HOW I COPE WITH ANXIETY [and why it's your Super Power πŸ’₯]

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hello hello i've got this i'm called very loud i didn't realize hello happy tuesday or whatever day it is that you are watching this uh thank you for being here this is so blind why did i do this i could change it i'm not going to i already have my cup of tea it is a three mint a verdant fusion of peppermint spearmint and fieldment wow this video why am i not changing it nice because it's just you know me and the kettle i don't know what her name is actually let me know what name you think the kettle should be i usually name everything cannot believe i haven't named my cattle yet this video will be about anxiety and how i cope with it and how i overcome it and my relationship with it and with nerves thanks for everyone who suggested this video and there were so many uh that hopefully this will be helpful to some people maybe it's mint so i'm gonna say it's still delicate hey thanks being here hope you've had a great week i hope you're having a wonderful day and i hope you enjoy this video and i hope my knees don't cram would i say delicate oh my gosh i just did it again i spilt mint tea on my crisp white t-shirt and i've never worn this t-shirt before and so it's got that real nice just from the shop situation and i just spilt my tea on it so they go still a good cuppa i felt like i was going to be scared to do this video and i'm actually very excited about it i started noticing that people would comment on videos and say i was feeling really anxious and this helped me out or i was having a bad day and your video made me feel better and i'm anxious the word anxiety anxious kept coming up and it wasn't i was nervous or so much i was down it was anxious that word anxious and it means it's been such a trigger to me because i have anxiety i get anxiety i've had panic attacks throughout my life and i feel like i have now got quite a good handle on them and anxiety in general and it is such a huge it's been a huge part of my life and so it was just interesting that people would say i've been having anxiety and your video made me feel better that to me was just really meant a lot and then i got a couple suggestions saying can you do a video on anxiety if you've ever had that and i kind of took no and thought oh i don't i don't know if i feel qualified to do a video on anxiety and then more and more suggestions of that kind of thing kept popping up and i would read them and just kind of take no and then in the last week or so they've been coming more frequently and so here is a video on how i have found works for me to cope with anxiety anxious feelings feelings of not being good enough feelings of nerves that tightness in the chest this is i hope this isn't a boring video clearly that's my anxiety coming out but i just wanted to keep this fairly simple and just share with you some of my thoughts about it which are just my thoughts please have your own thoughts and some of the ways that i have found to deal with anxiety that i have had the first thing to say is i am a huge believer in that your anxiety whatever you see maybe as your worst feature is actually your best feature i used to hate my anxiety i used to dread it i used to start getting the feelings of it a couple of days before and then i would have a huge panic attack and i would just it would feel like a train was slowly coming at me and there was nothing i could do to stop it and it was going to completely knock me over and kind of wreck my life for a couple of days and i just had no other feeling towards it other than dread train coming towards me that feeling of hopelessness i felt like that was my worst quality that i would get anxious about everything i get nervous about everything i just always found that that was kind of my worst quality and now i am a firm believer that my anxiety is my superpower it pushes me it makes me want to do better it makes me feel a whole lot of feelings your anxiety your emotions are your superpower they are the things that make you uniquely you and they are also tell you what your body is going through the reason i used to have panic attacks is because i had ignored all the little signs of stress until it just hit me over the head with a panic attack and completely just put me out for me panic attacks would i have asthma and it would always sit in my chest my anxiety i could i can feel it coming on for a couple days i get this weird feeling in my tummy i tend to overeat because i just i have this need to try and quell this feeling and then it starts rising up and a couple days later it gets in my chest and then something tiny will trigger it and i feel like i can't breathe i'm having an asthma attack i'm so panicked i get very dizzy i can pass out or feign or it's they are awful they are awful so if you've ever had panic attacks i'm really sorry but my perspective now is that they are the best things that could have happened to me in those moments even though it did not feel like it at the time now about those panic attacks i'm so grateful for them i'm grateful for my feeling of anxiety i'm grateful for feeling nervous about things because they are signposts as to what's going on and maybe what i can do to mitigate those feelings and dispel that feeling of anxiety and the first thing for me is it's really hard in the moment when you are feeling nervous and anxious i find it so hard to get out of that space when i have been in it so for me it's about putting the strategies in place that means that i don't get to that panic attack phase putting the strategies in place that means that i don't get to that panic