How To Promote Redbubble Products On Pinterest to Increase Sales (FREE Traffic Print-on-Demand)

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i don't pay and pray no no no no i'm patient i'm consistent and i really think of putting myself in the consumer shoes rather than trying to make a lot of noise to get people to see my print-on-demand design there are many ways to promote your print-on-demand design but for me it always boils down to two clear strategies number one the cannonball for a brief second you make a lot of noise and people may come across your design but this is usually only for a very brief second and the cannonball for me is a picture of what paid advertising looks like but then there's strategy number two and this is organic marketing i've written an article that was published on organic marketing which i will leave below in the description but what organic marketing ultimately is it's not just something that makes noise for a brief second it's something that actually requires quite a lot of work because somebody first has to make their way through a variety of options and only if someone is looking for what you have to offer then they are likely to stumble across you and in this case your design so today i'm going to talk you through how i use pinterest for promoting my redbubble and print-on-demand designs give me a thumbs up if you're interested to learn about pinterest and subscribe to this channel if you'd like to see more content from me in the future so pinterest is an incredibly interesting platform it is currently a platform that is preferred by women and not only do pinterest users go on the pinterest platform to get inspiration but a lot of them go into the pinterest platform with the mindset of actually purchasing something wait for it you have a pool of qualified online customers potentially searching for what you have to offer pretty cool right just to put this in a bit of an example if you have to think of what pinterest has been traditionally famous for in some of my friendship circles at least it's when it comes to wedding days or even finding unique gifts people go on to pinterest first looking for inspiration but i know so many people who went on to pinterest looking for inspiration of a wedding dress and then ultimately purchasing a wedding dress from the pin that they clicked on it has an interesting flow of taking an interested consumer to the point of being an educated consumer to maybe even the point of being a qualified customer so if a person were to go to pinterest searching for unique gift ideas and you had a pin that catered to the niche of unique gift ideas there is a likelihood that you would have had a qualified consumer click on your pen and then ultimately purchase from your print-on-demand store if this is a little bit confusing let's look at youtube for example i created a video titled how to start a youtube channel in 2020 by the way youtube has also sent quite a bit of traffic to my redbubble store so this could also be an interesting strategy for you to consider but what's been interesting for me just from creating that video is that a lot of people who stumbled across that video weren't actually subscribers from my channel they were people who found that video and search so yay people found it in search however there was quite a lot of competition for somebody to choose to click on that video as opposed to clicking on all of the other videos that would have been an option for them if they had to search this the same is true of pinterest just because you decide to arrive and upload a pin doesn't mean you're guaranteed to get the click you still have to create something that is going to be engaging enough or appealing enough to a potential browser for them to click on your pin so whether it's youtube or whether it's pinterest the competition is always to get the click so this video will hopefully empower you with not only ideas to start creating pins but the confidence to just get the ball rolling when it comes to promoting your print on demand or redbubble designs on pinterest so let's jump into it there are three levels when it comes to pinterest pin designs uploading your first pin is likely to be the biggest learning curve so feel free to start on level one and as your confidence grows then you can move up the levels level one is to screenshot your design from redbubble or even just send it directly from redbubble to pinterest why this is level one is because that's the easy thing to do but you've got to respect platforms that you are using and why i'm saying this is that pinterest actually has preferred dimensions when it comes to the size of your pin that you're uploading and if you're just sending it directly from redbubble if you're just taking a screenshot you might not be complying with these dimensions so pinterest recommends pins with an aspect ratio of 1000 by 1500 pixels but now that we know this we can actually move to level 2. you can take a screenshot of your design and read bubble and then upload it to canva under the correct dimensions so now what you can do on canva is just customize the pen using some of the templates just to make sure that your pen stands out as you can see this is already a big jump up from level one because now you taking some time to customize your pin so that it does stand a likelihood of popping out next to the ocean of what may be potential similar designs to what you could have had if you just went for level one but if you want to take it one step further we can talk about level 3 of pinterest pin design and before i tell you about level 3 i just want to put out there that level 1 and 2 are fine getting started is the hardest part