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[Applause] oh mate look at this three foot long total scale replica of the t-rex from jurassic park oh mama just look at that bad boy a bad girl i suppose not that i've been looking under dinosaur skirts or anything oh hey this completely suspect site with shipping from china he's selling it at 25 pound a piece seriously this could be the greatest dread sorium proxy for my lizardman army and it's 25 quid elephant safety frog what do you think yeah i know that but people know he was health and safety frog though okay buggery yeah cool i don't need encouragement to buy toys let's go and ordered okay cool now we just have to wait nine weeks uh oh what the not only are these not as advertised they're just completely illegal copies of the papo toys t-rex which is actually cheaper to buy the original aha very funny at least we know he can spell that word well at least i can still make an aztec themed mountain out of a illegal molehill so to speak dicks [Music] so yeah for total transparency i absolutely knew that i was getting scammed and while it's disappointing it's certainly not the end of the world i've also got an assortment of collected 3d printed parts from various designers to spice these things up so ultimately i'm in the same situation i would be if i'd bought an official connoisseur and an official troglodom both essentially are in the same pose but at least with this i can actually do something about it i'm going to start with reposing the tail and ultimately i will put a troglodome split tailing on there i'm going to repose the leg of the model so i've got some movement to it because who needs two points of base contact with a really heavy model when you cannot have two points of pace contact with a really heavy model and forever i'm going to be breaking the model off the base but you know who cares if you look at the way that rexy in jurassic park or the lost world walks you can see that it tucks its toes back as it lifts its leg and we're going to try and replicate that here if we can also while we're on the subject jurassic park franchise what is your second and third favorite films in the franchise let me know in the comments make a case for jp3 if you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] probably gathered by now that superglue and superglue accelerant are my absolute friends here and so will be the milliput i prefer to use milliput or without green stuff garbage because this stuff is way more malleable and pleasant to work with easier to texture and water down to a smooth paste for well smoothing now i'm not a sculptor if a basic level of sculpting would equivalent you to a human being then i would class myself as like base amino protein stewing in a thermal vent and getting all my little deliveries to the door absolutely that's me [Music] but that doesn't mean that i or anyone else can't do things like this we're essentially plugging gaps smoothing joints flush and texturing it that's kind of it no special tools just fingers pencils and well having a second model to bash the texture into the clay really does help a little bit of liquid green stuff over some trouble there is i do like liquid green stuff and the liquid green will contract and shrink when it dries el rey over here is going to get himself some hideous bling in keeping with my making terrifying great against syria's philosophy lizardmen have no taste they're fabulous but they have no taste and why would they all their war beasts are essentially carnivorous mardi gras parade float lizard monsters and the people driving or controlling them are also carnivorous lizard monsters so so where's the quality control here if you're familiar with this making serif on great again series you'll know this trick basic cotton wrapped around spikes and armaments means you're freeing yourself from difficult sculpting or finding the perfect parts that fit it's not too tricky but it is absolutely tedious so i'll just bob on a bit of wrestling bios and just get on with my knitting and like say if you're an ms painter like me it's not the easiest thing to do but it saves so much faff with the alternatives here's where we're at and they do look like a plaster of radio or theme park statues that have been shot on by pigeons for 20 years or pretty much how my brand new jeans look 10 minutes into a terrain making video but as john lennon once said yoko don't chat about my kit bashes until i've hit it with a primer so let's see how they fare with a coat of paint and john lennon was absolutely right these guys look like they're going to scrub up just fine el rey is rocking the rey mysterio feathers and elvenamo is rocking the pat butcher earrings what a combo to take to the battlefield rey mysterio and pat butcher what a tag team now before you run to your wardrobe to get your big boy pants out i'm airbrushing el rey but i'm gonna paint elvenar jr with a brush and standard acrylics so skip ahead if you're whatever the airbrush equivalent of those people who can't handle mothers breastfeeding in public are but let me tell you contrast paint doesn't unlock its final form until you pump it through an airbrush for creatures like this it is magic effortless skin tones and gradients in seconds back once again with the talent in the bottle army paint a soft tone and even soft tone is a little bit too aggro for this palette and we're going to be watering that down in certain areas on the model as we go [Music] in honor of our friends and the current jurassic world color grading team i'm making these feathers orange and teal ish it's a nice two complementary color scheme that i really rely on [Music] as if i haven't shield this enough already but check out the dry box video i made it allows me to test the consistency of the paint on my brush in a realistic environment before i apply it to a model i can control just how much little paint i apply without mistakes nasty stuff time with valero liquid gold one layer one wash you're done but i should at least now take the opportunity to talk a little health and safety with you guys since this paint is completely lethal hector says if you don't know what's in it wear a mask seemingly safe insulation foam for modeling can contain fiberglass family-friendly acrylic paints when airbrushed can still contain nasty metal particulates resin miniatures especially from russia or china not that anyone here would have any experience in that can contain really nasty chemicals that when cut or heated by filing the mold lines off and do you win big time and be aware that spraying anything pretty much guarantees inhalation if it's in the air congratulations now it's in you thanks health and safety frog for keeping our hobby lives safer [Music] okay so i promised i'd do the other dinosaur pat butcher over here without the aid of an airbrush and so i shall this technique is called stippling the way i like to do it is to pretty much hammer on various colors as a base coat and then work those colors together while the paint is still wet apply more as needed and i usually keep my paints neat and undiluted for living creatures like this that can also add a little bit of texture which i do like keep stippling and working in different colors to introduce new gradients as you feel i'm going from dark underbelly to almost well blue grey towards the top in doubt dab a good amount of paint off onto a paper towel before attempting to blend i'm adding a gray stripe down his body to emulate what i've seen some cool looking geckos rocking geckos also have no sense of taste but they are fabulous [Music] a heavy diluted contrast paint or ink is gonna tie this all together nicely i would say the blends were already pretty subtle but now they're gonna be super blended [Music] my all-purpose bone and teeth recipe is recarth flesh which is a nice cool creamy bone colour [Music] then drenched in richland flesh shade to introduce a ready plaquey bloody tone to them and followed up with a light cream for a highlight i want that pardon the term throat sack where the troglodon's poison spit might be stored to look a little bit more toxic and unpleasant in the animal kingdom it's not uncommon to see animals that are chemically dangerous to have some kind of obnoxious color scheme going on so i'm gonna go with purple and pink and it also does just look a little bit gross [Music] so i got these done over two days and did their little mates in the evening mostly because i didn't want to get cheap heat for not having a corresponding leader unit like their official counterparts do so i flashed up the bases and added these guys [Music] lost kingdom miniatures do make some awesome sculpts and it really adds a little bit of chip spice to these bases speaking of bases my follow-up video for this is going to be how to make awesome deep jungle bases like the ones seen here which only really take a couple of hours to do so cheers thank you for watching check out my patreon links check out the links in the video and i'll see you next time i'm out of here [Music] you
Channel: MS_Paints
Views: 81,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seraphon, painting warhammer, miniature painting, lizardmen, lustria, painting 101, dinosaurs, warhammer toys, age of sigmar, airbrush, airbrushing, lost kingdom miniatures, recasting
Id: CRFoRfl-quI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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