attack phase i notice the smaller signs i have things that make me have a good day regardless of what else is going on regardless of outside forces regardless of if i get the audition or i get a call back or i book the job or i get likes on instagram regardless of any of those things i have tactics i have strategies that i put into my day to make sure that i still have a good day a good day good day um that's from my friend lara to make sure i have a good day i have certain things that i'll try to do in my day whenever i'm feeling anxious or nervous or worried it feels a little bit like everything's getting away from me and i need to pull it back if you are grounded in yourself in your self-worth in what you believe it for me the anxiety dissipates so anything i can do to ground myself in my own body to the earth makes me feel solid gives me a solid foundation which kind of makes sense right that if you have a solid foundation in yourself then things aren't going to rock you little things that happen in the day or don't happen or that you want to happen it's not it's you know you've got that strong foundation so it's not going to throw you off course so these are super simple number one a cup of tea it's the reason i start every video with a cup of tea i was like oh well let's just start with something that's very comforting to me making up of tea so most of my videos start with me making a cup of tea it i think it reminds me of home it's you can't down a cup of tea you've got to drink it slowly you sip it you enjoy it it's a slower pace of something and it brings me right back to a sense of calm and i guess start to maybe notice what you're what you tend to do to find comfort and it's okay if you don't know straight away feel good about yourself is it exercise after you go on a walk are you like ow i feel good now exercise is a big one for me and not pushing myself to a crazy limit but going for a walk getting outside being with nature i grew up on a farm and so i think that really centers me and brings me back to something that i grew up with and something that feels safe to me it's about making yourself well for me it's about making me feel safe reading a book um i take my kindle everywhere this is not an advertisement for kindle i take it everywhere we travel so much i have so many books on here i have like self-help books spiritual books i have um funny silly books i have rom coming here i have every kind of thing that if i'm feeling the need for comfort or just something or an escape a book is such a huge one for me and you know a kindle is great if you can't carry them around i do prefer real books but a kindle is something that i use a lot something that helps me that i actually put in my first video is having a little playful something of an outfit i mean this i think probably cost about one dollar i love leopard print it makes me feel happy and anybody that maybe has watched some of my videos or has seen some of my stuff or maybe knows me knows that for whatever reason this pattern does comfort me and i had a bit of a realization a bit ago that i think it's because when i was younger my granny who lived next door to us wore leopard print leggings and she she just loved them and everything else that she wore was very kind of classic and almost what you would expect from her generation and then she just had these cool leopard print leggings that she has had she's had for decades all these things that are strategies for me to try to help me to have a good day are things that remind me of home that ground me if there's a good oh butterfly just went past it's a very good sign i love butterflies they remind me of my friend val who by the way i'll put her the link to her website down below on her instagram she is incredible at self-love exercises which is the other thing that i think is a huge huge point potentially sounds like a wishy-washy word it is the strongest most badass thing you can give to yourself how do you get self-love you have to be in this is a whole video in itself and i i will put probably up in one of these corners a link to a video that i did with val one of my bestest best friends who's incredible um i'll put her link to her website and her instagram here she has given me over the years so many exercises to boost my self-love self-love is basically your self-esteem how you feel about yourself you want to be your own best friend talk to yourself as if you're talking to a best friend some of the stuff that i would say to myself and still do sometimes in my head in the mirror as into the reflection were just so awful and so mean i would never dream of saying about anybody else and yet we say it to ourselves all the time this probably isn't huge news to you um some of the exercises that have really helped me is five minutes every morning i will write everything that's amazing everything that i want to be it doesn't matter if you don't believe it at first write for five minutes i am beautiful i am funny i am amazing i am intelligent i am kind i whatever attributes that you would love to be even if you don't feel like you are them yet for five minutes do that three times a week for a month and you will notice as i did i'm sure you will start to notice that you just feel more confident you feel like your foundation is strong you're grounded there's loads of self-love exercises val has a bunch google self-love exercises and it has to be something that makes you feel good on the inside don't worry about anything on the outside a great skincare routine is amazing but it's not for me it's not exactly self-love it's self-love is something how to wire your mind and your brain to loving yourself