but if you want to truly stand out and you want to take your pinterest pins to the next level you may want to consider using a mock-up feature now what a mock-up feature is is that you take your design that you created on redbubble or your print-on-demand store and you take it to a platform that provides you with mock-ups so then all you do is you add your design to these mock-ups so that you can see what your design would look like on real people doing real things that are somewhat different to what you would just have from a standard mock-up functionality within redbubble now the best would actually be to just buy your product yourself from redbubble and stage a photo shoot but we don't all have funds to stage photoshoots higher photographer higher models all of that's very expensive and especially if you don't know which designs of yours are actually going to be best sellers you might just want to wait a little bit and just try out mock-ups and just make sure that you use mock-ups that are as close as possible to what somebody would be buying from redbubble and i've made two videos that are likely to help you with this so i've made a video where i review playsets and i've made a video where i review vexels and i will leave a link to both of those videos in my description below but just to give you a quick comparison when it comes to the mock-up functionality placeit has free markups for you to use so you can first play around before you have to spend any money also if you pay for place it and then decide after a couple of months it's not really for you anymore you still at least at the time of this video can keep all of the designs that you've downloaded and also place it has a large variety of mock-up designs for you to choose from whether you decide to go free or whether you decide to upgrade to the paid version and then these pixels now i only recommend vexels if you can pay for the lifetime membership because one of the downsides of vexels is if you decide to go for a membership option but then after a couple of months decide it's not for you unfortunately you don't own those designs that you've downloaded they belong to vexels so it's a bit of a pain but if you buy the lifetime membership this isn't something you have to worry about however when it comes to mock-ups pixels at least at the time of this video does not have as many options as places so i would recommend place it over vehicles when it comes to mock-ups for now this may change in the future and when it does i'm sure i'll make a video about that but it's a tricky one because i actually prefer pixels over place it when it comes to design but when it comes to mock-ups i prefer places over vexels but like i mentioned i go into a lot of detail on both of these different platforms and the two videos which i mentioned and you can check those out in the description below so those are your three pinterest pin design options but now let's take it to the next step you want to upload these pins before you upload your pins you first need to create a board for your pins to be pinned to and if this is a bit overwhelming if you're completely green to pinterest don't worry i've been in your shoes it's a little daunting at the beginning so i've created certain boards on my pinterest profile boards like men's fashion outdoors ladies fashion redbubble print on demand i've created a whole bunch of different boards that i can pin my pins to that is step one you have to create the boards and take some time to give your boards a description all of this helps with seo if seo intimidates you a little bit don't worry just start by getting pins up in time you can educate yourself more and more starting is the hardest point and i keep saying that but it's really true starting is the hardest part when it comes to using pinterest but now when it comes to uploading your designs you have two options option number one is uploading directly onto pinterest so here once you've created a board you can now create some pins and then you can choose to add these pins to a board so what you want to do is just upload the pin from either your desktop or your downloads and then you want to give it a title now your title is 100 characters or less and then when it comes to your description you have up to 500 characters and now think of keywords in your title and in your description and if you don't know how to find these maybe you just go to the search bar at the top of pinterest and just type in a search term that you would perhaps choose for your design and then you'll see that pinterest gives you some ideas now take note of what pinterest suggests because pinterest suggests what people are searching so you want to just make sure that you've taken note of those and then include those in your title or in your description just make sure it sounds like a normal person speaking and that you don't just stuff all of the keywords then you just choose when you want to publish the pen you can publish it immediately or you can schedule it for a later time so this is the first option and it's quite a good place to start but i don't have the time to go into pinterest every single day so i use a scheduling tool and the tool is called tailwind and i have linked it in the description below so what tailwind allows me to do is upload a whole bunch of pins and allows me to schedule these pins over a couple of days and weeks and even months so to show you an example i upload a pin and then i can schedule it to a variety of boards and have them pin on the boards every five or six days so i don't have to physically come here every single day to print stuff i can just come once a week and just organize all of my pins but here's the game