How I MAXED an accelerator on wave __ | TDS (Roblox)

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this is a Max Level accelerator costing over fifty thousand dollars normally you wouldn't see this thing until wave 25 maybe 24 if somebody's farming pretty hard but there's a combination of some rigorous farming techniques and some other money making strategies I've managed to push this number down farther than it has ever been so join me on this short Journey here as I show you how it is possible to make over fifty thousand dollars before wave [Music] thank you all right boys so I got this idea how early can we get a Max Level accelerator this thing is known for not being cheap and you know when you're playing you usually wouldn't see one of these until the 20s maybe even further but I want to get it before the 20s in fact I want to get it maybe before 16 15. how close can we get this and I already have several ideas and of course the first one is going to be the farm wow you're probably thinking the farm that's crazy uh golden Cowboy because money then we got our accelerator and the last two are gonna be DJ booth for the discount of course and finally I actually have no idea what my last Tower is going to be golden Cowboy is not really the strongest on its own so I think I'm gonna go for uh never mind actually this is a good enough Loadout it's crazy we don't even have everything now we need to decide on our map so of course the most obvious decision would be to vote Honey Valley here and you know that is probably the best decision but that's not what I want to do well I want to do here this I'm probably crazy and this is probably completely stupid but hear me out infernal Abyss we are we are not doing this Challenge on an easy not not a very easy not a normal not even a hard map an insane map now of course this needs to be done on molten mode and check this out three paths okay hold on I'm this is not the infernal Abyss I remember wait what boys I done goofed I was thinking about the old infernal Abyss with only two paths and like a turn at the end this isn't this isn't right okay it's fine it's fine so uh I actually um I'll be right back okay okay we're back we're back on another insane map actually and you're thinking like well how crazy could this guy possibly be I mean why why an insane map and this could not be any more frustrating I have to place slanted Farms oh my God I uh no no if you have OCD don't play this map it Formed bro the placement doesn't line up with the track anywhere it's gonna be okay what we're going to do here is uh we're gonna start off by farming unsurprisingly because uh farming is really the best way to make money at the start I mean if it were to kill these enemies it would make way like four dollars it's that's not making more than a farm but I feel like I should elaborate because you're probably still questioning this why are we doing an insane run the answer is simple more enemies you know that's not something you usually want right you usually want less enemies but as I was saying not in this case because we have Cowboy right so the more times he can shoot the more money we can make uh now we also have to not die at the same time preferably and this I think is the last thing I'll be tanking because anymore and I will actually be in the grave thankfully it's only normal mode which happens to be harder than molten mode oh well I kind of made a mistake there uh it's fine I didn't really lose money but okay where do I put my first Cowboy right here it goes and it's doing two damage so uh actually I'm having it on it doesn't matter what I have it on but I'm Gonna Keep It On First we're gonna be earning money from this thing killing off what few enemies there are now this is like I'm not gonna skip because in order to maximize the amount of money you're making right uh you'll have to put as much money you can into Farms if I skip right now all of this money and all of this money won't be going into my Farms I don't think it'll be going in there anyways because the wave is probably going to end before these things reach my cowboy but what I was trying to say is that uh I just shouldn't be skipping I should be waiting to get as much money as I can to spend on my Farms but it's fine and uh what I don't think is fine is the amount of enemies right here because there's no way that one Cowboy is going to take all that down so two it is and of course no skipping and yeah I was right uh one would not have been able to handle that because who is pretty much not able to handle that that's actually how you know you're doing things right if your enemies the enemies are making it all the way to the end of where your defenses can reach that means you're spending the perfect amount of money on defense in the perfect amount of money on Farming and you're just gonna have the most money in general so that when things do get hard you'll have a lot of money now there's a little bit of a dilemma here and that is when do I get my discount on my DJ do I get it like now do I get it uh I don't know uh tomorrow I'm