How I painted my brand new Seraphon Army

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hey everyone welcome back to this week's video today I'm going to be showing you how I painted up and based my brand new saraon Army so let's jump into it I recently paid a visit to the Hobby Shop with my partner Z and while we were looking around she absolutely fell in love with this Vanguard saraon box and I decided then and there I'm going to grab this guy now there's a bunch of models in here specifically but I want to make these crocy go something about them really speaks to me and I love the crocodilian aspect to them they're just really dinosaur I first started by clipping everything out of the spr and instead of doing the traditional way of clipping right next to the model I spped a little bit further down on the spr gate and then just popped the model out this means that I can come in later and clip them a lot closer to the actual model instead of having like little tags and things from trying to move your hand around in awward angles getting all the pieces that I need needed out I quickly went around and just snipped all the sprew tags off of the models this actually was a surprisingly quick process and left me with little to no clean up there was a couple pieces here and there that had a little bit of a notch on it but other than that I didn't have to do too much scraping when it came to assembling I decided to use some spru go which put simply is just some melted spru in some Tere extra thin glue not only does this create a very strong bond it also fills the gaps at the same time r see how much work we have to do later on down the track whilst building this Sky I did unfortunately mess up a little bit I accidentally chose the wrong chest model so it left a little bit of a gap right here this is an easy fix if you've got green stuff or Mill apart and I have both but instead of deciding to do that I went ahead and tried to fill it with spro Not only was this super time consuming it took absolutely forever to actually fill in the Gap but I'm pretty happy with the result even though it took me about an hour I did also decide to build this guy's couple of friends which I won't be showing how I painted in this video but you can just replicate the steps that I did on the first guy on these other two next up I started prepping what we needed for the bases I am fortunate enough to have a bunch of random stls that I've bought from epic basing in my collection I decided to go for a variety of different things mostly rocks branches Ferns and some destroyed Ancient Temple things that I found these are going to all compliment each other and give me a decent variety of stuff that I can choose from I went ahead and grabbed all of our stuff and decided to jump onto the base since we're painting the base from scratch I figured that we'd get that done and dusted I started by applying a heavy heavy layer of a growl and bad land and thought that I could get away with just pressing all of the basing bits into it cuz it's paint surely that means everything will stick right I did however regret not glowing these basing bits down I figured that the paint would hold it but unfortunately it didn't so I had to come back later down on the track scrape a little bit of the agrin bad L out and then I had to glue the basing bits in just using a little bit of superg glue other than that everything was nice and easy as you can see I did use a very nasty brush for this I never use any decent brush for basing things as it's got grit and stuff in it and that absolutely destroys any of your good brushes so I highly recommend grabbing a brush that you don't really love anymore and that you can kind of sacrifice to this thing now when I was pacing all of these guys I wanted to create a sort of unique and interesting look that wouldn't take away from the initial model and as I was doing this I did make sure to dry fit the model so that its feet were on a somewhat steady base after deciding on a layout that I liked I jumped outside and grabbed a couple cans of spray paint for these guys I decided to do a heavy zenial coat so that we can work with some contrast paints later down on the track and it's just going to save us a little bit of time when it came to painting the lava effects on the base I decided to use three separate paints for the initial C I grabbed some evil Sun Scarlet then I'd be using some troll Slayer orange to layer off from that and finally using some urial yellow in the very centers to give it that glowy effect these guys were super simple to make I started out by sketching the lava flow with evil Sun Scarlet the lava bases were some of the simplest basing I've ever done in my armies I mixed a 1:1 ratio of water to evil Sun scarlet and started sketching out the patterns that I wanted to go through the base now while this paint was still wet I grabbed some troll orange with the same oneone mix and sketched over roughly 70% of the initial red that we did finally while that tray orange was a little bit wet as well I came back with some urial yellow for the final highlight I focused this towards where the areas will be super deep and then Branch it off a little bit and as you can see it's all done to finish off the bases I did grab some dawn stone and my little dry brush here as you can see it's just a little El Cheo makeup brush but it does the job job perfectly I did make sure to put this on my palette get all the excess off and just gently dry brush over everything bringing up all the details of the base and with that we're all done and time to jump on to the actual cropal next up I decided to grab some flesh tear red contrast and I mixed this roughly 3 to one of water to contrast paint I wanted this to be super warry so that I can build up the red over the carus as you can see here it's nice and thin I did actually forget