changer when it comes to using tailwind i have access to tailwind communities this means i can search for groups of people who pin similar content to what i am pinning and have them share my content if i'm happy to share their content in return so to give you an example if you were to share this youtube video with a friend i would get another view and perhaps another subscriber and the same is true of your pins on tailwind you are likely to get more impressions and perhaps more clicks through to your redbubble store if you decide to collaborate and share other people's content and have them in return share your content too if you feel i've covered this too quickly feel free to check out this video i've made on pinterest because it really goes through it nice and slowly and it will just reinforce what i've said over here but pinterest is no quick ticket to success it follows the basic principle that if you create something of value and somebody is searching for what it is that you're providing then they are likely to stumble across what it is that you've created click on it and hopefully become a qualified buyer for your store now i'm going to take it up one more level here and feel free to take note of the time so that you can come back to this part of the video when you feel ready i have created a website where i have grouped a variety of my designs in specific blog posts so instead of driving traffic from pinterest to redbubble i drive traffic from pinterest to my website so what i do on my website is i give little write-ups of the designs that i've created that somebody could find on redbubble and what i ultimately hope to do is to give somebody choice to look at a variety designs on my blog before they go through to read bubble to make a purchase and by doing this i'm hoping to reduce the competition that i could have faced if somebody went directly from pinterest to redbubble because i first given them choice on my website so they don't go to redbubble and first get a whole bunch of choice there i'm trying to eliminate decision fatigue whether this is a helpful tactic or not who knows but i have linked my redbubble store to google analytics and i've seen that quite a bit of traffic that has come to my redbubble store has actually come from my blog and if you don't know how to link your redbubble store to google analytics then i encourage you to watch my video teaching you how to do that which i will also link in my description below i should also mention another reason why i have a blog is because i also hope to be found from people searching things in google now google and pinterest they aren't short-term strategies it's not like you can create something and somebody will find you the next day that's very unlikely it takes time for you to be seen as an authority in search so you need to exercise an element of patience if you are deciding to think about pursuing the strategy if you're in a space where you're wanting to create a blog i also have a video teaching you how to do this you can check out my video i will also link it in the description there's lots of information for you here today but i think you can see that none of what i'm saying is related to paid advertising at all i like to first try organic marketing see what people are interested in and only once i'm sure that a certain design is rocking then i might consider to put some money behind the design in the form of paid advertising but i haven't done that quite yet and i don't have any plans to start doing that immediately so feel free to try out any of the strategies and any of the levels that i've mentioned today but start small and be consistent the only reason i think i find pinterest to be effective is because i've been consistent over a couple of months and if you're serious about giving pinterest a shot then do watch my other video on pinterest and fast forward to the end where i give you a realistic look at my first five weeks on pinterest because i was completely agreeing to princess i had very little exposure to pinterest before and i found the first five weeks incredibly overwhelming but it was consistent and i eventually did end up finding my feet i'm only mentioning this because hey if you are comfortable on pinterest and you're already using it you're going to find this very simple but for a lot of us i know that pinterest is something new that we're tapping into and i just want to be honest that i struggled with it at the beginning so if you find yourself not really sure what's going on you're not alone i was there so combining pinterest and my website and youtube these are really the only strategies i use to drive traffic to my redbubble store i don't do any paid advertising so if you found this video helpful there's no better way of showing me than by giving me a big thumbs up and consider subscribing to this channel if you'd like to see more content from me in the future i've really enjoyed putting this content together and i hope it's been very helpful to you every success with your print-on-demand store and i look forward to seeing you in one of my next videos take care guys bye
Channel: Marguerite Faure
Views: 31,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to promote redbubble products on pinterest, how to use pinterest to promote redbubble designs, how to use pinterest to promote redbubble, free traffic print on demand, redbubble designs, how to use pinterest, print on demand, redbubble, redbubble tips, redbubble and pinterest, increase redbubble sales, how to promote redbubble on pinterest, how to promote redbubble products
Id: eBK7EJjOzR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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