This tower beats molten.. by itself. | TDS (Roblox)

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Which single Tower can do the most damage in TDS you're 100% correct the Scout but you'd also be correct if you said accelerator because this thing can pack a real punch I think pretty much everybody agrees this is basically the strongest Tower in the game I mean there's engineer yes it's stronger but if you you know use commander and accelerator you're going to get better results but I mean how much better results are we talking how good can just one accelerator really be you can place down eight we're placing down one I'm playing this on Multi mode now I'm taking accelerator and I'm of course going to give it some supports Commander DJ but now we also have Jester Jester we're not going to be using for damage so we're not going to spam a bunch of jesters set them to poison or something just spawn kill all of molon mode no we're going to be allowed just one Jester for support and I think everybody already knows we're going to use its confusion uh bomb confusion bomb is going to turn around the enemies that includes the molten boss and maybe it sounds unfair like yeah you know it's one accelerator but you have another Tower attacking I'm telling you dude Jester is going to be doing like 1% of the damage this thing with Commander going to be doing over 500 DPS this thing I I don't even know not 500 for sure yeah it's really not going to make a difference but all right I got to get some decent farming here cuz I do need to defend these enemies now I don't know if I should use Jester to defend this early or if I should straight up save for accelerator because technically I mean if it's one accelerator versus molten mode I should just straight up go for accelerator by my by my not be able to afford it which is uh why I'm going to see how this goes no I'll definitely be able to afford it if I take this and this and maybe even this I I I should be able to think all these enemies but if I think all of that I'll have enough for it and I think right here is like the best spot cuz with DJ yeah it's going to see all three of the loop the whole map and yes I'm doing honey Valley cuz any other map you'd be absolutely clinically uh insane if you think that I'm going to be using accelerator on to be on its own this map does have I think pretty much the best coverage in the game if you have a tower that can see this whole thing so yeah that's the plan uh two level two level two Farms very efficient at making money so with that combined with the wave bonus Maybe by next round I'll be able to afford accelerator again I can still take this this these speedies I can t everything the benefits of being level 300 that is I probably could have farmed harder at this point like I I definitely could have farmed harder you know I do have to say though for a level 300 I am definitely not up to date with this game like I am up today but I can't do uh a lot of more difficult stuff like soloing hardcore like I played this game enough to the point where I probably should be able to do something like that but uh I can't and that's because of course I haven't been playing TDS for many months until this update because this update's cool but all right here we go accelerator early game dude it's just it's just the best I think just this one accelerator I'll be fine until maybe like wave 20 not even dude I think this one accelerator will literally just straight up get me through the entire early game look at these enemies bro they they're not ready bro they're not ready to deal with an accelerator this the first round stuff is going to get past the accelerator I think or wait never mind if this accelerator reloads on time then uh this Norm boss is going to die oh my God the accelerator is too good I got all my Farms down and uh yeah these things aren't ready as well well let's see this easy so I don't think I need to Max my Farms cuz I'm not getting eight accelerators I'm literally getting one let's start I guess DJ first I'm going to get it right there and Max it out this round there's two bosses I'll upgrade the overcharge so this thing can attack longer and yeah I can keep working on this DJ more more of these bad boys pretty easy and yeah you can already see the accelerator can see almost the entire map so with Max DJ and max level accelerator we're definitely going to be seeing over here Breakers um these are pretty hard because uh they get like like a moment of invincibility after they pop open uh that's why you'll see like eight accelerators not able to just absolutely wipe everything out and just like that max level DJ let's see this thing range almost all the way we still need max level accelerator to really see the difference a lot of Breakers this round they're probably going to yeah they're going to definitely get past the accelerator but wait actually the accelerator can see them all the time so yeah they're not going to get out of its range unless they get like over here I guess let's get um our commanders down might as well get some more damage going let's use our commander ability here oh no the commander is shooting uh it's helping out the accelerator accelerator is not even the best Tower in the game guys confirmed without the help of Commander it can't even do it okay of course I'm not talking about the fire I'm talking about the gun of the commander and look at this man max level accelerator is just so good it damage goes all the way to 50 per tick and then it just like attacks twice as fast that's it's such a good upgrade I can probably just straight up skip yeah I mean the acceler is going to have to reload but there's nothing hard coming out another boss uh I think I can just straight up skip to get a Max Level accelerator and then life is going to be good well there we go max level accelerator Ator now yeah it's over can you believe it a thing of defense that I get on Wave 24 like almost basically halfway through the game is about to last me the entire rest of the game also let's see it range yep it can see over there See's over there all three Loops now we're just left to see whether this thing can go all the way look at this this is satisfying it does it doesn't even have time to register its beam because it kills those things so fast let's see it again let's see it again oh yeah oh that's just beautiful yeah look at these Breakers this is going to struggle to The Breakers more than it struggles to the shocks actually it kills those so fast it it kills like two Breakers at a time but still the breakers do manage to push farther than you see these molens ever could even though the moltons have more HP that's why Breakers are just so overpowered Speedy boss wow it's done for look at all these bosses bro the accelerator is about to like well okay I don't have eight accelerators so it's not going to just just go but it's going to