How To Make A DIY Cookie Kit: EVERYTHING You Need To Know!

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hey guys cookie here and today I'm going to show you how to assemble a DIY cookie kit now there isn't a whole lot of information out there about making them and I figured you know what I've made them enough to show others how to make them and I'm always getting messages from people asking specific questions about them so I wanted to go in-depth because that's what I like to do I like details so let's get into it first things first the box I love these boxes they're cheap they're plain and it doesn't take much to gussy them up these are actually pie boxes and there are nine by nine by 2.5 inches which is the absolute perfect size for your average sized cookie hit they have a window in the top two so they showcase your kit beautifully if these aren't big enough for what you need look up cake or bakery boxes and find something in your size these boxes sometimes come in different colors and can come with or without windows on the top I like to line my box with a little bit of fluff it keeps the content safe it adds a pop of color to an otherwise kind of drab looking box and presentation is always important this stuff is called sizzle and it's made of paper it comes in all sorts of different colors tissue paper would also look really nice it's always important to give your cookie decorator a little bit of direction you don't need to go into a crazy amount of detail but I'll give some sample directions below in the description add your logo or something pretty give it your own little spin print them and cut them out I cut mine so they are about a quarter of a page now these things aren't absolutely necessary but I found that customers really appreciate them you could always add them as sort of an option to kind of like when you go through drive-through and they ask you if you want any ketchup or utensils some might say yes some might say no these polypropylene baggies have little white dots and are super cute for packaging pair them with some twist ties and your customer has their own packaging so that they can share their cookie creations with friends and family people love packaging their own cookies it makes the cookies feel a lot more special I've added some more than utensils as well you can use coffee stir sticks popsicle sticks craft sticks tongue depressors they're all wooden sticks just different sizes I also found these adorable little spoons for the sprinkles which I mean are totally unnecessary but just look at them here is so cute now for the sugar cookies themselves and I've seen a lot of people who will individually package the cookies which doesn't make a whole lot of sense since most people are just going to rip open the packages of cookies and decorate them all in one afternoon which defeats the purpose of individually packaging them if you do individually package the cookies don't heat seal them just put them all in individual baggies and add a twist tie that way the decorator can remove the cookie decorate it and then package them when they're dry you can just skip adding baggies and twist ties but honestly I just like to stack the cookies and heat seal on one bag it's a lot less work and you can leave the individual packaging thing as an option i package 2 8 cookies which is a good average number 6 seems to be too little and 12 seems to be too many I've determined 8 to be my magic number so I'm kind of sticking with it I'm using that to pound polypropylene bag which is 4 by 2 by 10 inches and then I used my heat sealer at the number 5 setting to seal it for the icing I'm using royal icing some cookie decorators use buttercream but this is all personal preference royal icing is what I personally use to decorate my own sugar cookies so I want the customer to decorate with the same icing that I use I know that a lot of people aren't really keen on the flavor overall icing either so that's why it's important to have a good tasting product I mean it's always important but it's especially important in this case I'm confident in the flavor of my cookies and in my royal icing I found over the years while decorating cookies that there is definitely a looming misconception that sugar cookies taste bad and some do unfortunately but prove people wrong splurge on some good flavorings and spend the time on perfecting your recipe so that it tastes good be that exception and surprise people you definitely want to use a medium consistency icing or what a lot of people call a 20-second icing meaning that if you draw a line in the icing with your spoon it should disappear after about 20 seconds because the decorator is going to be using it from everything to flooding to Oh lining and detailing so it needs to be thin enough to spread out a little bit but not thin enough that it's going to run off the cookie it still needs to hold its shape this can be kind of a tricky consistency to get but with a little bit of practice it becomes a lot easier with time add a little bit of water at a time to get it to this consistency my favorite disposable piping bags to use are by truly mad plastics they come in small medium and large I'm using medium if you do end up going with buttercream though you'll definitely need to go with a more durable piping bag as these ones might be a little bit too thin buttercream is thick in my kits I offer three different colors of icing and I fill these piping bags between 70 and 80 grams full which is around 2.5 ounces squeeze the icing to the tip and tie a knot in the top of the