HOW I met my [super hot] fiancé

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hello welcome to another episode of how i thank you for all your questions um of what you might like these videos to be jess we're doing your video today wow look how recalled viking looks she's on her voyage that's just over it today's how i from jess is how yeah i thought it was just gonna i thought it was gonna be you i was over here deeply pensively looking out the question focus here everyone hands are on the wheel he's focusing um we're ready to go so oh my gosh safety first why but on the wheel a lot of people said that [Music] brilliant thank you so much for your question back to wines back to work in here um so zachary but abel start of easy does um how did we i'm telling this story well i think we should both tell it oh okay do you yeah but i thought you were just um well it was uh 2012. we believe that eight years ago over eight years ago wait we have our eighth year anniversary already we did because we got engaged on seven and seven oh that's right um um how did we meet well we met why don't you say your journey to doing how we met and then i'll say mine quickly and then my journey to how we met yeah um what was 2012 was pilot season and um a couple of months before pilot season actually read about this new gg abrams explain what it pilot season is like uh from january to march at least it used to be uh where all of the broadcast television shows would get um they would get cast and sort of piloted it's on the wheel fyi it is uh at least my wrist is um and that's the pilot is like the first episode of a tv series and so typically a network will produce x amounts of pilots and then like they pick their winners and those uh get an initial order and then you would get what's called a back end um if you're like premiere does well on your first few episodes too well then like you get the additional nine that was like on a traditional tv model because that's what people would say it's on the wheel um so that's it's just a really busy time for super busy traditionally maybe not so now then it was mad you'd have so many auditions a day you'd have 10 to 14 auditions a day you'd um all these all the networks were casting their pilots and each network what would have like 12 pilots and maybe pick up four i think that they used to produce like 20 or 30 pilots a piece yeah it was a lot and then they would pick up uh whatever you know like if they needed slots to fill in the programming schedule then they would um they would pick them up and then they would be on the air in the fall like that's what so it's kind of the time that you think that you might get um cast in something it's basically like when your life can dramatically change it's like the most intense period of the year yes uh and so like you're always everyone's trying to be in their best shape like anyone who doesn't live in america flies in for like six or eight weeks um anyways it was pilot season it was crazy busy uh it was also like around the time of my mom's 70th birthday and so i i distinctly remember i went in for this pilot called shelter it was produced by bad robot which is uh jj abrams production company big boys big boys it was like super super secretive i think it was like they are the big boys i don't think is there a movie called they didn't produce big boys bad boys big boys big boys um yes and it was uh it was it was jj abrams bad robot and mark schwann who's just coming off of one tree hill and so it was with the cw it took place at a hotel which i was like super obsessed with the hotels even then i mean i'm still obsessed with them and thank you miles you saw it you saw you went in early on in the casting right i actually saw the release of when they when they decided they were going to develop it the fall before and then i went in super early i was right off make it or break it so like there's always people who are kind of like that they're gonna see sooner and those are people who are coming off of series and so i was in that sort of mix at the time so i went in like end of january beginning shout out to makeup or break it yeah shout out to myobi um and i went in and i thought it was fine like i had to sign an nda which is like a non-disclosure agreement it was one of the first i'd ever they were crazy on that i mean a lot of pilots are like that but there was a lot of secrecy around this pilot and i mean it was the biggest pilot arguably one of the biggest pilots of the season it was one of the biggest players yeah and it was like you know it was it was pretty much like a surefire gonna go to series is what everyone kind of thought just because of the auspices that were behind it [Music] there you go and i went in like late jan early feb and never heard a thing like we couldn't get any feedback you felt like you did a great job as well i felt like i felt like i hit a home run like i felt like it was pretty good and i thought i would at least go see producers because it was uh cast by nancy mayer and it was um just on tape and at that i mean that's eight years ago like you typically would always go back for producers like they wouldn't cast you just off tape that was traditionally how it was done it's a little different where did you go with your mom so then my mom was in town the end of pilot season of pilot season we went out uh like