exaggerating also this is more slows than last time so or third Cowboy it is and uh lovely there's a us now I'm not sure if I can take that down so this is why I'm not actually gonna spend all my money I currently have on farms instead I'm just going to wait and see how things go actually what would be even smarter get all this money from the normals skip the wave put it into farms and whatever I make from my Farms I then get uh on my Cowboys if I need more defense also that's gonna be two bosses at once and uh well I'll just be you know I'm not gonna pretend we won't be able to defend that so what I'm gonna do here is uh get these up to level uh two whenever I can level zero spam is better uh for making money but we have no choice other than to use these level twos right now because otherwise we would be screwed oh and there happens to be another boss now this this is good right so in a normal game you would not get a second boss to work with these Cowboys are pretty much able to make double the money now still not as efficient as Farms not as efficient as even infernal Abyss would have been with those three paths but we just have a really nice turn to work with here that we wouldn't have had on the other map and I just realized another dilemma at what point do I start going for the max level accelerator I mean I could start I could start I could stop holy ice I was saying I could stop farming right now and start working on the max level accelerator or I uh oh wait it's hidden or you know maybe I can get up like two Max Farms then go for the accelerator which is I think what I'm going to do now let's skip here and invest all our money into Farms because uh well just make making the most money as we can and upgrade the cowboy now all right I kind of I kind of got cut off there by those hidden because I was you know I was hoping we weren't gonna die so the question is now do I get my discount DJ and then I start you know working on uh maybe one or two Max Farms before the accelerator or do I just straight up go for it now now in order in order to determine that actually kind of need some math uh a lot of more than one attempt here you know I'll re-watch the video we'll we'll revise here I've already taught you how to make well Max Farms before wave 10. and uh while also having a strong defense this is not something uh most people usually have now there's three bosses here which I'm not confident at all about being able to handle so I'm actually gonna get straight up one more Cowboy right here level two then I'm gonna get the discount DJ we need this regardless and uh well I don't think this cowboy was really needed actually wait there's Breakers so uh uh we actually I think we're gonna need a little more than even that so I'm gonna be a little greedy here and upgrade the farm but uh the Cowboys we cannot be uh forgetting that we need a lot of and yeah I'm glad I placed down a few of those level twos because those Breakers pushed it a little bit far now nothing here is off limits so uh selling Farms is actually going to be something we're gonna do and I would like to get the money from these lows but I don't think it actually helped me be able to afford anything anyways so let's just yeah let's just skip so I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go for two Max farms and then I'm just gonna gun it for the max level accelerator because that's actually what I think is the right decision now let's also total up our sell price so we've got uh the demon number per each level three Farm we've got the 3000 and we've got 1 500. so that uh so that adds up to like what let's let's round it down 3500 5000 8 000 we can make from our Farms from our Cowboys we can make uh this one we can round up I guess uh how much did I say eight thousand probably around nine thousand from these Cowboys so uh yeah if we if we add up our eight thousand nine thousand let's let's be really conservative here 16 000 is how much dollars we would make if we were to sell everything and that would put us at around what 26k which is not enough that's not enough because the max accelerator listen we won't even have a Max Level DJ because I think it's way too expensive to pay itself off and I don't think it's worth getting this Farm because I'll be spending 4.5 K and it takes three rounds to make back that money and I think we can afford the accelerator the max level accelerator before the next three rounds I don't know the exact amount but I'm gonna Bank in on maybe 40K is how much I need with this discount uh hmm I am currently frantically searching up the accelerator on the TDS Wiki to see how much it takes okay let's scroll down I know you can't see it but it needs 53 000 our discount is uh uh how much is our discount well I think it's like 15 right all right after doing some quick math we need 45 000 so uh yeah we're not getting this wave but wave 16 we should be able to get it so let us place down our accelerator which is about to be maxed I didn't place it earlier because I didn't want to you know steal the money from our Cowboys but I think it's pretty