubble trademark, teepubic copyright, teepublic trademark, print on demand ideas, how to make money on redbubble, redbubble tips, how to be successful on redbubble, print on demand ideas 2021, is redbubble legitimate, redbubble frustration, redbubble partner program, redbubble copyright infringement, teepublic copyright infringement, etsy, merch by amazon, redbubble tutorial, redbubble tips and tricks, pod
Id: pj6cC0K_-vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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