definitely be able to hold him off oh man this overcharge is getting annoying nah but the fact that it can do like like that much damage the thing is um here I'll do some quick calculations for you this attacks like almost 20 times per second do you realize this with Commander's ability 20 times per second of 50 damage is close to a th000 oh yeah Breakers big Breakers these are going to be an issue because uh of the said invincibility that these things get they can actually end up pushing pretty far even though their uh their HP isn't that crazy yeah see they they do push my accelerator uh not going to be very fun to deal with those but that that's why we got this great map and yeah basically what I was saying about this thing's damage earlier uh that is a lot more than 500 DPS this thing is cranking up to like 800 during its burst yeah 8 800 is not an exact oh my god dude that was so perfect here come a lot of Breakers these are going to push pretty far uh it like the hidden bosses in between even though they have more HP than these big Breakers they're still going to die much quicker go accelerator go we might need Jester pretty soon uh to start turning around enemies but I don't really want to get him until like the last round preferably cuz I don't really want it to see him like accelerator is like needing help you know what I'm saying what I'm saying I want it to be like accelerated can do all of this on its own uh up until the boss of course cuz the boss is just it's hard well hard for one power if if if you have eight accelerators all of this would would have been gone so long ago you know the targeting of the accelerator used to actually be a huge problem like it would focus on a boss when there's a bunch of stuff leaking but now it really isn't because it just does so much damage it'll kill whatever it's it's firing and then just lock onto what you needed to lock onto ah here comes the mystery Summoner everybody's favorite enemy I'm setting it on last so that the accelerator focuses up and kills this and now I need to set it to first so that it kills those shocks that are on that yeah yeah we got this bro what is this 50 HP oh wait commander commander that's not good Speedy bosses uh good thing I have like literally the best thing you could have oh goodness there's that guy again spawn a big breaker let's just kill him real quick and look at this oh my God it's it's too easy oh this round is going to push up definitely look at the amount of stuff there is it's really just going to be the breakers that that are going to end up pushing this stuff so far but if this gets to like here I I might need a Jester for next round all right okay yeah know I I dealt with everything the stuff didn't even get as far as I thought it would would you look at that I'm playing molten mode and I'm about to have like $200,000 left over oh man this stuff's getting far uh get accelerated oh yeah just push them all back yeah that's satisfying and here come molten Titans he going to take a second to kill all right there we go uh last molten Titan is is dead and now it's about time we get a Jester so we need to unlock confusion which is unlocked at max level and we're just going to set it to you know send the enemies back and yes this thing is going to do damage it's not going to do accelerator damage okay let's set this on strongest real quick turn around the molten boss oh it it just stunned the jester but yeah there we go it it just it just it wins oh that's not good the everything just got stunned cuz the boss just stomped oh the accelerator got un stunned okay there we go now it's focusing on the Boss look at this bad boy he is not seeing anything coming oh God there's a lot of smaller enemies I have to start chaining my commander okay so the issue is once accelerator starts focusing on uh the molten boss he's never going to start focusing on anything else again like he's just going to keep attacking that molten boss which is why when the molten boss spawns just like that it's actually kind of dangerous cuz this this molten Titan for example is not going to be attacked now I have a solution for that and that is going to be to sell the accelerator so after this charge I'm going to sell and Reby the accelerator so that it deals with the enemies in the front we still oh never well you know what molten boss you can stun that but I'm just putting it right back yeah there we go uh so accelerator is now going to kill the spawns but of course I mainly wanted to be attacking the molten boss so let's keep it going uh that is not good I'm not going to not going to take that yeah I guess at this point all my money just allows me to sell and Reby my my stuff and uh well there the molten boss goes again with spawning spawning his stuff especially that molten Titan hopefully that molten Titan is going to get turned around along with the molten boss when Jester hits both of them would you look at that the molten boss is at 30,000 HP my gesture just got stunned well thankfully I have the money to ignore the fact that that just happened okay there's stuff up here that I have to kill uh yeah there's so many enemies I got to Reby it I'm also going to move the jester to the back here so so as to start confusing the enemies oh God there's so much micro that I have to like do oh there's a lot of enemies there let's turn around the guards in the front uh cuz they're getting kind of far set set this back to strongest everything just got stunned including the accelerator so let's Reby it wait okay I can't be using another one that that would be a bad mistake setting both of these to confusion let's turn the molten boss around no problem and it's just at 20,000 HP this is kind of close this is kind of close okay hopefully the accelerator after this charge I'm going to move the accelerator okay let's sell this one Max this one out and uh we can finish this we can actually finish this 15,000 HP the molten boss is getting turned around this one's going to be close to we can do it come on turn it around again yes Jester's good ignore the enemies turn them around rebi it quickly to kill everything off keep using the commander ability revive the accelerator again to avoid the stun yes oh my God oh my God oh my God 3,000 HP come on one more charge it's over oh my god oh this okay this was too close we only had one accelerator down at all times yes I did sell and Reby it but it's possible one accelerator is good enough to beat multi mode of course with the help of these support Towers oh yeah that's pretty cool so I hope you enjoyed and if you did like subscribe you st Cy goodbye
Channel: Elite
Views: 216,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tds, roblox, best tower, strongest, tower, best, review, molten, solo, speedrun, strategy, jester, event
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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