How I Package My Cookies | Take Your Cookie Business To The Next Level

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there's one thing that people tend to forget when they first start getting into business selling decorated cookies i know i did especially since on social media you don't really see the packaging process you see what the cookies are how their eyes how they're made but you don't really see the final product and how it's delivered to your customer so i wanted to make a video showing you exactly what i use and how i package my [Music] cookies [Music] there's a couple reasons why packaging is super important the first is the most obvious reason packaging makes things look much better you can have some beautiful cookies but if you package them really nicely they look 10 times better your customers will really think it's something special and the second reason the packaging is super important is you want your cookies to be in one piece when they get delivered to the customer whether they're picking it up or you're delivering it you want to make sure that you know there's no cookies flying out of boxes or bags or breaking on the way so let me show you what i use i'll be linking all the products i use below the video in the description make sure you do your own research and you compare prices and shipping prices because what works for me may not necessarily work for you so the first thing you want to decide whether you're going to heat seal your cookies or not heat seal your cookies i know some people that do it for every single cookie i know some people like myself that it depends on the order whether the people are giving them out individually or let's say if they're putting in like a goodie bag or something then i'd make sure to heat seal them and if they're just serving it on a platter or something or you know it's just the part of the dessert table i won't waste my bags on um on the cookies if they're just gonna cut them open and serve them on a platter so why that is important is because when you have your box here and you're going to put your shred inside shred is not actually food safe and so if your cookies are not heat sealed you want to make sure that you're covering your shred with something so the easiest thing that i find to cover my shred with is actually just taking one of my bags my you know that i heat seal my cookies in and i'll cut it along the seams and i'll just cover my shred with a couple of bags so that there's a layer between my cookies that are not heat sealed or not bagged and my shred if you don't have shred on hand you can also get uh these sort of parchment papers they're like bakery you know when you go to grab something from the bakery it's kind of like a protective little parchment thing you can use i've also used those on the bottom of the boxes especially if you're doing like macarons or something like that that you can sort of stack and you don't want them on shred that works really great as well it also protects the box so that's a great option as well boxes are really important too you want a nice sturdy box because you don't want to have to pick up your box and have the bottom of the box sinking through because your cookies are really heavy and you know cause the box to fold or to bend so it's good to get a nice sturdy box so another thing i like to do is tie my boxes in some baker's twine the reason i do this it kind of has that classic bakery look but not only that i can easily pick up the box by the twine by the knot and hold the box and put it in my bag so i really like that it puts a little nice bow on it and it also keeps the box closed so it won't be opening because sometimes these boxes if you handle them with one hand or the cookies slide around it might make it heavier on one side and the little lip that you know folds into the box to keep it shut it might pop open so this is a great way to keep your boxes closed while looking really good another thing i suggest you do is to get customized stickers made of your logo or your cookie business name and so then you're self-promoting and it also looks very professional and so they've lasted me a long time and i usually like to include one on each box that they give to the customer and so i found these really large bags they're quite tall so they can fit about three of these boxes it could fit more but i don't feel comfortable putting too much weight in them but three is the max that i go to and they fit the boxes perfectly so that they can sit flat so my customers when they come to pick up they can just grab them and you know have their hands free have a couple bags in one hand and take them to the car another little thing i like to do is just add one of my tags to the bag so again i'll take my baker's twine because i have lots of it and it's relatively cheap and i will tie my tag to the bag and a little tip here is that if you buy tags off of let's say vistaprint where i got my stickers from they're a little bit more expensive so uh one of my friends who's a graphic designer told me that if you order vertical business cards from them and cut them yourself it's a lot cheaper so that's what i did i customized my logo on the front and on the back i had my contact information and my instagram and my social media handles and i tie one to each bag it's a little bit more work because you have to cut them down but i do them you know i'll cut a bunch down and hole punch them and have them ready to go so that when i go to bed and box my cookies everything's ready and done but it really does save you a lot of money remember to check out the links below the video to see the products that i've used and remember packaging can look really good but it doesn't have to be expensive hopes this helped you guys take your business to the next level happy baking thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Little Cookie Co
Views: 12,297
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: cookie packaging, decorated cookies, sugar cookies, packaging, cookie boxes, small business
Id: 5kPunaxCejI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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