safe to say that uh now we we're gonna have enough so currently we need thirty thousand dollars and uh please please please oh my God I did my math wrong yikes me wait it's not over level four accelerator is strong so it's going to take out all these enemies oh but I need it I still need six thousand more dollars listen we've got these two bosses which are gonna make us three thousand these bosses which are gonna probably add up to I don't know all these enemies maybe we're gonna make four thousand dollars and if the end of way oh not boys I messed up I I messed up we're not we're gonna get this late all right okay okay all I can say about this is yikes I mean I'll I'll have enough right I'll kill this slow boss uh will I my time here is limited please kill that slovas before those hidden bosses oh God please yes Max accelerator on Wave 17. this we both know we all know that we could have done better but hey this is not something you're used to seeing this early on Wave 18 I mean if I could get a Max accelerator every wave 18. I'd be doing that all right boys now no not everybody's excited for this but we gotta do our homework here we gotta find out at what point do we stop farming right so I want an accelerator on Wave 16 wave 15 if possible so as you remember I bought a Max Level farm and it takes six rounds to make back its money wait I'm stupid it literally says right here takes four rounds so if I'm getting a Max Farm I shouldn't be getting it four rounds before wave 16. so if I'm getting a Max Farm the latest I should get it is four rounds before wave 16. now the thing is we also are allowed to sell so we actually do kind of end up getting more money if we get a Max Level Farm because then we get to sell back for more but that means our deadline for farming should be wait 12 wave 13. I just clicked that oh my God where is this gonna take me yo guys I think I'm about to get hacked uh um let's get back to TDs all right so uh well I resumed my recording but I was recording the wrong tab what I was talking about is I just want to show you all how to farm look a lot of people don't know how to make the most money out of the Farms I've seen a lot of people spam down all of their Farms first I've seen a lot of people start maxing their Farms I've seen a lot of people start getting I don't even know like level four Farms it's revolting to see that thing oh also I've been Auto skipping huge huge huge mistake hopefully not huge enough to the point where I actually end up losing money off of it boys I've made a mistake I'm actually just gonna strip cut that out you know I think I really should take this opportunity to explain the best way to farm I know a lot of people know how to you know press one and click that's the easy part of farming the hardest part is getting the most money out of them from the table I was showing you earlier you can see that level two and three Farms pretty much have the the best total price to income that means you're paying the least to get the most money out of them that means whenever you can afford a level two or three Farm buy it so as an example right here I'm gonna have 660 dollars I'm just gonna do a level two Farm yes I could have placed down a few more level what zero farms and all that yes I would have made money that way but it's not going to be as efficient as using level two farm and when I get a thousand dollars at some point I'm going to make sure that I get level three instead of anything else now there are sometimes calculations you have to do uh but I don't think we care enough to get into that just like deciding on you know sometimes maybe you can get two level two Farms or one level three Farm in which case getting the two level two Farms is better but yeah you're here to just see how early we can get an accelerator you're not here to do math so yeah let's get this level three farm and then get this Cowboy placed down as soon as I get my paycheck here we go I'm gonna set it on uh that's wrong that's that's wrong I was trying to set it on strongest because those speed is have three HP I really don't want the cowboy shooting two times to do one damage on its second shot because I can make one more dollar if it shoots a speedy with three HP then with one HP but in all honesty I don't think I need to be that greedy I'm not going to be one dollar short of any upgrade I hope not right I I certainly hope that my accelerator with a thirty thousand dollar price tag wouldn't just boil down to what dollar I've instilled a new fear in myself now and I regret doing that anyways what we got here is uh money right come on give me a thousand dollars perfect oh that's beautiful now what I say our deadline was for farming we've uh I don't remember anymore I'm gonna try and be a little greedy one right now I'm gonna I'm gonna leak these slows and these speedies I'm gonna leak them all hold on hold on we need this on strongest uh just just just just get as much HP down as you can I'm gonna be greedy here I'm gonna try farming harder than I was farming before hopefully I'm not losing money on the fact that