i heard that i was gonna go back in so on her birthday i got an announcement actually an email sent to me that was like hey you actually we haven't found the guy we want to see you again so i go back in i end up getting this was getting so close to the wire of when the pilot was cheating i think you were like lil was already cast well you're just giving the game away i know i'm sorry for goodness sakes i think a lot of people know but anyways the story leading up to it the story leading up to it was uh it was mid-march and they still hadn't cast it like most productions during pilot season like the end of march early april so this was getting down to the wire and they hadn't found that lead man yeah the lead guy and uh i go in i remember like running into scott eastwood scott eastwood's clint eastwood son and he was in the waiting room um right ahead of me and he goes in he was in there for a really long time i was like son of a gun freaking this is blah blah blah uh he comes out i go in and felt like i absolutely crushed it and i got i remember getting a note what was this when you had the call to come back from being away few months no no no no this was like the producer session okay right yeah like kathy lee first session this was six weeks after it i've never heard a single thing yeah one peep uh when it is quite normal yeah but like in pilot season it's like basically if you don't hear pretty immediate then it's just not gonna go your way like they're casting so quickly and you're moving through the system so fast um that this was unusual and i kind of knew that so when i got it again i was like oh my gosh like this is destiny like it's gonna happen went in absolutely crushed it and the one i remember the note that i got was everyone is doing this like there was a huge monologue and they're like everyone's trying to grow don't you because we can't tell because you're sunglasses yeah this is me looking at you why don't you um take your sunnies off so people can see your eyes are so bright right um i remember getting a note and that note i was like oh i know i hit it because you're like you could actually take your time a little bit more with this one speech and i was just kind of like just like just mowing through it and i knew on that note and i did it again and i just felt this energy in the room and i was like i nailed it i was like i absolutely booked this thing that feeling isn't it when you go yes that was it i hit it and everybody feels it yeah i go out i leave hey thank you so much everyone thank you thank you thank you go outside i've been able to park the whale yeah and nancy near's office at least it used to be on commodore sloan it's like one of the hardest places to park in all of los angeles and i found a spot right out front that i was like man everything's working out and what happens i get outside there's a parking ticket on my car and i was like and i like i i actually said a bad word and um the the window of the audition office like opens they like pop their head out and they're like did you did you get a ticket i was like oh i'm so sorry about that like you didn't you remember me i did yeah and they're like oh my gosh will you feel so bad for it they ran down this has never happened they took the ticket and they paid for my parking ticket which like when is that i was like booked it a hundred percent booked it yeah two days later uh not going to go your way they have their pick offers out i was like are you serious flash that's kind of it pilot season then is over yeah it's like it's done like there aren't any more roles for me so uh i kind of think back then you were like okay i might not work for the rest of the year now because so much is cast in pilot season yeah that the odds of you booking outside of pirate season are pretty low certainly a roll of like that magnitude that's going to occupy 10 months of your year chances yes and like maybe you do some guest stars or recurves or whatever whatever but like that's kind of life-changing yeah um two weeks later my mom was my mom and dad uh and my cousin were still in town except they had gone to palm springs like y'all just come out like relax a little bit and they were at a time share so i go out there and uh how far away is pumps you know like two hours like two and a half hours it's not that far drive yeah yeah so we're on the 10 driving back and uh i remember like i was in the car with my mom talking with her it's just two weeks later you and your mom are best buds yeah besties get a phone call well i i end up like like finding my phone like in traffic and we've been driving for like an hour and i look down i have like all of these missed calls from my agent and manager i was like what is this and like i look at i i put the voicemail on that that they left and it's like zach you're testing for shelter um it's come back around what time is this this is like nine in the morning or something we were driving and like they were driving straight to the airport to fly home and i was just driving back to l.a and my mom's in the car with me i was like oh my god like i can't believe this is crazy yeah they're like you're testing today where are you trying to get and uh i i get back you're like just i said well i'm on i call them back i'm on the road back from palm springs uh i probably won't be there for like two hours like when's the