Elizabeth Henstridge on Her Family of Doctors

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very uh maybe unmasked Yulin thing to say but I love your dress dude yeah thanks you're really a nice dress the sparkles just just I would wear something like that if they make a suit out of it yeah sure I mean not all the time but you know the party sometimes yes that's nice what part of England are you from Sheffield the North I don't know why I even asked that because the only part I've ever been to is London and I don't know where anything is really even the United States I do that all the time I say yeah but it seems like the polite thing to do to ask right and then you go oh yeah oh Sheffield yeah we had a baseball player with that last name yes I see and are you from like an acting family no my oh my family and doctors their medical profession oh so lose yes yeah so loses yeah all your family they're all done that's like the family business my grandparents started it and then it was sort of mandatory and we'll all my cousins are doctors to ours just didn't get the memo so you're the black sheep of the family yeah but it was great cuz then you just get your shots at the breakfast table potentially amiga fur so if you had yeah you wouldn't have to ever go to the doctor would would you no no never went to the doctor although you'd come down and there'd be like some terrifyingly graphic picture of a rash or something from some like random Medical Journal that would just be on the kitchen table I see your dinner so it had its low points is that what scared you off from the medical profession um yeah I'm just the hard work you know just it is much harder yeah yeah yeah I mean acting is uh you know it can sometimes be kind of hard but that's about it oh really I mean they tell you exactly what to say what to say yeah cutcut you to make sometimes you have to walk all the way to the table where all the snacks are by yourself I don't you don't know yeah did you ever consider a job in the medical field mmm I did kind of have a job in the medical field that my mom actually got me was that as a side job when you know you're auditioning a lot in England I am tested people for chlamydia face of chlamydia how old are you when you did that I was twenty-two twenty-three and how do you test people for chlamydia what's the process well I didn't yes his face is okay he's got such a grievous on am i dead chlamydia yeah finsihed we can test them if you are yes and we no I wouldn't you'd stand I'd have to stand on street corners in London like you know near to and McDonald's or something where there's a restroom and you just stop people as they go by and say you know do you help media yeah well can I have some well there's a three I would have like a three pronged attack so because you work on Commission so you've got to get people so you go hi are you between it was like 15 to 25 was the range that they were trying to test people I said if they go yes and then you go well have you ever been tested for chlamydia and usually at that point they start to scurry away so then you've really got to get on them and you go my last like final point was you know you can get it in your eye and go blind which isn't technically a lie and that would usually make me go oh my god then you know it was like so you threatened them with blindness and then yeah and then they would then give you a sample right there on the spot well you you'd get give them a little part and then they'd have to go into the restroom and so we would be you have to be tactical so you have to be near McDonald's or Madonna but McDonald's must have loved this Thank You a breeze for Mama ties afterwards that then you need to recover with like a big marker some McNuggets a shot like you see me help I am Jimmy Kimmel wanna see more will subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here it's just like subscribing to a magazine but without those annoying cards that fall out of them
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 567,122
Rating: 4.9773464 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, humor, comedic, stand-up, funny video, variety, highlight, clip, sketch comedy, music comedy, improv, sketch, comedian, Elizabeth Henstridge (Film Actor), family, doctors, job, career, occupation, agents of shield, shield, medical school, medicine, growing up, childhood, parents, mom, dad, mother, father
Id: XBrn1p7FUyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 26 2015
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