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hi I'm Cass many of you know me as astral Arts the spirit wi vtuber I'm a vtuber and v artist I make art and assets for other vtubers and content creators everything from Models to overlays and emotes recently I experimented with a new type of PNG tuber program called PNG tuber plus it's made by Kaa Kyros and I decided to do an interest check on Twitter to see if people would be interested in me offering them as a new type of commission for a more expressive and animated type of PNG tuber and well [Music] needless to say people were interested people were also asking me to make a tutorial for how I made it since as far as I know there's not really any tutorials for the program yet so I decided to take a crack at it let's get right into it oh and um please note everything that I've learned about this program is from trial and error so keep that in mind okay so this is the program it's it's actually pretty simple and I really love how it has an entirely transparent interface unless you're actually editing the model that you're making super cool uh Ka Kyros thank you for that that's honestly really awesome um but in order to be able to edit our model we have to click this little button right down here it looks like a pencil and then it'll turn into this now we have this fun little menu up here that lets us edit the exit mode add a new Sprite link a Sprite replace a Sprite duplicate a Sprite and then save and load your models but before we do any of that we have to set up our model if any of you are familiar with doing things in live duty you can know that cutting a model can be a little a little much here is a picture of my folder that has all of the pieces of my model in it make note of a lot of these pieces uh really it just depends on how much movement you want your model to have I very specifically made it so that my chest my waist both of my arms a couple of the different pieces of hair like the bangs and then the back of the head as well as the things like all of the different pieces for my eyes nose and mouth and the base head with no expression on it at all were all separated out you need these all to be separated in order to be able to use this program properly just keep in mind what pieces you want to move separately from each other and that should give you a decent guide or if you need to just copy what I've done here also you need to make sure that all of these pieces can overlap with each other and that they are transparent so for example if you have a headpiece it needs to be the TI your head and skull don't cut it off where your hair pieces are make sure it's the whole head and just save them all transparently as PNG files I find that it's easiest to draw out all of the model pieces and kind of finish them as a finished PSD file and then slowly take each piece and Export them separately as pngs if that helps you with your organization plus that way you can see what it looks like when it's going to be done oh Bard's going to help us with the next bit so once you have all of that taken care of and all of your files are set up and ready to go all you have to do is make a new model or you can just replace the old existing model um and then you need to click the add Sprite button the add Sprite button is super important it's basically how you do everything when you click it this little thing will pop up it's I think an internal file path destination um so you have to go and find your um directories for the program itself and put your folder inside of that I couldn't figure out a way to get it to redirect to something like my documents I tried typing it in up here and it never worked I'm not sure if that's like a bug or what or if maybe I'm just not very smart which is you know a possibility but so I have everything saved in this it's called PNG plus test I just made a new folder in my app data folder um I'll put a little like address on the screen here so you guys know whereabouts the folder in your computer should be um but I have in this folder all of my pieces it has everything it has all the little things including a bunch of like fixed pieces because I realized that I exported a couple pieces wrong don't worry about it it's fine um and you basically just have to start loading those in by the way if you need to uh the program actually comes with a default Avatar that looks like this to kind of give you an idea of how things work you can sort of look at it and check all the settings and kind of figure out what you want to do with your stuff from there which is really neat all right so once you've imported everything it should look something like this it might be a little bit of a chaotic mess around the face area or if you've imported your pieces in the wrong order it might look even more chaotic than this don't worry it's not a problem we will fix it so what we then want to do is you can either use your scroll wheel on your mouse or you can just click on the pieces doesn't really matter which I was using the scroll wheel my entire time and you can go ahead and you can select each piece one at a time and you can use the Q and the E buttons on your keyboard to sort of push things back and forth you can see that I can uh do that with some of my hair right here to make it so it covers the eyebrow and stuff properly you want to go back and do this until all of your pieces are layered properly like I I just noticed that this arm is not actually layered quite correctly I need to move the chest piece up which means I need to move everything else up basically it's it's a big game of like stacking things on top of each other and you just do it until everything looks right and it's all sitting in the right place I'm over here now okay so once you have everything stacked and put in the right place it'll still look very chaotic especially around the face area don't worry I promise the eye and the mouth pieces overlapping on top of each other are totally fine just make sure that you have at least one eye open piece and one eye closed piece as well as one mouth closed piece and one mouth open piece they're very important for making you blink and talk it doesn't matter if they overlap each other it's going to look weird let's fix it right now so click on one of those pieces doesn't really matter which we'll start with the eye open and then if you look over at this menu over here you got these two boxes that currently both have an X next to them right here if you click on the right one you can set them as Eye Open Eye closed or back to a neutral state so this is the eye open piece so I'll set it to eye open then I will find my eye closed piece and I will set it to eye closed and you'll notice that they become semi-transparent when I do that and then you can do the exact same thing for your mouth pieces if I can find them in here right here so this is the mouth closed piece so you can do this and it'll show a little smiley face for the mouth closed and then for the mouth open piece all you have to do is set it to mouth open and it'll show the mouth being open so then when I go out of the editing mode you'll notice that look I'm talking and every once in a while I'll blink in stuff too and it'll look just fine now so no worries about them o overlapping or anything like that the program takes care of whether or not those show up or not which is really neat um and it reminds me a lot of how uh things are sort of programmed in live 2D same thing with all the physics and stuff that you can do in this as well it's very very similar to live 2D if you've ever used it just a lot more simplified which is really cool honestly okay so now let's get to the fun part making your model do this and having all these cool little bouncy effects where it looks like it almost