test they're like it's supposed to be at noon i was like are you serious like how is this like how's this happening right now i knew it i knew and i was like i was going to basically drive at 9am yeah it's in like shorts and a t-shirt like driving but i was like i guess i have to go back home and change eating cake all weekend drinking beer because you're like well pilot season is over yeah yeah i've actually been working on my flop shop my bunker work on one of the golf courses nearby oh sure i had my farmer's tan going anyways um long story short i get back to la they're like don't worry about the test they're going to use your tape from your last producer session so the one where i felt like i hit an absolute home run and i just worked on the cw as well i was on a show called secret circle yeah um anyways they're like we're going to tell you tonight the test deal is out the contract is through like you know sign on the dotted line i don't have to do anything else actually no so i just got back home i like patched all day like just pack your bags because you'll be flying out tonight if you book it it's like oh my gosh this is crazy so yeah because production had already started they just can't find their guy yeah yeah um yeah yeah so then what happens you go home you're freaking out you drop your parents off at the airport my parents just went like we actually pulled off the side of the road because they had to go straight to the airport and i need to go home to change to go to the test so like we pulled off of the 10 went someplace like into a parking lot yeah yeah they were in separate cars you just left them on the side of the road find your way yeah there's no uber or anything but like work it out um they would have done as well they would have done yeah they're amazing uh long story shorts well actually i'll give you one other piece of uh piece of information we're coming to a stop uh that night i remember that friends of mine the cooker brothers were performing at this club in hollywood and i i went and met up with them and guess who was there chloe bennett chloe was there and um katie katie who's on the bold type gosh what is her last stephen stevens katie stevens yeah so anyway katie stevens i remember meeting up with katie stevens and uh and chloe and being like i'm freaking out well we're stopped we're stopped i was like i'm freaking testing for this thing i can't believe it and i'm like waiting right now like i could get a call and like fly on a red eye uh call doesn't come so fun i bet you chloe remembers that conversation oh 100 yeah she remembers everything uh next day i go home never get a call next day i wake up i was like well i didn't get it hands on the whale even if was that sun stone um long story short i end up booking shelter they popped me on a flight that had to go through san francisco i heard about it the next morning it was like afternoon i wake up i call my agent my manager so all the time you're thinking it's not right the phone's not ringing it's like yeah i tested for they told me there was i was testing against one other person and they were putting an offer out again to another person while they had me in a test deal so this is how it typically goes it's like you never know like if you're the first choice second choice like whatever um i end up booking it that afternoon go to the airport my flight gets delayed and they're flying me through san francisco and uh i get to san francisco after my red eye had departed so i had to spend the night in san francisco then fly straight to charlotte the next day with all of my stuff i remember going to the stages and uh going to do the hair and makeup test and who's there you went straight from the airplane to the hair makeup test yeah yeah straight to they had the dukes i was a baseball player so i had to do like baseball training which i didn't really need to do um like all my fittings and i was like so when is this happening because this was i think saturday i arrived on saturday and they're like we start shooting tomorrow that's cool what what and so that was uh april 1st was the day that we met in the hair and makeup trailer yeah and uh then it we we shot the pilot for five days yeah did you find too many i mean i was so focused and i was like oh who's this you know and i'd seen your i'd seen the press announcement because you're the only person cast in the show for quite a while and i was like oh my gosh who's this you know fox so we met that first day in the trade in the hair makeup trailer you came in zach was number one i was number three so he was like the lead and he you were very good introducing yourself to everybody and then we just kind of clicked and had this really nice kind of banter back and forth um and then uh and then um you know we were chatting throughout the pilot and all that stuff and kind of that was just so they really bonded very quickly yeah but the other funny thing was is that you weren't british no so i'll tell my story very quickly to book it because we're at 17 minutes yeah i really wait too long no no you didn't that was really interesting um so i've said a little bit about how i became an actor and i think uh the reason i had this fire in my belly to get to l.a just which was very fairly random from where i was at the time to think oh my gosh some for some reason i need to be in la i believe it's