bag but leave a little bit of room at the top there's a really important reason for this your icing will separate after sitting that's just gonna happen and the decorator will need to be able to remix the icing by kneading the icing bag in their hand for about one to two minutes if you tie the knot right above the icing making the bag too tight you can't knead the icing bag very easily without risking popping a hole in the bag from so much pressure leaving a little room at the top gives the icing some space to move it doesn't look as pretty when the icing bag isn't as tight but we'll fix that later I could probably do a whole video on sprinkles there are so many options and most cookie decorators are sprinkle hoarders so this will be a good chance to use up some of your collection I do three different sprinkles about one tablespoon of each I use these little two ounce portion containers which are super handy because a lot of the time the decorator might have some left at the end so this way they can just put the lid back on and save them for future baking projects you could also use small recei little bags choose colors that go with your theme but when in doubt rainbow is always a favorite you can buy sprinkle mixes or you can just make your own which is a lot less expensive some of the designer sprinkles can be pretty pricey for the quantity that you get but if you have a lot of different types and colors you can just make your own mixes and I know I'm probably going to slaughter some of these words but you can use Tracy's non perils which are those super tiny round sprinkles sanding sugar rock sugar sugar pearls sixlets which are like sugar pearls but with chocolate in the middle jimmies which are long sprinkles and then you can think outside the sprinkle realm and use other candies and toppings like chocolate chips marshmallows small chewy candies colored coconut the list goes on one of my favorite non sprinkles are these little Callebaut crisps pearls which are chocolate on the outside and crispy cereal on the inside for the packaging I have counted out eight bags as well as eight twist ties again this is optional but I find that a lot of customers really like to package and share their cookies then I've counted out six wooden sticks to use for the icing as two kids seems to be the average for my kids and I want to give them a stick for each color of icing as well as a wooden spoon to share for the sprinkles if you wanted you could also include things like toothpicks as well I'm taking all of these loose things and tucking them into the top bag so they're not moving around the box if you're not including any packaging you could always just tie the utensils together with some pretty butchers twine or a twist tie or just dome it them if that's what you choose to do to further personalize the packaging I'm adding a sticker to the box it's my logo on it if you buy these in bulk they're fairly inexpensive and they're a simple way to make her packaging look great and professional you could even make your own or print some logos onto paper and stick them on with tape or you could simply use your business card in place of a sticker so that the customer can keep it that works too I'm using these cute stickers to fasten the Box closed when I'm finished packaging that way they're not going to flop open when the customer picks them up it's also that little sense of security - there's always something a little more exciting about opening a sealed box you could use plain tape or you could also use some decorative washi tape now comes the fun part assembling the box it's like cookie hit Tetris tuck in your cookies add your bags and utensils to the back along with your instructions add your sprinkles to the top and back to what I said before about the icing bags how we were going to fix them up and make them look a little bit more pretty all you have to do is twist them so that the icing bag becomes tight and then tuck the top underneath see how nice that looks assemble the icing bags top to bottom beside the cookies and there we go close the box add your sticker fasten the box closed and you've got your finished kit when you compare cookie kits to actual cookie decorating it probably doesn't feel as creative but you can totally get creative with ideas when it comes to themes and sprinkle mixes for example this was a made garden themed kit and I included a watering can tulip and potted plant cookie as well as some sprinkles and spring green and soft pastel colors and yeah there's some sprinkles in there that happen to be rainbow because kids love rainbow I'll be sure to share some more ideas in the description below and if you have any more themed ideas with some interesting cookie shapes and sprinkle mixes share them in the comments thanks for watching guys be sure to like me on Facebook and an Instagram and be sure to subscribe to me here on YouTube for more videos in the future my name is cookie and I'll talk to you next time
Channel: Sweethart Baking Experiment
Views: 74,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sweethart baking experiment, kimberly hart, baking, bakery, sugar cookies, cookies, tutorial, how to, how to decorate sugar cookies, how to decorate cookies, royal icing, cookie techniques, goderich, goderich ontario, sugar cookie decorating, cookie decorating, decorated cookies, decorated sugar cookies, piping, icing, frosting, cookie kit, diy cookie kit, kookienomz, kookievision
Id: KtBI-5B_0ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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