so there we go there are my three main steps to quelling anxiety to helping cope with those anxious feelings number one just know it's your superpower and be grateful for those feelings when they come be grateful for the nerves be grateful for the anxiety it's trying to tell you something it's saying maybe you're being too hard on yourself maybe you're not grounded enough for me my anxiety has given me a completely new perspective on life it's helped me connect with so many people it's helped me be very vulnerable in these situations but there are ways to manage it and mitigate it and just to notice those feelings of nerves and why they may be coming up before they turn into a full-blown panic attack that is just my experience ways that i stop those feelings of nerves and then stop it becoming a panic attack is strategies that i put into my day things i know make me feel tea reading talking to friends going for a walk being with nature being outside they are things that i try and put in every single day regardless of what i'm doing in my day that make me feel good and centered and like myself and grounded and then the third thing is keep yourself loved topped up keep it high and if you feel like it's super low right now just know it is an exercise you can get high self love regardless of how you feel about yourself at the moment it is possible oh bonus meditation completely forgot about but i try and do meditation five times a week um if i'm feeling like i'm going through a particularly hard time i'll do it every day there are so many different ways of doing meditation here's a quick one how i do it and this is a more recent thing for me i always felt like i couldn't meditate my mind goes too fast and i was just like oh my god i'll just be bored i won't know what to do so here's how i do it sit down i lie down sometimes but because i do it first thing in the morning i'm worried that i'm going to fall asleep so i sit down i close my eyes i go on spotify and i put meditation music on i like to have music just because there's often lots of things happening in the background that i don't want to be distracted by i love music if you love silence then do it in silence i close my eyes i try to feel where i am so i just take note of what i'm feeling physically what i'm feeling what i can hear what i can smell what i can taste what i can see and my eyes are closed it's just what i can see you know in the dark of my mind in the dark so that kind of makes you and you're mindful then that's the mindful section of it and then i put a uh there's an app on my phone that i'll put the link to here that is just a clock so you don't see anything else like popping up on your phone and for 12 to 15 minutes i just repeat love over and over again love and thank you are really great words to meditate to but whatever you feel like is a good sentence or mantra or word to meditate to i just repeat it in my mind i don't say it out loud i just repeat it in my mind over and over and over for 12 minutes now my body knows when it's 12 minutes but however long you want to do it if you've got five minutes do it for five minutes it'll still work i check on my phone how long has it been and then i'll go back into it sometimes it feels like it's a super long time other times it just goes by like that it's okay if your mind wanders that's normal acknowledge the wandering mind and then go back to your word and back to your breathing and then at the end of those 12 minutes or five minutes however long you've got i say thank you for everything that's happened the day before the week before especially for the hard stuff the struggles i've had the day before say thank you for all of it and then i let it all go i imagine having an amazing day for 10 seconds i imagine how i'm going to feel at the end of this day when it's been the best day ever let it go and i get on with my day sometimes i just have five minutes in the morning to be able to do that i overslept i didn't set my alarm early enough i get called somewhere whatever it's still worth doing and that's it i hope you guys enjoy this video i hope that whoever needs to hear this i hope you hear this i hope you know that most people out there get anxious feelings are unsure of themselves maybe faking it till they make it don't feel like you're alone you are not anxious feelings can make you feel like you are so different from everybody else that you're some kind of freak that nobody else feels this everybody else seems super confident that's not the case and i used to see my anxiety as the worst part of me and now i see it as the best part of me so i hope you come too emotions are good emotions are your superpower i love you all thank you for watching this if you made it all the way to the end thank you i hope there's something in there let me know what you do in the comment below let me know if you want to hear more videos like this and you guys like the love for my little leopard print bubble my cup of tea [Music] you
Channel: Elizabeth Henstridge
Views: 19,934
Rating: 4.9964461 out of 5
Keywords: elizabeth henstridge, agents of shield, anxiety, anxious, how to stop feeling anxious, self care, self love, meditation, val mya, becoming light, source, how to cope with anxiety, how to over come nerves, how to stop bad thoughts, how I deal feeling anxious, real talk, mental health, mental health care, mental health check, how to over come anxiety, what is my, super power, what is your super power, panic attack relief, HOW I COPE WITH ANXIETY [and why it's your Super Power πŸ’₯]
Id: WU5Osx6yz80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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