so that i could meet sacramento the love of my life along with maggie obviously yeah and some really great friends and family and everything but you know i'd say my life partner um i think that was the reason yes um uh anyway so that video is on there which i think all of that was basically propelled so that i could book this pilot um it was my pilot season i'd never really auditioned that much before in england and then you come to la and pilot season is just absolutely it's uh and it's crazy to me it's manic it's brilliant because as an actor all you really want is the opportunity to get in that room and show what you can do in front of the people that make the decision so to be able to get auditions as an actor is amazing and i was just learning so much i had my little spreadsheet i'd virgo down all my auditions when you have so many and you booked so quickly like she booked well i first tested for uh fox pilot comedy that was so funny that was nuts that was like the whole traditional way of going to having all the different rounds and going in front of the studio and being in front of all these like huge executives and super scary that was steve uh levitt levitan he was super nice and just really really lovely and and kind and came out and spoke to us before and i was testing opposite people that had done just so much and i was an absolute unknown um and which is often a big advantage big advantage because you can kind of say oh i'm huge in england you just don't know me when brilliant on anything anyway um didn't get that thought well you know nev i was kind of crushed to not get that because it was such a cool pilot and you know it was booking a job um anyway so then later on going for nancy neil for shelter um i went in for a different role i went in for hannah's role and then i then i think i read for grace it was my character's name um then i went in for that on a friday fairly early on i think this was like march no no you were cast i think in february no march i think the cast i think maybe i started auditioning in february but by the time i got the notice of someone google elizabeth elizabeth oh i think lisbon headstrange shelter i've had this before i think it's anyway whatever um uh february march 2012 i got i went in on a friday uh read in front of mark schwann it wasn't like anything but it was just in the office it wasn't um it was a producer basically it wasn't that nice yeah that's where mine was yeah um but usually you go to like the studio execs and there's so many different i think because of the people behind it they could just make the decision basically it was the same way for shield i didn't go to well that's i think anyway so i went in on friday we didn't hear anything and then i called my reps no was it thursday or friday anyway we didn't hear anything and then i heard that they you know they really liked me and that was kind of in the mix for it and then a couple of days later they called in nancy was like oh she booked it we just forgot to tell you anyway so then i booked it and then i think a few maybe five days later i flew out to north south which is where we shot it and i was there for a week before i want to say having costume fittings meeting everybody we had the table read and we still didn't have mitch right we still didn't have our number one and uh nobody really knew what was happening he didn't really ask many questions i was american in the pilot and so there was me that was british there was hannah knew who's uh british there was eeker who's adorable who's australian so there was like um international cast and we were all playing americans so they wanted us to speak in an american accent so as soon as we kind of went into any of the offices or touched down in north carolina they kind of asked us please stay in your american accent so that it doesn't stop to melt because when you're doing the pile even when you're not shooting yeah even when we're not shooting because you know you you only have one shot to make this the best pilot could be basically and so they just wanted everybody to you know have as good an accent as possible so we do the table read still no number one yeah it's so crazy it's like tonight we love fittings we do all our stuff and then it's the first day of shooting and nobody knew of who our number one was who the leader of our show was uh anyway so first day in the hair makeup trailer i was absolutely cacking my pants um and in walks and it was like oh my god is he cut he's not caught yes he landed last night i heard he landed you said like who is it do you know who it is there hadn't been any announcements yet and then in walks this angel angel um and you were super nice and i remember just thinking you know because it's kind of awkward when you meet someone in the hair makeup trailer because you've got to like stay facing the front so that they can do your hair and makeup and it's a bit like i think you kind of popped your head into the mirror so we were both looking in the mirror and like said hi and i was like yeah well and that's the way you should do it because you're not really meant to make somebody turn that head because then the makeup art just can't do a good job um and then we had a scene we should try and find this scene and see if we could just put it out there probably not allowed anyway what do you mean the scene the scene