I'm not getting Cowboy because I mean this thing is making 25 right the cowboy does make me money but all right here we go that's the best we could do with that and there's definitely a boss this wave which puts me in trouble so I'm gonna get two more Cowboys down I made a mistake I really didn't need two Cowboys I just needed one but I'll but I'll allow mistakes Because unless I'm really close to the accelerator then it doesn't matter you know if I'm like six thousand dollars off then placing one Cowboy is not gonna I'm not gonna make a six thousand dollar difference I'm telling you but yeah we got no choice here other than to skip upgrade this Farm uh I did I did upgrade oh my God I missed a farm upgrade that's gonna cost me uh okay I press C though I press C Why didn't it upgrade why did why did it not upgrade I'm so sad right now that boss almost just leaked I can't have this I can't take it I'm sorry look the way farming works is if you miss a farm upgrade you miss 250 you could have spent to upgrade a farm on the next wave which probably means you'll miss out on a farm upgrade that wave and over time do you understand that adds up to like thousands of dollars lost in cases I I'm gonna be right back all right boys we are approaching wave 10 and I think I got all yeah all of my Farms to level four on Wave nine uh so yeah my farming is a little bit good now again our deadline for farming is uh like what wave 12. so I gotta do all my farming before that now last time I got a discount to Discount my Max Farm I think that's a bad idea and I'll tell you why because I can get the max Farm before that and just make money off of it ahead of time I don't know if that makes any sense so like I get the max Farm here and well it doesn't matter anyways I need defenses so I'm going to get a few level twos because uh four bosses is kind of kind of difficult now do not remember how many I need but I think this is enough oh wait that's I forgot there's those yeah uh we're gonna need some more hmm all right well it's a rather terrifying can I upgrade that please okay let's let's pray to uh our Lord and savior here uh and yeah actually not not terrible and look at that right on Deadline our Max farm so yeah this definitely seems like it's enough defense now these slows should not be problematic and yeah now we just get up our DJ and start saving money so it's only a 10 discount okay now how much would it cost to get it to Max it would be 13 000. would it discount enough money from the accelerator for it to be worth it I'm just gonna go out on a whim and say no I'm not gonna do that because what 25 at 50k which is like the accelerator yes it's pretty much the price of the DJ but all the price really lies within the last upgrade and as you remember I have to sell pretty much everything if I have a lot of money invested into my DJ then I'd kind of need to sell this as well but then it's like discounting my accelerator whatever whatever what I'm trying to say is that I would put in the same I would probably put in around the amount of money it would discount so not worth it but yeah last time I did my math incorrectly so let's actually like lock in here and do the math right let's add this one into the mix let's let's just say this is all 2K and this is 1K so this is 3K and this is 8k so we're gonna be making 11k not 17K or whatever last time I thought I'm also not sure if this Farm is worth going for I mean level four is basically the worst farm that you can get yes from the sheet we were looking at the price to income ratio was like worse on the level five than the level four but the maths here are simple uh level four cost 2.5 k to give you 250 dollars this costs 5K to give you 750 dollars so like what four level four Farms is equivalent to one level five farm and four level fours costs 10K one level five costs 7.5 K but this the last wave we got to make money again if we're making 11k from selling uh and our accelerator is like 46k that doesn't add up so I think we do have to skip here I'll wait for my money I'll sell my farms and I think this is going to be the official cheapest accelerator without admin commands that has ever been gotten let's put this bad boy right here Max him out oh that's perfect only 1K left Max accelerator wave 17. this is how low I could push it now if you can do better please do it better now this is just yeah this is just ridiculous now I'm finally able to beat normal mode bro like I actually have good enough defense for wave 17. it's crazy though it's great we're faced off with 60 HP strongs and we just have oh casually the highest DPS Tower in the game probably second to engineer I don't even know anymore they've been trading off for quite a while but yeah this is the earliest max level accelerator you can get hope you enjoy like subscribe you star Cody goodbye
Channel: Elite
Views: 437,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tds, tower defense simulator, roblox, accelerator, review
Id: 0KSqalnxWFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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