has some sort of physics happen happening so what you want to do is you want to select whatever piece you want I'm going to select the chest I'm actually using my finished model so you guys can kind of see the settings that I've used before and we're going to talk about what each of these settings over on this side down on this little uh section here that has all of the sliders does so for each of these there is a different effect let's start off with the top you have the drag index the drag index is going to do exactly what it says it does it makes it drag so if I bring this up all the way you'll notice that there is a delay on the way that my chest bounces it essentially uh causes all of the bounce effects that you do from any of these other options down here to sort of slow down and smooth out then you have the X frequency and the X amplitude I am not using this on any of the pieces of my model simply because I don't actually need it for mine depending on what angle your model is drawn out or what pieces you have you might find more use to this than I did so the X frequency and the X amplitude amplitude affects how much it swings back and forth forth on the x-axis so that's left and right X frequency depends on how fast it swings back and forth so if I put the amplitude up and then I put the frequency up you can see that it starts swinging back and forth horizontally I don't really need that with my model but you might find it useful for yours after that you have um probably one of the most important things about how this sort of physics engine works it's the Y frequency and the Y amplitude same exact thing as the X frequency and X amplitude except it's up and down instead of back and forth so if I increase the amplitude it will do it more and if I do the frequency it will do it faster next you have probably the most important effect it's squash so this little like squish effect that's happening on every single piece of my model it's called the squash effect in this if you increase it and then I talk boingy boingy boingy I can only imagine what people are going to do with like BBA physics for this um but you can set that to whatever you want I have it set very small normally for me I have it set between. 3 and 1.0 um do whatever feels best for your model I just feel like it looks more natural if you keep it very minimal next you have something that I only used on a few pieces I used it a little bit on the hair pieces and it's going to play into two more pieces that we are going to look at so it's called rotational drag the rotational drag does the exact same thing as the normal drag index does but instead of affecting sort of the bounciness it affects how the model rotates when you use the rotational limit minimum and the rotational limit maximum so all this does is it makes your model pieces swing back and forth in a circle it makes them rotate so I only set the rotational drag to one in either direction it can either be positive one or negative 1 it goes all the way up to 100 and then it starts doing some crazy when you do that so you can see that it goes kind of halfway around a circle and then these minimum and maximum limits will affect which way it can sort of swing and go around and you know if you put it all the way up like this you're going to get some kind of crazy results so I have it set to positive one or negative one depending on which way I want the piece of hair to swing I actually have the front pieces of hair swinging one way and then the back pieces of hair like the mullet and the hair back swinging the other way it makes it so it has this sort of centrifugal force feel and it looks like the hair is actually shaking back and forth when you put it all together something that I think that is important to remember for when you are putting this all together is something about the head itself the head and all the pieces that have to do with your face and your facial expressions specifically not the hair just the facial expressions your your mouth open your mouth closed Eye Open Eye closed your eyebrows anything that has to do with an expression on your face need to all be moving at the exact same frequency the exact same settings no matter what they are whether it's the rotational drag the squash the Y amplitude any of it because if you don't something like this will happen I'm going to select my eyes and we're going to make them go a little bit wild right now by bring the squash up you'll notice that it's not moving with my face anymore it looks really weird you might be able to do something fun with that if you're doing it purposefully but uh for someone who is a beginner I would recommend keeping that the same as whatever the rest of the settings on your face are um same thing with everything else with one exception um I actually take my brows and I make the setting for the frequency .1 off from whatever the head is so this right here is 023 for the Y frequency I make it 024 and all that does is it makes it so my eyebrows move up and down just barely differently than the rest of my face it makes it look like you're you know emoting and it looks very natural that way once you're done with all of that the only thing really left is this bounce frequency up here on the top of the menu so if I bring this up my character will start to jump higher and higher and you get a lot slower of a bounce effect on your model this can be really useful if you're uh kind of messing around with your settings for like if you're maybe excited and you're doing an excited expression uh or for little things like that the default is 250 and that's honestly kind of where I like to keep it about because it looks pretty natural that way it looks kind of like you know you're just kind of bouncing up and down and talking once that's done don't forget save your avatar click the save button save it in this uh folder here make a new folder for wherever you want it to be saved to anything like that and make sure you save it and when it's all put together you get something that looks a little bit like this I think this looks pretty good I want to try to experiment more and do things like adding more expressions and poses in the editor I haven't had time yet to go ahead and add things like other arm poses like gaming and drawing poses like I make with a lot of my other PNG tubers yet but I absolutely want to because I want to experiment with this program a lot more it's super fun I want to give a big thanks to Kaa kyos because um their program is literally amazing and for something that is a very new program that is still getting actively updated and things being added to it it's awesome and I think for PNG tubers this is a really useful program that sort of Treads the line between PNG tubing and live 2D where you can get something that's a little bit more expressive has a little bit more movement it's really fun I hope that people enjoyed the video and if you maybe want to see some more tutorials about this program and specific things that you can do with it uh leave a comment down below and if you have any questions I'll try to answer them as best I can uh I am not the creator of this program clearly uh please go and support Kaa Kyros on their Kofi um I will put a link to their Kofi in the description below so that way everyone can go and support them cuz legitimately this is such a cool program please give them all the love in the world don't forget I'm opening my commission sometimes next week that'll be around the mid-september mark thank you so much for watching and keep it smooky y'all I'll see you next time
Channel: AstralArts
Views: 67,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v5wPInAmEic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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