where that we had our first thing together and my stomach just dropped and i was like oh my god was this in the uh the like at the bar area it was like in the foyer i was like at the reception oh that was like you came over and then you said something flirty and i was like like my character was like like a bit and then walked off remember and we were chatting about um like i thought our first one was in the right side of the hotel like maybe this was when i first was like oh no elizabeth you're in trouble because we were chatting in between takes about uh where you lived and your mom and we were saying we were talking about your mom's cooking or something and then you said well you should just come you should just come to indiana and like like just come and visit us and uh like she'll cook you whatever we were talking about i was like all right and i kind of meant it and then you were like okay and then walked off and i was just i said out loud be careful elizabeth you're in trouble because my manager said these are my brand new managers i just signed within my first pilot season they said um we're never going to tell you how to live your life but what do they say like don't on this pilot have a good time you know let loose whatever you want just don't our only rule is just do not get romantically involved with anyone in the castle don't do it because these things if it gets picked up you end up shooting in the middle of nowhere and you're potentially going to see these people contractually see these people every day for you know shield we shot for six years so if you have it six seven seasons six years if you have a fling with somebody the likelihood is it's not going to work out and then you're going to be on set all day every day not very professional forward slash do not go there that is our only rule anyway what do i do start fancy in the lead of the show but i was like no no no no obviously like let's keep this professional i was an american accent so you didn't even really know what i sounded like and then on then on the wrap party i ended up bringing out the old english shirt you just whipped it out whipped it out and then we went back so after you shoot the pilot then you go back to la as was and you um as was i mean it still exists basically that's what we did because we shot outside of our lane we came back to l.a and then you're just waiting for like six to eight weeks to find out what the studios and the networks are going to pick up so as an actor you don't work for those six weeks because nobody's going to hire you because you're in contract if this pilot gets picked up so we basically both had six weeks of play time and it turned out we lived down the road from each other and we had both lived i no longer lived there but at the time you lived on the same road on the same block that i had just moved away from um anyway so we were both in l.a no auditions that we could go on had a bit of money in our back pocket because we just booked this pilot which i then probably lost but that's the story for another time probably um and then we just started like hanging out every day and it'd be like hey do you want to grab lunch because you know do you want to like go get some walkability and some margaritas that's what it turned into we'd start with like brunch and then it was like we'd have a three-hour brunch it'd be like well do you want to go for margaritas and el compadre on sunset we're like sure and then it turned into like 10 p.m it's like all right well i'll see you later should we just go to santa barbara and go wine tasting yeah that's what you would say all the time we'd just be driving let's just go to vegas hey should we just go but the thing that was amazing is we could because we had nothing that we could do yeah that we could do anyway and i just discovered amazing deals yeah you were just getting into hotels and deals and all that stuff um you know and you probably wanted to impress this very lovely lady my best oh my gosh we're almost finished my best thing from this is you kind of met me as an american that bought calvin klein shift dressers because that's what my character only wore like navy and black really and then in real life you i i kind of drew you in with that which is your aesthetic i'd say and then it turned out i'm a brit that although this is very mute but loves a print a neon and you know maybe not sensible shift dresses so if you haven't met me like that who knew who knows anyway we met on april the 1st 2012. we're still together it was meant to be yeah the end thanks jess for your question next yes ready just look forward and do it ready one two three thanks for watching have a great week [Music] you
Channel: Elizabeth Henstridge
Views: 51,334
Rating: 4.9838176 out of 5
Keywords: How I met my finace, elizabeth henstridge, zachary burr abel, story time, super hot fiance, relationship advice for couples, story time funny, elizabeth henstridge channel, zachary burr abel and elizabeth henstridge, elizabeth henstridge agents of shield, relationship advice, our meet cute, meet cute, our love story, love story, celebrity couples cute moments, celebrity couples, celebrity couples interview, agents of shield, does elizabeth henstridge have a youtube channel
Id: JZBelm9-cog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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