to start recording so that's why I've half started it I just applied this to all the kind of kitness areas and scaly areas specifically with this Army I wanted to create a bit of a story behind it when I bought this my partner Z said you need to make a cool backstory for these guys so on the car ride home we decided to make a little bit of a story behind these guys now with the red I slowly built up it over three layers and getting slightly more concentrated towards the center of each area as well as to break up the skin between the nice red and the Very stark white I just drew little patterns as you can see here mostly dots Little Wiggles and things it just makes it feel a lot more natural and less pedantically planned out by a painter these cagor have been fighting the chaos dwarves in their own jungles and unfortunately are losing the battle lava has flown All Through the Jungle and their ancient temples are slowly being broken down we kind of Justified the paint Scheme by saying that all of these guys initially start out as whatever color they are whether it be red blue yellow green and as the battle and get scars the new skin comes back with absolutely no pigment next up I wasn't super happy with the wi on these guys I originally was going to leave it but I decided to grab some white gray from Vallejo and just carefully layer it all over the skin I feel like this kind of tied the model in a little bit nicer and made it feel a little bit more natural instead of just being a bright white skin which doesn't really happen naturally I did also make sure to focus these highlights towards the top of the model as it just replicate the light a little bit better I did quickly grab some scra of pink and just went over the entire jawline as well it doesn't really matter if you get this on the gums and things it doesn't really matter if you're a little bit messy with this one you can just come back later and clean up with the white gray and if it's on the teeth we'll come back later with a bone paint and do those teeth when it comes to Gold I don't do mine in the traditional way usually what I'll do is I'll grab some M Fang brand some retributor armor and mix it roughly 3 to one of M Fang to retribute our armor this gives me a solid base code and adds a bunch of depth where we move on to the next steps so I just went around the model and picked out any parts that would be gold super easy there's not a ton in this model but it helps separate out all the skin and things that's on it now I was having a bit of trouble holding this model so I de started to quickly scrape the bottom of the feed off and attach them to this base and then using some El Cheapo super blue I smacked some on his feet and just held him on his base for a couple of minutes now I did actually leave this for an hour to fully dry just so that I didn't come back and snap him off I did also quickly decideed to grab some Vallejo metal so and just briefly went over his stuff for my bone I like to do things a little bit differently as well instead of using like an a shaby bone and shading it down I just start with steel Legion Dr I decided to go around the entire model and just pick out any details I would go like these things on his hammer and his teeth right here as you can see I don't paint in very linear way next up I decided to grabb some black Legion contrast and did the same 3 to1 mix I made sure to focus this towards the very center of all of our red areas I then came back with some retributor armor and decided to jump on the golds just laying up in any areas that aren't in Shadow and then for the Final highlights on this guy I slowly mixed in a bunch of Vallejo silver and as you can see just picking up the very top details using some pale sand mixed with our original steel Legion drab I decided to go around and then pick out all these B Parts with their final highlights I think I slowly mixed in roughly about 50/50 paint to begin with and then increased the level of pale sand that I had for each now the final step of these guys was to pick out their weapons using some flesh Terror red this is super easy and you don't need to go too well with it but I decided to do a highlight with some mist and red and evil Sun Scarlet this with the mist and red I focused it towards the center and the upper bits of the moral just to give it a little bit of depth and then just for the final highlight I mix a little bit of evil evil Sun scarlet and did a very very small highlight in the middle of these guys now I did almost forget to do the eyes on these guys I picked up the models thought they were done but uh then saw that they had absolutely nothing going on with the eyes for these guys I just use some test right glow chucking in my palette and then very carefully dabbing in the eyes for some reason I felt like green magic would be perfect for these guys since they're super angry and it just contrasts the red very nicely now with that the model was 100% complete and it's time for the big reveal overall I'm super happy with how these guys turned out they're the start of my very own seraphon Army and I will be doing more with these guys in the future I'll probably end up running you through the whole Vanguard box within the following weeks as I do the videos as well as doing a couple of custom model videos with things that I think will really stand out of the army hope you guys all like this video and thank you all for watching so until next time everyone happy hobbying bye
Channel: PrintD
Views: 6,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games workshop, age of sigmar, warhammer, seraphon, lizardmen, warhammer fantasy, warhammer painting, painting warhammer, start collecting, start warhammer, warhammer army, new year new army
Id: dI5A1ZH9Dtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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